I think with that 10k drinks achievement and the huge amount of flipping that has been going on with said drinks and wintersday gifts on the TP, a lot of formerly not so tempted players got tempted to use a wintersday JP botting script.
Im not saying it is Anets fault… but maybe, in the future, this could be kept in mind when adding such achievements? Thanks.
Temptation will always be there in all games, in all areas of life. But its up to the person to decide whether or not they will give into temptation. The Wintersday shoulder pieces require grinding, if you don’t want to grind or if it’s too much for you then don’t do it. There are plenty of other achievements out there to be made, in my opinion. Example: Getting a legendary illegally can be pretty tempting but is it worth it? The player makes the choice then (my answer is no, it’s not worth it).
What’s really sad to me is that after watching their videos….I can see they put a lot of love and effort into them. To throw all of that away by botting a jumping puzzle, just boggles my mind.
I agree
I reported this bug on the forums in November and December. The music selection for the cavern hasn’t worked since then. It will start when first selected but never saved. I’m glad you made your post and got replies, I never received a reply to my thread.
I got unusually launched today in sPvP, like 20 steps into the air, when enemy ranger used point blank shot on me, and I was using (ranger too) sword #2 skill right in that moment, which had to evade this shot but instead I got launched up and got like 3.5k-4k falling damage when I landed, if I remember correctly.
Is this bug known?
This happens with any knockback skill when the player is on a hill.
Ah, I hope the events for Nevermore IV become unbugged too ><.
So my argument was that most items that are soul bound should simple be made account bound. Are you arguing the very existence of the account bound / soul bound system? I understand the point of not wanting to sell to other players. But my questions, do we really need two systems to handle bounding?
Sorry for any misunderstanding in my post. I am in agreement that there is no reason to have soul bound and that everything should be account bound. With one possible exception an effective gold sink that drives players to want that high sink item on every character. That would be the only justification for a soul bound item. However there are no such item(s) in GW2 that I’m aware that fit that classification and therefor all items that are soul bound should be account bound as they both accomplish the same end result as far as GW2 is concerned. Hopefully that better states what I tried to say last post.
It does, I understand now, thank you. In GW1, there was a type of soul bound system called customized. But the player chose to turn an item into customized for slightly better stats. I’m not sure why the route was chosen to have so many Soulbound items on GW2’s 2012 launch. I’m hoping that in 2016+, there will be less of a desire to include Soulbound only items in GW2 (since it’s currently using account bound currency and more).
Make all soul bound account bound?
May as well give all Digital Deluxe Perma bank contracts….
This would be an exception that I was referring to when I could not thing of offhand items that it would be an issue with. In this case the exploit for unlimited free gem store item would be an exception and kept soul bound. I think even the OP would agree on this point.
I do agree, its fine for gemstore items to continue to be soul bound.
Unable to complete first tier collection for Sunrise.
The event, “Rescue kidnapped skritt from the Nightmare Court” is stalled. Lakoon’ta says, she needs help rescuing the Skritt from “Bad Leafy Nightmares.” The skritt are locked in cages and imprisoned. I killed all the nightmare court, including 2+ Vets and the Skritt cages would not open (attacking the cages did not work either). I even completed the heart quest and waited 1 hour for the event to resolve itself, never happen. A reddit user, also reported the event stalled for them 1-2 months ago.
A few years ago, Angel McCoy (ArenaNet employee) created a text story for the origin of Marjory Delaqua. However, this wonderful story was told outside of the game so many players do not know of its existence. Rallying to the call to “teach the untaught”. DRMS guildies have recreated Angel’s story with in-game art, music, and their own voices. This video took one to two months to complete, if you enjoy the video please share with your friends and/or colleagues. We may add more videos to our “Lost Lore” series, if there is enough interest in it.
Thanks everyone!
