Showing Posts For zortek.9607:

Newbie Questions

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Welcome to WvW.

These are all very good, articulate questions and the previous responders point you in an appropriate direction.

Besides reading, I strongly encourage you to join a WvW oriented guild — one that is willing to train enthusiastic new players.

If true 100% map completion is a priority for you (and you are unhappy with your current situation), you may wish to consider transferring to a stacked server in the mid to lower tiers — one that easily can own or flip any/all maps at their leisure.

There was a HUGE migration of casuals to Kaineng last year (for various reasons but map completion was a motivator) — and then stayed for a bit of the easymode-roflstomping rise through the ranks. If the forums were any indication, the migration also created a HUGE amount of angst as well.

Anywho… I think your questions are praiseworthy and someone should seriously consider making you their apprentice.

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


It seems to be an emerging competitive meta-game for some to see how much a matchup thread can develop before being /deleted

msging enemies

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


how do enemies message me in WvW?

They know your account name. There are various ways to discover such… not the least of which is from the forums.

I thought they didnt want enemies to be able to chat to each other

An “enemy” is a competitive construct. We are all in one big community. We often make or have friendships that cross server boundaries.

It is important to understand a distinction. Harassment is forbidden. It is a mistaken notion that all cross-server communication is forbidden. Even if it were, such a ban is unenforceable given the potential for out-of-band communication.

Since release, I have had people (generally other server commanders) on my contact list and I have been known to chat with them… both with friendly ribbing and about more serious issues.

Lockout time after transferring servers

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Again with this?

Jumping Puzzles in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Lol he’s not lying. Please tell him more about what he really means…

I have always supported the idea that the competitive jumping puzzles should be war objectives — fully able to be captured with supporting PPT.

With or without mezzers…the whole thought of zerging a jp is amusing and it would offer havocs and/or solos a more meaningful role in the overall war.

I believe they are like soft core porn now. Neither fully accepted nor fully satisfying.

Whining about JP’s now is even more inane than it was when they were genuinely problematic.

WvW transfer penalty

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Thanks everyone for ur inputs etc. but im js fact of the matter is I wanna play I like playing and I spend money to play. idk why most of u are getting heated im rejoining my old fielding guild to help them up a bit nothing big JUST WANNA PLAY like the rest of you!

^^^ THAT is a sincere sounding post. I honestly believe you.

WvW transfer penalty

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


This is an attempt to re-open a thread (issue) that was already addressed (exhaustively) and closed by RED.

Ref: Cant join WvW
Ref: Atleast let us into the OS

Guild Wars 2>News>WvW Spring Tournament 2014
by Devon Carver on February 12, 2014

Guild Wars 2>News>Get Ready for WvW Spring Tournament 2014
by Devon Carver on March 7, 2014

This retread thread does not introduce anything new or advance the discussion.

keep digging up old dev posts!

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I have been known to practice the dark art forum necromancy; however, I have always believed such action should be meaningful, actionable, and uplifting for the community.

It is one thing to individually necro topics to advance a specific dialog. It is another thing entirely to incite others to mass action — the real intent being some sick sense of accountability score keeping.

I’m not certain the implied tone of this thread is healthy for the community.

/delete thread

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Read the entire thread…

^^^ THIS, qft. +1

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


They should at least open up Obsidian Sanctum or make the arena inside a separate place.

This has been address by RED — Atleast let us into the OS

Its your own fault for not paying attention. The reality is that yes, when you are playing an online constantly changing game with specific rules that you have accepted in order to even log in, it is your job to keep track of the rules. ANet made the information pretty readily available,you just decided not to take advantage of that.

Notice how its all on you? Before paying 100g, next time look in to what you’re doing.

Oh man stop this fanboying bullcrap really. <snip>

Hang on, now! Thousands of community members navigated the pre-season landscape without difficulty. Only a handful seem to have concerns.

It is unfortunate that your position is so weak that you must resort to argumentum ad hominem.

