Founder and former Guild Leader of [RET] Reticle
Current Guild Leader of [BLNT] Better Luck Next Time
Name: Reticle [RET]
Raid Size: Counting is for nerds
Specialty: 9.0 Earthquakes
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Reason: Enemies become loot bags before we see them on our screen :P
I would personally say Fort Aspenwood, simply because of how consistent we are. We have been in Tier 3 for 10 weeks now, against all odds. It shows how even with guilds leaving because of the same matches over and over, we stay consistent.
We have now gained a few more oceanic guilds. But dont over exxagerate, most of the guilds that joined are small guilds, we did not get any huge WvW guilds.
Fort Aspenwood will only go up from here, and whoever wants to join for the long, fun ride to T2, is certainly welcome with open arms here.
[RET] had tons of fun in CD BL tonight. We managed to take Bay(finally!) while also holding off zerg, after zerg of CD at garrison. Cant wait for even more exciting battles with FA getting half of IoJ’s guilds, and Dragonbrand coming up.
Also, nobody should get too comfy. We got Maguuma and Kaineng shooting up the tiers at Ludicrous speed.
We were going to come out and help in our FABL but things got weird in CDBL. We ended up defending Bay as an attacker from a defender who was attacking.
I couldn’t get Tots up, I think that’s why we lost Bay :C
Reticle [RET] Is a 150 Member WvW Guild on Fort Aspenwood. We have come a very long way in the past month, going from a few members to 150, and having raids every single night and daytime as well during the weekends. Members are on vent, and we are organized with some great commanders.
We are completely drama free in RET, so if you like to argue or QQ, this isnt the guild for you. We get along, and we get kitten done every day in WvW. When we start to get bored of the same old, we do something fun like hold a camp behind the enemy lines as long as we can, or golem rush a keep that no one would think we can get.
If you are new to WvW, or an experienced veteran on the battlefield, whisper me ingame or reply here for an invite. We destroy our enemies, and we inspire our allies. Join RET today!
This is extremely frustrating. Imagine being on a lower tier server with limited numbers and trying to get organized so that you can be more effective with low population. Meanwhile, the super-monster servers who already have WAY more coverage than us are trying to pull us up into the higher tier servers?
Anet, I hope this isn’t what you intended. On my server, there is a representative from IoJ recruiting to join them, and asking literally every guild on our server to merge with them, so they can become a larger guild, while the lower server loses players.
Anet, please for the love of WvW make it a reportable offense to recruit on other servers. Its already bad enough with free transfers.
I play WvW every day on my Ranger and all I can say is that people QQing about how rangers are useless are just simply doing it wrong. I was viable before, and now after the patch I am more than happy, and theres still more to come.
I run longbow/shortbow and canine pets (Wolf,Hyena). Now that pets can hit moving targets and arrows are faster, my build is way better. With opening strikes you can start off the fight with 20 vulnerability on your enemy, more than any other class. And even better is that you can ALWAYS have 10 vulnerability on your target. I use SOTH to keep 25% movement speed so I can chase down and keep distance from enemies much easier and dont have to worry about swiftness since the difference is only 8 percent now. Basically keep your target at distance with longbow knockdown, canine f2/knockdowns, and skills that cause cripple. I personally like to have my health bar at 18k, and try to have around 40 percent crit chance.
In EVERY build I’ve tried I always pick 5 points in BM for the 2 seconds of quickness every 20 seconds. This is great because you can have quickness on EVERY longbow 2 skill if you do it right. This is usually 1/3 to 2/3 of the enemies health when combined with the vulnerability and pet attacking.
When defending or assaulting a tower, 5 on longbow is your best friend. People will back up on the wall for a while when they see crippling arrows falling from the sky onto their head, and when defending it will back atleast half the defenders off your gate for a little, small but still plays a big role when with other people.
When an enemy with really high DPS like warrior or thief is attacking me, I dodge, then use 3 on shortbow, Lightning reflexes, dodge, switch weapons(sigil of energy for 50 percent refill on dodge) dodge again. That is 5 dodges in a row, if you practice with this u can evade 90 percent of an enemies damage, which is INSANE when dueling enemies. After I’ve evaded all their cooldown attacks I use 4 on longbow, then AOE fear with wolf, then 3,2 and switch to shortbow to finish them off.
Rangers are great, you just have to know how to play them. QQing on the forums until we are OP is not a good idea because you know what happens when a class gets OP, they get nerfed right back into the ground and cycle restarts. Welcome to MMORPGs…
I think it’s time for a real alliance of WvW guilds on Fort Aspenwood. I believe (no offense) that this Fort Aspenwood Alliance led by GODS is pretty kitten and a guild with a drama filled past on the server should not be leading an alliance, in fact NO guild should be leading an alliance. We should be working together in an alliance and have no leader guild, and I mean actually working together. Not having debates on forums and whispering each other and maybe coordinating when we happen to be on the same map at the same time.
What I mean is every guild in the alliance would switch over to using Fort Aspenwood WvW Ts3 for effective communication.
