Tarnished Coast
Tarnished Coast
Weird, I used skill #3 yesterday night to run through the air pockets and it worked. I noticed however that I got a single stack of stability every second.
Tarnished Coast
As for threat generation we have no idea about that, however this Taunt is a CONDITION and will act as such.
A quick note: Taunt is not a condition, but a status effect, much like Revealed, quickness and so on. Thus it will most likely not act as a condition (e.g. being affected by condition removal or condition duration), but might be affected by stun duration.
Tarnished Coast
But guys, we fixed fractal weapons drop rates.
But guys, Final rest IS dropping from Behemot.
But guys there’s virtually no DR active on any given day.You get the idea.
They did. My wife and I have gotten almost 10 fractal skins between us (all different) in the past two weeks from lvl 19, 29, 38, and 49s (we try to run 3 a day when I’m home).. I got final rest last week from SB. So, yeah, I might actually believe them when they say that DR isn’t really active on any given day.
And I was in lab for 6-8 hours straight (read: constant) the first night and never hit DR.
Miku is referring to events in the past where Anet stated something was working properly, only to have another patch later down the line actually fixing the problem.
Tarnished Coast
There was one time I was doing AC p1 at boss someone called for stacking so we all stacked at the fgs location. Then I saw the boss was about to fire its beam and it was still 900 range away. So I dodged away while the rest of them wiped by that beam 1 sec later insisting not leaving the stack. One of them started to complain about me not stacking resulting for the wipe, while the truth is I will be dead too if I didn’t dodge away… I think the term “stack” has become a rule that some just follow it like a bible regardless of any situation. They stack right in front of the killing beam and don’t think it’s wrong.
The Champion Icebrood Wolf at the beginning of CoE, when pulled without first triggering its attack, provides some sweet pug moments I can never get enough of.
Tarnished Coast
Seems to me you put more thought into your ranger list. Your thief list is all over the place, with cons listed as pros etc. Here are my thoughts:
@bad condi clean:
Try Signet of Agility, and since you like the mobility, having Shadowstep on your bar can get you an additional cleanse (3 conditions). As stated above, you can also go for condition removal on stealth, but that’s up to you. To be honest, I feel more at a loss trying to cleanse conditions off my ranger without resorting to passive effects.
@bad for events because of the 900 range and Low HP
Shortbow’s bouncing auto-attack, Clusterbomb and Choking Gas will allow you to easily tag way more mobs than your ranger can, in my opinion. Also, spamming Disabling Shot allows you to survive through mostly anything. As someone already mentioned, shortbow is where it’s at.
@no Spotter / Frost spirit / banners so what do I compensate with?
Blast finishers. Again, that’s on your shortbow. Blast them fire fields and make your team proud! And if you’re just roaming around, you don’t need any of those since mobs will be dead within seconds.
@loooow hp! // cannot facetank
Thieves have access to ludicrous amounts of blind and AoE blind. This renders pretty much any non champion/legendary grade enemy powerless. You can just sit there and keep them blinded, taking next to no damage.
I hope this helps you in figuring out thief a little better.
Tarnished Coast
I second the “start with the clovers” tip. Not only does it give you mats back, it’s also the one RNG part of making a legendary (unless you want to get your precursor from the Mystic Forge). I want as little RNG in my life as possible, so getting that out of the way feels good.
As for keeping track of your progress, I always used gw2legendary.com, although it’s not responding today. A quick search turned up this site as well, it looks pretty neat! http://gw2legends.net/ Using a site like that has the advantage of seeing current market prices for what you need!
Tarnished Coast
Furthermore, the person you’re responding to forgot about Shelter (same cd as shield block), and Guardian’s Focus Block (36s cd traited), the first one being actually infinite, and the second being effectively infinite when fighting a giant.
I purposefully did not include Shelter to stay with weapon skills only, but it is indeed my favorite healing skill!
And when in melee, you have other means of damage mitigation. You know, dodge? I’m not saying Shield Stance is bad, but there are worthwhile alternatives out there worth trying out.
