Showing Posts For supvil.3470:

Is there going to be a Pro league??

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


every league in GW2 is casual league so i suggest to change the thread title to "Is there going to be a Casual league??

My suggestion for continuum split xD

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


As someone who plays mesmer from time to time aswell i agree with this change.

I refuse to play any other mode than ranked!

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Just to give you an idea: these are the games i played today. 1 close loss due to 1 guy being dced from the start + 1 afker half off the match untill he realized it was actually winnable. You know that sapphire mentality …

Most of the games where blowout wins as u can see. So no its not more challenging…

Edit: before you start making excuses (as u usually do) saying i got lucky/carried or w/e. Second screenshot gives you an idea of my impact on the games.

I agree; been winning like that all day aswell.

Ugh cant wait untill the season starts again.

will ranked pvp help me?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Oh really, well I don’t know I don’t talk to a lot of internet people. Most of them turn out to be trolls, pathological liars, or schizophrenic so yea my bad. I don’t take back what I said though he really is blabbering.

He is actually right tho. Ive read your post history about “MMR hell”. You are writing these somewhat bitter posts to vent your anger due to your lack of succes during the season.

Quite childish to be honest.

will ranked pvp help me?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Duh by my name… or am I the only one who uses their real name on here……I’d feel really weird using a girls name if I was a guy but that might just be me >.<

Its the internet barely anyone uses their real name.

What makes mesmers so tanky?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


As a thief player, I noticed that even when I figure out which mesmer is real and get a clean backstab, the damage is severely weakened compared hitting to other classes like warrior or ranger.

When I backstab a mesmer, it honestly feels like im hitting a bunker guardian. What’s reducing my damage? It wasn’t protection I double checked.

If you hit him during block or if he dodges your attack he gets a phantasmal defender. Phantasmal defenders redirect 50% of the dmg taken to them.

will ranked pvp help me?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


^ This guy just called me a guy so you know he’s SUPER confused. Also hes been stalking and trolling me all day… must not have anything better to do…..Ignore his blabbering.

How can he know if youre a guy or a girl?

Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


I guess. But then we’d have gold for pips even more so than now as lower amber players could get ‘power leveled’ quite a bit easier than now that way.

Instead of people complaining about how it is currently, everyone would just complain they bought there way up or a friend leveled them up.

Risky for the high MMR/ division player tho. Theyd lose a lot of MMR / pips if they lose.

Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


In a perfect world it could be an even match up but people are people and abuse the system. So we have to make do.

If you make the pip gains based on indidual MMR / division this type of abuse is gone. Just like there is no MMR abuse in wow anymore.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


I agree with Celeras.

If a legendary groups with an amber it should be beneficial to their opponents, not to them. Pretty simple.

Its should not be benefitial to anyone… it should be an even matchup. Thats the entire idea behind matchmaking.

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Oh I stopped trying weeks ago it’s not happening. Could I have? Who knows. I went Thursday to Thursday without gaining a single pip (win 2 lose 2 mmr nonsense). That’s all I’ll do in league until they split solo from group.

Up untill higher % diamond/ legend teams have a real impact. Untill then its just you and your excuses.

Maybe you just dont belong up there. Maybe youre not good enough to get past ruby?

U know what ill do….illl do it without Hot on this account.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Well, Im half my way to legend and more than 90% of my matches are soloq, being the other ones matches with guildies that makes me lose more than win, and matches with ppl of the same division. Also, as said before on this post, Leeto is the twitch evidence (seems you cant believe ppl saying they got to diamond without exploits) that you can get to diamond without cheating

And leeto isnt even that good lol.

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Your diamonds are no indication of skill, no offense.

Be honest, youre just jealous. You know there are plenty of legit players at diamond. All you need is a win % that is above 50%. Thats all.

