Showing Posts For reapex.8546:

Join Squad viva map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Can confirm you can no longer join a squad by clicking on the commander’s icon via map.

Is Nature Spirit Exotic, Yggdrasil, bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546



Where were the normal Oakhearts at? Wiki needs to be updated with their locations.

Is Nature Spirit Exotic, Yggdrasil, bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


I actually got mine from the Oakhearts in Gendarran that you state do not drop loot. It was from the second or third Oakheart I killed. My Guildie was with me, who is also a Ranger, so I encouraged him to kill them, as well, and he got the drop after about 4 of them.

We weren’t farming for it, really; it was just one of the only things I knew we could get from easy mobs, so tried it. /shrug

Was those Veteran Oakheart or the normal ones from the hero points? Because, I stated the hero point normal ones did not drop loot.

Is Nature Spirit Exotic, Yggdrasil, bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


!!!!! There is only one Oakheart in Diremane Woods and it dropped it. The darn thing immobilize me twice but I got it. I will now avoid killing as many Oakhearts as I can, sheesh 3-5 days. Ty Safari, was about to craft an ascended staff.

(edited by reapex.8546)

Is Nature Spirit Exotic, Yggdrasil, bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Try Harathi Hinterlands, I tried for quite some time in queensdale with no success, but there were some in the Diremane Woods area of Harathi and thats where I got mine to drop

Thanks, I was farming there for hours. Some players said they spent 3 to 7 hours farming them until it was dropped. Did you get your drop recently?

Is Nature Spirit Exotic, Yggdrasil, bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


No one responded, so I guess I’m just getting bad RNG. I’ll probably just make the staff, I avoided doing grinding in GW2 for years. I was able to get Glint’s Bastion and the Wrench Hammer easily. This Nature Spirit drop rate is extremely low. Wiki states, normal Oakhearts drop it more. Wiki does not state a single location where the normal Oakhearts are. I keep running into Veteran ones and wiki says the drop rate from Veterans are extremely low.

I did find some normal Oakhearts at a hero point in Gendarren but they do not drop loot.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Won’t the achievement category be retired after Wintersday making the Imbiber achievement impossible to get?

No, and they stated that the Imbiber achievement would stay on after wintersday. I already reached this conclusion beforehand because the shoulder skin is a collection achievement and not a wintersday achievement.

Thank you

Please bring Tribal Armor to PVE.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Destroyer Scythe Staff too please

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Won’t the achievement category be retired after Wintersday making the Imbiber achievement impossible to get?

Is Nature Spirit Exotic, Yggdrasil, bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Has anyone gotten this recently? Been killing Oak Hearts for over a hour, not a single drop of this item. I’m 13/14 for the Yggdrasil collection.

Add Festival Music for Guild Hall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


I love this idea, especially if it becomes another option on the music jukebox npc we already have. I could listen to the music for the three things you list for a very long time.

Thanks, it’s been awhile since we heard the Zephyrite song. Would be nice to hear it again. Mad King was always among my favorites.

So..the Revenant "lore" (spoilers)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


No no no no,

Multiple years (story wise) after you’ve started your journey as a Revenant, Rytlock becomes the “first” Revenant and brings with him completely “new” and “unknown” magic.

He emerges as a full fledged Herald, though. That’s something you can not be before HoT. So, maybe that’s the “new” magic you’re talking about in that case.

“Hold on, Rytlock. I get what you’re doing, mostly. But where and how in the world did you start channeling an effing DRAGON?”

Found Glint in the Mists.

Add Festival Music for Guild Hall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


It would be great if the Guild Hall supported songs like:
Mad King, Wintersday, or even Zephyrite Cliffs.

Also, unbugging the cavern song in the guild hall would be nice too. It’s the only guild hall song that isn’t being remembered.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


Things that people claimed weren’t casual friendly pre-HoT:

Fractals (3 mini dungeons plus a boss?! I don’t have time for that I play 20min a day, I’m casual!)
Dungeons (I can’t get into a group because I don’t have zerk gear and I don’t speedrun! I’m casual!)
World completion (why do we have to do WvW for world completion, I’m casual, I don’t like PvP!)
Story-mode finale (I need a group to finish the story?! what the heck Anet! I’m too casual for that!)
Living Story S1 (these LS events are timed?! You’re saying I can’t do all of the achievements within the 2 weeks if I only play 10min a day?! I’m casual, wtf ANET!
Living Story S2 (wtf Anet, I didn’t log in when these were released because I’m super casual, and now you want me to grind gold so I can trade for gems? I’m casual! I don’t have the time nor money to do this!)
Dailies (Whoa, Anet, look at how long it’s taking to do these dailies! And I have to do it to get laurels?! I’m only on for 2min a day! I can’t possibly get all of this AP that you are forcing me to get! Make it casual friendly!)

