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Elewars vs Guildwars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


I got multiple Chars and with the Dagger Dagger tank build not any of my chars can take down a such an Ele and yes maybe you should look around 70-80% is already playing an Ele or has one underconstruction.

This. Learn from this ^ – are you paying attention OP?

So you would love to play a game where is only 1 class use-able?
I went on a “break” already because of this bs ingame and ye if this game will be all about 1 class alot people will stop playing. ( just a guess but i doubt im wrong )

Elewars vs Guildwars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


I got multiple Chars and with the Dagger Dagger tank build not any of my chars can take down a such an Ele and yes maybe you should look around 70-80% is already playing an Ele or has one underconstruction.

Elewars vs Guildwars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842



Im playing this game pretty active for a decent amount of time and ive seen a rapid change in WvW.

So old times.
Warriors , Guardians , Rangers , Thiefs all classes pretty ballanced.

Now days.
Elementalist… Elementalist.. and sometimes an other class whos lost.

Yes everyone knows why there are so many of them because in Guildwars 2 the light armor class who should do alot dmg is THE Best tank and 3 vs 1 for an Elementalist happends more then the other way around.

I know Guildwars didnt want the standard tank healer ect.
But making the Best Damage Dealer also the best Tank class?

Anyways.. enough complaining

Anyways.. enough complainingBasicly
1 question : When is Anet gonna fix the OP Elementalist.
So its not 1 Class in WvW but multiple classes and Anet didnt make 7 classes for nothing

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


I kinda must agree on this that the Ele is more a tank then Warrior / Guardian who are supposed to be the tank class in this game ( look at armor )

And then the one who does the most damage ( or should be ) can hold of 5-10-15 people depending on the skill of the person.

I dont write alot here but yes i agree that D/D Elementalist are way to overpowered.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


And they already stated that they were introducing more items as well. So the difference will become bigger until it might matter.

And when that happens, they items will be available through other means. How hard is that to understand?! There are 2 situations:

1. Right now: Ascended available only in fotm and needed only in fotm while making 0 difference in other aspects of the game.

2. In the future: Ascended available through different aspects of the game and also being the regular gear for those aspects, much like Exotics now.

If you decide to, at some point, pay attention to my posts, you’ll notice this: I read somewhere that they intended for pink gear to be in the game since launch, it is part of the original game design and not some random decision.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


A tank is the worst example for a fancy verhicle someone can give. But it’s a perfect example for a very powerfull verhicle.

I find tanks fancy and it’s my example. Obviously based on my opinion of tanks and not yours. As for “very powerful”…that’s also subjective. I find planes and nuclear submarines way more powerful than a tank.

So they planned Ascended to be more powerfull? (Note we were already discussing that Exotic stats could fullfill the same purpose.) Then we come back to the fact that it has to be at least avaiable for everyone otherwise we would have several inequities. Everything might work perfectly well for any other game, not for this one because it was sold with a certain promise.

Yes, just like Exotics were planned to be more powerful than Rares and Rares were planned to be more powerful than Masterwork. It is available for everyone to begin with. And it will be available through different means when it’s also needed for those different means. It’s like living in Dubai and asking why the local store doesn’t sell snowshoes and feeling excluded because of it.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


I am contradicting your tank whatever example. You changed topic in between. First it’s a tank then it’s just a unrecognisable difference then everything is fine because (like I said several posts before) they gonna implement it anyways. Still they don’t have implemented other ways yet and that’s it what the TO is complaining about.

The tank example was a direct response to “if I have perfect score on the driving exam, I should have the exact same driving privileges as everybody else”. And it never changed.
Ascended gear is just like a tank licence. It’s very fancy, but you don’t need it. Do you have a tank licence? Doubtful. Do you feel excluded from driving because of it? I hope not.
It is an unrecognisable difference, because most people don’t go to work in a tank(I’m fairly certain that’s illegal anyway) and you never feel the lack of said licence unless you are going to war(in this case, you don’t feel the lack of ascended gear unless you are going to fotm).
It is also fine. Because when everybody starts going with a tank to work, everybody will also be able to get the licence without having to talk the army into letting them.

As for your example there is no need for ascended at all if they implemented the agony resistance into exoctics. So the way would be exotic->infused exotic and no ascended on top which is at least like you claimed not really better than exotic. So a statdifference would not be needed at all.

