Showing Posts For AryasRevenge.3175:
I believe major problem from pvp is afk people, sometimes a game start and theres a pug afk at spawn, there should be a small timer that kicks players when they stand inside spawn for a certain time, lets say 15 seconds.
Also players joining a room, if theres 3vs3 there will be a small team unbalance after the new player joins, 4vs3.
I think there should be a queue that only when one player of each team apply to join both enter the game at same time, this should get some balance back in the game.
I would also ask for opinions about players abbandoning their team during a game, i noticed if a team is losing some players just abbandon the game leaving the team in a worse situation.
Please feel free to comment.
For the WvW lovers leveling a new toon is a pain to level a new character, so i was thinking we could have Tomes of knowlege for sale at WvW merchants for a certain amount of Badges.
Looks awesome, to bad they are in another server.
Yesterday i finnaly found a guild that doesnt have a problem with engineers, i do play other classes of course and when needed i can switch.
Also, a good engi is better than a bad guard or war.
Agree but not talking bout engis only, a good player is better than a randoom heavy armor.
Seems its easier to level and gear a heavy armor than actually get some skills hehe.
The past two weeks ive been looking for a small nice wvw guild, i pm a cople of their members and the first thing i get asked is “what class do you usually play”, to which i answer engi. Thats about when all of them so far start with the hummmmms, if you were guard or so…..
I understand a guild that raids on wvw needs some class balance and guards are a must but just how many does a guild need? from what ive seen theres lots of what i like to call “teamspeak guardians”, they are awesome really, if you ask for a line of warding they place it like a boss!! but besides that i regret to say people that usually create a toon to fit in have horrible fighting skills outside a group.
Is this what guilds are becoming, class based recruitment instead of player skills?
Fell free to comment.
So this is more like a suggestion, not a bug.
In the wvw recruitment forum why dont we have a tab for each server? it would keep that section clean and organized. People would select the Server they play in and then create the recruitment topic, also much easier for those looking for a guild to ignore other servers posts.
Hope you consider this and dont delete cause it isnt in the right forum, also why dont we have a suggestion forum? :p
I used my obelist shard and i know its supposed to be at home instance but i cant find it, im human so it should be at queensdale right?
Thanks Pangie! i feel better now
Yes i was about to ask that, i miss the previous dailies so im stuck at 11/13 achieves for sweet friend, is there a way to finish?
So I just finish this achievement 8/8 and it reset, the thing is it didnt count towards A sweet friend, also how do i get The royal tradition achieve? thanks.
I agree with something here, the yellow oines are useless indeed, i remenber i deleted over 70 i had in my inventory
Hello, so i was wondering why dont we have a WvW monthly tab just like in PvP, i would like to see objectives to accomplish with several tiers, the starting tier being something you can pretty easy and the last one, well something at same level as the hardcorer wvw lovers, for example:
WvW monthly kills: tier 1-50
tier 2-200
tier 3-1000
tier 4-3000
Each tier would have a chest with rewards according to the accomplishment, being tier 1 bad rewards ofc, and the highest tier something that would make players drool.
I know most of players dont want to spend hours and hours in wvw to finish their monthly, so thats why i think a chest after each tier would be fair for everyone.
All opinions are welcome, Cheers!
Whats the deal with wall pull/ insta death? i dont even get downed i die right away
Most other games ahve mounts, why would gw2 copy them? i say we are fine the way we are.
Thanks for the comment, hope more pelple share their thoughts on this.
Sounds like a Gem trade post consumable.
Dont feel like read all that?
No we shouldnt get free percursors, i workeed hard for mne since day 1 and got it last month, i would hate to see someone who played the first two weeks to get a 600g weapon now for free.
So by now i assume everyone has more than one character, and most of us at least the pvpers we like to bind certain skills to keyboard keys so we hit them faster. So when i play my main, a engi its all cool but when i switch to my little necro all keys are wrong.
How do you guys do when you play with an alt, do you use the mouse to click or just overwrite the skills all over again?
My suggestion is:
Guild Wars 2 should have the option to create a ‘’secondary keyboard profile’’, so when i switch to my alt i can have all my skills saved on the right keys.
I believe this feature would make the game more enjoyable for all of us.
Please comment.
Long time no see sceinna :p
Agree, dont agree?
Please comment.
LoL. L2p engi then QQ xD
Our Downed skills, are one of the best to survive while other trying to ress us / buying time.
1. Cool dmg
2. Great long interupt. If u cast it in last sec, u would be able to cast your 3 spell.
3. AoE knock back. Meh
After 3 we got again 2 up
+1 to that
Seems only a few actually know how to take advantage of engi skills, no wonder we are so understimated.
Hello everyone, im making this post which is also a good suggestion aboutour keyboard profiles when we swich toons.
I own a microsoft sidewinder x4 keyboard, it allow me to have 3 different profiles which means i can assign certain keys to certain functions and then change to another profile completely different.
