Showing Posts For reapex.8546:

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Idea: Give the aura the visual effect of the legendary weapons’ character outlines. It’s noticeable and maybe less taxing the original auras.

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


7) They’ll run around in full knight gear with all defensive specializations because “HoT is hard”.

Wait a sec, what is so bad about using knight gear?

Probably that it’s not Berserker or Assassin, because apparently, that’s the only way to play the game, didn’t you know?

I use Knight’s on my Ele, actually. HoT isn’t hard, but Ele is way too squishy for me to be comfortable in Berserker gear with it.

? What a **** comment.

Maybe because Knights is absolutely not needed in HoT (go celestial on Ele), especially when the main limiting factor is damage.

You can run Knights on any content where you want to spend more time than necessary or you lack the player skill for useful gear. Timegated content is a different story. Learn to play or at least use something that resembles damage gear. As is, there is NO content in game that requires Knights (aside from some WvW bunker builds). Even raid tanks only take as mich toughness as absolutely necessary to hold agro (400-500 over 1,000 base usually for a total of about 1,500).

It’s not the players fault that arenanet balanced the events around everyone running maximum damage. I don’t even want to imagine an entire group running full knights on TD scar lane. Have fun never succeeding. Wearing knights on this map is effectively leeching off of other players contribution.

False, difficulty is a subjective matter. HoT is a difficult to me. It’s the people in paper towel gear that I rez all the time while I wear my Knights gear.

Agreed, I’ve been in several SUCCESSFUL TD where the majority people are using whatever they see fit.

And you wound know this how? By asking everyone nicely?

The popular opinion of TD being the hardest new meta map and current requirements for 100% success beg to differ.

And you would know the opposite, how?


What’s the primary topic of this thread you are posting in?

Are you even serious?

Nice strawman argument, was talking about your post about their being only one way to beat TD meta. If you don’t want to answer how you know this, that’s fine.

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


I want a Mac client that is not in beta


engineer vs elementalist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


ok , last question , i know guys u tell me they are both good but i’m not scared of elem , i kill them easy , why ? ( when i’m with engineer )

Find the one that appeals to you and play it.

Good answer

engineer vs elementalist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


well played , wich is better ?

There is no better, it all depends on your player skill or abilities.

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


7) They’ll run around in full knight gear with all defensive specializations because “HoT is hard”.

Wait a sec, what is so bad about using knight gear?

Probably that it’s not Berserker or Assassin, because apparently, that’s the only way to play the game, didn’t you know?

I use Knight’s on my Ele, actually. HoT isn’t hard, but Ele is way too squishy for me to be comfortable in Berserker gear with it.

? What a **** comment.

Maybe because Knights is absolutely not needed in HoT (go celestial on Ele), especially when the main limiting factor is damage.

You can run Knights on any content where you want to spend more time than necessary or you lack the player skill for useful gear. Timegated content is a different story. Learn to play or at least use something that resembles damage gear. As is, there is NO content in game that requires Knights (aside from some WvW bunker builds). Even raid tanks only take as mich toughness as absolutely necessary to hold agro (400-500 over 1,000 base usually for a total of about 1,500).

It’s not the players fault that arenanet balanced the events around everyone running maximum damage. I don’t even want to imagine an entire group running full knights on TD scar lane. Have fun never succeeding. Wearing knights on this map is effectively leeching off of other players contribution.

False, difficulty is a subjective matter. HoT is a difficult to me. It’s the people in paper towel gear that I rez all the time while I wear my Knights gear.

Agreed, I’ve been in several SUCCESSFUL TD where the majority people are using whatever they see fit.

And you wound know this how? By asking everyone nicely?

The popular opinion of TD being the hardest new meta map and current requirements for 100% success beg to differ.

And you would know the opposite, how?

Chak ARE more powerful than elder dragons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


7) They’ll run around in full knight gear with all defensive specializations because “HoT is hard”.

Wait a sec, what is so bad about using knight gear?

Probably that it’s not Berserker or Assassin, because apparently, that’s the only way to play the game, didn’t you know?

I use Knight’s on my Ele, actually. HoT isn’t hard, but Ele is way too squishy for me to be comfortable in Berserker gear with it.

? What a **** comment.

Maybe because Knights is absolutely not needed in HoT (go celestial on Ele), especially when the main limiting factor is damage.

