Showing Posts For Acarius.3052:

Which World to Pick? - American Servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


The only drawback to guesting is the fact that you cannot WvW. Guesting limits you to PvE. Might wanna check out this link for info about guesting.

new player question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


If you don’t play at peak times that may be a problem but most events should be soleable. If the event says “[Group Event]” you will need at least two players. If you are having trouble with solo events, check your gear and make sure it is within 5 levels of you level. Learn which attacks to avoid, when mobs are about to do a powerful attack, there is typically a large flashy animation. Also, depending on your profession you may have a harder time earlier in the game.

Boss monsters, Ex shadow behemoth

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Use this website:
(dont forget to pick your server!)
It is pretty reliable for major events. But you should probably get to events like the shadow behemoth early to ensure that you dont get into overflow or miss the event cuz people kill him really fast.

Two Questions About the Forums

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


1. This is the “Players helping Players” subforum so come here if you have any questions about the forum.
2. You can recruit for more than one guild per post but it is better to separate it into two posts so it is easier for people how are looking for a guild.

Temple of Balthazar

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Try visiting the Dynamic Events sub forum. There is a massive thread about which server has opened Temple of Balthazar. Looks like Blackgate and Desolation EU all have Temple of Balthazar uncontested.

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


FT is meh DPS wise, and bringing it into a dungeon might no be the best choice because of its relatively short range. It tends to miss a lot too. Grenades can do a lot more damage especially if you have incendiary powder to add burning or precise sights to add vulnerability. Also, grenades have a longer range to allow you to stay out of danger.

Sigils’ effects work whenever you swap, so from both p/p to kit, and kit to kit.

Flame and Frost the next chapter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Nah, I don’t think so, you still probably need to open Black Lion Chests and pray to the RNG gods.
The “deadly new weaponry” may just hint at new weapons for the Molten Alliance enemies, or new skins but not necessarily easier ways to obtain skins.

Gear or build suggestions for my Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Prec/Pwr/CD gear is called Rampagers which is available in AC, CM, TA, COF, and COE dungeons.

I noticed you have both med kit and elixir c, med kit already has a condition removal so you might not need elixir c. You can replace elixir c with elixir b to boost damage.
Overall, it seems to be a pretty solid build.

Guild Wars 2 Doesn't Open Up Post Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Acarius.3052


When I opened GW2 for the first time since the patch, it did not load the patch. I closed it, and tried opening it again, but it said:

D:\game\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe is not a valid application Win32 application

I have played this game since last year on Windows XP, but now it says that the game is not compatible? Please help clarify. Thanks

about the black lion chest and skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acarius.3052


There should be no level requirement for the skins, but getting one is based on RNG so … Just open the Black Lion Chests and hope for the best.
The skins are called “Fused” there are pictures of them online already so you can check them out or preview them in the refugee camp in lion’s arch(I may be wrong about where to preview them fyi)

Superior sigil of blood

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


You could use both considering one is a sigil and the other is a food. I think omnomberry pie is better because Sup. Sigil of Blood only has a 30% chance to steal health and a 2 sec internal cooldown vs. Omnomberry 66% chance to steal health and 1 sec internal cooldown plus gives you prec too. Hoped this helped

Mumble/Voice Chat Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I was wondering if you guys could answer some questions on voice chat stuff.
1. If you download mumble do you need to download ventrilo or teamspeak too if you need to use multiple voice chats?
2. Is downloading mumble/ts3/vent free?
3. Will I need to make an account for each voice chat program?
4. What type of headset will i need to use for these programs? Reccommendations please(not too expensive ones though)
5. How much bandwidth does it require? Does bandwidth increase as more people join the voice chat server?
6. Will I have to pay for continually use of the voice chat programs?
Sorry for the tons of questions
Thank you!
Have a great day!