(edited by reapex.8546)
Here’s my recent ticket:
It has been a month with no response to this issue on the official forums. Players are becoming extremely upset, and feel like the developers are ignoring the community. Trailblazer’s Insignia and Inscription cannot be placed in the Mystic Forge. Apparently all that needs to be done is to add a script to the game. From a customer’s perspective that is unacceptable, any patience the community has is far gone. If nothing else the development team needs to be urged to fix this now, or make an official statement on the official thread about the issue, and be sure to write back constructively instead of ignoring it completely."
“I understand why you are frustrated and I am sorry. However there is nothing customer support can do about changing the scripts in the game or fixing bugs. I do know however that the dev to know about the bug and are currently working on it. As of now, there is not an update but I have contacted the dev team and let them know about it just in case. Again I am sorry but I would just be patient. =/”
Clearly the “development team” is out of sync with the support team.
I would be happy that you got a response xD
Arenanet has introduced lore, updates, income and variety with a lot of different methods that do not require mounts, these benefits are not worth it in the dev’s eyes, why? Could be a lot of reasons, I’d guess it’s one of these:
a) The % of the population that wants it is way too small.
b) It goes agaisn’t their design philosophy.No
Horse has been beaten over and over and over again, let it die. It’s not happening, if it’s THAT important to you then feel free to move on to a game that meets your mount needs.
No. I already said why.
”That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence”
Hitchen’s Razor.You’ve yet to show any correlation that supports anything you claim, this has been pointed out multiple times in the last page, saying “nanananaaaa I’m right !!” is not an argument.
After three pages of this nonsense I think we should just leave the OP alone. This isn’t the thread you want to be in if you want an actual, intelligent discussion.
Yep, came to that conclusion about halfway through the first page.
Why hasn’t this been merged with the well-known Mounts thread by now? Are the mods on vacation?
Again, it’s not about just the mount. It’s about saving this game. Stock prices are still too low. And, mounts would be a natural pleasant boost to the income as well as the lore.
Stock prices, que? What lol
i will ignore the ad hominem and qoute yourself:
’I just hate it when developers keep bringing back old stuff. If you like to repeat history and keep doing what you’ve been doing, you should go back to WoW. They’ll give you lots of the “same thing.”
Mounts that give speed boosts are old hat, they introduce lazy ‘ride past content’ behaviour, unless as i said at best they dont offer a speed boost’
You’re wrong. We already have “ride past content behavior” already.
Being creative would be playing around with the concept. Simply taking it out is just giving up. Making us stick to walking is going back further than the stone age.
1) “You’re wrong”
We do have this behavior, its called permanent swiftness.
2) “Simply taking it out is just giving up”
You can’t give up on something that was never implemented to begin with. GW2 has the magic carpet in the Gemstore if you simply want a mount. If you want speed with your mount use swiftness.
3) "Making us stick to walking is going back further than the stone age. "
You may not know this but many people walk daily, despite not being in the stone age.
To paraphrase from a previous “we want mounts” thread:
Waypoints > Mounts!
So….no thank you. Don’t want them. Don’t need them.
Just another doom and gloom thread – “game is dying, give us ‘x’ to fix it” Bah
An entire world with no mounts for player NOR NPC’s is just too unrealistic. Every civilization has used them and yet Tyria can’t figure out how to tame a few? How dumb are these inhabitants? I’m sure humans will have a chance against the centaurs if they had mounts. The tactical advantage is obvious and yet the humans don’t have a cavalry?
Suggestion: Release a Black Lion mount in a similar timing as the Black Lion Weapon Skins. Each new release will have 1 new mount. Cost: 1700 gems or equivalent.
Mounts won’t save non-dying game. Also, you have a magic carpet. That’s a mount that you can buy from the gemstore.
Seriously , why revenant just have 5 skills underwater ?
Does Anet still develop this class ?
Equip SHiro or Mallyx Legend underwater.
