Showing Posts For Alastar.2863:
Another small thing in the Charr personal story, when you go with the Vigil to defend their keep from the undead Euryale starts and ends with the same statement when you talk to her, which is her “conclusion” dialogue.
Now, there are not any game breaking bugs as far as I have seen in this play through, but I have noticed a few mistakes so far, may post more as I notice them.
1: Significant story characters like Vallus (your Gladium father for the charr.) despawn after they get knocked out like regular mobs, but they are still present in the rest of the story, but significant characters shouldn’t “officially die” in battles, even if temporary. also noticed this with Kurokahn(?) the Order of Whispers Charr Represenative.
2: Picked Euryale as the warband mate that survives and in the mission to steal inquest information on Rissa’s amulets with the order of Whispers, I talked to her and to close the conversation my character said “Reeva” and not “Euryale.” might need to fix that text.
3: Under the textile crafting, I was crafting the hunters chest armor which is level 25, and it is supposed to have power and precision but it has no stats aside from the armor and level.
This is a few things I noticed recently, small things, but I imagine most big issues have already been addressed or solved at this point, but if I notice any big bugs, I’ll go ahead and post more as I see them here.
Is the debate on Ascended gear STILL an issue after almost a year?
Ascended gear is not an issue.
yes, it does provide a boost in stats higher then exotics, yes they are extremely rare rewards in the Fractals of the mist, but they do not throw balance and fairness out the window.
One: its only a small boost from exotic, and if a player knows how to counter/control a fight then the the damage boost won’t mean much, plus the dodge rolls and evasion techniques help out significantly.
In traditional MMO’s, yes if someone had even one point higher stat then the other player then the one with the higher stat would win hands down, but here you can actually use more strategy and maneuvers to give yourself the upper hand, more so then other mmo’s usually do (from the MMO’s I played.)
The biggest thing here: based on what I have seen, heard and read, you can acquire ascended gear from buying them from a vendor with Laurels. so stock up on those and before too long you will have a full set of ascended gear in no time, so whats the concern?
I really do not understand how this has continued to be a concern on the forums when you can actually PLAY THE GAME and see things in action rather then complain about how it COULD be an issue as opposed to whether or not it IS an issue. This “hate” on the developers decisions seems to be stemmed from theory and not facts for the most part. It is good to theorize but if you speculate for OVER A YEAR and are proven wrong time and time again then its time to stop.
Owning a house would be an interesting feature, I think the game “Runes of Magic” did a pretty good job as well, at least for a “start.” Was a little annoying seeing about 40+ people standing in front of ONE npc trying to get into their house, so perhaps an option on the “Hero” menu below the achievements (or move the achievements tab down one.) A plot of land and many customization options would be pretty cool, as well as allowing friends to visit.
Simple thing with no stat bonuses but would be fun to see what different kinds of homes people come up with.
Legendaries are skins, not stats.
Legendaries have their own stats, they aren’t just the skin.
The stats on the legendaries are EQUAL to exotics. You want their stats you can find an exotic with the exact same stats in either the trading post, karma shop, loot drop or by crafting it.
Pay closer attention to the stats, not the rarity.
If you don’t like the combination of the stats on the legendary you can transmutate it with an exotic with the stats you want.
People complain about the ascended weapons being a “gear treadmill” in the future, but I hear that they are going to make ascended items easier to obtain in the future (not sure what they will do) so I would hope that what they plan on doing is making the ascended items just as easy to acquire as exotics (maybe SLIGHTLY more difficult.)
Another thing, why not make more powerful weapons as the game grows and gets expansions and such? If you have the SAME STATS and level and gear after, say 2 or 3 expansions then things can get old, there would be no reason to do anything if you have the maximum stats you want and the cap never increases.
So, I looked up and found a way to acquire armor from orders you DIDN’T join.
First, create another character to join another order,
buy the armor you want.
use a fine transmutation stone on the armor to get the stats of a WHITE/COMMON item, but the look of the order armor.
it becomes ACCOUNT BOUND instead of soul bound.
Place it in the bank.
switch to your other character, transmutate it again so that you get the look of the order armor and the stats of the armor you want.
From what I read, this USED to be possible with race cultural armor but anet fixed it, makes sense I could see some graphical errors being caused by, say, an Asura using Charr armor. I also read that it used to say “soul bound” still after the first transmutation until Anet fixed that.
From what I read it sounds like it IS allowed and Anet decided to keep it in, probably because you have to buy 2 fine transmutation stones to get it to work.
If this is NOT allowed I would like an Anet developer to let me know in a response to this.
