You know.. I have a family and a full time job, and like video games. I decided to get this game cause it was supposed to be balanced. Your win/lose situation on WvWvW (I don’t play dungeons) would depend on player’s ability, not on gear.
First, I think you’re wrong on several counts depend on how you look at thing:
- Assuming you talk about solo roaming: Gears have always been a factor in WvWvW since launch, a full green going against a full exotic assuming equal skill level will be a pretty one side battle.
- Assuming you talk about moving with zerg group: Gears have never been a factor before, and certainly ain’t gonna be a factor now. 99% of the battle outcome will still be decided by the movement and positioning of the group.
So in short, Ascended Gears didn’t change anything in WvWvW like you claim. You’re sure you’re not talking about SPvP? Since if you want an equal playing field, that’s where you want to be.
Secondly, please don’t draw the ‘I have a family and a job’ card. Have you ever stopped and think for 3 seconds that most ‘average human’ being will have those two things? It’s a game, if you can’t commit the time to play it, then don’t, you can make that choice. Given a month than probably everyone and their brothers will run around in ascended armor, you’re sure your complain is not terming from the desire of to have one right now? :P
Ouch. Thanks for the find, I’ll look into it.
So it seems this bug is confirmed a month ago according to the time stamp on this dev’s post, have there been any fix? Just got this happens yesterday. Me and a guildie did a merge, for some reason it split us and put me in a party of 4 others while kick my guildie out of the instance :/
Also in the video we both pop our Phantasm before she tele back to the middle. The reason is when she does your phantasm will start running toward her, and they might get hit with the lightning balls. Those things have a huge AOE hit box so if that happens chance is you gonna get killed as well.
And here is why I disagree with just about every of your proposed fixed.
I believe I mentioned this by saying zerker self sufficiency is too high. Basically, zerkers exist because of the broken crap that are guardian reflects (and feedback should not reflect massive damage either), and the damage dealt by them in the time period they can evade all damage is so high that the fight becomes much cleaner if you just burn things down.
Reflect already got nefted one, and the result of that is now we have about a dozen situation where an attack clearly presented as a projectile but somehow magically go through reflect. It’s not a fix, it’s a hack. Plus what you say is overstate, aside from a few extreme situation (like Lupis), reflect is a bonus, it’s not the ‘main’ reason zerkers can play like they do.
And as you said, a mechanic where damage is unavoidable sticks out, but it’s exactly what’s needed. This game needs more mobs with pulsing damage auras and unavoidable downing skills so that classes with rez traits or healing are restructured to come in and counter these mechanics.
No, no, no, no, NO! This is, again, a hack to force an out of place mechanic into an existing concept. There is a reason why the majority of community frown on map-wise agony hit, and the nightmare debuff wasn’t exactly better. You can’t be serious about seeing more of them, if that the direction the game will go to then eventually it will just become a quasi-trinity system, there should never be an attack that can not be avoided.
If you want an example on how things should be done, take a look at the duo bosses at the end of Molten Facility, assuming the fractal level is high enough that even a full DPS group can not burst the boss down before they can do anything. Technically, there is no attack from this fight that can not be avoided, but the intensity of the fight make it very difficult to dodge all attack. You can bring reflect, and they help without cheapening the fight. It’s a good fight that can put pressure on a full zerk group without the need of cheap hacks.
Oh btw, I don’t know why you keep insisting on bringing up ranger in PvP, wasn’t the last series of post got removed. This is a dungeon forum and chance is most people don’t care about it, so bringing it up hardly will help your cause. PvE Ranger is pretty powerful as noted, and most of the time the pet can be managed to be beneficial. :P
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The problem is that pretty much the only good utility and support in this game is the one that can be turned into an offensive boost.
The reason this game can’t stand up to the PvE standard that is WoW is because in trying to abolish roles they just watered it all down and only made the damaging role stand out. Healing and tank roles are obsolete.
This is somewhat true, though I can’t say I agree with your supposed fixed. But I do believe the root problem of the system is the lack of the trinity. This isn’t saying that I advocate to bring it back, but this new system isn’t quite ready to replace it yet.