The reasoning for binding anything (soul or account) is so that it is not possible to trade or sell it to someone else. In that regard there is no reason to not have everything that is bound to then be account bound. What we need to address: is there anything that is soul bound that should not be account bound because there is a legitimate reason for the one over the other. To which I do NOT see any reason for anything soul bound to not be account bound. We have no soul bound items that are a huge gold sink (aka remove gold from the economy vs transfer of it to someone else in the economy). And that would be the only legitimate reason to want someone to sink that much more gold to get one for all their characters or what not.
So my argument was that most items that are soul bound should simple be made account bound. Are you arguing the very existence of the account bound / soul bound system? I understand the point of not wanting to sell to other players. But my questions, do we really need two systems to handle bounding?
@OP: contact support to see if they can help you with junk items soul bound to deleted characters.
Why are you keeping junk in your bank? Sorry, but its in place to keep people doing things to gear there characters. Otherwise vets would nit need to gear new characters.
The fractals rewards are junk when HoT was released not everyone sold everything at once lol. Vets, still need to make new characters to level up. Also, gear for dungeon armor can be obtain through account bound tokens. Lastly, ascended armor from chests or crafted are account bound. So vets can still give their alts the latest gear without having to play them once.
In your post you implied it was a gray item
Why? Why would a junk item be soul bound, the merchant even has a sell junk button for all junk items. Why is junk tied to my character…its junk x.×.
So the question still does stand. Why were you keeping junk in your bank instead of going to the merchant and hitting the sell junk button?
This is off topic but to answer fully. There is no homework achievement, that asks for particular items. Not all of those items were fully counted or known about on HoT release. So many players decided to keep particular items instead of simply discarding. For instance, several fractal weapons were kept by me because they were not being added to the collection. There were several bugged collections on HoT release, so several items were saved and simply forgotten about over time.
Thus, there was never any reason to save ‘junk’ items, barely any reason to save skins, and generally no need to save soulbound items.
So it’s not at all clear to me why the OP chose to create an issue for themselves.
There are lots of economic reasons to bind stuff to characters (among other restrictions) and so the need for soulbinding is not likely to go away. I think we all have to figure out how to accommodate the existing mechanic.edit: typo
You missed the point of the message, so I changed the example. Also, what economic reasons? Having an item account bound doesn’t affect the Economy at all. You cannot sell account bound items. If I’m mistaken about this, please enlighten me.
You can vendor most, if not all, account bound items. This brings new gold into the economy rather than exchanging gold between players and reducing total gold through Trading Post fees. Therefore it could be argued that account bound items affect the economy through increasing the total amount of ingame gold. Of course it applies to soulbound also, but this comment is just to address the point that bound items, both soulbound and account bound, do have an effect on the economy even if they are not Trading Post tradable.
Yes, so the items that are soulbound can be sold to merchants, if the soulbound items are account bound they can still be sold to merchants. So their shouldn’t be a further impact on the economy if the value for soul bound and account bound items are equivalent.
Yes, I know. I was simply addressing where you said that they don’t affect the economy at all.
I understand, thank you.
There is none. Choose what you like. Most easiest class is the one you love growing; most efficient class is defined by what you like doing. The limit is not in the game, but in your mind and imagination.
Add the ability to obtain the invisible glider to the game or the gemstore. I believe many players may like the idea of seeing their character fly “without” wings.
@OP: contact support to see if they can help you with junk items soul bound to deleted characters.
Why are you keeping junk in your bank? Sorry, but its in place to keep people doing things to gear there characters. Otherwise vets would nit need to gear new characters.
The fractals rewards are junk when HoT was released not everyone sold everything at once lol. Vets, still need to make new characters to level up. Also, gear for dungeon armor can be obtain through account bound tokens. Lastly, ascended armor from chests or crafted are account bound. So vets can still give their alts the latest gear without having to play them once.
In your post you implied it was a gray item
Why? Why would a junk item be soul bound, the merchant even has a sell junk button for all junk items. Why is junk tied to my character…its junk x.×.
