[KnT] – Blackgate
Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013
[KnT] – Blackgate
I just want to make it clear that I never chest thumped in this thread, if it came off that way it wasn’t my intent. By no means does anything I say represent anyones opinions but my own. SoR you have done a fantastic job this week.
I am not naming specific names you guys know who you are. Some people in this thread have basically stated that SoR only wins becasue its an event.. Don’t make me find these posts and quote them. Others are saying that the addition of one EU guild is the only reason SoR has done so well. We have been accused from everything from zoom hacking to being skill less blobs who run through opponents trying to run a melee train on them. Nothing bothers me more than for my server and my mates to be littled in this way. Simply put if you didnt understand what I wrote or you took it the wrong way you need to realize you need to get your act together. SoR has done a fantastic job this week, don’t try to down play our success with blame shifting or constant QQing that we get one EU guild when your server has run traditionally over 400ppt to 500ppt for weeks and months during these time slots when we have been completely out manned in the past on every single map.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
BG gets an influx of new guilds, gets a win, new blood absolutely floods the forums with chest thumping. WoW raiders in Molten Core were even complaining about the noise.
SoR gets a new EU guild, will get a win, new blood posts…good fights. SoR (even TW) slows down the chest thumping. (We’re onto you btw…top drawer, top drawer.)
Old JQ takes a beating, but if we do go red it will be a needed break while we rally up and recruit some STEEL (we need any new EU guilds to have this name…) and bolster our NA.
The Rallians are as thick as flies this week though, pushing for that first T1 win. FINALLY being able to legitimize their claims of being #1 NA after 11 (?) weeks. Congrats if so. =)
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
I just want to make it clear that I never chest thumped in this thread, if it came off that way it wasn’t my intent. By no means does anything I say represent anyones opinions but my own. SoR you have done a fantastic job this week.
I am not naming specific names you guys know who you are. Some people in this thread have basically stated that SoR only wins becasue its an event.. Don’t make me find these posts and quote them. Others are saying that the addition of one EU guild is the only reason SoR has done so well. We have been accused from everything from zoom hacking to being skill less blobs who run through opponents trying to run a melee train on them. Nothing bothers me more than for my server and my mates to be littled in this way. Simply put if you didnt understand what I wrote or you took it the wrong way you need to realize you need to get your act together. SoR has done a fantastic job this week, don’t try to down play our success with blame shifting or constant QQing that we get one EU guild when your server has run traditionally over 400ppt to 500ppt for weeks and months during these time slots when we have been completely out manned in the past on every single map.
To be honest, that is to be expected when a server wins #1 in this tier. The same things were said about BG when we got our medal. The best thing is to ignore the posts. SoR has done an excellent job so far this week. If you do finish in1st, it will be well-deserved.
……….I am not naming specific names you guys know who you are. Some people in this thread have basically stated that SoR only wins becasue its an event.. Don’t make me find these posts and quote them. Others are saying that the addition of one EU guild is the only reason SoR has done so well. We have been accused from everything from zoom hacking to being skill less blobs who run through opponents trying to run a melee train on them. Nothing bothers me more than for my server and my mates to be littled in this way. …….
Seriously, which server in T1 hasn’t been accused of these things. There are plenty more where those came from. Trolls gonna troll. Take it easy
(edited by zeus.2375)
……….I am not naming specific names you guys know who you are. Some people in this thread have basically stated that SoR only wins becasue its an event.. Don’t make me find these posts and quote them. Others are saying that the addition of one EU guild is the only reason SoR has done so well. We have been accused from everything from zoom hacking to being skill less blobs who run through opponents trying to run a melee train on them. Nothing bothers me more than for my server and my mates to be littled in this way. …….
Seriously, which server in T1 hasn’t been accused of these things. There are plenty more where those came from. Don’t take it too personal. Trolls gonna troll. Take it easy
I know I’ve decided to stay off the forums from now on if its wvw related. Reading this stuff really makes me upset and I end up posting things that are mean. Gl all done with the forums. GL BG hope you guys can get your acts together. JQ you can turn this around. I hope you can get a couple good guilds to move to replace EMP and your baddies that left.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
What kind of support did SOR give you?
The same support that BG did to the guilds that wanted to come over but couldnt withouth our community help.
Is not a big deal, and there’s nothing wrong with donate gold to help new friends.
I still wonder why they keep saying that “BG is buying guilds” and trying to give us a bad reputation for so long and then they go and do the same!
Im surprised no1 is trakittenalking SoR right now and….oh wait!
