Showing Posts For AVHero.7382:

[NA] Chrono looking for Raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: AVHero.7382


bumpin! got a couple messages, but still looking around a bit before deciding.

[NA] Chrono looking for Raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: AVHero.7382



I have been playing Guild Wars 2 on and off since launch, and while I’ve dabbled in other classes, Mesmer by far has most of my play time, and I prefer it over everything else. I took about a month break right about when raids came out, so I have yet to see the raid content in Guild Wars 2, and I would like to find a static guild that I can do that with.

I’m currently decked out in full Sin/Zerk ascended gear, and I have a set of ascended Commander armor as well for chronotanking. I have yet to do it, but I’m willing to try and learn. I have raiding experience from previous MMOs I played (WoW, SW:Tor, Destiny, FFXI and FFXIV) so I know how they go. I have the consumables I need already in terms of food and sharpening stones, so I’m ready for action!

I have most VoIP programs downloaded and I have a mic and headset so I can communicate during the raid.

A few preferences:

  • The guild cannot have a 100% rep policy. I have a guild I’ve been playing with since GW1 that I rep most of the time. I will gladly rep the raiding guild for any guild events (including raids, obviously) that I will be participating in.
  • Raids cannot be on Monday or Wednesday nights unless they are fairly late (like 11ish CST). I have other obligations on these evenings. I’m open every other evening.
  • I’m looking for a spot on a raid team. I don’t want to be 4th alternate. Yafeel?
  • I’m pretty easy going, but I will give my full attention to raids when it comes time. I’d like the guild to not take itself too seriously. If you have a tendency to yell at raid members when things go sour, I’m not interested. I like more laughs than tears in my raids.

That’s about it! If you have any questions, feel free to post them here, or mail or message me in game. If you want to give me the lowdown on your guild, do the same. I look forward to working with one of you soon!


An Apology to all Zerker "Elites"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I concede that someone joining a speed run while experimenting with a build is a bit contradictory, so that is the fault of the OP, which kinda lessens his justification in frustration at other people running (potentially) sub-optimal builds.

However, I think “speed clear” is usually pretty universally understood. The only reason you would not understand what that means is if you don’t know the definition of the words in question. And going off your previous assumption of people knowing the meta, they should know that does not include healers of any sort. You really can’t argue for the meta while also feigning ignorance of the meta. It’s more likely these players don’t know what the meta is, because ANet trying to make it more than just Zerker doesn’t mean it is more than just Zerker. As of right now, Fractals=Zerker. End of question. The groups that have cleared 100 say Zerker is the way to go. So much of Fractals (and much of Guild Wars 2) is avoiding damage rather than recovering from damage, so until there are several unavoidable damage sources (in Fractals this was randomly afflicted agony or the guaranteed agony during final bosses), healing won’t have a place. All healing does for Guild Wars 2 is correct mistakes. In other MMOs, it’s essential, as damage mitigation isn’t heavily focused on avoidance like it is in GW2.

As for more effective communication, well, I personally don’t know the limits on the LFG message thing, but the point of abbreviations is to make as much of the message possible without a mouseover. People really are that lazy. A compromise would be an abbreviation with more details upon mouseover, but again, I don’t actually know how much you an actually put in the LFG message. It would be worth checking out.

And I don’t disagree with you Windsagio. My trials in 50+ fractals at this point have been people learning how fights actually go, considering that everyone cheesed fights before, and the fact that people go “so how do we do this fight now” and I have to explain “how it’s meant to be done” is sadly hilarious to me.

But, I think your point is that the OP shouldn’t be frustrated that they couldn’t stack and burn after he joined a “speed clear” group? I don’t think he complained about the fight not being able to be done with that setup, but that the group advertised one thing when it clearly wasn’t that thing. From what I understand they downed the bosses. It just took a while.

An Apology to all Zerker "Elites"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AVHero.7382


yes, you ve reached the point where you have unreasonable expectations of people to whom you ve had virtually no communication with.

Yes, because expecting people who have run 39 of these things to know how the content works and how to optimize for it is unreasonable.

yes, because 39 levels has like two molten bosses in it. Also different people beat it in different ways. Some people healed through it, some people dps smashed it, some people duoed it.

problem is Speed clear is a relative term to most people. Also zero discussion of builds/formation. Its going to happen that at least some % of the time people will not be on the same page.

Notice, the Op was testing out his non optimized build as well, Everyone has dif goals/standards. Pugs are going to have these issues unlesss everything is really clear and controlled.
for example, now we have healers, but pugs dont have any means of knowing who is doing what roles. Before we had one accepted meta, but anet changed that up.

also keep in mind 39 fractals is the equivalent of being level 10 in the old system

You only heal through it if you’re bad at mechanics. I guess if your party advertisers “bad mechanics welcome” then yeah, you can accept that. I’m being facetious, but you get the point. You expect some sort of experience.

And no, introducing people with an emphasis on another role other than damage has not changed up the meta in any way so far. There is no new group content that requires healing. Future content might capitalize on these specs, but right now they aren’t as effective as someone focusing on DPS or boosting DPS in any of the old content. The meta hasn’t changed in favor of not optimizing damage. It has only shifted in allowing more effective damage dealers in. There is still only one accepted meta.

And in general, if you’re going to talk about a meta, then you’re talking from a point of discussion where you expect players to know a meta, and to know what is acceptable, which implies more experience than you’re letting on.

And 39=10 is flawed. The scaling difficulty did not get kitten to that extent. Sure, you’re only doing 1 fractal a level instead of 4, but the difficulty still scales, and instabilities are introduced at the same time.

