Showing Posts For Babychoochoo.5690:

Worst JP ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Personally, I think they’re all kinda bad thanks to both the character movement and camera. They most certainly are doable, most with little to no hassle, but they feel like an afterthought because, clearly, “finesse” was not a priority when tweaking the controls. This is most evident at times where you miss a jump not because you missed a particular ledge, but rather you missed a particular pixel on that ledge that is the difference between you staying on or awkwardly sliding off despite visually giving the impression that there’s no way you shouldn’t have made that jump.

But, I digress. That Malchor’s Leap one with the keys is a complete nightmare and easily gets my vote. The one with the griffons and the bombs might be tied for first or a close second if not for the fact they let you tp back to the start if you screw up.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Temporary LS content is not cutting it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


As someone who has taken multiple, long breaks from the game, I would quite like some more permanent content. I logged on recently and Lion’s Arch is apparently gone for some reason. Well, obviously I can see it was destroyed. That much I know. But I have no idea how or why and to be honest I find it hard to care that much since story (well, the personal story at least) was never even remotely this game’s strong suit. Still, it’s a bit weird if nothing else.

Other than that, the only noteworthy content they added, that I can tell of at least, is a new zone with more of not much of anything to do and some more traits. Sadly, seeing as how I play a ranger, let’s just say I wasn’t exactly bursting with excitement when I saw those traits.

I’m sure people like the LS and everything and that’s all fine and dandy, but I’d like a little something more. And by a little I mean a lot and permanent.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

[PVE][Ranger Pet] The Handicap

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I gotta agree here.

They have admitted the pet is broken, but they won’t fix it. Um…okay, fine. But then they won’t rework the class to work without the pet. What? How does this not blow everyone’s mind? The core mechanic of our class is flawed, but we are given neither a fix nor a way out. I guess one could almost argue that the class works “good enough,” but the fact is it’s not working as it should.

I honestly don’t know what else to say. Something needs to be done and I don’t see how giving us minor buffs here and there is going to solve the issue. They’re nice, sure, but they don’t fix the real problem.

Let the night be nighttime! ( QoL)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


…there’s a nighttime?

Ranger sword binds to target

in Ranger

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I dunno, man. After they admitted pets are kinda janky, but they can’t and probably won’t fix them, it’s hard for me to accept the idea that swords are working as intended. It just feels like another broken thing about this class that we’re expected to learn how to adapt to instead of wanting to be fixed.

And hey, some people probably like that and consider it some sort of challenge. But personally, it just raises all sorts of red flags that we have to put up with kitten no one else does simply because ANet made it work “good enough.”

Sharing dyes account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I would like this to become a reality as much as you, but I highly doubt it’s going to happen. Even though they specifically said pre-release that dyes would be unlocked across your account, they later changed their minds for no discernible reason and today dyes are only unlocked on a per character basis.

If such an option were to ever make it’s way into the game, I’d bet you anything they would charge an arm and a leg for it.

edit: It appears ANet deleted all the older blog posts from before launch, but it’s quite easy to dig up anyway:

“Once you unlock the color, it will be available across your entire account, not just the individual character.”

I know things change during development but the demoting of dyes from account-wide to per-character just wreaks of cash shop greed in my opinion.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Pet Names...

in Ranger

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I’ve said it before, but I remain completely baffled that something so simple that’s been present in MMOs going back almost 10+ years now is suddenly impossible to do in a game released in 2012.

Even if one were to make massive leaps in design and technology over the course of development which, let’s be honest, GW2 didn’t exactly do, it should still be a relatively simple fix in the grand scheme of things.

The lack of permanent pet names is just such a kittening weird omission.

Stop with the bikini armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


in real life we don’t have mages and holy warriors as we have them in GW2, that RL stuff is one of the weakest arguments you can use against a fantasy world.

