Tangled Depths does not award enough Crystals
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
do the daily hp points in verdant first get those chests but dont open them until you go to tangled depth and you get crystals. Repeat for the other map.
That’s an ingenious idea! o.o
Was helping a fellow guildie earlier today on Auric Basin map and I really feel sorry for people coming into the game at this stage. Not nearly enough people to bring the walls down so everything was gated. Not nearly enough to go for hero challenges, let alone the meta… What was a lot of fun the first few times through weeks ago but today was truly a horrible experience because of lack of players.
Use lfg.
We do this all the time.
It doesn’t always work out.
That’s understandable since lfg is largely player driven. It’s up to people to decide when they want to taxi or not taxi. Sometimes players are more willing to do it than other players. So there are maps that are filled with people but no one advertises, so other players stay on less populated maps until more load in.
So before HoT you had no guild hall and you were happy…… now you have a chance of having a guild hall, but can’t get it …. so having no guild hall now makes you unhappy?
why do you suddenly feel the need for a GH if you don’t like people… just find a cool area to meet and call it a hideout!Well to be fair he did pay a large amount of money for HoT, and I can see how the guild hall is all but impossible to upgrade for all but the largest guilds.
Small guilds can upgrade too it just takes a really long time. Also, while he was taking breaks he could have been farming for materials. Or buy the materials Anet hinted us about for Guild Halls when the price was incredibly low (before HoT). Lastly, just use the guild initiation headquarters for free. It’s like a mini guild hall just for your guild.
Was helping a fellow guildie earlier today on Auric Basin map and I really feel sorry for people coming into the game at this stage. Not nearly enough people to bring the walls down so everything was gated. Not nearly enough to go for hero challenges, let alone the meta… What was a lot of fun the first few times through weeks ago but today was truly a horrible experience because of lack of players.
Use lfg.
So , I’m trying hard to grind xps doing events but since the raids came out , maps (even VB) are quite empty.
Maybe I’m wrong….what’s your opinion ?
Use lfg, most players are going over to more populated maps. There are HP farm maps, meta events maps, and more in LFG. Which normally leaves to initially map you load on with less people.
There is nothing going to change since at last some months, at better but well i just want to share my disappointment with Brill picture remplaced by just a random crystalized guy…
I noticed it then shrugged it off because of so many other changes in the patch. But looking at it outside of the game, I agree. Glint should be there, I don’t know why we’re heralds to this unnamed Norn.
Two random questions:
1) Maybe the Norn is suppose to symbolize the player interacting with Glint and the Norn commune with spirits. But Rytlock commune with spirits just fine and he’s not a Norn. Also, Glint seemed to favor the humans and the dwarves despite caring for all the races of Tyria. Which bears the question, why Norn artwork?
2) Lastly, why the artwork choice of a male Norn? Not trying to be sexist but most of the traits art in the game are males which is fine. The Herald was one of the few trait lines that actually had female, Glint, artwork. If anything, I would think Jora or Eir look-alike being in the picture is better representative than the unnamed Norn. (There is an idea, Jora being a Revenant Legend).
“Behold! Dragon and Hero together!” is my favorite.
Yes, that one is awesome. I don’t feel the voice actress is terrible at all, her voice sounds very fitting for Glint. The warcry does sound like what the voice actress for Glint in GW1 would sound like. However, we never heard Glint do a warcry in GW1. I believe that is why her yell sounds so foreign to us.
At least acknowledging the problem would be nice.
They have acknowledged the problem, but not here.
Here’s some weeks old information from Roy’s twitter:
- Underwater skills not saving properly is getting fixed;
- A second underwater weapon will eventually be made;
- No underwater glint “right now, we’ll be looking at adding more uw in the future”.
First one got fixed today.
Thanks to you both, having Glint underwater would be great for Hearlds. I’m guessing the other Legends aren’t enabled underwater due to lore conflicts. Like Ventari being a land based only creature. While Shiro is capable of fighting on either land or water.
(edited by reapex.8546)
November 17th patch,
“Fixed a bug where underwater legend selections were not remembered.”
Thanks Anet!
Haven’t tried it, not in-game currently. But you know, this is something you could have tested very easily yourself. Go get hit on in PvE/WvW/sPvP (NPC’s), heal without the Trait, take note of how much it heals you. Now repeat with the Trait, is the heal the same or stronger? There’s your answer.
