I’m 90% sure the guild is joking about the fact that people who are more casual about fracs often bring 4 necros and 1 druid because your party is near unkillable then. it also makes fights hella slow so its sort of looked down upon by the speedrun fractalers. They’d probably be meh about playing with a necro but they added that as a joke reference to the 4 necros 1 druid thing. Dont read into it too much.
If you’d bring burn guard or DPS mesmer they’d be like “wtf is this” aswell but the necro thing is a bit of a meme.
Adventures are both RNG and not RNG. Yeah having some luck matters for sure. But if you practice it enough, you just get good enough at it that you consistently get 23-24 and then you just need 1 good, slightly lucky run.
Keep at it!
First of all I want to say that this is obviously a serious issue that i 100% think, should be worked upon. There should prob be a way to pan the camera or sth so it feels less wobbly for those who have issues with it.
However, I really feel like people are reading too much into the blogpost. They’re just going over what they think is good and enticing about the mounts. I don’t think you can really say that they are certainly ignoring the issue. You just dont know. Low communication has always been their way, which maybe is not a good thing. But it does mean that people shouldn’t make too many assumptions. 1 small blog post about the positives off mounts, doesnt mean they’re not looking into the issues.
Secondly, although i 100% support your claim, i really love how the new mount feels. Feels amazing to actually ride an animal and not just run faster and have a visual model under you. I was like “meh do we really need mounts” for the longest time and now i’m superhyped. I don’t think it’s wrong that players who dont have this issue, respond to this thread and ask that Anet keep the mounts awesome for those without problems. The only good solution is a check box which many here advocate and i totally agree. But dont be mad when someone says “i want the animations to stay, they feel great”. Because they should stay, optionally that is.
I think some changes will be made to big issues, but also remember that we had a tiny 2 day period in which we could test the elite specs. I think they shouldn’t make too many assumptions after those few days. People have to learn to find builds, synergies, learn how to play against other classes,…..
The class forums were already full with “OMG, NERF THIS” or “Buff my main that” or whatever. But people need some time to figute stuff out.
Mostly by offering a bonus incentive or buff for allowing new raiders into the group.
I see what you want to achieve, but this is the wrong way. I don’t want to get carried through a raid. This is humiliating and not fun.
I want to enable myself or be enabled by the game to be the equal of my party members. Neither is possible at this time.
Enabling myself means research and study of guides and videos, which is not fun, because it is not playing Guild Wars 2. Find training groups and practicing with them is also not fun, because it mostly consists of waiting for the group filling up and see the loading screen after a futile attempt. This has zero entertainment value.
Being enabled by the game is completely nonexistant.
So you, as a new raider, want to be able to complete raids but you don’t want to get carried by veterans because you want to play in groups that are equal to your level, but you don’t want to research info on the boss or play in groups with other new raiders. Euhm? How can this ever work?
You’re asking to play with players of your quality without wanting to do the work that comes with raiding at your quality. You want to play in killruns, but not get carried or do research on the boss. Yeah….. this isn’t possible.
You’re asking to win the Champions League because you don’t want to lose, not with Real Madrid, but whilst playing with other amateur players, without doing any training in Football.
In conclusion – I don’t blame the community. The community cannot stop me to play what I want to play in this game. Also, the decision to not play the raids is not mine. This decision belongs to the developers who designed the raids in a way that only a few of the players can complete it.
The decision is yours though? The devs have decided to make raids hard (relatively hard) which means it demands dedication, time and practice. They didn’t decide to that certain people cant play raids, they decided to make raids challenging knowing some people would choose not to invest that commitment. The only person who decides whether or not a player raids is the player itself.
Your argument is “If you want to join the army, you need to lose 10 kilos and improve your fitness.” T which you reply “By asking me to be fit and in good shape, the army has decided i can never be a soldier”.
No. The army has set standars which you choose not to meet.
When I pug fractals nowadays there is a high chance of somebody yelling around, trying to be the pro, being rude or pretending to be superior although he is a little light in reality. That’s why I rather run with guildies like in raids. The fractal pug community – I don’t like to call it that name – is way more toxic and selective than the raid community.
And yet i have never ran into the problems you describe. And i mean literally never.