Exactly. If people wanna start throwing around the "RL"or “it doesn’t make sense” argument then we don’t even have to bring up the “high fantasy” or “magic” part of the game. Light armor classes (especially the women) would all freeze to death once they hit the northern zones, no one would be able to wield a greatsword except maybe the norn and charr, the only viable underwater weapon would be the harpoon gun, any class that uses bows, pistols, and rifles would only be able to attack a limited number of times before they became useless, and the world of GW2 would be a barren wasteland due to all the people killing innocent animals and harvesting all of it’s resources.

There’s plenty that, ahem, “doesn’t make sense” already. You can’t say more skimpy armor doesn’t make sense when the game is already full of stuff that doesn’t make any sense.

Let’s all be honest here: aside from personal preference, there is no valid reason for not adding more skimpy armor. They (we? I’m on the “I want more skimpy armor” side anyway lol) aren’t asking for much here. They just want the ability to dress their characters up in outfits more suited to their tastes. If you don’t want more skimpy armor then so be it. Don’t dress your character up like that. There’s plenty of choices there for you already.

Adding more choices for someone else does not suddenly take away something from you. You still have what you want. The only difference is now instead of one person being happy, both of you get to smile.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Why do you not play sPvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I am a huge fan of competitive games of all types, but I just don’t think it’s a good competitive game so I don’t play sPvP. First and foremost, it’s just boring. There’s not as much depth as something like a DotA2, Counter Strike, or fighter (take your pick: SF, KOF, Skullgirls, Persona, etc). And it’s not as easy to jump into/jump out of like games like World of Tanks, Planetside 2, or Battlefield/Call of Duty. It sits in this weird area in the middle of that “casual/hardcore” spectrum and it just ultimately feels void of any proper substance.

It doesn’t help that the community can be kinda kittenty, there aren’t any real goals to work towards, class balance has been a major issue since launch, there’s only one game mode and a handful of bad maps, it’s needlessly chaotic at times (the only special effect they didn’t add was a magical kitchen sink), there are even fewer viable pvp builds than there are pve builds, and it takes ages for any meaningful change to come along leading to disgruntled players getting fed up and quitting in between patches.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Rangers should have Guns!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


The whole lore thing is such a cop out. I wish they would just say “we don’t feel like balancing more weapons for more classes at the moment” because honestly, that’s the real issue here.

A rifle somehow doesn’t fit the lore, but a kittening harpoon gun does? Bull-kittening-kitten.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Please make Ranger pets more like WoW pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Someone once said that they’ll fix ranger pets when they can find a way to charge us real money for it. Back then, I thought he/she was joking. Well, here we are 17-18ish months after release and I honestly think they may be right.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Give your ideas for new armor skins.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


At this point, I feel like I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but just add some medium armor that in no way even slightly resembles anything close to trenchcoat. I already made a post about it a while back:

Removing Race Restrictions on Cultural Armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


At this point, I’ll take any armor changes I can get. I just want them to do kittening anything.

Either add in more varied options (i.e. no more kittening trench coats) for each armor category or take what’s in the game now and find a way to open it up to more people. I mean kitten , if they can’t be bothered to do something new, there’s plenty of stuff already available in the game that people would like to wear, but can’t due to race/class choice.

T4 and T5 cultural armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Might as well lock it anyway. Not exactly much of a discussion going on here except pretty much everyone, including myself, flat out saying no to this idea for a number of different reasons. Well, that and people calling bs on your supposed money-making techniques.

T4 and T5 cultural armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


If you’re tired of looking like a lot of people, giving everyone more options is going to help solve that, and not every prestige-chaser is going to immediately gravitate to the new top-tier armor. It’s the similar to how I see so many people in Abyss/Celestial armor with legendary greatswords. Upping the ceiling just gives everyone with the same attitude the same thing to shoot for, again.

