i’m someway sad about scarlet’s death. she has a very nice character’s design plus she’s been around for 1 year with us
So i’ve been sad when i really saw and understand that she was really dead in the last video : It’s like BAM ! you realise you wont be able to hear her jokes and play with her tricks anymore.
i feel quite sad. TRAGIC END IS THAT
I still have hope, that later her plan would become known and she somehow given Tyria a chance to survive against dragons. We would remember her as martyr! :’(
She woke the last dragon up. Not really what i call benevolant act. She destroyed a city, killed hundreds if not thousands over the past year, in no way at all, are her actions of any benefit to Tyria.
For game play the episodes are overall fine, some more enjoyable than others for sure, but catering to most game styles though too much emphasis on single zone zerging (and overflows).
The Story war in scope fine, but execution was too protracted at start, also confused too (south sun not part of scarlet). Lore not presented in healthy fashion in game play, too obscure or not present at all for the episode.
Scarlet far too powerful in terms of the way the rest of the world is presented, making a mockery of the allie/threats/enemies of the rest of the game, and perhaps the future too. (i.e. to be a greater threat to Tyria they’d need more than scarlet).
An RPG is about personal choice, in this LS we had none, other than to participate or not. There were no dialogue choices with consequences or any roleplay choices at all. Our character doesn’t even talk with the other characters in the story (as in voiced dialogue). There is story but it is linear and occurs regardless of us as a player. That is by definition removing rpg from mmo, the only role we are playing in the living story is the mechanical role of our class build.
After the marionette event and scarlets journal there was alot of speculation and hinted at lore reveals, now at the finale event i don’t really think we’ve learnt anymore of her motives from a character point of view, which is a disappointing having killed her.
I was really expecting a cutscene speech from her explaining it all now we were too late to stop her plan. But no, just ominous cut away of somewhere else in the world something woke. It felt deflating, as did the defeat of her. I was expecting a drill interior sequence of fights and final showdown in the instance. But there was more emphasis on Marjory nearly dying and no new lore.
Prior to the instance story bit there was the protracted holo fight which seemed more a fight with my cpu+ gpu than game mechanics. A crash there and earlier bugs on the champions, delayed reaching story and replacing expectation of story conclusion with frustrations that the game is not handling this episode well.
Also surprised at how un-iconic the reward for the event is, a mask that is worn briefly by her? why not a drill related item? or one based on her distinctive hair? or a lump of ruined lion statue.
In short for a finale of Scarlets demise if felt to me underwhelming and not really what i had anticipated from a year of build up and particularly recent episodes.
Regardless of Brahams instinct for action not words, me, being apparently their nominal leader should have over ridden him to allow her villainous plot to be revealed. What we have is still in-character ignorance of what the drill is really attempting and what the heck all the killing was for.
crash on getting to the holo fight.
Perhaps obtaining the antidote/vaccine that the aetherblades and molten alliance must be using as they have no fear of the miasma and no obvious protective gear on all their troops.
So having just been beaten soundly… How are we going to attack her seemingly unlimited armies through the miasma fog, with her air support?
Otherwise the only thing blended will be our counter attack.
Probably want to send in a small team of commando-mercenary types via a portal to cut the head off the lettuce (As a sylvari i cringe at vegetable analogies).
The Darkest Saddest Most Cruel Day in L.A.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aajolea.8132
I sense further tragedy too, from the markings its it one of the northern (killer whale look) quaggans, so he is a refugee from Jormag’s awakening in the far north.
It’d be ‘Lifesaver’ for rescuing, hero would be for evicting/killing scarlet and LA is not a warzone (or less of one)
If some dragon like horror emerges via the drill, then the area will become a dragon stronghold/corrupted area, like orr or branded or icebrood areas. This combined with the miasma rendering the area toxic even if long term mildly that makes the area uninhabitable for a long while.
Also there is no real reason make LA again. as a southern coastal city it served as a central port hub for the human nations. Since Zhaitan rising up Orr and the waves of undead, the absence of Cantha and Elona there is little need for such a hub.
The city was funded by piracy and then trade, trade cannot occur then so there is no future to be blunt, same for the captains council, the trade and asura portal hub not being in LA makes free trade easier for the rest of the nations, as they can trade directly without middle man of LA taking its cut.
Lionguard role and jurisdiction will also be questionable with no commercial basis.
Perhaps the story will have pact forces taking city back and returning it to lionguard and captains council, but it being uninhabitable and utterly ruined the pirate captains will hardly be civic minded and rebuild. They’d end up poor and likely attacked again.
Oh those two…
Enough with chitty chatty friendship, give us the Norn-Charr hybrid and let him be the first Guardian-Ranger of the game, unlocking double professions for us all XD
Ahh a Corn Grinder!
Operation kill-the-meat-bags? How they find out so soon! Everyone act planty and pretend its a mad conspirational bitter idea, and pale tree is just very unset and in mourning at present….
hmm tried on an alt and pile is acct based not character, so how you get enough?