You can run Knights on any content where you want to spend more time than necessary or you lack the player skill for useful gear. Timegated content is a different story. Learn to play or at least use something that resembles damage gear. As is, there is NO content in game that requires Knights (aside from some WvW bunker builds). Even raid tanks only take as mich toughness as absolutely necessary to hold agro (400-500 over 1,000 base usually for a total of about 1,500).

It’s not the players fault that arenanet balanced the events around everyone running maximum damage. I don’t even want to imagine an entire group running full knights on TD scar lane. Have fun never succeeding. Wearing knights on this map is effectively leeching off of other players contribution.

False, difficulty is a subjective matter. HoT is a difficult to me. It’s the people in paper towel gear that I rez all the time while I wear my Knights gear.

Agreed, I’ve been in several SUCCESSFUL TD where the majority people are using whatever they see fit.

Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


And I know this is beyond unlikely but… any chance there’s an update on the PS becoming replayable being a possibility?

That’s not my decision to make, but if I were a betting man I’d say it won’t happen.

Colin stated in the blog posts that Personal Story will become replayable, eventually.

Will season 3 be free?

in Living World

Posted by: reapex.8546


Given ANet’s recent track records, I’m afraid not… I have spent my hard earned $50 and I don’t want to spend any more for this game.

Season 1 was free, Season 2 was free, and Season 3 will most likely be free.

It's official, I regret buying season 2

in Living World

Posted by: reapex.8546


The closest thing I can compare this to is being in the middle of a nice meal and some big fat come walks over, rips a giant fart and just leaves, sure you can keep eating but that stench is gonna linger, and when it keeps happening you just want to stop going to that restaurant.

Really, the best example you could come up with is ripping on obese people? Have to break it to you, people of all shapes and sizes can be flatulent.

Crashing in Dragons Stand

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


If you have more than 4 GB of ram use the 64-bit client. If you’re using the 32-bit client, changes your graphic settings (F11) to best performance to significantly reduce the likelihood of crashing.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Skin: Heavy Plate Legguards
Armour: Heavy Pirate Leggings
Acquisition: Fisherman Carter, Merchantman’s Strait in Bloodtide Coast

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Guardian

Heavy Plate Legguards clips with no less than 23 different pieces of boots, most of them in the same spots in the front and the back.

Pics in order:
Ascalonian Protector Greaves
Aetherblade Heavy Warboots
Barbaric Boots
Chainmail Footgear
Dark Templar Greaves
Draconic Boots
Flame Legion Greaves
Heavy Scale Shinguards
Hellfire Greaves
Heritage Warboots
Illustrious Greaves
Nightmare Court Greaves
Phalanx Warboots
Protector’s Footgear
Rampart Warboots
Scallywag Greaves
Studded Plate Greaves
Vigil’s Honor Greaves
Whisper’s Secret Greaves
Worn Scale Boots
Zodiac Heavy Warboot
Avengers’ Footgear
Banded Greaves

Others have noted the issue with heavy plate legguards and boots, my issue with torsos. The heavy plate legguards separate my character torso from her body. In PS cinema scenes, her torso is floating above her hips. I didn’t have a cinema scene available, so I took an in-game screenshot. The in-game screenshot separation is tiny. But I felt it maybe useful to make this post, so it can resolve the boot issues others are experiencing.

Skin: Heavy Plate Legguards
Acquisition: Fisherman Carter, Merchantman’s Strait in Bloodtide Coast
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Revenant


Tarir Commendation not being awarded

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Completed tarir meta, all sides were successful and DID NOT receive the commendation.

Stuck in a dang wall...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


try typing /stuck and don’t move for 30 seconds.

Fractal Weapon collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Yup, I’m still missing 5 that are in my bank/inventory but aren’t counted towards the collection.

Reboot the Base Map Mechanic & Population

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


This is a different approach.

Nokta Event still stalled after Patch Fixed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Patch Notes:
Fixed a bug that would create too many veteran cave spiders during “Escort Nokta into the Great Tree as he looks for potential pets.”

