This lore isn’t intended to be serious but Anet made their own lore on Tybalt’s return:
We’re ready! This is a video of Tybalt’s introduction into Heart of the Mists, if anyone missed it today:
(edited by reapex.8546)
I really did (and do) believe they read the forums. Yet if they don’t process the information on such QoL suggestions until a streamer comments, it may be time to start lobbying streamers to mention issues of concern.
Sad part is, and maybe I’m wrong, but the streamers like Wooden Potatoes and the like do not seem to be streaming nearly as frequently on GW2 lately, and have seemingly given up on this game as many of us are.
Many people are still playing and uploading videos.
Did you even bother to read Gaile’s title?
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
That means the entire forums including WvW, she barely posts on the WvW forums, and when she does we never hear from her or anyone else for months again!
I wouldn’t either, why bother when 99.9% of the posts/threads are redundant.
This ^ times 12.
Desert Borderlands….Silky Sand, imo, sand should drop in WvW as well. Great idea.
If we’re doing suggestions, please add a Super Adventure Box Arcade Machine. So we can enter Super Adventure Box whenever we want. It can even cost the price of making a legendary. (I know this idea may not come true but wanted to type it hehe).
Assuming all goes well with testing, we should have a fix for this in the next patch.
You guys are awesome.
In a related note, Angel has also made available a GW2 IF, called Drooburt’s Last Wintersday .
Thank you! Yup, its great how Angel and Anet used TWINE to create that story.
It sounds like your filter settings somehow changed. Have you tried fiddling with them?
Yes, I deleted my “main” chat tab and recreated it from scratch with game messages enable. I also, enabled game messages on my other tabs as well. I noticed the change either the day Wintersday was removed or the week prior. The /stuck has been consistent with giving me a message since 2014. When it comes to picking up items, I always got notifications of the items I picked up….
I remember now! Ever since I maxed out Pact Mastery for quick AoE autoloot, I stopped receiving several game messages. I got Pact Mastery, right before Wintersday was removed. However, when I disable autoloot the items still do not appear in game messages..when I pick them up manually.
That issue with game messages was there before. As for looting not showing, not only do you need Game Messages checked, you also need Inventory checked now in the submenu by clicking the triangle.
Oh wow, thank you. I didn’t notice they expanded on Game Messages and gave it a sub menu. It must of had inventory selected a long time ago and was enable by default when HoT was released.
A realy realy hard to fix bug it seems. I am rooting for you Devs! I hope you can fix this soon! Can’t wait to try out the new stuff we have got.
Same, we’re no longer upgrading the arena until the issue is resolved.
- Removed Celestial
- Removed Sigil of Energy
- Removed Elementalist?Energy wasn’t removed, reread the post.
Honestly it might as well have been. Who in their right mind would consider using this sigil now? Going from 50% endurance instantly to 12.5% endurance (1/4 of one dodge) over 5 seconds?! Are you f—-in’ mad?! That’s literally a 75% nerf, and that’s only for the builds that don’t have access to vigor already. That’s also ignoring the possibility for boon removal/corruption.
Let’s not forget that vigor doesn’t stack with any other endurance regeneration abilities… making it even more useless for any class that has a trait that gives them extra endurance regeneration.
A lot of people really liked this sigil, and I honestly haven’t seen a single complaint on the forums about it. But it was popular and a lot of ppl used it (like cele ammy), so…
Not sure if you’re asking me a question or asking Anet a question or just being rhetorical lol.
(edited by reapex.8546)
I forgot about this song lol
- Removed Celestial
- Removed Sigil of Energy
- Removed Elementalist?
Energy wasn’t removed, reread the post.
Jormag isn’t bugged, several players felt uncomfortable seeing its wings broken off. I’m pretty sure its a desired change after 3+ years.
wait what?!?!?!? Is that really true? I know people peta when it comes to killing game animals which is fine…. but mythical creatures. I need a controller so that I can drop it – Im done.