This isn’t personal.

The facts have been published and reprinted (in game and out, in the news and in the forums).

A bit of introspection may be necessary:

  • What did I do (or not do) that contributed to the current situation?
  • What can I do (or not do) to avoid similar, future concerns?

Serenity exists at the nexus of willingness, honesty, and open-mindedness.

As a fellow community member, I empathize with your frustration. However, the push back you are sensing is the mature community urging you toward behaviors that are culturally consistent with the main stream.

Commander squad not working?

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


We’ve seen a lot of feedback regarding the commander system and what to add to it next, so keep the constructive feedback coming!

Observation indicates that enhancements to the commander system are an inverse function of feedback.

E = 1/F

To quote Flytrap.8075, “Still waiting babycakes.”

Some WvW Questions

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Staff call-out and “demand an answer” thread. Next.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I, too, love to use large words to assert my authority.

Your comment really doesn’t contribute to the thread topic. That said, I suppose some might consider 9th grade level English to be challenging.

  • Flesch Reading Ease: 53.2
  • Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 9.7

Be well. This thread is no longer productive.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Had I been physically blocked out from day one that I transferred, I would not have the issues that I have now. HOWEVER that is not the case – now, /all of a sudden/ I am locked out.

Apparently, your day one access was a bug — a bug that is not no longer exploitable.

Your frustration is understandable. I presume it can generate substantial angst when one has been enjoying the fruits of a bug and that bug is mitigated.

Respectfully, other than the fear and doubt-based crisis-of-fantasy that you are manufacturing, there is nothing to resolve. If you do not have access (on or about Friday) as expected, grieve it with customer support.

Unless and until there is a real issue, in truth, you are asking for resolution to a hypothetical.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


It’s very confusing and frustrating, because I’ve been playing for this server for a week now, actively participating every day, and now I’m locked out for I have no idea how long. That’s all.

Your confusion is understandable. One must actually READ the publication provided on the topic.

You say you transferred on April 1st (a TUESDAY) … wow, that perfectly hinges up to the example provided!

Ref: Guild Wars 2>News>Get Ready for WvW Spring Tournament 2014

If you transfer worlds on a Tuesday, you won’t be able to enter the Borderlands or Eternal Battleground maps until the Friday of the following week.

Regarding your ability to progress and contribute… AGAIN, reading the publication would assist an intrepid adventurer

You will still be able to play in Edge of the Mists and progress the tournament meta achievement, but you will not be able to contribute to the score of your WvW matchup.


At the end of the tournament, everyone who has completed the meta achievement will be given a chest containing WvW Tournament tickets. You’ll also receive a unique title, and players in the top three worlds of each league will receive a limited-use dolyak trophy finisher.

…and finally…

Your world association will be based on your participation throughout the tournament. If you play on multiple worlds during the tournament, the world you represented the most will be the one with which you are associated. We are adding a new Battle Historian NPC to all the WvW maps who will tell you which world you are associated with.

With respect, I venture that a responsible community member might be embarrassed to discover such clarity had to be reduced to spoon feeding.

WvW Enemy Emotes

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I realize that people will still find other ways to troll if they want to, but it would be nice to at least limit the ease of bothering people…

Per Guild Wars 2>Legal Documentation>Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct

1. While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

Harassment is reportable. Exercise the feature when justified.

That said, I believe it is appreciable that you seek out and are willing to use pragmatic alternatives.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


So, I’m forced to reading posts on a website when playing a game?
This information should be available ingame.

News items pushed to the Guild Wars 2>News section of the website ARE ALSO pushed to the game launcher.

There is really no excuse for missing a Guild Wars 2>News publication.

That said, there is a timeliness boundary and old news items pop off the bottom as new items are pushed onto the stack.

GW2 is a living venue.

You are not absolved of responsibility to be an informed member of the community simply as a result of your play preferences. It is all the more in your interests to “catch up” if you are unable to take advantage of the timely notifications.