A lot of spiders are still spawning and Nokota refuses to fight the champion bat. His dialogue responds to the player after the player says hello. But his aggro range is huged, I killed the trolls and every single spider. He walked up to the champion bat and turned around. This event has been bugged for over two weeks, I did send an in-game bug report as well.

how are people making gold now?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


wit the dungeon nerf and fracs giving close to nothing, how is everyone making gold?

only way I ever made gold in this game is crafting and sell damask and insignias, but with leather added and the prices shooting up even that has become close to non rewarding

SW farm 25/8

Since i need full ascended gear,along with professions leveling,i need 1400 gold

I feel sorry for people,who got 2-3 classes with different weapons and armors.

But,it is how it is.We can not change it,and its never going to be better.

Arena Net,rely on $ for Gems,that’s why getting gold is harder than in other MMO games,and as i said,its never going to be better,because that would mean less $ for Arena Net.

We should expect this kind of trade,first time they announced “micro” transactions.

Anet likely lose most of their gem sales to gold-selling sites, which offer a larger amount of gold for a smaller amount of money. Gems – being stabilised with the market, could be used to directly combat this instead, = more sales = more money.
Instead what they do is increase the value of gold, a dubious way for them to make more money. What’s even more snide, is that it happened at the time of the expansion release. Getting greedy I think.

That’s a lot of speculation.

New "visual" improvements 12/1/2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Everyone that works at Arena Net is mentally inept. I hope that answers your question.

:P I was trying to be less insulting, but it can seem that way.

I think only a handful of people would respond to a post that directly insults them >>

WvW travel times

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


I’ve gotten fairly comfortable getting around the map, and I own a stopwatch.

For me, with 25% movement speed trait and using zero movement skills

  • Travelling from the Earth Keep Waypoint to the center of SW camp circle = 2min 23s
  • Travelling from the Earth Keep Waypoint to the center of SE camp circle = 2min 22s
  • Neither route requires shrines. Neither route gets me marked by any sentries. Neither route goes through a barricade. Each route involves passing a total of 1-2 aggressive npc mobs.

These are the routes I use. These are not the most obvious routes and there is no similarity between the SE route and the SW route. I assume most people won’t use these routes unless commanders start using them regularly.

I also know that it takes me 2min 9s to get to from the Earth Keep waypoint to the center of the Fire Keep Lord platform (without using shrines), and it takes about 14 minutes to farm most of the nodes on a map you own (excluding the 3 southern camps).

This is an insightful post, I’ll look for these routes; Thank you.

Heavy Supply Bag update

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


Patch Update:
Heavy supply bags now have a chance to drop in WvW maps.

Thank you Anet.

Can the developpers please stop ignoring us?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


What i am complaining about is a lack of them speaking to us. Informing us.
Giving us milk and telling us it’s going to be ok while singing to us a lulabby.
I am on mac, there is no 64 bit for us, and yet i paid for the game (so are the people crashing on 64). The crashes have lowered down a lot. But not in ds which is frustrating as hell after taxiing people for 15 min, and playing for 45 min, just to have your game crash and not being able to come back to your server who is now ful

Oh you’re on a mac, that explains everything.

Anet is talking to us, they’re just not talking to you specifically.

Did Anet address the complaints about elites specialization points needed? Yes.
DId Anet address the complaints about hero point difficult? Yes, they made changes.
Did Anet address the complaint about the poison gating in the HoT story? Yes.
Did they address the complaints about Fractal rewards? Yes.
Did they tell the WvW they’re still working on a solution but it’s coming? Yes.
Did they tell us more balance patches are coming and gave us a road map for the rest of the year? Yes.
Did they give us a 64 bit client for window’s users? Yes.

In fact, they’ve been communicating with us all along. They didn’t answer your particularly concern. Well you know, there are thousands of people with concerns. You’re just one of them. Anet answered a huge amount of stuff.

They’re not ignoring anyone.

Good post

Aetherium Influence rate still bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Mining rate 1 = 1 every 50 sec
5% reduction is is 1 every 47.5 sec. Rounded up to 48.

Thank you.

Audio Bug - Exalted Tarir Voices

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


During the Defend Tarir Meta Event, whenever the Exalted are force to blow themselves up their dialog is cut off. Some of their final messages are noteworthy, you can only see their statements if you have Game Messages turned on for NPCs.