I think a lot of people think that casual friendly means everything needs to be able to be completed quickly or easily. A casual player does not imply a bad player, it implies someone that plays at their own, typically slow, pace. Being able to do things at your own pace: that’s the definition of being casual friendly.

In GW2 you can do literally everything at your own pace (minus holiday events, as those are time limited). That is casual friendly. Raids is the only area that I would say has the biggest obstacle to casual players, and that’s getting a 10man group together.

I’d love to hear what exactly in GW2 you couldn’t do at your own, casual, pace.

If something takes a long time, it doesn’t mean it isn’t casual friendly, it just means it will take longer to complete, but it can still be 100% casual.

People claimed crafting legendaries wasn’t casual, but I can assure you I crafted two from scratch, casually, over the course of 2 years. Some days I felt like working towards a requirement, some days I didn’t. I dictated the pace I completed things. THAT IS CASUAL.


[Spoilers] Bitter Harvest Story change?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


I doubt they’d remove such a neat piece of lore and tribute to our little champ Zojja for no reason.

They removed Caithe and Faolin dialogue in Light in the Darkness, about when Caithe stated she would gladly fall into nightmare. Anet has remove dialogue from several cinemas or reworked them over the years. Traherne no longer says, “this won’t end well” for another example.

Wow I had no idea, that is insane!

Yes, last I check you can no longer interact with Dream version of the NPCs to talk to them (exception is Faolin, you can talk to her).

[Spoilers] Bitter Harvest Story change?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


I doubt they’d remove such a neat piece of lore and tribute to our little champ Zojja for no reason.

They removed Caithe and Faolin dialogue in Light in the Darkness, about when Caithe stated she would gladly fall into nightmare. Anet has remove dialogue from several cinemas or reworked them over the years. Traherne no longer says, “this won’t end well” for another example.

[Spoilers] Bitter Harvest Story change?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


Guess it was just me.

Guild Rush ends early after 12/17 update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Guild Rush is ending 20-40 seconds earlier after the update. This stopped several members from crossing the finish line in time. Also, guild bounties cannot interacted with to start. They do not move at all after the 12/17 update.

Bounties stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Our guild bounty, Trillia, was also stuck and we couldn’t talk to her. Eventually she disappeared and reappeared at Viper’s waypoint. However, we couldn’t talk to her again and she wouldn’t move. Our Guild Rush also ended 20-40 seconds earlier than they should have.

How can I get Sovereign weapon skins now?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


You can buy them now.

You need the 2 favors (of the pavilion and of the bazaar iirc) which you can buy from the TP (bazaar is kinda expensive).

Then combine them (double click) and go to the sovereign weapons vendor which atm is in Divinity’s Reach up the stairs from the wintersday karma merchant, to the right iirc.

Thank you

Gift of fractals and gift of infinity?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


They are lost in the mists… where time and space do not count… GL!

On a serious note, yeah, I’m waiting for those too but since I’m pretty sure the gift of infinity will need a specific gift tied to a collection (like 4th step of the new legendaries) they are still working on that, same as the gift of fractals. It will be probably tied to some kind of fractal progression, maybe leaderboards.

I think they mention, early next year , Fractal Leaderboards and the ability to get the Legendary back piece will be released.

So, how am I supposed to do the hero points?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


LFG in map chat multiple times, no one shows up.
LFG using LFG tool, no one joins.

Actually scrap that, people do join the LFG but they are using me as a godkitten taxi into the instance and leave instantly causing me to relist over and over and over.

This is becoming increasingly frustrating as I am stuck waiting over and over to get these kitten points done.

I cannot imaging what it is going to be like on my other characters when I get around to them.

Having a helpful guild may help.

[Spoilers] Bitter Harvest Story change?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546



When I first did Bitter Harvest, early in November, I decided to save Zoljia second. Her clones asked for us to kill her. An NPC character, I believe Marjory commented on how strong Zoljia’s will was and how Modremoth couldn’t easily manipulate her. I just made the same choices today but the story did not comment on Zoljia’s will. Did Anet change the story lines? Because, the original script was more impactful for me.

Queen bee REPLACED?!??!?!!??!?!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Update today:
“Fixed a bug that caused the Preserved Queen Bee item to be replaced with the Winter’s Presence upgrade. Preserved Queen Bee items have been restored.”