Cant join WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


The expectations were communicated well in advance:

Guild Wars 2>News>WvW Spring Tournament 2014
by Devon Carver on February 12, 2014

Guild Wars 2>News>Get Ready for WvW Spring Tournament 2014
by Devon Carver on March 7, 2014

As a part of these changes, we will also implement new restrictions to WvW access after transferring worlds. These restrictions will go into effect on March 28. After that date, anyone who transfers worlds will be able to play only in the Edge of the Mists WvW map for the duration of their current and subsequent matchup.

The reason for your transfer is not relevant. There is no excuse. The responsibility to be an informed member of the community is strictly on you. You must now accept the consequences of your actions.

The silver lining is that you appear to be well into your timer. You will soon be able to resume your ability to meet new people…and kill them.

Atleast let us into the OS

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


The format was communicated well in advance:

Guild Wars 2>News>WvW Spring Tournament 2014
by Devon Carver on February 12, 2014

Guild Wars 2>News>Get Ready for WvW Spring Tournament 2014
by Devon Carver on March 7, 2014

As a part of these changes, we will also implement new restrictions to WvW access after transferring worlds. These restrictions will go into effect on March 28. After that date, anyone who transfers worlds will be able to play only in the Edge of the Mists WvW map for the duration of their current and subsequent matchup.

There is no excuse. The responsibility to be an informed member of the community is strictly on you. You are responsible for your actions.

This thread topic does not contribute to or uplift the community.

Leagues: a problem

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I don’t mind it so much for the actual reward since its not that great, but its more about the principle of setting up that kind of system knowing its unfair. Kind of a kitten thing to do to people.

Well said.

Although, I’d build on your suggestion by questioning if “they” actually are possessed of the insight necessary to know better.

Presuming rational behavior, it is not rational (in a civil society) to kitten people.

[Suggestion] Blinding the Dead in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


There is merit in the general premise upon which this thread is based. However, I would venture that in the spectrum of TODOs and NEEDs, this falls into the noise.

The ROI for any amount of developer time on this is negatively weighted against almost ANY other suggestion.

Prognostication — an uncertain science — might suggest that it is more likely that support will be added for third-party olfactory devices or internet enabled catheters.

In the union of possible and actionable changes, there are MANY alternatives that provide a greater positive delta.

Conversely, I suspect the community can come to consensus that dealing with zombie spies is marginally more important than enhancing the ability for toons to trim their nose hairs (although it may take a 13 page “sky-is-falling” forum debate).

Supply master max rank ability

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I have it. I don’t “feel” there is value. Next point reset, I’m unlikely to buy it out unless I have points left over.

Leagues: a problem

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607






And blah.


Ignoratio Elenchi
The kitchen sink offers a more substantial argument.

Leagues: a problem

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Design decisions (like actions) have consequences. There is virtue in letting a disaster play out. I am opposed to fixing the broken system — such would be knee-jerk or reactionary.

Rolling fixes are all too often the result of poor planning, inadequate frontloading, or immature simulation — any of which is a direct reflection of poor leadership, or more likely, bad management. I can’t stand it when simple-minded decision-makers lurch about after a decision.

  • We take to the field of opportunity — not the field of dreams.
  • We fight with the army we have — not the army we want.

Rather than lock in failure, I think it is much healthier and productive to accept the real circumstances into which we have been thrust than to obsess over ideals.

Whether I take to field with 1, 10, or 100, I want those around me to trust that I will deliver my best possible performance. And regardless of the standings or metrics, I want the amazing talent that I fight with and against will deliver their best possible performance. Win or lose, I want to take to field with friends and make the kind of legendary memories that will survive well after this venue has gone to the bit bucket.

Choices were made… those choices will lead to specific outcomes.

I can not blame ANet or a server or another individual for my poor performance. In the end, I accept personal responsibility for my fun. I own it and if it is unsatisfying… I understand that I chose to accept the challenge.

If you don’t like or can’t handle the challenge, find your fun elsewhere.

