Also there is nothing you can do when a champion mob is occupying a village. It blocks your waypoint and you need to find other vendor to sell trash.
It is annoying that they give away the extra stuff for free when I payed extra. Sell the game for less but don’t give stuff away that we had to pay extra for.
What have you paid extra for?
You have played the game earlier 4 months.
I am surprised that people will want to pay $20 to buy those rubbish in dde.
I am fine because it is just an attraction for newcomers.
If Anet wants to take my money, put more beautiful skins on the cash shop ,not town clothes.
Easy fix, just make it a STORY cut scene
Then make the story mode dungeon into the forth explorable path.
I thought they will make a tiered FotM (lv 1~10, 11~20…)
Developers said that you can play without any AR to ~26,
but I doubt the majority will be good enough to play like that….
If fotm rewards are too good, no one will do the other contents.
Exp mode dungeons rewards are buffed because someone complain no one is doing dungeon at that time so Anet makes this decision.
I believe Anet won’t change much. Ascended gear is more than enough to keep you guys repeat fotm.
(edited by nelopp.6140)
Then there should be damage threshold to break stealth, because this is my only skill to deal with another mesmer or thief.
I know this skill is a cast-or-die skill,which is quite unbalance, but a single target breakable stun is too weak for elite skill.
Just use wand in your both set;)
Seriously I bring weapon with different skins in case I want different feel.
You should told them to change medium armor design because even in other races, medium armor looks horrible too.
This is not a champion problem, but a problem for low level maps.
You have already done everything there so why bother to go back?
What is the point of beating someone?
In both pve and pvp it depends on your skill, not your gold.
Also in your logic every games are bad because you can’t be the world first.
(edited by nelopp.6140)
Where are the contents you need to pay to win?
Care to explain?
I agree this game is too grindy but it is still far from f2p.
It doesn’t cripple your gaming experience even if you don’t pay extra bucks.
Just like the topic, getting nothing or something useless with the mystic forge when you keep dumping money and effort is not fun.
So I hope we can get the desired result with an extra effort. When we dump more ingredients than the requirement, we should have a boost to the successful rate to get the product. If the amount is 10 times or more than the requirement, we should get exactly what the recipe gives. This won’t break the balance because you can’t dump extra weapons to get precursors,but gives a more solid ground for us to decide to bet or not.
10 times :/ not a single endless tonic
Should be able to use normal tonic to make endless tonic
(edited by nelopp.6140)
Every one has different taste about game types. Complaints won’t make anything better.
Make some meaningful suggestion rather than complaining I can’t play sth or don’t like sth because your personal taste don’t represent anyone.
You can do all the activities after the airship arrived at lion’s arch.
So basically none.
The problem is they think the dungeon will stand for about 2 months, but they don’t expect good players will beat the higher level without enough agony resistance(now only fotm 20-30 will get infused ascended rings and the infusion is only with +5)There are just not enough items introduced with higher agony resistance to help mitigate the damage.
(Well, this is my guess because I am only at fotm 1×.)
I think everyone should be able to transmute any armor type onto anything and also transmute any weapon skin onto any weapon, even if it’s a different type. Just for the lulz.
It’d be great to run up to someone in full heavy plate armor and a big greatsword then be like LOLSTEALTH. Or start summoning minions or something.
I think this simply is to avoid confusion between different class?
“OMG, that warrior just disappear! Hacccccckkkkkk!!!”
You got permanban.
So even for cosmetic reason, Their should be some restrictions for what you can transmute.
No, only salvage white item with the cheapest salvage tools and sell blue,green to vendor.
Use master salvage kit only with rare or exotic with valuable runes and sell other exotic on tp.
Also if you have times,do some explorer mode dungeon (that you can handle) to get some silvers. Also the tokens will net you some armor and weapons that you can use.
Do daily achievement to get 5s and jug of karma and you can get karma armor pieces.
Not much except mini pet or tonic that turns you into toy.
Also normal blue green item for completing dungeon.
The weapon skin is cheap on tp so it is fine for not doing any wintersday event.
You can participate all the events this week once Tixx moves to Lion’s Arch, so you may try to level to 80 this week and play the events next week.
(edited by nelopp.6140)
Done this path last night, the boss is still soft as tissue paper.
Seems like a glitch if you can’t down him in 10 min.
The more important problem is the same color looks DIFFERENT on different armor pieces which makes mix and match more difficult:/
The event consists of :
- Decorated LA, heart of the mists and WvW ( partially )
- Snowball fights
- Bell choir minigame
- Wintersday Wonderland JP
- Snowball Mayhem minigame
- Festivity-related items and recipes obtained through basically everything
- A dungeon
So we have 80% of the event pretty much soloable and just a single dungeon ( altough it’s the only way to get the mini pets ) which is easy and if not soloable, almost. I don’t see the reasoning behind your complaint, especially in an MMO.
