(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Hello Internet,
For quite some time I’ve thought the game would be significantly better if players had a fourth utility slot, reasoning to follow. This is a seemingly easy to incorporate into the current GW2 system. But for any change to happen there needs to be a reason, right? That’s is what separates a frivolous change from one with value.
Ok, little backstory. When I started playing GW2 like most of you Anets belief was that every class could fill a roll, regardless of the differences that each class offers to each roll. Now… this is a ridiculously naive philosophy because in reality the differences of each skill depending on class will create a “tier list”. Example, Tempest are by far the best healing support in the game. This isn’t up for discussion, just watch any Pro-League match.
Now this isn’t because Ele’s are too strong (well… they are pretty boosted. but its nice to have a real healer in the game given the other factors in the game.. yata yata yata), it’s because their kit and abilities are the best suited for the job. Which is a good thing, I’m happy the games direction has finally admitted that some classes can be better than others in regards to specific need.
To bring this back to my request, a 4th utility slot. Because of the unique way classes perform different actions when you pick a class there are some skills that are often a requirement. Example, if you pick mesmer, you’re gonna bring portal. The skill offers a huge impact on matches if used well, and is unique to the class.
This is great, imo classes should have unique factors that are why you pick them in the first place. But because of the current number of slots it can be a limiting factor as well.
Part of why GW2 has such a stale meta is because utility skills make a huge impact on how traits tie together and when 1-2 of your 3 slots are spoken for you don’t get to branch out and combine different strengths well.
Having 4 utility slots as opposed to 3 would allow well rounded builds more flexibility to shift with the meta and will open up possibilities for numerous new builds moving forward.
I was refurring to the 1000 base stats players have as base. Removed it from post already to remove confusion.
These changes would make it hit roughly as hard as sword with regards to condi+power damage.
Fay, I know you love to derail any post I make in the forum that is your home. But decreasing attack speed, and increasing damage makes it hit harder. That’s how math works. Yes staff can bounce additional times but the reduced cast time, and reduced missile speed would address this. And hell if the burn was a full second that’d be swell but I’m not about to post something as from one extreme to the other, buffing it to the point the idea just becomes a joke.
Anywho, I’m out. no more input from me on this, I get banned every time I teach you math.
Just gonna mention this for the last time, instant projectile and reduced cast speed. Makes damage more consistent. Increasing the base damage (over 100%) increases damage… giving guaranteed access to fury lets you use harder hitting skills after your chain for more consistent damage.
Educate yourself on damage ratios. This would be a buff to the weapon, and the clones that use it. Because this has effectively no travel time your 1s burn would come from clone+self auto. Also this auto attack would be faster, and it’s a huge buff to base and ratio damage. I used a nerfed version of the sword chain.
Mesmer isn’t a burn class, it shouldn’t be burning things to death, the burn is merely a guaranteed damage add.
Also you’d gain fury at the end of you chain, which would let you follow your chain with reliable damage…
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Hello Guild Wars, (last time I used a devs name an got banned -_- so your Guild Wars now)
While I call myself a multi-class player Mesmer is by far my most played class. While playtime is not indicative of skill it may also be worth mentioning I’m a Legend rank PvP’er (almost exclusively mesmer season 2). All I’m trying to say there is I’m not just some rando who just picked up mesmer. I have a genuine interest in the class and with my amount of playtime let’s hope some insightful comments to make. K, moving on…
So a few things have me thinking a staff rework is long overdue:
- Thief getting so quality of life in regards to weapons/traits being usable with power or condi
- Chaos Armor was nerfed to the point it does not deserve to hold a weapon slot skill. Seriously…
- I used to love double ranged shatter, and when I say that I mean I loved phase retreat and chaos storm. Nuff said
Proposal, Replace Staff 1, & 4
Current 1
Winds of Chaos, 3/4 s (Cast-time) – Bounce an orb of energy between foes and allies that applies random boons to allies and random conditions to foes.