Otherwise, enjoy!
I don’t think its a “pay to win” system at all. Legendaries are not AT ALL stronger then exotics for one, they are pretty much just “skins” that you can either earn or spend a bloody fortune (how many diamonds will you have to buy to make enough GOLD to buy a legendary from the store?) to acquire.
There is absolutely NOTHING in the store that will give someone an advantage in combat, maybe an experience, magic find, karma, swiftness boost among a couple others but nothing that will make one overall more powerful then another person of the same level.
Simply look at your gear stats and see if they work toward your play style. Maybe try looking for power and precision weapons and armor to boost your damage or something.I personally thoroughly enjoy this game and plan on playing this for a very long time, it IS an even playing field and has many enjoyable features and NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE! Just enjoy the game!
If you buy BL keys to open BL chests you can get Armor Boosters and Strenght Boosters (-5% incoming damage / 5% outgoing damage) plus Speed Boosters (15% speed) and Rejuvenation Boosters (+ Health regen).People run fractals desperatly to get items that give this type of increased stats and you say that gem store is almost purely cosmetic?
I really think that is completely insignificant, as long as you don’t sit completely still! That will be hardly noticeable if you know what you are doing. (now, in wvw that will definitely be unnoticeable under all the circumstances there.)
Use stuns, conditions, boons, whatever! Run with the main army, then who cares what kind of boosts you are using in pve?
“Pay to win” does not apply to Guild wars 2, in my opinion.
I don’t think its a “pay to win” system at all. Legendaries are not AT ALL stronger then exotics for one, they are pretty much just “skins” that you can either earn or spend a bloody fortune (how many diamonds will you have to buy to make enough GOLD to buy a legendary from the store?) to acquire.
There is absolutely NOTHING in the store that will give someone an advantage in combat, maybe an experience, magic find, karma, swiftness boost among a couple others but nothing that will make one overall more powerful then another person of the same level.
Simply look at your gear stats and see if they work toward your play style. Maybe try looking for power and precision weapons and armor to boost your damage or something.
I personally thoroughly enjoy this game and plan on playing this for a very long time, it IS an even playing field and has many enjoyable features and NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE! Just enjoy the game!
I noticed just a little while ago that the price for diamonds in the currency exchange is dropping!
12-17-2012, 12Pm [my time zone.] Average price for 100 Diamonds
2g 5s
12-18-2012, 10 Am
2g 1s. (was 2g 2 silver under an hour ago.)
So, keep an eye on the price!
For those who have been complaining about the price going up, it is a constantly changing price, one month it might be 1s for 4 diamonds (when I started) and next it may be 4 silver for 1 diamond. So don’t worry when you see the price go up, it WILL go down eventually! Just save up until then.
There you go, more incentive to save up your gold!
I have seen a lot of issues being stated all over the forums, but in game its the exact opposite, where are these concerns coming from?
I will respond to the biggest concerns I am seeing on these forums, (and asking for clarification.)
I need clarification here, I have a level 80 and I am starting another character just because, I am still enjoying my 80 but I have yet to feel like I am doing a long and repetitive grind, so please, tell me What is grindy?
I see alot of people saying the dungeons in the forums, What are you grinding FOR?
Tokens to get skins? You don’t have to, they are SKINS! You are more likely going to transmutate them to get the skin but the stats of something entirely different. Even if it does feel like a grind, its not going to give you an advantage getting these skins, just make you look “cool” and I think a grind is only worth complaining about if it is the only way to gain an advantage in combat.
Ascended Gear?
Its only a couple items and I hear that the ascended items will become easier to acquire in the future, hopefully it will be much like getting exotics from Orr, and no, your effort toward acquiring the ascended items will not be wasted, its only a couple items and the rest will be made easier to find when the REST are released, so consider the two items a head start.
More exotic gear? There are Karma vendors in Orr who sell exotic gear at each temple, if you don’t want to GRIND for it, just buy exotics from them! Enjoy.
another topic,
In my server there are people everywhere, some places might not be full of thousands of people outside of lions arch but there are more then enough to complete group events and world bosses, any time a world boss spawns I see an army of players on my server! Give your server time, servers have been filling up and so before too long their should be more people. Also, this is where a GUILD will be useful. ask your guildmates if you all want to hit a dungeon, world boss or just run through any zone.
ascended gear
. . . . it has no effect on pvp which is the ONLY time I personally would be concerned. If the gear makes so much of a difference that if you have the “perfect” build for your play style and full exotics and you go up against someone with ascended gear and you loose and there is absolutely NO CONCEIVABLE WAY YOU COULD BEAT THEM just because of the gear THEN I would be concerned, but there are things called “conditions” that can stun, weaken, slow or mobilize another player, take these into consideration and the fact that you can dodge makes the small difference that ascended gear might make unimportant.