Everything is better than core build

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


No need to play HOT builds kids,


Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Seriously guy? I know what WoW does. Personal rating was implemented to combat people constantly jumping teams. It did nothing to resolve smurfing, players just formed new teams and steamrolled through the lower ranks. Not to mention that there IS NO SOLO QUEUE in WoW rated arena.

It’s not a difficult concept.

-The current system: Rewards the legendary for playing with a smurf, negatively impacts the entire other team. +1, -5.

-Locuz’s asinine system: Punishes the legendary for playing with a smurf, still negatively impacts the other team. -6.

-My proposed solution: “Punishes” the legendary only in the sense that they have to carry their own teammate they voluntarily partied with, and positively impacts the other team. “-1” if you want to call it that, +5.

Go on and tell me what is better for the game.

1] Wow only has personal ratings now. Kinda like GW2. So forming new teams does nothing. The system matches u vs the average of your teams MMR to match you accordingly + rewards you based on your own personal rating vs the teams average.

Even before that people didnt make new teams and steamroll through ranks. Matchmaking was based on MMR. So we would face teams with similar MMR from game 1. Your team would climb fast untill the average MMR.

2] GW2 has no soloq either. The Ladder in system in wow is comparable. Soloq in GW2 is comparable with queueing with randoms from tradechat.

3] So if a legendary groups up with 4 players during their first day of playing, you would match them with the abjured TCG or … ? Since thats what youre saying.

Locuz system doesnt impact the other team at all. They are players who are on the average of the teams MMR/div. They are facing both stronger and weaker opponents but on average the same as them. They will gain pips accordingly. The only thing it negatively impacts is the legendary.

Yes ofcourse your system is great for the other team. They get pips as if the entire team was legendary while 4 of them where amber.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Suggestion on how you fix smurfing

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Dont worry about it Locuz. That Celeras guy makes no sense.

He basicly wants to get rewarded for fighting a legendary + amber as if they are two legendaries. Since 1 legendary in your team automatically means your entire team is up to par with that right?

MMR is not working

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Well, sorry but now I can see why you think matchmaking is broken. That right there is a testament to how little you understand your class and its strengths in its current state.

Condi mesmers in PvP is a very very dreaded matchup, and power mesmers are well-rounded and incredibly valuable if played right for any team.

He is right tho. Condi mesmers are actually absolutely kitten in rated pvp.

Its a pure wvw roaming/troll spec. Where the extra condi damage from gear, consumables and wvw specific buffs make it that they actually do enough damage to kill someone with proper condi clears.

The only condi builds that do work in pvp nowdays are either builds with condi burst like burn guard or condi with lots of sustain like DD ele. Where condi burst works like a regular power burst prof and sutain needs t be able to sustain on point, to keep it capped.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Need help playing thief

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


You won’t decap it, again i said decent opponent’s,what will happen is you will pull them to the point and break to another point, this leaves you starved of initiative. Or you blown your shadow step, either way your easy enough to pick off.

Decapped vs plenty of top tier opponents.

Pull to point -> restealth -> opponent is forced to sit on point a bit since he has nfc where i am. Once he sees im fighting at mid again (for example) he can break off. Or ill wait and keep restealthing untill he thinks im gone again and decap after.

Decent opponents you say? I played pretty much everyone thats considered “decent”. I played these mindgames as thief at the top of the MMR/ladder since day 1 pretty much.

There is a reason that i win 60% of my rated games (while queueing solo), while some other ppl win 45% for example (your winratio during last ladder season)

(edited by supvil.3470)

Need help playing thief

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


they can’t rotate far to backcap (by the time the defender is down, he will have reinforcments,)


You leave far alone if there is a set defender camping it. If someone is in between as someone suggested u can try a decap and run : forcing that defender to sit and recap it while you go back to help mid or +1 another fight.

Unless that defender is a fast win for you in 1v1.

What is a normal "top stats" : game ratio?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


I think having twice as much top stats as games is quite nomal with the abbundance of top stats awarded per game.