New 1
Chaos Cut, 1/2 s (Cast-time)
> (Chain) Chaos Slice, 1/2 s (Cast-time)
> (Chain) Chaos Tear, 1 s (Cast-time)
- The Chain would have a 5 second window to begin the next attack
Chaos Cut, ratio (0.60) – Projectile speed:9999 (instant similar to necro axe)
Applies 1 stack Burn 1/2 sec+ 1 stack of Vulnerability 5sec, Applies 1 stack Might 5 sec
Chaos Slice, ratio(0.60) – Projectile speed:9999 (instant similar to necro axe)
Applies 1 stack Burn 1/2 sec+ 1 stack of Vulnerability 5sec, Applies 1 stack Might 5 sec
Chaos Tear, ratio (1.15) – Projectile speed:9999 (instant similar to necro axe)
Applies 3 stack Bleed 1 sec+ 1 stack of Vulnerability 5sec, Applies Fury 2 sec
Now because Warden uses the same particle as staff, that means that the warden would have the same animation (instant similar to necro axe).
Because of the significant buff to the auto attack this would bring I believe that staff 4 should remain a utility type skill.
Current 4
Chaos Armor (5s), 35c Cooldown: Give yourself random boons and your foe random conditions whenever you are struck.
New 4
Chaos Phase, (instant cast) 20s Cooldown: Gain Protection 3s & create a phase ( this could look like a shatterd clone, you know how they have their arms in the air, but make it transparent) that returns you to the cast position after 4 seconds and blinds opponents in the return area. Can also be cast again to return to cast point sooner.
I think this would be a great kite/utility skill that would work well with the proposed set.
edit: forgot to add the 1 stack of vuln, -added
forgot to write damage as “ratio” edited
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Your balance idea has a huge gaping hole in the fact that split isn’t the issue, rather casting specifically one elite twice. Moa, is mesmers unique “Anti-Transformation”. Much like chill is the opposite of alacrity (in regards to player icd’s).
Furthermore, nurfing split to the extent you call for would not only nerf Moa application but every other skill mesmers may find a reason to cast in conjunction with split. Example, Double popping well heal.
Don’t tear down an entire building to replace a door…
I’m all for mesmer being given a chance or completely new elite skill in replace to Moa, but:
- If you have transformations that greatly improve player abilities (necro, engi, warrior) it stands to reason that an anti-transformation of some kind should exist.
- If you remove the current functionality of Moa, something must be buffed in it’s place. Moa, is a defining point of the Mesmer class. Something loss, requires something gained. Nerfing Moa for the “state” of the game.
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
While I don’t agree with all the suggestions Countless has suggested, I’m on the separate game mode = separate balance bandwagon. As said in the video, one side of the games meta should not dictate the other.
Without going into every bullet made, I’d like to add that I feel:
- Trait lines should solidify a distinct side of a class. Each one making a player exceptional in a specific aspect of the class. While picking 3 lets you exceptional to a specific build. It seems bassackwards to pick up for example phantasm traits in multiple trees. Instead the three tier option should separate damage/defense/utility. This way you can’t have the best damage, utility, and defense at the same time; however you don’t have to go on a scavenger hunt to pair them as well. Players should be able to get exactly what they want from traits, no fluff.
- If balance needs to be done, I’m in favor of everything being good, instead of bringing good things down to the unusable level. In which case you can have a very balanced but boring game no one has any desire to play….
- Traited weapons… These have always been in an odd place. Great to the point you need it to play with a specific weapon, underwhelming to the point there is no reason for trait allocation, or in a place that isn’t advantages to take take an entire trait line. I’d like to suggest a “weapon buff” which could be selected in much the same way an amulet or rune is.. (imgur picture for reference, A+ artwork here) http://imgur.com/DLsoYpM . This would allow players to select ONE weapon of the 2-4 weapons they have selected and buff it. Secondly, I think it would be a great change to make this buff improve or change the functionality of the weapon to suit a build or players play-style.
eh.. I’m long winded so that’s it for now. cheers
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
It’s my opinion that the overall match quality of Ranked games are higher. IE, players having a better understanding of how to play the game.
When I went from Legend Q’s to unranked following the end of the season, I about wanted to find something else to play until season 3.
