(edited by DarkSpirit.7046)
Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?
That is why they are not getting much money from me because they are such wimps in their own gem store.
So much for P2W.
Now I only convert gems to gold when the exchange rate is favorable and if I need gold, which is seldom nowadays as it is so easy to earn gold in this game. The stuff in their gem store are literally too boring. They are only hurting themselves and the game for being overly sensitive to such issues. They don’t realize that players tend to complain for their own sake, rather than what is best for the game or the game company.
Wait, so you’re saying that ANet SHOULD go ahead with gem store changes that would be widely regarded by their player base as P2W? O.o That would be financial suicide.
The reason why ANet backed down on the Flamekissed armor and possibly future unlimited tools was because the vast majority of the players playing GW2 do NOT want a P2W game (or rather, what they DEFINE as a P2W game). Letting the Flamekissed armor stand would have sent a very clear message to these players and potentially result in a massive exodus of players that the game may never recover from.
I appreciate that you (and possibly a fair number of other players) feel that stuff like the Watchwork Pick or other minor power boosts being sold in the gem store do not constitute as P2W, and you’d be happy to pay more for these, but the feedback thus far shows that it is a red line to many more players. ANet ultimately has to make decisions that keep the majority of their player base happy. Unless you’re spending thousands of dollars every month on the gem store, no single player can compensate for the loss of income from thousands of other players who drop $5 or $10 on purchases here and there. (I myself tend to pick up about $50 worth of gems every 3 or so months to cover various purchases for myself and my girlfriend.)
Not all the T3 armor are nice either. I only like the human versions, the others are just meh.
I generally like all of them except the Charr (although their Heavy Cultural armors are pretty decent).
Wait, so you’re saying that ANet SHOULD go ahead with gem store changes that would be widely regarded by their player base as P2W? O.o That would be financial suicide.
“widely regarded by their player base”? I call that the vocal minority.
The reason why ANet backed down on the Flamekissed armor and possibly future unlimited tools was because the vast majority of the players playing GW2 do NOT want a P2W game (or rather, what they DEFINE as a P2W game). Letting the Flamekissed armor stand would have sent a very clear message to these players and potentially result in a massive exodus of players that the game may never recover from.
I really don’t think it is the majority of players that think that way. Most players don’t even bother to post on the forums.
Wait, so you’re saying that ANet SHOULD go ahead with gem store changes that would be widely regarded by their player base as P2W? O.o That would be financial suicide.
“widely regarded by their player base”? I call that the vocal minority.
The reason why ANet backed down on the Flamekissed armor and possibly future unlimited tools was because the vast majority of the players playing GW2 do NOT want a P2W game (or rather, what they DEFINE as a P2W game). Letting the Flamekissed armor stand would have sent a very clear message to these players and potentially result in a massive exodus of players that the game may never recover from.
I really don’t think it is the majority of players that think that way. Most players don’t even bother to post on the forums.
I generally like all of them except the Charr (although their Heavy Cultural armors are pretty decent).
Then you are a lot less picky than I am.
“widely regarded by their player base”? I call that the vocal minority.
I really don’t think it is the majority of players that think that way. Most players don’t even bother to post on the forums.
Heh. Alright, I’ll award you that point. Most GW2 players do indeed don’t post on the forums. But of those that did, the overwhelming majority were against the Flamekissed armor. I don’t use reddit or other GW2 fansites, but I’ve been told the reception there was negative as well.
Then you are a lot less picky than I am.
It may just be down to tastes. I generally appreciate armor and weapons for the fine details on them, not so much particle effects. (I haven’t gotten a Legendary because I think all of them are over the top, for example.) While the Ascended armors don’t suit my tastes either, I could appreciate the intricate details that went into each of them. It must have taken a lot of effort and time to put together. It doesn’t suit the aesthetic themes I have in mind for my characters, but I think it would be amazing to the people who like that sort of style.
Heh. Alright, I’ll award you that point.
Most GW2 players do indeed don’t post on the forums. But of those that did, the overwhelming majority were against the Flamekissed armor. I don’t use reddit or other GW2 fansites, but I’ve been told the reception there was negative as well.
I think the complaint was that they were selling the Flamekissed too cheaply. Like I said, if it is more expensive than 119g, people would tend to shut up about it.