I usually play engi, for those who dont know we have a toolbelt full of skills like ele’s attunments and each one is binded to a key, and recently i started a little necro and i faced this problem: the keys dont match my skills so i either have to change them everytime i change toons or i have to use the mouse to cast them.
If there was a way for us to be able to set at least a couple keyboard profiles i believe it would make the game experience much better and also improve the game interface.
Please comment.
Most thiefs are predictable, once they go invis i can do two things, drop nails/glue shot/bombs around me, or start running with gear sheild ready and hit them with crowbar when they pop up.
However when they have perma stealth i can honestly say perma stealth IS OP, not to mention being able to finish a player while invisible.
One thing you should notice is that when they go invisible most of the times they try to hit you from behind.
Hi guys, so i finnaly made my quip yay! the thing is as engineer the grenade tool belt skill/ Grenade Barrage should have a new animation since i have quipo equiped, am i missing something?
Also why dont we get some cool footprints like the other legendarys?
When we equi a weapon kit the color is always the same, since most engis use dark color on their sets it probably doesnt bother them but heres my set.
In my case its looks extremely ugly with the colors im using.
Please comment.
Hi guys, so i havent done arah for awhile and few days ago i went there to buy some karma armor but even though the dungeon is uncontested i can find the vendor for several days, i asked around and noone knew for sure.
Am i just missing him or is he bugged?
ive got a newb toon with inventory full of badges lol
There i was happy with my 18k when suddendly 30k ftw. Gratz, parabens.
Challange accepted!
Hello guys, im here to suggest something i believe we need four our spvp/tourneys.
First is Players shouldnt be allowed to abbandoin thier team, how many times did you see a player abbandon his team once things start going bad? its the end, 5vs4 isnt viable, yes the game will allow someone to enter but if that takes 5 minutes its useless.
I also understand someone may have to leave in middle of a fight, if so we need a system to balance teams faster to keep things balanced.
That was… insane.
There is no doubt you are a highly skilled player, but theres one thing that keeps bugging me, why do their attacks do so low damage :p
(edited by AryasRevenge.3175)
i use mouse buttons aswell, one for weapon kit and the other for elixir, i cant even use f1/f4 always mix them and end getting in the way while fighting.
Heya ive got a question for you maska, how can you reach F8 and above keyboard buttons while fighting?
i suggested this not long ago, eles are stuck with their attunments (thats what Anet call wep swap for them) but we can chose not to equip any kit so we should be able to aquip another wep as long as our hotbar is kit free.
I also go for CD but i keep some stats with power/crit since our base crit isnt that bad.
Awesome vid, however the second link doesnt work for me.
Btw i find shield very helpfull against a higher number of enemies.
(edited by AryasRevenge.3175)
As far as I know, the various grades of mist essences are used to upgrade an ascended ring, so that it gains +5 AR (not through the use of the infusion slot).
So its possible to have 10AR in the same ring.
Thanks guys.
+1 to that Aristio
About the ascended rings they can be forged with some shards but whats do we get in result?
Can i forge a infused ring?
who cares about their feet
yep i though of that, keeping a slot for bombs not grenades, bombs are helpfull if you need to run but i end needing the slot :S
Anyway thanks for the advices, if i see a thief going stealth over 3 times ill run for my life!
Elixir U sometimes make no effect when using it.
Hum guys, Elixir S break stuns and immobilized, it has a perma slot on my hot bar.
So im making this post got get some advices about the best way to fight a thief, im currently using a boonspike build pistol/shield, but from everything ive tried nothing helps against that perma stealth.
What am i supposed to do when my opponent land 2 hits and run back to stealth? best i can do is to take half his health but stealth always interrupts the fight?
I believe thiefs shouldnt be able to attack while stealth is up.
End game already? do you have all ascended accessories, and by the way theres new ascended gear coming in the future.
Do you know what i like most in my engeneeir? i see people reaction when i join them in fractals and such, but i do enjoy when theyre downed and im still kicking mobs!
If it was twice as fast flight speed it might become a little OP. The first skill just really needs to be auto-attack.
From all OP classes i dont believe that change would make engeneeir OP,even if flight was faster your oponent can still evade them by simply keep moving.
I believe swapping attunements on an Elementalist actually COUNTS as “On Weapon Swap”. If I remember right, this was patched in back in October some time.
Just like i mentioned up there, elementalist attunments count as weapon exchange, theyre “stuck” with them but a engeneeir can choose not to equip any kit, wich brings my suggestion.
I gree with you, elementalists are stuck with attunments but we can chose not to use any kit, so why not have a secondary weapon slot.
So im here to make a request, as everyone knows engeneeirs and elementalists cant swap weapon during combat, elemt have their attunments and we have weapon kits but what if as a engeneeir i dont use any of those kits?
I say engeneeir sould have an option, if we have one or more kits in hotbar we cannot have the double weapon set, but if we have none we should be able to have the awesome double weapon set option.
What say you?
(edited by AryasRevenge.3175)
I play a elementalist since day one and made a engeneeir few weeks ago and i tell you this, i like engenneir far more than elementalist.
(edited by AryasRevenge.3175)