So the question still does stand. Why were you keeping junk in your bank instead of going to the merchant and hitting the sell junk button?
This is off topic but to answer fully. There is no homework achievement, that asks for particular items. Not all of those items were fully counted or known about on HoT release. So many players decided to keep particular items instead of simply discarding. For instance, several fractal weapons were kept by me because they were not being added to the collection. There were several bugged collections on HoT release, so several items were saved and simply forgotten about over time.
Thus, there was never any reason to save ‘junk’ items, barely any reason to save skins, and generally no need to save soulbound items.
So it’s not at all clear to me why the OP chose to create an issue for themselves.
There are lots of economic reasons to bind stuff to characters (among other restrictions) and so the need for soulbinding is not likely to go away. I think we all have to figure out how to accommodate the existing mechanic.edit: typo
You missed the point of the message, so I changed the example. Also, what economic reasons? Having an item account bound doesn’t affect the Economy at all. You cannot sell account bound items. If I’m mistaken about this, please enlighten me.
You can vendor most, if not all, account bound items. This brings new gold into the economy rather than exchanging gold between players and reducing total gold through Trading Post fees. Therefore it could be argued that account bound items affect the economy through increasing the total amount of ingame gold. Of course it applies to soulbound also, but this comment is just to address the point that bound items, both soulbound and account bound, do have an effect on the economy even if they are not Trading Post tradable.
Yes, so the items that are soulbound can be sold to merchants, if the soulbound items are account bound they can still be sold to merchants. So their shouldn’t be a further impact on the economy if the value for soul bound and account bound items are equivalent.
You missed the point of the message, so I changed the example. Also, what economic reasons? Having an item account bound doesn’t affect the Economy at all. You cannot sell account bound items. If I’m mistaken about this, please enlighten me.
The OP’s original and new examples both are about losing use of soulbound items after deleting the character to which they were bound.
I never mention anything about deleting a character.
@OP: contact support to see if they can help you with junk items soul bound to deleted characters.
Why are you keeping junk in your bank? Sorry, but its in place to keep people doing things to gear there characters. Otherwise vets would nit need to gear new characters.
The fractals rewards are junk when HoT was released not everyone sold everything at once lol. Vets, still need to make new characters to level up. Also, gear for dungeon armor can be obtain through account bound tokens. Lastly, ascended armor from chests or crafted are account bound. So vets can still give their alts the latest gear without having to play them once.
In your post you implied it was a gray item
Why? Why would a junk item be soul bound, the merchant even has a sell junk button for all junk items. Why is junk tied to my character…its junk x.×.
So the question still does stand. Why were you keeping junk in your bank instead of going to the merchant and hitting the sell junk button?
This is off topic but to answer fully. There is no homework achievement, that asks for particular items. Not all of those items were fully counted or known about on HoT release. So many players decided to keep particular items instead of simply discarding. For instance, several fractal weapons were kept by me because they were not being added to the collection. There were several bugged collections on HoT release, so several items were saved and simply forgotten about over time.
Thus, there was never any reason to save ‘junk’ items, barely any reason to save skins, and generally no need to save soulbound items.
So it’s not at all clear to me why the OP chose to create an issue for themselves.
There are lots of economic reasons to bind stuff to characters (among other restrictions) and so the need for soulbinding is not likely to go away. I think we all have to figure out how to accommodate the existing mechanic.edit: typo
You missed the point of the message, so I changed the example. Also, what economic reasons? Having an item account bound doesn’t affect the Economy at all. You cannot sell account bound items. If I’m mistaken about this, please enlighten me.
@OP: contact support to see if they can help you with junk items soul bound to deleted characters.
If one is just looking to get rid of such an item, one can right click on it and pick “destroy.” I doubt support is going to do something to allow one to sell them, which is what the OP was trying to do.
Its come to my attention that the main point of my message is missed even though I typed tldr. So, I updated the example so we can move on from a simple “junk” item being soulbound.
