Showing Posts For tyu.9470:

Same opponents for the third time...

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


I really think this is not the place to talk about this. If all of your server agrees on this.. do something about it yourselves.

I’m no expert but in some previous games it is mainly about:

Tacticians – Some people have the ideas every server has those..find them.
Community – There is a fine difference between a zerg and a zerg that listens.

I mean.. you may still end up playing the same servers if they do the same right? But all matches would be enjoyable then.

And about the football/volleyball whatever example: Nobody cares about league 1st and league worst matches same as worst vs 2nd worst. But some league bests macht-ups are given in multiple countries live. So what makes you think the high tier want to fight against you? Maybe they’ll be plain bored then?

SFR/Deso/BB - 01.12.2012

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


I am just honored that i make part of an big zerg with no tactics and full of bad players that can keep 400 points at peak

200 000 barbarians could take over a whole country. 20 000 romans could beat them. Problem for the romans is when there is not enough of them to cover all the maps.

Dont misunderstand me, you must have romans they just didnt cross with ours.

I Really believe SFR proved their abilities on previous matches, when we had no winning train on our back. Then had a huge slap in the face by the french – and trust me since then it is so much hard work to organise the server it is nothing to underestimate.

I personally have no part in the organisation but i do know it happent since i read and see the community forums / ts. The zerg you talk about is also a fruit of hardwork.

^- this from a casual WvWer. I dont really pvp everyday everytime im on.

Fractals and the anti-melee abilities.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


My melee thief has very few problems on all of these fractals, including the elemental (evades galore with S/D). The only exception I can think of right now is that Tom golem that spins and lobs stuff everywhere, when I jump back and use the bow.

I suppose it depends what melee setup you’re utilising.

I did say mesmers and thief can do melee with special avoids. On a CD basis. No other class have that option sadly. I cant tell i’ll just use whirlwind in a smart way till i am out of action points and evade stuff while dpsing it has a poor up time.

Fractals and the anti-melee abilities.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


Mate again the amount of support (let it be stats or a friend in group helping you stay up) wasted just so you can melee does not reward you enough to do it. That is what i am trying to tell if you instead go more dmg in build and go ranged you do more damage plain and simple, i really would like to see a video where anyone has a better DPS counting the whole boss fight than ..lets say me hitting it with rifle.

Also see the reply you tell: you avoid back and wait / go ranged * you again avoid the agony hit since it is visible and go out of melee range while ranged can stay and shoot np* maw attack evade or knocks you down – remember you can pretty much go on ground if maw times his attack right on this knockbacks.

So the point is same, you lose time/evade bar/resources to go in melee..yet you get nothing out of it. If it is about the fight being too easy without these mechanics..let the mechanics be for everyone. If not..then i dont really see the point of them.

I tell again so people dont misundestand: SO FAR I FOUND THE FIGHTS EASY (only lvl 17 thou) i am only questioning the DESIGN of anti-melee system.

Maybe it is just me.. maybe some like this..i dont know i just find it so dumb.

Fractals and the anti-melee abilities.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


If you’re doing fractal bosses in melee range you’re doing it wrong. Every class can use ranged weapons, utilize them.

So you are basicly saying what i am saying.. melee has no place in it – dumb and pointless design. And yes mesmers and some thief moves evade attacks (Like greatsword WW also evades) and you can only do those and get back out.

As i repeat myself over and over: This is the problem i see: They put a dumb and pointless move to every boss JUST SO melee can’t dps same as ranged do. Why all groups ive been in if everyone is ranged with exceptions of some support melee runs are so smooth and fast?

I also see i forgot dredge bosses.. but i think those fights are pretty self explaining to melee. dont melee.

Fractals and the anti-melee abilities.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


cFor the Grawl bosses, they have red circles which notify you. The high damage from the Shaman is from Elementalist skills, so either have an Elementalist go into Earth Attunement in sPvP to show you the skills or just time the dodge.[/quote]

No the knockback does not.

