Showing Posts For xxxzavulonxxx.8413:

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


To Darkhaven:

Servers don’t die. New leaders will rise-up in due time and you will once again find exciting WvW matches. A similar thing happened to Dragonbrand a couple months ago and many people lost hope, but we’ve since bounced back from that.

My understanding and opinion is the Oceanic guilds brought Dragonband back up. Without the Hardcore Asian guilds “TFV, TWIN, NNK” I doubt very much that Dragonbrand would of bounced back up from death as easily as it did.

Darkhaven will not be able to bounce back so easily as DB did. Oceanic time zones are the hardest to fill NA is the easiest.

DB’s NA crew is fair. A little undermanned, but they did a fairly decent job during last week’s match.


28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Lol, Ebay is already whining in this thread.

The funny thing is Maguuma has proven we can beat Yaks with a good 3rd server.

Ehmry is too busy being vultures in these match ups that they don’t bother to watch the score board like the DBers did.

Let Yakkies run away with the lead instead of attacking them and you guys are destined to finish second instead of potentially first.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

WvWy’s 2012 - who was your favorite opponent in 2012?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I think Maguuma is a pretty cool guy. eh constructed ramelot and doesn’t afraid of anything.

FA wants a bromance with Maguuma

FA and Maguuma should form a Megazord <3


WvWy’s 2012 - who was your favorite opponent in 2012?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


YB and DB for this week.

Minus the extracurricular shenanigans by nefarious individuals… the match up has been solid in T4.


Question about the point system in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


If you control 300 pts worth of stuff, it is 1.2k income/hour. 4 hrs is aprroximately 5k pts. Not sure what you are having trouble imagining.


An Exciting Opportunity and Challenge

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413



It does not solve anything but creates just another bandwagoned server. Wouldn’t discussing ways to distribute people equally to low tiered servers be better?


12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Some of those players may not be attached to any server and float around just to grief


12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


To be fair, Dragonbrand’s Oceanic crew wakes up to their stuff reset as well. And it isn’t Asian, Aussies and Kiwis fault. There probably could be some Oceanic servers that would prevent servers from waking up to major PvDooring. I hear the costs of servers located in Australia would be bad though.


Fun WvW Interview w/ Anet Devs

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


There does not need to be any reward for WvW, really. As the real endgame, people play it for larks. I think people might want to distinguish themselves from WvW newbies, however, so WvW specific titles or fancy looking WvW-specific gear might be appropriate.

If there are no rewards for it then Anet needs to get rid of the goldsink aspect of it. It is brutal on my coin supply.


WvWvW is on life support.

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


These threads are bad for one reason.

You OP take your personal opinion and place it above the rest of players’ opinions. Granted WvW can get dull at times. And some of your points are valid. However, many of us enjoy WvW day in and day out.

What dies a little every day to you, might not for the rest of us.


12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


You know… I am officially branding Dragonbrand the mystery gnome server after a few nights of this match up.

YB and Mag wake up to have our precious towers and keeps reset by opponents we only see in our periphery.

And this week has been my favorite week so far.


Better Ranking System Por Favor

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Wrong subforum ? -_-

Yes. I had the wrong tab up apparently.


Better Ranking System Por Favor

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


In T4 last week we had Ehmry Bay, Maguuma, and Yak’s Bend.

Ehmry Bay faded off somewhere in the match and had placed last for 2 or 3 weeks prior. Where as Yak’s Bend and Maguuma were somewhat stable.

This week we have Dragonbrand, Maguuma, and Yak’s Bend. The match has been primarily even so far. Very close match up.

Now here is the issue…

Maguuma could place #1 and slip into Tier 5. Why? Because Ehmry Bay slips down a notch and blasts weaker opponents and gains a buttload of points in the rating.. Whereas even if Maguuma manages to finish first they could not do as well as expected by the crappy Glicko algorithm.

iirc Some server actually finished #1 and slid down before. That’s just not right.

