The agony resistance is a great stat, but it is only usefull inside the fractals.
In PvP and WvW the damage of the conditions is a problem (unless you are using a condi build jajajaj).
Why not make the agony resistance the stat of the condition damage redution?
It is in game, the prize of the infusions would rise, the ascend armor would be more important, and the WvWer could be happy.
The conditions are not a problem! GG noob you do not know how to play against them!
The items exist, the spots in the armor exist, so less work for Anet.
I am commander Shepard and this is my fauvorite post of the forum.
Every player that is part of a WvW guild is tired of Zerg smash everything. You try a balance figth and…there is the zerg…again.
The 2 expansion… A legend writen in the stonemist walls, the dreams and hopes of every WvWers… they are expecting the chosen one, the one who will bring balance to the classes, and destroy the lord SIegeTHS. Until then… they will have tl wait…preserving the population.
Actualy i do not know… i think i need holidays of WvW… maybe it is the veteran WvW player illness
I am a WvWer player and a casual pvper, and i did not know what was the ESL until a few days ago.
Was Esport a problem to the progression of PvP?
Yes, it is a great idea.
You coukd destroy it with balistas, and te defendera could repair it with supplies.
So attackers and deffenders have fun.
They change the sound of my flute… i am not going to play anymore this season….
But…. i have just bougth 250 stealth traps…
Mesmer can use torch… so… yes… it could work… fire magic… science…
And i think the rules of magic of guild wars does not work in guild wars 2.
It is Lazarus theory or… “hi comander, i was busy with a super secret mision, that is why you have not see me in a long time… because stuffs…”
Trash talk in the team chat,can he have another kind of talks?
No rewars no people. No people, yo will need 5minutes to play a single arena.
Pvpers needs pvers to keep playing.
Wht not?
We need something to still playingWvW.
We need Commander Shepard, before the condi builds spread out for all the universe.
Only a few people know where was the glint’s egg… Kasmer was one of them.
Lazarus needs a phisical body, the ritual link his soul to one body… Kasmer’s body.
If Kasmer was spying the White Mantle, she could be the vessel for the Lazarus rebirth.
Marjory feeled something when she saw Lazarus in the chamber of the egg, she feeled her lover, she feeled Kasmer inside Lazarus.
I think the memories of Lazarus and Kasmer are inside of the Fake Lazarus, trying to take control of the body. That is why Lazarus help us, thanks to the influence of Kasmer.
The rumors of Elona…
The next expansion will be in Baruch Bay!
Just some ideas.
If you are play WvW, you know how does it works.
If you want to win the MU, go to a full server, and press 1 of staff and take the loot from the other players.
If the skirimshs are going to give us rewards, the full servers are going to be Full+.
But…if the server that is wining is full… what can i do? Well, go to the little server that is Link with it.
The problem of the Server Link is going to get worse.
So, we can suggest a solution.
The top servers, maeby the 5/6 positions of the ranking, dont get link.
That could change the movement of player to server to server, looking always the wining link and the stack of players
Why not?
The things have change since the beginning of HoT.
And the bunker meta builds are not so common now.
i sugest a beta to bring this amulet again, and, with this, all the celestial builds.
Do you think this change could destroy the meta? Or do you think it could be bad for the game?
No, Taimi is going to be fine.
She will she another orb falling to the middle of the Eterna Alchemy. The fall of Mordremoth, and more stuffs.
The comander of the pact use the machine, and we are fine, even if we are sylvaris.
Scarlet was a Dragon’s Minion, Asuras are not.
And what about Demmi, the daugther of Caedecus?
She is E… well… was E…
If you think about it, it is great. She is dead, so the E plot would be finish.
All what she did was against her father.
She was part of the Order of Wishpers, and she was part of a noble house, what explain the contact that E has in the Krytian army.
But, why did she chose E as a name? That is the weak point of this argument.
Who is Gleam?
asd asd asd asd #15characters
Yes, it is that time of the year.
When everybody think that E was delete of the plot, a few letters from him appers in Lake Doric.
So, who is he?
I bet for someone of the Order of Wishper, or a Pirate, maeby Evon.
Come on, think about it…
it is the only explanation to the delayed of the patch.
All their siege that is going to destroy DR has been pay with our money.
We should have hope in this tuesday… like that another tuesday… and that one too…
He is politic, so he has no profession
I think we are going to know who is Mister E next tuesday
Just some ideas.
Queen Jenna is a Mesmer, we all know that. But she is a queen too.
But… why?
If she is going to be the queen of all Kryta, she needs to learn of diplomatic and stuffs. Besides, she is going to be protected by all their guards, and the Shining Blades.
Why does she need the training to be a Mesmer?
Wait a sec… what if Queen Jenna is not a person? it is just an ilusion or a clone of a great Mesmer?
A great Mesmer like Anise…
So… the royal family of Kryta is death, and Anise made a clone of Jenna. So the true ruler of Kryta and is the leader of the Shining Blade.
What do you think?
Hi there Anet.
One of my guild’s buddy is a fanatic of outfits. He has all of them.
But he loves one more thing, the Spikes, yes the trash item.
He has a lot… just see the picture… he started collecting them when he started playing WvW, 3 years ago.