Years from now, your friends won’t care if you won or lost on a particular server in a particular event… THE STORY will be that you were there — and how great (or miserable) it was!

And tomorrow, there will be a new story to commiserate…

MegaServers Inadvertantly Hurts WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


On SBI, we have had a core group stay through 2 exodus now. If there wasn’t any server pride, would we have survived either of them?

SBI has always been my favorite opponent. As an enemy, SBI was (on balance) free-spirited and jovial while at the same time classy and serious.

Of course, I remember when we could (and would) id and chat up our opposition.

We had our tense moments but the rivalry never felt toxic or hateful — even when random plebs would spoil about with their trollish nonsense. The JQ/SBI rivalry always felt sporting and good humored.

Just waxing nostalgic…

Too Many People playing on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


<boggle> I honestly don’t know if this is a parody rant, a chemically induced ramble or simply ill-informed expectations.

Ultimately, I did chuckle. I hope that was the desired response.

Sea of Sorrows condition in Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


One solution with albeit significant implementation difficulties; add more teams to the map. Have 4, 5 or 6 teams vying for superiority over each other combatant in the same zone.

Trebles or triumvirate systems are the most unstable paradigm from a socio-political perspective — a desirable quality in our current gaming context.

Factions (or socio-political fractures) that number greater than three incent formal and informal inter-factional collaboration and cultural norming. Emergent equilibrium is not desirable and can actually introduce unnecessary design and control issues for a production staff.

Put another way, potential rofl stomping is at a nadir with three factions (assuming all factions are equally incented and represented).

Inter-factional alliances (if they form at all) among trebles tend to be very short lived. Their existence is typically very narrow in scope — being strictly purposeful and actionable.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend…until such time as I am disproportionally disadvantaged.

That said, if either representation or incentives stray too far from (expected) equilibrium the rofl stomp spikes quickly.

There is a lot of really cool math behind all the bloviating.

[Suggestion] Blinding the Dead in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


[…] a multiboxer could leave his accounts unattended for X period of time and swap items out to refresh his timers every once in a while all while actually doing things on his main account and simultaneously spying on his alt accounts who are lying dead in key locations.

I think this would likely fail to satisfy the “multiboxing permitted” condition:

“3.You must be actively playing on each account.”


Of course, enforcement is another issue entirely and “actively playing” is potentially subjective. I simply find the devil of the devil, in this case, to be devilishly devil’d.

Looking for info on lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I can’t believe this thread hasn’t been closed and regenerated to permit clean data/reporting. The topic is anachronistic and the information it contains is tainted.

At this point, it seems we should be glad to hear that monkeys are flying out of our enemy’s backsides…

This thread has lost credibility.

WvW's server population inequality solution!

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


ANet just gotta incentivise participation in WvW

I don’t disagree…

I want to appreciate different play styles but I also don’t wish to be burdened by different play styles. Players have and likely always will fall on a continuum when it comes to PvE v PvP.

[I lump WvW in with PvP at the risk of offending semantic precisionists — mainly because many casuals don’t value the distinction.]

That said, I want people in WvW that want to be there. With world completion, there has been (modest and arguable) incentive. And there are many players that COULD have become avid WvWers but were disgusted by first impressions.

If WvW incentives were more carrot-like and less stick-like, I venture there would be better opportunity for “fun” experiences and a kinder-gentler proselytizing of new converts.

Ignorance is not a crime… it requires education.

The current environment can be toxic at times. It often demands a thick skin. For the hard core, this is not a problem. However, casuals need to be “taught” how to contribute (and given time to harden up) . I find that many (most) end up providing exceptional overall uplift if provided the opportunity to learn and enjoy the fruits of their efforts.

The WvW community owns a huge part of incenting greater participation.

This is not unique to any specific server. Hate speech in our own channels does not create a team atmosphere. New players are not going to play where they are unappreciated or worse reviled. Trolling our own does not create a welcoming environment. And I’m not suggesting chat police… I advocate for full on culture shift where self-sabotage behavior is taboo.