So Anet… even those of us who love WvW despite culling and technical issues are getting slighted by a point system. It should be in your list of things to do. Providing even matches is way better than relying on an algorithm that works itself out while some servers go up for blasting their weak opponents, where as servers can go down for beating their tough opponents by narrow margins. Find something else to use.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

WvW Defensive Tactics

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Not sure if I agree that oil and cannons are useless… At the very least they are targets that usually need to be taken out prior to rams going down which stall for time allowing defenders to get to the tower to defend.

They do provide a delay, but I don’t think they are more important than the fortify upgrade. Like I said in the videos it’s important to have the walls/gates upgrades done including the fortify and then move on to canons/oil.

Cannons > Fortify Walls depending on what you are defending. Somethings aren’t likely to be trebbed all day and all night. If people are dropping catas and rams all up in your grizzle, then yeah, cannons the way to go.


Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Tbh, everything should be sellable. You are selling your time when you sell stuff. Perhaps people play the TP, but that is time spent. If someone spent the time to farm and trade on the TP and does not wish to use a legendary they should be able to sell their time…

This is one of the fundamentals of capitalism.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

WvW Leveling.

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Viable, but less practical. If you can ride a karma train it is good. But if you are on a server that is being zerged a lot and blocking karma trains not so much. Imo lower peeps should be part of the zerg and not doing anything else.


Does Dragonbrand have an Alliance?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


We have a group of dedicated guilds, including our night/early morning crew who are all dedicated to the same cause. At the moment most of the guilds work independently, though we synergize well together. It’s an “alliance” in that we’re all working towards the same goal and don’t step on each other. But in terms of actually planning together, we’re still in the novice stage. No mass communication— though the leaders of the (NA day) guilds often get together to chat and pass along information.

As for a web site? I just visit my guild’s site, I don’t believe there’s a dedicated alliance site. Though I could be wrong.

It still stands that we’re in the recovery phase and the only reason we’re T4 atm is due to our night crew stepping all over our T5 opponents.

~ Kovu

Your oceanic crew steps all over T4 opponents as well. Thankfully, Mag and YB can step over your NA crew =p


Could a Thief beat up a Guardian?

in Thief

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I’m not a bunker build guardian. And thieves don’t eat me up. They’re hard to catch, but I can smash em up more easily than they can solo kill me since I can trap/immobilize. But usually I am being taken down by 2+ players when I do encounter thieves.


Bringing proper competition back to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Actually think free server xfers should continue indefinitely. Some of the top tier server personnel has moved to lower tiers. If you have paid xfers now you might not let the community autobalance itself.


pvp gear working in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


spvp is trash because of the gear and carebearian “Everyone must be equal” feel of it. I like WvW because the gear makes different builds work good.

And farming coins for WvW gear in PVE is well worth your time if you don’t make coins in WvW.


12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Do you guys know what ‘cookie cutter’ actually means? I keep seeing it get thrown around as some kind of insult, and I’m not sure it means what you think it means.

drez: <insert standard retort>
me: aint nobody got time for dat


12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Got to log in finally and play a bit.. I think DB has more skilled players in their zergs than yak’s, definitely. Havent been able to do any small group combat yet.. just way too zergy.

And to the guild bunched up walking towards our spawn in DB BL, thanks for the easy badges.

See what I highlight? Conclusion is….?

“QQ I cannot kill zergs with cookie cutter builds”


Stealth needs to drop on damage

in Thief

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Horrible arguments itt.

Perfect World had the system where “assassins” (read thieves, rogues, w/e) lost stealth on AOEs/damage. They were still cheap, but they couldn’t just camp people like in this game, and actually learned how to play a class that was squishy with high damage output….

AOEing players in stealth worked in an older out dated game. It would work in this game too.


The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


5-2-2-2-2-2-ultimate = win


12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


It seems like people trolling now with the accusations. NNK is fierce and I have not seen them fight dishonourably.


WvWy’s 2012 - who was your favorite opponent in 2012?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Fort Aspenwood… how they put up with some of the servers and shenanigans those servers resort to is beyond me.


12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I would like to say that with the addition of Dragonbrand into T4 this match up is much more dynamic and fun.


