Showing Posts For AliceKaye.1903:

[Suggestions] Eyebrow color

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I think sometimes the eyebrows look really odd depending on the color of hair chosen. It would be nice if you could select whether or not your eyebrows match your hair color, or if they’re different (like Paralux said, pink, yellow, etc. hair would look ODD with eyebrows that color).

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Ranger pets should be toned down

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


+1 for you.

I play a ranger as my main and it could really use some updating in the pet department. The pets are lackluster and every item on your list is something that would be incredibly beneficial overall.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Charr Backpacks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


It’s actually one of the things that made me reroll my Charr. It’s really annoying to look at. Almost every single backpiece floats. I see it happen from time to time on my Asura too… Not a fan. Hope they fix it at some point.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

How long do outfits/wings remain?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Hi Drow!

Items seem to cycle back in one to two times per year, but as Donari said, there are several things that have not cycled back in. I keep waiting for the nerd glasses to make a reappearance but so far, no dice. I’m also waiting on the white wings too.

A good site to keep tabs on is Dulfy. I recommend following her on Twitter because she seems to have the 411 on most things Guild Wars 2 and often announces when items come up for sale and/or are heading back out of the store.

Hope that helps!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Official RP Server for NA and EU

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


My friends and I, all role-players, had to switch over to Sanctum of Rall because we all like to play WvW but we were unable to all get onto Tarnished Coast together.

This kitten sucks!

I miss being on a “server” with other people who are role-playing. There’s no way to just hop into it with my fellow role-players anymore. I have to be taxi’d everywhere if I want to participate.

I get that for the majority of people this megaserver change has very little to no impact on you, and I’m happy for all of you, but for those of us who enjoy role-play, it really does have an impact.

I kind of wish they would allow us to change servers like they did in Guild Wars 1, with the drop down, so that you can just agree on a server to join in on, and switch to it that way.

Why not a tag that you can toggle in your options, a RolePlay on/off switch. The game could then attempt to put you on a map with others who are toggled the same as you.

I would be super happy with something like this! I think this would make it a lot easier for other people to identify their fellow RPer’s as well.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

(edited by AliceKaye.1903)

Last day of sales. Your hopes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


WOAH , so excited for the shadow of the dragon set, its 350 gems only man, What a STEAL! HYPED, best last day sale in the history of gaming sales!!!

…hoping sarcasm, hoping sarcasm…

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

[Suggestion] Toybox

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I completely agree. I want to buy the instruments and such, I already have the magic carpet from this sale and a few other things. I’d really like to be able to utilize all these things account-wide.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Anet direction after HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


As long as they keep it interesting, I’m not sure I care what direction they’re really going in. I’d like to see more of the map open, I’d like to see us revisiting areas that were in Guild Wars 1, especially Cantha, but just as excited for anything else they could expand their visions to.

I mean, the map is already enormous and so much of it hasn’t been opened yet. I’m very interested in seeing where they can take this.

My hope, however, is for them to continue with Guild Wars 2 for a decade or more… It’s a great game, and I think it has a lot of story to tell! Whether they focus on old content or not, as long as it’s interesting, they’ll succeed.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Request: Outfit parts on BLT, please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I am also not a fan of the outfits. I only buy them because I like how they look, but I don’t care for what they represent (less freedom).

I wish that they would add them as parts, or armor sets. I’d buy the crap out of those!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

How many characters do ppl have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Create as many as you want to play. Who cares how many others have?

I saw a signature on GW2RP’s forum with like 50 characters on it. I was a bit taken aback, but I think I only have 6, because that’s all the money I’ve put into expanding my troupe. That being said, I’ve also deleted like four different 80’s.

I say if you want fifteen, go for it!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I’m glad that there’s been at least an ANet response to this. I’ve just suffered at the hand of this bug as well. Just did all of the Kessex Hills event and did not receive anything for my participation, although I got gold for almost every single piece of my participating.

I’m relieved to know others have been experiencing it, but disheartened that it’s happening in the first place.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Inventory additions?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Not for nothing, I think a toybox type of system would be great though. For things like the magic carpet, instruments and such, it would be nice to be able to access them on all characters, as more of a skill than an item.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Additional Dye Customization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I would love for them to put in some sort of dye system for hair accessories. So many of the hairstyles have things on them that require you to choose one of those colors, but I feel it really limits my dying options if I choose anything extravagant.

I don’t want to walk around with bright purple hair ties and then not be able to match it with anything… It’s pretty much a shame that they haven’t added this so far.