Then you’ve been very lucky. I find fractals to be far more toxic and annoying to pug because there’s a bigger difference in expectations and gameplay than in raids. In raids almost everyone uses the same builds, strats and wants to do the same thing. In fracs there’s a big difference between people who just want to clear the content and are ok with it taking 1.5h and those that want to speedclear and kill the 3 fracs in 30min. This has created a lot of friction in groups i’ve been in.
I experienced similar things in dungeons but the speedrunners/casuals were easier to distinct usually. There was still a lot of toxicity in dungeons. I can’t tell you how often i saw thieves get kicked from a Caudecus’ Manor run because they failed a stealthrun.
It’s true that in those parts of the game you could still finish the content easily without meta strats, but it didn’t diminish toxicity at all. Necro joined? Instakick. Failed a stealthrun? Instakick. You’d always have to ping gear aswell and there was often AP requirements, which is just silly.
Scourge might be a bit more complex than old Necro but other classes are much complexer still. Ele, engi and the new guard Firebrand have a lot more skills to weild, so even though it’s a bit rough now I think you’ll get used to it pretty fast. You cant move your sandshades but you can place a new one rather quickly if the enemy repositions.
For WvW i really think its a good idea to use the grandmaster trait that makes it so instead of 3 small shades, you have 1 big one. It increases the area of the 1 shade by a lot and you’ll be able to move it around fairly constantly and hit a lot of people with it.
@ Murdock, i don’t think the raids need to be harder as such. But what would meet your idea and is something many many raiders want, is repeatable Challenge Motes in raids. The w4 CMs are actually decently hard. Samarog CM is actually quite a decent DPS check. Making those repeatable and give better rewards would keep the normal raids fairly doable and reward those who seek more.
I find T4 fractals to be far more toxic than raids. Fractals suffers even more of massive distinctions in skill between players. You have players who are ok with spending 30 min on a frac and wear knights gear opposed to players who wanna do 3 fracs in 30 min and wear full zerk and meta builds. I think Fractals are good for helping people have some fun at low levels, but they fail miserably at taking away skillgaps and toxicity on the higher levels.
Yeah raids was designed for the few and many veteran players wanted raids, but not because we didnt want to play with other people. Simply because we wanted hcallenging content that demanded strategy, coordination, communication,…… I like that raids arent for the entire community, but not because i dont want the community to have stuff. I like that its not for everyone, meaning that it requires skill and dedication to complete it.
You’re saying people play Dark Souls because they want to play something that other cant, while people just wanna play Dark Souls because its fun to be challenged.
It will definitely come back at some point and be available. When that is, we dont know.
I have literally spent hours over many days trying to get accepted into a squad. (EU server experience).
I 100% believe you tried this and I can understand it’s tough. But it’s important in how you try too. Just staring at the LFG hoping to see a noob run come up or asking more experienced players to join them isn’t the best strategy. Although i understand the frustration, you have to understand that good raiders want to play with good raiders, and it quite normal for them to impose restrictions to ensure that they play with other experienced raiders.
Instead of joining a group, why not start your own. I see so many people saying they cant join groups because they dotn have experience, but noone seems to ever say hey i’ll start a group and post “Wing 1, vale guardian, new raider looking for 9 others to train”. Secondly, a really urge you to check reddit or the forums for a raidtraining guild. Many exist that dont even require you to represent and they can organise training with good and patient leaders.
What new players do too often is like trying to join Real Madrid by just showing up and hoping to be put into the team. When what they should do, is go to the local youth team, play there and work themselves up.
This sentence is so incorrect. How is raiding isolating people? It forces you to play with 10 other people.
10 other people is not “the whole gaming community”.
No it’s not, but you’re never going to play with the entire community though. People have different interests. Are people who play mostly WvW and PvP isolating themselves of the community? Besides, playing raids doesnt mean not playing other content. I can raid on monday and do open world on tuesday. The notion that raiding has isolated people from the community is utter foolishness. The reality for me is that i’ve made more connections with other people through raiding than ever before, because you actually need to communicate and cooperate. I interact more during 30min of raiding with 10 people than during an hour of doing a DS meta with 150 people.