Without geometry, life is just pointless
I love to intentionally misqoute people, because reasons.
Yes, yes you do.
But as a side note, I loved GW1, EotN, Guild Wars 2, HoT, all of it. There isn’t any gw-based game or expansion I disliked. That doesn’t mean there weren’t elements I disliked, none of it was perfect, but in the grand scheme of things, I felt they were all more good than bad, and all very enjoyable.
For example, in HoT, I love most of the content, but I really don’t like adventures, and I really really don’t like I’m apparently going to have to do all of them to get the HoT mastery points to unlock all the masteries.
I don’t know how true it is since Anet never made an official statement about it. But I do know several players uncomfortable with and felt bad for The Claw.
Rob Shapiro is most recognized for being part of the defense team which successfully defended O. J. Simpson in 1995 from the charges that he murdered his ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman in 1994. (taken directly from his wikipedia page) Who’d have thunk it? One of the guys who helped O.J. get away with murder is now voice acting for an mmorpg, he also founded Legalzoom FYI
I think there is more than one Rob Shapiro, not sure this is the defense team one.
Can guilds help others with Guild Challenges?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
Guildie just informed me of the following:
If someone is doing a Hard Mode guild challenge for “A Mission” in hard section and another guild is doing a easy guild challenge for “A Mission”…the two guilds cannot help each other. Only one guild will receive the credit.
It sounds like your filter settings somehow changed. Have you tried fiddling with them?
Yes, I deleted my “main” chat tab and recreated it from scratch with game messages enable. I also, enabled game messages on my other tabs as well. I noticed the change either the day Wintersday was removed or the week prior. The /stuck has been consistent with giving me a message since 2014. When it comes to picking up items, I always got notifications of the items I picked up….
I remember now! Ever since I maxed out Pact Mastery for quick AoE autoloot, I stopped receiving several game messages. I got Pact Mastery, right before Wintersday was removed. However, when I disable autoloot the items still do not appear in game messages..when I pick them up manually.
(edited by reapex.8546)
I got stuck in the environment right before the Hearts of Thorn mission, so I typed /stuck. I did not receive the message to wait 30 seconds, however after not moving for 30 seconds I was teleported. Game messages also no longer show what items you looted like it has been for years.
The re-design happened. Whether you like it or not is a different matter, but the following bosses received updates to mechanics
- Tequatl
- Jormag (very minor though to fix exploits)
- Golem
- Wurm
- Maw
- Behe
- ShattererSure, more could be done, but they still did updates to bring them to where they wanted to be. I think the main argument has been that Shatterer wasn’t updated anywhere near enough and I agree wit that.
Jormag’s Claw: Still bugged for apparently an entire year, wings don’t detach from it when it lands. I’m uncertain if most of you remember how Jormag’s Claw used to work “properly”.
Jormag isn’t bugged, several players felt uncomfortable seeing its wings broken off. I’m pretty sure its a desired change after 3+ years.
Misleading title. Clicked on it due to nostalgia of the Double Dragon games of old.
100% agree. No Billy or Jimmy anywhere to be found here.
Thank you for reading
I hope everyone understands that this is both a serious request as well as a funny note since I understand that the chance arena net are going to change this are pretty darn low. Have a nice day!
I just ignore the adult dolyak xD
SAB will probably come out this year or 2017.
Can guilds help others with Guild Challenges?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: reapex.8546
We have successfully ferried unguilded people in to instances, the system seems to work the same for guild halls, challenges, and puzzle instances.
Did you invite them and make sure they selected your guild on the entry portal? There’s a menu/dropdown where you can select from several guilds.
Thank you for your response, we had them join squad and party. When they walked up to the entrance portal, they did not see our guild name to join the instance. Only their guild name appeared. They only saw our guild name when we invited them to our guild.
I was also unable to join on their instance when they tried starting their mission. When I walked up to the entrance portal, their guild name did not appear.
