Founder and former Guild Leader of [RET] Reticle
Current Guild Leader of [BLNT] Better Luck Next Time
OMG y have i not tried that yet wtf 4 years and I’m still learning new ways to roll with the class. Thats such a good point, oh an hey btw one thing i noticed is the striders defense blocks works with GS have you tried that all or you rather just take the spotter?
Ehh I’d still rather have spotter, if the cooldown trait from striders defense worked with GS I’d definitely use that instead.
ahh gotcha, I hadn’t even looked at the runes I assumed you were running trooper with 3 shouts on. That makes more sense now.
Nice video.
This might have been a mistake made in the build editor, but for that build shouldn’t you be running two-handed training over natural healing as the 2nd trait in beastmastery?
nice vid! skirmishing seems fun to play with, might give it a try.
Skirmishing is amazing, the burst combos you can set up are insane with double rapid fire or double hilt bash
Or if you need to escape, the double swoop/double longbow stealth. Try it out sometime you wont regret it.
Because I switch between this kinda build and shout trooper alot, and I’m too lazy to craft a 2nd marauder set lol.
Durability runes would probably be better
Hey all, you may remember me from the druid roaming video that I posted here recently. I’m back with a new video, although this time, no druid.
Cool video, would have been great versus good opponents. Next time I guess
Quick tip: if you only use your druid specialization for Druidic Clarity & Celestial Shadow (hurts but well not much use vs these guys), you should consider activating Natural Convergence while you go out of Avatar (don’t channel it, don’t even stop to cast it, cancel Avatar right away). That’s free stability to secure whatever you do next.
Good tip, I’ll keep that 1 in mind.
And probably soon I will do a dueling video vs the ‘better’ players, I’ve always been big on dueling.
Good ranger play, Stawker is one of the better rangers I’ve had a chance to play with really and taught me a lot as well
Thanks tanbin. Come out and roam with us soon bro.
I really enjoyed watching this. Soundtrack by MOTO?
Songs are
1: Skrux – If You
2: San Holo – Memories
3: Sorrow – Kalypso
definitely check out more San Holo if you haven’t heard his other stuff. All his songs are good imo
Obviously you have skill, but it makes me wonder which servers these videos are made on. Being a roamer on a T1 server, every single encounter that is less than 5 people will have at least one thief and one condi mesmer.
In fact, if I see another roamer, ~80% of the time its either a condi mesmer or a thief, and this class/build would have issues if outnumbered containing those two classes (i roam with almost the same exact build).
come to think of it, I cannot remember the last time I ran into a roamer that wasn’t condi (other than myself, who refuses to play those cheese specs). How are you roamers running into these non condi people?
Im on Tier 1 NA currently.
Personally I feel that thieves are one of the easier classes to fight as a druid, as long as you do a good job of managing your defensive cooldowns and keeping the pressure on them. Condi Mesmers are a different story, and unfortunately they are everywhere now. Sometimes its necessary to switch to signet of renewal to add some condi removal besides your shouts and druid form.
As a newly converted Ranger, I approve this video… lol
Actually, thanks for posting it! I always learn a great deal by watching others play.
Hope you enjoy your new main class! Soon enough all your other classes will be gathering dust :p
Well that goes without saying that if you win a 1v3 or a 1v4 those players aren’t going to be the best… haha. I would say its more about knowing which classes to focus and getting safestomps/stealthstomps. For instance I knew that ele and gaurdian had absolutely no damage (saw him with a hammer and running sanctuary haha), so I focused both necros down first.
I forgot to include the build. I run a very similar build to my guildmate Link the Cunning who you may know as he just posted a video here as well. One of the only differences is that I run quickening zephyr for more burst and a second stunbreak, at the cost of some sustain.
I recently came back to the game after a long break, and after shaking off the rust, and finishing my ascended gear thanks to season 5 pvp, I have decided its time for a new video (last video was before HoT)
I’ve compiled some fights from the last few days. I tried to only include fights where other Maguuma roamers didn’t come in to help me. The only clip where that happens is at the very end of the first fight.
Enjoy! And feel free to add me in game if you ever wanna roam together, or duel, or have any questions!
(edited by ninjambo.3784)
Good video.
When you are fighting near the cliff(s) – I was expecting some LB 4 love there and sending someone over the edge
4:45 in the video
Fun watch nicely done. Loved the opening clip…
One note! Your poor Pet, left it hung out to dry a few times when it’s F2 could have served you well, that being said hindsight 20/20 and great vid.
Ya. I haven’t played ranger since before all the longbow buffs and I haven’t gotten completely used to having a pet again yet :P
The build is 6/2/6/0/0 with full glass trinks/armor/weapons. Bloodlust/Energy sigils on Greatsword, Fire/Air sigils on Longbow.
banishing uplevel characters in eotm proves nothing …..