EDIT: And to the comment above me, having 4 other people that can’t complete that content is not “on you.” That’s on them. I recently got stuck in a Thaumanova fractal where my teammates could not stay alive. I was the only one staying alive (and one other Mesmer, who left after several attempts) and I was the last one dead every time (save a couple of flubs). That was not on me. This was a 65? (somewhere around there, whichever is Thaumanova), so the boss had a lot of health, and that’s when knowing the fight takes priority over “burst it down before mechanics come into play.” We finally downed the fight because after several people leaving, we had a couple other people come in, and we didn’t win because they were competent, but because when they died they would toon swap and come back in the fight. They went through 3 and 4 characters between the 2 of them before we downed the boss, and I was the only person on my team that was alive the whole time.

(edited by AVHero.7382)

An Apology to all Zerker "Elites"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AVHero.7382


yes, you ve reached the point where you have unreasonable expectations of people to whom you ve had virtually no communication with.

Yes, because expecting people who have run 39 of these things to know how the content works and how to optimize for it is unreasonable.

Is Phant/Mantra the only spec for group PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Now, disclaimer, I haven’t done dungeons or fractal runs in a long time. I used to do fractals a lot, but haven’t done them since even the last set of ascended trinkets came out. I capped out at fractal level 30 and just ran 20 and 10’s dailies. I haven’t done dungeons in about as long.

I took a hiatus from the game right around the most recent Wintersday, and started playing again recently. Everything I have looked up and read about doing dungeons and fractals involves going some variation of a Sword/Sword and Sword/Other spec. These specs almost always revolve around the Empowering Mantras, and always revolve around Phantasm upkeep.

My problem is while in my mind I would like to run dungeons and fractals, I also do a lot of open world PvE and occasional WvW. I really liked my shatter specs because I could fine tune some of the traits to match my situation, and go from there. I ran lots of glamour/shatter variants.

I am finding I really dislike Phantasm gameplay. I used to be a champion of it when the game first came out, but shatter specs are so much more dynamic for me. Focusing on getting 3 phantasms out and auto attacking enemies to death is so DULL. I just have no fun doing it.

Now, when I am going to be doing Fractals, I am going to want to do higher level stuff. Given the amount of ascended gear out now, I imagine doing 30+ won’t be as big of an issue as it was when all we had were back pieces and rings. Is it imperative I am running one of these snooze specs? Am I undesirable if I am not running mantras/phantasms? I enjoy sword gameplay a lot, but just autoattacking is so dull for me. Additionally, Mantra play is focused around slotting Mantras and not using them for passive stat gain. DULL DULL DULL!

There’s min/maxing, which I am usually all for, and then there is making the game too dull to play. Mesmer has been my main since release, and I’ve invested the most into him. I really don’t want to have to start on a new character because the Mesmer “Meta” is boring as hell.

Just mainly wanting to see if there is anything else people run that is proven successful, and if I can find dungeon/fractal groups successfully without running these specs.

Thanks for your time.

4/12 I AR I BP I Ebay

in WvW

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I can agree, numbers are a factor but they are one piece of the tactical pie. I’ve seen smaller EBay units out-maneuver AR and BP zergs many times by hitting their rearguard/flank and start breaking up the zerg. Credit where credit is due, some of EBays guilds are real good.

What has been exciting is seeing both AR commanders and guilds learning how to counter flanking, adopting new tactics and changing how we attack you all. The battles are fun, we have to think and we aren’t just steamroll’d. I’m also excited to see more people logging in from AR, it means our server is getting more involved.

It would be awesome if the sPvP players we have are logging in. They would bring some great talent.

There has been some improvement. This week I’ve had a lot of fun roaming (minor zerg play, but zergs are boring) on a couple of my characters and having a few good fights. I remember one instance where I was trying to solo cap a camp on BP’s borderlands that AR was holding. There was an ele guarding it, and I knew I would never take it simply because I couldn’t kill the ele and all the guards before the ele just waypointed and came back, but I enjoyed fighting that ele multiple times. We traded a few kills (although it was a bit lame she wouldn’t come fight me until I attacked guards and they were on me, so I had to bait her), and then it turned into a small skirmish when BP showed up as well. Lots of fun.

4/12 I AR I BP I Ebay

in WvW

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I’m so glad AR is pressing Ebay and BP, it starting to get through in our server and more people are becoming interested in WvW. It has one bad side effect though. Since I’ve started my WvWvW addiction I’ve never had to queue for Eternal Battlegrounds from Anvil Rock; however, since last reset Eternal BG has been full-up for AR! I’ve had to run around the BLs but it been a good learning experience how the BLs can affect the greater strategic picture. Oh, I can’t forget that I finally ran into the infamous CHAR during a battle or two…and yes we won.

As an EBay citizen I have not had to queue for EBG at all this week. Granted, I’ve only WvW’d like 4 nights this week, but every time I’ve gone to EBG and never had a queue. And yes, I work, so it has been during peak hours.

I always see dismissal of many EBay victories as “their numbers took us,” but I don’t think we REALLY have that many more people than it is always made out to be. Any zerg v zerg situations I’ve witnessed have had fairly evenly numbered zergs, rather than a gross lead by EBay. I would be interested in seeing actual numbers of players in attendance at various times during the week, because the anecdotal evidence of the zerg that is EBay always leaves me thinking people are exaggerating.

4/12 I AR I BP I Ebay

in WvW

Posted by: AVHero.7382


You mean all 3 [CHAR] members that ran their mouth? That’s probably exactly what happened.

4/5 Ebay-AR-BP

in WvW

Posted by: AVHero.7382


The sad irony in these last two posts….

New Update Akin to "State of the Economy?"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I was just about to make another post about this, then realized I had one up already. I guess I should have posted it in the Suggestions forums asking for such an update. Has anything like this been done yet? Can we get some soon? I imagine throwing another graphic together with some data stored somewhere on ANet’s servers wouldn’t be TOO much trouble.