I got a few questions of vital importance
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aajolea.8132
You can’t rob the bank because nothing is actually stored there, banks operate as extradimensional spaces, which is why you can access things inside it from any bank in the world. When the bankers were killed in Scarlet’s initial attack, the ability to access said extradimensional spaces in Lion’s Arch was lost.
Vigil Mega-Lasers are hard to transport. And do you really want Tequatl to roam free? Can you imagine the complaints on the forums if we were unable to complete Tequatl for a few weeks because the Mega-Laser was being lugged north through Sparkfly Fen?
Bank has coins piled up in that broken vault for all to see, have a look. And according to Rox, Tequatl is dead already, so Laser is free to use, and pact has a number of airships to use for transport if an asura gate is not available.
If i were Evon, i’d move BLTC operations to black citidal and tell the jumped up LA officer to kitten off, and if they want any supplies to buy it.
Aoe dmg in events are too great that rezzing is difficult. Even with my 29k hp regen warrior is having a hard time to keep up with high aoe dmg when rezzing somebody. Only after mobs subside will be a good time to rezz…
But by then the event has moved. Rezzing during an event is really nasty with the massive aoe spikes from spawns. heck they drop active aware ppl let alon ones trying to heal others.
presumably the free promotions are for items not selling well.
alts to bypass the daily limit i guess?
Just move it to DR as a reminder of another lost human settlement.
Why was there no chance to thwart the attack?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aajolea.8132
We as players knew form prior event that LA was going to be attacked. So why were we neither there or able to defend initially when Scarlet attacks? Same way we are there when a world boss pops up.
If this is ‘living’ story why not even chance to thwart her during that attack, such as using troops and weapons of pact fleet in our capacity as a commander. Destroying more of Scarlet’s resources and damaging her operation before it can drill or damage LA to its now presented state.
Seem that the ‘Living’ and by that meaning any influential impact of players have, is irrelevant to the story outcome. The only influence we have is achievement and loot for ourselves.
To kill the zerg, make several event happens at same time, and no mobs drop loot on death, but the progress of rescues and events won creates a zone progress and graded loot chest popups, also cap each event to max of certain mobs.
Then players would have to split up for better loot, now event are maxed out so over attendance does nothing extra, mob tagging is not a significant factor either, then you encourage zerg across the whole map.
Do you get a free bolt gun with those shoulders?
Regardless of the chests, what is plan or future use of the fragment insufficient for keys, will they be sellable as the voting scraps were from post event? or not usable at all in future so safe to destroy?
Being run by pirates, sucking trade out of tyria and exposing the people that scratch out a living there to whatever strong arm or coersive that comes along to take advantage. This attack breaks the corrupt city state’s stranglehold on commerce for the betterment of the rest of Tyria. So really the prior to attack position of extreme poverty, wealth and lack of civic responsibility was the worse the city endured, the attack is merely part of the inevitable result of the causes, zhaitans and karka attack were clear warning of LA inadequacies and reliance on faction assistance.
The living story afaik takes place post-defeat of Zhaitan. The heroes are all next generation heroes, directly in case of Rox and Braham.
So considering we as the player is the second in command of the pact, we should easily redirect a bunch of pact ships to LA plus artillery and other relevant forces. It not like the pact are not already heavily involved with the scarlet crisis.
Can we bring an anti-airship gun next time? Its be shooting apples in a teacup! with all those passive airships there… And it’s be raining aetherblades, but not in the way they like it.
Well as the previous administration was utterly corrupt, greedy, caring for nothing other than cash, then the shipwreck city can be swept to the sea. inter city trade can be conducted via portals, surely far cheaper and quicker than shipping or caravans. And Pact, most likely vigil, gets the lionguard if they remain. In a few weeks with a few extra portals about, LA will be but a place to explore for drops, as we sip tea in real cities.
p.s. A
Make karka consortium shareholders (payable in crabs or dead pirate whatever) so they are then joint owners. (bet Noll steals this plan!)
The 3 Xs. They are for the orders HQs . Attacking the bases of the groups directly opposed to the dragons. Pretty straight forward stuff for a servant of a Dragon.
trouble with malyck is he is an anomaly and somewhat of a exception to all the other sylvari, and to my knowledge there are no others from his ‘tree’ met or otherwise. Coe inquest experiments on dragon minions are a project to harness dragon energies for the inquest to exploit. So inquest are twisting and manipulating the standard minions. in their natural form the minions are not influenced by each other or their masters to my knowlegde. This prevents counteractive corruption between dragons, and allows them to focus on their sphere of influence without any competition from their ‘siblings’. Thus ultimatly hastening the goals of all dragons as their energies are directed to just those that oppose their grand plan.
I reckon the krait oil selling guy should get some poetic justice from a toxic krait. Also the human trader who talks to the skritt in the BLTC hq, he can have a bargain too from a watchwork. And there is a human npc and an asura npc who wander up to BLT and bank who get in the way when trying to open BLT/bank they can perish for wasting precious seconds!
Why are Scarlet's allies still following her
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Aajolea.8132
The varied alliance members are not stupid, they are all intelligent and barring the aetherblades they are xenophobes too. So why are they still following her when they are being massacred and used as fodder for a goal that is obviously not theirs.