No Bones, No Blood . . . Where are They?

in Lore

Posted by: Acarius.3052


But it is not just animals, look at the humanoid enemies. How come I don’t get a pistol from a pistol wielding bandit? Or how about the fact that I killed a bear, using nothing but mace to maul it, and get no fur from it, despite the fact its fur should have been unharmed. I should have at least gotten a low quality fur, but I do not get anything. I agree with the fact that the blood might have escaped, or the items are not high of a quality enough, but I should have at least gotten scrap, etc. So what do you say to that?

No Bones, No Blood . . . Where are They?

in Lore

Posted by: Acarius.3052


As fellow adventurers, I am sure you are aware of the fact that many a monster drops blood, claws, skins, etc. But do you ever wonder where these items go when you kill an enemy and find he has nothing? How can these monsters function without blood, bones, claws, skin, and a whole lot of stuff? And even when the things do pop up, how can an animal live with just one porous bone, or a claw? What were you thinking Melandru?

How can I get Glacial Eye if i sold it?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Acarius.3052


If you made another character you can transmute the Glacial eye onto a white account bound head piece, so the Glacial eye becomes account bound. Then you can put it in the bank for your other character to pick up.
Hope this helps!

The Benefits of FoTM: Karma

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I started FoTM just recently, (I’m at lvl.4) and I heard that playing levels lower than yours gives karma. Wanting to get my legendary, I was wondering how much karma FoTM gives you.

Thank you!

Why does...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I’m pretty sure leman is being sarcastic here.

Looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I am currently looking for a medium to large size active guild with a friendly community. I am a casual player who tends to hop around with characters but will fully represent the guild on all characters (6 total, 2 80s). I focus on PvE and dungeons however I am willing to do some WvW or SPvP (I am a complete noob when it comes to this though).

I am in the EST time zone and on the Blackgate server (I can transfer to another server). I typically only play on weekends.

Also, I do not have any sort of voice communication nor do I plan to have it in the future.

Thank you!

The Death of Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Acarius.3052


This is a forum post I don’t want to do, but I have to do. I like story, I really do. Guild Wars 2 actually has some really good stuff, even in the dungeons. But when I came to this game in November and on wards, I found that almost all the dungeons, had no people doing story mode (That is a mild exaggeration) It took me so long to get a group for CM story, and SoE, HotW, CoE, and more, I don’t see doing in the future. This might just be me, but I really think story mode is dead. And I know that for higher levels, this mode does nothing for them, but could Arenanet add in more reward for those doing the story mode. Really, the only reason people do story mode is to get to explorable, and most don’t, because most of the time, someone in the party has done it already. I guess, story mode flared up in the beginning, but I don’t know. Is this the end of story mode?

Making Destinies Edge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I was thinking of making Destinies Edge, and I’m working on Logan Runaway. Thing is, is it even possible to make your character look like Logan, Rytlock, etc.?

Fractals and Agony

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Thanks for the info

Fractals and Agony

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Acarius.3052


For those Fractal runners, I have a question. I now that agony is at level 10+ of fractals, and it can kill you pretty quickly, yes? And the only way to defend against it is with the agony resistance from infusions which you infuse into ascended gear. But you can only get pristine fractal relics level 10+ fractals, and you need that to get Ascended gear. I think I’m doing something wrong here, because I can’t see how Anet would do this. Could you please explain to me how you are supposed to get the ascended stuff and their corresponding infusions? Thank you

Brand new, first post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acarius.3052


1. No you cannot lock in the camera angle unfortunately, it can get really annoying in tight spaces especially with a charr because they are so big. However these are only minor annoyances.
2. “fotm” means fractals of the mists. It is a dungeon found in lions arch.
3. Warriors are considered very powerful so you will have no problems with a good character. If you are going for a tanky warrior though you might considered putting some points into toughness to help against direct damage because vitality only helps against conditions.
4. A combo is when a player lays down a combo field, if you hover over a skill it will say Combo Field X (there are 9 different combo fields) then another player uses a combo finisher in/through the field which give added effects. For example, player A lays down a combo field fire then player B shoots through it with a projectile finisher, the result is burning projectiles.
5. To tell you the truth i have no idea why people are freaking out about the laurels. If anything I am happy about the laurels because it gives you an alternate route to many things. For example, ascended gear could only be got by doing fotm, now you can buy them for 35 laurels. I guess people are freaking out because they see laurels as the new “grind.”
Hope this helps!