Stuck in the map or seeing map art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Blighted Harvest
After defeating Faolin, if the player jumps down the center spiral for the achievement and dies.
The game will respawn the player in a rock with no way out (the rock is near Faolin’s body). Use /stuck command and you’re teleported outside the rock. If you someone how manage to die again, the game will move you back into rock and /stuck will not work. GW2 refuses to let the player use /stuck a 2nd time.

when is wintersday ending?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Yeah, after 3 years…I would think it would be on the release notes page by now.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


The guild hall music of the caverns does not play when leaving the guild hall and returning. When you press the G key, the icon does not update to represent music of the caverns. Instead it shows whatever song that was selected beforehand.

Guild XP Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Same with Sognatori Di Tramonto

Guild Hall Experience Bar Bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


For an individualized response, you may consider contacting the CS Team via the ‘Support’ link above/below and ‘Submit a Request’ for assistance.

Good luck.

Edit: Or not; I see a few others have the same issue. Devs will probably attend to it shortly, then.

Our guild is in the same spot, we’re maxed out on experience. After reading the OP message about not gaining XP, we’ll hesitate with doing an upgrade until this matter is resolved. Which I hope is soon, we’ll be forced to make upgrades to avoid wasting Aetherium in 1-2 days.

Digital Deluxe available, but already bought.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Yeah, I wish the gem store would keep track of what the player has purchased and not offer the same item after the max has been reached.

Guild Hall Music Of Caverns Doesn't Play

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


The guild hall music of the caverns does not play when leaving the guild hall and returning. When you press the G key, the icon does not update to represent music of the caverns. Instead it shows whatever song that was selected beforehand.

Guild Trader not giving items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


I bought two as well, a guildie bought another one but we’re unsure if the golems were added to the consumable section of our Guild Storage. We can confirm that the guild history does not report any golems being added to the guild. So, as this time, we are also missing the Guild Golems.

Cheesy GW2 jokes here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


- Why was an asura turned away at the restaurant?
- He forgot to bookah table.


Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


The only thing that Colin said would be is Season 1. Which is not the same as the Personal Story. And even that is just the stated hope for.

Which honestly there is no reason not to.

He said both at different times.

Join Group Bug [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


I agree, haven’t been able to /join on people for like 1 – 2 weeks. They have to cancel my invite request and invite me themselves.

Guild Hall always plays Hoelbrak Music

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Update: Turns out the guild panel does not recognize the song “The Music of the Caverns.”

Whenever selected this song does not appear when pressing the G key but all other songs do.

Personal critique of the Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


On the top of the floor turning into lava under my feet (not giving me any time to regenerate before next attack) and draining my energy, once the armor gets destroyed…. it’s a frustration nightmare.


You count to 3-4 seconds then dodge or use your warrior shield to block. Also, use your rifle for range attacks or your longbow, stay far to the sides. You don’t need any ascended or legendary gear to beat Living Story or Personal Story or even Heart of Thorns.

Crashing in Dragons Stand

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


If you have more than 4 GB of ram use the 64-bit client. If you’re using the 32-bit client, changes your graphic settings (F11) to best performance to significantly reduce the likelihood of crashing.

Even the lowest setting does NOT help. I have 16G of Ram and 1G of video ram. this should NOT be happening!

are you using the 64-bit client? If so, submit a support ticket

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


7) They’ll run around in full knight gear with all defensive specializations because “HoT is hard”.

Wait a sec, what is so bad about using knight gear?

Probably that it’s not Berserker or Assassin, because apparently, that’s the only way to play the game, didn’t you know?

I use Knight’s on my Ele, actually. HoT isn’t hard, but Ele is way too squishy for me to be comfortable in Berserker gear with it.

? What a **** comment.

Maybe because Knights is absolutely not needed in HoT (go celestial on Ele), especially when the main limiting factor is damage.

You can run Knights on any content where you want to spend more time than necessary or you lack the player skill for useful gear. Timegated content is a different story. Learn to play or at least use something that resembles damage gear. As is, there is NO content in game that requires Knights (aside from some WvW bunker builds). Even raid tanks only take as mich toughness as absolutely necessary to hold agro (400-500 over 1,000 base usually for a total of about 1,500).

It’s not the players fault that arenanet balanced the events around everyone running maximum damage. I don’t even want to imagine an entire group running full knights on TD scar lane. Have fun never succeeding. Wearing knights on this map is effectively leeching off of other players contribution.

False, difficulty is a subjective matter. HoT is a difficult to me. It’s the people in paper towel gear that I rez all the time while I wear my Knights gear.

Agreed, I’ve been in several SUCCESSFUL TD where the majority people are using whatever they see fit.

And you wound know this how? By asking everyone nicely?

The popular opinion of TD being the hardest new meta map and current requirements for 100% success beg to differ.