From the very beginning, the core design of GW2’s combat is around the ‘dodge or die’ model instead of the attrition model. In a trinity system, it’s about the tank has enough armor to take the hit, the healer has enough heal to keep up, and the DPS has enough output to kill before tank and healer are overwhelmed. While there certainly a ‘minor’ decree of skill to migrate damage, it stills pretty much come down to attrition: you can’t avoid getting hit, and you can’t survive without heal.
The GW2’s model though, due to the lack tank/heal, 90% of the fight come down to the ability to avoid damage. A heal is not a must, but rather an insurance in case you screw up, the armor/HP is not meant to keep you up, but rather to give you a more forgivable margin of error. This is why if a player has a certain level of skill to avoid damage, they can forgo defense in favor of more offense. Hate on it all you want, but this is why full DPS will always be the ‘optimal’ setup assuming the player has the skill to avoid damage. This is why on the odd occasions that the game tries to impose an artifical un-avoidable damage, it sticks out like a sore thump.
The Heal Support/Tanking build will always be sub-optimum for the same reason, they work against the principal of the system, and that is ‘avoid the damage, not to soak it up’. While it still works, it can never be argue better than DPS build. I have heard so many time people so proud of their HP pool or toughness, or their ability to take multiple hit, or they have madzheal. What they don’t realize though, is that those are not ‘needed’ in most scenarios:
- The difference between being able to take 3 or more hits is meaningless if you don’t get hit to begin with. Bragging about being to take a lot of hits IMO is the same as admitting you can’t avoid them yourself.
- You need heal because you get hit, don’t get hit and you don’t need heal.
So all the investment putting in “being able to take kitten or having madheal” can in turn be putted in DPS for a faster kill. Do you know what is the main reason why pug tend to have terrible time in high level fractal? It’s because support/tank build give abysmal return rate. A zerker might go down in 1 hit, but a full tank won’t last more than 2 which hardly a big difference. A full DPS group however, can finish a fight 4-5 times faster than a support group . Also a zerker will most likely have a ‘avoid damage’ playstyle as oppose to ‘take it in the face’ style like a supporter tend to do.
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Well on tuesday we quit to sleep after 35 and your stream just started a 34. When we hit 50 you were at 46 snow. Jonte had 4 levels to go after we hit 50 so we went for it (We weren’t exactly focussed at that point :P) and he hit 50 ~20 mins after you
I think in overall we set aside about 15-18 hours for sleep/food/girlfriends from start to finish.
If you watched the stream after we finished 47 I actually said maybe we should stop and continue tomorrow since two of us were starting losing concentration, but we decided to push on. Luckily the last 2 cycles were pretty good for us, which I think the Fractal God’s mercy after how often we ran into dredge (and usually on the most annal instability as well).
Do the new fractals and their difficulty change any of the merit (or lack of) you previously placed on certain utilities, classes, gear, builds etc?
It’s a combination of what you get on what map. Some fun, some negligible, some can be challenging. 43 on dredge is pretty brutal, 39 on Cliffside is more like for some random laugh, 33 can be pretty bad if you rolls a lot of AOE maps.
Our group have 2 stable Guardians and 2 Wars, which I think a ‘safe’ set up when testing out new water. As for gear and builds, well we’re all full zerk DPS with some utility on the guardians. We did switch to tank/cond on 44 to get rid of our crit chance, but that was a cautious move after seeing how bad 43 was, on the 2nd map most of us switch back to zerk and didn’t really have a problem.
Overall I think it’s fun if only it’s fresh, not sure about the long run but it definitely beat the old arbitrary scaling like the old fractal (it’s still there but they toned it down a bit I think).
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(That said the US had a time advantage since the patch hit us at 9pm
We had some time issue in our group as well. We had to work around the ‘I go to sleep and by the time I wake up you would be on bed’. I think half the group pull an all nighter and the other half do a half-nighter just so we can stick together.
If you refuse to respect others because they don’t use the “best” skills/gear/weapons, then you are a bad player. And a jerk
Well, let me tell you why my group kicked 3 people from LFG when we were advertising for a frac 38 full Zerg.