It may just be down to tastes. I generally appreciate armor and weapons for the fine details on them, not so much particle effects. (I haven’t gotten a Legendary because I think all of them are over the top, for example.) While the Ascended armors don’t suit my tastes either, I could appreciate the intricate details that went into each of them. It must have taken a lot of effort and time to put together. It doesn’t suit the aesthetic themes I have in mind for my characters, but I think it would be amazing to the people who like that sort of style.
Then it makes sense that your taste tend to follow the price as it is customary for ANet to brand the new detailed armor as elite armor over the ones with fewer details, regardless of taste. This same thing happened in GW2 as in GW1. But like I said, more details doesn’t guarantee a nicer looking armor.
Mmm, I’m not sure about that. It seems to be linked more to the fact that somebody could just buy it outright with gems. As an example, you could just buy Legendaries by converting gems to gold too, but that same sense of outrage isn’t there. I’ll be the first to point out to these players that disguising the purchase behind one extra step really doesn’t make a difference, but curiously it seems that that distinction makes a huge deal to a lot of players.
And no, not necessarily. For example, on my Human Female Mesmer, my favourite armor sets are the Feathered (T5 Crafted), Stately (karma set from level 50 – 60 maps) and the Embroidered (T1 Crafted) sets. I do not really like the Exalted (T6 Crafted), T3 Light Cultural (decent, but I think the T3 Medium and Heavy Culturals look better), or the Ascended set (the style is too baroque for my tastes).
Mmm, I’m not sure about that. It seems to be linked more to the fact that somebody could just buy it outright with gems. As an example, you could just buy Legendaries by converting gems to gold too, but that same sense of outrage isn’t there. I’ll be the first to point out to these players that disguising the purchase behind one extra step really doesn’t make a difference, but curiously it seems that that distinction makes a huge deal to a lot of players.
Gems is gold and gold is gems. I don’t know why this reality ever since day 1 hasn’t sinked in to some people.
If the gem store sells it as > 119g in gems then logically they are selling it at a more expensive price than they can get in the game.
still no response
The thought that they would start balancing drop rates and the TP economy around a gem store purchase is another awful precedence that you defenders of the watchwork pick have brought up. I have thought for a long time that anet does this to some extent but to make gem store items the main way to get a crafting material in the long run or balance the market is just an awful thought. The fact you would use an idea like this to defend what they were doing is humorous and really only strengthens the case for how bad a precedent the watchwork pick is.
^ While I support your stance, I will also point out that the trend of the Watchwork Pick seems to have stopped with it. (Both the Thresher and the Frost Wasp tools do not offer any additional bonuses.) It seems safe to say that the Watchwork Pick was an experiment and the negative feedback has been taken on board.
Or maybe there was never any plan to have any other infinite harvester ever collect a secondary item. Its not safe to say anything until there is a response. One thing doesn’t make a trend.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Aye. Although I still think it was important enough for us to voice our concerns about it BEFORE it possibly became a trend.
Absolutely. There’s a good chance they had a rethink on things but we’ll never know.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
maybe Anet just has been to busy and didn’t have time to read this thread yet, now that it is back on the front page I am sure they will be responding any minute now
We’ll know better the next time they put an unlimited pick up for sale.
I think it’s not a coincidence that they haven’t offered one of any sort for a while now.
My interpretation is they know they blew it, and now they have to wait a long, long time for all recollection of the mistake to fade before they can sell those again.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
To be fair they have sold new unlimited tools since this, and it had no special ability.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I hope they re-release this. Sprockets are valuable now, and I want to win!
((sings the respect song except replaces r-e-s-p-e-c-t with r-e-s-p-o-n-s-e))
((sings the respect song except replaces r-e-s-p-e-c-t with r-e-s-p-o-n-s-e))
Where have you been hiding? They have a couple of more important issues on their hands now.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
((sings the respect song except replaces r-e-s-p-e-c-t with r-e-s-p-o-n-s-e))
Where have you been hiding? They have a couple of more important issues on their hands now.
That is true there are more issues now but I would still like this issue responded too.
That is true there are more issues now but I would still like this issue responded too.
They did respond.
They removed potential other bonuses from permanent tools released after this one, which would suggest that their response was: “Okay, players don’t like it, so we won’t add it to any more tools”.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
That is true there are more issues now but I would still like this issue responded too.
They did respond.
They removed potential other bonuses from permanent tools released after this one, which would suggest that their response was: “Okay, players don’t like it, so we won’t add it to any more tools”.