Not sure who it was a few months back be they had probably one of the, if not, best pulls in EoTM. Out near the oil and air strike NPC they did a GS 5 and moved behind the pillar, jump to the ledge, and pulled them to their death. Still don’t know how they managed that feat but it was one of the best so far.
Anyway – thanks. Always brings a giggle to me when I see a good banish or shield 5 push
That was me ;P Montage #3
Although keep in mind its only my build for EoTM, for serious play I use sword/focus and GS or scepter/focus and GS.
Theres the build
What would i be trying to “prove”
its mostly a video to show how fun it can be to banish off people in EoTM. If i wanna show how “pro” I am. then I play an actual competitive game like Counter Strike.
Heres an older one i made 3 months ago
good video babe
My gear setup is PVT armor with Zerk trinkets
Traveler Runes
and thanks for the feedback guys
the trick to banishes is:
1. Make sure your opponent doesnt have stab or aegis up
2. use Immobilize and Judges to make sure it hits. And you can catch people off gaurd with judges like the first clip shows
new video out!
(edited by ninjambo.3784)
I dont think so Yams, the 2 second block from shelter is a big part of my setup. Just watch the first clip in the video to see why.
Thanks for the feedback. The quality is something I still have to figure out, I dont know how to get it to be 1080p or anything like that. I also fasted forward the fights because some of them would just be really long (like half the video length) if they werent.
Speaking from personal experience, I was watching other montages and found myself losing interest in the WvW ones because I would spend 3-4 minutes watching a 1v2 or something like that. I decided to try something different and see how it works out
P.S. I used to use torch but the number 5 is almost useless and the number 4 has too long of a cooldown for its damage (its like 15-20 second cooldown from a 4-6k crit) which isnt worth trading off for the 3 blocks/burst and the blind/regen/condi removal from the focus
there is my build I use. It has great burst, great sustained DPS after the burst, and AWESOME escape options with 2 teleports, a leap, and 25% more move speed.
heres a video showing some gameplay with the build
1. Have to be good at blinding/blocking/dodging if you wanna live
2. Only CC relies on weapon swapping
(edited by ninjambo.3784)
yeah, although with the upcoming nerf to crit damage, im thinking about going with another set for my trinkets. If they make celestial still decent, then im probably gonna move to celestial trinkets.
I use the same build in tPvP, its really viable for everything. As some of those clips show I can zerg dive too with this as well as win 1v1s
That is my build
Hey guys. I made my first roaming video over 3 days of recording. Feel free to give me feedback on video making or my gameplay
I edited this with Windows Movie Maker but I plan to use Vegas for future videos.
Rememeber to watch in 720p!
UPDATE: video 2
(edited by ninjambo.3784)
RET will be accepting gvgs this week (we werent last week cause of Christmas)
Message myself, Blaze Kasumi, De Sade, or Zoel Train if interested
Thank you for the fun fights tonight TG
Lets enjoy this 2-year matchup!
Good luck to everyone! Make sure to keep the trash talk creative and original
Dont forget, this is way better than being with Yaks Bend or SBI! Keep the fights rollin
Please do not mistake Tyrions ego and ignorance as the opinion of all of FA.
Most people think hes a joke, and the ones that are nice to him are just scared that he will stop commanding our EU timezone if they don’t kiss his kitten.
On a side note: Thank you for the fun fights this week PYRO, STUN, Ark, Azn, VR. Our raids this week have actually been fun because you guys don’t run into towers like Yaks Bend and SBI do.
Whete are you guys goin after SoS? Ill just go there since it will take me 2 weeks to farm the transfer money. That way we will arrive at the same time
Thanks for the fun fights this week CNB, STUN, Agg, EP, CERN, ZzZz
We have been messing around with range comp this week, its been quite the challenge! But hey, sometimes the same old hammer meta gets boring, amirite?
Brutus is DIE sponsored by Coke?
also DIE still is scared for a rematch GvG with RET after we stomped you 7-0
Remember guys, when you die in gw2 you dont actually die IRL. No need to be so scared.
Fact: dIE get farmed on the daily
Fact: Brutus and Craig are both mad.
Fact: A backup RET commander wiped DIE with no commanding experience
Fact: Brutus/Craig are worse than first time commander
T1 boosted your numbers and egos, but your skill is nowhere to be found :/
I feel sorry for you guys
Nice fights this week.
GLOB thank you for the fun GvG
ONE build more arrow carts. You clearly need them.
yo YB, you might wanna try something besides rallying PVE players in huge numbers.
Out blobbing us isnt gonna work. Your 90 man zergs are getting farmed and you own nothing in your qued borderland :/
SBI seems to forget the things they said when they were winning
“we arent like the other bandwagon servers, we will last”
okay, gl with that. Thats what Kaineng, DB, CD, and all the other dead bandwagons said
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