Aetherium Influence rate still bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


We have mining rate 1 for our guild, so we get one aetherium every 48 seconds. When the 1 minute influence to aehterium was activated, we still receive one aetherium every 48 seconds. So from our point of view influence to Aetherium is not working, can anyone confirm this?

Dev is silent. Why?

in Revenant

Posted by: reapex.8546


I think Roy is on vacation, the Revenant developer

i dont think so, but he really deserve one. Yes there are things to hammer out but Rev is in super good place. Let them fix the big stuff and they’ll come back to balance

He said during the live stream about taking a vacation and Ruby said, he deserved one.

Except all the class devs are MIA, not just Roy.

Haven’t been following the other classes.

Early Server Maintenance?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


Login servers are back up

Guild Wars 2 has encountered an error.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Login servers are back up

Heavy Supply Bag update

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


bump before this issue becomes abandoned.

(edited by reapex.8546)

WvW Supply Lines Credit, is this true?

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


We completed the mission today! Thank you everyone.

A few notes to help others
The shield seems to appear when one person is next to the dolyak.
If a tower or keep is taken over you won’t get credit for escorting the dolyak.
People should walk right on talk of the Dolyak almost inside of it to get credit.
The dolyak does not need to be attacked to get credit.
Dolayk must reach final keep objective, escorting to towers does not count (must be Keep).

Eir's Story [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


2. Yes, many believe that her death could have been much, much better.Her death did not have meaning. The creature was not killed, it did not save any lives, and it did not help them escape. She also did not go down fighting like a legend. It also doesn’t matter if she comes back as a druid. This was her chance to die as a legend (even if she comes back, she is only going to die once).

There are several ways the scene could have gone that would have drawn less complaints. For example, they could have shown a scene where Eir dodges one strike in great pain. Next, the creature knocks Brahm down. The creature raises its tail and begins to strike to finish Brahm off when Eir dodges in front of the tail just in time, giving her life to save her Brahm.

Anything, ANYTHING at all where she at least made an attempt to fight rather than stare at the creature and appear to have given up would have been better. She should have gone down fighting, injured or not. She was a legend. A Norn. This is how it would have been.

this doesn’t look like someone who was giving up. And she gets into a fighting stance when the beast roars. At 1:20 we can see this stance better, like she is ready to try and dodge the attack, but fails.

making it look like she had nothing left and was weak from the start so she just accepted her death.

That was the point, she had nothing left. She gave her all to survive and in the end, she had no extra energy reserves left. She survived the crashed, she fought off hordes of mordem to give Pact soldiers a time to escape, was captured, starved, dehydrated, and stabbed. Then somehow she manages to hit Faolin, it was incredible she could do that. Everything I listed was all physical, that doesn’t take into the account the emotional and mental suffering she endured. I’m surprised she could even run, she’s a truly epic norn. Her legend and death will be one to remember, imo.

Ya, suppose its probably just in the eye of the beholder. Still would have liked to see her do more than just stand there when it attacked and would have liked her death to have more meaning. However, can’t change what already happened. We can only discuss it. However, it would be awesome if they put a statue of Eir up by her hut instead of just having her alive there still greeting you with “I wasn’t expecting you”.

I agree

Eir's Story [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


2. Yes, many believe that her death could have been much, much better.Her death did not have meaning. The creature was not killed, it did not save any lives, and it did not help them escape. She also did not go down fighting like a legend. It also doesn’t matter if she comes back as a druid. This was her chance to die as a legend (even if she comes back, she is only going to die once).

There are several ways the scene could have gone that would have drawn less complaints. For example, they could have shown a scene where Eir dodges one strike in great pain. Next, the creature knocks Brahm down. The creature raises its tail and begins to strike to finish Brahm off when Eir dodges in front of the tail just in time, giving her life to save her Brahm.

Anything, ANYTHING at all where she at least made an attempt to fight rather than stare at the creature and appear to have given up would have been better. She should have gone down fighting, injured or not. She was a legend. A Norn. This is how it would have been.

this doesn’t look like someone who was giving up. And she gets into a fighting stance when the beast roars. At 1:20 we can see this stance better, like she is ready to try and dodge the attack, but fails.

making it look like she had nothing left and was weak from the start so she just accepted her death.