First Warrior: random gears with Rune of Bealfire, Rune of Orrian, Rune of Night Mare.
Second Mesmer: random gears with Rune of Bealfire, Rune of Nightmare, Rune of Noble.
Third Warrior: Zerk with Rune of Bealfire, Rune of Centaur, Rune of Traveler.
You see the problem here? Honestly even if I’m asking for zerk, I probably won’t kick if they link a full Knight set with full Ruby or Obal or Sapphire. Maybe not idea in my term but at least I know the player put time and afford into gearing a set that works for him. Calling us however you wish, but those 3 above are exactly why we have to ask pug to ping their gears because a lot spend no afford whatsoever. How can you ask other to accommodate you while you don’t even bother to accommodate yourself?
Adding insult to injury is that the post was very clear about asking for zerk only, and I seriously doubt they didn’t read. A few weeks ago I pug an AC asking for lvl 80 only. A dude at lvl 68 joint, and as soon as he joint he said “oh shoot didn’t know it’s 80 only”. But guess what, the dude didn’t leave, we wait for a couple minutes before kicking him. At that point we’re pretty sure that he did read the post, join anyway and was hoping for us to say “nah it’s ok”. And no, I’m not going to debate about AC being a lvl35 dungeon, the point is he and the other 3 players are looking for free pass by leeching off a group they know can do thing quickly and I can assure you, there are more of them then there are the people you called elitist.
Again, I’m pretty sure most of these people did read the advertisement, and because they do they know the run will most likely be fast so they try to fish their way in. When they’re found out and get kicked, they come to the forum and complain about other being elitist (of course without mentioning the fact that they wish they can leech of a run of said group).
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Well, saying “if only the veteran will spend time to teach me we’ll much better off as a community” is a nice theory, but it’s a theory. I think everyone had beaten then “can’t teach, too much kitten” horse to dead so I offer another angle, it’s simply a conflict of interest.
Most veterans become good at something, they didn’t started out good with it. But when you do something almost everyday it becomes your interest that you just might as well figure out the best way to do it, and take the afford to do so. But let’s take the OP as an example, you never do this before, you had no interest in it, and now you want to do it not necessary because you want to, but because you want your tittle. So if you’re the type “I only gonna do it once, get it over with and put it behind me” you have far less incentive to learn, and this usually develop into a “what’s the big deal I dont care about running this again” mentality when someone else is trying to teach you. (Not refering to the OP specifically, but I can assure you this is the main reason why the “can you teach me this path” is usually actually “can you carry me through this path” in disguise")
Right now I have Bolt and Sunrise on two characters, and I want to transfer them to the same character. So I have a couple question:
- Does legendary follow the same transmutation rule as other SB item? As in you can transmuted a sound bound Legendary into a non-souldbound item to turn it into an account bound, and give it to another toon?
- If the answer for the above question is yes, then can I say right now, transmute my Bolt into a white sword to make it account bound, and transfer it to another toon. Then on the 3rd use the splitter to turn it back to legendary? Is this a correct assumption?
- Also will the splitter be available to people who have legendary, but never transmute it?
to be fair, it’s not “impossible to do” the arm seal if you messed up, far from it. It’s just most people immediately proclaim doom and don’t even try.
My group messed it up about 2 days ago (all pugs), the reason is everyone but two never bother to pick up the hammer, and we wipe with one hit left. Came back with an army on both seal and the war in the group proclaimed we’re now doomed it’s impossible. I told them it’s not and we can do it if people focus. We get it done in about 5min, F-I-V-E minutes. And I wouldn’t even grade my group as a good pug. Just like last night we had a thief that immidietly bail on 2nd frac when he saw dredge was rolled, we took another in and finished it pretty quickly.
it depend on the lvl of the fractal. I melee it if it’s pre 40, but post 40 I just range. And inb4learntododge, I know how to dodge and I suspect most people can to a decree, but if you put it on a safe/risk scale the benefit isn’t worth. What I mean is that even if you’re really good at dodging and can dodge 10 attacks, just missing the 11th one will kill you, and dying at the proximity to the boss usually lead to party wipe when other try to rez.