Please Anet, add some hair piece dyeing!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Throwing my hat into the ring. I’m not a huge fan of waypoints (in any game) and I really only use them if I desperately have to. Instead, I spend my time running around as much as possible from one place to another.

Personally, I absolutely love mounts. It’s something I enjoyed collecting in games like Lord of the Rings Online and World of Warcraft. I’m a role-player and I had entire backstories for my trusted companies (and do for my mini’s in GW2 currently, that I use).

Mounts, for me, are much more than just a faster form of transport, even if they only slightly increased speed, I’d be happy with having them for the thrill of it, and quite frankly, lets face it ArenaNet would make bank off of mounts in the BLTC. It would be foolish not to at least explore the option.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

April Fools Joke or... New Emote?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


My friend brought up a very fun idea a few moments ago, brought about by this year’s April Fools joke and I thought I would share.

So far we’ve pretty much had no new emotes added to the game, with the exception of the one dance emote on the gem store, since the game launched. All of us have been asking for them and it would be great to see more of them, for sure.

How about a plane emote, with the “vroom vroom” sound, that could be /plane, and people could then do this whenever they want.

I know some people dislike it, so naturally they wouldn’t be interested and that’s fine and dandy, but it would make a cute emote long-term for those are are interested.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

When is the next Character Slot Sale?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Well, we had a huge sale with PAX south and they brought a ton of items back in. Who knows what will happen with PAX east. I’m hopeful that they’ll have another great sale!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

[Suggestion] Color Blind Mode (merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I am not colorblind but I have several friends who are and implementing something like this will help a lot of people. I know that back in the day World of Warcraft implemented this system and I know it is definitely used by some of my friends.

+1 for colorblind mode.
+1 for community support

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Female Asura Clothing Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I don’t give a hoot about boobs and cleavage, in real life or in game. My main issue is that I’m just tired of seeing my character in things that are so masculine. I think it would be nice to have some feminine options.

I mean, they made the winter costume a dress, it looked like all of the other female’s in the other races and it was spectacular. I loved the fact that I had an outfit that wasn’t masculine in nature.

I’m all for making all of the outfits unisex, but I think that would probably be a large, demanding job, to get all of them to fit all of the model sizes, which is why they haven’t done it. But I just don’t see big deal with modifying the current feminine outfits to show no cleavage on breast-barren characters.

Clearly there will always be people who think one way or another and there is nothing that I can do about that. The forums as a whole are a vocal minority, so maybe the non-vocal majority don’t care about the armor models and they just deal. But I’m choosing to be vocal about my stance on this, because it’s something that matters to me.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Female Asura Clothing Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I’m just throwing this topic into the ring again, because it’s something that bothers me immensely and with the expansion pack coming out, I’d like to raise this point.

It would be really nice if you guys over there at ArenaNet took the time to give female Asura feminine sets of armor instead of giving us the male options. The Asura females now have incredibly feminine hairstyles, but we’re stuck with such masculine options for clothing.

I’m not asking for tons of dresses and what have you, but it would be nice if we had the same options the other female’s in other races have. I’m sure many Charr females may feel the same.

I think today, I was so disheartened by the fact that the Shadow Assassin Outfit, which is absolutely adorable on other races, was the male version for us female Asura. Why? Is it really that time consuming to create a shrunken version for the females? Why not make the males wear feminine clothes then?

At the end of the day, I’d really just like more options that don’t make me look like a male with a female hairstyle.

So many people have argued that the race is androgynous, thus why does this matter, right? But that’s a cop out at the end of the day… The fact that this has indeed been brought up so many times before, especially when we had the race-based forums, shows that this is something that many of us female Asura-players would like to see.

Just spending my two cents.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

The Returned Skins Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Hello there!

Just came back recently, and I noticed that a lot of the skins I missed out on due to lack of money last year and in 2013 are currently in the cash shop. This is massively exciting to me, as I wanted so many of them back then.

My question to all of you, if any of you know: How long are these going to be in the store? Are they coming back indefinitely, or is this something I need to jump on right now? I get that they won’t stay the price they’re at if they stick around – that’s find, but I’m curious as to whether I need to jump on them now or if I’ll be able to gain them from the store over time?

Thanks in advance!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Snow Map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I also found them running around other cities, like the Grove.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Normalement, m’exprimer dans un anglais correct aurais été mieux pour la communauté. Mais comme je suis français et que je suis aussi doué que les développeurs, je vais faire comme il m’arrange et poster ce message en français. De plus, cela me permettra de ne pas perdre mon temps sur une traduction google qui pourrait changer le sens de mes mots. Et en plus, il parait qu’on est des râleurs.