IMO, Unranked should remain a casual atmosphere. Throwing tryhards into a generic Q will make the majority of those players want to find something else to play or be toxic as hell toward teammates with less game knowledge than themselves.
hmm, idk maybe to inform the reader on why I think mesmer ratios are an issue… ya think?
Simply stating something without any validity doesn’t make much sense. The spark notes version at the end is for the 99% of readers who will skip to the last paragraph.
Heyhey, players and maybe a stray dev
I wanted to discuss roaming roles and perhaps the builds that lend themselves to this style. More specifically classes, lets break them down. Keep in mind this is in regard to +1’ing a fight to gain control, not to stall…
- Guardian, fairly immobile aside from one reliable teleport & limited access to swiftness. So unless a dragon hunter JI’s to someone and gets off a trap wombo-combo it’s really an ineffective +1
- Warrior, weapon kits provide mobility but no access to stealth, damage prevention comes from utilities which are needed in fights so you can take a lot of damage in between points. In short, an ineffective +1
- Revenant, great mobility (5sec blink) and pack significant damage (condi or power) when arriving to a fight, and can sustain that damage in a long fight. A good roamer
- Engineer, better served to fighting on point, has access to swiftness to move on map. Can position well, but not a good +1.
- Ranger, with the addition of staff rangers or druids can move from point to point very well, but much like the engineer they are better suited for on point skirmishes and excel at 1v1 matchups. So… not a good +1
- Thief, uh… yeah they’re pretty good at +1’ing. nothing more to say right?
- Mesmer, build dependent the oldy but goodie shatter can deliver a huge punch from stealth and with access to moa, the utility burst combo of mesmer can make it a great +1 tool. Oh and don’t forget about portal…
- Elementalist, very similar to druid and scrapper, Ele’s can move fairly well on the map but don’t pack a huge punch. Their damage is predictable and more suited for long drawn out fights or 1v1’s
- Necromancer, the juggernaut of gw2, they control space and once they get rolling can be hard to bring down with d.s. build up. Rely on warhorn for mobility, and so not a great +1’ing class.
Of the now 9 class types in GW2, I’ve selected 3 as candidates from excellent +1’ers with the intention to kill a target to gain control of a point node. What makes these classes so good at this role? Access to high mobility and spike damage.
Mobility is just part of the classes kit and we’ll leave that out of the discussion for today. Lets talk about the second aspect, damage.
Because of the one off utility that mesmer provides it is expected that the raw damage they produce would be a little lower than thief and revenant, because you can’t have everything…right? So lets put (shatter) mesmer at the bottom of the king of the hill for now, good spike, ok sustain (chrono alacrity)
Next lets try… revenant, doesn’t as easy access to a one punch spike as mesmer and thief, but if you have energy to auto attack with quickness for 4k (due to might stacking which is as easy as counting 1..2..3) then hey that’s not bad either, right?
Now thief, with the addition of daredevil “dash” dodge, they go wherever they want come out of stealth and smack. Thiefs claim to fame has always been their ability to move to a target and hit it for a great deal of damage all at once.
So that’s my take on the classes before the recent balance patch. Now for what it’s worth all of these classes when player power rely on marauder amulet primarily despite the difference in armor class health pools (light, medium, heavy).
This brings me to what I’m trying to get at, if all the classes rely on the same amulet, what makes one good at spike and one better at sustain. Easy answer, their weapon abilities and traits. Having % bonus damage added to attacks, and high damage ratios on attacks provide the scaling needed to be considered a high damage build.
So… This January 26th patch
What it did was bring thief more in line with revenant in terms of sustained strength in a fight, and at the same time alacrity was nerfed for mesmers.
Now… without sounding like an kitten , what’s going on here? Did we forget that three different builds/classes are looking for a spot on a competitive roster? Builds of a similar nature automatically compete for viability in the meta based on how they operate.