Invisibility is unfair.

in Thief

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


This is not my experience at all. I see it everywhere in WvWvW. Secondly, even if it did only affect the people in large groups, it’s still broken.

Zergs are unfair.

Can we nerf zergs please.

I can’t do anything against them and they’re almost perma invis until after I’m dead.

They’re a broken mechanic that is ruining the game.

Zergs disproportionately benefit from the culling bug.

Remove zergs from the game ASAP please!


EDIT: Yea…that’s how silly you cry babies sound when you complain about stealth being an issue due to culling.

Except there are thieves who intentionally abuse the culling system. And unlike other classes thieves gain more than anyone else from culling.

Trying to sweep how crappy the invis/culling issue is with thieves under the rug by comparing it to zergs culling isn’t really going to save thieves from getting nerfed in the future.


12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Welcome to T4 DB. You guys are doing sexy stuff.


12/14 : YB vs Mag vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Think that is mainly our biggest problem… As a server we probably enough players to compete with YB, but many players would rather PVE unless it is a guild event…

I don’t care so much about the score as much as I would like our server to get more organized and put on better shows for itself when we can. We do have a core of players with high levels of organization. But it’s about getting the more public players on the same page.

This is outright silly. People are going to do what they enjoy. If that happens to be PvE, more power to them.

I learned a long time ago long term RvR is only enjoyable to a small population of players in video games. Even people who say or think they want to do it often only do it in short bursts before they burn out. It takes a special kind of sperglord to this stuff for years on end.

Did I ever say that people should WvW if they don’t want to?

I am merely pointing out that there are people who WvW as long as their guilds do it. But drop off when there guilds don’t do it.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

12/14 : YB vs Mag vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Idk if it so much yaks has more people at one time just more coverage over the day

Yes, and no.

I think both Ebay and Maguuma can equal out the numbers of YB at times. But with the Wintersday event I think both of us (ebay and mag) have less reliable numbers than YB.

Overall, I do think it is YB having better coverage around the clock when it comes down to scores.

But there’s other variables involved. And it is probably shared by all servers in T4. I know on Maguuma there’s a lot of people who do not lay siege to defend towers. And would much rather just pew pew random invaders that pose no real strategic value. Which is fine I guess. Cannot dictate how other players play. Or the infamous grub fetish Maguumans have.

I have enjoyed the WvWs against YB since you guys have been in T4. And don’t think fellow Maggies really need to make excuses for the scores. We could recruit moar, train up or people better, and some other stuff.

It is what it is.

Mag’s had terrible night coverage since the dawn of time. One of the lowest night presences out there. 20-40 guys hold what they can of our borderlands for 10 hours of the day.

This isn’t an excuse, I don’t care what the final score is. Just pointing out the reality of the situation.

This isn’t true all the time though. There were like 2 or 3 nights where we actually had a queue in EB’s BL or Eternal. I think that was due to some of the bigger guilds organizing their own wvw nights. I know in Pyro, we usually have a large percentage of members online in wvw, whereas a former guild I repped organized one or two nights and a lot of people did not go as regularly.

Think that is mainly our biggest problem… As a server we probably enough players to compete with YB, but many players would rather PVE unless it is a guild event…

I don’t care so much about the score as much as I would like our server to get more organized and put on better shows for itself when we can. We do have a core of players with high levels of organization. But it’s about getting the more public players on the same page.


12/14 : YB vs Mag vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Idk if it so much yaks has more people at one time just more coverage over the day

Yes, and no.

I think both Ebay and Maguuma can equal out the numbers of YB at times. But with the Wintersday event I think both of us (ebay and mag) have less reliable numbers than YB.

Overall, I do think it is YB having better coverage around the clock when it comes down to scores.

But there’s other variables involved. And it is probably shared by all servers in T4. I know on Maguuma there’s a lot of people who do not lay siege to defend towers. And would much rather just pew pew random invaders that pose no real strategic value. Which is fine I guess. Cannot dictate how other players play. Or the infamous grub fetish Maguumans have.