Is the monthly too hard?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Slightly off-topic, but it was mentioned a few times that each fractal counts as a dungeon. That is false. Fractals do not count as dungeons at all. You have to run a dungeon with a story or explorable mode to get credit for that monthly.

That being said, I’ve done most of the monthly without trying. I play about 3-4 hours a night, a lot of which is sitting in Lion’s Arch. I try to finish my daily every day, and get a Fractal run or a dungeon run in (I enjoy this content; I understand others do not). With my policy of salvaging whites and rares, I’ve salvaged 2/5ths of what I need already. As a result of doing the daily, I’ve also gotten a chunk of my monthly events done already as well. I know I’ll get these finished before the end of the month, simply because of the progress I’ve made in 5 days. Aside from the required 5 days to get the “do 5 dailies” achievement, the other requirements can be rushed. I understand some people don’t like doing some of the content, but it honestly doesn’t take that long to run one dungeon path a night for 5 nights throughout the month.

While I enjoy WvW, there were some months in the past where I would not have set foot in it. I enjoy PvE more, and so I usually only step foot in WvW when I’m in the mood or when I have friends going in. However, for I think every monthly since the game’s release (aside from this month’s, obv), I’ve been forced into WvW to acquire 50 kills. This isn’t hard, but its still inconvenient as it takes away from me doing what I want to do. However, I find a way to enjoy it despite the forced requirement. Everyone complaining about dungeons should find a way to do so as well. Take an alt into a story mode they have yet to complete. Find some friends to do the dungeon with. Set challenges for yourself the game doesn’t otherwise set. Find something to make it fun and interesting. I’m sure you’re all creative enough to find some way to enjoy it. If not, don’t do it. For those of you worried about the laurels, you’ll get them in 10 days time. You’ll just be 10 days behind everyone else. Does that bother you? Then you’ve probably come from other MMOs where you did something tediously boring that you disliked, like grind daily dungeons, in order to acquire decent gear quickly. This game is much less punishing in that regard, as the stat difference isn’t that big of a deal, and exotics are easy to acquire. I understand you want your (for Berserker’s) extra 11 power, 6 precision, and 1% crit damage, but honestly, your skill is going to come into play WAY before those extra stats do. You’ll get it.

On the plus side for WvWers, you get events done like it’s nobody’s business. If you play WvW for a few hours every night, you’ve probably already completed that portion of the daily, whereas some of us that spend more time in dungeons have not. Find your silver lining.

resting oun our "Laurels"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Yes and no. They are going to add laurels to some of the regular achievements in the future. Those will be awarded retroactively.

No, you will not be rewarded for completing the dailies before today. That’s just ridiculous.

No knight's Ascended Amulet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Care to share how much the amulets cost?

Precursor scavenger hunt in the F&F prelude?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


They have said it isn’t something that is actively in development. I think it is still in the planning/conceptualizing stage. So don’t expect it anytime too soon.

Soulbound to Account not possible anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


It says for weapons, so I’m assuming it doesn’t apply to armor yet (not confirmed), but this is what I understood as well. Can someone confirm?

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Sad fact is they are the most active forum members.

Ehmry is great and wonderful and beautiful. Yeah, we have forum drama, but that rarely translates into the game.

Oh sure, i’ve to point you’re 200% right. E-Bay it’s great and drama never touch game. Those trolls are just forum players, not GW2 players.

This fine specimen of a constructive poster has Maguuma in his signature. Who troll what now?

Feedback/Mimic not Reflecting Barrage

in Mesmer

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Any projectiles that have been reflected one can not be reflected or blocked a second time.

Just wanted to say this is not entirely true. In FOTM, the Jade Colossi reflect projectiles. As a scepter user, I have frequently used my 1 to launch a projectile at them, and hit 2 immediately. When the projectile I launched is reflected back at me, I then block it with my 2, and a clone is summoned as well as the jade Colossus taking damage. So reflected projectiles CAN be blocked. I’m not sure if this is always the case, but it is in this situation.

As a GW1 player, GW2 is not for me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I played some Competitive PvP in Guild Wars 1. The reason it did not appeal to me was because there was little room for innovation or variety. Sure, you could come up with a cool individual build or even team build that might be effective. But as soon as people noticed, people either copied or countered. A lot of PvP in GW1 was rock, paper, scissors. Team A run X build, which counters Team B’s Y build, which counters Team C’s Z build, who counters X. Obviously it wasn’t that simple and there was a bit more to it, but really the only enjoyment out of PvP I got was the teamwork aspect; to be successful you really had to work as a team.

Of course, later PvP became elitist, and anyone without experience couldn’t play because teams only wanted people who were experienced.

ANet has also said they are working on PvP and e-sports. Their PvP team is separate from their PvE team, and most class balances in the game so far have been focused on PvP. This is why the mesmer (my main class) has been nerfed almost every single patch. They are perfectly fine in PvE, and even have a higher learning curve than some other professions. But because they are so complex, they are hard to pin in PvP, and ANet can’t allow them to have utility AND damage, because that’s not fair to other professions, so they get spanked because PvPers cannot handle them.

Your stance still falls under the “game is new and not enough content has come out yet” argument. Yeah, GW1 had more PvP options on release, I’ll concede that. But ANet is still working on it for GW2. Give it time.

New Update Akin to "State of the Economy?"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Hey Guild Warriors.

Just wondering if there has been an update with data like the date provided by John Smith in the “State of the Economy” post in September. That was posted just a few weeks after GW2’s release, and I am most eager to see how the game has changed since then. Have there been any off-site updates that discuss this?

The data I am referencing was a chart that depicted the popularity of races, genders, professions, and crafts. It would be cool to see how this has changed. It would be especially cool if it could be a bit more specific: how many level 80s of each profession are there, how many maxed crafts, etc.