Call me crazy, but mb when OTHERS do it, is not so bad!!! Lets see..BG donate gold to help ppl get in? How dare you??! Blackhole destroyer of guilds!! Shame on you!! Your reputation is the worst!
SoR donate gold to the same objective? Oh, this is a real community, tight and perfect!! You should all watch and learn!
The same logic applied on the “overtime” nonsense…think about it!
BG won? Overtime lifeless nerds!
SoR winning? Is just bc you’re so good! Again, we should all watch and learn!
Don’t know where you got the idea that SoR provided funds for another guild to join the server. I’m on SoR and I’ve never heard of it. Please keep yourself in the loop next time.
IRON originally showed up to SoR with ~30(I think) players. They asked for assistance getting the rest here. We don’t have a bank for this kind of stuff, so we helped farm during some of our free time and donated. It all added up and was donated to IRON. I think I donated about 3G myself gotten from a guild mission.
Well props to SoR for the past 4-5 hours I’ve been on, you guys are pushing big this week ! My favourite moment of the night was our JQ group ninja capping SM whilst you were attacking BG’s keep Our ownership lasted all of 5 mins but still
Seriously hope JQ can get just a few more peeps back in WvW to compete with SoR & BG. We’ve had the outmanned buff on all borderlands and EB for most of the past week or two (at least when I’m playing – EU time)
See you out there !
Well props to SoR for the past 4-5 hours I’ve been on, you guys are pushing big this week ! My favourite moment of the night was our JQ group ninja capping SM whilst you were attacking BG’s keep
Our ownership lasted all of 5 mins but still
Seriously hope JQ can get just a few more peeps back in WvW to compete with SoR & BG. We’ve had the outmanned buff on all borderlands and EB for most of the past week or two (at least when I’m playing – EU time)
See you out there !
thats how its been in sor for a while…. so now you know how it feels
Well props to SoR for the past 4-5 hours I’ve been on, you guys are pushing big this week ! My favourite moment of the night was our JQ group ninja capping SM whilst you were attacking BG’s keep
Our ownership lasted all of 5 mins but still
Seriously hope JQ can get just a few more peeps back in WvW to compete with SoR & BG. We’ve had the outmanned buff on all borderlands and EB for most of the past week or two (at least when I’m playing – EU time)
See you out there !
thats how its been in sor for a while…. so now you know how it feels
Wow really? The guy makes a nice post that is basically complimentary of SoR and you reply with “now you know how it feels”?. Nice. Real nice.
[KnT] – Blackgate
So, forum warriors, what if I told you all of the reasons that you love SoR are the same reasons that I love Blackgate, the same reasons I have been there since launch, and the same reasons that I and my guild come out to fight every day? What if I told you that we take donations from guildies in order to help guilds who can’t get all their players over? What if I told you that yes, we absolutely play more hours to offset our coverage because we care about handing off good maps and helping out our other time zones? What if I told you that this is a game and the character assassination of Blackgate is pretty old hat?
Come on guys, grow up a little. The week might be lost, it might not. You can hate Blackgate all you want, but at the end of the day we are just as resilient as you. We’ve been to Tier 4 and battled back. Guilds have moved here for our community and helped us rise through the ranks. How is that any different from your server? I understand the notion of trash talking opponents, but flat out wishing the death of the only servers that give you competition is pretty lame. Maybe we should make a god tier where you can run around in your maps all by yourself while JQ, BG, and DB enjoy a friendly, competitive match since you are so out of our league?
Let’s cut the crap here. There have been good fights, but the persistent chest thumping is pretty disgusting. Go ahead and try and hold me responsible for chest thumping. Go through my post history. You will find none. Maybe you could all follow my example and say, “good game, good fights, /salute” instead of posting about wanting to get +600 and having no comprehension of how unhealthy that really is for the game.
Well said. Chest beating on any side is poor form.
I think people just like drama, and the forum arguing provides that. Not everyone is this way.
[GSCH] Gaiscioch Gaming Community
The reason why jq is a no show is it hardly has any large pvp guilds.they make up the slack with their pve players. Those players just happen to be in southsun or should i say southsun overflow since there is a 3 hour long queue to get into it on jade.
I was in Southsun for 4 hours yesterday during very offpeak hours, and I didnt even get the pop up box asking if I wanted to transfer out of overflow. Go JQ! Next week it’ll be like a tentacle hentai raep movie when we show up on reset night, so watch the effff out.
we comin ta git ya
Lead, you need a merchant… Just sayin.
Umberage of Death – Thief
~~~Sanctum of Rall~~~
BG NA prime. He looks so sad…..