I figured more experience Revenant players would already know the answer so it could be added to wiki. Lastly, me finding out information and not sharing it with the rest of the GW2 community helps “No One”. However, thank you for your response.
Damage reduction affects yourself, but outgoing healing increase does not.
Also, Shrouding Mist starts to increase your healing at and above 51 Energy and reducing damage at 49 or lower. Neither of these effects work at 50 Energy.
Thank you Rym
I am not trying to rag and rant and gripe and complain. This is structured feedback from a guild leader.
Of course you’re not. Why would anyone read your post and think that? Oh, are you talking about the white knights that think anyone who has any feedback other than “Anet is perfect and can do no wrong” will flame you? Don’t worry about them. No one listens to or likes white knights, anyway.
You seem to have issues with labeling others as “white knights” and have a personal gripe with said, “white knights.”
Ley line tools are not hard at all. Unless you’re doing it by yourself. We got our tools with 4 people in a few days after we had the nuhoch language unlocked. Ley line sparks are not in every chest but at least every other.
The bloodstone dust was just as hard to get at the point we wanted mining rate 3.
Ofc. Varying experiences happen with RNG i guess
Thanks, yup, right now I am doing it by myself but it won’ be that way for too much longer. I have a ton of bloodstone dust from doing World Bosses, I would recommend that method if you need more.
No bank, no TP, and nothing in crafting. All of which the players of GW2 use on a more-that-constant basis. I remember the blog post about not wanting to oust cities but in doing so, Anet ousted their own new content.
This is an incredible post that I’ll upvote but wanted to say all guild halls have a hidden bank, when they unlock workshop. Use the scribing station, you can access everything for your bank by using the crafting station. A side note, I find coarse sand AND ley line tools to be problematic. Ley line tools are problematic due to the Ley Line sparks not consistently dropping from the caches.
Does the Herald trait Shroud Mists affects the caster too?
“While your energy is above the threshold, your outgoing healing is increased. While your energy is below the threshold, incoming damage to you is reduced.”
The Revenant has heal skills that affect others players and the caster but I’m unsure if the caster gets extra healing with this trait. Thank you.
I have just experienced a similar thing. I did P2 and I did not receive credit. I have also done it several times before, a few months ago.
And the achievement itself clearly states which paths is needed, in order to complete the achievement, as can be seen in the attached screenshot.
My guess is, that it either shows the wrong one, or there has been a problem with receiving credit for several months now. That, or I am just missing to do something at the end, after getting credit for completing the dungeon.
Oh nice, they updated the achievement to show the path. Thanks, for P1 you could try looking into the telescope. For P2, just beating the asuran lady at the end should be enough. For P3, you could try defeating the 3 champion giants…however, they’ve been optional for years.
I can never step in Tarir again, please fix this ANet
Escape Key→Support→Report a bug→Terrain
I once got his voice on my asura as well.
Except it wasn’t after finishing channeling a HP/mastery point thing, it was in {SPOILER} Living Story at chapter 15 when you’re fighting Faolain. I actually got a screenshot of it. No idea if other races hear him there or not.
(I’m actually a bit curious as to which point you heard Mordy talk at)
This is normal, its Mordremoth speaking through Faolin to all players on the instance.
My only complaint about the Mordrem Snipers is that they always shout “I’ll pin them down, you take them out!” And then the sniper takes me out while the other mordrem are keeping me occupied.
Unless this is intentional, and they engage in psychological warfare while they fight.
This made me grin like an idiot.
The megaserver has failed us.
1 map gets to do the event and hundreds of people stand alone trying to taxi into it.BORING.
How do you know only one map out of all the severs and instances get to do the meta event? Do you really feel there are only 150 people playing on DragonStand when the event starts?
l and see the story. When I had to kill Trahearne I was really like ‘’what? Noo!’’
But well, I want to know what happen to Zodja and Logan and where is Taimi? And what happen to the egg and the pale tree.
I feel that my character should participate in a funeral to Eir and Trahearne. I was really upset about Eir too.
And where is the final feast to commemorate the end of Mordremoth.
I kinda think that the Theory of the OP can be possible. About Trahearne being a clone I don’t know and I don’t think so.
I love the story of GW2 I just wanted more freedom about choosing the speech like in others game we always have like three options to choose. And my character is suppose to be charming and I feel that the charming or furosity and dignity thing doesn’t do any difference to my character personality.