Tarnished Coast
Shield warrior is OP, how many other infinite blocks for 3 seconds on 20ish seconds cooldown are out there?
Since you asked:
Shield Stance is a 3 second block on a 30 second cooldown.
Gear Shield is a 3 second block on a 20 second cooldown.
Counterattack is a 3 second* block on a 15 second cooldown.
Riposte is a 2 second* block on a 15 second cooldown.
*Works if you are not within melee range of an enemy.
While Counterattack and Riposte do not work exactly like Shield Stance does, it will accomplish the same thing in many scenarios, with the benefit of having a much shorter cooldown. This is one reason why it is worth considering using sword off-hand instead of shield.
Tarnished Coast
Aside from WvW, you can do anything you want with your friend even if you’re not on the same server. Just be in the same region (NA / EU).
Tarnished Coast
I confirm. I get them all the time from various lvl 80 exotic dungeon armor bought with tokens.
Tarnished Coast
Sorry guys, I’ve been busy and lost track of this.
@Hickeroar & Heapheaus: /age right now is 61 hours and 0 minutes!
@WvW comments: my tip here is to start early and check it out often. With servers changing colors more often, it’s not so hard to do one third of the map every week or so. I didn’t follow my own advice though and so I got stuck 98% completion for two weeks. I did go deep into enemy territory, but that’s because I’m a bit crazy.
A little cheap trick though: you can click on a waypoint once on your minimap and a confirmation message will pop up on your screen. It will stay there no matter where you go, so you can WP away quickly by clicking “Yes” at any time. Keep in mind though that the message goes away if you interact with a vista.
Tarnished Coast
- Do jumping puzzles (e.g. in Lion’s Arch) and use/sell loot until you at least have a cheap ranged weapon.
- Look here and start doing world events, pew pew’ing from a safe distance.
- Use/Sell the guarranteed rare you get + the loot from the chest.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 a few times.
- Enjoy being back on your feet. Continue doing world events, go to Cursed Shore or go to Edge of the Mists for easy karma, champion bags and badges.
Tarnished Coast
Your characters are saved on Anet’s servers. That’s why we can play from anywhere.
However, you will save yourself a lot of downloading time, if you copy your existing files to the new computer.
Coping the files just adds the basic game files to the new computer. You still need to install it and download everything else like updates and what not.
GW2 only stores files within its own directory (and screenshots in Documents). Copying the directory means you are copying the latest version of the game that you had.
OP, here’s how I move my GW2 install around:
1. On the new computer, download the GW2 installer from this website.
2. Start the install process until the point where the launcher starts downloading content (at the point where you can enter your login info and there’s a red progress bar at the bottom)
3. Exit the launcher.
4. Copy your GW2 install from your old computer to your new one (located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2).
5. Choose “Replace” for all file conflicts.
6. Launch the game again and let it figure things out.
7. Enjoy!
Tarnished Coast
About beacons:
Based off two existing features (finishers and influence participation rules), guilds could unlock finisher-like animations to be displayed at specific times during active play. These could appear…
In dungeons / fractals
- At a specific location at the end of a successful path/fractal
- Upon killing any champion and/or legendary type mob
In open world PvE
- Upon killing any champion and/or legendary type mob
- Upon completion of meta events
In WvW
- At captured sentries, camps and fortifications in some way (either a lingering effect or perhaps whenever the sentry or lord enters combat)
- As a lingering effect upon a dolyak’s death until it spawns again
In sPvP - Upon tournament win (I have no idea where it’d be displayed though)
In WvW and sPvP, this could take a different form like giving key NPCs a unique-looking model.
Triggering the animation
These animation would be displayed in a way inspired by the current influence rules; a set number of players would be required to trigger them. This has a major flaw in non-instanced areas, however. Perhaps the animation of the guild with the most member present upon event completion could be the one chosen.
