Lol u can solo the last boss with pretty much any class, just change the traits a bit for some condi cleansing. I did it with zerk tempest and thief is super easier to solo everything, just trait invigorating precision and use vault to dodge attacks. Easy af.
Lol this video does the opposite of what the OP intended…dps is really bad and having bgdm on cleave makes it a lot more funny. Why would have it on cleave anyway, dps on prides? lul
IWhen i was hunting the heart i literally killed cairn about 10 times in a week. Finally ive figured what to do.
1)I played a minstrel chrono so i never get downed no matter what. U can play something tanky generally.
2)Play selfishly so u don’t miss greens. Everytime i lost the heart was because i was rezzing some1. I still feel bad about ignoring downed but it was one run out of the countless.
Tbh most people dont get the heart not because of missing mechanics but because they forget to activate it xD.
I cry internally.
This post remings of a similar one where someone was dying in SW cause he was standing near poisoned outpost, then raged on the forums and quit the game.
Hot aint that hard, u just need to get used to actually not afking and spamming 111111.
Core tyria is way too easy and spoils the playerbase thus HoT seems hard. As for the new zones it takes some time to navigate them but after that u will realize they aren’t that complex (except TD).
Go get em! Oh forgot to mention, atm there’s nothing more rewarding than playing a good chrono. From training runs to high Li runs there’s always a spot for a chrono which is a nice opportunity to get into groups without much hassle. So try getting really good at it and you will see the results!
It’s meant to be fun but it was never meant to be convenient. I mean let’s be real here, if u played the meta-events b4 the QoL patch last year you wouldnt complain now.
Back then even the rewards were gated behind participation AND u had to com plete the meta just to shop from a vendor. I usually had to do dragonstand 2-3 times to complete a specialization collection cause the vendor was locked.
It’s not very accurate but raid lfg is the most populated channel after fractals and the only time it’s empty is when people stop to go for reset fractals.
Another thing to mention is that u don’t really see raiders complaining about it. True some arguments were raised about how ez w4 is but no1 filled the forums with complain threads either here or on reddit. It is a suprising contrast with whats happening on other mode threads which reflects their appeal to the target-playerbase and how good the raid development team is performing.
Guards in fractals are really good and there’s really no downside to having 2 guards. Just like having 2 temp or any other dps class for that matter.
The critical part of t4 fractals is that the support and utility are covered.That means the druid and chrono have to perform otherwise the dps classes wont be able to perform comfortably.
better watch dulfy, videos of every fight with detailed explanation, tactis, class roles etc
Its nerfing time, even if u have a rev in a meta group, other classes dont sacrifice anything to give out boons. With 2 mesmers cc really strong. On the other hand rev is the one sacrificing boons to keep up the dps cause if u upkeep boons there’s no chance to proc equillibrium.
As you said end game stuff with rev is viable but a lot of people go for the best option possible and rev has lost it’s edge in the current meta.Let\s not beat around the bush.
It’s as lot better to use the sigil oif concentration from the start and test it on the golem till you hit your rotation. It is way too efficient to bypass it. Can be difficult when starting but half an hour on the golem and u will be fine. Generally builds without that sigil limit you stat-wise and utility-wise.
If some1 likes solo play/dungeons/fractals rev is decent.
If u are running with a group of random classes rev is usefull for providing the basic boons (might/fury/swiftness/protection). If u dont have a chrono in the group rev becomes more powerful since u have your own quickness as well and u are covering most of the cc.
If u are running with a meta group rev is rendered completely useless. CC is covered, all of the above boons are covered and rev frankly cant keep up with the dps of meta classes.
This is how the class is atm, a lot of people have fun with it, other people have abandoned it.
If you arent into end game stuff and min/maxing just play w/e you like and you should do just fine.
A fine solution is to give mesmer 30k benchmark so we can stop tanking kitten . Enough with tanking, i HAD IT. No more tanks. You know what? Just remove tanking from game.
I also want a sandwhich. A big sandwhich cause im kitten jungry.
They didnt have to make rune swapping happen,in the end it’s all about the skin.
Same goes for leg weapons. Most people who raid regularly already have almost every profession geared in asc armor with multiple sets. Although swapping runes is convenient, it wont have the major impact that people make it out to be.
I will be crafting my own soon enough but tbh evert toon i have is geared fully so its only for the skin.
Wasting 3 hours? Really? I’ve been raiding for a year and never experienced that even though im pugging all my clears. Can people that don’t raid stop making ignorant comments?
Sorry but everytime i see a thread like this it feels like someone is just salty about necro state and wants to vent.
So it’s official. Only way to get legendary armor will be by doing pve. No random drop in wvw or anywhere else- it’s go dance around some stupid pve boss mechanic, execute your toon’s dance correctly and collect your reward.
So those that probably almost never change their build will have the armor that would be most useful in wvw…
If only I could face repeating the same gimmick mechanics 1000 times whilst trying not to fall asleep from the sheer boredom of it all I’d be working on some legendary armor.
I will laugh at the first person I see wearing it in wvw. But then, as an Anet guy once said, all us wvw’rs are really pve’rs in disguise anyway…
Baldrik no its not official, it HAS BEEN OFFICIAL for the past 2 years.
So why are u crying now?
at least on the first phase the dmg spikes u take are eithre from agony or reflects. Using reflects on cairne is suicide.
More AI in dungeons would bring more bugs into an already bugged scenario.