1) Same reaction I had when being forced to kill Trahearne. I was dreading the story may end like it did with Rurik. Anet confirmed it, Trahearne was the next Prince Rurik.
2) Taimi is in Rata Novus.
3) There was no time to have a funeral, not with Modremoth on the move and Zojja and Logan in trouble.
4) The Pact Marshall is dead, I don’t think anyone had it in them to celebrate. Plus, there is more work to be done. Mordrem still have Pact soldiers prisoners. There is no evidence to state that Mordrem completely vanish with Modremoth dieing. A good example is Tequatl, he became stronger when Zhaitan died. Anet said that this was part of lore.
5) I agree the personality should matter, I did not make my main character ferocious. But when he talked to Caithe he said, “You cross me again and I will end you” or “You cross me again and I will personally send you to the Mists.” Caithe was silent. In Living Story Season 2, I was asked if I trusted Caithe or not. I said, yes and the other characters were fine with my decision. In HoT, my character was angry at Caithe throughout the entire expansion the player had no say in their character’s response to her. To ArenaNet: I understand, if a majority of players felt mad at Caithe but that does not mean everyone was upset at her.
I just completed Arah P2 (Mursaat Path) twice; the path led by Scholar Yissa. However, the achievement panel does not reflect that information. Please advise. Achievement still does not show after a restart of the game client.
It could be you’ve done Arah P2 in the past. The achievement panel doesn’t state what path you have completed but the number of paths you’ve done. So if the achievement panel says 1 out of 4. Then you did one path out of the four possible Arah paths. You can do P2 repeatedly but 1 out of 4 will never change in the achievement panel.
hi i have report this issue to many times with no fix iam trying to continue with hot but i can not complete the frist quest Prologue Rally to maguuma the quest is bugged no matter what i do i can not continue i get no green marker to next part of the quest this has been like this for 3 weeks now iam level 80 the quest is buged plz help i have no other level 80s to unlock the masteries so iam stuck with this with no way on continuing and unable to unlock masteries
Go to silverwastes→amber fort→go west.
If you see no green star burst by the portal, walk through the portal to Verdant Brink.
Then quit the story chapter, select another chapter from a different story (if possible).
Restart or resume the Prologue story.
See if you have a green star burst on your map.
If you don’t, change maps by going to heart of the mists and then leave heart of the mists.
If you still don’t have a star burst, walk through the portal to Silverwastes.
See if there is a starburst in front of you. If there isn’t verify none is on your map.
If its not, group up with someone else that is on that part of the story and complete it with them.
If you have no one to group up with, you can always enter with me just send an in-game mail.
(Blah Blah)
We appreciate your patience and understanding while this is being addressed.
Regards,Anet said look for a possible patch this Tuesday.
(Snip) we’ll keep you posted."Sources?
It’s one thing to have Joe Blow post what is supposedly a comment about the issue, it’s a whole other thing to actually have someone who matters come to GW2 official forums and post a response to the hundreds of players here.
No idea what you meant by “Joe Blow” but do what the previous poster said. Use dev tracker, to find your answer. Or google, just copy the sentence and do a google search and it’s right there, do your own research xD.
Waiting in the Guilded Guild Hall not moving for about 3 mins, then taking one step sometimes causes a crash. This happen to me 4 times since installing the 64-bit client. I’ve submitted an error report to ArenaNet with the crash data.
Anet said look for a possible patch this Tuesday.
GM Awesomeness, “I can answer this one! It was addressed in another thread. There is indeed a different issue that is preventing people from getting map completion rewards. With this issue, your progress isn’t reset – you still have the map explored, you just don’t get a reward when you finish. We’re aiming to have it fixed in the next patch, so just go back to those maps next Tuesday to get your goodies. If for whatever reason the fix doesn’t make it in, we’ll keep you posted.”
p.s. the casuals of the game complaining over small details ruined the expansion for me.
What? So it doesn’t matter if a game meets everything you want. If some people complain, you become unhappy with the game and not the people? o.O
I too have seen this (Kaineng), it’s very annoying.
I wonder if red is getting our green drop…
We also have this bug on Fort Aspenwood.
I have 4+ skins not being added to the achievement, I obtained these skins in 2014 or before.