It’s the samething with Lupicus and Fireshaman and some other, you can melee if you want at the risk of you can not make a mistake even once. If you want to do it with your guild sure, but pug isn’t exactly in favor of a confident vote.
Last night I joint a group with 3 guardians (me being one) with a war and a necro (who are in the same guild). We killed Mossman after 1 wipe with the necro stayed death most of the time. And during and after the fight the war kept complaining about two guardians (me being one) for not running a support built. (At one point he asked why I use golem instead of renew focus and I had to pointed out that I am a norn, not an Asura).
Between 3 guardians all run with “Retreat” and “Wall of Reflection”, 2 with “Shield of Avenger” and 1 “Hold the line”, as well as the occasional #4 and #5 shield. I run with Tomb of Courage so I usually save my F3 for critical situation. I guess the war was trying to cover for his Necro friend who stayed death for most part of the fight. I decided to drop the group after telling the war that if he think a group of 3 guardian is still not enough support for him and his friend to stay alive, then the problem is obviously not on my end.
I decided to drop the group and looked for another one. Had to redo swarm and got mossman again, with me being the only guardian in the group. We killed him easily, and we also one shot the fire shaman on the next map. At that point I was glad I dropped the earlier group. Later on I grab a guardian in my guild and we did another run with my ranger, again he was the only guardian in the group and we cleared mossman + dredge fractal easily.
TL:DR version: asking for a guardian in your party doesn’t mean you can forget how to dodge. Competent players don’t need guardians to carry them.
100g per profession? Saying your math is overstated would be the understatement of the month.
Legendary regular sell for 1800+ so no, it doesn’t matter how much the buy order are. For example someone have been putting buy order for Bolt for around 2 weeks with a mere 1000g, and I have noticed at least 3 Bolts have been sold at 1799, 1888, and 1999.
In term of pure material cost, i.e cost of the stuff you can buy, a legendary comes around 1200->1400g already, adding the time for the badge, 400+ skill point and the insanity endured for world completion, to be honest I feel even at 1800 it’s too cheap. Because remember, if a legendary sell at 1800, 15% fee equate to 270g. That leave the seller 1530g, that means only about 100-200g profit margin.
It takes at least 3 days playing delicately to do 100% map completion, if the same afford was put in say … CoF, you’ll make more than 100g in three days, most will take a week or two. Depending on your server could be a week or more to get the badges, and 450sp can be used to make a lot of other thing. All of that for 100-200g profit it definitely not worth it. One can make that amount in less time doing other thing.
So no, unless you’re buying the cheapest legendary, 1500 is in no way a reasonable amount, unless you can find a trusty buyer to directly trade, maybe. But with the TP fee you would already sell at a loss in term of buyable mat, and pretty much gave out your account bound mat for free.
(edited by Abriel.4103)
It seems despite I had repeatably said that my first legendary was craft with almost zero grinding, people just refuse to believe that ~_~
Btw, in term of luck, the best drop I ever got during that time period was a Chazzooka in AC path2 last boss chest which I sold for about 24g.
I did acknowledge the available information, the old problem, the thing that they fixed, and recently the achievement fixed to Sunrise, I’m simply asking if there is something I’m aware of. I see two topic about this on the first page, one about the Meterlogic which I knew already got fixed about the legendary status, only the Sunrise and Twighlight as of now are component of another legendary. Maybe I could go a few dozen page back, but this is by no mean the 12th “AC is too hard!!” thread on the front page.
The reason why I say this is because you explicitly state that you want “some solid confirmation” which can be interpreted as having someone with the knowhow (Arenanet Staff) to answer.
Or … by that I could mean anyone who can give a solid answer, like someone who did it before, or a screenshot, or someone read something that I missed, this happens regularly on these forums. And yes, an official response would be nice, but that wasn’t what I was “demanding”. In case you don’t notice, I didn’t say I “want some solid”, but “I would like some solid”, which is a polite form in English when asking for something.