Guilds could start out with a basic animation similar to the Guild Finisher and could upgrade its visuals or acquire new ones through different means, such as:
- Guild Reward Tracks covering all game modes, their progress being tied to completing content with multiple guild members (the same as the trigger rule above) and/or tied to completion of guild activities.
- Upgraded Guild Hall tiers, i.e. unlocking existing and future architecture/politics/etc. milestones
This rough idea requires a lot more thought. The one thing I want to underline here is to have players be active in the game in order to show off their guild’s progression. Doing a dungeon and realizing “Whoa! I’m actually running with a super sPvP guild tonight!” or being in WvW and hearing “Guild XYZ is at it again — we keep losing our yaks and camps!” (though this already happens) would be quite neat I believe.
edit: Please do not mind my username. I do have guild content’s interests at heart!
Tarnished Coast
As an Arah P2 solo noobie, I can only say the answers above are most accurate. One thing I’ll add:
2) You can use stability to ez mode through it. It can help you practice the interrupt without too much pressure. I did it with SYG! on guardian, but Balanced Stance should have a short enough cooldown (but don’t quote me on that).
Tarnished Coast
-However, if you’re clicking your skills, then it’s mostly pointless since by the time you reach down, click your teleport skill, aim it and fire it, your face will probably already be smashed.
I bind mine to the Mouse 5 side button on my mouse and disabling the option to see target reticle before activating skill. This means i can easily have a panic button to press whenever i needed it.
Of course, this is what I mentioned in that first part you left out. We are just talking about different clicking here; skill clicking more often than not refers to interacting with your skill bar with your mouse pointer.
Binding extra mouse keys to such things is indeed a very good thing to do!
Tarnished Coast
Dear adventurers,
I am one who always tries to come up with challenges in-game. Thanks to the new WvW match-up, I was able to get map completion without dying, a little challenge I came up with back in the days before the account wallet even existed. Notable foes were cliffs, a Veteran Risen Abomination’s charge in Caledon Forest, unseen holes in the floor (Stonemist Castle’s vista) and my every so reckless play style.
I am currently wondering what to try out next, and I would like to ask you: what do you do to challenge yourself?
I was thinking of doing something similar but without unlocking any weapon, but the recent changes to that make it hard to prove. Nevertheless, all input is welcome!
All the salad’y love,
Totalswag Salad*
*After trying this with ten characters with serious names, I found it easier to just get a silly name.
Tarnished Coast
-Teleportation is indeed situational. That’s why one can change skills between fights. (e.g. the Cliffside fractal has many spots where you can skip some of the scaffolding through clever aiming.)
- As mentioned above, many teleport skills are stun breakers, which lets you break stun and get out of the way. Normal stun breakers would often require to dodge right away to avoid an enemy’s following attack.
- I always advice players learning a new class to carry one of those on an easy to reach panic button key. However, if you’re clicking your skills, then it’s mostly pointless since by the time you reach down, click your teleport skill, aim it and fire it, your face will probably already be smashed.
- In the case of the thief’s Shadowstep skill, it’s basically a double stun breaker and triple condition remover on a 50 second cooldown. That’s a pretty good deal when you don’t know what you’re getting into content-wise.
Tarnished Coast
I’ve been soloing TA forward on thief and mesmer for a while now, and it works fine in duos as well. However, this will involve running past most of the mobs. The mesmer will do fine by chaining Veil, Mass Invisibility, The Prestige (torch #4) and Decoy. The ranger will have a bit of a harder time, but harpy feathers and using Greatsword’s block should allow you to make it out alive without much of a hassle. If anything, the mesmer can make it up ahead and portal the ranger if things go wrong.
Build-wise, just go for whatever you’re comfortable with. “Meta” builds work just fine, and keep in mind you can switch traits around between sections. The mesmer will want to bring focus reflects when dealing with archers and perhaps go deep into the Chaos line to get longer lasting stealth when skipping stuff.
For my first solo, I took some pointers from this video. I encourage you to look at a few, especially ones without stealth skips so you can see how people managed to get through sections. All in all, TA forward is a good place to start and learn to solo/duo since most encounters have blossoms which you can kill to rally.