And you would know the opposite, how?


What’s the primary topic of this thread you are posting in?

Are you even serious?

Nice strawman argument, was talking about your post about their being only one way to beat TD meta. If you don’t want to answer how you know this, that’s fine.

There is only 1 way to beat the TD meta, and it requires an absurd amount of group damage.

You still ahven’t answered how this would be possible with everyone running waht ever they like.

My argument is supported by the close nature of the event, and the very specific demand for as much damage as possible consumables in organised maps.

Your argument is supported by:“You said so.” Not a very strong foot to stand on.

Your argument is supported by: “You said so.” which isn’t relevant at all.
My argument is supported by people stating what they did not have and not even having food buffs. We were able to do TD King of the Jungle just fine because we were organized. We had to do 3 phases of DPS on the Chak Geruent instead of 2 but it turned out just fine. Your DPS optimal experience is not universal to all of King of the Jungle wins.

The fact is this:

- TD requires a lot of damage (especially SCAR and Nuhoch lane)

I’m done arguing in circles with such stupidity.

That’s about the only fact you stated that was valid about it requiring a lot a damage. Notice you did not say optimal damage nor that there is a need for optimal damage. Lastly, resorting to insults what is this Youtube comments? Extremely childish, people resort to insults when they have nothing better to say and admit defeat in a conversation. You can keep trying to spread false information but facts will continue to defeat you every time.

I feel bad for the groups that have to pick up your slack

I feel bad for the people that believe your naivety.

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Just beat TD meta twice in a row… people are getting better, I guess.

I don’t really think gear/food matter. The fewer people are downed, the faster the kill.

Food and Gear can help, but it’s not the end all be all. The game is a testament to player skill and knowledge being more valuable than a simple food/gear check.


Less then 1Kb/sec on Update anyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


its downloading fine now, after the update they just released (1 min ago).

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


All gear is viable.

No, it’s not. You’ve failed to provide evidence to this being the case.

My Revenant headband says otherwise.

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


7) They’ll run around in full knight gear with all defensive specializations because “HoT is hard”.

Wait a sec, what is so bad about using knight gear?

Probably that it’s not Berserker or Assassin, because apparently, that’s the only way to play the game, didn’t you know?

I use Knight’s on my Ele, actually. HoT isn’t hard, but Ele is way too squishy for me to be comfortable in Berserker gear with it.

? What a **** comment.

Maybe because Knights is absolutely not needed in HoT (go celestial on Ele), especially when the main limiting factor is damage.

You can run Knights on any content where you want to spend more time than necessary or you lack the player skill for useful gear. Timegated content is a different story. Learn to play or at least use something that resembles damage gear. As is, there is NO content in game that requires Knights (aside from some WvW bunker builds). Even raid tanks only take as mich toughness as absolutely necessary to hold agro (400-500 over 1,000 base usually for a total of about 1,500).

It’s not the players fault that arenanet balanced the events around everyone running maximum damage. I don’t even want to imagine an entire group running full knights on TD scar lane. Have fun never succeeding. Wearing knights on this map is effectively leeching off of other players contribution.

False, difficulty is a subjective matter. HoT is a difficult to me. It’s the people in paper towel gear that I rez all the time while I wear my Knights gear.

Agreed, I’ve been in several SUCCESSFUL TD where the majority people are using whatever they see fit.

And you wound know this how? By asking everyone nicely?

The popular opinion of TD being the hardest new meta map and current requirements for 100% success beg to differ.

And you would know the opposite, how?


What’s the primary topic of this thread you are posting in?

Are you even serious?

Nice strawman argument, was talking about your post about their being only one way to beat TD meta. If you don’t want to answer how you know this, that’s fine.

There is only 1 way to beat the TD meta, and it requires an absurd amount of group damage.

You still ahven’t answered how this would be possible with everyone running waht ever they like.

My argument is supported by the close nature of the event, and the very specific demand for as much damage as possible consumables in organised maps.

Your argument is supported by:“You said so.” Not a very strong foot to stand on.

Your argument is supported by: “You said so.” which isn’t relevant at all.
My argument is supported by people stating what they did not have and not even having food buffs. We were able to do TD King of the Jungle just fine because we were organized. We had to do 3 phases of DPS on the Chak Geruent instead of 2 but it turned out just fine. Your DPS optimal experience is not universal to all of King of the Jungle wins.

The fact is this:

- TD requires a lot of damage (especially SCAR and Nuhoch lane)

I’m done arguing in circles with such stupidity.