That was the point, she had nothing left. She gave her all to survive and in the end, she had no extra energy reserves left. She survived the crashed, she fought off hordes of mordem to give Pact soldiers a time to escape, was captured, starved, dehydrated, and stabbed. Then somehow she manages to hit Faolin, it was incredible she could do that. Everything I listed was all physical, that doesn’t take into the account the emotional and mental suffering she endured. I’m surprised she could even run, she’s a truly epic norn. Her legend and death will be one to remember, imo.

WvW Supply Lines Credit, is this true?

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


It is still unclear what exactly gives you credit when dolyak is not attacked directly. I did it several times with the guild and about half the people got credit, half did not, even when the whole group walked with dolly together all the time.

That’s similar to what happen to us, except we received zero credit with 4 escorters. We’ll try again this weekend.

Heart and Minds [Final Story Step Bugs]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: reapex.8546


I had this issue today, and ended up letting myself die, so I could try again. One thing I noticed in the first fight is that when Canach was just standing there (not using his shield), with the Blighted Canach stuck on invulnerable mode, his health was zero. I was on my Guardian/Dragonhunter and used Virtue of Resolve repeatedly to heal him, and he eventually started moving again, but never went back to use his shield.

When I did the second fight, I decided to actively heal Canach throughout the battle, just in case that was related somehow. I can’t say whether that is what did it, but the second time everything worked as normal.

Speculating here, but maybe Canach going to zero health is tied to some kind of bug in the code or routine where it “skipped” the shield deflect sequence, and then when I healed him and he began moving again, it was already “past” it. Dunno.

Your solution worked for us, we kept Canach healed and he worked just fine, thank you.

WvW Supply Lines Credit, is this true?

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


Ty Sviel and PopeUrban

WvW Supply Lines Credit, is this true?

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


You need a minimum of 3 members at each dolyak. They do not need to be attacked.

Last night we did the mission correctly but some people did not get credit so we ran it twice.

Odd we have 5 people escorting the dolyaks to a tower in EB last night 3-4 times. We did not receive credit. Thank you for the information, we’ll try again.

WvW Supply Lines Credit, is this true?

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


For the guild mission WvW Supply Lines, we had 5 guildies escort dolyaks but received 0 credit for the guild mission.
1) Do the Dolyaks need to be attacked to receive credit?
2) If the Dolyaks need to be attacked, what’s to stop a cross server guild from asking their members to “lightly” attack the dolyaks so the guild can receive credit?

Thank you.

WvW Supply Lines Credit, is this true?

in WvW

Posted by: reapex.8546


For the guild mission WvW Supply Lines, we had 5 guildies escort dolyaks but received 0 credit for the guild mission.
1) Do the Dolyaks need to be attacked to receive credit?
2) If the Dolyaks need to be attacked, what’s to stop a cross server guild from asking their members to “lightly” attack the dolyaks so the guild can receive credit?

Thank you.

Dev is silent. Why?

in Revenant

Posted by: reapex.8546


I think Roy is on vacation, the Revenant developer

i dont think so, but he really deserve one. Yes there are things to hammer out but Rev is in super good place. Let them fix the big stuff and they’ll come back to balance

He said during the live stream about taking a vacation and Ruby said, he deserved one.

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: reapex.8546


For some reason idk why, whenever I switch to glint some old woman has an orgasm and really inturrupts my gameplay. Weird coincidence eh?

u need help xD

Eir's Story [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


Ok, so after replaying the story mode on another character, I paid more attention to this scene.

First, the fact still remains that she most likely got wounded after the crash. You can argue about our reality vs the games, but the game has its own reality as well. And since we can die from fall damage, so can she be hurt or killed by it too.

More on her injuries, we can assume there is some internal damage from before, but its kinda hard to show that from the outside other than bruising. But we do see she has a black eye and blood on her face. Also, with the game’s rating, there is only so much they can show.

Next up, being starved and dehydrated for DAYS. We don’t know the exact number since the crash and finding her, so we know it has to be 2+. Attribute to that they were forced to march as well, with injuries, and hungry.

Finally, count the newest injury from Faolin stabbing her. We’ve seen her take a hit before, and pretty much shrug it off or recover pretty fast. Here, she seems to just struggle to pull out the thorn. Heck, I think the most unbelievable part was her perfect aim at this point hitting Faolin.