So why make it so unpleasant? Please let the moderator do the moderating, if you think my post is a violation, there is a report flag that you can use, but don’t try to be a moderator when you’re not, especially under your own unhelpful assumption.
So I have heard various people talking about transmuting legendary and how it works and doesn’t work so I would like some solid comfirmation. Basically I want to move my Sunrise to a different toon so I gonna transmute -> account bound it. I know they fixed the bug where the legendary become exotic, but for the Sunright/Twilight, will this make them inelegible for Eternity?
I have no plan of going for Eternity right now in its current state, but I have a feeling they will improve it later and I don’t want to mug it up.
the fact that 80% of my post meant to counter your claim of it’s a super grind-fest, I think it’s pretty precisely the point. A lot of people choose to grind for it, doesn’t mean it’s the only way to get it.
And I don’t care about how special it is. When I craft Sunrise one of the few guildies keep nagging me about how it will be so popular so I won’t be unique. And I told them that it doesn’t matter to me if every single person in the game running around with Sunrise, it won’t change the fact that I love that skin, and that’s why I was making it.
And thus the worth of the weapon is only determined by the person who wielding it, not the person who’re looking at it. And you know … this is game … and correct me if I wrong, you play the game to enjoy it, so seeing how people not enjoying playing their game … I think “enjoying your game” is an important skill to learn (/sarcasm).
My Sunrise is a symbol of 4 months playing the game I like the way I enjoyed. Quite a bit out of character for you to claim it’s a symbol of grinding, maybe your Sunrise is, but not mine. And that’s pretty much the whole point I’m trying to make :P
(edited by Abriel.4103)
I disagree — there is skill involved. Tons of it. Just not straight-foward direct gameplay skill. More of: think out of the box…how do I get the things I need?, skill.
Just saying there is skill involved doesn’t cut it when you want to make a point.Make an example how much and where exactly does skill take place? You farm your butt off of the most profitable places in the game (before it was events in Orr, now its CoF speed runs).The skill you say is merely finding which mindless grind is the least brain damaging….which isn’t much of a skill really.
Legendaries aren’t legendary.Don’t make them into something they are not.They are exotics with one of the best visuals in the game and a purple name tag so you might feel special somehow.
I crafted Sunrise about 3-4 months into the game, never got lucky with drop. CoF speed run wasn’t available then (heck, most people still treat dungeon as bogeyman around launch), there were no easy Karma source, no fractal for easy skill points. The only bit of farming involves that I can remember was the last 3 days I farm Southshore for the last 50 Powerful Blood I need. The first Karma monthly gave me the last bit of Karma that I need. In those 4 months I also got 4 toons to lvl 80, explore the world, playing the game as it’s meant to be …etc… I crafted it in 4 months, I was happy with it. I remember I could afford the precursor because I made the Anomaly and sold it as well as clear out every bit of my bank. I remember the only thing I felt sad after making Sunrise was how empty my bank was … both the mats and the gold.
Now I’m trying to craft Prophecy, and yes I’m farming CoF like mat. My projection indicate I probably can make it in 3-4 weeks. Boring? Yes. But 4 weeks surely a lot faster than 4 months. You can play the game normally and get it, you can grind to get it, the choice is “up to you”. All these complain are nothing more then the “instant gratification” mentality, you want it now, yet you don’t want to work for it. The grind wasn’t forced upon you, you grind because you want to, and because you want it “now”. You complain about grinding CoF now, well guess what, at least you have it as an option. BEtween karma jug, speed run, frequent mes portal …etc.. you have way more avenue to work on your legendary comparing to people who crafted it last year
As for skill, there were many, although there is nothing about “madz” skill. Being a focused player help. I was the first person in my guild who tried to organize dungeon run at a time most people want to keep away from it with a ten feet pole. Manage your time effectively. And more importantly, patiently working toward it and enjoy the process instead of whinning about it …. I think that itself qualify as a skill given the amount of instant gratification of this thread. You work toward it and you will get there, complain about how it is a distant impossibility and you might as well just give up before wasting your time and money.