(edited by reapex.8546)
That’s a remnant of Karma being soulbound.
They changed it to have a account bound money but they didn’t change the item in game to be buyable account bound & to become soulbound on equip.Where it becomes annoying (specially with legendary collection), it’s that soulbound crafting item can’t be used by any other character.
So I agree with you.
I agree, making a legendary seems to go across several crafting disciplines. Which are not all on one character, in several cases.
Why are you keeping junk in your bank? Sorry, but its in place to keep people doing things to gear there characters. Otherwise vets would nit need to gear new characters.
The fractals rewards are junk when HoT was released not everyone sold everything at once lol. Vets, still need to make new characters to level up. Also, gear for dungeon armor can be obtain through account bound tokens. Lastly, ascended armor from chests or crafted are account bound. So vets can still give their alts the latest gear without having to play them once.
In your post you implied it was a gray item
Why? Why would a junk item be soul bound, the merchant even has a sell junk button for all junk items. Why is junk tied to my character…its junk x.×.
So the question still does stand. Why were you keeping junk in your bank instead of going to the merchant and hitting the sell junk button?
This is off topic but to answer fully. There is no homework achievement, that asks for particular items. Not all of those items were fully counted or known about on HoT release. So many players decided to keep particular items instead of simply discarding. For instance, several fractal weapons were kept by me because they were not being added to the collection. There were several bugged collections on HoT release, so several items were saved and simply forgotten about over time.
Why are you keeping junk in your bank? Sorry, but its in place to keep people doing things to gear there characters. Otherwise vets would nit need to gear new characters.
The fractals rewards are junk when HoT was released not everyone sold everything at once lol. Vets, still need to make new characters to level up. Also, gear for dungeon armor can be obtain through account bound tokens. Lastly, ascended armor from chests or crafted are account bound. So vets can still give their alts the latest gear without having to play them once.
(edited by reapex.8546)
Can guilds help others with Guild Challenges?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
I don’t know, wish other guilds would comment about their experiences. Thank you for your response.
Do we really need soul bound items, when GW2 is mainly an account bound game? Account bound karma, mastery points, world experience, rank points, and more. So many features of GW2 in 2016 are account bound. My request, is for all (or nearly all) soul bound items to become account bound.
A person creates a legendary component on a different character that meets the requirements for that component. That component is used for another stage of the legendary on another character. However, the secondary character can not use the component because it is soul bound to their first character. This can be trivialized as player error but this is only one example. There are several minor examples where this happens to new players that don’t have the foresight for account bound vs soul bound. Especially when GW2 is more account bound in 2016 than in 2012.
If anyone, feels the old soul bound items should become account bound or support this message…feel free to reply.
Edited Post to updated example message.
(edited by reapex.8546)
The only thing that Colin said would be is Season 1. Which is not the same as the Personal Story. And even that is just the stated hope for.
Which honestly there is no reason not to.
He said both at different times.
Can you find a quote where he said that? To the best of my knowledge we’ve never had plans to make the Personal Story in the core game repeatable on a single character. The design was, as I understood it, to encourage replay of PS on alt characters.
This was early in 2015, during one of the many interviews Colin had I believe. So, I don’t remember nor can find it anymore. Too many interviews were made post HoT. However, its possible that the interview phrased the response wrong.
(edited by reapex.8546)
diamond ? go get Legendary
Can’t. Won’t have as much time to play because of school.
Time to prepare for classes then.
I played for 2 months. I’m an avid MMO player (not just wow). Leveled 2 tools to 80. I enjoyed some things about gw2:
HoT’s maps represent a significant departure from the core game’s content, and because these departures were so poorly communicated to the community, it caught many who loved the core game off guard.