Also, it’s no longer just raids now. Nowadays this kind of content starts to infect other areas (fractals, for example). If not for the massive backlash Anet got for HoT, i’m sure the PoF open world would have tried to continue on that path as well.
People deliberately asked for this when they said that they wanted more challenging content but in a 5-man scenario. They’ve also implemented it very well with a challenge mote which offers a tad extra but keeps a normal lvl 99 or 100 which keeps it easy for players to do dailies.
If you can’t remember, we have raids now exactly because some players, instead of playing with the entire community, preferred to isolate themselves from it, and asked Anet to help them with that.
This sentence is so incorrect. How is raiding isolating people? It forces you to play with 10 other people. And it forces you to cooperate, communicate and depend on eachother far more than anything ever before in GW2. 1 raid means more interaction with players than a year of running in open world maps an occasionally ressing a player to which he replies “ty” and i say “np”.
1. GW2 didnt stop making content that is enjoyed by the masses. 99% of this game is ubercasual, having raids which provide difficulty for the few doesnt change that.
2. A lot of this is due to to a lack of understanding between newer players and exp ones. Yes, raids can be cleared with suboptimal gear and despite making many mistakes during fights. But if i’m an experienced raider who’s killed VG 100 times and is in full meta gear and a meta build, is it really unfair that i would like to play with players of similar standards? I can play VG with newer players and get the kill after 2h, but the reality is that i want to play VG with experienced players in good builds and 1-shot it.
I don’t think its unfair or “elitist” of veteran raiders to set requirements for their raids. If newer players then join those groups and then get kicked because they dont have any of the requirements that were clearly stated in the LFG, i dont think thats elitist behaviour.
New players need to seek out groups of their own mindset and skills and judging by how many people complain about raids and elitism there should many out there. I dont think its unfair of raiders to want to play with people of similar experience.
Lastly, this behaviour isnt new to raiding. People like whining about raiding but this exists in higher level fracs and existed in the old dungeon runs just as much. Certain Dungeons can be completed by lvl 50 chars but people still asked for lvl 80 chars with meta gear and only certain classes.
(edited by Baseleader.4128)
Been destroying Rangers all day with scourge. F2 instacleans the condi.
Just goes to show how ppl love to whine on the forums. Firebrand looked very good, loads of new stuff, high condi DPS, lot of support. It’s gonna be a beast in WvW
Yeah, not that i’m disagreeing with you as this is about personal opinions but i really had a different experience.
First of all i had little issue with completing the story, didn’t really struggle with the fights. Played zerk guard and viper necro so far. Pretty much just used my raid builds. I found the first bosses’ attacks not too hard to dodge. I will admit that it took me ages aswell to be able to kill her. She’s really tanky which is a bit unnecessary imo. Overall i’d just say try to watch out a bit more, i dont think you really need specific builds for PvE but i do think a little consideration can be expected from the player. I did some HoT maps with full glass staff ele and well….struggled. So i made some minor adjustments and went fine onwards.
I personally was totally in love with the mounts. Never before have mounts felt so real and like actual different beings, instead of simply applying speed to yourself. I love how they react a bit slower, think that’s brilliantly done.
I don’t understand why it’s such a big problem that the game mode (supposed to be the hardest one in the game) requires a certain commitment and adaptation of a player. You can play power scrapper everywhere in the game, then why can’t we expect someone to play condi engi for raids. It requires a small bit of commitment, because it needs to be a challenge.
Every game does this, so i dont know why it has to be a problem in gw2, locking things behind difficulty/effort/ a certain playstyle is what defines gaming in many ways. If you want to win the Champions League in FIFA, you probably should take some defenders and not 10 attackers. If you want to win a round of Battlefield, you should probably bring some medics. If you want to win a Total War campaign, better create some balanced armies and mind your economy.
Even in this game, PvP and WvW require people to adapt their style and play different classes/builds if they want to have good chances of being succesful. You probably want an ele in your 5-man PvP team, maybe an engi, mes, thief,…. If you don’t have an ele, you should probably reroll.
Being forced to play in a way, and adapt and change to be able to beat a game is a core principle of gaming.
please guys, hide this topic or Blaeys might see it!