The New Attribute Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acarius.3052


The new interface is way too clunky! The previous one was sooooo much smoother. The massive amount of symbols is just too much. I wish you could change the interface back to the original.

A Legendary Timeframe

in Crafting

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I am working on my Legendary, and I was wondering how long it took you to get your legendary. Thank you!

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


But sometimes I am facing them. One time I was fighting a pirate who was in front of me but when I hit the skill it did not activate and went on the 3 sec cool down.

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Recently I have been experiencing some issues with my weapons skills. When the enemy is behind me or really close to me and I press a weapon skill like Static Shot, it goes on a 3 sec cool down even though I have not been stunned or dazed. These 3 sec cooldowns are really starting to annoy me because it messes up some of combos. This has also happened with my elixir H skill except it happens randomly. Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me? Is there anyway to avoid/stop this?

Guild For Legendary Weapons?

in Guilds

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Hey, since Legendary weapons are so hard to get, why don’t people set up any guilds just created to craft legendary weapons?

To Buy Legendaries or Not to Buy

in Crafting

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I’ve seen Legendary weapons going for about 1400 gold on the trading post as of now, but with all the grind and work that goes with a legendary, is it even worth it to do it yourself compared to buying it? Tell me in the section below.

Guild Wars 2 Bankruptcy (Bug?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Acarius.3052


This is the second time this has happened to me, and I’m fairly sure that this is a game bug. In Lions Arch, I had about 2 gold and 70 silver, I bought 20 wool scraps for 33 copper from the trading post, and when I got to the tailoring station I bought 10 spools of wool thread, and then I realized I only had 4 silver and 50 copper. May you please help shed some light on why this has happened, especially the second time? Thank you.

Bug with the Quaestor's Seige

in Personal Story

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Right after was about 30 seconds after, when I left the entrance to the Vigil HQ, and I am fairly sure I didn’t buy anything or move anything. Though, I did get a letter from a stranger about a thing where people can buy gold. That might have something to do with it?

Bug with the Quaestor's Seige

in Personal Story

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Right after I finished the Quaestor’s Seige mission, all my money was gone! Well, except for 2 silvers and 32 copper that is. Has this happened to anybody else? And is this a personal story bug or just a general game bug. Also, is there a way I can get my money back?

What Makes a Good Game Member

in Guilds

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I brought this up because it seems like an interesting discussion, but what do you think a good guild member is? I for one think that a good guild member is like a soccer player, a person who recognizes that in order to win they have to work together, and so treats his or her teammates as equals, not noobs.
Post your opinions, but please, please don’t get into a fight on this thread.

Will This Get Me Banned?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Thank you for the advice.

Will This Get Me Banned?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I heard some people get banned for using Karma Exploits, so I was wondering if I bought gathering tools with Karma and sold the items on the Black Lion Trading Post, would I get banned? I was worried also, because I saw a Copper Mining Pick for a ridiculous amount of money, like 600 gold pieces, on the Trading Post, so would get in trouble from the Devs for buying this pick with Karma and sell it on the Trading Post? Thanks.

Not Being Able to Get Into Other Zones

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Thank you for the information.

Not Being Able to Get Into Other Zones

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Acarius.3052


While I was playing, I could not go into other zones, whenever I tried I could not form a connection to the server. This stopped after a short while, but it worries me. Is this a bug, or something to do with my computer? And if it is something to do with my computer, how should I fix it?

Legion Of Ducks [Duck]

in Guilds

Posted by: Acarius.3052


What events do you have?
I would like to join, but I have a limited schedule.
Also, what server will you plan to move to once you have recruited enough players?

(edited by Acarius.3052)

A Casual, PvE Guild on Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Acarius.3052


I’m a new Guild Wars 2 player, and I was wondering if there were any casual, PvE Guilds on the Blackgate server. I just want to have some relaxing fun with guild mates in a fun environment with dungeons, hearts, etc.