Waiiiiiiiiiiiiit, hold on. Live stream, login articles, gaming websites, map chat, forums, reddit, beta weekends, and more all talked about the radically departure HoT was from Central Tyria BEFORE the game came out and people celebrated the changes o.O. It was communicated extremely well, imo. The only way someone didn’t know about most of the upcoming changes was if they avoided detailed news about HoT.
Can guilds help others with Guild Challenges?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
I may have to move this post to another section on the forums to ask. /final bump
^ you mean reset time as when the day changes or when a new patch is up?
Both works, people normally do temples the dailies reset. But temples are normally reset after a new patch.
So I just looked over my Treasure Hunter collection yesterday and there is an item (I don’t remember the name) that you can get from the Temple of Lyssa meta event. So I went to the map, searched the temple and started to wait for this event. After a short while of waiting and nothing happening (because the temple was under control) I searched on Google how often does this event restart.. and I couldn’t find anything but year old forum posts about how the event is not starting because the defend events are not failing. I waited maybe 40 minutes or so on the map and no events on the area popped up.
What is this? Is it true that the Temple of Lyssa meta event won’t start if certain other events on the same map won’t fail? If so, why has this been the case for a year already? How can I get to do the event?
Event normally happens at reset time.
Does any1 else get continual DC’s during the Buried Insight mission? It’s only in that mission I get it, all other parts of the game run fine without dc’ing
Try choosing best performance on your graphics settings, then do the mission
Every map I go into there’s never anyone around. I look on the LFG and it’s filled with all raid requests and a couple SW. Is it me or is no one ever doing the metas anymore in the HoT maps? I never see VB, AB, TD etc anymore.
Definitely not dead, have like 5+ DS Taxi’s going
Can guilds help others with Guild Challenges?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
Anet message on September 30th 2015,
“However, if you want to participate in guild challenges and puzzles with friends and other guilds, you can still ferry players into the puzzles and challenges. We want to make sure that we aren’t blocking guilds from playing their missions when they want, while also allowing them to play with players outside of their guild.
Entering instanced missions is really easy! The same guild-mission flags that exist in the open world still exist, except this time when you interact with them and agree to start the mission, a blue portal will surround the flag. Players can then enter the instance if they’re in the guild or partied with a guild member. It’s as simple as that!”
Our guild tried to help a smaller guild with their Guild Challenge and we could not enter their instance. Even though we were in a party with the guild’s members. The other guild could not join our instance either. We gave the guild temporary invites so they could join in with us.
Is there another way a guilds can help each other, without needing to send invites and can the guild get Guild Favor? Or was this feature never implemented?
Thanks everyone
Survey says, Revenant?
a Valkyrie armor set/outfit
I like the first and last image.
Mine just droped from an oakheart that got killed more acidently in a zergfight near Stonemist in EBG. That proofes that at least EBG belongst to Tyria… I think we shhould get XP for our Tyria Masterys too…
It’s interesting that it dropped there, thank you.
For about two weeks (at least), all my characters are saying the wrong audio taunts when they take damage. Instead of taunting the enemy, my characters taunt themselves.
Example, my female charr went down and she asks, “did that hurt?”.
My male asuran thief when he gets hit he says, “For the record you’ve been struck.”
Male human when hit says, “Ooh that had to hurt!” Which nomrally only plays when I get a critical hit on an enemy.
Happy X-mas everyone
Awesome drawing!
The bug fix and game content team is not the marketing team. Completely separate. However, I agree with the Wintersday JP. How Mad King Clocktower can support so many instances but the Wintersday JP can’t.
This occurred again today a guildie did not receive credit, mission ended when they were near the finish line with one minute left.
We did this mission the other day. The UI doesn’t show progress, but after a second match (in the same mission) we got our rewards.
Ah, ok thank you.
This is interesting, I hope its not intended and just an oversight.
Hello, we tried for two days to get credit for the PvP Conquest Guild Mission. We have won matches within the time limit but the required 800 points still show 0.
In a PvP Conquest, earned a combined score of 800 or more personal score across all guild members.