The AoE you talk about is the earth aoe which is a long cast with a red circle while i am talking about his aoe knockback he do es every few seconds which also damages you. Have you ever meleed the boss? – It can even knock you down to lava if you position yourself / boss badly. (Badly as in..boss stays where it usually stays and you go behind him.) You dont even know this skill shows how much ranged care.

For the elemental, you should always be moving, so melee is fine if you circle him, but if he starts doing red circles around himself, you should probably have a ranged weapon as backup. (I’ll get back to this.)

Yes moving is no problem, the problem is that he makes circles – as you said forces you to go ranged for the time being AND his agony hit is a projectile which is pretty hard to evade in melee range.

Sons of Svanir boss: If he’s targeting you with the frost breath, it doesn’t matter. It goes to 900 range, I believe, so it’s not just melee that gets hit in the face.

Everyone i know (mesmer ranger necro warrior) in my group can range it nonstop with getting hit zero times by his breath. So yea it matters. His MELEE HITS also apply the effect. Every.single.hit.

Ascalon: The Squire is the problem, not the agony.

Does it matter? as i said it is not about the fights mate as i TOLD on first post it is about the stupid designs PURELY to make melee go away. Easy or hard is irrelevant and i had no problem so far in fractals so this is not just qq nerf.

Maw: This fight isn’t about damage. You can melee, you can range as long as you can get a crystal or roll. (Sure, they knockback/down, but that’s what stun-breakers/stability is for.)

As for always having a ranged weapon ready, you should at least have a ranged weapon at the ready. If you dungeon a lot or WvW a lot, you’d understand that you want all the weapons in your bag whether or not you use it often. Those few times when you want/need to swap are SOOOO much more beneficial than hoping that someone in your group has a trash weapon. I melee all of the bosses in Fractals except Maw simply because I don’t get that much stability, but I typically run the crystals to my party and get knocked down a lot, which I don’t mind.

I do understand, i play a lot. I have no problem doing things. It is the design that is stupid. Hmm ok this boss is done..lets add something for melee now seems to be the thinking behind it. And if you actually take time to calculate with the uptime of your DPS in ranged weapons vs DPS in melee weapons it is almost always punishing to go melee. Unless you can EVADE while doing it (As mesmers do on a CD basis.)

Fractals and the anti-melee abilities.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


What is the reasoning behind these:

Swamp: Best of all imho. 1st phase really is a teamwork and easy to do but really hard if ppl dont communicate. And the bosses are the most melee friendly (which does not mean it is easier than ranged, just close to ranged.) Still the axe throw is hard to avoid in melee as it is projectile so easier as the range goes up. He also has some high hitting melee stuff but hey? that much i can accept – till a degree -.

Gnarl Boss: AoE knockback with damage quiet often.

Gnarl elemental: Puts down 3 or 4 fire circles in melee range (this can be avoided easily but still you cant go back in till they are over or boss moves.) which 1 shots you if you dont avoid or go in them. – His agony spell which is a projectile so it gets easier to evade as the range increases due to travel time of projectile. Melee? You have split seconds to react.

Snow place last boss: Every melee hit puts a condition stack has a short range frontal breath also damages and put condition stacks. (Ranged are uneffected – probably the most boring fight after water.)

Underwater: Has an AoE stun/damage ability around itself – again ranged does not have to care.

Ascalon: The agony spell does not hit you if you outrange it (1200 range is fine as i dont have to stop hitting with rifle ever.)

Maw: Tentacles – althou the other mobs seem to counter ranged they dont. They are only ther efor 1 phase which you get out of combat and switch weapons so ranged can just wield any melee thing then switch.

Also snow place mid-boss: You go melee – get fire stacks go off – get frostbitten – have to go find a fire again – light it if unlighted.

Now almost all these fights are plain easy. Yes i know they may get hard later.. i am only level 17. However my complaint is not about the hardness level or what not i really dislike the design of anti-melee.