(edited by supvil.3470)

Will they turn dishonourable

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Back on come HoT. Or will we enjoy the free for all afking / leaving etc once again in this glorious new expansion?

9 losses in a row tonight

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Does match making deliberately try to keep you at a 50% win ratio, because every time I approach 50% I start losing multiple games in a row, and start getting teams of 1-3 people that are under lvl 80.

Its funny how ppl assume level has anything to do with experience.

Last 2 weeks ive played on a lvl 7 thief with starter gear on. Yet ive played 8000+ rated games in total and spend most of my time in the top 200.

Sometime u play vs someone with a second account or an alt character.

When u look at this screen it shows how at first ppl where making fun of me. Telling me to level first, or go unranked. Another guy asked me if it was my first time playing thief in pvp.

4 minutes later where i dominated the opposing team in one of my best games as thief so far. With multiple 1v2s etc…

All of a sudden i get all the praise and ppl tell me how amazing i was.


(edited by supvil.3470)

Wow That Prize Pool from $50K to $400K

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


This reminds me of my ex gf. I ended up giving her more and more money. While she appreciated it, it didnt really improve our relationship and we ended up breaking up.

They shouldve used a big part of that price pool to hire devs and promoters that have experience creating/building an esport scene.

Still No New Gamemodes?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


New game mode there will be for sure, but a new spvp structure is more important now.

If you insert a new gamemode in a bad structure the final result could be very bad.

Do you honestly expect them to make a succesfull gamemode and pvp structure? After all these years of GW2 development they didnt show any potentioal in terms of pvp development.

They are super arrogant and prefer to reinvent the wheel over using stuff that has proven to be succesfull in other games.

Its just not going to happen….unless they start to see the light and hire ppl that have a solid background in pvp development.

Still No New Gamemodes?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Low budget game….youre expecting too much.

Most Engis Wins

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Are you talking about hotjoins>?


in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Actually, there is one good thing about having skyhammer in solo queue- it makes me stop playing. If it wasn’t in the rotation I would probably just play all day.

And i stopped spending money on this game. Why would i if that money is used for projects like skyhammer.

Engies are breaking sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Then you are the best player in the world if you never lose to an engi on point. Or I play only vs very bad eles.

Judging by your account you only play a select number of classes. Maybe if you tried some engi for yourself youll see that its not as easy as make it sound vs good DD or staff eles.

Engies are breaking sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


You have the huge experience from ~ 80 games in soloQ. Maybe play some more to judge engis on point.

Main account has a bit more

(edited by supvil.3470)

Engies are breaking sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


LOL, Everything I said is the truth. Your only hard counter is Necro, Ele vs Engi is pretty even. But there’s no point in continuing this argument with you, saying that engis go even with mesmers it’s a nice joke lol. If you lose to a mes on a point you just got out played hard. Mesmer has no condi removal, just auto attacks from pistol procs IP and mes dies. if you lose to a condi ranger you’re just bad. I know engi is op, and everybody elses knows it too. You can argue all you want, but the truth is engis is OP and has been OP for ages.

- meta staff ele is actually in favour of the ele.
- cant remember the last time i lost an on point fight as DD ele vs a non turret engie. If they dont have crate ready they are 100% dead regardless off the build.
- mesmer should not fight on point…..youre a burst class and not meant to fight on point untill you start your burst rotation.

So kill the engi while kiting his dmg -> capture the node -> profit.

Problem is that you want to have AND some of the best burst dmg in the game AND as much sustain as anyone else when fighting on point. You dont seem to get that that would be broken as kitten.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Engies are breaking sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Lol don’t bringing kitten t e r s boards into this plz, everybody knows they’re broken.

There u go …play the blame game again.

Its never your fault. Its always the system, that other class, lagg, your mother who enters your room etc etc.

Engies are breaking sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


As someone who is literally playing every single class in the game on my main account…

Id say the OP is both biased and tunnelvisioning something HE struggles with. Mesmer is actually quite decent vs engi unless the engi is condi + gets a good condiburst off.