Here is a link to the image I am describing:

And here is the blog post it was included in:


WP too expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I am on both sides of the fence. I hated the costs of WP when I hit 80, because I was broke and spending a few silver pieces per jump was ridiculous. Now, I’m not as bothered by it, but I still avoid jumping unless it is hyper inconvenient not to. I don’t WP to Lion’s Arch ever; I enter WvW and walk through the LA portal. If a zone I am going to is really close to a starting zone, I’ll go to LA and port to that city before teleporting. If I am within a zone trying to 100% it, I try to maximize my efficiency so that I do not waypoint at all while I am in the zone to maximize profits and minimize expenditures.

On the other hand, if somebody needs my help somewhere or I’m going to play with a friend, I’ll waypoint there no problem. I make up the money I spend using WPs before I have time to use another.

If you think about it in overall amounts of money you have lost, it is a bit discouraging. I have probably spent a few gold pieces just using waypoints. But the cost is manageable if you plan accordingly.

As a GW1 player, GW2 is not for me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I’ve enjoyed this thread so far, but I have to say that a lot of the GW1 nostalgia is very general and all-encompassing.

I’m not sure how many of the nostalgic folks in this thread played GW1 at release (or near to it), before Prophecies was Prophecies, but the amount of content in the game was severely limited compared to what there is now. The game has had 3 campaigns and an expansion that added an obscene amount of content over several years. One particular thing I’ve seen mentioned a few times that people liked were heroes, which weren’t even introduced in the game until Nightfall. You had to henchman everything prior to that campaign, or (gasp) actually run with friends! Do you remember actually having to get a group for basically anything in Crystal Desert and beyond? How many people rerolled monk in the base game because finding a group was about 1000 times easier? How about being forced to go E/R or asking your ranger to bring Winter for the Ring of Fire missions, because Elementalists didn’t deviate from a fire spec, and the mobs were immune to it? After completing Prophecies, what did you do? Underworld and Fissure of Woe farm? Grind money?

People talk about the amount of content GW1 had, but in reality, it was grind content for money or for titles (which weren’t even released until Nightfall iirc). The point of both games beyond the story line so far has been to make your own fun within the content. Guild Wars 1 had a way of doing this in the form of deck building that Guild Wars 2 does not. But that does not mean Guild Wars 2 does not have ways to make your own fun, and although you don’t have an “endless” amount of options, you still have variety within a class via traits, utilities/elites, and weapon choices. The game gives you non-essential things to work towards; achievements, aesthetics, a progression of sorts through Fractals, WvW or TPvP, and possibly more. Additionally, innovative players will find new ways to challenge themselves and make their own fun; attempting to solo dungeons is one of these methods.

There is stuff to do in GW2, and I would argue the game shipped with more options as to what you can do than GW1 did. And development with new content for the game will continue, releasing more content to clear and tasks to complete. Comparing the two games in terms of amount of content and options as to what you can do (independent of deck building) is unfair until both games have finished releasing new content. GW1 has an over 7 year head start.

Now, if your issues are with the gameplay in some way, whether that be how combat and skills work and such, then you just might not be into MMOs, or into the flavor of MMO that GW2 is. I think GW2 combat is one of the better combat systems MMO wise. Being restricted to 10 skills and looking for synergy within those 10 skills is definitely more intriguing than having access to all your abilities and requiring 50 hotkeys and no less than 4 skill bars. Could there be more variety? For sure. But is ANet done with the game? No.

Which traits to aim for?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Also, the books you purchase at levels 20, 40, and 60 reset your traits, so you can play with different builds now, and switch your traits when you buy that book. Even at 80, a full respec is under 4 silver iirc, so it isn’t that expensive.

That being said, most builds take at least 20 in dueling for deceptive evasion, and 5 in Illusion for Illusionist’s Celerity. Lots of builds do 30 in Illusion for shattering purposes, with the remainder being spent based on what weapon set you use. I always build my builds around my weapons. I almost always want the 20% Cooldown on my weapons, because I swap often, and like having my abilities available sooner.

NA Server Population

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I imagine they expect an influx of players returning or purchasing the game due to the season, the special they are running, and the event. I think they bumped LA capacities and such as well, as last night for the first time in ages I couldn’t actually get into an overflow, which made doing Fractals a bit problematic. A lot of servers no longer were put into overflows.

Sylvari Names

in Sylvari

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Mine is Treelover. It was my Night Elf Druid’s name for the longest time before I server transferred (sniff). I thought it was fitting, although not necessarily loretastic.

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I recently just started reading about the armor glowing. I have never noticed a glow, so I am not entirely sure what people are asking about. I’m going to have to look around for screenies and then check when I get home.

My Sylvari is a mesmer, so I agree that the wings really add to it. My phantasms in particular look really awesome. I have a teal/purplish color scheme on my wings with my green skin, so the purple tinted phantasms look fabulous.

T2 light male

in Sylvari

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I am at work so I can’t post screenshots, but I can when I get home. I use the T2. I plan on getting a full T3 set, but T2 will have to suffice for now, as I make money at a pace slightly slower than a snail. Anyway, I quite like it better than wearing real clothing. It makes me feel more Sylvari.

Missing Glow after Makeover Kit

in Sylvari

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I bought a kit on release. I used it in Lion’s Arch. I think the day/night cycle changed during my makeover, but during the whole ordeal, I had no problems toggling the light on and off to see my character’s glow. It took me an hour to finally finish fussing over my character (did it in like 5 minutes at release), but I could see my glow just fine in the customization window, and it looked the same in game. As others have said, make sure the glow isn’t turned down all the way. Otherwise I’m not entirely sure what causes you to not see your glow.

Does anyone NOT run a Shatter Build (PvE)?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Its good to see not everyone is on the IP train.