Why is there so many things to make people go ranged? I’ll almost always do more dps with rifle as warrior while surviving more (lets think i am naked right so no build in this.) than ANY melee combo. Simply because i dont get that much dmg i only need to avoid the real mechanics of the fight and not some dumb anti-melee design.

Now i can think of some reactions so i answer them already:

l2p get a better build: It is not about build as i said the fights are easy so far at least. It is the design that irritates me. A boss puts condition on every single normal attack is nothing smart, or a boss that says * i knock you back every 3 seconds* even with stability of 16 secs it is bad. (it also damages)

Melee do more dps there for it shouldnt be as easy as ranged: Personal experience tells me i do more dps with rifle on bosses as i have no idle time and also it is easier to do so. And in this game some of the highest dps comes from ranged class/builds.

What do you guys think? Do you like the anti-melee design so far? or would you prefer something that simply effects all group – not just there to make melee a pain in the kitten without rewarding it for doing so?

Again i dont care about the hard or easy stuff if the aoe knockback was for all group to avoid i’d okey. If it was not there i’d still be okey. I just see this kind of designs in almost all MMOs i played and fractals is the first place i noticed it heavily in GW2.

Edit: Forgot swamp

(edited by tyu.9470)

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Tyu actually this topic is about both
both are related and both does not work as intended

cancer > before this patch dyes where bugged and had increased % drop chance
but I am thinking that they nerfed it too much because before I got at least 1 or 2 in 5 hours of play now I am getting 1 every 3rd day or so

Yes what i tried to mean which i failed is that.. i strongly believe they did something really bad to drop rates – which leads to every other drop loot in game get broken.

What i mean is:

If lets say they made an error which reduced all loot by 15% from all world mobs (excluding the event bosses and what not maybe )
Then say champions give 100% loot.. then they give 85% cause of the error.

I really believe they are actually the same problem in root. Ofc. Anet is the only side in this story that can know for sure. I tell this because in same example they fixed the unid dye drop rate.. but they are still rarer than they used to be before all the changes came a month ago.

Hope this makes more sense than my previous post.

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Plinx was NEVER the best way to earn gold. Ever. Apart from that yeah they dont want us to earn gold i guess.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


This is NOT about stupid champions people… it is the OVERALL DROP RATE if you ever farmed cursed shore events thats where it shines the most. Lost of NORMAL MOBS you farm get multiple rares per event now you get 1 maybe in 3 events.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


There isn’t much feedback to give back. The loot table has been altered on the patch the dye drops got altered. They fixed the dyes but all the overall loot altering stay the same since then.

Unid dye prices are 15s now. Before they altered it it was around 4-5s. AFTER they altered it was 1s and when they fixed it back to normal 15s. Because the overall loot is altered. Ofc. many people stopped farming events also leads to the dye prices going up. but 3 times more than before? There are still many farming events.

I just am glad people who told i was having a bad luck streak are now seeing this. Since the mods never took my feedback seriously.

Legendary, why is it legendary ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


I farmed 2 legendaries and all the gems i used i got via gold-gem transfer (so i actually lost gold there!) It feels pretty legendary to me. This kind of threads should just die in a corner.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


with over 1.1k hour played and 2 legendaries farmed. I’ve spent countless times before and after this nerf..

It is NOT profitable to farm open world events with the new loot tables. I personally told this way before when none of these threads were on and guess what? 3-4 people replied oh you had bad luck.

I really believe i have a good feeling of the average and it is been bugged for weeks now. I stopped farming events and spending my time farming other places when i found it out. ( thankfully i noticed fast so i still made gold for legendary).

If any dev wants to see if its luck or not check my farm for last month. You surely can do that. You surely can see the average changing suddenly.

When you farm 10 hours a day you really hardly get a lucky or unlucky day. The loots were broken around the same days with unid dye drop rate change (leaded it to be 1s on TP then was fixed.) my topic.

(edited by tyu.9470)

Exploits and bugs in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyu.9470


The last seal on colossus i’m sure these hit: Mesmer F skills (the ones that explode all illis.) – The Staff piercing hit of Necromancer. Our ranger also said he could hit it sometimes but we failed to reproduce to see which skill.