Before someone says “if two players with the exact same class, skill, traits and build hit each other at the exact same time. . .” THAT NEVER HAPPENS! This isn’t World of Warcraft where a .01 point difference is a “game breaker” and you just watch animations play until someone dies, you keep moving and use strategy and skill in this game! Besides, again, it has no affect on pvp.
Anyway, once again I would like to know what the “Grind” is in here, I haven’t felt REQUIRED to run through the dungeons at this time, seems to me like the main reason why people run the dungeons is for skins or the ascended gear, if that is not true, please clarify what you are grinding for.
Last I checked there are a ton of people all over on my server (one of the full ones.) Orr is full of groups farming Karma and running the dungeon (Straits of devastation does not seem to be very popular though, the other two regions are packed.) Queensdale is extremely actives, especially for the “Shadow Behemoth.” and the Dragons always have a massive army of people taking it down, and lots of people in lions arch.
Don’t ask if its safe to come back, just come back! the game is awesome!
Personal opinion, Best mmo I EVER played!
Games I played:
World of Warcraft, (its been out HOW many years and nothing new has been added?)
Runes of Magic (GRINDDDDDDDDDDD Would have been fun without it)
Earth Eternal (R.I.P.)
Battlestar Galactica online (fun and actually decent for what it is, but I like this more.)
Allods (I have to spend MORE money to compete? seriously?)
Vanguard (. . . . . .)
probably a few others, not enough to care to remember them. lol.
this game eliminates EVERYTHING I find annoying about other mmos and Is not work but is actually FUN and they did a brilliant job with it, its not perfect and there are some issues, but they are minor and this game started grand and will get even bigger as time goes on. (just don’t judge the game by the forums. . . its not like judging a book by its cover, its judging a book by the graffiti some random guy scribbled in a Stephen King novel.)
The biggest issue I am hearing in the game discussion forums is the existence of Ascended gear, having to acquire it purely from FotM, and the Legendaries getting a buff when all ascended items are released in a future update.
I personally don’t feel a “I QUIT” from this information but I can see a slight issue with that.
IN an upcoming update, I suggest that ANet makes the following changes to improve things and potentially bring some players back:
– Make Ascended items much easier to acquire by adding a new zone that is very accessible (not insane like Southsun cove unless you have a team or top gear.) and has a decent chance to drop Ascended gear, comparable to the chance of Exotics to drop in Orr.
- Number of Dungeon runs are a good idea for the monthly, specific dungeons are not, Especially the FOTM. According to the forums people dislike that idea, having to run that ONE dungeon over and over for the monthly. Let them choose which dungeons to run.
- Legendaries should just be basically good as “skins.” several people were complaining because of the legendaries becoming the strongest weapons in the game making it feel like players with their exotics are at a disadvantage. I say personal skill is much more important then a small increase but this would satisfy more people if they were simply new skins for weapons, so people aren’t spending about 500k Karma to not only get a potentially awesome skin, but to be even with other players.
Otherwise, this is an awesome game, I have not had as much fun in this game as I have in any other MMO (because they are usually just alot of WORK.) This game eliminated everything I found annoying about mmo’s and I am looking forward to seeing new updates in the future.
You Look at a map of California and when you see “LA” you think “Lions Arch” instead of “Los Angeles.”
The game is back up, so get back in and start destroying the Elder Dragons, gather new skins, and LFGing.
By the way, Arena net, Thanks for an awesome game! I never played a single mmo (except for Battlestar Galactica online.) that has caught and maintained my interest like Guild Wars 2! This game is actually FUN and not a chore to get into.
Well, I just got a chest with a bunch of awesome stuff in it in the mail, I imagine they are starting to send them out, so keep an eye out!
Thank you Arena Net, Keep up the great work.
Everyone else, it is extremely rare that a company would publicly say “Sorry for the trouble you had, we WILL make up for it.” and follows through with that promise.
Keep an eye out on the mail for this chest. If you haven’t received it yet, you should soon.
Now, people keep complaining that a grind EXISTS in this game, here are my thoughts:
First, I would say no REQUIRED grind, you don’t need uber gear for pvp since you have gear provided for you and wvw has hundreds of people and siege weapons, gear matters VERY little then. in pve once you hit exotics you are in pretty good shape, any more work woulds just be a little extra push you don’t REALLY need, though it could be a little convenient to have that small boost.