Druid is a sure pick in every smart fractal group. It has great healing combined with frankly overpowered offensive buffs. Condiranger is a ver sought after DPS class (more so in raids than fractals).
A lot of people ask for necros for fractals because they’re so tough, it trivializes the content.
TLDR: you’ ve been misinformed.
We we’re doing Deimos Challenge mode on wednesday. I was one of the people who would go up to the Demon’s realm to kill the chains at the start. When i came back to the platform, I saw a Pride nearly walking into Saul and started panicking, but my squadmates said that the pride was immobilized and standing far out of the middle. This happened to other squadmates aswell during our next tries. I don’t know if it only happens to people who go to the Demon’s realm but i think it does.
So yeah, it appears as the prides keep moving into Saul, even when they’re immobilized and standing far outside of the middle.
I’m personally bitter at Arenanet, and by extension raiding because after all this time, they finally add cool legendary armor, but they lock it behind an exclusionary, oftentimes militant game mode rather than spend time finding ways to integrate it into all game modes.
I’m a raider and i personally disagree with the whole non-accessability thing. I think raids are very accessible if you want to get into them. It just requires time, patience and initiative.
However i do agree with you that there should be WvW leg armor and PvP leg armor with different skins.
First of all, speaking for the majority is ridiculous. You’e voicing your opinion here.
Second give them a chance in game. Don’t judge the armor too much on a single screenshot. Animations and effects are very important.
Third, i really like the heavy, like the light, medium is meh going off of first impressions.
A 70% reduction to the difficulty isn’t enough for a Story Mode. A 70% Matthias destroys casual players in exo gear and without specific raidbuilds. Straight up demolishes them.
The problem i have with this is: You either make a weakened up tutorial mode. This mode would be the 70% reduction. The mechanics still need to hurt so you feel their impact. There needs to be an enrage timer (+2-3 minutes) so you know what timing you need to look at, realise you need to get your boons in order and dps rotations on point (somewhat at least).
I can see this helping with keeping people from being demoralized. But with that strenght on the bosses you’ll still need a leader who is willing to explain the mechanics, still need good gear, need 10 people, preferably who want to communicate. Like this, it helps make trainings easier and more satisfying but it doesnt allow casual players to experience the story. The bar would still be far too high for them.
If, on the other hand you make the content really easy so that 10 random people can go in mediocre gear and random/fun builds and they should be able to clear the content without spending too much time there and without being forced on TS/discord. This helps with the “we want to experience the story but not raid” situation. However it means the content gets played once and then never again by those players. And it also doesnt make getting into raids easier. The difference between the easy mode and the actual raid would be sooo enormous that the easy mode is in no way a stepup to the real raid.
The whole rant about how raids don’t have a reward system that will keep people interested in it is also silly. First of all the reward is the content. Raids are designed extremely well, and have a well-written story. Secondly, they offer a good chance each week at getting ascended weapons and trinkets. (My bank is so full of raiddropped ascended weapons i’m running out of space). Besides that they offer cool unique skins and mini’s. And you also have tokens that allow you to buy asc gear, the unique skins, ghostly infusions (worth 200g).
Saying that dungeons are in a good place and the tokens keep the gamemode alive but that raids don’t have anything that will keep people interested is so obviously wrong.
As for PVE that too is pretty easy as unlike core specs the elites were made with roles in mind and those roles only exist for the one mode using roles that being raids. Elites so poorly vetted for PVE that builds like the frost gun literally went unchecked for over a year. It was fixed recently but that’s an entire year of a God like build eclipsing all other classes pushing those in tank and healing specs into bronze and silver because the lions share of the work went to the source of the godly dps.
This part of your post is so insane i just can’t believe what im reading. Godlike build eclipsing all others? If 10 people were using this in Open world PvE i’d be surprised of it. It got nerfed because they only just learned it because WoodenPotatoes made a video about it. Noone was using it before, have never seen a frostgun in raids (can you even use one in raids?). The elite specs werent made for 1 mode or dont have roles that only work in 1 mode? They work in dungeons and in fractals. A fractals is basically a 5-man raid so you still want a healer and a quickness giver there. Druid doesnt only serve a purpose in raids. You can use it in fractals, dungeons, WvW roaming, WvW zerging, PvP,….