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Yeah most people in our guild get 4 commendations, but between the monthly reset, WvW reset today and the Weekend it’s really hard to see how the reset supposed to kick in. The fact that we’re at 25 Merit suggests that the guild weekly hasn’t reset yet (else we should have got 15 + 25 = 40). So no idea how this is supposed to work.
The thing is if it’s a daily thing it will be a considerable strain on the guild though, at least right now it takes a considerable amount of time to organize for the events (I basically only do one fractal for the two night that we had been doing it). Maybe we can trim the time down a bit once we get used to the routine.
Our guild Darkhaven Elite just completed tier bounty hunt a couple hours ago.
We did a few tier 1 missions yesterday and today we got the tier 3 after two shot. The reason why we fail the first try was due to Diplomat Tarban. He wiped our scouting team so we had to hunt him down again, and by the time we found him again we have our entire guild on him (about 40 people), I don’t know if this caused him to scale off the chart but he literally wiped us again. We didn’t have enough time to kill him before the timer run out (so this mean even if you active the boss, you still have to kill the bounty before the 15 min expire). He was putting 8-18 stack of confusion on us in like every 3-4 seconds.
We cut it closed on the second attemp (I think with only a few seconds on the timer) on Gaderrand Field, by the time we got the 5th bounty down we still could not find the bounty at GF with about 3 min left, we got everyone spread out the entire map looking for it and our GM spot him with I think a little bit over a min left. Let just say the target probably hold the record of the fastest champ ever goes down
Overall it was a rather entertaining event. Require quite a bit of coordination (never had so many people on TS at one point before lol) and after the success it generally left people feeling good. I’m not 100% sure but I think this is a server first on DH, but even if it wasn’t it was still bloody fun.
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It’s dropping like a stone right now, kinda weird right before the patch as well. Is there something happening in tomorrow patch that create this crash?
what dyes are you using on your armor Kiba, the blue gloss looks nice.
Look really nice, and Gratz!
Do you mind posting some more screenshot? Maybe a few frontal shot and some on the shield side? And is that a Guardian or a Warrior? You’re already gloating so might as well indulge yourself right? :P
I want to do something like that as well, the reason I’m kinda skeptical because I don’t think the Sword/Shield combo is very good gameplay wise. But if it looks ultra cool then maybe I should just go and screw the gameplay part.
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trust me kiwi, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me myself either. And yeah I hope they can do something, not everyday you see someone salvage a legendary … right?
(edited by Abriel.4103)
Well, I did Salvaged it, and it took me 3 months to craft it … so thanks for the support Wesley :P
And ExTribble to be perfectly honest I can’t remember if there was a pop up warning or not since I wasn’t paying much attention (I mean I wasn’t paying attention enough to realize I was salvaging my legendary). But I think I’m about 90% sure there wasn’t a pop up warning, not even the one when you salvage an exotic or rare. I pretty much realize the deed 1 millisecond after I did it.
And well, I just hope for the best. I think lately Anet have upgraded their support so they can track people account/item (I know a few people with hacked account got their stuff back). I think the game can track what legendary you have equiped on the account before since there are achievement for the 15 legendary (or so I heard) and I doubt anyone sane would be vendoring their legendary. So here finger crossing.
(edited by Abriel.4103)
Oh boy, so when I was waiting for my group in the fractal frozen I wanted to salvage the rare I picked up. I forgot that I switched out my Sunrise for the staff earlier and wasn’t paying attention … so puff. Sunrise salvaged … for one Mithril Ore.
I submit a ticket so hopefully Anet can restore it. But just throwing it out there, don’t be the other guy like me. Don’t even touch your salvage kit when your legendary is in your bag T_T
Another problem with this is we can’t finish 100% map completion for the WvW map. My server has been green I think for the 7th week straight and the gift of exploration is about the only thing I need to make my legendary.
all i want really is dusk and dawn for my legendary greatsword eterinty. i know i need to make twlight and sunrise but in order to get those legendary wepons i still need the precursers.
That’s like hearing a guy casually say: “All I ever want in life is really just a powerball jackpot”.