YOU GRIND BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO. Once you hit all exotics (plenty of vendors for that, like in Orr.) you are pretty much good to go Even legendaries don’t make that HUGE of a difference, noticeable, but not necessary.
they added quite a few things to make the game fun, World bosses, interesting events, dungeons (they are fun if you don’t make them a chore by your own choice and mindset) with alternate paths and stories, KEG BRAWL and in the upcoming update and event “wintersday” they will likely add ALOT more, maybe Charr Racing in the black citadel, one charr you can find around the tanks just inside the front gate of the black citadel was talking about that. I think that could be a fun mini-game.
Stop complaining about the EXISTANCE of the grind for the extra stuff and think about this:
Is there a SINGLE mmo that has less of a grind then this game?
(I’ll wait for an answer, let me know if one exists.)
In my personal experience, not sure how YOURS is but I find that I have been flying up levels, getting really powerful gear just by chance and if I don’t feel like working on my craftsmanship skills I’ll just buy a new item from the Trading post. Not bad at all.
I feel this is the best mmo I ever played, first one I ever felt it was worth my time to reach the level cap and keep playing! It eliminates everything I find annoying about mmos.
Enjoy the game, don’t make it a chore for yourself, if you can function and do serious damage to mobs and other players in the different modes and if you like Keg brawl, world bosses, events and other features in the game, stop complaining, maybe suggest a new approach or fixes but don’t say “the game is dead” or “they are destroying the game” or things along those lines, its only been out for a few months and they are bringing new features and fixes all the time and they listen to feedback.
What I would like to ask the people who say they quit is this:
You complain about Gear treadmills and Grinding and the Ascended Gear,
Can you name ANY mmo that has less of a “Grind” then this game?
Can you name Any mmo that has an easier Gear Treadmill?
Can you name Any mmo that has absolutely NO issues with one weapon being superior over another? (outside of Eve Online [I think.] or Battlestar Galactica online.)
Personally I don’t feel any “grind” in this game is required. I think that is what Anet was talking about in their promises or “no grind” and the Ascended gear is completely unnecessary if you don’t want it. It has NO affect on pvp, maybe a tiny affect on WvW but the circumstances and the fact that you DON’T SIT STILL and that there are conditions and effects like Knock-back and stuns among many other effects make the small difference between exotics Ascended unimportant. Plus, if you feel you arn’t doing enough damage, MAN A ARROW CART OR CANNON or some kind of Siege weapon. Regardless of your gear they always deal heavy damage. Then in pve: if you are doing a lot of damage to enemies in pve and you have full exotics and maybe a couple legendaries then you really don’t need to worry about Ascended Gear if you don’t want it.
Also, one more thing, look at the Stats of the Ascended Gear vs Legendaries.
Another thing, Didn’t the people who say they “Quit” enjoy the game before they heard of ascended gear? the game hasn’t changed one bit, they just added that dungeon and a couple ascended items among other things. Continue to enjoy the game and don’t make a big deal over these little things.
I am on a 4 or 5 year old laptop which can barely even run Team Fortress 2, and I run it on minimum settings to keep it playable. Can’t wait until I get a new computer.
the new update did fix a lot of irritating issues. It is good that Arena net is keeping up with the bugs and is actively fixing them.
Just wait a bit and they will fix at LEAST most of the issues, they JUST fixed the events that glitched and wouldn’t allow you to continue the event, so that is a big help.
What game-breaking glitches are you encountering? Personally I am finding only the events being bugged as the only real game breaking bug. . . and they just fixed it.
If you managed to have about 100+ hours of gameplay, you got 60$ worth of gameplay and content, and then some. So I don’t think a refund is appropriate, personally. (Now if it was like the Mass effect 3 ending, that is a whole different story. lol.)
Arenanet is working hard on this game, I personally enjoy it a lot, it eliminated everything I found annoying about other mmos and I am having a lot of fun every minute.
I have not been able to try that anyway, When he asks “care to make a wager?” it just automatically pops up “content temporarily disabled” for me.
Ascended gear is does NOT make your exotics completely obsolete, in fact they are only useful in that ONE dungeon, and you don’t have to work for them if you don’t have to. They don’t even affect pvp. Its just something extra to work toward if you feel inclined to.
If you don’t want to go through FotM then don’t. you don’t need that Ascended gear unless you want to go past a certain point in that dungeon. otherwise it has NO effect on ANYTHING else.
in WvW it is not noticeable what gear you have.
it does not exist in other pvp.