This. People just find excuse to complain nowdays even there are alternatives for them.
The inner of the airship is so beautiful that it‘s a pity it is just used as a battleground.
It is a nice place for gathering or snowball fight.
Maybe placing the dungeon entrance, some vendors and a toy building machine(reskinned mystic forge for making toys/tonics after dungeon) inside to make it a gathering spot?
(Though I know someone will not be happy with an extra loading screen :P)
I’d like to point out that Toxx is GLaDOS.
Yep, tomorrow’s stop she’ll start releasing deadly neurotoxin, and the day after that she’ll start dropping personality cores. Once she shows up above LA, Chell will too.
*proceed to write strange story crossing GW2 and Portal 2
They should replace the turret model too. It is strange for using a seed turret rather than an asuran model. Also they should speak.
The cultural armor.
I don’t like the shoulder of male norn though.
See for me it is the other way round… I don’t see why every outfit my mesmer can get HAVE to have a skirt.
Town clothes, yes I can understand, but apart from Profane, I cannot get away from skirts!
You are lucky if you are norn,T1,2 are trousers.
Also I think crafted exotic is not a skirt?
Shorts word is just a larger dagger.
Give us polearms!
Spears should be usable on land!
Go find other things to do. Why are you confined to play a single game?
Take a break and wait for new contents.
Then you may need to wait 3 days when Tixx arrives at LA.
They are bots?report them if you can.
No story progress, no interesting event = no people
They should keep the champion Karka event repeating like dragon event.
The DE is boring and lack of diversities.
(edited by nelopp.6140)
His airship can crush any Pact ones, even the one you ride at the last scene of Arah story mode.
Dunno why people will be upset about this event….
You simply miss the snow ball fight and bell choir.
Stop forcing yourself to play things you don’t like and relex?
wow won‘t do any better because it is just another dungeon grind….
Then just don‘t repeat it. Aren’t there too many people complaining too many grinding?
I just hope the instance should be a little bit longer if it is for doing once.
Who needs a long bow while there is a slingshot?
(ok,Anet where is the giant sling skin for long bow)
(edited by nelopp.6140)
Get festival hat & winter costume
or hotw heavy armor for the bear helmet
They should create a separate princess series of weapon and armor;)
It is possible to transmute any soulbound skin onto a new item and make it account bound, enabling you to transfer the weapon skin to another character.
You lose the stats of course, but you keep the skin.
This works for all skins I’ve tried it on so far, including biography headpieces, so I think it should work just fine for the holiday skins, too, if you ever change your mind about what character you want it on.
Grab a new, non-soulbound item of BLUE or WHITE rarity (this is important). Take the soulbound skin you want and transmute its appearance onto the “clean” blue or white item. In the transmutation window, be sure to choose the appearance of the soulbound item and the stats of the non-soulbound item of blue/white rarity. Voila, you have an account-bound item with the skin you want. It should say “account bound” on the new item. Even if it doesn’t, put it in your bank and transfer it to the new character. The alt will be able to remove it. Then you can use the alt to transfer the skin onto the item with the stats you actually want.
Hope this helps.
You can transmute soulbound item in bank slot
Because kittens cry for a free wizard hat,which is just a reskinned witch hat.Btw I got my earmuffs for showing hair style, rather than using a hat that makes you bald;)
Just sell the socks/hats/sweater and buy the skin on tp.
There is a wintersday merchant in LA trader’s forum. You can see a candy mark on the map.
It is nowhere closed to “hard”. If you are not happy with this single event, there are always other events you can do. No one force you to do things you don’t like. You can play snowball fight, bell choir or doing the routine dungeons, spvp or wvw. This jumping puzzle gives nothing unique, so why bother to make yourself upset?
It doesn’t matter if it isn’t hard for you and me. They design these puzzles to be extremely hard (the last one was meant to be done by less than 5% of the players) and people find it hard, which makes them hard.
Such things are ok for something that is all year round so they can keep trying at their own pace, but not for something that will prevent you from trying anything else in the festival if you are unlucky with lag and so obstinate that you must keep trying until you do it.
If this is the case, then no one can help. It is your choice to play an event that makes you unhappy.
But I agree with you that the JP should stay longer. Maybe they can set up a non-timed version elsewhere after the festival is gone.
A puzzle with 1 piece is not a puzzle.
Things supposed to be “super hard” should not be available for a very limited time once a year.
It gives people a feeling of urgency and frustration that should not have during a festival.
It is nowhere closed to “hard”. If you are not happy with this single event, there are always other events you can do. No one force you to do things you don’t like. You can play snowball fight, bell choir or doing the routine dungeons, spvp or wvw. This jumping puzzle gives nothing unique, so why bother to make yourself upset?
Or maybe making a pvp version integrated with snowball fight
This one is much more easy than halloween jp. I finish this one in less than 10 tries and 5hr for halloween one. If you still can’t finish, go to see guides on YouTube to learn.