Is it sad I know everyone in your party by the portraits?
How’s pvdoor for an doing
Skritt Happens
Okay for those asking about numbers during EU timeslot here are 2 raw footage videos showing numbers.
Now yes we do not have the outmanned buff, but in both of those clips we are in the only tower that BG holds, and we ARE outnumbered. The transfer of a guild fielding double the size of the largest opponent is a very important factor. Guild groups are very important in this game, as they can oppose much larger militia groups.
But so is the fact that we are not seeing JQ on the field. JQ need an EU guild similar size to BG (20) in order to balance the playing field for a full on 3 way matchup.
I dont mean to come across as having a go Warlord, or putting the rest of SoR down. I just think you are underestimating the full affect that "one EU guild" can have, especially one of IRON’s quality.
What SoR have shown this week is that they clearly have the ability to hold onto their stuff once they have it, but up untill now they have had to spend far too much time getting it back first! Think you have it in the bag so GJ on the win!
Its an end of an era, JQ getting their a*s whooped
Lol. I can’t stop laughing. The most I’ve seen IRON fielded was 20-25 member per map and yet you read about all these QQ’s and panic and ‘omg their eu coverage is now superstacked’. This is just priceless. BG got thousands of new transfer several weeks ago. Now SoR got no more than 70 IRON’s and bam! the paranoia and panic ensues.
Just have fun and play for the moment.
Zero drama forever
Yes and RK has 15-20 members on one map during EU and we are the only active EU guild on BG that can do things alone on a larger scale. IRON have +30 main roam force with 5-10 members they leave as a defense and scout force.
Then where is TW 15-25 man force that is also active during a lot of EU prime.
There is also a handful of other SoR guilds, but IRON and TW are the big bad during EU prime. They are great fun to fight and i take great pleasure in being the underdog in EU.
Hi mate, we enjoy the fights to and the fact you guys keep coming, even though we do outnumber you. I love people like you guys who are all heart and passion whether outnumbered or not. We end up that way at the end of the night when our numbers are low, its either kitten it or flee, we kitten it
(edited by Offski.4897)
Okay for those asking about numbers during EU timeslot here are 2 raw footage videos showing numbers.
Now yes we do not have the outmanned buff, but in both of those clips we are in the only tower that BG holds, and we ARE outnumbered. The transfer of a guild fielding double the size of the largest opponent is a very important factor. Guild groups are very important in this game, as they can oppose much larger militia groups.
But so is the fact that we are not seeing JQ on the field. JQ need an EU guild similar size to BG (20) in order to balance the playing field for a full on 3 way matchup.
I dont mean to come across as having a go Warlord, or putting the rest of SoR down. I just think you are underestimating the full affect that “one EU guild” can have, especially one of IRON’s quality.
What SoR have shown this week is that they clearly have the ability to hold onto their stuff once they have it, but up untill now they have had to spend far too much time getting it back first! Think you have it in the bag so GJ on the win!
Man those superiors arrow carts and ballistas you had there were beastly. We had two 20 man groups running today, and joined up to deal with that tower as last point on the map (haha we tried to draw u out by taking garrison). Probably a few friendlies with us as well, though we were not running with commander icons tonight.
Awesome defence of cragtop there. kitten superior ac’s are a nightmare at the moment we just melted in the bottle neck.
(edited by Offski.4897)
Guys at SoRBL can you stop bringing like 30-40 people to deal with 10 of us
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”
Why is SoR in first? We aren’t trying to win…. :/
20-25 member per map is a lot
You guys realized we only had that luxury on JQ when FoO was around, and only over weekday asian hours?
What we had was bunch of small guilds that could start a 5 men group, and pugs would turn those into sizable zergs. EB channel on our public TS never had more than a few guys in,. JQ held 1st all those time with pure population, of unorganized pugs.
For a bit, we also had some cherrypicker guilds/individuals that took advantage of the situation, by promoted their own/themselves (unsupported or have 2 or 3 guild members with them) and leading pugs with mapchat. These “guilds” like PvP, Ge, Omen, WARD… They rarely field more than a group of players, no TS even between their own members, 20-25 member per map is really astronomical number compared to those.
For the benefit of those at work, can we get a score update please?
Thank you kindly.
Nirmuu 80 Warrior [GC]
JQ and BG both have multiple T1 wins. Now we on SoR might get our first one. Every server will have its up and downs with guilds moving to and from. All 3 of the servers have some great guilds that kick kitten Now since IRON came over and filled a much needed gap, once this event is over with, we on SoR will see for certain how we compare to the coverage you guys on BG and JQ have.