I go through other dungeons and I just ask “Anybody want to run through this dungeon?” and people were HAPPY to assist. I think when you say “LFG CM exp lvl 1” it turns people off.
Nothing changed but the people. but I still see plenty in every zone I have been to. (level 62 right now and I have 27/8% completion of the map and things are pretty active.)
Just get back in and do what you want, not what you feel you HAVE to do.
If the stat boots on ascended are so minor that they don’t mean anything and won’t affect skill or anything else, why not simply remove them? Thanks. Look forward to your answer.
They are minor, but its just something extra to work toward if your bored. If you already maxed out everything you want why not work for a little extra push even if it means little?
Its there if you want it, out of the way if you don’t.
Now, outside of ascended gear and the Fractals of the mists, what grind REQUIRED grind is there? I am just a little lost in regards to what people are considering a grind in THIS game, and I personally don’t feel a grind that is required to compete at the present time.
Just asking for clarification.
Your post is basically “besides this new grindy thing they added to the game, where is the grind people are complaining about?”
I said REQUIRED grind, you don’t need the ascended gear if you don’t want it outside of that ONE dungeon itself past a certain point, plus its not a grind in comparison to other mmo’s, which often takes months to aquire ONE item. Here I have heard an average of 5 hours until they acquire the items they need.
Any other “grind” I hear is never elaborated on, people just say “this game is a Grind!” What part?
Now, outside of ascended gear and the Fractals of the mists, what grind REQUIRED grind is there? I am just a little lost in regards to what people are considering a grind in THIS game, and I personally don’t feel a grind that is required to compete at the present time.
Just asking for clarification.
another concern like mentioned a few comments above, issues with progression.
In my personal experience I feel that this game actually has fun and MEANINGFUL progression. I don’t know what is different about progression in the different classes and what people are doing differently though, tell me how it affects you.
No npc’s that give you 20 quests and you CAN’T progress through the game until you finish them, then repeat with another npc. Rewards are really good, tons of experience for each event and task, and each time I completed a story quest I got something that I could use to replace something that I was currently equipped with (except for the one handed mace after speaking to the pale tree and seeing a vision of Orr.) I also find that leveling is pretty fast, work on events and tasks and craft items and explore and discover new things and getting 100% in a region yields decent rewards, as well as completing the dailies (which seem to be completed just while I go about my usual work in the game.
Another thing, just on the side, it seems like alot of people are comparing this game to itself and saying how it is disappointing but they don’t consider how other mmo’s go about things differently. And again on the grind, it is not REQUIRED grind. You don’t need the ascended gear if you don’t want to go through the fractals, and that gear does not affect pvp. In WvW There are too many people and too much going on to really consider any gear when there are Cannons, Trebucheas, catapults, siege golems, arrow carts and other things that are insanely powerful regardless of your equipment. Plus you never stand still, in an mmo everyone makes a unique build to them, everyone allocates traits differently, and many other differences really make the equipment in WvW not very significant. If you don’t want to have to work toward the ascended, DON’T. Plenty of other options and since you don’t need it to compete in pvp since it doesn’t exist.
anyway, consider this when you have issues with little aspects of the game:
Can you name an mmo that is LESS of a REQUIRED grind then GW2?
Can you name an MMO that allows you to explore and be rewarded more then GW2?
Do you enjoy the game until you heard about the Ascended and told yourself its required?
(if you say World of Warcraft is less of a grind. . . seriously? people can go through the same dungeon for MONTHS and find NOTHING of value! Here it sounds like it is a matter of hours before you find something of value in the Fractals, on average based on what people are saying on this forums.)
(edited by Alastar.2863)
if you know how to maneuver around or an opponent and dodge or know how to build up your class to counter theirs then the gear really doesn’t matter as much.
What if the other player also knows how to play his class? People are always assuming you’re playing against weaker classes or clueless players when it comes to this. Losing against an opponent in WvW will always have that “was he actually better or was it only his gear” feeling in the future (assuming ascended gear won’t be as easy to get as exotics).
The gear is going to give them what… 45 extra points towards his overall stats? If the battle isn’t won by a landslide, then the loser should just assume there was a way to win and that they should find it for next time.
Wondering if it’s gear that made someone else win is an excuse for people to continue not being the best player of their class… one should always strive for better and if you think that’s not possible then there should be nothing to worry about.