It may seem unattainable but what a noble bar to strive for…

Again, I don’t disagree that ANet has skin in the game and owns some responsibility. However, there is MUCH that can be done to advance participation at the cultural level.

Commanding as an Elementalist

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Always have your catnips or fire 4 ready to fall back heal then get back up front.


Deliberate or not… I loved the comment.

Why does zergs consists of blobs?

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I remember that in WAR, we could do a 300 style defense. It was possible to hold off 50+ players with 20+ just because the castle outer door was extremely narrow and we could use 3-4 tanks to blockade the front for while range were dps-ing.


There were tactics for gate and ramp defenses. And there were tactics for open field engagements.

Knockbacks were an important consideration and a skilled defense would have secondary and tertiary lines. While at the same time, a skilled offense would not always commit full resources to frontal assaults.

Healing was a critical element (and ultimately the lack of healer love by Mythic forced the best and brightest RMs and Zealots to quit).

That was a point in time when some of the greatest players (and guilds) in the world came together in the same venue for a brief moment. The game introduced us to new potentials and new challenges. Despite its failings, I certainly have more good memories of WAR than I do bad.

I don’t think people are practicing revisionist history when they reflect on past titles. I think there is exceptional learning in such reflections. It is an opportunity to celebrate those things that WORKED.

Mythic (twice) gave us a taste of gamer crack. I think some share my desire for another fix. I know the current offerings are not providing the gamer high I remember or desire. Perhaps we have built up a tolerance. That said, the present market is all we have… so, we make do.

Sea of Sorrows condition in Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


yeah, seeing 30+ TC sat guarding a camp for PPT is not unusual. :P

You are mistaken, sir. That is not “guarding a camp.” That’s TC standing around finishing up the role play of the camp’s capture. Oh, and the furry-yak hawt chat.

Sea of Sorrows condition in Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


This is a guarantee, there is no other possible outcome.

In your world view, everyone can (and should) kitten off then.

Discussing probabilities is reasonable, learned, and has a potential audience. But it is for the congregation-of-one to which pontificated absolutes appeal.

In other words, “The right honorable gentleman spews hogwash! And radishes!”

Why does zergs consists of blobs?

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


The game engine has no collision detection, that’s why we can all merge into 1 spot. Other rvr games like the 2008 Warhammer online had it.

qft and +1 Internets. ^^^ lack of collision is definitely part of the problem

While I miss the [WM] FW, I’m thrilled we have the [SoX] FW.

MegaServers Inadvertantly Hurts WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


However: communities exist in the ecosystem that they form in. You can’t make the claim, online /or/ offline, that a community exists separate of the architecture it forms around. They exist /because of/ the server system.

Convincingly argued. I would posit that we have moved to violent agreement.

To bring this full circle, I venture that if the infrastructure is conceptually preserved or improved (that being an ecosystem or architecture that is nurturing or conducive to sustained community formation) then the form that it takes may not be relevant (setting aside expectations and resistance to change).

To expand on this point — we don’t yet know ANet’s plans for the creation or maintenance of a sustainable battle triumvirate. In theory, we currently have three color-coded factions that are populated by their rankings in the trebles. There have been rumors of a shakeup in the color assignments but nothing definitive has been published.

What we know of as “servers” today could very well morph into factions based upon the current trebles paradigm (and I believe there is suitable room for algorithmic support for instance preference that hinges up to what has been recently published).

Population distribution/density and coverage has long been a weakness of the present system. A faction based model would alleviate many of those concerns. That said, I fear (absent support for factional communications) we are robbing Peter to pay Paul.

If EotM is any indicator for future expectations, we may very well be witnessing a (poorly communicated) transition from one “community paradigm” to another.

Ultimately, given imperfect information and a cloudy crystal ball, I remain in opposition any “sky is falling” premise. That said, I would accept that the sky is illusory.