I agree that there is a lot of utility in the Illusions tree, and that probably each tier is better than comparable tiers in terms of variety in the other trees. I like being able to use Phantasmal Haste on boss fights where I can keep Phantasms fighting all the time, and switching it out for an extra bounce on fights where I might be ranged fighting and shattering more often than Phantasm stacking. I’m not saying shattering is inherently bad, but I was just wondering if people used builds that allowed them to do other things other than shatter endlessly (I myself shatter frequently on trash, and in boss encounters where I know my clones will be AoE’d/killed frequently). I’m enjoying seeing the variety posted here. I must admit I don’t see too many mesmers when I am dungeoning and such, so I’m not sure what people are running, but the forums are full of shatters, so I was looking to see how dependent people were(n’t) on shatters.

Fractal of the Mists destroyed PVE!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Right now it is rings and back pieces. If you have 2 rings, that is 3 pieces. 3 out of a minimum of 13 equipped at one time (if you wield a 2h weapon). This is hardly significant right now. This might make or break a fight if you are 1v1ing an opponent of comparable skill and the fight was really close. In which case, if you are playing at such a level, you’ll probably be farming these anyway.

The rest of the ascended gear in the future will make a bigger difference. But they’ve not announced how it will be obtained, and they have discussed making it available in already released content and Wv3. So, don’t proclaim the sky is falling just yet.

I dislike the concept of ascended gear. But I’m learning to live with it.

Does anyone NOT run a Shatter Build (PvE)?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Note: This is mainly for discussion on PvE, but I also do some Wv3 on occasion, so that can be taken into consideration. Preferably a stat assignment that allows me to switch a few of my major traits to accommodate would be ideal.

Basically the title. As I have surfed the forums over the last X amount of time, a good majority of the posts have been focused on heavy-shatter builds. These builds usually run a skeleton frame of 0/20/0/0/30, with the remaining points being spent based on flavor preferences or weapon choice. While I understand the potential a shatter build has, I really don’t like the idea of being pigeon-holed of using 30 in Illusions for IP.

I run Swords as one weapon set, so I go into dueling willingly. But I used to run a build with no more than 5 in Illusions for the 20% CDR. I have amended my build since then, but I still can’t seem to bring myself to do 30 for Illusions. I feel it kills some of my potential survivability in exchange for burst. I know many people get kicks out of seeing huge damage numbers, but I can do pretty decent DPS in dungeon scenarios while not dying just fine.

In fact, in dungeons, I find I am one of the sturdier members of my group that I run with regularly, which consists of 2 warriors, a guardian, a ranger, and myself. I also bring an assortment of utility that is beneficial to my team, as well as damage. I find I enjoy bringing out Phantasms more than shattering my illusions. On boss encounters where I can, I’ll try to keep up 2 or 3 Phantasms at any one time. On encounters where this may not be feasible, I will opt to shatter, but in these scenarios, unless I am in the middle of my sword combo of getting in, pressing 2, and getting out, I don’t shatter next to the boss. The other uses of IP (a free daze and 1 sec immunity with no clones) I feel like I can get by understanding my enemy and timing other abilities appropriately.

I’m just wanting to know what else other people run that doesn’t focus on shattering illusions exclusively, if anything. I’m debating whether or not I should take some points out of the Chaos and Inspiration trees to give me that 30 in Illusions.

I appreciate any discussion.

Please Take Back Rewards.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: AVHero.7382


The mindset behind this is ridiculous.

How does someone else having gold affect you in any way? If anything, the influx of precursors should help lower the ridiculous price a bit. The amount of potential gold gained by these precursors isn’t enough to adversely affect the economy. So how are you harmed in this by someone else getting 200 gold instantly? You snobbishly look down on them for falling into wealth instead of earning it? That doesn’t affect you either. If you were the one that got the precursor I’m sure you’d be singing a different song. If not, I would fully expect you to delete the precursor, simply because you feel the gold ill-gotten (which is ridiculous).

I only made about 6 gold off the event with my exotics, because I got suboptimal drops (not even level 80), but I don’t care. The fact that I made ANY money by doing a couple hour event, in addition to the other stuff I got was phenomenal. It was a truly awesome payout, and I feel sorry for people who either missed out because they couldn’t make it or they disconnected. Regardless, don’t be envious of someone who made out with a big chunk of cash because you didn’t.

Yesterday's event made me realise 2 things

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: AVHero.7382


1. The green kitten on the ramps going up to the top of the chamber was dropped in such a way that I could dodge twice and still be stuck in it, and dead. This is when I moved upon seeing the red circle, and not when I saw the poison on my face. The setup of the zone and how the poison was dropped made it unavoidable in several scenarios.

2. Can’t argue with this one too much in terms of laziness, but one of the times I DID run back, my game got stuck on a loading screen and I had to close out the client and restart. I did not get credit for the second part of the event as a result (drive the Ancient Karka back to the nesting grounds), despite having been there the whole time. Luckily, I was still there for part 3, so I was able to get the chest, but I know others were not able to because they did the same thing and weren’t given credit for the event.

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. But I don’t like that I might be barred from new content because I don’t have the next new tier of gear.

Annnd… where has that ever happened in game now?

Beyond maybe a few elitist puggles that generally hate each other and ragequit if someone didn’t get the trap switch before they all wiped?

We’re all obviously starting this content without the ascended gear. I’m sure you have guildies to play with who aren’t going to hold your shortcomings against you.

Even if not people in this game are, generally, very forgiving and willing to have you.

At least so far and in my experiences. Organized PVP might have an axe to grind with you if you aren’t wearing perfect stats and gear for your role and that’s understandable.

But PVE wise, no, only the most asinine of folks will do that and they generally stink themselves.

The problem I’m starting to see is that every complainer here seems to be measuring this new content according to WoW. GW2 isn’t WoW.

They’re similar in that they’re both MMOs and have dungeon raiding elements, but that’s about where the comparison stops.

It hasn’t. But it will.