Because if you did your best and can’t think of any improvement and still lost, the devs have yet to finish balancing this game and it’s more likely their fault than any gear difference.
if everyone starts out with a baseline of 100 or a 1000 total stat points 45 more is a huge difference maker whether its 50% or 10% matters not the difference is the same.
Heres an example simplified so even a laymen can understand. You take 2 players same class , same trait distribution, same everything cept gear put one in full exotic and put other in ascended now simultaneously hit each other using same attack the person with the higher power, crit and health pool will always last longer no if’s and or but’s.
Standing still sure… but I’ve performed better than people with a full set of exotics when all I had was masterwork – and now that I have a full set of exotics I’ll still perform better than people with a full set of ascended. Trait distribution doesn’t matter – this game isn’t about automatically generated die rolls. If you want to be good at your profession you have to earn it not calculate it and that is where you will constantly fail if you choose to not get better.
‘performed better’ implies you were more skilled when the guy you are replying to is being quite specific that both have the same skill. I don’t know why you’re talking in circles because he’s right, in a situation where everything else is equal even a minor stat increase WILL decide between a win or a loss. There is really no discussion to be had about it. If skill and build are equal then stats are the only thing left to decide the fight.
But WHEN in an MMO is the combat condition 100% identical? NO ONE will play exactly like another player, the closest is copying a build someone made and posted to youtube. By skill I mean you know when and where to dodge, what abilities to activate when, and how to coordinate with your team. A
Also weapon skills are unique to the different classes and can have different effects in battles, there are CONDITIONS and BOONS to consider as well, like Retaliation, Burn, Bleed, Blindness, and many other effects. Example, a Guardian with a warhammer could use Banish to knock the player back and buy himself a few seconds to follow up with something else. there are many abilities and effects to consider and NO ONE will ever be identical.
Also, Ascended is not in PVP outside of WvW (if they allowed Ascended in WvW yet.) if the information here:
Is still good.
Now, I have not reached that point in the game yet, but based on what I read in one of the “Announcements” that the ascended gear will NOT affect PVP at the present time.
There are only a few things I hear concerns about (and only in the forum.) regarding the Ascended gear.
1: Grind.
Based on comments I have read around the forums, it seems that the average amount of time it takes to FIND an ascended item is about 5 hours. Compare that to Potentially MONTHS in ANY OTHER MMO! One friend mentioned that he had been searching for particular items in different dungeons in World of Warcraft and he plays through that same dungeon for months and gets nothing of value. in WoW there are countless weapon sets and legendaries, each one is more powerful then the last and everyone grinds for them but it takes countless hours to find ANYTHING. With Ascended gear you have one clear item set you are looking for and you know where it can be found. this is FAR more reasonable then most other mmo’s.
From what I have seen so far dungeon loot is very good and, if nothing else, could be sold for a decent sum in the Trading post if you can’t use it.
2: PvP becomes unbalanced (or) players without it are useless. (their words, not mine.)
According to this:
PvP will NOT be affected by Ascended gear. So the arguments regarding how it gives someone an unfair advantage in pvp is useless when ascended gear doesn’t even EXIST in pvp, with the exception of WvW eventually, but thats 500v500v500 so with that many players it REALLY doesn’t matter whether or not YOU have Ascended gear or not when you have a full SERVER to coordinate with.
About pve being effected: How useful was your exotics before? If they were excellent before then there should be no reason why you can’t continue to use them and be efficient enough with them still. If you don’t want to grind for them then don’t. It only effects pve from what I can understand. You don’t need to be picky about the type of gear someone has, just whether or not they are competent with what they have.
3: Ascended is required to access certain content.
Basic response here: from everything I have seen and heard, it is ONLY required past a certain point in the new dungeon (which is infinite, says the devs.) NO WHERE ELSE is the gear a requirement.
So, personally, seems like Ascended is just something extra to work for IF YOU WANT TO.
Does not effect pvp outside wvw, is not required for survival, just past a certain point in a dungeon if you REALLY want to, and the grind for ascended is nothing compared to the grind in ALL OTHER mmos (that I have played anyway.)
I love the way you suggested that they ‘“bent” but [had] not “broken” the promises to a slight degree.’
It reminded me of the Monty Python sketch the ministry of silly walks. No matter how silly the walk or the reason for the ministry, everything was conducted with a very straight face.
Sometimes the way people attempt to justify something obviously wrong on the face of it, with a straight face, simply amuses me. But, anyway, thanks for the memory. I love Monty Python.
I said in the post that if I missed something or was outright wrong you can correct me and explain how.