I eneded up going on a bit of a rant so I have outlined this in order to make it easier for those looking for specific information.
~~~Closing Statements~~~
Please tell me that I am not the only one that sees the sheer idiocy in this.
Again sorry for the rant but this is probably the one thing keeping me sane right now due to the fact that the one thing that would normally keep me sane is driving me insane.
If you have more than 4GB of Ram, download the 64-bit client and set your graphics to best performance in game. If that doesn’t help, submit a ticket ArenaNet.
Thank you and good luck on your theory! We were undecided about continuing the Lost Lore series. However, some players seem to be interested
It’s not like you have a choice: JUST DO IT, or I’ll go through the Mists to find you and force you to create more of these awesome vids
I really think ANet should release more lore related content (IRL short stories, in-game tiny events in cities, in-game books…), I’m really interested in a tangible world with stories here and there (you know, like reading the news) rather than a world that sometimes stands still ^^
Thank you for the vote of confidence xD. There are various minor NPCs that actually have their dialogue altered throughout the years in GW2. They aren’t really advertised that well but they do exist. For one example, Lionguard Turma.
I don’t want to ask a question that has probably been answered thousands of times already, so I want to search of it instead. I can’t even search more than few letters, if I do, I get this…
The forums were made by a third party, that third party no longer works with Anet. So, the search function was never fully implemented. You can do the google search trick listed above.
This is a known bug, no guilds can currently use Arena Obstacles since December.
A message from game designer Matt Penebaker:
- No collectible should be gated behind failed events, or mechanics that make you upset that another player is playing a specific way.
The third collection for Dusk requires the defense event in the Cathedral of Silence in Cursed Shore to fail (for Grenth’s Darkness). It upsets me a lot, since Cursed Shore is an area where lots of other players farm events, so people ALWAYS do the defend event.
It is even more upsetting that the same problem with a different temple in Orr was in the first collection!
Anet said somewhere this will change. So you can get credit just for defending, the update will happen sometime this year.
So was the voice of “E” described as a male voice? Or was that just creative lisence on you guys side?
Because its awefully convenient if “E” is male and will debunk a lot of the theories out there.
No player knows E’s gender. During Living Story, Kasmeer theorized that E maybe a group of people. But in short, we had limited volunteers so we went with whoever voice was available hehe.
Awww, shoot. I was hoping it could give my theory of E being lord Faren a boost.
Still a great Vid!
Thank you and good luck on your theory! We were undecided about continuing the Lost Lore series. However, some players seem to be interested.
I wanted to say just few things not about ban but about how we as community went into this. First reddit post with stupid , shameful redditors, who laughed and mocked this two people.
Then GW2 official forums, thriving on this ban.
Is this what GW2 community is now ? Is it best joy for you to see someone sad and upset ?
Sure they made mistake, but is community best response to laugh at that and mock ?While you are all so happy someone got ban ill leave you this example , how many of you did and do now EXPLOIT fractals mossman to get easy pass ? How many of you were asked in pug group to do mossman exploiting this , and agreed , or got kicked from party if you said “lets do it normal” ? Skipping events Arah for months, remember ? Map breaking for easy JP ? And so on…. Is it really that different ?
And again, as much as it was wrong what they did, i feel that community response on that was far worse.
my 2c
Since no one expect to get banned by killing mossman underwater.
If an Ai is being exploited intentionally, players should expect to be banned imo.
Grind Wars is a named deserve by over 90% of MMORPGs imo. It was easy to obtain gold in GW1 just by salvaging for the materials and selling the mats in Kamadan.
It’s much harder in GW2 due to many circumstance, we should also not ignore the elephant in the corner either, that it’s very alluring for a business model to have vested interest in making it harder due to the cash > gems > gold path way they have built into the game, and if you’re the beholder of a cynical attitude you can see that caked over every part of the game as a whole, the most difficult of questions to ask how to fairly balance the issue for both the company and the user of the system so that both are equally rewarded.