The alliance would decide what to do in terms of what borderlands to push, or other things like that, with each guild getting a say.
Whatever the majority of guilds in the alliance decide, EVERY guild in the alliance will support that in one way or another. We dont need our guilds split up on decisions, it makes us vulnerable as a server when the enemy team knows we arent very united.
I am going to be whispering Guild Leaders and Commanders tommorow in-game and try to be as pro-active as I can. Whisper me ingame or send me an inbox in game(if I’m offline) if you wanna talk about getting this alliance going. It’s time to crush the coast.
Also, if you have any kitten names for an alliance, post it below
your post is about 2 hours after it happened :P
I don’t think there actually is a formal alliance, Derv. Are you sure it’s not all in your head? ._.
I mean, you were bashing your ahead against TCBL for at least 3hrs before you managed to take something besides a camp.
Derv wasn’t even in the TCBL when this was happening(Ceeps the Sormlord GODS commander was).There was a party of commanders (3 from FA, 2 from CD) working together and giving out enemy TC positions to crush their borderlands. Unfortunately one of our guilds on FA attacked Bluebriar and the 2 CD commanders left the party.
The CD/FA alliance in TC border was really nice while it lasted, we almost painted the entire map Red and Blue, until a certain guild from FA decided to disregard the 20+ people in map chat saying DONT ATTACK CD, but did it anyways. And that was when the fun of crushing the coast ended :C
Fort Aspenwood now has a TS3 server for everyone in WvW to use! The word still needs to get out and guilds need to decide whether they are gonna switch over to the public TS3, but this is the first step of FA being the victor of T3.
I found a workaround, and have started using my shortbow again because of it, all you have to do is spam 1 really fast and stand still when you use QZ, it goes at the normal QZ speed. It doesnt work right if your not standing still and spamming 1.
Bump for a great server. Came here a few weeks back after trying out about 5-6 other servers, and I’m now proud to call it my home.
Looks like next T3 matchup is gonna be TC, FA and CD. That is unless YB and TC decide to double team FA for the rest of the match-up, but it looks like that’s stopped
I used to be in this guild before I transferred servers to be with a IRL friend, and all I can say is if your looking for a friendly guild with a family feeling on Darkhaven, this is the one!
I created a new WvW guild Reticle [RET], over a week ago(November 26th) from scratch, when I noticed that the server needed another medium/big WvW guild to fight against the steadily improving Yak’s Bend and Tarnished Coast. I started whispering other players, who I saw fighting well in WvW, if they want to join. We now have 100 active, skilled fighters for Reticle. I also recruited another commander on the server (Saradon Warchild) who now co-leads the guild with me. We have a vent now, and are working towards a website.
How far we’ve come in just 1 week, has given me great optimism about where this guild is going. I’m not planning to recruit 1000 members and create a super-zerg force just to lose 600 members in the course of a few weeks (cough cough, GODS). I want this guild to be a laid back community of a few hundred PvP/MMO players for years to come.
If you are interested in joining the fastest growing WvW guild on Fort Aspenwood, whisper me in game, or reply here and I will contact you in game. Note: at 250 members the guild is going to slow recruitment and begin requirements(not big though)
Reticle: All Sights on Victory!
Still recruiting! Were now at 100 members and have some really dedicated leaders/officers.
Great fights in Stonemist the last couple of days
We’ve doubled in size now, 40 members. Still growing at a great pace. Could still use 1 or 2 more commanders in a leader position to lead our parties besides me and Saradon.
Fort Aspenwood is currently a competitive T3 Server looking for more coverage around where you play. We could definitely use small strike teams to take out enemy camps and do away from the zerg kinda things. We could use you help here to get into t2.
Did you just transfer to FA or are you just a newly formed guild?
edit: and welcome aboard regardless, hope to see your guild in wvw.
Newly formed guild got about 20 right now, it was formed 2 days ago.
Reticle [RET] is a new daytime/afternoon WvW guild for Fort Aspenwood! Were aiming to fill the spot from 12-9 EST for Fort Aspenwood.
Whisper me ingame (Stawker) or reply here for an invite.
We need the people who play during this time to get together and organize to be competitive during the day.
Leader and Officer spots available for commanders and experienced WvWers
Fort Aspenwood is in need of a daytime guild and Reticle [RET] is a new guild thats aiming to fill that spot. We need all recruits who play from around 12-9 EST.
Leader spots are available for Commanders and experienced WvWers.
Whisper me ingame (Stawker) or reply here for an invite!
So, you used to be able to click “report” on enemy invaders and see their account name, and then manually type it in /w to whisper them. I used to use this all the time to whisper JP campers for a truce. But the feature has been removed..? whats the reason Anet.
My Sylvari Ranger
I think it would be a great idea to be able to select one waypoint in Tyria that we can always go to for free. I have one waypoint in Frostgorge sound that I always go to when I need to farm, and it would be nice if I could go to that one waypoint for free.
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