^This x a million. Lately, there’s been a ton of threads and posts about people asking for more armor variety. Before they even think about adding in another tier of cultural armor, this game desperately needs new, varied (i.e. not trenchcoats, etc) armor available to more people. Adding in another cultural tier now, regardless of price, isn’t going to help anything.

Reduce Culture Armor Prices

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


This is a weird time to choose to throw the whole “they said there would be no grind” thing around. I do agree by the way. They did say that. However, grinding is, sadly, now a large part of this game and would be whether cultural armor existed or not.

Again, T3 armor is not supposed to be for everyone to run around in. Sorry, it sucks. I know. It’s just the way things are.

Reduce Culture Armor Prices

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


They’re deliberate gold sinks that are supposed to be for show/bragging rights. They’re not supposed to be for everyone to run around in. They’re not much different than dungeon sets in that regard expect instead of tokens, it costs gold.

Whatever happens with the train..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Nerfing champ farm is a temporary fix for a larger problem and that problem is the entire reward structure and, to a certain extent, the economy. They are in desperate need of an overhaul. You could nerf champs, yes, but you’re essentially plugging a leak in the dam with your finger. It’s a temporary fix. Eventually, you’re gonna need to fix the dam or other leaks will just start appearing.

I do frequently participate in champ farming by the way. I believe an earlier post of mine is still in this thread somewhere. Regardless, they either need to leave champ farming alone or fix the real problem.

Can ranger get away from drench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


So what type of armor do you suggest? I would love to see your design ideas. I mean if your hate what we do have and feel the need to complain about it, the least you could do is tell Anet what you do want.

…more not trenchcoats? I feel like that’s fair description and an easily achievable goal. We’re not really asking for much here. We’re just asking for anything but that one, specific thing. I mean look at all the freakin possibilities:

(but I’m sure some people will just choose to point out the more flamboyant ones and say “ew” to the whole idea…)

Even GW1 had slightly more variety:

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Character Creation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I just sorta go in and make something that I think looks good. Not much else really. Nothing I’m consciously aware of anyway lol.

Sometimes they’re male. Sometimes they’re female.
Sometimes they’re black. Sometimes they’re white.
Sometimes they have short hair. Sometimes they have long hair.
Sometimes they’re really flamboyant with wild hair colors, tattoos, and showy clothing. Sometimes they have a rather restrained, low-key look.

If you saw all the characters across all the MMOs I’ve played, you would think most of them were created by different people.

On second though, I think it means I have multiple personalities or something. I dunno.

Can ranger get away from drench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I completely agree, but it’s more so a problem with all medium armor classes and not just rangers. That said, we should all be constantly pushing for more armor variety in general in this game because I’m fairly certain there’s a large number of unhappy people wearing light/heavy armor.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I have 2 Norn with medium armor actually . The better solution would be suggesting less trench coats not removing chest armor .

…which is exactly what people have asking for since the game was released. You could do a search right now and find thousands of posts all asking for that exact thing.

Well, it’s 12-13 months later and 99% of our armor choices still consist of trenchcoats.

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


because that wouldent be customization it would be pornification

…as opposed to what we have now? Which is wholesome family entertainment or something? There are like 2-3 chest pieces that arguably cover up less of the goodies than just underwear does. There’s quite a few more that barely qualify as armor also.

Besides, this whole thread stemmed from the fact that certain races, particularly Charr, Norn, and Sylvari, have some pretty good customization options that are essentially made pointless because most, if not all, of the armor covers it up in one way or another. If you’re like me and you have a norn with a lot of body tattoos wearing medium armor, you never get to see those tattoos. This has nothing to do with “oh boy, I wanna run around naked just because.”

Besides, those of us who have played Rift, DCUO, and games of that nature have already stated that even when presented the option to run around without clothes on, the vast majority of players opt to wear armor. Seeing someone run around in the nude is actually a rare occurrence. This may be asking for a lot, but I think some people don’t give their fellow players enough credit…

Stop with the bikini armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


The more I read all these threads, the more I’m convinced that allowing any class to transmute any armor (Obviously, just the skin and not the stats…) would be the easiest fix for a lot of complaints.