Also, by “bent the rules” I only ment the occasional “fetch event” and other little things.
otherwise I really don’t see a grind or the usual quest design most mmo’s that I have played have done and I think they kept their promises and this is, in my opinion, the best MMO I have ever played.
if you know how to maneuver around or an opponent and dodge or know how to build up your class to counter theirs then the gear really doesn’t matter as much.
What if the other player also knows how to play his class? People are always assuming you’re playing against weaker classes or clueless players when it comes to this. Losing against an opponent in WvW will always have that “was he actually better or was it only his gear” feeling in the future (assuming ascended gear won’t be as easy to get as exotics).
The gear is going to give them what… 45 extra points towards his overall stats? If the battle isn’t won by a landslide, then the loser should just assume there was a way to win and that they should find it for next time.
Wondering if it’s gear that made someone else win is an excuse for people to continue not being the best player of their class… one should always strive for better and if you think that’s not possible then there should be nothing to worry about.
Because if you did your best and can’t think of any improvement and still lost, the devs have yet to finish balancing this game and it’s more likely their fault than any gear difference.
if everyone starts out with a baseline of 100 or a 1000 total stat points 45 more is a huge difference maker whether its 50% or 10% matters not the difference is the same.
Heres an example simplified so even a laymen can understand. You take 2 players same class , same trait distribution, same everything cept gear put one in full exotic and put other in ascended now simultaneously hit each other using same attack the person with the higher power, crit and health pool will always last longer no if’s and or but’s.
That is why they have dodge rolls and you don’t sit still in one place the whole time. Also, what are the chances of two people having the EXACT same traits, abilities and strategies? Gear DOES have a noticeable difference, whether its big or small, but with how they made combat here skill is important. Also, based on one post under “announcements” here on the forums, pvp is NOT going to be affected by the Ascended gear at the present time (they said that it may be implemented into wvw, but with the number of players in WvW gear really doesn’t matter nearly as much there. Sounds like they are testing things out for the time being.
Actually in WvW unless its two players on separate servers scouting and meeting and clashing 1v1, it looks like you are generally going to be fighting with an army around you then using your class and weapon abilities to help control the battle, when there are 500 v 500 v 500 players its definatley not about gear anymore unless a small handful of players face off, then skill and coordination and MAYBE some gear, but with those numbers, don’t think its as big a deal.
Personally, I say just play the game and see for yourself, I personally am having a ton of fun (and I have NOT been grinding for gear at all, just been working on my personal story and leveling and inviting friends to play.
In my oppinion, this game is FANTASTIC, it just seems like the people in the game and in the forums are completely different groups of people, in game people are praising it, in the forums alot of people are trashing it, I say, don’t read the forums except for the Announcements and updates, I also hear that most forums for games are extremely negative anyway.
Just play the game yourself and decide for yourself whether or not you like it and the latest updates.
- “Questing is no different then any other mmo.”
Not entirely true, sir or madam. Questing in all other mmo’s I have played has you go back and forth from point A to point B and back to A and often has you go somewhere out of your way when you may be trying to do something else, and NO ONE ELSE can help you, if they are in your party they usually have to ask “how many of this item do you need for your quest?” Then they have to back off until you finish. Then each npc in many mmo’s have you go do one quest for them at a time, maybe a few more at one time in rare cases, but it is usually a ton of back tracking going back and forth in order to complete this task and then they give you something else to do that just might be in the same area you just came from for the previous quest!
Now there are “fetch quests” in this game, but everyone in the area contributes toward it and you just have to contribute ONE item to get credit and experience. Each Task and event could take only a couple minutes if you decide to complete them, and you don’t HAVE to do the quest hearts if you don’t want to either, unless you plan on getting 100% completion in an area and get the region reward. There are usually several tasks you could do to make progress toward that task, multiple people could be working on one objective or different people could work on different objectives, whatever people do makes it finish faster so you can move on.
Also I find that most of these tasks are actually interesting and not just the usual
“go here, kill this” or “collect this” or “kill this to collect this.”
I feel like I am making meaningful progression, especially with how the events do leave a lasting effect on the world, even if it is a small thing, like who controls a fort, ogres or charr, or whether a small camp remains intact or gets destroyed by an army of ghosts.
SOO much better then the typical mmo.
- “Ascended gear break the game.”
Well, not entirely true either, the game IS more “skill based.” and if you know how to maneuver around or an opponent and dodge or know how to build up your class to counter theirs then the gear really doesn’t matter as much. if I understand correctly, the pvp which has 8v8 will not be effected, correct me if I’m wrong (with proof) but everyone there is still evenly matched gear wise.
