Been 5 months and it’s still ongoing, can’t even play my harp ingame :/
My location: England, Kent
Time and date of incident: everyday since September
Game world: Desolation
Brief description: skill lag, characters flying around me etc.
It’s been 5 months…. Half a year of not being able to play your game properly?
Dividing would be a better idea I think, you would make more people happy =)
Screenshot contests are always a good option as everyone can participate. Art contests are also really cool – you could even ask people to draw one of your characters.
Either way, if you do make a contest, where will you announce it? I would really like to participate hehe, never had more than 15 gold x)
I will be posting my progress on the 1000g, so I do not know when I will reach it. However if you keep reading the forums, you should know as I will probably make another post but the official one, I’ll name it something like "1000g Give Away contest
All about how fast I make the 1000g ^^
Ooooh this sounds fun
I will be a judge also! Unless you already have enough :P But I don’t care either way I also like competitions heh..
Hehe okay I’ll have another 2 judges (friends) so looks like I have 4 now, I will keep you updated with when I have completed making my 1000g (no more judges needed)
GL with your plans, hope you don’t get a mailbox overflowing with gimmie requests.
I was actually thinking of 1000g giveaway part 2 after this (2000g) but depends how well this goes and how fast I make it
There’s tons of suggestions:
1. Fashion Contest with ranks. Have a grand prize of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Each stage gets a small prize of 5g if they make it to the next stage. Also honorary mentions, and alternate prizes (most funny, most beautiful, etc)
2. Have people write a short paragraph of why someone else deserves the gold
3. King of the Hill PvP tournament.
4. Art contest, have people draw their favorite NPC
5. Hide and Seek with announcing weekly games and taxi in people who are interested in joining.
(If you do the fashion contest, I’ll volunteer as a judge.
Thanks for the ideas and yea sure you can be a judge, I was thinking of giving 50g to the judges for not participating.
Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming, I better get on and continue making the cash
Currently I am making 1000G purely to give away. I need ideas as to how this money can be distributed. I am currently thinking of splitting it up to 100g so there are 10 winners, not just 1 and I was thinking of listing 10 different themes each week or so on the forums and from there, with 3 judges choose the winners. For example, fire theme: players will post pictures of their character and the person that looks the most fiery wins. Has anyone got any better way or suggestions as to how I should distribute the1000G? Maybe giving the 1000g all at once is the best option?
(edited by Black Dragon.3784)
guilds should be able to customize a map( about the size of lions arch) with different themes, for example a winter map, fire map, under water map, sky map or better yet just a nice peaceful green land full of rabbits, bunnies and lots of dolyaks. This guild map could have a main house which could also be customized as in a castle, mansion or something like the hall of monuments.
Another great feature could be picture frames. With picture frames maybe guild leaders can upload print screens of their guild, guild leader or special event which the guild enjoyed to place on the wall of their guild house for memory sake/ decorations.This idea should give all members of the guild benefits, as players would be able to instant teleport and use the facilities available in their guild mainland, such as asura gates, merchants, crafting stations and even the mystic forge all with a cost. All in all it would be another lions arch but you will be hanging out with guild mates and friends. I also think it would be great if people could visit other peoples guild lands to look at the different styles etc( maybe all of the benefits such as crafting etc should go if your a visitor)
This is your guilds land to control, there should be as many options as possible to change the style so it does not seem like each guild looks the same or has the same features. So maybe you could keep selling new themes in the gemstone per month or so. (Halloween theme would be cool)
Since this is a guild effort, it would involve every person in the guild to contribute, kinda like making a legendary but with a hundred more people, so it should be impossible to obtain with a 4 man guild. It should involve a lot of cash, guild reputation and missions to be done to get the best of the best looking map.
This could also effect the living story, so instead of scarlet attacking lions arch, maybe she could have attacked your guilds land instead. From here who knows maybe we could start seeing some guild wars as in two guilds raid each other’s maps for rewards on their own.
Ok thank you everyone
HI, I am currently at college doing work on a media topic, I decided to do some background research on guild wars 2, since it’s such a good game. Is it possible to get these information?
How was guild wars 2 made
What systems you used for programming and designing the game
How much was spent
And how much profit was made/being made
Ok how about have a world boss system, like have different champions and at different times, once per day and you can’t do the same one twice.
Or have it like an instances, kill one boss to advance to another, that way you would be forced to do a boss before another constantly, so it’s not abused everyday
If done right with rewards to match time/skill spent I can see this as something I do. But you have to find the balance because if people figure out ways to run through the “hard” mode boss in 5min and redo every min you’ll have people with 1k gold in a week or two lol.