Ah man, i remember the dungeonrunning toxicity. People who are not a fan of the Anet raid system and critique the so-called elitism of the raiding community forget that community that did speedruns on dungeons was sooo much more toxic. Using the completely arbitrary AP-system as a barrier for joining groups, always gearchecking, 2 classes were only allowed in (sometimes thief aswell).
Toxicity will always be a part of every online game. I don’t agree at all with the statement that raids are more toxic than fractals or dungeons.
Unfortunately, this kind of inexcusable behavior is commonplace in high level raid pugs, and can even rear its head among good friends.
As much as the players involved are to blame, however, some of the onus for this belongs to Anet. Their ridiculous raid model more or less forces players simply looking for the experience to either forget raids exist or have to play alongside min maxers and those who take the challenge much more serious. It would be like making everyone wanting to do fractals have to do t4s.
There really needs to be another way to experience the fun and interesting encounters in the raids.
I know your stance on raids Blaeys. I don’t agree with it but everyone can have their own opinion and i respect that.
But don’t use this situation as a reason to attack raids and create the idea that this is sth constant in raids and doesn’t exist anywhere else in the game. Or that raids corrupted these otherwise good people.
OP sadly enough met some idiots along the way. This simply happens, just gotta block these people and move on. I raid a lot, more than a full clear a week and often pug bosses. This is not representative of the raiding community. I’ve honestly had way more bad experiences in t4 fractals than in raids. Idiots anywhere else, will still be idiots in raids. Nice people will remain nice people in raids.
Anet’s raids dont force people to be rude, those people simply choose to be so.
Noone forces players to play with unbelievable hardcore minmaxers. If there are so many people out there looking for a nice casual raid, these people should try forming a squad then.
New Player, Sad Player. Expansion ruined it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Baseleader.4128
I just geared my thief and i’m getting HoT map completion on her. It’s a character i have barely played and i only got the Daredevil elite spec yesterday. With full berserker armor i decided to start with VB. I was surprised at home many people were still there. When i asked in mapchat to do the vampire Hero Point, loads of people answered and together we killed it. I was moving through the map without too much effort and could easily handle a group of mobs. I’m by no means an amazing player, it just takes experience and learning some basic class mechanics. Just need to learn how to deal with the different enemies.
The maps in HoT are confusing, but that’s what makes them so fantastic. I remember on my first playthrough i just loved getting lost in the jungle, and the jungle feeling like an actual threat and something dangerous i needed to keep my attention on. Now that i’m getting the map completion on alts, i dont find the map frustrating at all. Once you get an idea of it and get the right masteries, traversing the jungle can be done swiftly. Took me about an hour and a half today to get map completion on my thief.
For me HoT added the kind of challenging content that i desperately needed. I had pretty much done everything in the game before and the endgame maps in core tyria just felt like a joke after a while. I mean, it’s been a few years since i’ve feel threatened in Orr. I understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but me and a lot of guildies and friends around me wouldn’t be playing today if it handt been for raids and the harder HoT content.
(edited by Baseleader.4128)
I understand your point, however i do feel there’s merit to a system where content is only there for a while. It makes you long for something, look out and get hyped over it. And then when it’s there, everyone wants to enjoy it while it lasts so the content is super popular and there’s this real atmosphere about it. Everyone’s in an SAB mood now, and maybe it would feel less special when it was there all the time.
It’s a bit like Christmas time, if it was Christmas all year round, it wouldn’t have the same special atmosphere.
Maybe SAB should be in the game all year, but i do believe that it can be good to keep stuff on rotation and make ppl get hyped over it and keep the content alive and popular by only having it a certain period.
I agree that balance patches need to be more frequent, so problems can be adressed quicker when a change has unwanted effects.
However, balance is better than it has been in ages, maybe even ever. PvP balance is in a really good place where all classes are viable and useful (no more: “oh warr or thief, please reroll”). In raids and fracs ele is no longer king of all DPS and most of the classes have their place. Necro and rev need work though. Necro has only marginal use through epidemic, and rev is pretty much only wanted at Deimos as a kiter.