Also this leads to another bug i noticed – if the hammer is on the ground when the colossus fractal is over and you pick it up before you go onto next fractal – after loading screen – all group moves to the next fractal but you stay behind in an all-empty colossus fractal.

Downed state for Warrior and Ele.

in WvW

Posted by: tyu.9470


How on earth a troll post got so many replies come on!

Account Hack [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tyu.9470


Indeed they say it is not possible for them. They cannot say it is not possible YET. It is not their place to say it. That is why you see Gaile say it’ll be possible in future. It is HIS place to say that.

On other topic: Taken from BBC explains enough. Who still reads/watches BBC and think it is a real fact without any proof?

users are getting picky on party, toughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Non-Casuals: Let us have this small tiny piece of content to do hardcore and hard stuff and push the limits.

You wanna push limits, try doing harder and harder content in the SAME gear. Getting better gear doesn’t mean you’re doing any better, it means you don’t HAVE TO do any better. Your gear is carrying you.

This. It always makes me laugh at all the bads who think accomplishing something because of the numbers on their gear makes them skillful and hardcore. No, it just makes you a hamster.

Gotta be kidding me? Simple minded people like you deserve simple replies so..

Gear makes it faster, not skillful, more loot. Which is how a hardcore player optimize the effort/reward. Nobody stops you from doing it slowly with normal people..why are you whining about them doing it fast and furious?

I play with casuals btw.

Will not touch game for a long time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Hope they fix this or at least say it is intended :/ They reply every silly thread and not this.

Will not touch game for a long time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


I agree they ruined drop rates. Hopefully it is a bug… in patch it says nothing about lowering the overall rates – only increasing at certain stuff.

I’m a farmer with almost 1000 hours played and i know people same as me we all agree the drop rates are ridicliously low – not only rares but everything get lots of empty mobs now so be sure it is not just you being unlucky

users are getting picky on party, toughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Casuals: How dare they not do 100% of content for casuals, this is ridicilious! MUST BE BROUGHT DOWN!

Non-Casuals: Let us have this small tiny piece of content to do hardcore and hard stuff and push the limits.


About people looking for group:

Hardcore: I have my friends and if i need a pug i’ll ask for a good gear/skill one.

Casual: I want to join and leech any group anytime even when i have no friends to do the dungeons.

That’s how all this seems to me. And i am neither hardcore nor casual.. i can do both depending on my mood. Thank god i made FRIENDS and joined a GUILD on a MMO so i don’t get effected if people don’t like me as a pug.

I didnt get into the stat gear grind part because..well..there is a thread for that.

users are getting picky on party, toughts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


have not seen a single person asking for full exotics yet myself. Worst thing is porbalby asking difficulty x which is not bad at all.

I don't have an active Portal account? What?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tyu.9470


bump i really want to know what was this..

I don't have an active Portal account? What?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tyu.9470


I got an error message in my screen for 10 seconds saying my e-mail add is wrong and something about a Portal account then it disappeared. This happent in-game in LA 3 minutes ago.

What now? confused

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Drop rates are deffintly ruined. (Overall) White/green/blue/yellow you name all drops a lot less for every single person i’ve talk to on my server. (I farm a lot and i know who farms a lot our average really mirrors any change fast.) Yellows did drop less since a week or so but now it is really low. (You can check the prices going up on TP before telling its just my luck people.. i am not talking about 1 event on 1 person here.)

Warrior changes in 15th Nov patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: tyu.9470


I just posted on reddit my feelings..gonna share here:

IN no way i mean to complain or be happy, i simply feel forgotten because all the patches that don’t involve warriors and even a patch this big has..nothing. AT LEAST NERF SOMETHING SO I CAN RAGE i dont know.. warriors are no way in a great state (not talking about powerful or weak, more like we have our own bugs and stuff.)

Just thought i should share, i was hoping for a longer necro/ranger part btw!