They are specifically introducing a new condition that can only be dealt with via a new defensive stat that can only be acquired via ascended gear. As far as progression goes, you will only be able to progress in a dungeon of increasing difficulty so far before ascended gear is a requirement.

Sure, I can see the beginning of the new dungeon in the gear I am in now. But I can’t see the later parts of the dungeon successfully without new gear. They are implementing the gear progression into one self-contained dungeon, but it is still there. As they release new content, they will release more ascended gear, to require more stats in order to be successful in harder content.

I know you are saying it hasn’t been like that so far, but it WILL be like that. That is the very reason why they are adding ascended gear.

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


My guild has over 400 members. All I’ve seen in game are people excited about the new dungeon and people debating whether or not infusions mean the mursaat are about to make a comeback.

People in LA map chat and dungeon pugs are playing as normal. The only place I’ve seen hysterical rage about the patch is on these forums.

Plus they’ve already said there will not be a new tier of gear every 3 months, there will only be Ascended and Legendaries added. It’s not a gear treadmill.

They have said before that exotics would be the highest stat tier, that the game wasn’t about collecting stronger gear, etc.

They backtracked on that, how do I know they won’t backtrack on this new statement either?

That is the problem of backtracking on fundamental core principles, whatever you say next about philosophies and whatnot is meaningless.

We won’t know if the Ascended gear are going to be stronger until it actually comes out. As far as I’m concerned, it is a set of armor that’s actually worse than exotic because it is incapable of carrying rune set bonus. It is meant to be use as something of a gating gear for the new type of dungeon, which consisted 9 mini dungeon within the dungeon itself.

Do continue to speculate though. I’ve done my part and I’m now going back to the game. Hanging about forum is against my philosophy. Next time my brother wants me to do it I’ll just let him use my account.

We don’t know?

They show a Ascendant counter part to exotics that has higher stats and it has the jewels stats as inherent bonuses, just Higher.

They say legendaries will be upgraded to reflect ascendant stats, since legendary are to remain the bis.

They say ascendant is a new tier to bridge exotic and legendary.

What else do you need?
Do you need to be shot to know a bullet will hurt?

Not even going to bother with this weak post.

The fact that you missed the crucial part of the screenshot – which is lack of rune set bonus on those ascended gears – makes you unworthy of response. No one knows whats gonna go in those infusion slot yet. We only know Ascended gears have better base stats. Does that make them better? who knows? Are you a dev?

I’m done. I’m not gonna sit here and reply to everyone who couldn’t be bothered to double check the screenshot and shot down every whine-bot I ever come across. The forum is filled to the brim with the likes of you.

Go on, spend your day saying the same thing over and over again. Huddle around each other like the worlds ending and your the last of the mankind that’s carrying a dying fire. To an outsider, you are all just whiners anyway.

Rings have no rune slots.

Fact: the ascendant ring in the picture is better than the exotic ring in the picture.

Fact: upgrade components could outweight infusion slot components. It’s a mix between power and usability. I can use sigils to attack flame legion specifically and it’s more powerful for me in CoF. But it would be useless in a place like Queensdale. Just saying there’s ambiguity.

Edit: Did not actually check the screenshot so I could be wrong. But this could be a food for thought if the stats were lower than the current exotic sets with upgrades.

The base stats on the ascended gear is better than an exotic with an upgrade component in it. Try actually checking the screenshot. If they follow this trend, ascended armor pieces will have runes built in, plus an additional upgrade slot. You’re completely wrong.

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


More unfounded text.

This is my last response to you, and I have to admit it will be hardly productive or constructive, apologies.

You really need to learn to read. You are now accusing ME of doing all these things I have not done. There is no list of MMOs that I have played in these forums. I actively try to avoid that very thing. Additionally, the only speculation I have made is on the rest of the ascended gear to come out. The rings and back pieces are PRETTY EXPLICITLY DESCRIBED IN THE BLOG POST YOU HAVE NOT READ. Linsey Murdock EXPLICITLY SAYS the following:

“In November we’ll unveil the first Ascended items. This new rarity type falls between Exotic and Legendary on the spectrum of rarity and has slightly higher stats than Exotics.”


“Ascended gear works a little bit differently than other gear types. The stats and functionality normally added to gear through upgrade components are actually built into Ascended items. "

Now, go actually READ that blog post, and look at the two pictures. Just because I know you won’t, I’ll describe what is in the two images for you. There are pictures of two rings: one exotic and one ascended. The exotic ring has a gem in it, while the ascended one has an empty defensive infusion slot. Here are the stats on the rings (I added them up for you so you would’t have to do the math. I imagine it would be a bit difficult for you to understand).

+63 Power
+63 Precision
+7% Magic Find
The upgrade slot is filled

+68 Power
+68 Precision
+10% Magic Find
Unused Defensive Infusion Slot

That is A DIRECT UPGRADE, with an empty slot to provide more defensive stats.

The post also goes on to say:

“Ascended gear has Infusion slots, and rarer versions of the items also come with additional Agony Resistance built into them. "

That means there is a new stat that can only be found on Ascended gear that Exotics cannot have. Please describe how the evidence provided in this article is merely speculation that Ascended gear is better than exotic?

I never claimed that ANet WILL release gear after Ascended. ANet has made no such claim. They did say that they planned on releasing more Ascended so that you can have a full set of Ascended gear, which WILL be a tier above exotic (that is a fact; not speculation). I DID say that it is a possibility, given this turn of events. I never said it was a done deal, though.

Please, stop pretending that everyone is going crazy with absolutely no knowledge of what is going on. ArenaNet employees told us to wait for the blog post. We waited for the blog post, and it is more or less exactly what we feared it was going to be. I did not contribute to this discussion until Linsey kindly confirmed my suspicions.