Commanding as an Elementalist

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Commanding from the back line is almost impossible as THE solitary pin on the map.

However, command coordination is possible (when the map is willing to tolerate multiple pins on the map and the pins are open to facilitation).

Hawthorn used to command as a D/D ele and (when he was not raving) enjoyed modest success. But it is also important to understand that his success was predicated on the fact that he was often the only commander willing to pin up during those times. Cloud and Chia would constantly troll pin if/when they were online.

Any class/spec combination CAN command. Command is simply a GW2 construct (function) of leadership (a topic of which, tens of thousands of texts have explored).

If you display tenacity, courage, and nurture those that follow you with the necessary emotional food they need (appreciation, confidence, and trust), your ability to command can/will become legendary.

Every commander is going to lead a wipe and/or make mistakes. How you handle those events is a mark of your leadership!

That said, I would never encourage anyone to try to lead that is glassy. Bunker up and reduce the “appearance” that you are weak.

Remember, your function is not to do the most DPS… your job requires you to survive to promote cohesion. Your job is to convince people to accomplish things they may not believe they can accomplish. They will fight for you and they will die for you… if they believe. But no one is going to believe… if you don’t believe.

  • There is a time for serious and there is a time for levity — never confuse the two.
  • There is a time for proven and there is a time experimentation — never confuse the two.

And the mean, 800-pound gorilla?

Build up your leadership capital. Draw on it ONLY when you really need it.

MegaServers Inadvertantly Hurts WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Those days are long gone. Only hope is… well you can do the Google search!

Very well said. I liked your entire post.

I have already begun redirecting my planned expenditures for gems toward other things in my economic basket of suitable substitutes. And I do not think I am alone.

That said, after several weeks of consulting with my elders and reviewing ancient scrolls, I am not convinced that immediate solace has arrived.

On the other hand, I am hoping someday my desires will be unchained.

Commander tag and the feature pack

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


They may throw in colored tags and say they are listening to players, while high fiving each other in the anet offices.

Couldn’t help it… my brain could not visualize that physical gesture among THOSE folk.

I did; however, find percussive posterior popping to fit the visual. That made the whole thread worthwhile.

Oh, and I agree with you.

Throw your commanders a bone

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Guys, get over it. WvW is only a game mode for you to play while the PvE boss timers reset. They won’t support it.

PvE? What’s that? Must be related to that daily crap…

MegaServers Inadvertantly Hurts WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I can’t speak for all low pop. servers, but I know that basically everyone who does WvW on Crystal Desert regularly has a good amount of server pride (considering that we don’t do super well, you’d have to…); …

Good on you, CD. But the demographic that contributes a large dose of “pride” to your server is neither unique to the GW2 ecosystem (not contingent on server selection) nor dependent on game design.

An acknowledgement and a tip of the hat to the healthy (and well meaning) pride communities on Crystal Desert, but c’mon, very little of it has to do with the server, WvW, or anything remotely connected with the architecture or meta.

Don’t discount the guilds (some of which have external populations in the mid thousands). It’s the people… not the server.

Why does zergs consists of blobs?

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


I appreciate the OP effort; however, I have difficulty with both the premise and the conclusion.

A rational counter-argument has been well expressed above. However, I would add — despite the meta — I am not keen on moving to a meta that can best be described as rugby or pre-20th century (line up and shoot at each other) war.

Largely, the present tactics are optimal for and governed by the current meta.

I remember when AOE, portals, and invis was less limited. Tactics have always adapted to the meta.

Everything else aside, the “turtle” concept presented (as a sit-and-spin, buff-and-shoot tactic) is simply non-optimal. The current optimal tactic is to first stack and buff (out of range) — back-and-forth “push through” the enemy. Move-move-move. The non-moving turtle will ultimately lose to attrition (or ctrl-T/T focus-fire).

(edited by zortek.9607)

A big reason I don't WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Carry a kitten-tonne of cheap giant cakes or trays and spam drop them during major engagements.