Even though this isn’t a bug, I have a suggestion. The map should be “pinged” at specific time intervals to see if the map is full. Our DS map was full, as soon as that happen the change to another map option should have went away. Instead, it stayed and no one could dismiss it without changing maps. I hope Anet, listens or at least comments on this suggestion. It will help all the Heart of Thorns maps which are initially underpopulated but then fill up quickly. The game should not force players to move to another map, when their current map is full
Yeah thinking about it, having that pop up come early in the map asking to volunteer or remain, and then kicking us out makes sense. However, if it still remained even after the map was full, and still engaged transferring us to a new map shard then wouldn’t that be a bug?
I seem to remember being in other maps when that pop up happened, but elected to stay, and the map population rose during the “countdown” and it went away. But I could be wrong.
I think sometimes it does go away and other times it doesn’t, so it maybe a logic issue. For when it appears and then disappears, I want to say the not disappearing issue is a bug.
Happened to me earlier too, was probably on the same map but it’s not a bug. All maps have this mechanic. DS map was low in population so the pop-up asked us to change maps. People ignored this and minimized the pop up. 50 mins later, the pop up warned us the map would be closed out in 10 mins. Then again in 5, at 0 it removed everyone during the final boss fight.
Even though this isn’t a bug, I have a suggestion. The map should be “pinged” at specific time intervals to see if the map is full. Our DS map was full, as soon as that happen the change to another map option should have went away. Instead, it stayed and no one could dismiss it without changing maps. I hope Anet, listens or at least comments on this suggestion. It will help all the Heart of Thorns maps which are initially underpopulated but then fill up quickly. The game should not force players to move to another map, when their current map is full
Not sure I understand Point 1, but yes – Revenant Legends stay the same regardless of whether you are underwater or not. It is quite ridiculous and I am sure AreaNet is aware of the issue – this is most definitely a case of unfinished work.
Typo, I meant meant to say, is our only underwater heal skill Shiro?
Thank you for your response, I forgotten about the two autoattack Revenant Skills. I agree, Revenant underwater to land legendary changes seems to have been a mistake.
Use Spear 1 to pull the mob until it’s in melee range (this will also start your energy build since you are now in combat). Once mob is in melee range, spam 2. Both cost -0- energy.
“Advanced play” – not really needed honestly
If using Shiro, Phase Traversal (or Spear 4 and use second ability) and spam 2. I don’t bother with Impossible Odds as the Shiro mobility is crazy good underwater.If condition/Mallyx, open with Spear 3 (second ability) for the soft CC/Chill so mob approaches slower while you build up Torment from skill 1. Throw in skill 5 as necessary. When mob gets close (veteran/elite/champ), use Unyielding Anguish which pushes the mob back a bit (bug?) but then creates a dark combo field (good with projectile finisher of skill 1) plus more guaranteed condition damage.
That’s it. Rev spear is so nigh-OP right now compared to other classes.
Spear is basically a complete package less an evade or block type ability which is basically it’s only weakness.
Also, this gets all the awesome animations for some crazy ghost shark spam.
Thanks for the information!
Hi, new Revenant player and have a few basic questions:
1) Is our only underwater heal skill Shiro?
2) If I don’t have Shiro equip on land, he’s not automatically selected when I’m underwater…is this the same for all Revenants?
3) If I have Shiro selected underwater, he replaces over my legendary on land. Is this normal?
4) Lastly, if this is normal has their been a big outcry about this on the forum? I don’t see how fighting with our character skills water vs land was deemed acceptable. No other class have to struggle with this, not even the Engineer with kits.
It’s possible with enough posts, Anet would look at QoL for Revenant land and water interaction.
Thank you for your help.
(edited by reapex.8546)
We’ve noticed that guild members that have not played in over 2 years are showing on the map 24/7 and are not moving. At first it was only 2 people showing on the 23rd, now 5 people are appearing on everyone’s maps.
Hi guys,
I quitted the game almost 1 year ago.
I had basically finished the game (pvp rank 80 or close, legendary weapon etc…).
I still have my eye on GW2 because i’m not going to buy any new console and because i think GW2 pvp is honestly the best.
I tried some MOBA and other games but they are not as deep as this one, and the comunity in F2P games suck really bad (i hope GW2 becoming F2P too will not destroy the peacefull comunity).