I have been a champion for ArenaNet since the game was announced. I tried to get my friends psyched for the game before the sneak peeks and BWE started speaking for themselves. A lot of my friends enjoyed the game. I enjoyed the game. I still enjoy the game. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. But I don’t like that I might be barred from new content because I don’t have the next new tier of gear.

I’m still playing the game. I plan on playing the new content. But I can still be disgruntled about being lied to. That is perfectly acceptable. What isn’t acceptable is people coming to defend ArenaNet after they have blatantly lied to us by belittling and insulting those of us who might be annoyed or upset or angry. We have every right to be, and you have no right to call us names because you want to be the “Good Guy.”

There’s a reason your whiny thread about all the whiners was closed in less than 10 minutes. Pot calling kettle.

Most played class in Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


The only data that ArenaNet has released was mid-September that I know of. This is what they released.

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Lots of text

For one who is saying everyone is taking things out of context, you are making some pretty outlandish assumptions based on very little yourself.

You keep claiming the new gear will not have rune slots, which means the gear will be inherently inferior. Last I checked, you can’t put runes in rings or back pieces. You can only put gems. The only thing ArenaNet has announced at this point is rings or back pieces. Can you put gems in them? No. BUT, what did ArenaNet do to compensate? They gave the rings and back pieces stats equivalent to an exotic with a gem inside of it, plus some, making it statistically SUPERIOR to exotic gear. We can assume that if and when exotic armor pieces do come out, and not just accessories, they will do the exact same thing. Imagine sets like in other MMOs or dungeon crawlers: The runes will be built into the gear as set bonuses, rather than as a slot you fill yourself, and then it will have the infusion slot on top of that. Of course, that is speculation, but evidence that is apparent in the blog post that you seem to have not read suggests this is more accurate than your speculation.

Additionally, that blog post you seem to have not read pretty explicitly states that ascended is a tier between exotic and legendary. It IS better. They even said that since Legendary is statistically on par with exotic at this point, they will retroactively buff legendaries to be statistically on par with ascended when ascended weapons come out, because they need to maintain being “the best.” I’m not sure why you keep saying everyone else’s speculation is unfounded, when yours is more delusional than the rest.

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AVHero.7382


First of all, anyone who is saying “a majority of people feel X, not Y” is basing this on highly anecdotal evidence of the maybe 20 people they’ve talked to about this in game or in person. Stop. We don’t need your false facts flying freely.

Anyone claiming to know the thought process behind ANet’s decision besides what they posted in the blog post stop. You don’t know. You can’t seriously pretend to know what ANet was thinking outside of what they said.

All we can look at is what has been stated by ANet, and that is this: some people rushed through the content they provided quicker than anticipated, and in order to compensate, they are releasing a new dungeon that requires a new higher tier of gear to progress in beyond a certain point.

There are a few problems (in my opinion) with this philosophy. First of all, the people who rushed through this content are akin to the higher level guilds in that other game who complete the content, and then have the content on “farm” to acquire their best gear, due to the gear treadmill. The difference is because there is no treadmill in GW2, they acquire the best and stop. ANet doesn’t want them to stop. So, to appease these people, they added a new tier so that they will keep playing. The problem with this is those people are just going to rush through the content again to get that gear, and then stop again. This is a bit of a slippery slope of an argument, but so is the situation. If ANet consistently tries to appease what they call the “hardcore players” (which, let’s face it, hardcore doesn’t do them justice. I play this game a bit more casually than I did other MMOs, but even if I played it as gung-ho as I did others, I would still have a long way to go. These people are fanatics who have decided to dedicate their free time to this game almost exclusively), then they will have to consistently update the game with new content, with, as people fear, new gear tiers. That’s how the other game does it. That’s how almost all other MMOs do it. This isn’t inherently a bad thing if that is what the players want and enjoy (although they’ve been trained to like and enjoy it; conceptually this is boring as hell, but somehow addictive in reality).

The problem people have with ANet (myself included) is that they promised us there was no gear treadmill. They told us that there would be a max tier of gear, and there would be no more tiers released after that. Guild Wars 1 (Oh god! Not that game again!) had the same max gear from release until present times. They released new aesthetics with new expansions, but never increased the strength of the gear. The made more challenging content, but gave us new tools in the form of new skills, including PvE exclusive skills, that would help us best this content. They never had to release stronger gear.

Now, ArenaNet is telling us that in order to keep their game challenging, they have to release this new tier of gear that utilizes something called “infusions.” While this is a cool idea conceptually, the fact of the matter is three months after their game’s release, they are going back on what they promised their potential player base for years, because they feel that they cannot create more challenging and engaging content for their players without breaking their promise. People have every right to be upset about this. If ArenaNet breaks this promise once, they can recover from it. If ascended is truly the last tier before Legendary, then there will not be a problem in the long run. However, in the short term, ArenaNet has rightfully lost the trust of their player base; they have become liars. That seems harsh, but it is the truth of the matter. They can try to justify it via blog posts all they want, but the bottom line is they have advertised the game as and prided themselves on being a unique MMO without the need to release new tiers of gear, and all that has become a big, elaborate lie.

How to make the tower worse...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I found singing “Think of Me” from Phantom of the Opera made me move with more finesse…

Ascent to Madness: The "Rat Race" Dungeon of GW2

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


All this really did was ruin the economy even more than it was before.

It was fun the first time, maybe even the 2nd or 3rd time. After that the fun is gone.

Some people run this place 100+ times and are still dirt poor. Some other people run it 5 times and get 2 items worth 150G+ each, earning 300G through pure dumb luck.

This 300G is more than 99% of the people playing GW2 make in their entire time playing the game.

Really can’t think of a better way to completely obliterate the entire economy of a game. Whoever thought of this should be fired and replaced with someone competent.

Sweeping generalizations and made up statistics ftw!

Attend the party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Most definitely tomorrow.