That’s about the only fact you stated that was valid about it requiring a lot a damage. Notice you did not say optimal damage nor that there is a need for optimal damage. Lastly, resorting to insults what is this Youtube comments? Extremely childish, people resort to insults when they have nothing better to say and admit defeat in a conversation. You can keep trying to spread false information but facts will continue to defeat you every time.

Guild Hall always plays Hoelbrak Music

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


No matter what song we choose it changes temporarily. When we leave the guild hall and come back it plays “The Music of Hoelbrak.” On the first day we got it, the guild hall wouldn’t remember which song that was played.

Disconnecting from Game Server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


So I just came back to GW2 after a half-year break from it. I’ve been finishing up some characters’ personal story and living story season 2, etc. with plans to get HoT expansion soon.

However, a problem which has happened somewhat frequently and randomly over the past several days is that during a story event, and usually at the conclusion of that event, I seem to lose connection to the game server.

As a result, in the past several days there are about 5 storyline episodes that I’ve had to repeat, because I finished them yet right before it ends, the connection is lost. This is extremely frustrating and a waste of time and I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this and/or whether anything can be done to fix it?

All of these times have occurred during a story line episode (5x) and interestingly it happens towards the end of said episodes. It hasn’t happened to me while just doing regular quests/PvE, etc.

I know my connection to the internet is fine because every time it crashes I check my browser to see if I can connect to other webpages – and I can, very quickly, load any webpage. My internet is fine.

Please let me know what I can do.

Send in a support ticket to arenanet at

Disconnect from server - what's going on?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


I’ve been disconnected several time from the server within the past 45 minutes out of the blue.

So what is going on folks? I rarely have this problem.

A lot of people are experiencing the issue, its server side.

Sanctum Sprint Lightening Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Lightning Pull seems to be greatly affected by lag.

[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits at melee

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Maybe, it was decided it wasn’t a bug but something intentional. It’s possible Anet just wanted Lupi melee to have a more difficult experience. Since, players kept saying how easy Lupi was in melee and how he should be harder for a final dungeon.

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


7) They’ll run around in full knight gear with all defensive specializations because “HoT is hard”.

Wait a sec, what is so bad about using knight gear?

Probably that it’s not Berserker or Assassin, because apparently, that’s the only way to play the game, didn’t you know?

I use Knight’s on my Ele, actually. HoT isn’t hard, but Ele is way too squishy for me to be comfortable in Berserker gear with it.

? What a **** comment.

Maybe because Knights is absolutely not needed in HoT (go celestial on Ele), especially when the main limiting factor is damage.

You can run Knights on any content where you want to spend more time than necessary or you lack the player skill for useful gear. Timegated content is a different story. Learn to play or at least use something that resembles damage gear. As is, there is NO content in game that requires Knights (aside from some WvW bunker builds). Even raid tanks only take as mich toughness as absolutely necessary to hold agro (400-500 over 1,000 base usually for a total of about 1,500).

It’s not the players fault that arenanet balanced the events around everyone running maximum damage. I don’t even want to imagine an entire group running full knights on TD scar lane. Have fun never succeeding. Wearing knights on this map is effectively leeching off of other players contribution.

False, difficulty is a subjective matter. HoT is a difficult to me. It’s the people in paper towel gear that I rez all the time while I wear my Knights gear.

Agreed, I’ve been in several SUCCESSFUL TD where the majority people are using whatever they see fit.

And you wound know this how? By asking everyone nicely?

The popular opinion of TD being the hardest new meta map and current requirements for 100% success beg to differ.

And you would know the opposite, how?


What’s the primary topic of this thread you are posting in?

Are you even serious?

Nice strawman argument, was talking about your post about their being only one way to beat TD meta. If you don’t want to answer how you know this, that’s fine.

There is only 1 way to beat the TD meta, and it requires an absurd amount of group damage.

You still ahven’t answered how this would be possible with everyone running waht ever they like.

My argument is supported by the close nature of the event, and the very specific demand for as much damage as possible consumables in organised maps.

Your argument is supported by:“You said so.” Not a very strong foot to stand on.

Your argument is supported by: “You said so.” which isn’t relevant at all.
My argument is supported by people stating what they did not have and not even having food buffs. We were able to do TD King of the Jungle just fine because we were organized. We had to do 3 phases of DPS on the Chak Geruent instead of 2 but it turned out just fine. Your DPS optimal experience is not universal to all of King of the Jungle wins.

(edited by reapex.8546)

[UPGRADE]Heart of Thorns

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: reapex.8546


Do you know how can i upgrade my Guild Wars 2 account to Heart of Thorns without buying it with Guild Wars 2 core game? I bought it 3 years ago and i don’t need an upgrade with core game.

The core game is free now, when you buy HoT you’re buying HoT.