I have enjoyed the WvWs against YB since you guys have been in T4. And don’t think fellow Maggies really need to make excuses for the scores. We could recruit moar, train up or people better, and some other stuff.

It is what it is.


12/14 : YB vs Mag vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Seriously, I’m geniunely curious how many people Ebay and Mag thinks Yak’s has. How many maps do you think we fill during prime time? How many people do you think we had when we swept through EBBL last night and had 3 nearly all green maps?

I know you guys have a solid crew in Eternal for most of the day. And you can sort of defend your own BL. It seems like YB tunnel visions Eternal because your garrison and keeps in YBBL does get flipped with some frequency.

Last night in EBBL, by the time you guys came I would fathom about 20 people from Maguuma had logged off. I logged off when you guys first attempted to rush East Keep with golems. It was 4am or so. I know you guys had around 30ish in EBBL at that time.

YB seems to have a lot better coverage than EB or Mag. Which is fair. I see you guys try to recruit. Never seen that from Maguuma.


12/14 : YB vs Mag vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Ebay and Mag decided to team up and only fight us Yak’s last night on EBBL. Good times.

Oh, we also ninja’d Ebay’s Bay Keep last night with 5 people and a flame ram. Twice.

Good times!


Maguuma was there first. So if anything EBay and YB double teamed us since we were pretty much razing the place. In BLs it is more like you fight who you bump into than conspire with anyone else.

The last thing I saw before I took off last night was YB fleeing East Keep after trying to rush it with golems that we knew about way beforehand. Not sure what YB’s thinking was there.


T1/T2, stop recruiting in lower servers.

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


First, your fears are real. I respect that. However, your fears are also illusory — and this is a witch-hunt.

Second, I agree with and support Cover Girl’s message. This is the 4th thread on this issue spawned within two days.

Principle message: start thread topics responsibly.
Subordinate message: make your argument in a mature thread, don’t spawn new threads simply because consensus is against you.

To lump recruiting in with gold selling is argumentum ad absurdum.

I have tried to be plain spoken, if not humorous in my approach to this nonsense in other threads. While I don’t personally support or endorse cross-server (in-game) solicitation, I have no problem with those that do.

The impact on chat (and WvW) is no worse than the institutionalized LFG or Fractal spam that has corrupted chat since release(s).

We (the larger GW2 community) face a crisis of exodus. Belief that the problem is transfers to other servers is utter hogwash. There is a far more insidious type of transfer happening…

Free transfers are not the problem! The freedom to choose suitable substitutes in an economic basket of alternatives is the problem.

The sooner everyone accepts the truth, the sooner we can stop the horrid EFFECTS that cannibalism is reeking on our community.

For the love of all that is holy… close this thread or merge this thread with the others on this topic.

When someone repeatedly spams recruitment messages in WvW it is exactly the same level of aggressive advertising that gold sellers use in LA. Your failure to see that is astounding and laughable.


We need MORE events like Breakout, not less.

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Less events…

They just need to make lower tier servers more attractive instead of bandwagoners who jump to T1/2 wrecking balances.


T1/T2, stop recruiting in lower servers.

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


4 threads on this single whining topic. can you read the other threads before posting please? we dont need this many threads on people recruiting. it’s not illegal, not immoral, not cheating. people can play the game however they want… if they want to recruit or leave. who can tell them they cant?

spamming =/= playing

I find it funny you would defend someone aggressively advertising like a gold seller.


How to make 1 glob of ectoplasm, into stacks!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I still completely fail to see how this is creating wealth from nothing, at least anymore so than crafting rares and creating more wealth by salvaging than you paid for the materials.

To the cold, cold hand of the market … there is zero difference between using wheelbarrows of existing mats to make a 2s profit vs using a handful of special mats to make a 20s profit. Both are “stuff goes in … profit comes out.”

ANet though have to consider “risk vs reward”, much like a casino. If a casino put a new slot machine in that was basically guaranteed to give the player money, the casino would flip the kitten out and have that sucker shut down instantly. In their minds there is probably a set “win” percentage, or profit amount that they feel is acceptable.