They are story convenience, there is really no attempt to justify the enormous resources she has and has had destroyed, there has been attempts, but considering the volume of machinery destroyed by us and the thousands of her allies and machines destroyed by us, her supply is greater than all the nations combined, and the dragons too.
In short there are unlimited to fit the story of the writers/devs and as such horribly out of place with the rest of tyria’s economy and presentation.
In further irrelevant news, the father of said corn would be pop-corn!
Ta!, i avoided the lore section as it usually stuffed with gw1 references, and having not played it, meant little.
the issue with confusion being bit rubbish in pve is mobs attack so slowly like 1 attack every few secs, where as players can attack and use skills multiple times within 1 sec, combined with mobs having higher health pools, its very easy to conclude that confuse and some other conditions are largly ineffective in pve, if mobs behave more like players then confuse would be far more useful, ie more attacks at lower damage, also makes dodge the big hit less effective too as a defence, encouraging tougher builds even.. maybe
From last part of the ‘study in scarlet’ there was a definate subtle theme that sylvari are connected to mordremoth. The general synopsis of the instance outline something to be drilled out of LA, ie a dragon, this will be Mordremoth, (i rule out other dragons due to being already awake or wrong geography).
With various comments and subplots occuring i summise that the pale tree was meant to be doing what scarlet is, but ‘rebelled’ against design due in part to premature seeding by Ventari and grew on the tablets as founding ethic and morals. when Mordremoth did awake his preplanned minions were already subverted by pale tree dream. The nightmare court in their own twist are subverted by nightmare dream, but still a dream non the less.
Scarlet in the cube of Omadd, free from the dream was able to be influenced by Mordremoth, her vulnerability and genius made here a very decent substitute to be the catalyst to awaken Mordremoth.
Now i say Awaken but i believe that mordremoth is a prisoner from the actions of a prior race or society, and this prison is fuelled by leylines, scarlets various tools are to locate and crack open the prison.
A couple of other points. I think the secret that Caithe has is related to the other seeds from which the pale tree come from. Rather than the pale tree risking a younger tree sibling becoming a minion in their true form, they were destroyed or kept from being planted/seeding. Its a long shot but its thinking what possible secret Caithe can have that is actually of interest to Scarlet.
DE2 has toooooo many females so adding another in ceara/scarlet is not likely. Reappearance of Canach makes him a dead certaintly i reckon. Particularly with his redemption/principles talk.
Hope you all actually find something. If it is just a wall to texture to make the screen look aesthetically suitable that’s an awful lot of effort for nothing. perhaps a Dev may add some insight. Though my gut feeling based on the presentation, repetition and limited nature of the ‘text’ is that it is just illusionary data feed text, akin to flashing machinery and excessive dials/readout in many ‘hi-tech’ game facilities (Rata Sum!).
Remember when Kasmeer pricked her finger in the tower? I have a feeling something will come of that and it won’t be good. Something “dramatic” will happen and I am sure we will all get sad feelings and what not.
I predict thorn related death sentence, but able to be heroic for a last gasp. The ’i’ll die anyway, so i’ll detonate the doomsday device’ type thing.
Charr + Norn = corn! their kids would be candycorn! oh the horror we’ve been eating people all along! (perhaps an assumption too far?)
As the question, why no Champ box diminished returns?
I have a nasty feeling the process to change the UI+ game options to allow this is not worth the benefit of just a few players if comments on the matter are an indication of players benefiting.
hmm looking more like a pacman maze than a code
I’m just curious though about why she would want to fight Primordius and what connection it would have to do with Queen Jennah,
Why would it need to have any connection to Queen Jennah? We were kind of told blatantly by the writers that her attack on the Queen was more of an impulse action, rather than something she planned well.
Why? to make a believable and worthy villain. One consistent with lore and the way the world is presented. Something that is an asset to the game, not an embarrassment.
In this particular instant there is a severe lack of ‘genius at work’ who steals the watchknights, and instead fruitcake who decides on a vague assassination and to have a series of absurd duels with us. And as a side project steals watchknights and converts/corrupts them to something else and mass produces them at industrial capacity.
Not that i have found but i would really like the chat paste functions remappable (shift + select and ctrl + select) i have shift assigned to next enemy.
hmm seems to be just a block of letters+ numbers in a font of sci fi flavour, block is without words but just to have a repeating wallpaper illusion of ‘data’ to represent scarlets plan and design being beyond out comprehension. If it were actual readable text relevant to the story it’s be more readily translated and relevant to revealing her plan as part of this update for the players. However as ther eis no quest prompt or NPC asking what it means can we help? then i suspect it is merely decorative in purpose.
Shame they are only one dimensional hunters for sake of hunting challenging opponants… and nothing else. That is not intriguing, its shallow and sufficient for their role as event antagonists or ally vs badder boss (like zhaitan minion). Their very narrow lore and narrow fields of interest make them poor as a potential player race. There are far more races that have greater lore and greater potential to intergrate as a player race with same goals as established playable races.