Now, the creature approaches behind her, and she nods to Brahm, knowing. Now, what does she know? She is going to die? Or understanding the creature is behind her? Well, Brahm shouts it, the creatures falls behind, the screen shakes, so it wasn’t quiet, so it leads me to she was starting to accept her fate that she may not come out of this alive (note, NOT giving up).

Now, she turns and faces the beast, and its the look of determination. In other words, YES she is ready to fight despite her condition, or at least go down fighting.

And then she gets stabbed with the tail. Maybe if she was at her peak condition, it may have grazed her and been a moderate wound. But anet was clearly showing she wasn’t anywhere near peak condition, and in pretty bad condition. She was most likely expecting a front attack with the head or claws, not the tail.

Now, as for everyone pointing out “but she’s an action hero! She did this and this in the book!”, let me ask you this: What makes you think she DIDN’T do that already to stop being captured, or to help Pact members flee as they were surrounded? I am gonna assume she gave it her all to take down the Mordrem that captured her, because chances are at the time, she probably thought they just wanted to kill her. So she already went all out before hand and was STILL taken down eventually.

To sum up:
Fighting turn sylvarie on the ship, surviving a crash, fighting for her life against the mordrem, starved and dehydrated for days while being forced to march, puncture wound from Faolin. I’m sorry, her being able to fight that beast and survive would’ve been really cheap and basically saying “yes, none of the main NPCs will die.”

If something like this doesn’t kill one, then what would? A drago- oh….

Great post, added on to my original thoughts earlier.

Unsustainable map design

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


Megaserver does it best to alleviate this issue but player hopping with the LFG tool doesn’t help things either. Megaserver (algorithm driven) and LFG tool (player driven) seem to be fighting against each other imo, instead of working with one another.

On a high level view, its like players try to work together with Ai (megaserver) each with their own goals. I’m not sure if there is a solution for this because Megaserver goes by what Anet feels most players want.

Yes, there could be a solution. If people could see the list of “map instances/overflows” and choose one of their own without Ai. To choose a map Version/instance (like in GW1) is a player request I see from the first day, the megaserver-maps where announced from A-Net.

I forgot about the district system in GW1, to be honest I never saw the full benefit of having it until these posts today. You’re right, it would help a lot. People could choose their own arbitrary names like Cathan New Year district one being sponsored. Except in GW2 it would be, shard one Meta Event map.

Dev is silent. Why?

in Revenant

Posted by: reapex.8546


I think Roy is on vacation, the Revenant developer

Eir's Story [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


What if they killed Eir to have her be the next Elite Specialization Legend for Revenants? We could use the longbow

You’re not too far off on that basis.
Eir’s death is the official birth of the Dragon Hunter (lore wise).
Her son a well known Guardian picks up his mother’s bow and uses the death as a means and motivation to hunt the Elder Dragons.

Except he never used her bow after her death.

He’ll probably use it in time.

Unsustainable map design

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


I believe the megaserver is to blame. We had the problem of empty servers before, megaserver came. Now we still have empty maps and it makes no sense. Why do -I get a prompt to leave my empty map and I’m shuffled into another empty map? I’d understand if I got the prompt and BAM! Full map! Ton of people running around!

Sometimes it feels like there are an actual 50-60 people playing GW2.

I get shuffled regularly from one empty map to another and, yeah, I wonder…why? I could have stayed on the empty map I was in four maps ago. No difference.

It’s because people are leaving the map for others ones, probably by using the LFG Tool.

Unsustainable map design

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


What is the player cap per map shard, anyway? New areas seem large and convoluted enough to handle an expanded population but I do not know if the servers can handle more.

Approximately 150 players

Unsustainable map design

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


Was helping a fellow guildie earlier today on Auric Basin map and I really feel sorry for people coming into the game at this stage. Not nearly enough people to bring the walls down so everything was gated. Not nearly enough to go for hero challenges, let alone the meta… What was a lot of fun the first few times through weeks ago but today was truly a horrible experience because of lack of players.

Use lfg.

We do this all the time.

It doesn’t always work out.

That’s understandable since lfg is largely player driven. It’s up to people to decide when they want to taxi or not taxi. Sometimes players are more willing to do it than other players. So there are maps that are filled with people but no one advertises, so other players stay on less populated maps until more load in.

True. And sometimes people try really hard to fill a map by advertising and taxiing and not enough people answer the ads and join up.