I dunno ‘removed’ and simply ‘never added in the first place’ are two different things, if they released the watchwork pick again and this time it did not have a chance of getting free sprockets then I would be more likely to agree with you.
I dunno ‘removed’ and simply ‘never added in the first place’ are two different things, if they released the watchwork pick again and this time it did not have a chance of getting free sprockets then I would be more likely to agree with you.
So you are simply saying that they only ever planned to have special abilities on a single item, but none of the others?
That doesn’t really make any sense.
And re-releasing it without that ability would probably create a massive kittenstorm.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
So you are simply saying that they only ever planned to have special abilities on a single item, but none of the others?
That doesn’t really make any sense.And re-releasing it without that ability would probably create a massive kittenstorm.
Well I don’t know their planning or thinking but Anet does a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense and/or creates massive kittenstorms.
So you are simply saying that they only ever planned to have special abilities on a single item, but none of the others?
That doesn’t really make any sense.And re-releasing it without that ability would probably create a massive kittenstorm.
No, they released one, saw the uproar and decided not to do it again.
RIP City of Heroes
No, they released one, saw the uproar and decided not to do it again.
Exactly, which was my point and why I suggest it was very much a response.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
In the meantime the watchwork sprockets have risen above 2s in price.
In the meantime the watchwork sprockets have risen above 2s in price.
It’s nice, if you have a generator and the pick, to get that daily income. Good for waypoint costs, at least.
Do they drop from aetherblades? I wonder if there’s a critical price where people would start farming EotM or TA Aether for them.
Meanwhile, I still love my watchwork mining pick and everything else I’ve bought. :P
Meanwhile, I still love my watchwork mining pick and everything else I’ve bought. :P
I only ever bought it for the aesthetic anyway… The fact that it pays me 3s (and rising) every 5th strike (due to supply and demand in practice) is just a lovely bonus.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Still complaining about that one ? I have another complain then :
I would also ask now when we get rid of the Megaserver, since the megaserver leads to much less income from picking ore, so all my investement in endlos picks is now worth nothing.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
lol the molten mining pick is back
lol the molten mining pick is back
I dont even know why they do this.
Then a while later they put back the watchwork pick, and we go through the motions of this all over again.
Let this be a fair warning to people. You could buy the molten pick, but there is a better infinite pickaxe they might show along aswell at a later date.
lol the molten mining pick is back
And the Consortium Sickle .. that other infamous P2W item
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
After the uproar over the watchwork pick, I don’t think we will ever see it or another tool like that again.
here is hoping there won’t be
i hope we do, its fair, its just that alot of people dont understand the difference between the words fair and equal, they are not the same
just in case anet forgot about this topic
Just came back from a break and didn’t know about these…must say it kind of makes me angry. I bought the unlimited gathering tools the first go round cause of the convenience. If it were new tools with new graphics that would be ok but the fact that you get additional special resources from a gem store gathering item is definitely P2W…
Hope these items never see the light of day again.
They tried it on one item. Next two items didn’t have any special mat chance. I don’t think they are going to change it because that’ll be yet another round of “I want a gem rebate”, they aren’t done on this round yet.
RIP City of Heroes
or they can retcon all unlimited picks to give resorces
or they can retcon all unlimited picks to give resorces
Which would make the outrage even worse, since that means all of them rather than just a single one would give an unobtainable advantage.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I always love it when a player suggests the alternative to a nerf of one thing is boosting everything else.
RIP City of Heroes
I make so much money off my sprockets that I just bought 10 Eternities
I’m still confused as to why the one pick deserves to get it’s own special drops. The others don’t get anything, so this one is pretty much just a better version of the other infinite use picks.
I’m still confused as to why the one pick deserves to get it’s own special drops. The others don’t get anything, so this one is pretty much just a better version of the other infinite use picks.
And the reaction to it is most likely why none of the others did get anything special.
ArenaNet did a test run to see how it was received. People didn’t like it, so they didn’t add it to the other new tools.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
^ Basically this. The “balance” part of me is still twiggy about the Watchwork Pick being different to all the other tools, but it likely isn’t in the game in enough numbers to really make a difference on the economy as a whole. As long as ANet doesn’t go back to more power creep for tools, I can let it lie.
Since sprockets have gotten pretty high in price, this gives a distinct advantage to the people who have them over those who don’t. This issue still needs to be addressed…