Topics being merged/moved count as infractions!

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: tyu.9470


Infractions dont work in a point system where you get suspended after x amount. Infraction is just meaning you did something not fitting the forum rules there for they had to take an action against it. Delete/lock/merge etc.

So when you get a suspension it simply means what you did deserved one. Has nothing to do with previous infractions. I’ve gotten 3 in a week.. all from minor stuff (jokes saying i’d slap people etc. probly counted as real life threat?) and i can use forums freely.

Anet people will probably give you a better explanation but i am PRETTY (if not totally) sure infractions only mean that admin action was taken due to a post of yours. Nothing more.

It is not really a bug but..

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: tyu.9470


Noticed same is told here. Didn’t see it before doh can answer there too.

i don't understand the UI of this forum

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: tyu.9470


1 suggestion i can give only, once you scroll over a button wait a second it’ll tell you exactly what the button does. Well …most of the time at least Those icons are kitten confusing for me too!

It is not really a bug but..

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: tyu.9470


When i am searching forums..and i find a topic i want to reply before i log-in.. so i click log-in.. and it always puts me on the .com/forum and no redirection to the page i was on at.

This is a really simply thing almost every website i use has even those with a huge amount of remember time. It is no biggy..but everytime i either have to remember to copy the url and click log in.. or i have to find the thread again.

Anyway you could put on a redirection to previous url once log-in is succesful instead of redirecting to .com/forum ?

GW2 turning into D3, replacing fun, w/cash shop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


I made money in d3 and never used real money to buy stuff.. anyway if you are trolling i’ll still bite.. you dont use real money to buy this post is off.

Power Creep: It Begins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Totally worthful info/opinion for a new thread.

Why is the title for this game Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Seriously? Guild wars is an EVENT happent in the game’s lore and that is what guild war 1 lore was starting out of afaik. And guild wars 2 is continuing the lore of guild wars 1 meanwhile guild wars1 is still filling in between.

Name is not about the what players can do.


Legendary Armor? Raise lvl cap to lvl 237?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Iv added you to ignore list so wont see your posts anymore so this will be my last reply for you

Sorry to say this is such a childish thing to do. I’ll ignore you right after i have the last words so i feel mighty If you are willing to ignore someone please just ignore instead of a last reply.

Couldn’t resist but point it out.

Future Legendary items vs Ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


all existing Legendary weapons, which are currently on par with Exotics, will be upgraded to be on par with Ascended weapons at the same time that we add Ascended weapons to the game from same text you typed.

Legendary Armor? Raise lvl cap to lvl 237?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Yea ive done a lot of good work in wvw done arah all but 1 path with others more than once killed the 3rd boss in his room normal way every single time etc.. and i didnt even bother getting full exotic. None of my group did acttually..

So if you mean exotics will be pointless then by that logic rares are pointless atm.. which is totally false, maybe true for only that specific dungeon where you need the resistance. So can we please let this thread die now?

Merge the good thoughts on new patch please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Since the other thread is all about whining and crying in a very immature way please merge the good thought into another thread so i can check what those ppl are also saying.

Reason i say this is because they merge all into 1 thread and even the mature-discussions good OR bad gets destroyed by all the immature trash-talk.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


But what if the new armors have built in stats much like the ring and allows infusion but cannot put in runes? Then they’ll deffntly wont be better outside of the dungeon..dunno just thinking out loud.

Stealth nerf on ecto drops

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


Yes because 2 hours of sample is enough to make a judgement. Please understand some people dont care for information like that. I was simply hoping maybe i get lucky and he posts no or yes on that question as well nothing more.

For your information i farm 7 hours per day, no life yes but at least i have a good sense of average drop rates and a good sample to test it week to week.

i am too late to type inb4 but but i played this game for 5 mins and i know the average since 5 mins dismiss all luck! sadly.

Stealth nerf on ecto drops

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


Just to be clear again. There is no DR for salvaging. There’s no stealth nerf on ectos.

Is it too much if i asked here is there any nerf on rare(yellow) drop rates?