Good luck!
Tarnished Coast
I got to watch some of the VODs of the last tournament, and I must say, I am genuinely excited to see what teams come up with this time around / post feature pack!
Tarnished Coast
I am not 100% certain, but I believe it means:
- The diving goggles should not require you to have to run through with different characters. Everything you do on different characters will advance the account-wide track. See poster above.
- The vista unlock concerns the NPE, where new players don’t see the vistas on their map right away. Once a player reaches the appropriate level to see them, all new character he or she creates should now be able to see them from level 1.
I have heard of many people being stuck at 37 too. It might have something to do with the bug listed on the wiki:
Sometimes, your character won’t go back to their normal outfit after a dive. This won’t contribute towards the achievement and can be almost impossible to resolve
Tarnished Coast
Dear OP,
For the longest time your colleagues over in the Straits of Devastation have been the bane of adventurers wishing to see the Temple of Balthazar and its New Orrian architecture. I am saddened to see that you might be suffering from the consequences of your colleagues’ zeal and am sure it is all a misunderstanding.
Should the problem persist, I recommend a champion’s supervision to further investigate the matter. I am sure Mr. Eye of Zaithan wouldn’t mind getting out of its crypt once in a while.
An adventurer
Tarnished Coast
Read the quote above once more: the current fix was for WvW gates only. The “real” fix is coming on Monday.
Tarnished Coast
It would seem the champion golem in SE story is also affected by that (for those who like being on the receiving end).
Tarnished Coast
- Fixed a bug in which summoned 7-series golems caused excessive damage.
Well well, that was fast. WvW crapstorm averted?
Tarnished Coast
it’s for supporting your allies…
So if i blast my arrow into a firefield my teammates gets might if they are standing into melee range of my blasted arrow?
They do. Also, keep in mind there are also fields that would allow you to trigger area blindness and area weakness, so that’s something well done at range too.
Tarnished Coast
I was about to report this as well. It is very annoying when you try to chat or manage inventory and so I also end up just alt-tabbing to avoid screwing with my eyes.
Tarnished Coast
As of the Feature Pack, using the “Target Nearest” option to target enemies can select enemies who are:
a) not in your current field of view;
b) not currently visible (hidden behind a door or wall);
c) both of the above.
Easiest example I experienced is in CoE p2/p3 while defending the cannon. I was able to target the Champion Risen Abomination that awaits on the other side of the door.
Tarnished Coast
One question remains: will we see more of…
Tarnished Coast
I think the issue is that even if you find a party, there is a 1/5 chance basically that you won’t get to watch the story with your character as the leader
And that is really disappointing
Granted the end of the story sucks anyway so…
The player opening the instance (going to the gate and clicking “Story Mode” in this case) will have his or her character in the cutscene. If you want to see your character, you simply have to be the one doing this. Note that this might change starting September 9th with the changes to dungeon instance ownership.
Also, as others have said, just mention in your LFG post what type of players you want. Works fine for me.
Tarnished Coast
Well, that’s what all those lvl 20 scrolls are for, right?
By the way, WvW and PvP are not locked; they just won’t show up in the top left menu bar. You can still enter these game modes through Asura Gates or using your hotkeys.
Tarnished Coast
The “Notes” section has all the information you need! Basically, companions are summoned NPCs or pets.
Tarnished Coast
Cooldowns are indeed shared.
Sounds like you are a guardian. You can just trait 3 into Radiance and you’ll have all the blinds you need. (Blind on Virtue of Justice + VoJ renewal on kill). Add to that sword, focus and greatsword blinds, focus shield, aegis on Virtue of Courage and Retreat!, you should be more than protected.
Tarnished Coast
As for your keyboard layout issue, check out your keyboard layout shortcut in the options. It is most likely set on something like CTRL-SHIFT and sometimes you end up pressing this combination. It will change the keyboard layout to US even if you don’t have it as a valid layout in Windows. I disabled that shortcut and lived happier since.