Je trouve vraiment dommage que l’on ne puisse pas faire Joueffervescence en groupe avec nos amis et/ou avec notre guilde. L’excuse trouvé par les développeurs est tellement bidon qu’on se demande pourquoi, avec un objectif de stabilité, on se retrouve avec une activité aussi bogué.

To give a rough translation to those of you who do not speak French,

“Normally, speaking in proper English would have been better for the community. But as I am French and I’m as good as the developers, I will do as suits me and post this message in French.

In addition, it will allow me not to waste my time on a Google translation that could change the meaning of my words. And more, it seems that we are complainers.

I find it a shame that we cannot [group for Wintersday events (this part was hard to translate)] with friends and/or our guild.

The excuse given by the developers is so bogus that one wonders why, with a goal of stability, we are left with such a buggy activity."

Hope you don’t mind that I translated that for you buddy, but I felt like what you had to say was important, and that it should be voiced in English as well as French, so that the masses can understand and hear your thoughts, thoughts in which I agree with.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I have to agree with the sentiments here. A friend and I have been looking so forward to the Wintersday events. Last year we had a blast playing through this together, and this year, we’re not able to do so at all. We can “share” our experience through our frustrations via Skype, but we cannot actually enjoy any of the events together.

This is something that must be changed. One of the reasons that MMORPG’s exist is so that you can play together with friends and make new friends. It’s a social game. That’s like… the entire point of playing MMO’s (and the entire reason I stay away from single player games), but at this point, you’re forcing us into groups with people we don’t know, and who, half the time, don’t even speak they just work on the objective at hand.

Let us play with our friends.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Thank you, ANet and [ENVY]!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I wish you the best of luck, Sylv. Happy Holidays and I hope you get better soon.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

It's been done now leave thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I’ve been gone since pretty much the end of Scarlet’s storyline. I left right at the end because my husband and I had to move across the country and then set up shop somewhere else. A few months after we moved, ESO launched and as a writer about MMORPG’s, I of course had to check that out. Terrible, in my opinion (at the time – have yet to try it again) and then followed that up with WildStar (such a disappointment).

After WildStar, my guild went to Final Fantasy XIV, where we still reside today, however I’ve recently decided to play Guild Wars 2 alongside XIV. I was hoping that when I returned there would be a bunch of new stuff for me to check out. I posted on Reddit to find out what changes in content had been made, since ANet was talking about how they would be adding permanent content to the game.

Imagine my disappointment when I found out that they had only added one zone and only three chunks of LS since I had been gone (I was here for Maguuma’s addition). When I tried to get my partner-in-crime to play with me, he asked about the changes and I said, “Well they added some really sick-looking backpacks to crafting and they added some new outfits to the store, and then another zone, Dry Top.” He was like, “Great, so they updated their store, added more aesthetics and only one zone while we were gone?”

It would seem as though without the content stories every two weeks that they still haven’t added much in the way of content. I keep hearing about new dungeons, but no one has seemingly answered (as far as I’ve read) what or where these new dungeons are.

ANet, this is to you my friends, add some stuff people want to play through! We need more places to explore, more dungeons to crawl through, more than just pretty outfits (although I do love outfits – my issue now is the way the new outfits have been implemented – it’s terrible. Huge disappointment, seriously).

Just some thoughts from a returning player. Love the game, I really do, but it could use some TLC.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Overwolf and Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I use it in fullscreen-windowed mode with SweetFX, no problems here thus far. I’m not sure why you’re having the issues you are. Have you tried re-installing it yet?

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

account bound harvest items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


This should be in suggestions, but they won’t do this. They already made the huge change from Soulbound to Accountbound. Sorry, but it is the way it has to be.

They removed the suggestions forum, which is really, really stupid. So now all suggestions will wind up in general.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Nothing in gem store for xmas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Yeah, I’m not going to lie. I was really disappointed by the Gem Store. I thought there would be some decent stuff for Christmas and there’s just nothing. Just a rehash of last years outfit, not even a new one. Meh.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Game Textures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I kind of feel like the game boasts a mixture between the two. I think it’s gorgeous.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Transferring backpiece visuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Buy one of the Tybalt Back Sets off the trading post (type in Back into the search function). Make sure it’s one of the sets. Open the set and it’ll come with backpack straps, and then just use them and transmute the two together!