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tyu.9470


This may be a bit off-topic as i have not gotten a ban or anything close i just wanted to say that i personally farm more than any other person i know (900+ hours on a single char and probably 800 of that spent in Cursed shore farming same spots.)

That being said i act bot-ish and have been reported as a bot in most games i played simply because i jump a lot – and i jump in an order (since im so used to jumping) will take mostly same paths and so on. I’ve not had a single problem since the start make it botting/hacking whatever.

Just saying that i clearly believe i’d be in the wrongfully banned wagon if they had such a huge mislead in thier banning as some claim. There are wrongs done but i don’t believe it is as huge as some think it is. When they say you have been hacked try to trust them And it is a good sign you got banned even before you realise you were hacked.

.exe shortcut adds (like -testverticalfov) problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tyu.9470


Whenever game disconnects or anything else that makes it close – automaticly opens up launcher once you are out it uses the original .exe instead of whichever shortcut you used.

PErsonally this effects me cause i forget the fact and go in game without fov beta and then i realise this after all loading i close game and open again.. Anyway to make it use whichever shortcut we use?

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


Games change, things get adjusted. The feedback was that legendaries were becoming too unreachable and Anet agreed. Get over it.

Btw, some of you people have an incredibly broad definition of the word casuals. To me a casual is someone who’s still working on his exotics or map completion. Or at least someone who doesn’t have 500+ hours yet. You seem to consider anyone who isn’t a TP power trader or a 10h/day Plinx farmer to be a casual. Well in that case it’s no wonder Anet is catering to casuals. They can’t make a game this big for just 1% of it’s current population.

I guess you guys are just too hardcore for this game. How about you try some other game? Or how about life? I hear it’s a real kitten to be successful but if you can do it then all the fame and glory that comes with it will be yours

Btw, even if they actually handed out precursors I still doubt that even 10% of the population would actually go for legendaries.

According to your definition I am a casual then. And if I have a legendary 2 months in the game at 430 hours played…then fail for a legendary item.

I guess you don’t have to be at 500+ hours if you ARE a power trader and/or a huge farmer. If you got a legendary withut either of those methods within 430 hours then I question your methods…

I don’t see why this means the legendary is fail though. Stop looking at yourself as the standard and be objective. I’d say at least 97% of players aren’t anywhere near a legendary so I’d say that’s a win for a legendary item.

I had my legendary on 450-ish hour play time and it included no playing the TP or mystic forge luck or drop. It only included the fact that i searched and found good farm spots for items demanded but not supplied at first few weeks. Also plinx/shelter/penitent spots i’ve been there before they were public knowledge.. cause i simply check around to see where is a good spot.

So yes.. it is totally possible and it already makes them easy enough as they are.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh

What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh

Makes sense, you wanted to gamble instead of buying it from someone else. If you can get it on first try and be lucky. You also can get it after a thousand gold and be unlucky. Did you not know this when you wanted to gamble? sigh let’s not make non-sense posts to look smart.

Truth of the matter is, when you involve a gambling factor, even if the odds were known, the price of the “winning ticket” item is often not what you would get from the gambling.

Mostly, the price is higher than the gambling, which has to do with merchant and people trying to recoup their losses.

However, this isn’t always the case. It is common enough to cause majority of people to try the gamble in hopes of getting “lucky”.

And let’s be honest, if you haven’t spent as much on the forge as it would cost to buy the weapon, you obviously have no reason to complain. If you have spent several times the cost of a precursor, then that’s just silly. There is no logic to gambling, especially when you have unknown odds.

The thing is, the precursor is mostly sought after due to the aesthetic aspect. There’s no price you can put on it. You can’t just go “Oh well, it’s *clearly worth this much”. With that, ANet can do whatever the hell they want. They could easily make the legendaries sold at some NPC for 1 Gold. All they would have to do is add better skins to compensate. And surely they can do that. After all, just adding skins doesn’t change the balance of the game.