I’m personally ok with the HoT powercreep. I think most people expected it and it makes sense from a marketing perspective that the elite specs would be more powerful than the core specs. The big challenge will be to make the elite specs we’ll get with the new expac on par with the HoT ones. Different but not powercreeped is what they need to aim for. If they achieve that, i think the balance team has been doing a pretty good job the last few balance patches.
I know too little of WvW to have an opinion on balance there.
I don’t want a branching storyline tbh. I want 1 good storyline, with some flavour depending on race or class shoved in there (like in raids for instance). Branching storylines are sth great for singleplayer games but the Personal Story showed that in GW2 where resources need to be spent on so many other things in the game a good story with many different branches/choices/options is very hard to do. Stick to 1 well-written storyline like we’ve been seeing in the latest Living Story updates.
Can’t remember which episode but there’s a Big Bang Theory episode where you can see a copy of GW2 in Wolowitz’ house.
I’m not gonna discuss the necessity of raid story mode with you here. But you really shouldn’t wait with playing the current story just because you haven’t done the raids. They add a nice bit of extra flavour, and wether that flavour needs to be available in an easy fashion is a different topic, but Season 3 is 100% playable and makes total sense without the raidstory. So if that’s holding you back and keeping you away from the game, it really shouldn’t.
Almost every game ever, locks parts of its game behind a certain barrier of difficulty or accomplishment. In other games you may need to adapt your playstyle or character to be able to continue the game. I don’t understand why this is acceptable in other games, yet in GW2 everything needs to be accessible to everyone?
Would it be bad if you could only clear content with very specific meta compositions? Yes, but that’s not the case. The enrage timers are very lenient and if you succeed at the mechanics, you can kill bosses with a wide variety of compositions. Do you probably need at least 1 healer to complete certain bosses? yes you do. A druid, ventari healer or a temepst healer perhaps. But I dont understand why it’s a massive problem for people to make tiny adjustments to their playstyle in order to play the content.
If people enjoyed playing a zerk core mesmer in core Tyria before and found that they struggled in the HoT maps, is it crazy to expect them to slightly alter their build or hone their skills in order to continue the content? No. This is one of the core ideas of gaming.
Its time for Anet to look at history and understand the mistakes already made and solved by the 800lb. gorilla, WoW. WoW’s implementation of LFR has been very successful, and there is absolutely no reason why Anet has not yet implemented an LFR system with easier raids that give reduced rewards (ie: less Ascended currency and no path to Legendary Armor through the LFR). That way, casual players are more likely to complete the content, get something for their effort AND see the story. The only argument against this is some weird elitist mental block… which makes no sense since those that complete the real raid will be rewarded more, and have the opportunity for prestigious legendary armor.
I’m personally against easy mode for raids, but if it was to be implemented, the rewards should never include mini’s, the unique ascended weapons or magnetite shards. Those unique raid rewards should remain only for those who defeat the raidcontent.
No restrictions whatsoever and play whatever you want, how bad it may be, will probably prove to be quite hard to clearing most of the raidbosses. You can cut a lot and you can definitely beat a raid where all classes are played with a variety of builds. However, you’d probably want a healer, get some people who bring at least decent might,…
So cutting people slack on builds and gear, yh it’s very possible to clear a raid, but if you do “play whatever” a lot of bosses will be difficult. Remember aswell it’s harder for a new and unexperienced group to pull of these shenanigans than for experienced raiders
The difficulty is a big part of the immersion. If you can kill Deimos solo in like 2 min without it being hard, how is that immersive? The fact that it takes you so long and requires 10 ppl playing well adds to the immersion. Besides that, about 90% of the lore/story is in the instance and documents you can read in a cleared instance. Even cutscenes are rewatchable like that. The fights themselves have very little lore..
So what’s the point to make an EASIER mode than that ?
Because Anet is not a charity company. Easier mode will satisfy wider audience in comparison with current raid population, and hard mode will satisfy just a narrow part from current raiding population.
There is no reason to make hard mode.
Having raids and those raids being hard, lures its own population to the game. Besides that, people need something to strive for, something to try and achieve. WIthout that goal, some people would have left the game already. Having goals, challenges keeps people interested.