A lot of the things people want in regards to armor are literally already available, but are locked behind a different armor type. Rather than making players wait an eternity for new sets to be added in-game (or, ugh, the gem store), I feel like ANet could make this a possibility and instantly make a lot of people happy. I obviously can’t speak for everyone, but it certainly solve my own personal issue.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

All heavy armor look the same...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Play a class that uses medium armor. You literally have about 2 choices of armor up until lvl 80. “Ye olde Matrix” trenchcoats and duelist gear. Once you get to 80, you have all the cultural armor available to you, but it’s still not as much “which one looks good?” as much it is “which one of these sucks the least?”

Cultural armor is available starting at level 35, dude. I’d advise you to look up some of the medium armors on the various gallery sites. I mean, I totally agree that they could use some diversity, but there are not “literally 2 choices” until 80.

EDIT: I also want to mention that I main an engineer and a thief.

I know it’s available at 35, but generally most if not all of the cultural armor (and dungeon and order gear) up the T3 tier might as well be thrown into the trenchcoat category if we’re being honest here. It’s not “literally” a trenchcoat, but they aren’t really swinging for the fences as far as design goes. So yeah. sure, it’s not “literally 2 choices.” It’s more like, at most, 4 if you chose the right race. Whatever way you slice it, it’s a downright pitiful amount.

All heavy armor look the same...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Play a class that uses medium armor. You literally have about 2 choices of armor up until lvl 80. “Ye olde Matrix” trenchcoats and duelist gear, but you’ll spend about 99% of the game wearing option #1. Once you get to 80, you have all the cultural armor available to you, but it’s still not as much “which one looks good?” as much it is “which one of these sucks the least?”

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Stop with the bikini armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Medium armor wearers would kill for skimpy/sexy/bikini/whateveryouwanttocallitbecauseitdoesntfreakingmatter armor. Our choices are tenchcoats or duelist. That’s it. Well, there’s racial armor too I guess.

Make zerg-farming in PVE less worthwhile !!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Wouldn’t an infinitely better solution be to find the root of the entire problem and fix that? I would argue very, very few people are farming gold for the heck of it. Most people are doing it because they’re working towards some goal. If the goal was, let’s say, actually obtainable in a way that didn’t require slightly absurd amount of grinding or sheer luck and was actually fun, wouldn’t that be better than nerfing champ farm?

You’re not solving any problem by nerfing champ farm any more than you did by nerfing all the other ways people used to try and make gold. If you nerf champ farm, people will just find yet another controversial way to try and make a buck. We need to get to the root of the problem and fix that.

edit: And again, the market/economy in this game was broken loooooooooong before champ farming was even a thing. Champ farming is the symptom of a much larger, more important disease and we need to worry about curing that instead of focusing on all these temporary, and ultimately useless, fixes.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


This topic is over 1 year old. I gave up months ago …

Guess I should have expected that. Feels like a lot of problems people have here these days have been discussed at least a little in the past. Well, no harm in bringing it up again I suppose. Maybe ANet will at least take note…hopefully…probably…

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Hide/show chest armor option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Posted in gen discussion, but figure I’d link it here so it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle:

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


We should be able to transmute between armor classes too! I find it to be absurd to have these ridged armor classes. As if by appearance we can really tell the classes apart.

I’m 110% for this idea as well, but probably a pipe dream for whatever reason. Personally, just feels like an arbitrary restriction in any MMO. I can kinda see why it wouldn’t be allowed in WvW or sPvP, but why not PvE?

If they aren’t going to add more non-gem store armor and/or give us the option to disable chest slots, this seems like the next best thing. It alone would solve quite a few complaints. Not like it’s going to “ruin immersion” or anything. Most of the light armor wearers running around are one light breeze from being butt-naked and there are quite a few “this might as well be a platemail bikini” chestpieces. The whole immersion line was crossed long before the game ever launched. Just let us go all the way. Let us mix and match and wear what we want.