GW1 System was far superior when it comes to the economy, if only because you couldn’t buy gold “legally” you had to earn it.
There were more bots in GW1 than in GW2, there was another great purging of bots in GW1 in 2014. Several GW1 players turn to illegal sites, since you could not buy currency legally in GW1 with real money. GW1 is superior in several areas but when it comes to preventing bots GW2 wins, imo.
Bots have been in gw2 by thousands people just don’t bother looking for them.
I have been watching some of them in orr with high ap.
which could mean its hacked acccount.To be honest I’ve not seen a single one in GW2, GW1 certainly.. but this could be because of the server I am on purhaps.
I agree, I’ve rarely see bots anymore in GW2. It’s not on the same level as GW1, imo.
Thanks for the feedback
I didn’t had much time during the Holidays so here is a late update.
After a bit experimenting with color this is my progress so far.
I like her face and pose.
The video is amazing, and the story, by the Six! I need to know more now
We’re glad you enjoyed the video
So was the voice of “E” described as a male voice? Or was that just creative lisence on you guys side?
Because its awefully convenient if “E” is male and will debunk a lot of the theories out there.
No player knows E’s gender. During Living Story, Kasmeer theorized that E maybe a group of people. But in short, we had limited volunteers so we went with whoever voice was available hehe.
Thank you Ms. McCoy, everyone is happy to receive a message from you. To quote a few guildies upon hearing your reply:
“Awwww, how sweet”
“How awesome is that?”
“It is pretty awesome”
Among a ton of other messages from guildies. We’re glad you enjoyed our digital tribute to your story. Thank you for creating Marjory’s tale!
Grind Wars is a named deserve by over 90% of MMORPGs imo. It was easy to obtain gold in GW1 just by salvaging for the materials and selling the mats in Kamadan.
It’s much harder in GW2 due to many circumstance, we should also not ignore the elephant in the corner either, that it’s very alluring for a business model to have vested interest in making it harder due to the cash > gems > gold path way they have built into the game, and if you’re the beholder of a cynical attitude you can see that caked over every part of the game as a whole, the most difficult of questions to ask how to fairly balance the issue for both the company and the user of the system so that both are equally rewarded.
GW1 System was far superior when it comes to the economy, if only because you couldn’t buy gold “legally” you had to earn it.
There were more bots in GW1 than in GW2, there was another great purging of bots in GW1 in 2014. Several GW1 players turn to illegal sites, since you could not buy currency legally in GW1 with real money. GW1 is superior in several areas but when it comes to preventing bots GW2 wins, imo.
This is a global issue happening to all classes. We are investigating this issue and will get a fix in ASAP.
Reports indicate this can happen after leap skills, picking up bundles, or teleporting. If any more reproducible steps come in please add it to this thread and I’ll add it to my report.
On Elementalist, I’m rooted 50% of the time when I use Lighting Flash to teleport. First noticed this in 2013 in WvW.
Hiya! So if you want the short version of it here it is:
TL;DR Decoration limit is set to 994 effectively…. not 2000. Enjoy.
I didn’t read the entire post but have you gotten the expanded Guild Hall at level 40? I’m not sure but maybe the expanded Guild Hall will allow for more decorations to be placed.
I wouldn’t mind being able to automatically load into my home instance when entering the game. Probably would lead to faster load times but I know this would probably never happen with the current instance system.
- PVP: The META revolves around the new elite specs (so you are probably gonna loose without the expension)
What? They’re are plenty of non Elite Specs players out there that are dominating.
Dominating who? Other non-elite spec players?
Other players.
I received a replacement recipe, thank you Anet!
I was also told, I was not the only one who has made this mistake.
(edited by reapex.8546)
Q: What did the Golem say to the Asuran Engineer?
A: You turn me on.Q: What the Asuran Engineer say to the Golem?