Why the Norn and Charr hate on the Clock Tower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


They are the scapegoats.

The people that managed to finish it did it running around with the same norms and chars. The people that cant do it instead of blaming themselves blame the size of the races, that mattered little to nothing to the people that actually completed the puzzle.

I have to say, I don’t agree with the sentiment that people are only blaming others instead of themselves. The complaint isn’t that it is impossible because of the big characters; the complaint is that the possible becomes more difficult than it already is as a result of congestion in the puzzle, and the big models make it worse. Sure a lot of bodies regardless of size are going to cause congestion, but when you have even just 2 norn wearing their armor, the field of view for everyone else is obstructed. I do the puzzle about halfway zoomed in, because I can fine tune my movements better, so when I see a mass of bodies, I can see little other than the mass of bodies. This is why I tend to fall back and watch all the people fall in front of me in their haste while I skip from rubble to cog to staircase. I have done the first part of the puzzle amidst a mob when I could not see my own character successfully, but it is definitely more challenging than when I have vision of my own character.

To say it mattered “little to nothing” is wrong. People just had to learn how to work within that extra difficulty. If they were the only ones in the puzzle, it would have been easier., and I know this from experience.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


sylvari mesmer countless number of times.

no speed boosts.

Clocktower: Extended guide

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


That’s the hard timer catching up to you. You’re probably needing to shave off about 1-2 seconds of your time. A good way to guage it: if the debris that makes the path AFTER the big leap is already down before you land, you’re probably too late. That debris should fall when or shortly before you faceplant.

If the debris that makes the path is already down, jump onto the debris. You have to jump maximum distance, but if you can land on that, you save yourself a second or two to jump onto the cog before the green catches you. You’ll have to make the next few jumps fairly quickly, but then you can slow down quite a bit to make sure you get to the top staircase in time.

Why the Norn and Charr hate on the Clock Tower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I have to admit after doing the puzzle for an hour or so I made a thread petitioning to ban Charr and Norn from the tower. It was a joke, but people took it seriously, so I avoided posting in it any further to avoid a flame war.

But they really do mess things up. Its really any and all bodies, but the bigger the body, the more difficult the puzzle becomes. ESPECIALLY at the beginning. For me the hardest part of the puzzle is that beginning part after the clocktower wall explodes and everyone starts hopping across the debris. Once I get through that it is fairly straightforward; especially after 75% of the group has failed at that point.

The first night I started doing the puzzle I got so addicted I stayed up until 3:30 am CST doing it knowing I had work in the morning. As it got later and later, it dwindled to where there was only me and 2 others running it, then me and 1 other, and then just me. These runs were so much better for a few reasons. Out of the 3 of us, I was the most experienced at running the gauntlet, so I was almost always the one that determined how long the clock ran, as they usually fell before me. Additionally, there were only 2 bodies that could potentially obstruct my view; a Human and a Charr. This was not near as bad as earlier in the day when there were 3 huge Norn and 3 Charr running about. After running it over and over that night and making it to the end many many times, I began to think that maybe it was just my inexperience, and not the big bumbling bodies that had prevented me before.

Fast forward to the next day after work. I log in at the clocktower and decide I am going to give it a few runs before going about some dailies and such. Of course I am in a full overflow. The runs start, and I find that I am having a hard time making some of the jumps because it is essentially blind guessing because of the mass number of bodies. I found myself lagging behind intentionally, because I knew I could do the run quickly enough if I could just see my character. This would allow all the other people to fail in the first 10 seconds of the wall exploding so I could trek along happily.

Basically, any sort of obstruction does make it more difficult, although not impossible. It IS possible to work through not having vision of one’s toon (I am the littlest sylvari male you can be), but it definitely is harder. For me anyway.

Of course, I also found that I performed better when my toon was naked than when I was wearing my robes. I don’t fully understand why, but I imagine it has something to do with me being able to see my legs rather then a skirt. Seeing my lean body running along rather than a pile of clothes somehow made it easier.

So basically, when you are first trying to learn the puzzle and the pattern you follow to jump it, it is extremely frustrating to not be able to see where you are going because there is a charr pucker in your face at all times. Once you’ve learned the puzzle, this is less problematic, although it does make it slightly more difficult still.

Petition to ban all charr from clocktower puzzle

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Add Norn while you’re at it. They obstruct the view of my character and the puzzle so its like running the puzzle blind.

"your downed state is better than mine"

in Elementalist

Posted by: AVHero.7382


i hope you guys realize they fixed the downed sickness bug for mist form about a week ago… ele’s downed abilities still suck, but they don’t kill you now.

Not sure what “bug” you are talking about, but right now every time you use downed 3, it adds a stack to your downed state when you drop again, making you start with less health than before. This is to prevent people from chain resetting their downed state indefinitely i’m sure, but it still happens.

"your downed state is better than mine"

in Elementalist

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Engi downed 2 does still interrupt a stomp though.

downed state 2 does NOT interrupt a stomp. It’s a root, thats it. It might prolong it if the stomper isnt ontop of you but that’s about it. At least the engi can knock people away.

Engineer’s pull does interrupt. Elementalist’s root does not.

Ele is only class that can’t readily interrupt a stomp then I guess. So, ele downed state is the worst in a PvP situation (more specifically 1v1. Both classes are screwed if two people try to stomp them simultaneously, whereas classes like mesmer and thief can escape multiple stompers).

I think the downed mechanic is really cool theory wise, but combined with the stomp mechanic adds an extra layer of complexity that needs to be balanced, which is annoying. Perhaps if the root interrupted initially as well? But then the elementalist clearly overtakes the engi.

"your downed state is better than mine"

in Elementalist

Posted by: AVHero.7382


I’m not sure to be honest. I want to say yes, but I would have to try it out. I’ve only WvW’d on my engi a few times, and didn’t care for it (as I was not grenade spec).