Again, as a medium armor wearer, I feel like we got more screwed than anyone in this whole deal. Just throw us a bone ANet. If you won’t give us more armor then fine. Let us disable chest armor or transmute between armor classes or something.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


As much as a cool idea it is, it just leads to the problem Rift has where every female character and loler is running around naked thinking they’re original and funny.

To be fair, it’s not that rampant and there are just as many male toons as female toons doing it. At least on my Rift server anyway. Regardless, if I may ask, why is that a problem?

Hiding chest armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


If we can dye the underwear, then I’m down for this. As a medium armor wearer, it drives me absolutely insane there’s probably 2-3 available sets, at most, that show off any decent amount of the body. Pretty much everything else in that armor category covers up 95% of your character.

I feel extra screwed because I chose the starry arm/leg sleeve norn tatoos and there is literally no armor available that doesn’t cover the majority of the tattoo. I say, the more customization options, the better.

The tattoo I’m talking about is in the 2nd row, middle column:

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Whatever happens with the train..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Or, and this is going to sound like a radical idea, let’s not nerf champ farming.

Let’s all be completely honest here, the economy in this game has been out of whack since the very beginning before champ farming was even a thing. Champ farming has nothing to do with how things are or where they’re heading. You aren’t going to make any serious gold while champ farming unless you spend an unhealthy amount of time doing it and you get extremely lucky in the process. Let’s not nerf yet another revenue stream because there’s a group of unhappy people on the sidelines.

Huge lack of armor in-game, cash shop rampant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690



Also, I just wanted more variety when it comes to medium armor. It feels like we constantly get shafted in that department. Light clearly gets all the love. They at least try with heavy. Medium feels like the red-headed stepchild of the armor group. “Oh that’s right. We forgot you guys existed. Here’s some armor one of artists threw together overni-….I mean, slaved away tirelessly on for months!”

Norn with dark complexion?

in Norn

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


My favorite medium armor atm, but it doesn’t show off my tattoos as much as I would like. It really kills me inside too lol. The moment I saw that tattoo scheme, I chose it without a second though.


(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Skirmish With a Longbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Umm… guys. It’s 8 moths old topic, and author last posts are also from 8 months ago. I wouldn’t wait for any videos or responce from him.

well kitten , and here I was expecting to watch videos when I got him. Glad to see Longbow still sucks 8 months and counting though

Omg they said they’re working on it. At this rate, it should only take about 1-3 decades so stop being so impatient :P

Pet names not saving?

in Ranger

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I’m sorry, but that answer smells like a “I don’t want to work on fixing this, so I’ll just make up a technical excuse to confuse people into thinking it’s too hard to fix.” Every other online game, including GW1, remembers the name you give your pets.

And this right here is what bothers me. This has been a non-issue for every single game, but through some miracle (I use the word, miracle, sarcastically), a game released in 2012 is utterly incapable of pulling off such a relatively simple task. How does this not bother everyone at least a little bit?

They can crank out gem store items and “content” every few weeks, but they can’t be bothered to allow rangers to store the names of their pets? How does this make any sense? If every other game had this problem, then sure, whatever. Then, it wouldn’t be a big deal. But, I’m sorry, I have to call it like I see it. This just seems like laziness and/or complete and utter indifference and I find it sad.

More Gambling, More Gemstore, More Grinding

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I also think it’s dumb, but they keep doing it because it works. I wish it didn’t, but, sadly, it does.

Professions Balance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


It doesn’t help that balance is assumed by what the profession should do, but bad mechanics and bugs prevent that balance.

It also doesn’t help that some people view these broken mechanics and bugs as “working as intended” then decide to label everyone else as lazy and/or unskilled.

World Bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I don’t know if I trust their particular brand of “difficulty”

The fact Claw still does that annoying fear spam bs blows my mind each and every time. Who came up with that? Why? I’ve always thought “fear” was a stupid mechanic in any game, but it’s a billion times more baffling here because it’s not like it poses any danger to the player. You can’t fall off of anything. If you somehow get downed during it, there’s an infinite amount of people to rez you. It just prolongs the fight for no good reason.

But, I digress. Personally, i don’t think they should get all willy nilly with messing around with the difficulty yet. Their track record for such a thing isn’t exactly spotless….at all.

Professions Balance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Warrior is a jack of all trades, master of all. That’s how that saying goes, right? …

Might as well.

Has anyone else read the Warrior profession page? Anyone find the wording a bit weird…or, I guess in this case, hilariously spot on?

“Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.”

Speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor? So, everything you would possibly need in a battle then? I get that they’re supposed to be well-rounded, but something about that description makes me laugh.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Don't Stop The Champ Trains

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


From one passenger to another, I hope you will accept the fact they’re eventually going to find a way to nerf the train. I don’t know how or when, but it’s going to happen. It’s popular, probably not intended, and there are some people actively against it.

They’ll nerf it into oblivion, tell us why we should be thankful, give us an “alternative,” and no one will farm champions anymore.

(edited by Babychoochoo.5690)

Lion's Arch- Over used

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


It’s so sad to see epic cities like Hoelbrak deserted.

Agreed. Despite the amount of crap I give this game at times, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t find the cities absolutely gorgeous. Feels like a waste that once you get past a certain point in your personal story, there’s no good reason to visit any city other than LA.

They make this big deal about a living, breathing world, but, unless you count NPCs, every last city (other than DR I guess. I go there once every billion years) is completely empty. You might see a few stragglers here and there, but that’s about it.

Personally, I would love to see the population equally split across all the cities. Obviously a pipe dream right now, but it seems like something worth striving for at some point.

So now what?

in PvP

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Just quit. That’s what I’m about to do…again (and possibly for good). It’s just very hard for me to recommend any disappointed player stick around and tough it out. I was originally lured in by the manifesto as well as the grandiose talk of what PvP was supposed to be so imagine how I feel. I’m doubly disappointed at the moment. Not only is the PvE I signed up for essentially non-existent, the PvP I was promised exists in a form barely distinguishable from the train wreck it was at launch.

If the past 14 months is any indication, things won’t be getting any time soon. I say it’s better to quit than to stand around hoping and praying. Hey, a year or two from now, things could be totally awesome, but expecting anything in the near future is a pipe dream in my opinion. Might as well take a break and recuperate in the meantime.

Are GW2 Player Skills Boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Skills are too dps-centric, and by that I mean that design is too focused towards numerical values rather than the factors of their execution. It’s thoroughly designed with the mentality of MMO combat. It tries to be actiony by removing self rooting and making it so that new skills don’t phase out old ones, but all it ends up doing is removing the fat that made MMO combat interesting.

Games like Vindictus of DFO do action combat correctly because a skills in those games are balanced through the nuances of their execution- the hitboxes, windups, frames and so forth. There’s depth of execution of each skills and, consequently, the games I mentioned have even fewer overall skills, and little to no phasing of older ones.

Pretty much exactly how I feel. For MMO combat? Sure, it’s pretty okay. For “action game” combat? I personally feel that it borders on the edge of abysmal even in comparison to some of the worst action games out there.

But back on topic, there are a few pretty spells, but yeah, for the most part they’re all kinda boring. It doesn’t help that you can unlock pretty much every weapon skill almost right out the gate if you wanted to. So, by level 80, you’re still using the exact same skills you were using at level 1 except with a prettier weapon. It feels stale very early on.

Professions' Balancing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Every class should be brought to the level of the warrior, just with different flavours. Warriors are the absolute kings of survival, if you want to build them that way. They have the second highest DPS available in-game, if that’s the route you want to take. They can be built to support a party with better offensive buffs than any other class can provide, if that’s your flavour. They even do far better ranged damage than the ranger can.