Yes which is why once a day may seem the only route. I would not mind once a day if there was loads of bosses
I love trying to solo lupicus, it’s fun, time consuming and challenging, only thing is you don’t get rewarded for soloing him, which is to be expected. So I have thought, why not make an arena of some sort where players can 1v1 different bosses, for different loot, like dungeons, if the boss is easy, you get 1g. If the boss is mid/hard you get 1.5g and if the boss is hard, take time to master it(lupicus) you get 3g. We have pve pvp now it’s time for pvm
(edited by Black Dragon.3784)
If they aren’t “my friend” why should I be “formal and polite” to those that kitten in my well whenever they choose to? They just flipped the table and said “screw you” to everyone who has played this game for longer than 2 days.
Also, if someone can’t handle valid criticism, and especially outrage, then maybe they shouldn’t make all these changes without asking their people first. I guarantee that this update wouldn’t have rolled out like it has if they had just had PLAYER TESTING. And then, wouldn’t you know it, there would be much less outrage at a product that is progressively going downhill.
You don’t seem to get the point of valid and understandable ways of conveyance and you don’t understand business either.
You should be formal and polite because they are a company, you should be formal to all companies and polite because it’s the good thing to do
I have read a lot of threads and have noticed a lot of rude statements. Why can’t people bring across their complaints in a nice way like, such and such has come out, I don’t like it and why ,such and such would be better and why, thanks. That is all. Instead I see something like… Anet you gone and did it again! After 2months of rambling on about something you still did it anyways! Or I’m done with this game be back in 1 year to see what else they messed up -_-. I mean common, they are people with feelings and most of all they are a business, not your friend.
Be formal and polite please.
(edited by Black Dragon.3784)
So thief is nerfed once again, it’s like Anet is saying role to another character. Seriously why do they keep nerfing thieves? I really want an answer from Anet
I dont know if Im unlucky with servers or what, but this kind of eventfarming has increased lately. Usually I dont mind, but “GET OUT OF THE CIRCLE kittenS” and “DONT RESS HIM IDIOTS” is starting to be annoyingly common, in Orr at least.
Yes today people on the map started cursing at me just for doing events and warning people that this type of thing is against game rules and people can get banned from doing such things.
They also banned a number of people for farming endless waves of mobs, they were farming linen and I think it was one of the guild missions.
You can always point to this if people ask.
Thank you very much for this information!
Oh okay, I knew that this was against the rules but I wanted to double check just incase. I warned some people failing events for mob loot and the responses I got were negative but one got to me which was.. “and where exactly does it say that it’s against the rules?” Is there a place where I can refer back to when people question me about this rule?
(edited by Black Dragon.3784)
Is it, or is it not against the rules to fail an event on purpose for farming mobs?
I quote from your website “North American servers only due to restrictions on items being sent.” This is false as you can indeed send across items via mail from EU to NA and NA to EU
i’m making the most out of mine before the next Halloween when everyone will be wearing the costume.
SAME HERE! I am loving it and I wish it stay exclusive but in a way that’s not what this game is about so i guess, why not bring it back.
Good luck turning up in the same map versions when the MegaServers hit them.
…or we better should set up a new cross-server megaguild [FARM].
Perfect.idea and to the OP
No one knows? Or is it gone for good if I have deleted it?
How do I get my backpack back?
Definitely not the Mad King outfit, or any of the other full costumes.
:O really? What makes you so certain?
I currently have the mad king outfit and would love it to be armor but since it has all these fire effects it might sadly become a tonic. I did not buy a tonic , I bought town clothes. If this does become a tonic I demand a refund!’ Of gems.
which town clothes do you think will become tonics?
Hello to all you flippers, I would like to know some average figures, so I know how much money to risk a day.
Can anyone give me rough figures of how much you can make on a daily routine with
PS I have roughly 2400g, how much money do you think I should be risking daily.
If there is a fee of say 3000 gold for legendaries then it is fine, if it is not then how would I know that what I get now won’t be effected in the future in a negative way? I really think making changes is good but this is a little one step unfair. I think an unbundling system should exist so things like this won’t punch people in the face as they can unbound for some fee and sell off
A legendary is mostly for the skin, and I dare say 80% of that gold and time sink, if not even more, is for the skin. The stats are just a bonus for the majority of the players.
People were still just as crazy about legendary when it didn’t have the stat swap nor much of a stat increase from exotic. Nor did they have the infusions slots. So in the end, the wardrobe is undermining 80% of that effort people put into a duplicate legendary.
Getting no sort of refund is understandable when it comes to gem store purchase and other duplicate skins, but legendary is a huge deal if you got two. In my opinion, the best way to fix this is to just un-soulbind the duplicate legendary for every person so they can choose whether they wanna keep it for the stats or sell it to get atleast something in return and let someone else enjoy it.
That or double click legendary to change into any other
So let me get this update straight, is it an update that would allow me to make several copies of the incinerator skin?
With the new update is their a point to make a second incinerator?