And Eternity is quite an ambitious goal to look at. With the current market even assuming you have both Dawn and Dusk, the remaining cost will still come out pretty close or above 2000g. I don’t know, if you already consider the 400g for Dawn a distant impossibility I don’t know how you even plan to go on the next 2600g. You’re complaining about the Precusor now, I’m pretty sure once you get them you will complain about how lodestone is too high, then after that you will probably complain about how T6 mat is ridiculous, after maybe another complain about inflated ecto price. :P
I said this before, the precursor is nothing but a start. I think most people who never craft a legendary has this fixation in precursor without realizing they have quite a long road ahead of them. It took me two months after getting Leaf of Kudzu to gather enough stuff to craft the Kudzu itself, and it’s one of the cheaper one to craft. I think most people who already craft a legendary themselves will all agree that the precursor is just a small step toward a bigger goal.
Probably just sellers who oversold to the high bid.
Probably this and it’s something I hope they gonna fix. I’m not a market players so it doesn’t bother me that much but during the occassion when I try to clear out my bank to raise money, it happens.
Basically you try to sell to the highest buyer, but I don’t know whether it’s due to a glitch that the game just list your entire stock even though if they’re exceed the buy listing, or someone else were filling the same order as you, but you’ll end up with the remaining of your stock listed at the current buy order even though you only want to sell, not list.
In fact, I have 7 bolt of Gossamer on there now due to this.
So … a group of 4 warrior and a mesmer is being used as an example? Yeah sure I’m pretty sure that group can do the boss in one go, but is that a standard? Pretty sure not.
I have killed the destroyers many time after patch and while I do agree he’s too easy right now, I also dislike using a skew example to blow a problem out of proportion. My group always consist of a mesmer, most of the time a war and a guardian with the last two spots on random. We had good run that we can finish him in 2 push, but our average attemp is around 3 and this is with everyone on top of the DPS mechanic. For example Mesmer copy stack of 25 might, Warrior running on my mark and Axe/mace for invul, Guardian using Aegis to block the AOE when the group is on the boss …etc…
This means that a average rounded group should take something like 4-5 attempts and for random pugs potentially more. So if you want the boss to last 3 attemps with a 1Mes/4War guild group in full zerker, it will easily turn into something like 10+ attempt for pugs, and everyone here agree that would be tedious. Again I’m not arguing against the point this boss right now is too easy, but be reasonable when citing your backup evidence since it’s like citing Einstein and say 99% of the world are stupid.
In fact, I’m basically ignoring every example where people citing a Mes/War composition as their example.
(edited by Abriel.4103)
As generally a buyer on the market, I am very very happy with the market crashing.
don’t forget the catch that if you sell your T5, you automatically lose 15% of that before buying your T6
So, Darkhaven’s guild Darkhaven Elite [DHE] aren’t that elite after all, if all they can waste their time doing is attacking pacifists in the jumping puzzle with a group of 4 to 6 people. Just putting that out there. Bunch of kittening kitten.
I’m on of the DHE you accused. As said we went there with 5 people just to do our JB for the night after CoF. When we entered we got great with a barrage of Batista and arrow cart, not to mention 4-5 of you guys camping the entrance. So 15 min laters we built our own cat and treb to take out your sieges and kill your campers.
Btw, in the end we completed the guild run and that’s our original purpose. Right after we finished we left as we weren’t there to camp or kill “pacific jumper”, the killing was just a bonus pay back. If you want to complain, tell the guys on your server to stop the camping and everyone will be happy :P
(edited by Abriel.4103)
Hello, can someone please tell me what is the dyes used on this picture. It’s the one on the armor of the CM dungeon vendor.
I hope you’ll get an answer here since I made the same thread in the bug forum for weeks and received no official answer.
Can we have an answer for this please?
ANOTHER one that use Gift of Light/Charged Lodgestone? -_-
@ganon: don’t fall for the dump&bump posts. It happens before every event where some people will speculate what the ingridients will be used during the event. Some are ligitimate speculation, but a lot are people who bought up the mat for cheap then throw out some speculation to drive up the price and dump their stock.