  1. People will take more kindly to your bag concern.
  2. You will become the most loved individual in the zerg. [/sarcasm]

The whole bag drop thing is (and always has been) monumentally stupid design. This should be a non-issue — but it is not.

Why helping don't give you reward. [WvW]

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


In that case, why doesn’t scouting and refreshing sieges in towers or keeps reward you?
Compared to being supportive in a fight you might aswel use 1,1,1,1 because you get something.

I think I understand/agree with your comment.

Adminstrivia functions are for guilds or those with altruistic personalities.

Every server has the individuals who voluntarily perform such duties as scouting, watching, and/or objective maintenance. And then there are the guilds where it is a function of service to perform such duties and such is assigned or rotated. And then there is the reality that it often simply does not get done.

“Tell me how you measure me, and I will tell you how I will behave.”
Eliyahu Goldratt

For a given system, Nash equilibrium does not (broadly speaking) incent unilateral change (understood to be selfless acts or altruistic behaviors in the present context). While there is game theory support for collective action, the current system incents individual action.

There is a bunch of math offstage that makes this crystal clear.

Why helping don't give you reward. [WvW]

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Of all my 80’s, the only one on which I ever try to offer support is my ele (because, with 4 attunements, I can easily and quickly choose how to play).

At the end of the day, your premise is sound. However, I do not agree with your conclusions. Toons need to die in order for the game to advance. There are few things less satisfying than zombie apocalypse fights.

In my experience, RARE is the confluence of two or more highly skills groups (or individuals). More often such engagements leverage quirks in game mechanics, latency, server load, etc. to create the “skirmish of attrition.”

It is your choice to do anything other than DPS. Make the choice and accept that you made the choice. Kittening about your choice creates no community uplift and advances no dialog.

MegaServers Inadvertantly Hurts WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Identity is mutable. So what if “identity” moves from DiddlyDoo to Red, Green, Blue?

All the whining and prognosticating is simply fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

  • Change is the only constant.
  • Impermanence is a given.

Suffering is clinging and attachment to expectations.

Be willing.

If one stands with one foot in the past and one foot in the future…one is kittening on the now. It is a demonstration of willingness to stop kittening on the now.

(edited by zortek.9607)


in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


In before lock…
Two options:

  1. Silent acquiescence and play on.
  2. Silent acquiescence and move on.

It has been made repeatedly clear that kittening about hacks, exploits, cheats it in the forums is a no-op.

Commander Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Here it is:

  1. Selectable COM badge color
  2. COM AOE buff (like at NPC)
  3. COM highlighted skills/shouts (Request placing) to Heal, Attack from that direction, etc.
  4. Proper Map signs to explain the overal plans (attack, defend at all cost, use this path, etc)
  5. Account-wide Commander badge!

QFT. All of it. Well summarized.

I would further and suggest that Cmdr needs more control over hir squad, the membership, and communications. ^^^ or some variation there of… to better facilitate command and control.

Do raiding base events scale?

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Depends on the event and map. The OP was sufficiently non-specific as to make any black and white answer either partially right or partially wrong.

Believe what you want.

I have observed that the Grub and Spirit scale.

PvE (non-upgrade) mobs are an unnecessary contribution/distraction to WvW.

Other than that, I am not interested and have no opinion on the other 90% of the OP.

WvW season 2

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Understandable. I believe we should always be nurturing the next generation of participants (including facilitating new commanders). That said, it is our responsibility to also try and learn where and how people can best contribute.

For example, I know WvW commanders that are amazing strategically but become paralyzed in tactical situations. Further, there are those that execute tactical ops brilliantly but are insensitive (or ineffective) in their communications. And there are those that excel in command support but don’t/won’t pin up except to lead havocs, runbacks, or flankers. <— principle justification for alt-colored pins

Like such commanders, it is important that we allow every individual to find their contributory sweet spot (even if it means we need to push them outside their zone of comfort in order to discover hidden potential).

But I suppose the OP question has been answered and the thread resolved.