A: Now let me turn you off.
walks away >> lol
- PVP: The META revolves around the new elite specs (so you are probably gonna loose without the expension)
What? They’re are plenty of non Elite Specs players out there that are dominating.
But don’t worry they’ll get unbanned.
Meanwhile a fellow guild mate of mine pretty much got told by support to suck it up and there’s no chance of reversing his actions (accused of botting for multi-boxing).
Yep good stuff.
29 map points in under 60 seconds? No. I think they’re done for. At least this account that got banned is.
I’ll never understanding cheating in a video game. What is the point of playing if you feel you have to cheat? Why bother?
Grind Wars is a name however deserved by Guild Wars.
Customer Support has carefully reviewed the data that resulted in the termination of the game account in question. They verified that this account accessed 29 map points in under 60 seconds. It is not possible to accomplish this without the use of a third-party program, the kind of program that is expressly forbidden by our User Agreement and our Rules of Conduct.
Because of these facts, the account termination will not be reversed.
Gaile, been thinking about this a bit while waiting in PvP Q’s. Maybe Anet should carefully review what’s motivating people to “break bad” if you will? Maybe the economic policies of late should be reviewed? Since HoT launched there’s been a lot of threads complaining of the grind, the feeling of hopelessness toward goals, and general lack of “good feeling” about the game. If this ban wave had such volume, I’m concerned what drove a player to choose such behavior.
That’s where I’d be looking, the problem comes from being able to use gems to buy gold I think, it’s too easy to just spend real world money and utterly mess the market up with flood loads of gold, in Guild Wars 1 we actually had to put effort into becoming wealthy that being to farm, there are somethings I’ve no idea how people afford them at all, and I’m not talking about “want” things but fundamental armor upgrades so that a new player can play and experiment with things the system is very restrictive by means of gold.
Grind Wars is a named deserve by over 90% of MMORPGs imo. It was easy to obtain gold in GW1 just by salvaging for the materials and selling the mats in Kamadan.
Well, it includes Legendary Inscription, which all 3 disciplines can craft, I believe.
Thus, the Tool-tip would be accurate.
Accurate for one component of the precursor, the tool tip should be modify to include this information (imo).
After waiting 2 hours for the brisband wildlands even to occur, I got the recipe for Box of Recipes: Dawn. The tool-tip said huntsman and artificer could learn it, so I used the recipe on my Huntsman. But, my huntsman can only make the dawn experiment inscription. Why? Because the tool-tip is wrong. Wiki lists that it only supports weaponsmith:
I’ll have to fill a support ticket with ArenaNet, will update this post overtime. But yeah warning to all players that are crafting the precursors, don’t always believe the tool-tip check with wiki first.
The achievement can bypass the JP. The snow-aura shoulders absolutely require it.
As far as I know, you’re only require to complete it 3 times. By I could be wrong, since I decided not to pursue the shoulders this year.
I think with that 10k drinks achievement and the huge amount of flipping that has been going on with said drinks and wintersday gifts on the TP, a lot of formerly not so tempted players got tempted to use a wintersday JP botting script.
Im not saying it is Anets fault… but maybe, in the future, this could be kept in mind when adding such achievements? Thanks.
So Anet should avoid adding difficult (or in this case time consuming) achievements because people might cheat to get them? What about the much larger part of the playerbase who do such achievements legitimately for the challenge or bragging rights?
People who cheat are going to cheat. People who are on the fence about cheating but are tempted to bot by a shiny skin/achievement/title might deserve a bit of a break to figure out their priorities.
Forcing people to do it even though its no challenge at all anymore, just to get an achievement, sorry, but thats the definition of “grind”.
There are various other ways to get the achievement that are not tied to the JP.
I waited 1-2 hours on a map, eventually the map was closed and I was able to wait on a map where the event was completed. Finish the achievement, you may have to do the same Taranotos. Stay on the map until people leave to get thrown into a new one.