But tbh after 10.000 soloq games where u arent able to maintain top 100/200 on an incredibly weak NA ladder (where everyone outside the top 50 is literally on par with hotjoiners) I would probably be frustrated and start blaming outside factors aswell. Or maybe i wouldnt …. I think its the main reason why youre struggling.

Dont get me wrong engis are good. But its a pretty equal fight vs a lot of meta builds.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Ready Up teaser

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


I remember a preview…

Is this something that will be incoming before 2016?


in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


The issue with pvp in GW2 is that it lacks depth in some cases. To increase the influx of quality pvpers (guys that are the building blocks of your pvp game) you need to increase depth and skillfull play.

Skyhammer like one shots are the direct opposite of what this game needs.

Dominating on skyhammer is far to easy…even with the changes. Look at this screenshot from my main account from a few mins ago. Yes it was 5v5 all the way…and we even had prince vingador (so it was basicly 5v4 in their favour).



in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


If good players get 1 shotted on Skyhammer, than they are not good.

You look at good players, Euratien and Stunningstyles. They are not getting 1 shotted. They are the ones doing the 1 shots.

Why? Because they know how to make builds, the people being 1 shotted are bad players who are using meta builds that aren’t meta on skyhammer which allows them to be 1 shotted by good players who know how to play the game and change there builds so they can skillfully play on a map like Skyhammer and skillfully 1 shot newbs into ragemode.

Why does Skyhammer need to be on WTS? So newbs can copy meta Skyhammer builds, which today there are none in existence, but if they see what the best use on Skyhammer, they’ll do a lot better copying there builds.

You need to get your facts straight.

You dont seem to get it.

1 shots are never good.

I dominate on skyhammer….i dont hate it because i die on it. I hate it because one shotting ppl isnt a fun way to kill someone. It doest feel like you achieved something when u pull someone down during a clusterkitten.

How good am I?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Should be something to prevent early fast rank gains, even if its an artificial cap of some sort. Because people who win a few in a row get thrown way over there head.

Everyone sees that besides that devs.

You can literally grab 3 random strangers off the street and theyll see it….and the devs dont.

The entire point of an MMR system is to seperate vets from new players. Placing those together will create frustration and hatred. Anet doesnt seem to care.

(edited by supvil.3470)

How good am I?

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


In this game u dont know.

The settings for rated play are so loose that new players will literally get thrown in to top rated games within their first 3 games. I can mention several low budget f2p games that have better rated gameplay modes and settings.

2 secs ago a game with

1 x thief with 200 ach points + never been on the leaderboards + faboying over “omgash they have cheese mode player”.

1 x ele that died vs the cleave dmg of the engi i was fighting …while i was winning my 1v1 vs that same engi. His max rank was 700, while im top 40

1 x necro that sat afk on home all game while shouting ill ping if need help. He had 18 games played in total and was max rank 600.

Its so bad….u cant even name it rated play.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Opinion from a dota player

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Nope, we do not need Dota or LoL player opinion ( i know, your clicking ability is beyond godlike). all we need is WoW player Opinion or different MMORPG player opinion, i heard blizzard gonna launch Warlords of Draenor, any news on whats in that content is? prolly some Pve content right.

I gave my opinion a lot (on this and my main acc) and im probs the most experienced wow player on these boards (plz correct me if im wrong).

Its not about the pve content. Its about in what manner they changed the combat flow. Stuff like rotations, new abbilities, new maps, new implementations of pvp variations is what does matter.

What did they do with the advice of veteran pvpers like myself…etc etc.