Except they had already planned ascended to be in the game from the start. It didn’t just come to them after a long night out 2 months ago…

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


That point got discussed now already for ages. It remains as a fact that stats are higher, no matter which small percentage and that more items will be implemented. If the statsincrease is that low, there is no reason to implement that higher stats at all. But they have done it and so if they want to keep their promise they have to implement it in other ways of gameplay.

Which they already said they will. The rings and back only play a role in fotm runs. Nowhere else. They were implemented to make fotm runs possible above lvl 15. That’s all there is to it, really… Could they have just patched infusion for exotics? Yes. Would that have been a good idea if they were already planning ascended gear(think I read somewhere it was supposed to be in from the start)? Absolutely not. It would’ve meant that ppl who want to run fotm would have to go exotic → infused exotic → ascended → infused ascended. Having in mind the items needed to infuse ascended gear and the current stat difference…this way is by far the less inconveniencing of the two.

NonAutoFill Bag

in Crafting

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


If there a bag that doesn’t auto fill?

I tend to switch between a lot of weapons, and I don’t have a bag that doesn’t auto fill. When I use my invisible bag once I swap from Greatsword to a Sword/Sword I have an empty slot in my bags. As I get loot the loot auto fills into that spot. Is there a bag that doesn’t do this? or a way to prevent it?

Put the invisible bag at the bottom of the list…this way it will fill as last… And use less “for xxxx”-bags.

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Well in this case I got to contradict you. It was the promise that there would be no second class play-style that there would be no endless gearprogression that made me buy the game. To abandon that principle would be betraying their original promises, so if I wanted a game with only ONE way to acquire the things I need I could play any other game out there. To expand it to this (admittedly strange car example) there was the promise, that there would be no tanks avaiable and that you would not have to join the army to drive the most powerfull vehicle.

They promised ascended would be avaiable through different ways and so I hope they find a good way to implement it in the game.

How is that contradicting me in any way? I’m not delusional, I never said they didn’t make such promise or that there are more ways to get the gear. Fact is though, the only thing a player without ascended rings is excluded from would be high lvl fotm. And a player who wants to run high lvl fotm is getting the gear from it naturally anyway. The stat difference is so ridiculously small, it’s virtually unnoticeable. I mean it, I have 2 rings and if you were to ninjaswap them for exotics, I wouldn’t even notice. Not to mention, the main goal of this game would be cosmetics and not stats. Should I now start QQing that I have to run CM if I want the skin because, boohoo, that’s the only way to get it?

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


No need to twist these examples to fit into your narrowed concept. Others understand well what is meant – and finallly, just look on the title and my first posting.

No example is needed to understand the content. Maybe you wont believe what is written here:

There you can call into question the statement of Studio Design Director of Guild Wars 2 and don’t need to pull down some strange tanks to argue.


Why is my concept narrow? Because it doesn’t fit your scenario? You just said that perfect score on the exam should give you full driver privilege which is simply not the case. Your example is flawed and I showed you why.

@twwizzie: Your post is contradicting A-Nets own statements that best stats can be acquired by different styles of playing.^^

Ammm, duhhh. What exactly is wrong with contradicting what another person said especially when that person is not even in this discussion? How about we focus on my post contradicting OP’s claims instead? You know, the guy who actually made this topic and is trying to prove a point?

Ascended or Excluded?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


This after many weeks of crafting and collecting?


A good note in driving license would not be sufficient – you additionally must be a long time driver on special roads to get the permission and access to maxed rights in traffic?

That actually is…true. You can’t take your regular car licence and just hop in a tank for a parade or drive an 18-wheeler or a bus. Each vehicle type has it’s own…class and you need to pass the requirements for it to drive it legally. Jewel crafting(or any other crafting) gives you permit to craft some exotics. And if you wanna drive a tank, you gotta go to the army and do their course.

And that’s why I think it was a mistake in our game and I am justified to feel excluded. May fractal-players be happy to have that advantage in WvW. I don’t like to be their target any more until I get access to the same prerequisite Items. And I tell you a good game is really interested to have a kind of compensation between experienced players and those wo can only play some hours a weak. There must be no difference in attribs when a character is maxed. within some industrious weaks and outside of fractals.


Maybe sPvP would be a better place for you.

Selling Buying

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: twwizzie.3842



I was wondering about the Tax we pay on the Trading post.

What happends with it?
Is it just to take it out the game?

And why if i place an item i have to pay ..

And if someone made and offer and i “agree to” sell it… i have to pay also.

I think this is kinda stupid.