Mentally Disturbed – [MD]
Sanctum of Rall
Its not like the JQ you guys speak of is still around, most of the guilds left here so I guess enjoy the bandwagon waves SoR/BG but know that SoS fell, JQ is falling, and other servers will too when the bandwagons move again. Not that I really mind, just my point of view.
Jade Quarry Champion Hunter
Solo/Small man WvW
sor is a bandwagon server? T_T
sor is a bandwagon server? T_T
Currently, it looks that way. But best to consider this question 6 weeks from now when the answer is less cloudy.
In order to have a competitive and fun T1 fights, we should encourage 1 another more than character assasinating other servers and wanting them to implode. Wanting them to implode simply means you do not want any competition I guess?
Implosion, implosion. The only server that is imploding right now is JQ. BG is still strong and will fight!
I’m chest thumping and celebrating. You guys may not care anymore but I do and I couldn’t be happier this week.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
So yeah, kinda sad to have spent 8 hours holding that keep, then losing it in such a dubious manner with inner siege destroyed or unable to be manned due to arrow dmg.
Fear has an addiction to such things. This is just their normal behaviour.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
For those who are working… and asking.
Is that a bl queue on SoR?
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
So yeah, kinda sad to have spent 8 hours holding that keep, then losing it in such a dubious manner with inner siege destroyed or unable to be manned due to arrow dmg.
Fear has an addiction to such things. This is just their normal behaviour.
Doesnt mean that the rest of SOR should condone the behaviour. Its clear the Keep was captured due to use of a field of view exploit, those honest SoR who disagree with the use of this exploit should vacate it , not attempt to defend it, and allow it to be re-built before attacking it again.
BG needs to buy another server revive orb
There is one thing that I despise in all of this: The tiers.
Alot of people do fight for their own servers, and the cause of their fall is the possibility to transfer and the required time and efforts to get back to T1.
What do we have here right now? The Seas of Blackgate vs The Stormbluff Quarry? The names barely matter anymore, popular guilds do, and the territory they defend is rarely anything but a mean to remain in T1 and remain in the action as others eventually try to bring life anywhere else.
I’ve started on Vizunah Square, fought anywhere action was, many times on the rising ennemies’ sides, such as Arborstone, Elona’s Reach, Desolation. I’ve come to T1 NA just in time to see SBI being completly empty and fall and JQ rising. SoS got emptied and its inhabitants got implanted into a fully fueled BG, breaking the T1 door with SoR not far behind.
For my part, I’m guildless, belong to no server, and just wish to fight wherever there is action and eventually help around. The question is.. before going for the talk, do you (people and guilds) really belong to the server you’re fighting for; or is it just a name, where you hide behind and then leave when it starts having its weak moments? Would you bear seeing your server descending into the lower tiers? I see alot of talks about being strong, or weak, but barely anyone would actually hold up when massively outnumbered and instead, will look elsewhere and come back with a new force, and a new server name.
Of course, people can’t really take the blame for it, I’d believe than 3 sides or factions would have been better, instead of 20ish. So people would be permitted to be catapulted in the middle of what’s currently going on instead of swimming in the dark.
(edited by MrForz.1953)
This is for all my BG peoples. HELL YEAH!
I’m Bluuuuue
If I was Green I would die
Abi Dee
Aba Dii
I’m Bluuuue
if I was green I would Die
Abi Dee
Aba Dii
Chillynipps – 80 Human Elementalist
[TSYM] – SOR (Undefeated)
cant wait to get that green keep vista in ebg. thats all ive been missing for like 2 months
In order to have a competitive and fun T1 fights, we should encourage 1 another more than character assasinating other servers and wanting them to implode. Wanting them to implode simply means you do not want any competition I guess?
I understand and now you should think how many times and for how long SoR had to endure hearing all these things especially from BG…
We were always the underdog for 15 weeks in T2 and eversince BG came to T1 it was the same old song and dance. We were never taken seriously in this competition so please understand winning wasn’t expected. Everybody on SoR it’s just beyond happy this week and it is expected that some things get out of hand a bit.
I agree that we should start fresh and maybe BG will be the gracious winner in the weeks to come and set an example.
What I have seen from IRON, they are able to cover 2-3 maps with 20-25 people. I played at lunch the other day in JQ BL. We had out-maned buff. As soon as our keep got hit from a large force of 25+, IRON ported in and defended. The enemy was wiped, they ported to another map and we had out-manned buff again. They really don’t have that many. They are super organized and have fast reaction time. I think the other servers just need to adapt to their play style. Defend what you have and take stuff in other maps that is not defended.