If alacrity was gonna be nerfed, why not revert the already nerfed alacrity on shatter trait. In this case mesmers will still have access to meaningful alacrity but the effect of alacrity would be less significant. Sure, alacrity is a huge plus for mesmer don’t get me wrong but it’s a shadow of what it was on release without any significant improvements to power builds.
I think the thief changes are good by the way, I like the idea of them being more than a one trick pony when it comes to spikes. But bringing one thing inline automatically makes other things weaker. And I’m sorry but a 10% damage to sword skills upon HoT release is a joke by comparison to the buffs thief received with this patch.
Long, long, long, long story short… when are damage ratios going to be looked at for mesmer?
- Remove all passives from trait lines, give players a 4th general utility slot.
N whoever created Revenant trait lines… time to take the training wheels off, you’ve made your money from HoT
edit: Also I’m impressed after 3 years of gameplay Anet doesn’t even have the “technology” they’re so keen on to put passive traits on characters information bars… heaven forbid if players had access to good information that they could use to make informed decisions.
I guess Anet waiting on players to develop the technology to be leet hackers, so we can look at players traits before game
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
So I’ve tried the action camera… it’s pretty neat.
Any chance the mouse cursor could always be generated in the center of the screen?
I feel like that’d be a big improvement.
…I can take down new players in litterally 2 seconds and veterans in 5 seconds…
kitten son are you on an ESL team? You must be on the Abjured if you’re that good
It doesn’t take lobg to kill a veteran Pvp’er (who is afk).
The fact you didn’t know I was being sarcastic worries me
The fact that you didn’t think of it as a joke while knowing your own was a joke should worry you more.
Jokes are supposed to be funny, didn’t they ever teach you how to laugh n tell stories?
Like that time, we killed all the newbies in 2 seconds, n all the pros in 5 seconds.
That’s a proper story :^)
edit: oh btw mesmers please upvote this video, we have angry guardians down voting
…I can take down new players in litterally 2 seconds and veterans in 5 seconds…
kitten son are you on an ESL team? You must be on the Abjured if you’re that good
It doesn’t take lobg to kill a veteran Pvp’er (who is afk).
The fact you didn’t know I was being sarcastic worries me
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
…I can take down new players in litterally 2 seconds and veterans in 5 seconds…
kitten son are you on an ESL team? Suck skill much wow
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
fact, 420 blaze g0ds can’t die m8
g00d try
there was a point to this?
working as intended, very well balanced pvp
On beta release the bound dodge was able to be aimed by players for a short or long hop, using the same mechanic as heartseeker leaps.
For anyone who doesn’t know what this means, you can affect the range of your heartseeker by pointing your camera directly down, a great tool for d/p users.
This mechanic provided some nice utility to the bound dodge as well, and with dash being really… really… really strong I’m curious why this bound mechanic was removed.
Effectively nerfing the skill in some ways.
Any chance this change could be reversed?
Some cool stuff you can do with bound vs dash
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Since you’ve disabled ranked q’s and have not yet made standard enemy models a thing in unranked/hotjoin matches the question is…
Why they hell aren’t standard character models available in all pvp modes?
- A free toggle item (from one of the PvP vendors?) that reduces cool downs significantly and can only be use in the pvp lobby. Something like 80-100% perhaps.
When I say toggle item I am referencing an item similar to the Representation Buttons from the pve content. The item can be turned on an off, which is ideal for the purpose of the cdr item I have in mind.
The reason for creating such a item to be used while only in the pvp lobby is practicing.
With the release of HoT and new builds etc, there are a variety of new mechanics and rotations for players to practice.
Since players can’t leave the PvP lobby while Q’ing, it would be a really nice feature to practice rotations and make good use of their time in Q.
Oct.23 Patch notes reference:
- Swap: Removed undocumented stun-break effect from this skill to match its intended functionality
If steps are being taken to nerf an abilities utility in order to bring the skin in line with the “intended functionality” then why are steps not being taken to improve the actual functionality of the skill.
iLeap & Swap have remained critical skills in the Mesmer tool box despite a long list of functionality issues plaguing the skill. So many in fact that it became very popular for Mesmers to give up sword entirely for staff.