So, what’s the changes are? I’d probably playing only pvp and some wvw if i come back so i’m not really interested in pve.
What’s the new meta? Don’t tell me is still DD ele, tanky guardian, SD thief, MM necro…
Thx for the feedbacks!
Meta = Opinions.
my only problem is I only scored 300 solo once I think. Since I solo que I can’t get that reward :P to get 300 with 2 players should be easy.
Solo queue is different from guild team matchup algorithm. Guild teams frequently get paired up with other guild opponents. Solo queue is random, it is not always easy to get 300 points versus a very good guild team. Frequently, players get around 100+ points, bunkers get considerably less. Which gives the impression the other team members are “carrying” the bunker.
just look at the massive list of issues (everything from personal story bugs to skill bugs) and remember they are people too.
Yup, never forgot they were people but it would be nice to send a response like a person. Not an automated or copy-paste response, the entire conversation can be summed up as:
Send an in-game report and post on the forums.
I sent an in-game report ask a few questions.
It is important to send an in-game report.
I go post on the forums, like the first GM recommended.
The responses weren’t like they came from a person but from an automated script. It seemed, any question that deviates from that script they were not allowed to address or comment on. So in essence, it was like talking to machine rather than a person. I don’t have a problem with talking to bots but I do have an issue when an employee seemingly ignores a customer. If the employee does not know the answer that’s fine by me. They can say, they’ll forward the ticket to the appropriate department or I’ll ask around. Any answer was better than re-stating what the first GM said about sending an in-game report (after I said, I’ve submitted an in-game report).
However, I’m not really focus on customer service but more concern about the Guild Mission system. There is a large discrepancy with the old Guild Mission system and the current implementation. We won’t be the only guild that believes you can hit “launch mission” and have the timer starts when the flag is summoned. In the past, the mission timer would not start until the flag was summoned.
Edited: For typos.
(edited by reapex.8546)
If there is another guild doing it at the same time, join in, as someone from your guild needs to say “Accept Completion” or something similar pop-up.
It would be great if there was a warning message that stated, the mission clock will start counting down even when your guild is not present. People have stated that after HoT, Anet disabled the ability for another guild to get credit during Guild Rush.
Yeah Anet do need to add a warning system or somehow configure it to start when interacting with the start location like the old way.
For “Accepting Completion” that has worked at the start of HoT for us, but could have broken in the past week or so, haven’t ran into other guilds doing it at the same time as mine.
Good idea, I hope the “Accepting Completion” feature is broken and not removed.
When you click “Launch Guild Rush” it already starts the timer, even without planting the flag at the beginning of the Rush. With the new system change of having to do this, you need to gather all at the start then click launch AND interact with the start location to get the full time, otherwise the timer will go off the time remaining in the guild panel from when you clicked “Launch”.
If there is another guild doing it at the same time, join in, as someone from your guild needs to say “Accept Completion” or something similar pop-up.
It would be great if there was a warning message that stated, the mission clock will start counting down even when your guild is not present. Also, the “Accept Completion” message did not appear for us when we helped other guilds with their Guild Rush. People have stated that after HoT, Anet disabled the ability for another guild to get credit during Guild Rush.
1) You need to be in a Guild team for this to count. As in you have to create a team, name it, invite people into the team, and then into your party (or vice-versa), then queue up as a team, and activate the mission (or activate before queuing).
2) The guild will get the rewards, but only players on the team will get the individual rewards (Commendations), you can however repeat the mission again with other teams, or with the same team but different members, and get the rewards.
3) The mission is quite easy, and the tank issue is a false issue. Its quite easy for anyone that plays offensively to gain at least 100 points, if you do a 5 man guild team, you’re a cinch. Even with a 3 man team, even with a bunker, the bunker can do easily at least 50 points, so, for the 300 one, another guy only needs 150 to make up for it.
The 500 point one is a bit tougher, but still, so far PvP guild missions are by far the easiest to do as a small guild, and i personally love them.
For #3, that’s depending on the other two players to carry the tank. I guess, that works out fine as long as the other two guildies don’t get upset at the tank. For saying it’s a false issue, I disagree because when people are involved they have the potential to nitpick other’s performance. However, thanks for the information.
It’s been occurring client side since 2013. The elementalist dagger main hand skill continues to use Drake’s Breath client side as well, since 2013. So, you’ll be standing still and fire still spews from your mouth without using any skills (visual only bug). Sometimes, others can see this bug. Same with the ranger’s GS Swoop Skill, the bird keeps flapping and never goes away xD.