I agree on most you say. I personally wish they removed gambling but people do not understand that gambling has 3 ways to go.. either you make a profit / negative income or you are even. And they know this as they start gambling then if they end up negative they start crying how gambling sucks.

This is exactly the reason i spent 350g on tp instead of gambling with the same money so i dont end up where they ended up. And i have no hatred towards those get lucky on mystic forge as i have no sympathy towards those get unlucky.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh

What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh

Makes sense, you wanted to gamble instead of buying it from someone else. If you can get it on first try and be lucky. You also can get it after a thousand gold and be unlucky. Did you not know this when you wanted to gamble? sigh let’s not make non-sense posts to look smart. What if you got it on first try on forge? then you were just gonna say how luck you were to your friends and keep gold.. it goes both ways.

(edited by tyu.9470)

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


i bought mine for 250g other for 80g and other for 50g (i like getting precursors) only own legendary hammer ..lets see.. 380g right there oh wait hammer costs around the same.

Stop generalising just cause you can’t achive something.

I got my legendary weapon 6 or 8 weeks ago but I don’t see what that has to do with anything?

Have you read what i quoted? people generalise that legendary owners dont farm or pay the 300-400g and all are lucky people and/or got their precursors early in game. Which is totally false.

I think you just misunderstood the point of the post.

The issue is that a lot of people assume that having cheaper base weapons means suddenly having a legendary weapon isn’t legendary anymore. Some are even posting under the assumption that getting a legendary base weapon means you automatically get a legendary weapon.

Of course none of this is true.

The message the post was conveying is that even if base weapons are cheaper, legendaries are still legendary and are still hard to get, it doesn’t diminish their value at all. Or should everyone who got their base weapon cheaper get their legendary taken away? Maybe we should take away legendaries from people who got donations from others to get a legendary too? That’ll get rid of the first 10 or so legendaries ever made.

You see how that makes no sense right? Unless a game is made in this mind: every 1 kill awards x every 10 awards xx etc. then every 1m kill awards a precursor LUCK will have its place. It doesnt change anything. You cant force luck to get out of the way. What you are sugguesting is this:

If someone got lucky and had a precursor drop – now i want everyone to be equal to that person so his luck has no meaning. Why on earth? I personally had none drop for me but i have no problem with that.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


i bought mine for 250g other for 80g and other for 50g (i like getting precursors) only own legendary hammer ..lets see.. 380g right there oh wait hammer costs around the same.

Stop generalising just cause you can’t achive something.

I got my legendary weapon 6 or 8 weeks ago but I don’t see what that has to do with anything?

Have you read what i quoted? people generalise that legendary owners dont farm or pay the 300-400g and all are lucky people and/or got their precursors early in game. Which is totally false.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


Nooo..this is sad news. Why do arenanet only listen to casual people whining about everything that is a tiny bit hard?

If you are willing to make legendaries even a tiny bit easier than it already is what is left legendary about them? Just remove their legendary color and make them named exotics with the patch.

Most people who actually have a legendary weapon got their base weapon early on when they sold for 15-20G.

So it’s not like it really matters.


i bought mine for 250g other for 80g and other for 50g (i like getting precursors) only own legendary hammer ..lets see.. 380g right there oh wait hammer costs around the same.

Stop generalising just cause you can’t achive something.

Legendaries getting easier to get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


If so.. why not make them exotics with special names instead? Why do arenanet only and only listen to the casual people asking for everything to be easier and easier?

I hope it only gets -different- and not easier. As in storyline added… time consuming in quests and events instead of farming gold = TOTALLY COOL. Just make their materials cheaper/easier to drop = Not cool.

Just so you guys know there are people thinking legendaries should be rare instead of every grandma out there has one in a few months.


if you want to see arenanet response.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tyu.9470


Nooo..this is sad news. Why do arenanet only listen to casual people whining about everything that is a tiny bit hard?

If you are willing to make legendaries even a tiny bit easier than it already is what is left legendary about them? Just remove their legendary color and make them named exotics with the patch.