“What makes this game great to me is the possibility to get the best gear/rewards in the game doing whatever I want to”
U can only get ascenson through pvp..
U can only get ad infinitumthrough fractals.
U can only get legendary armour through raids.
Guess what u can’t do whatever u want to if u want specific rewards. Case in point your argument is invalid at best and it’s driven by frustration, not logic. IQ has reached new lows.
so yeah…NA is basically always 3rd when you compare NA to EU and the Asians
Bruh. EG is why NA Doto is best doto. No cares about your SC2 and CS:GO scene (jk csgo ftw). Mah boi RTZ is a legend. He’s gonna win a Tea Eye this year. I can’t say for gw2 but regardless of who’s better there will always be bad players for both sides. Chances of meeting people that are decent rises as you climb up the ladder. I wouldnt compare things in terms of regions cause both regional servers are diverse cause every1 around the world has to pick 1 of these 2 regions to play on. Regions don’t determine quality of matches at least in gw2.
RTZ finally achieving his dream of being black?
Over the course of time story mode has become a meme rather than a point of discussion.
Going by the game’s logic a glider drop from bosses wouldnt be anywhere near good store gliders, which means most people wouldnt even use them to begin with. And the rest of the people that have it will all be gliding around with the same kitten glider instead of the default kitten glider.
Let’s be real, this is never gonna happen.
Im not seeing anymore of my favourite character as well. RIP Tybalt.Im so salty right now.
From all the games i’ve watched over the years EU usually has the edge, not because of pure skill but because populations are higher and it’s easy for teams to find good scriming partners. People tend to underestimate how important that is. NA has skilled players but in a lot of games teams become stagnant without having a strong opponent to practice with.
I guess i’m talking more about e-sports but the same works for any ranked matchmaking system.
(edited by zoomborg.9462)
Dont worry about Oldirtbeard man, he’s just venting his anger cause power necro is trash.
" we have never had a chance , for our reasons, to actually play them". So u want anet to cater to your specific reasons? Everyone has specific reasons not to play raids wether its time or effort yet people who want to raid do it all the same. Stop making excuses and go raid if u really want it.
Sorry i had to do it…
Most importantly the dungeon experience has been nerfed greatly since the expansion. Bosses cant keep up with the dps of a strong group, some people 3=man them to make it a bit more challenging and keep it interesting but that just shows how outdated they are.
Rev is at an extreme state at the moment… It’s super good in a random group with no specific set up and completely useless on an organized “meta” group.
For fractals u basically do 2 things. Clear mobs fast/Burst bosses fast. A non support power mesmer or condi mesmer sucks at both.
There u have it.
This started as a normal thread and turned into “Anet give us ez raid mode cause raids are hard and i struggle”.
….gold is so easy to amass in this game…just play efficiently and u can have the gold for a glider combo really fast. Besides they would never make a glider cool enough to compete with the gem store ones otherwise it defeats the purpose of selling gliders for gems altogether.
Dont talk about fight club.
Babyrage incoming.
Tbh u can just make one magi set for both. And afterwards u can make a condi set for variety. Zerk set for druid can be good at certain encounters but it is not necessary.
If u cant find groups for fractorals in lfg there’s something wrong…
Gs camping mesmer isnt even a build…Its a meme.
Umm if u are playing solo rev open world etc and u are not switching between shiro/glint for quickness u deserve #headbutt irl.
I get the OP’s frustration and agree that the current system isn’t the best.
That being said, I think Anet may have given us the escort event as a way to work around this gate. The escort really is about the same difficulty level as the average dungeon path, can easily be finished with a group of pugs without voice in less time that it takes to do an Arah path. Just join a silent escort run, figure out who is running the turrets and who is protecting Glenna, and watch for the back wargs. That’s it. No complicated mechanics or team co-ordination necessary. Do it once, and the reward track is open and problem solved.
No man it’s too hard, we need ez mode anet plis.
If a comm assigns a thief on green circles the best solution is to beat the comm irl.
As things stand right now there is no reason to use anything but chronotank. Its way too efficient atm. Ofc u can tank with anything but it’s a rare sight these days.
Two ways to change it are :
1) Make tanking braindead so classes can do full rotations while tanking without needing to dodge or kite or anything.
2) Increase chrono dps by a lot so it actually loses dps potential when tanking.
Both options are terribad tbh. Feels like we hit a wall….
I think subli confused “target” with “cleave” on bsdm,
Easier classes are filled easily and aren’t on demand, the best way to get into raids is sink or swim. Take war or condi ranger for example. These rolls are usually filled within seconds after the lfg appears.
I tried to practice my cps last week and couldnt get in a single group cause everyone already had 2.
For open world,wvw zerging necro.
For instanced content, roaming wvw thief is hands down better.
Generally being tanky in pve doesnt yield any advantage after u get comfortable with the game so necro loses it’s edge then and thief becomes better.
As a person who pugged 99% from 1 to 200 li i have some really important advice to make your life easier.
1) Start is gonna be really slow so be patient. Farming basically everything except Mat, Xera, Deimos, mb SAB. Basically you join w/e u can on lfg and hope for the best.Especially on weekends groups dont tend to ask for a lot of LI but a lot of groups will fail at clearing bosses cause…weekends.
2) If u can buy a tag and make your own groups. It makes a world of difference.
3) Learn to play Chrono tank like it is a second nature.It will net u entry not only in statics groups, but generally groups with higher Li than u got.
(edited by zoomborg.9462)
Open world is hard and i struggle with its difficulty.