Recipe won’t be know for sure until the event starts, unless you’re interested in power play the market just wait for it to come.
Eh I hope it’s not case A, because it would be really messed up. I have no itention of going twilight, and even if I ever do I know I will not combine them into eternity. Do we have an official response on this?
Hello, I crafted Sunrise last night and equip it right away (didn’t do anything weird to it like transmute w/e). However when I look at the character selecting screen I don’t see the medal for it. Is this a bug?
underwater bots
He should pay me 20g to take it from him. I think that’s pretty good price to pay for his pay of mind over a hammer he’s not sure he wanted :P
Also either gw2spidy botched up, but you can’t search for that listing on the in game TP.
And … what exactly that have anything to do with a person like me going for legendary? I kinda have a hard time figuring what you’re trying to say, or is there even a (related) point between what you say and the topic at hand.
Yes, according to market price my net value is around 1000g, and when Sunrise come out of the forge, I will be as poor as a fresh 80. I don’t know what your armor have anything to do with this. I have an Ele in Arah armor, a mesmer in CoE armor, a Guardian in mixed of both but again, what does that have to do with anything?
I don’t care how many gold you have, I wasn’t making a comment as your gold, you made one about mine. And what part of it is the rich become richer? The point is, the legendary is something is within the reach of anyone, and they can do this without doing shady stuff or being a rocket scientist.
1000g? You’’re quite rare, kinda of a goldseller using bots. Smart player no doubt, able to mess around with TP. Rich goes richer, after all.
No offense, but on the same token I can say that mentality is also why the poor stay poor. You look at what other have and isntead of trying to achieve, you make assumption and accusation. And I’m not only talking about in game term, but real life in general. My family history has been a roller coaster, we had taste the height of power (political cloud, live in maid, mansion) and the bottom of society (living in slum), and we had repeat that cycle more than a couple of time. Whenever we fail down, we never look at the rich and envy them, instead we pick outself up and strive to get to their level.
Back on the topic, no I’m not a smart player. I don’t manipulate the TP, the four times I tried I suffer devasting lost that pretty much wipe out all I have so I made a pledge of never try to play the TP ever again. Neither I’m a basement nerd, with a job and gradschool I play for like 5 hours per night except weekends. Like I said, 1000g I have is not in term of cash, the most I ever had is around 200g and that’s when I dumped all my SP to make and sell the Anomaly. Running dungeone, gather material, map completion you name it, I did it. Did I think 3 months ago I would be able to get a Legendary? I can assure you not.
I’ll be making my Sunrise within the week, and I can say that everything I got for it is legit or did the hard way. I missed the Precursor exploit, the lost shore event didn’t give me any, I missed out all the cheap market stuffs and most of my shard was earn farming karma before they were made easier with later patch.
The only difference between me and you is: I see a goal and run toward it while you see a goal and complain about how impossible far it is.
Well, i guess is the reason because TP never removed legendary as a status to filters menu. I guess they are supposed to be on sale, but considering the nightmare to craft one, who is so stupid to sell one?
Well, let just say if I can find a buyer who will buy my Sunrise for 3000g, I will sell it without a second thought. I mean … why not. I can get the account bound mat to make another one in a couple of week, and after buy back all the TP mat I will still have 1.5k-2k gold left over profit.
Why not? I mean … consider I barely break 1000g (worth, not cash) after playing 3 months, even if it will take me a month to get back the account bound mats, making 2k in 1 month is still a very fantastic deal for me.
(edited by Abriel.4103)
Except it’s an AOE and can cover the entire platform. Except like I said on some platform you can not even see it’s coming due to the red circle doesn’t appear due to the size of the platform. Except it can be targeting someone else on another platform and spill overs to yours.
FYI, I have no problem with this since we run a very tight group, usually with people rotating stability and reflection. But that doesn’t change the flaw with the warning rendering.
Oh and a bit of advise for you: advise can be offered in good will, I don’t understand why some people seem to think the best way to offer hint and tip is to insult others when doing it.