Because you can throw some t5’s in and come out slightly ahead? That won’t really be on their radar … you’re making a small profit that will be negated instantly if the price of ectos drops a little or the cheapest t5 mats get used up, or more ANets style, a string of bad RNG.

Ding!, why can’t the economy 101 kids in here get this.

Because it is poorly worded. And it makes an apples and oranges argument. LDO.


Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Anet just needs to quit being cheap and get some Oceanic servers going.

They’re the issue…


why so much QQ about zergs?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


My problem with zergs is not so much losing to them. It is that the zerglings do not learn valuable tactics.

On my server, we have a minority of players who lay siege weapons down to defend, who upgrade stuff.

People just run around pew pewing and not contributing to the team in effective manners sometimes.


Carnivorous Appetite is bugged

in Ranger

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I was farming with my ranger today and noticed that crits weren’t healing my pet at all.

Anyone else having issues with this?

I didn’t see discussions elsewhere.


Entire economy pegged to Ectoplasm price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


The question i would like to ask you is: Does this bother some people because its nearly impossible to manipulate the ecto market?

Just a thought.

Really? Some people must not have made hundreds of gold on recent jewellery exploit, through exploits. Some ohters will not make extra hundreds more when ecto prices rises again?

You have a weird definition of exploit.

Please, do define your definition of exploit.

Extracurricular activity involving the usage of bugs/glitches. This was no bug or glitch, but oversight by devs.


How to make 1 glob of ectoplasm, into stacks!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Players routinely get extravalue out of items by playing the TP market. By your definition they would be exploiters when in reality they’re not.

That’s what I tried to say in my post. Thanks for shorten it.

Except, these players are in fact removing gold from the economy due to the TP fees.

Which has nothing to do with players, but rather what the developers put into place.


How to make 1 glob of ectoplasm, into stacks!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


From my blog post:
“The Guild Wars 2 economy (and virtually every other economy in the same vein) is not designed to have any loop that involves creating value for no cost.”

“Exploits are mostly generated by a mistake on our end and are really hard on players. When an exploit is discovered, players are tempted to participate by the draw of becoming wealthy and out of fear of being left behind the massively wealthy players who do participate. We take a harsh stance on exploiters because this decision should be easy: find an exploit, report the exploit and move on. It isn’t worth the risk to the player or the game.”

That is a rather overreach of using the term “exploit”.

Exploiting is used more to describe finding a bug or glitch in a game and using it to one’s advantage in some fashion. Like people finding their way into or around “physical” walls in WvW to kill lords from a place their entirely safe from other players.

This recipe was no bug. It was a brain fart. There was no extracurricular activities that players used to do this process. There’s a difference.

The outcome sucks for people who did not do this. I didn’t.

Players routinely get extravalue out of items by playing the TP market. By your definition they would be exploiters when in reality they’re not.


Are you afraid of 1v1?

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


If you are looking for 1v1 in WvW it probably means you are afraid of sPvP. Because WvW is not about micro pvp.


Break out event has to change!

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


They should only be for your own home borderland tbh.


How to make 1 glob of ectoplasm, into stacks!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Let’s see… an item that can be salvaged to return more than it cost to make? That sounds like an exploit to me if only because of the effect that something like this can have on the game’s economy.

Exploiting =/= oversight on devs part.


Entire economy pegged to Ectoplasm price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


The question i would like to ask you is: Does this bother some people because its nearly impossible to manipulate the ecto market?

Just a thought.

Really? Some people must not have made hundreds of gold on recent jewellery exploit, through exploits. Some ohters will not make extra hundreds more when ecto prices rises again?

You have a weird definition of exploit.


12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


A question for our friends over at Mag. Last night there were a group of 8-10 of you running between Speldan and Anz in YBBL. Every one of you had some sort of perma ghost buff that made you glow translucent blue while running and fighting…and you were hard as heck to kill. None of us on the receiving end of your punishment could seem to figure out what buff or elixir that was. Care to enlighten us?

Speldan and Anz in YB BL? wut?

I think the transparent blue w/e is a display glitch. Seen it on YB and EB people randomly.


12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Me or Nut?