I was freaking out that I was going to lose my book piece and then someone on here enlightened me to this trick.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Holiday Costumes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


@Lilith Ajit, yeah I’m sure that’s the deal. It’s such a pain in the butt. I’m so impatient. I really want to buy the mini’s but I don’t want to put the money out for them until I know I don’t want any of the costumes.

@Allegra, I too, spend money on the costumes. I loved the one from last year and I’m quite curious to see if it’ll be a rehash or if they’ll have some nice, new additions to the store as well.

These are literally the only reasons I haven’t purchased those adorable mini’s yet. ><;

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Holiday Costumes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Are there any plans this year for more holiday costumes? I was significantly disappointed to not see any on the BLTC today.

It’s a shame if they’re doing what they did during Halloween and waiting a long time to put them in; rendering there less time to really thoroughly enjoy them through the season.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Mad Memories Transmuting - Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


You guys are fantastic! It worked perfectly! I’m so glad I won’t have to lose these two back slot items now. I adore them, but man, I was so desperate. This saved the day.

Thanks again!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Mad Memories Transmuting - Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Thank you all!

I’ll see about obtaining one of these backstraps and giving them a go. I’m fairly desperate at this point! :P

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Mad Memories Transmuting - Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Has anyone found a way to transmute Mad Memories to an account bound back piece? I want to delete the character that has the Mad Memories back slot attached to it, but so far I’ve been unsuccessful in transmuting it to anything. Any suggestions would be so welcomed.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Gold Spammers Private Messaging

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


The last week or so I’ve been plagued by these every time I log in. I get at least 5 per play period (several hours) and honestly, it’s fairly annoying at this point but I’m just waiting out for this round of jerkwads to get banned, again.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

best overall server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I’m on Tarnished Coast and I absolutely love it here. I think our community is wonderful and there’s always a lot of people participating in things, so I’m down with that too.

Good luck on your choice!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Any chance of Rox' quiver returning? :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Hoping for this as well!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Mini-Pet Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I don’t collect the mini’s at this point because I find them useless. They constantly disappear, their leashes are too long (they don’t run as fast as I do, so they get left behind) and they’re just kind of a pain in the butt.

They really ought to revamp the mini system and make them more fun.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Dreamcleaver Gathering Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Yeah, it’s a shame they won’t release all three at once. I’d buy the other two without a second thought. This axe is gorgeous. :|

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Dreamcleaver Gathering Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Exactly! I didn’t want something super flashy, which is why I haven’t bought any of the previous tools. It’s very simplistic, it’s not loud and it actually looks like an axe rather than something else.

They’ve really got something good here, they really ought to capitalize on it and make a full set of “Dream” gathering tools.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Dreamcleaver Gathering Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


To someone at ANet: Would it be possible that you will sell a sickle & mining pick made to look similar to the Dreamcleaver Logging Axe?

This axe is gorgeous and fits so well with my Sylvari. I would love to see additional tools that have this same look.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Are you addicted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Are you addicted? To this game?

Yes & No. I’m addicted to MMO’s in general. If I wasn’t playing Guild Wars 2, it would just be another MMO that I’d be playing and sucked into.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Final Tower Marjory & Kasmeer Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Thank you. That was the clarification we needed. Just so you guys know, Kasmeer and Marjory both flash in and out constantly in the non-story version.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Final Tower Marjory & Kasmeer Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Any chance there has been an update on this? We’re back in the tower, at the final boss dungeon and still they’re not here.

What gives?

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Blood & Madness Mask of the Night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I have a feeling I missed the chest. I sadly don’t recall it.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Blood & Madness Mask of the Night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I don’t think I did it ASAP, but I can’t really remember to be honest. I believe I waited a day or two.

I believe I opened the chest, but it never showed up in my bag. I assumed that it was an issue that would be hammered out and that I’d receive it since I had the achievement completed in my achievement log, but it never showed up and no message from ANet, so… I figured I’d post about it.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Blood & Madness Mask of the Night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I sent in a ticket early yesterday I believe, still haven’t heard back so I figured I’d post here in case someone happens to see this and has some way of solving the issue.

Case ID #: 69630

I completed every achievement listed for Blood & Madness including ‘A Royal Tradition’ and never received a mask for it. Several people at the event were complaining about the same thing but I didn’t think much of it at the time, I just assumed that it was a bug and it would be hammered out.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the case as I never wound up receiving it.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Final Tower Marjory & Kasmeer Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


Thank you for the update Kirk! Very much appreciated!

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Final Tower Marjory & Kasmeer Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


We just died, came back into the instance and Marjory & Kasmeer flicker in and out a few times and then flat out disappear.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
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