And sometimes people succeed in filling up a map but the map empties out again halfway through the events and meta. Thus more time is lost/spent filling it back up.

Point is, so much trouble filling maps and having to hop maps and watching maps go south leads to frustration and burnout. Especially this early on in new content.

Not everyone has time to spend or wants to spend their time waiting around filling up an empty map or hopping around enough to find a full one in order to get things done.

And there are already so many reports of thinly populated maps and failing events and metas that I think keeping this system going long term is probably going to be a real problem.

Yes, a lot of the map population issues is people driven. Especially with taxi’s not getting people because another map has already filled up with people. To me, its the same as what we experience with the Triple Wurm. Landing on a map populated map or trying to taxi into a full map. Or people trying to taxi for Triple Wurm and not getting any takers. The people issues with maps were here before HoT and they continue to this day. Megaserver does it best to alleviate this issue but player hopping with the LFG tool doesn’t help things either. Megaserver (algorithm driven) and LFG tool (player driven) seem to be fighting against each other imo, instead of working with one another.

On a high level view, its like players try to work together with Ai (megaserver) each with their own goals. I’m not sure if there is a solution for this because Megaserver goes by what Anet feels most players want. Each player look at different things when loading into maps. Some want to farm materials (flax), others want Hero Point trains, some want the Meta Event only, others just want to complete their story, and some just want to socialize or go afk on a map. Afk players filling maps is another issue and whether its justified to kick afk players off a map is debatable. Some people would argue that afk players are the reason why maps are full but seemingly empty. The megaserver, would need more information about each player preference to land them on the map they would want to be on.

Maybe that is an option? Have player set a default drop down to what type of map they want to be on farming, meta events, socializing, etc.? However, several players may feel that is too much work to do these extra clicks. Some may set a default type of map then use the LFG tool anyways. If you have any ideas or suggestions, for what megaserver should do I would list them here. Or make a new topic dedicated to megaserver so ArenaNet can see it.

Eir's Story [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


Who is next on the chopping block? Likely Zojja. Who else could die after Eir of all people but her?

I’m hoping Logan. Least favorite character after Trahearne.

Logan will probably stay alive, Trahearne was basically Rurik imo.

Eir's Story [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


In chapter 6 of the HoT story, Prisoners of the Dragon when Eir is defeated by a minion of Mordremoth as much as this was foreshadowed, her legacy and her honour have, I feel, been disgraced.

First and foremost Eir was Norn and for over 200 years Norn have been known to be great solo Hunters and Eir was firm in her role in during the start of young Norn’s in guiding them to build their own legends.

Eir was a fierce and strong ally with Wisdom enough to have once lead Divinity’s Edge.

Eir may have been a little weakened from being imprisonment and was clearly worse for wear but with her Totem spirit being Wolf I believe she would have conserved her Strength and even though stabbed by Faolin, she still gave as good as she got.

To see Eir being impaled in to a nearby tree without one last fight, however futile, is what bring disgrace to her Legacy and in my eyes, even if Eir knew the fight was already lost she would have relished that one last chance to go out fighting with tooth and claw.

Eir could have Become the Wolf and entered a Blood Frenzy to recoup some of her strength, Eir could have and indeed should have gone out fighting, with her honour as a Norn intact.

Eir deserves a Heroes death as she also deserves a Heroes Remembrance.

Eir had no water and no food for days. She didn’t have any weapons and was stabbed Faloin. She also did not have Garm. She stated she was praying to Wolf for help, we showed up. That’s what Wolf did. Other than that, Eir is a mortal we don’t know if she was tortured but if you look at her face…it has been beaten up. Even in this state, her accuracy was enough to throw the thorn at Faolin crippling her (which takes skill). I think her death portrayal was fine…

HOWEVER, I am upset at one person in that story and that is Rytlock Brimstone. Why? Because, he told Eir to go on a separate path with Faolin. With Eir weaken and Faolin being severely twisted it was a bad imo. Yes, the other path looked safe but staying with Braham and the others would have been better imo. Safety in numbers.

Dear Anet: why i leave the game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: reapex.8546


TLDR; Get a PC! PROBLEM SOLVED! Not sure if Anet will transfer your account though.

Your account is usable on Mac and PC, no transfer is needed.