Somewhere, there has to be one Anet dev who plays a class other than warrior (or thief. The 5 people I’ve seen repping Anet on IoJ only play warrior or thief. Tells you something, doesn’t it?)

[snip snip. I agree with the rest btw, I just try not to quote the entirety of long posts.]

Ranger: Bottom of the barrel. Pets don’t work. 51 of their 75 traits are directly tied to the pet. 8 of their 20 utility skills are directly tied to the pet. To get any one type of utility to be functional requires a 30pt investment in a traitline. One of their weapons has been broken since release, and many players have resigned themselves to viewing it as a feature, not a bug. The class needs serious attention. However, it does make an excellent bunker in 5v5 pvp. Spirit build was FotM, but is being toned down, because it’s terribly passive play, and somehow there’s a sense that one should never lose to the ranger.

If I could give you all the +1s in the world right now, I would do just that. Alas, I am only limited to one, but know that that one is given with all the love one could possibly give it.

Thanks? Ranger, being my main, is something I’ve given a lot of thought too. Not always cheerful thought, but hey. I want to love my ranger. I want all my alts to be as “Ready-to-own-anything” as my warrior is. Hopefully we can push Anet to that point.

Sorry for my over-excitement I guess lol. It’s just kinda hard for me not to rally behind any well-constructed class balance posts, especially when such posts contain anything in regards to buffing rangers.

My ranger is not only my main, but essentially my only char at all at the moment. I have a lvl 50-60ish mesmer that I haven’t touched in a while and I’ve dabbled in all the other classes quite a fair bit, but none really stuck with me like the ranger did.

But, I digress. I also hope we can push ANet to that point. Lord knows things have gone on this way for far too long.

Professions' Balancing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


Every class should be brought to the level of the warrior, just with different flavours. Warriors are the absolute kings of survival, if you want to build them that way. They have the second highest DPS available in-game, if that’s the route you want to take. They can be built to support a party with better offensive buffs than any other class can provide, if that’s your flavour. They even do far better ranged damage than the ranger can.

Somewhere, there has to be one Anet dev who plays a class other than warrior (or thief. The 5 people I’ve seen repping Anet on IoJ only play warrior or thief. Tells you something, doesn’t it?)

[snip snip. I agree with the rest btw, I just try not to quote the entirety of long posts.]

Ranger: Bottom of the barrel. Pets don’t work. 51 of their 75 traits are directly tied to the pet. 8 of their 20 utility skills are directly tied to the pet. To get any one type of utility to be functional requires a 30pt investment in a traitline. One of their weapons has been broken since release, and many players have resigned themselves to viewing it as a feature, not a bug. The class needs serious attention. However, it does make an excellent bunker in 5v5 pvp. Spirit build was FotM, but is being toned down, because it’s terribly passive play, and somehow there’s a sense that one should never lose to the ranger.

If I could give you all the +1s in the world right now, I would do just that. Alas, I am only limited to one, but know that that one is given with all the love one could possibly give it.

New weapons for Classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


I legitimately want rangers to have access to rifles and pistols (gasp). ANet have already shown they’re willing to do things they said they weren’t going to do. Not letting rangers use guns “because nature” just feels silly at this point. I mean, c’mon, is there like some Tyrian Ranger Association that’s going to come hunt me down and take away my nonexistent ranger license?

Let them. I’ll kneecap ‘em and then /dance and do the Carlton because that’s totally fine.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Babychoochoo.5690


1. Class balance
2. Class balance
3. Class balance (specifically ranger pets and anything relating to them.) Either fix them or take em out behind the shed and put a bullet in their heads. I would prefer the former to the latter.

Pets, weapons, traits, skills, roles. All of it. We need to sit down and have a serious heart to heart about this.