Can Anet make an outfit of spikes or something like that?
Great post.
/15 characters body length
Comunication, just that.
Te people gives feedback to Anet, great posts, with a lot of information and ideas.
But Anet ignore them…or we feel ignore… i dont know… maeby it is just me…
WvW is hurt, where are the doctors?
The only thing that the players want is comunication, just that.
Go home, you are drunk.
The White Knigths are all dead.
We are clients of Anet, not their friends. If we dont like the product that we bought, we are free to say it.
The overhaul was a lie, another one.
Anet dev team please, tell something to us…
Are you working in WvW? Balance, Siege, Population Balance, Score, Rewards, New Polls…
Talk to us.
I am a WvWer, but i am bit disappointed with the WvW state. I want to join WvW but then i say…for what?
Then i remember that In PvP i obtain free Ascends…
Elementalist Auramancer Nomad. A healer bunker with Swag.
So who is this guy?
He appers in the Chaos Fractal, and then in the Nigthmare fractal. He talks about the DDA, a weird artifact that he made.
Could it be the DDA the artifact that we use to open the Rifts in the event of Ascalon?
He has debts with the Inquest, he may be part of the Aertherblades, like the Char who talked with us about the Rift Opener.
If this is true, the artifact must be part of the next fractals.
What do you think?
The mesmer that open the portal to Caeducus in the cinematic of the 1 chapter could be Kasmeer.
Kasmer infiltrate in the white mantle but with the dark hair.
Could it be a way to guide the story to the White mantle that Caeducus controls.
She is dead, and Marjory wants the help of Lazarus to save her.
That troll is in poor taste. OP, kasmeer is fine, she just hasnt returned to view yet.
Please, tell me, why is that idea imposible?
Kasmeer has been forgotten in Hot, she has 3 phrases in all story… that is wierd, isn’t?
She is dead, and Marjory wants the help of Lazarus to save her.
The battle against Zaithan is…. meh. It is fun, but not epic.
Everytime we talk about this topic, we can see a sentences:
We have never seen the body of Zhaitan…
So, why not make a new fractal with this battle?
The Last battle against Zhaitan.
One more fractal, end with this hole in the story, and giving the player that epic battle we want.
I need some help, lorewalkers.
The magic is like the ligth, and Mordremlth took the death magic from Zaithan.
Are the Mordrems the result of Mordremoth + Zaithan Magic? The sylvari are the original army of Mordremoth, so, where does the Mordrem come from?
And the other one, is the vision we saw inside the Scarlet machine.
We saw ghe heart of Tyria and what we though were the elder dragons awakening. But, maeby the spheres that start moving, where the diferent kind of magic. So, in the vision, we saw how the death magic, fell in the Leyline network.
With the new information, what do you think about the vision of Scarlet`s machine?
Genetic reasons.
Biological reasons.
There is no elves in this universe, so that argument does not work for tyria.
We cant have heroes half asura half Char.
Sylvari asexual reproductions, they dont have germinal cells.
Human and norn? Meh, could it be.
Bur we are talking of diferent species, not human races.
Char, asura, humand and Norns have diferent number of chromosome. Besides the spermatozoa of the male could not recognice the proteins of the pelucid zone of the egg of the other spiece.
The only solution, ICSI, but the asisited reproduction is not a thing in Tyria. And the embrio only grow to 2 or 4 cells state.
And the evolution is not finalist, that is not how it works.
Young people would vote yes, for linking with international server.
But, not everybody konws english, especially the ones that are 40 years old.
(edited by vier.1327)
Baruch Bay can´t be link with other server. Lenguage problem and stuffs.
So, we are weak against the link servers. On the other hand, Baruch Bay is a PVE server, so not all the people play WvW.
Transfer to Baruch Bay cost 1800 gems. And that is a lot of money for WvWers.
¿Solution? Easy.
Give to the spanish people that are in other servers a free transfer only to Baruch Bay.
Of course, the players would be free to go to Baruch Bay, or stay in other servers.
That is the only message Anet gives us.
I do not know, meaby i join the dissapointed player guild.
The WvW of the expansion…meh. i will close the wallet until i see something change.
Great posts, all of them.
We have to save the Elder Dragons, they are going to disappear…
Join Greenpeace
I have to say it.
It is amazing. Congratulations Anet.
Do you think Basketball´s Achivments in the future is a good idea?
Meaby this idea is not new, but here it goes.
Towers and keeps only give you points when they are upgrade 1 lvl. In other words, the objetive needs 20 dolyaks to work.
The camps could give you the same War Score, more roam, more important.
-The kills are now more valuable.
-The defense of dolyak and upgrade towers are now more important.
-Karma Train gives to the server less War Score.
-The War Score could be more balance.
-The attack of upgrade structures will be important
-Nigthcapping could be worse.
-Structure bunkers.
-A server with High population could reset the structures of the other server more often and destroy the balance.
What do you think?
What is going to bring the new expansion to WvW?
Mi opinion.
-New map. Underground borderlands (Primordius and stuffs).
-Fly and fly battles. (Bloodstone Fen and new skills)
-Guild Halls upgrades (Time consuming for guilds)
-The new score system (Enough of betas…)
-New League.
What do you think?