Tarnished Coast
As said above, save it.
Seriously, do it.
Tarnished Coast
Unfounded concerns
Use stacking sigils or not
Underwater set
Tarnished Coast
Heh, I guess I’ll have to stop using build up sigils then, kind of sucks, but then again, I’ll have a free sigil slot!
Why? They will become easier to stack in WvW and will still offer the best DPS increase. 250 Power is roughly 10% more DPS for Power builds and I imagine the same applies to Condition damage and other Sigils. 250 Precision are 12% Crit-chance, much more than anything comparable.
It just means you will want to equip that sigil at all times instead of having a dedicated stacking weapon.
Where are you getting these numbers? 250 Precision is not 12%, it is at least 16% extra critical chance.
250 / 21 = 11.9047619
21 being the amount of precision needed to increase crit chance by 1% at level 80.
Tarnished Coast
If you die and respawn at Rally waypoint, the Subjugator will continue to leech health out of you. Might be related.
Tarnished Coast
I have also been feeling this lag in the last weeks. Some days friends feel it and I don’t. I don’t think it’s GW2 specific though since I’ve played some Diablo 3 and I had the same issue there and said lag is also being heavily discussed on their forums.
Tarnished Coast
Monthly reset happened on April 1st at 00:00 GMT as it usually does.
If you think the in-game timer was off, then you should report it as a bug.
Tarnished Coast
1) This is unsure. My guess is that they will update the recipe.
2) If you equipped Sunrise, you will unlock Dawn. That’s what they mean by being grandfathered.
Tarnished Coast
I’ve been having the same problems today, yesterday everything was fine. Impossible to play due to almost instant disconnects and horrible loading times.
Same here. Everything was fine yesterday night. I am having issues today since I logged on around 3pm eastern.
Tarnished Coast
Both thief and warrior will get you there pretty easily.
Warriors will get you there the fastest thanks to perma-swiftness (Signet of Rage + Warhorn #4) and has access to many movement skills (Sword #2, Greatsword #3 and #5) on short cooldowns.
Thieves get a permanent 25% speed increase with Signet of Shadows and movement skills (Heartseeker (Dagger #2) Infiltrator’s Arrow (Shortbow #5), Shadowstep (Utility), Steal (F1) and more), but the nice thing about them is, as it has been said before, stealth.
Also, it is totally possible to solo Orr. Just keep your gear up to date and don’t be too bold with your pulls.
Tarnished Coast
The Wiki is an amazing tool in which it includes sources for the information that is stated. In this case, it links to the Ready Up stream on January 21st:
The topic starts at around 1:30. One of the devs starts by mentioning they will reduce the overall amount of critical damage because they “know how strong berserker damage is”, to which another dev adds that isn’t doesn’t just affect “berserker damage, but all critical damage in general.”
In this case, I’d say the wording on the Wiki isn’t exact, but still on point. I invite you to listen to the whole topic on YouTube for more information and feel free to contribute to a more precise description on the Wiki!
Tarnished Coast
My first thought is that the spirit of Scarlet took control of Marjory’s body.
Tarnished Coast
- Scarlet’s Alliance troops during Lion’s Arch Attack
- Bag of Alliance Supplies
- Rubble Piles* for the achievement Memories in Your Hand*Can be looted once per reset, per account from rubble piles.
Tarnished Coast
Can you do the story instance with friends?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: theguildless.1386
You can do it with friends. I have done so. A friend was on another platform and defeated the holo and I got the story instance pop-up.
Tarnished Coast
While Amazon originates from the United States, they have different websites (.com, .ca, .co.uk, .de, .fr, etc.) that offer products for those specific countries and regions. You should look on your regional Amazon website. For example:
Tarnished Coast
As long as you get credit for the kill, the sigil will trigger. The sigil apparently does not have any internal cooldown, so you should get healed every time you see the XP message on your screen.
Minions, phantasms and pets all contribute to giving you credit for a kill.
Tarnished Coast