To put things in perspective for you that’s giving up the only true melee weapon scaled to power, for a condition/utility weapon while playing a power build. On maps with good kiting potential it’s in many cases more practical to give up the damage of sword for an excellent positioning tool.
I am not here to qq about the loss of the stun break in sword 3, first of all. It was a functioning bug for long enough players began to use it as class tech.
I am here to argue for the improvement of sword mine hand, because if you have time to “fix”/nerf a skill to bring it in line with the intended function, then steps should be taken to improve the skill to be in line with the intended function.
As it stands:
- Clones die in seconds, at times even dieing between casting iLeap directly into Swap
- Swap pathing, it is not uncommon for players to summon a clone on target > swap and while the target is immob’ed the user will not move to the target
- The weapon swap>iLeap “fix” was a nerf to the skill
For the people that only read the last line:
- I am not complaining about the loss of stun break from swap
- I feel it should only be right that if a utility of the skills s removed that the skill be buffed to bring it in line with the intended functionality based in the reasoning that at the current state the skill does not function well in a large majority of circumstances
Ok since you’re looking for an argument and not listening to what I’ve said at all I will clarify for you and everyone else once more.
- I am NOT refurring to situations were the player re-positions, therefore NOT talking about instances where a player uses blink.
- It is your opinion, and an wrong one that MB is only ineffective in a 1-1 situation from range. But I’m not here to argue your opinions with you, you are free to interpret the skill how you choose and furthermore I don’t really care. What I do care about is you speaking as if your word is fact. I’d encourage you to review some footage of mesmers competing in the ESL and understand why the limited competative players use the skill as they do (in more ways that 1). Here’s a link friend, http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2
Furthermore if you’re able to freely land mirror blades on targets from range without the use of an allies stun or your own then that’s wonderful, but the players I come across in q’s typically have their dodge key bound and mirror blade is a very telegraphed skill.
I don’t think it would 100% as effective as a melee shatter for obvious reasons like the IP shatter from player wouldn’t hit, and there would be less opportunity for follow up. I feel as a player I should be rewarded for using my skills properly and I feel the current mirror blade doesn’t reward players who position well in team fights well enough.
In the case of 3 stacks of might vs a damaging skill hitting it’s intended target I feel any experienced player would choose the latter. Might is hardly an worthy sacrifice for a third of a skills damage.
Clones are not generated at the end but on the first hit of mirror blade, try it for yourself. You are also incorrect in stating that it will prioritize phantasms, here is a video.
Notice that of the 3 bounces all hit enemies and only 1/3 hits the intended target of the skill.
And just as instant cast abilities are a thing I’m sure it wouldn’t be a huge struggle to program the path of bounce 1 to the created clone, but I could be wrong I’m not a programmer.
But for the sake of arguing lets say this is too complicated, would it be such a difficult to at least prioritize the mirror blade returning to the original target as often as possible?
As someone who played a lot of double range shatter before the changes to trait lines and the traits themselves I know there is a huge difference in bounces connecting and not, the addition bounce at the time did great things to curb the issue of MB bounces going where ever they feel.
The only real position I have is this:
- players should be rewarded for correct positioning/skill usage
- at this time despite it being the best option in some cases mesmers are forced into casting MB from range in a team fight.
- in doing so players get drastically lower value out of their skill despite making a good decision
- due to the nature of MB and it being the core of mesmer power damage rotations it would be a significant quality of life improvement if the skill hit the target casted upon with more bounces than not
p.s.- I am not saying that the bounce should not prioritize the caster if it is in range….
- Mirror blade is the core of power damage rotations
—> Mirror blade gets full value when a player is in range to receive bounce 1 and in range to hit enemy with bounce 2 and receive bounce 3
—> Mirror blade is highly ineffective from range unless paired with Mantra of Distraction to lockdown target to ensure hit
—> Mesmers want to spend minimal amount of time on point; therefore while it is not optimal you will frequently see mesmers mirrorblade+shatter from range on a point in teamfights
It would be a significant quality of life improvement if bounce 1 prioritized the clone generated on target if the player is out of some range “X”. Maybe something like 200 range?