The raiders often represent veteran players aswell who spend a lot more money in the gemstore than your average player.
Are we sure we want devs to put their few resources on making a 1 time version of the raids?
Except you could argue they have done exactly that now with the challenge motes in Bastion. It is a one and done reward situation.
I understand your point here, but the nature of the challenge means that even if it’s a 1 time thing, you get a considerable amount of hours out of it. The challenge motes provided me with 10+ hours of gameplay. I’ve spent more time on them than in Ember Bay or Lake Doric. An easy mode would be quick to get through.
I also disagree with the idea of making the challenge motes the regular difficulty for raids and then having an easy mode. I agree that some bosses in BOTP should be a bit harder. But having to clear Samarog and Deimos in CM every week is sth some groups would rly not get behind. I do think CMs should be repeatable for those that can do it but not replace the normal difficulty.
It’s quite the contrary, rev is still useless compared to druid. The offensive buffs druid provides are absolutely crazy. Gotl is still very strong and now spreads to 10 ppl, spotter, the spirits, glyph of empowerment. Druid has such amazing buffs that even i na fight where you take 0 dmg, you’d still bring one (lets cheat and say you still get Celestial avatar :p). Tempest has always been a better healer than druid afaik, but druid was chosen because of it’s unbelievable buffs to dps. The alacrity change to rev is meaningless because you’ll still run 2 chronos who provide that. Even if rev is a better healer, druid’s buffs will make it preferable.
qT said that kitten mirrorcomp is still the best option on most bosses, so you’ll still run 1 condidruid and 1 healdruid. And with the gotl change they’ll prob be able to keep 5 stacks of gotl on 10 people together.
Zaraki I don’t mind normal mode it wasnt too bad with pugs for me last week. Done 123 boss in one go and 3tries 4th boss for me last week. Cm is different story with pugs
So your critique of the Challenge Motes is that they’re challenging and not 1-shottable with pugs? Because, that’s kind of because the idea behind the Challenge Motes.
Ever since the last update, pets have felt a bit wonky to me. I’ve been playing in raids mostly, haven’t checked if this problem persisted elsewhere too.
I’m using the Lynx pet a lot, and on some raid tries the pet instantly activates its F2 leap and uses the skill (ofc there’s a wind up time before he actually leaps) but as soon as i press F2 i can see the skill flashing and he’s preparing to leap. On other tries however, i have to press F2 a billion times before he actually starts preparing to leap. It’s not because he needs to run to the boss or anything because it happened on a non-moving boss aswell, and it can differ from 1 try on lets say the Mursaat Overseer where it all works fine. And the next try on the same boss, under the same circumstances, i need to spam F2 20 times before he actually uses the skill. And that will persist for all of his F2’s during the entire raidtry often.
I have tries where it always works fine, and tries where it always fails to work instantly. I can’t see any special circumstance why it some tries works always fine and on other tries always works poorly.
That’s with all buffs and utilizing combo fields.
condi Rangers also require tons of combo fields to do their dps
Condirangers dont really require combofields for their dps, they require AoE’s but not really combofields. The problem with that vid is that it’s only that high because the reaper can reliably proc Deathly Chill by whirling in his icefield in Deathshroud. In a real raid that icefield is going to be covered with fields of 9 other people, and the chance of you getting those deathly chill procs off is very low. Besides niche epidemic or safety usage on certain boss, necro has 0 use.
Couldn’t disagree more tbh. I’ve been really liking the CMs. Boss 1 i found a bit annoying but ok. Boss 2 CM makes the fight actually fun and somewhat challenging instead of the dps golem it is in normal. Boss 3 CM has a nice dps check and i just liked the gameplay of it. Really need to stay focused and keep dodging his attacks and do the buddy stuff, good coördination on the split phases is really important too. Boss4 CM is an absolute treat, really the icing on the cake. Great challenging fight with great mechanics and it asks for communication and coördination, as raids should. Might be my fav fight in gw2 raids.
I would argue against pugging it, i feel like challenging content where you expect to wipe a lot is content you want to do with people you’re familiar with.
I don’t mind this idea, think it could be good. We def need more Leg armors from diff gamemodes. I personally hate WvW but i do feel like WvW Leg armor should be next on the list