The old days of taking everything on a map then moving to another map isn’t going to work with IRON.
Are you even in IRON? Or even a major commander during the EU time slot??
Iron fields like 20-30 players and map hops…. from BL to BL.. not per map, maybe it looks like that to yiou becasue they are constantly hoping from map to map but in reality its more like 20-30 players And besides the IRON guys theres not a lot of others on except pugs. Its IRON + PUGs and Randoms. True story that all.
Wrong. I’ve run with IRON. They are never less than 80 strong per map on at least three maps at once with at least one 15 man havoc squad on the other. They are a server unto themselves. They’re also all at least 8’ tall and shoot lightening bolts out of their kitten
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
In order to have a competitive and fun T1 fights, we should encourage 1 another more than character assasinating other servers and wanting them to implode. Wanting them to implode simply means you do not want any competition I guess?
I understand and now you should think how many times and for how long SoR had to endure hearing all these things especially from BG…
We were always the underdog for 15 weeks in T2 and eversince BG came to T1 it was the same old song and dance. We were never taken seriously in this competition so please understand winning wasn’t expected. Everybody on SoR it’s just beyond happy this week and it is expected that some things get out of hand a bit.
I agree that we should start fresh and maybe BG will be the gracious winner in the weeks to come and set an example.
True but its a vicious cycle, I for one never chest thumped or looked down any server (except cheating). Everyone had their chance for glory but I urge everyone not to over do it.
Don’t worry, BG is gonna get into it hard and make a comeback next week.
Same with JQ.
And all servers will be within 10k and this tier will be amazing.
What I have seen from IRON, they are able to cover 2-3 maps with 20-25 people. I played at lunch the other day in JQ BL. We had out-maned buff. As soon as our keep got hit from a large force of 25+, IRON ported in and defended. The enemy was wiped, they ported to another map and we had out-manned buff again. They really don’t have that many. They are super organized and have fast reaction time. I think the other servers just need to adapt to their play style. Defend what you have and take stuff in other maps that is not defended.
The old days of taking everything on a map then moving to another map isn’t going to work with IRON.
I agree, IRON does short work of zergs and they play differently than what us in the NA play WvW like. They play more of a guild style than a Zerg v Zerg style.
And its already been proven EU is better than NA players in terms of PvP.
As for Jade Quarry, we are doing the living story, we are better than both BG and SoR because we are 2nd to only Anvil Rock in the PvP leaderboards as well as being in T1 WvW. We are also a dominating server in the PvE factor as well.
Jade Quarry is a T1 server in all aspects, you guys should respect Jade Quarry. Its #1 NA server overall.
What I have seen from IRON, they are able to cover 2-3 maps with 20-25 people. I played at lunch the other day in JQ BL. We had out-maned buff. As soon as our keep got hit from a large force of 25+, IRON ported in and defended. The enemy was wiped, they ported to another map and we had out-manned buff again. They really don’t have that many. They are super organized and have fast reaction time. I think the other servers just need to adapt to their play style. Defend what you have and take stuff in other maps that is not defended.
The old days of taking everything on a map then moving to another map isn’t going to work with IRON.
I agree, IRON does short work of zergs and they play differently than what us in the NA play WvW like. They play more of a guild style than a Zerg v Zerg style.
And its already been proven EU is better than NA players in terms of PvP.
As for Jade Quarry, we are doing the living story, we are better than both BG and SoR because we are 2nd to only Anvil Rock in the PvP leaderboards as well as being in T1 WvW. We are also a dominating server in the PvE factor as well.
Jade Quarry is a T1 server in all aspects, you guys should respect Jade Quarry. Its #1 NA server overall.
What is pvp leaderboard? sPvP? Who does that? That is so 2004….
It actually looks as if all servers might end up being competitive and enjoying the game a bit more instead of just trash talking with 1 dominant server.... It’s looking.... Fun?
Score update please for the SEA and Oceanic crew currently at work. I wish my work involved playing GW2.
Its an end of an era, JQ getting their a*s whooped
Us getting our butts whooped is an era I’m happy to see come to an end. Thanks for your support Tray, we’re not going to let you down. JQ will recover from this brief lull.
Here ya go. Break time, 8:20 PM PST Score Update.
If I may, to the EMP folks I tagged along with this evening in JQBL, it was an absolute pleasure. THAT was how the BLs should feel! Well done indeed all!
Wow, that far ahead on a Wednesday and they Zoom hack???? That’s just wrong on so many levels. People wonder why the WvW population is dwindling… Oy!