So, why the big deal about ascended items? If someone can still pull their own weight in dungeons and other pve events WITHOUT ascended gear out of sheer skill and smart class building, why are you so concerned? Besides, if they find that it really is creating too much of a balance issue then they could just simply remove those items and compensate the players who worked hard to get them anyway if they loose them.
They have expressed concern and an interest in keeping the game fun and balanced, judging by updates that fixed several major issues.
-To long, did not listen.
Seriously, you didnt take the time to read the information above and STILL blast me and say you know better? El-Oh-El.
First off, I have been playing since the free trial weekend, then I bought the game and I am having significantly more fun in this MMO then any other MMO I have ever played.
It ELIMINATED everything I found annoying about MMO’s.
-Stealing Resources, Boss kills and loot in dungeons. I would get annoyed when I see people harvesting resources I need to collect for a quest. This is no such concern here.
-Boring and repetitive and uninteresting quests. In al ot of mmo’s it seems that quests were one of three things:
“go here, kill this.”
“go here, Collect this.”
“Go here kill this TO collect this.”
And that included boss battles most of the time. Even WoW did that.
I receive all these tasks and there is no noticeable affect and nor does it feel like it was worth it. The only thing keeping me going in most mmo’s is the hope that “surely things will get more interesting later.” Nope, from beginning to end many mmo’s seem to be like "here is an npc, he has 15-20-30 quests for you to do, and you CANT MOVE ON UNTIL YOU FINISH EVERY ONE OF THEM! and often they send you about a mile away to complete the task! WHY!?
-(Free to play games.) They are usually either a Long and difficult (or just boring.) Grind in order to level up or get necessary resources to continue in the game, or the only way to survive is to spend real money in the game (Allods for example when you get to a pvp zone.) As soon as I realize I have to spend money to get past a grind or compete I loose interest right away.
- Subscription fees.
Why, when you already bought the game, do you ever need to spend a monthly fee? Sure they say “to release more content.” but it really should not be necessary, especially with successes like League of Legends! It proves that you don’t need a monthly fee to keep going and keep your players interested!
These and other little issues tend to keep me from getting into MMO’s. I LIKE the concept, its an mmo"RPG" It would be awesome to be able to play an rpg with potentially hundreds of people, or just your friends! make your story while sharing it with your friends and each having unique adventures!
This game eliminates all the problems mentioned above and I feel it is a near-perfect design and execution of an mmoRPG!
No, people have expressed concerns (or outright hatred and resentment) about different aspects of the game and say that they were lied to and that promises were broken, I say they may have “bent” but not “broken” the promises to a slight degree. I’ll explain these concerns and my responses.
- some people say “Its too Grindy” and have said that they feel they had been lied to about this game not being grindy.
First, based on my experience and observation, I believe they mean no REQUIRED grind in order to continue in your story. The only grind is for skins and (apparently) Ascended items, but compared to all OTHER mmo’s I have seen its nothing. world of Warcraft, some of my friends have spent months trying to aquire ONE item, but they end up with some random OTHER rare gear they can’t use or is not as good as they already have, several people have said it taken them 5 hours to get the Ascended items that are released so far. That is not Grindy when you compare it to any other mmo (that I have seen anyway.)
(next post)
In my personal opinion, I don’t see any reason why people should stop playing the game JUST because of the ascended gear.
Some people said they quit just because of the EXISTANCE of the Ascended gear but they did not wait to see what was changed and how its going to effect the game.
Besides this is a more “skill” based game, gear helps a lot for sure, but if you know how to make a good build for your class and use different weapons depending on your own personal strategies then the quality of the gear won’t be as big a deal as people are making it out to be.
Also, for those who say they quit, is there ANY other reason why you should stop playing aside from the Ascended gear? From what it sounds like Arena net is releasing this as a “test” perhaps, since they are only releasing pieces at a time. If by the time they release a full set and people in game hate it they will probably remove it, they removed several other things that gave players unfair advantages like from WVW. they noticed some exploits and eliminated them.
Give the game some time, don’t just quit, watch and see and don’t delete your progress, based on what ArenaNet has been doing you may regret deleting everything when a new and impressive update is released.
I for one am playing this game consistently and enjoying every moment of it. (except for waiting for the Darn Cattlepault.) I feel I am getting my money’s worth and then some, the addition of one new set does not bother me one bit. It would only start to bug me if they said “Hey, we are going to release 30+ sets uber rare gear that almost never drop, just like WoW. Each significantly more powerful then the next.” THEN I am concerned.