This would make ranged shatter damage much more consistent.
Anet pls??
Edit: or atleast some function what would prioritize bounces on the intended target would be nice
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Yeah, I like the idea of the counter attack being a leap but players should be able to decide if they’d like to fully commit to it or not, while still using the block as a block.
After running Daredevil in open beta events and finding great use out of Bandit’s defense I feel the skills counterattack animation should be given a cancel.
Bandit’s defense wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandit%27s_Defense
The skill functions as a continuous block for attacks outside of the range or the counter attack, which is great. This puts the skill in a good place and makes it a worthy choice for players in PvP.
The downside do this is if you intend to use the block on a ranged attack while the attacker is in range of counter attack -you will lose control of your character and will begin the counter attack animation.
Doing so can leave the player in a bad position and/or dead from other players. Furthermore other players can attack into your block only to block themselves from your counterattack then putting again the user in a bad place.
In my opinion it would be a great quality of life improvement if the counter attack of Bandits defense was stow-able -i.e. able to be cancelled using the stow weapon key bind.
There is a time delay between an instant cast blink and an instant cast professional skill? pls…
Anyways…the guide…
I wasn’t aware you could react while stunned with anything more than a stun break. Are you a wizard?
Also it is in my experience not a better alternative to ALWAYS throw mirror out before blink because the audio/visual can give your opponent a heads up if you are in front of them. But I’m here to discuss the possible guide not one short clip I used as an example.
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Hello. With the arrival of HoT soon and they Mesmer hype train I thought it would be a good time to present the information I know in a guide. I don’t want to do a guide in the traditional fashion; instead I’d like to show new/existing players the tools they need to make informed decisions on their own. Instead of saying here monkey see monkey do
I have only done two weapons at the moment: greatsword, staff. This is so I can get feedback before I’m too far down the rabbit hole to be interested in changing things.
Here is the start of the guide, posted read only to google.docs. I chose to use this google.doc because it was the easiest I could think of to not only make the material public but easily updated/formatted.
Here is a stratpoll to get us started. http://strawpoll.me/5719639
The guide will include videos like the ones linked in the google.doc to show the how as well as brief descriptions.
I’d also like to include videos of combos for a variety of builds like this short clip for power shatter, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvpyuCf1Cmw&feature=youtu.be
I’m interested in things like: format, what you’d like to see, etc
Edit: oh, also I have a key tracker on screen so that fast movements will be easy to pick up at 1/2 speed
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Thanks Fay for continuing to be unable to differentiate between personal opinion and fact. o/
This information is worth the time of whoever feels the desire to watch/listen to it. You’ve made it very clear that you don’t like the format so please feel free not to watch/listen. I do not plan to cater to your needs and change what I’ve done.
Does that clear things up?
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Hello Robert and/or Mesmer team and/or Joe Shmo. Before I get into this I wanted to start by saying I love Mesmer and it’s one of the reasons I’ve stuck around. With that being said I’ve also stuck around for what GW2 could be for quite a while now.
I’ve always played rouge types or archers in games like this but mesmer was cool enough to break that cycle so here is my two cents and I hope the format makes the information easier to process, in hopes it will reach your eyes, Robert.
GW2 wiki: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mesmer
- IR: Possible change, on shattering Continuum Shift with 1 or more illusions -generate a clone -furthermore: shattering 1 or more illusions while in Continuum Shift generates a clone.
This function would limit the strength of the trait to where it is needed, while in Continuum Shift
For anyone interested I stream ranked q’s regularly @ http://www.twitch.tv/betterhappy and enjoy answering questions if I’m able. (stop by on your lunch break? <3)
Thanks for your time o/
Actively reacting to other players passives. #feelsbadman
YA KARAOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please give us wizard hat
not even like a new one, just re-release the old one
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Hello GW2 Dev
Would you like…
Your car washed for a year?
Math homework done for you?
A sandwich butler?