Besides the point already made about stat switching, it also means you don’t have to waste a transmutation charge on something. Though at the cost of a legendary you could probably by a whole bunch of transmutation charges…
(ps, its should be there, not their
Ok I won’t change it so your ps makes sense
Omg so what happens to all the people who worked hard for a 2nd one, I was nearly done with my 2nd all I need is80 more obby
With the new update is their a point to make a second incinerator?
-buy out all of the exclusive things and wait a year when everyone gets hungry for them.
-flip precursors
- when anet releases new cool looking skins for 1 ticket, get as many as you can, wait some months sell back when it’s 5 tickets plus and some months have gone or so.
- always be on top of the exclusive table, for example scarlets kiss, molten jet pack etc
- don’t waste a penny
- put many hours in until you have made it
- keep asking and begging for free things
- gamble for a precursor with rares at least twice a day
- be able to predict
- find your own way to make money and keep it a secret
- craft things like infinite light (buy all mats cheap and sell for high)
- have patients
- know when to quit
- gotta be as greedy as greedy gets
- buy everything cheap, sell everything high.
-nothing more to say but, whats the fun in being the richest anyways? no one likes it when people brag, tried it many times
imagine obsidian armor and all that obsidian we would have to get :O
Instead of marriage, why not have some sort of boost for playing with guildies, as it is called guild wars after-all
Why on earth would players want this? No we do not need to know that couples play the game together and no I don’t see how playing with a lover should give you an extra boost(stat) this sounds silly and stupid to me, this is not a dating website, it’s a game
Maybe as a badge to get in exp groups you should have gift of what ever that dungeon is instead of 5k + APs?
I am 100percent for this, I have even made a similar thread without a vid, I will copy and past my ideas from that thread to this one:
From guild wars one I have wondered is there going to be a guilds hall in guild wars 2. Of course I know now that it did not happen so I have decided to get this post out there. I apologize if a post like this has been already made but I have problems with this forums search tool. That said I will now continue with this idea
With this, guilds will be able to customize a map( about the size of lions arch) with different themes, for example a winter map, fire map, under water map, sky map or better yet just a nice peaceful green land full of rabbits, bunnies and lots of dolyaks. This guild map could have a main house which could also be customized as in a castle, mansion or something like the hall of monuments.
Another great feature could be picture frames. With picture frames maybe guild leaders can upload print screens of their guild, guild leader or special event which the guild enjoyed to place on the wall of their guild house for memory sake/ decorations.This idea should give all members of the guild benefits, as players would be able to instant teleport and use the facilities available in their guild mainland, such as asura gates, merchants, crafting stations and even the mystic forge all with a cost. All in all it would be another lions arch but you will be hanging out with guild mates and friends. I also think it would be great if people could visit other peoples guild lands to look at the different styles etc( maybe all of the benefits such as crafting etc should go if your a visitor)
This is your guilds land to control, there should be as many options as possible to change the style so it does not seem like each guild looks the same or has the same features. So maybe you could keep selling new themes in the gemstone per month or so. (Halloween theme would be cool)
Since this is a guild effort, it would involve every person in the guild to contribute, kinda like making a legendary but with a hundred more people, so it should be impossible to obtain with a 4 man guild. It should involve a lot of cash, guild reputation and missions to be done to get the best of the best looking map.
This could also effect the living story, so instead of scarlet attacking lions arch, maybe she could have attacked your guilds land instead. From here who knows maybe we could start seeing some guild wars as in two guilds raid each other’s maps for rewards on their own.
Can I just ask why do so many people want new maps when we have not even finished with one? why not let Anet finish unlocking all areas in this map? Instead of giving them tone loads more to do whilst realistic content now( unlocking areas such as eye of the north) is lacking
Why not have each legendary mob have their own type of skin, which has higher chance of dropping if solod, i.e lupicus. At the moment there is no difference between legendary mob loot to champion mob loot and I think it should change
Thank you Anet wow.. I have not seen these yet but hopefully they are as good as the ones in gw1. Now you just need to bring back obsidian armor and chaos gloves then we are good to go.
I play on lowest setting but still lag so bad I can’t move anywhere. Does anyone have tips on what I can do to improve this? I am talking about when I am in zergs btw
I have gambled more than 250 black lion keys now and I have got nothing good from them. I have gambled about over 1.2k gold in the mystic forge got dawn once so 600g back since I sold for that much. I am not angry that I lost this much money I just gamble more and hope for my lucky break. my point is that it was your choice to gamble and I am sure you was warned by someone or something about it.
Desolation all the way
Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Black Dragon.3784
This keeps happening after 7pm English time, been around 3-4 weeks please sort thisout already
I have had this for around 3 weeks now, heck it’s even happening now
So that token idea has already been invented but in the form of gold. RNG is just an add on that could speed things up with luck.