I completed the 6 achievements for Torn From Sky instance but was not awarded the master achievement. I had the 5 achievements and the last one needed was Sylvari Solidarity. I went with a Sylvari as instance owner and got the achievement but was not awarded the master. I did notice that the achievement notice in attunement section was not there for me but I still got the achievement. Anybody else have this issue.
We have guildies that got the defend the cannon achievement but did not receive any of the rewards from completing it.
If it’s already been identified then they may not need more information. Most likely they already know what’s going on but that doesn’t mean a couple clicks and it’s fixed. It seems like they already know what the bug is and what it does so more info isn’t needed.
True but they never said a bug has been identified. Or if the 21 minute description is accurate or inaccurate. The only thing the GM has really stated was to submit an in-game report, post on the forums, and take screenshots.
Something similar happen to me, I thought the entire mission was bugged but I waited 4 mins and the fight started again. This time Mordremoth seem to have less health than the first time I fought him. I also noticed, two rifts were open on the map and one of the enemy NPCs were still active. One rift was to beat the boss, the other rift was for the NPC. I decided to play it safe and go to the NPC one then the final boss rift. It worked and I was able to complete the mission. However, this does indicate the final mission has several issues with the “retry” option.
Guild Race Description said 21 minutes. It gave our guild 9 mins to complete the Rush, not everyone was able to finish the race on 11/7.
I left one part out, I told them I had the full video of me pressing the Launch mission button with the description that said 21 mins. I could upload that video if it would help, the GM also did not respond to that statement. Which caused me to feel further ignored.
Guild Race Description said 21 minutes. It gave our guild 9 mins to complete the Rush, not everyone was able to finish the race on 11/7.
Made an in-game report and submitted a ticket. Last time, I submitted a guild mission error I was told there was no system in place to verify what happened. So, I recorded a video which is listed below and I made a support ticket which reference the video.
Ticket Response From Anet first GM Summary:
I was asked to make an in-game report, to make a forum posting for the bug, and post screenshots.
I stated, I made an in-game bug report already and was it necessary to post on the forums when I already made a ticket. I asked, was the video I submitted looked at or was it necessary for me to post screenshots of the video? I stated, that I was unsure it would be helpful to have 3 reports 1) forums 2) in-game and 3) the ticket I made. I asked, would the guildies that were unable to complete the race will be reimbursed for the rewards (that was a shot in the dark)?
Ticket Response From Anet second GM Summary.
They told me it will take time for a bug fix, if it has been identified. Also, told me the important of submitting in-game bug reports.
This follow up response from them is what brought me to post on the forums.
I asked the following:
1) Was it necessary to post screenshots of the video, I made?
The GM did not respond to this.
2) Was my video even viewed?
The GM did not respond to this, I noticed the view count for the video has remained unchanged.
3) I stated that, I did an in-game report first before making a ticket.
The GM did not respond to this, instead informed on the importance of making an in-game report. After, years of being on the forums, I know the importance of sending an in-game report that is why I sent one (I did not respond with this sentence).
4) Will guildies who did not finish the Guild Rush due to the bug be reimbursed.
The GM did not respond, to be fair, I only expected 1/4 response to this question.
In the past, I was told the information could not be verified for the mission even though I sent an in-game report in. Still I submitted an in-game report and created a video showing what happen. Instead of commenting on this, I was sent a basic response stating the importance of sending an in-game report after I told them I sent one in. So finally impression is, I feel the issue was ignored or redirected by the second GM. It was almost as if only my first two sentences were read and all 4 questions were ignored. I understand, if anyone does not feel the same.
Lastly, I did not want to make a forum post and handle the issue in a ticket privately. But since the original GM told me too and the second one did not address my questions, this post was made.
What the heck is SAB?
Super Adventure Box
Unless I missed something there’s no Exalted armor. The only thing in game that’s Exalted themed is the back items, and the Auric weapons.
There is an exalted tonic too.
Leave the party, have them invite you back and you can enter then. Bug existed since 2014.
I asked the same question in guild chat and they told me that the guild armory had to be upgraded to level 3+? The also said it would be some time before anyone had this armor
You have to get guild armor level 2 from the level 2 marketplace.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.