These things and more can be yours friend. Just please put the wizard hat back in the gem store. TAKE MY MONEY
?? hat or RIOT ?? in support friends
TIL: gw2 forums are riot prof -_- turns into question marks
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Ya, you can class swap between matches but there are no rules on how that I’m aware.
For example lets say Team A wants to play class “X” if the enemy plays “Y” but Team B doesn’t want to play “Y” into “X”. In the current state of the game classes can be cycled before a match until the admins get annoyed enough to DQ a team for not readying up.
It’s just my opinion that a more structured format for maps/comps would be a good thing moving forward.
I stumbled upon the WoW 3v3 Arena Americas Regionals today on the Twitch main page and wanted to share the rules used.
imgur link to screen shot:
It’s not a critical issue in the current state of the game but at this time there is no rule set on class swaps and map pools are laid out by the tournament hosts.
Maps are arguably very important to pvp, Dota and LoL allow for picking side, CS and WoW allow map picks, clearly it’s a big part of successful competitive games.
ArenaNet likes to be the different one in a crowd but there is no reason to fix something that isn’t broken or reinvent the wheel. This could be an interesting addition to the ESL and/or community tournaments.
Due to the nerf of IR long duration continuum shifts are in a practical sense impossible (PvP) and the cooldown has been turned into a secondary burst mechanic/double elite. Based on this functionality Chronomancer will serve kittenter 2.0 (shat.ter is a blcoked word wwwwwwwat?) as the most viable competitive build. Combine this with the nerf to alacrity on shatter, the minor trait is all but worthless unless paired with traited alacrity, which happens to be in the same line as IR.
**What this means is players will but the bullet and accept it/change the way they play the class, the next best alternative is to buff your alacrity (traited).
IR should be put back the way it was or re-purposed with something else at this point, removed and redesign a trait to take its place because due to the nerf the trait has no point what so ever.
The alacrity on shatter should also be put back at 1second. MINOR traits should not be made meaningful through the use of other traits. As it stands the traits is just taking up space until taken with traited Alacrity.
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
Idk but need that founders pack swag you know
You mean like those who prepurchased HoT then make threats of refund?
You mean like those who prepurchased HoT hoping it would put down many of the issues that have plagued GW2 since release, only to be continually disappointed by the companies: decision making, balance, game direction, etc. **corrected for you
Also friend, it’s not a threat. I’d never threaten Anet. If I wanted to I could uninstall at any time and just keep my salt to myself.
But that’s kind the whole issue, I don’t wish to quit, I like GW2 for what it could be. NOT for what it is, cause lets be clear it’s a buggy piece of kitten atm.
Because of how companies and well…money works they’re not inclined to fix or care about anything unless it effects their bottom line and with all the money coming in from HoT I’d really hopped that things would get a kick in the right direction(player base and game improvements), but boy was I mistaken.
So I’m stuck here, still wanting to play GW2 for what it COULD be and being salty, that’s all
Idk but need that founders pack swag you know
So um… Devs, any reason you decided to just give every class almost spamable weakness application?
ps. is it too late to get a refund on HoT so I can go buy Blade & Soul?
Yo I wish I was trolling n this was a joke, sad thing is it’s true
Hey you, before you begin to enjoy the game do yourself a favor and check out the long list of bug threads which continue to grow patch by patch.
Oh and Mesmer, the class completely unique to GW2, it’s also unique in being the buggiest class as well.
Q: Is GW2 experiencing any technical issues with Windows10 at this point in time?
Decoy is breaking stomp
Here is a recording of it http://www.twitch.tv/betterhappy/v/13129181
pls fix k thanks
(edited by BetterHappy.2517)
I’m going to try and get back into a habit of streaming mesmer ranked Q’s (twitch.tv/betterhappy) now that college is back in swing and I have a more define schedule.
Of course I’ll be nolifeing the beta when it hits live on the 4th but I’d like to make an effort to stream regularly. That being said if there’s anyone who catches my stream and knows about this thread any input as to the production would be nice.
At the moment I’m streaming with an on screen keyboard but if it’s too clunky we can get rid of it. Music, stuff like that, just hit me up.
Hopefull I’ll catch you all soon, later o//