Same applies to Anets GW2. The main focus points should be:

- build up and depth of combat: meta builds should be deep and interesting to play. If you dont have that youll will lose a big group of players who couldve been the building blocks of a real proper esports scene (like my old teammates).
- readability of micro gameplay: pulling of a quality “move” should be noticeable for everyone who has a bit of experience with the game. Especially in a game that evolves around reflexes we should have more moments in top tier tournaments where the audience can enjoy the “woah did he just do that” highlights.
- A solid competetive system that makes people play more, push for higher ratings and get rewarded for it when they do. At this moment we have a system that rewards everyone equally which means ppl getting bored. There is no incentive to play more for a relatively big group of players. And dont get me started about placing totally new players in the same games as top 20 players with 10k+ games under their belt.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Serious question

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Well I would rather wait longer and have a good match…

Whenever you lose you always seem to think that the problem is your teammates. Waiting longer wouldnt solve that.

Turret Engi ruins SPVP

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Amen infantry.

The game is moving to a state where minigames have more depth than some builds. It scares good players away and keeps players that treat pvp for what it is…a minigame. Something you play once in a blue moon.

Learn to rotate from Top Players*STARTING NOW

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


“Learn to rotate and play from Top Players”

Does this mean youre moving to EU backpack? :o


in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


What needs to happen is on the WTS finals, this map needs to be played, so everyone can copy the meta builds for Skyhammer and with that people will have a build to play on Skyhammer.

And yes, I’m perfectly fine with a good player running all over the map and not die, it rewards skills, unlike the other bland maps where you can be a terrible player and still win.

More maps like Skyhammer please!
There should be a PvP map with 90% of the map being glass panels. It would bring more fun back into PvP, because right now its just too serious, theres no fun in PvP, just seriousness and games that focus on seriousness over fun don’t end up well.

I dont think you understand what the issue is. Good players dont like this map. Any sort of 1 shot means no build up, which means no skillfull play.

We want to win because we outplayed someone. Not because we one shot someone by pulling him down a hole.

Nagrand arena in wow used to have tornados. Blizzard found out that competetive players didnt like gimicky elements in their arenas. So they removed it.

Bigger / more succesfull company knows when they need to adapt.

(edited by supvil.3470)

Serious question

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Ive played with the OP before….and even if he plays with and vs top 50 players (guys that will always be higher rated than he is) he will spam chat how he is getting matched with new players or pveers.

His behaviour is also known as the dunning Kruger effect:

“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias manifesting in two principal ways: unskilled individuals tend to suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate, while highly skilled individuals tend to rate their ability lower than is accurate. In unskilled individuals, this bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude.”

Typical behaviour that is widespread amongst lower rated individuals.

(edited by supvil.3470)

ESL Prize Money Discrimination

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


The US ladders are a lot easier anyway so it should award less imo.


in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Right. But since the game’s population is so small, it can’t be like that unless people are okay with queues taking 10 or more minutes to pop.

Higher rated usually means longer waiting times….but not in GW2. As long as the lower rated dude (who started playing today) waits in queue for a while he might end up in matches with or against top 10 players. Top 10 players that get close to insta pop vs that same guy.

Whats wrong with having a wow like system…where u have to queue during certain hours as higher rated player.


in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


The matchmaking actually works fine. The problem is a lot of you don’t check for your human inability to see the big picture and focus way too much on individual matches that go poorly.

The matchmaking would be fine if…

The population was big enough. If rated matches meant “games with and against ppl within a 100/200 MMR range of your own”.

SPVP broken stuck in a loop

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Can get in but cant pvp. Tried to get to a pvp for 30 mins….once i got back in i got in queue and im still in q. For about 15-20 mins. Seems bugged

error 19:9:19:1718:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: supvil.3470


Yup same problem here

PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


Depends what class you played.

And on what continent.

On the NA servers the group of (semi) decent players is so small that almost everyone who somewhat tries to pvp gets in to the top 100/200 with ease.

f2p to become popular PvP game

in PvP

Posted by: supvil.3470


3.) There are better ways to increase pvp population.

There is no budget….since only a handfull of ppl play pvp. They whont do kitten untill the pop increases by itself. If it doesnt they will let it slumber like they did the last 2 years.