I played few WvW/PvP based games most had waaay lower tax. this one really kinda takes alot..

Names in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


I played in a game on 2 different servers.

EU Version could talk to the other nation ( server )
US Version could NOT talk to other nation ( server )

Trust me you dont want to be able to talk to other server 90% of the chat is childish and stupid.
Had till now 2 ppl who pmed me.

1 was guadian forgot server after 10mins 1 vs 1 2 from his server helped him and killed me and he pmed “nice fight you got me pretty close few times”

2 you can kill me but our server is gonna own you anyway ( Blackgate )

thats 2nd line would be more common when you can normally type/pm each other.

Dont need trolls

A chat color different for a Commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842



Might be also good to have it in middle of screen like the notice of Anet server reset.
But that only in WvWvW

Server Selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


What about the people who want to do both? Pvp and Pve? Where do they go?
Making pvp and pve servers makes sense in WoW since you can opt whether you want to be attacked by the enemy faction or not.

Im not talking about no normal maps on the WvW servers.
And i called it PVP because its was easier then WvWvW ..
So you can just go PVE and PVP..

Server Selection

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Since in Feb we get a patch for WvWvW.

Maybe its time for Anet to suggest to change their server selection.

Instead of EU / NA

WvWvW / PVE / RP

Everyone knows that the T1 servers are fulled with EU / Asian / US people and not only US or EU.
Having in mind that the top servers on EU both have 24h coverage means that they also have people from outside Europe.

I think it would be way more interesting if people could actually choose for an PVP / PVE server.
Your server will be full but not only with PVE players or WvWvW.

Since we have overflow and such it would not be a problem to have it.
And EU and US servers are both hosted in USA so that cant be the problem either.

edit. ( changed PVP to WvWvW… because ppl like to complain about something like that.)

(edited by twwizzie.3842)

Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Sorry Anet but this is YOUR fault not the players.

If a Item in a store is for 10bucks and the person at the pay desk tells me its 50bucks.
I show them the sign and they will sell it for 10bucks.

In short you guys messed up not the players.

Did Anet got hacked

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Recently i see and hear alot of people complaining about my account got hacked ect.
Since i play for long time on MMO’s i went like they most likely gave their pasw or bought stuff or used programs.

But seeing it so many times on the forums made me wonder already.

Then when my better half got a mail with 16 different ip’s trying to log her account pasword is 10 letters/digits.
Getting the email means Yes they have the right password and Yes they did try to login.
The only thing what stopped them was some Auth code.

Makes me wonder if Anet has or had a leak in their database.

Reporting Account/Person

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842



Recently i wanted to report someone for Bug abuse ( in WvW ).

But i seem to beable only to report him for scamming , botting , selling gold..

Why is there no such function?

Black Lion Trade Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


I bought my Makeover kit 350gems gone item not deliverd.

Also still waiting on solution from the “Karka one time event” where i had a dc..

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Range reducement for Trebuche in wvw its becomming Trebzwars instead of pvp Guildwars.

Autoloot in wvw guess that is written down for sure but just makeing sure

WvW combat ect

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Ive been playing WvW since the start but i noticed a few small things what are kinda anoying.

1 : Range of the Trebz
If you ask me you should not be able to shoot from 1 camp inside to an other camp.
Get more action on the field let ppl fight for it reduce range of the Trebz.

2 : WvW is lacking players.
The top 3-4 Servers are most of the time the only ones with real pvp guilds for currently the US server top 3 Blackgate has only a small amount of PVP guilds.
Make it interesting for the PVE players to go WvW.
Make the buffs server wide not only for the PvP maps maybe increase the Magic find or something for that.

3 : The “outmanned” buff is by far most stupid thing ingame why give more exp for pvp.
Give them stats more hp more def stuff like that.


in WvW

Posted by: twwizzie.3842



We found out that at least one of our other servers has a spy in our server.
Is there maybe a thing from Guildwars 2 what they cant allow them to have 2 different servers from 1 IP ?
Its kinda killing the WvW for our server on this point.


Items dont show up when cooking

in Crafting

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


My items dont show up when i cook some items.
For example i have wallnuts in my bag/bank/collection tab ( i tried all 3 ) but when i try to cook there not in the list of items.

Download speed launcher capped?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: twwizzie.3842



Im downloading the game at the moment with 2 computers 2 games.

The Download speed is 200-300 kb/sec when i disable 1 of the computers download the speed doesnt change.

Is the downloader capped by speed or can i change the peer settings ect?
