Showing Posts For BubbaLicous.1328:

Loud humming sound from the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I put in a support ticket on this issue and Anet confirmed it is a known issue. I still have not seen a fix for this issue. It seems to be an understanding that it is produced from the Realtek onboard audio. I would like to see this moved up the todo list for the devs.


in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


You know the sad part about this whole post is that, if I break down the mechanics more I would only educate more thieves. So I’ll just go back to what I posted.

It is NOT FUN to fight someone whom you can’t target 1/2 of the time. please do something about it.

You know what is sadder, you act all big but don’t listen to advice on how to counter.
The kind of thief people moan about:

Thief = Squishy
Thief = High damage
Thief = Low amount of stealth’s
Thief = Low initiative regeneration

Counter with

Dodge roll
Then face roll when they’re out of initiative

I could just as easily, as you have about stealth, say most classes in the game aren’t fun to fight:

Warrior: Omg it’s totally no fun to fight someone who is about to die but goes huehuehue invulnerability. Worse yet, when you down them they get up again. What BS is that. Not fun.

Mesmer: Geez guys, the Mesmer not only has stealth so I can’t see them sometimes but also Mesmer’s get loads of clones so I don’t know what to target. I might as well not even try, no fun.


Thief is fine
Rendering is not fine

Oddly enough I rarely have trouble verses Thieves… must be something to do with having played that class. See the most stupid things posted about Thieves sometimes such as shortbow 5 being spammable being one of my favourite examples.

I don’t think you want to go into generals, like the twin theif timers that are half as long as the dogs ect… We are trying to address the pee a boo build.


in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


This is a good discussion. So lets take a mesmer build Vs a pee a boo rogue. You state that knockdowns and pulling will hold the thief out of stealth or just interupt?

So a mesmers clones, phantasms and shatters are all void against that build.
If correct then the only thing a mesmer could use would be possibly a Moa Morph or into the void pull? Would these stop the thief from vanishing again for any amount of time?

Do tell…..


in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


You know the sad part about this whole post is that, if I break down the mechanics more I would only educate more thieves. So I’ll just go back to what I posted.

It is NOT FUN to fight someone whom you can’t target 1/2 of the time. please do something about it.

Completely agree ^


in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I guess I look at from the feed back from other Thief players. The most comments are:

1. Wow my thief does not feel as squishes as all the other classes
2. Man I can get out of anything with my Theif

Once they see the Stealth/crit build they all say whoa, that is awesome they cannot even fight back. (respected).

Hehe so ya, it needs attention as the class without the pee a boo ability is just fine and feared as it should be.


in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


It is called balance. Give an ability and it should have a counter for balance. So we should give mesmers perm stealth and you are good with that… Oh please get real. Perm stealth was not added to the game unlike most other online game for Rogue for a reason. Anet I am sure can expand on the reason, since this is the case it seems that they have failed to provide sufficent counters for each class specific to this kind of build.

So no you cannot have your “I Win Button” build as if history of online shows us in time even the Dev’s wise up and nerf that kind of build. Denying the truth does not make it real.


in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Yep ran into two of them last night. While on my mesmer I soon found out that none of the clone explosions abilities had any effect. I would have to assume that moa poly would stop the thief’s ability to vanish?

I do agree that more counters need to be added for different classes against this hit and run build. Item such as if dotted you will break stealth etc.. Just wondering how other classes counter this build.

My guild mate after seeing this class build dropped his current theif build and respected for this for lack of a better term a peek a boo build.

Warrior Shouts - Silent Option?

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Most DPS warrior will be using “For Great Justice” on auto run due to the ability to keep a constant buff up for you and allies. The only major issue is that every 25 seconds he yells this out and all the other players around you yell out something unique to their race. While this is cool at first after a few hours of this you want to pull a gun out and blow your head off.

Can we get an option to either make this a boon or silence the shouting?

Independent Key bind for Resurrection

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


In the game using the F key for all interactions in many cases is a bad idea. I would like to suggest that Anet remove the about face key and insert a key bind for resurrection. This will stop allot of issue of looting the area and not accidentally attempting to rez an NPC or player in a fight.

WvW PvP Starting Areas with Supplies

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


In WvW PvP it is not uncommon for sides to camp the starting areas of each side. I would like to suggest that a supply storage is added to the game starting area to allow the team to craft siege weapons and fight their way out.

Dyes Universal for the Account?

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


With the cost of some dyes (Abyss) at over 8 gold, I would like to suggest that all dyes are universally account bound like the share bank and crafting mats.

Loud humming sound from the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


The low level background buzzing is constant and like the others if I close the game it goes away completely. I notice that if you open your would map the tone lowers a ton and almost disappears. I notice that of you spin around the tone varies with the graphics changes. Perhaps there is some relation with the graphics?

Running 64 Bit Win 7 Pro, 12GB Tripple Channel DDR3 663 Mhz, Evga 132-BL-E758 (Socket 423), DELL U2410 (1920x120059Hz), NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680, Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz.

Some reply would be great from the staff.

Borlis Pass v Sorrow's Furnace v Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Sorry Niim, the walls are in place for a reason. Your ability to hack pass them does not justify that it is a valid or legal tactic. Since you replied after the statement by the community coordinator, you should understand that you have been given a heads up about using expliots that bypass the game mechanics. I personally would heed their warning.

Still no rewards for defending

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I would like to see some rewards in place for people setting up defenses and running the supply train to building them.

Removing free transfers will make wvw worse at the top.

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Transfers should be limited to weekly window that coIncides with the weekly reset of the WvW. No fees just a lockout to prevent server hopping advantages for WvW games.

Borlis Pass v Sorrow's Furnace v Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Go BP and AR!

Looks like SF is not so smug about winning anymore.


Borlis Pass v Sorrow's Furnace v Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


This battle is at least semi level compared to the past lopsided match-ups. I guess SF is not boasting anymore that they no longer have orb buffs. Looks like the other servers are slowly chewing away at your initial lead.



Loud humming sound from the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I am having the same issue. A low buzzing sound that oddly changes tone when you have graphics changes moving the camera around close and far. But ya it is annoying as hell. If I tab out of the game ahh silence but hitting mute on my computer does not oddly stop the buzzing sound. I thought it was my speakers but by the other responses I think it is a problem with the game.

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


While frequent forum posters would love everyone to research and place comments in nice organized locations this is actually ineffective as we all know that the average players read the original post and the end posts at best. Non frequent forum posters will not read thru all 300 pages of comments to see if their concerns are addressed. Posting a new post is drastically easier for a non-frequent forum poster and provides a concise subject and details. If the subject was resolved in prior discussions there would be no need for a new post.

Posts from the average non forum posting player (not directed at you) about these issue are in most cases, a last ditch effort to express to the ANet staff how severe the conditions are and a stance of “no action” on their part will undoubtedly evolve into the loss of the existing player database.

Your confirmation of the existence of “umpteenth clone posts” about this subject just supports the issue that action is required and represents the communities concerns.

While our individual comments can assist the Anet Community Manager a summary of this type, this format is something he/she can forward on to his team and management as an indication of the concerns of the community. In meetings we want an Executive Summary not 300 pages of comments.

(edited by BubbaLicous.1328)

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Next you’re going to tell me you are not able to access the Private forum area of Anet? I guess they limited the voting to the community leaders that have actual influence and are looking out for the welfare of their guild / clan members. You might want to get proactive and actually attempt to provide constructive feedback in lieu of trolling.

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Anet is not attempting align themselves with or create a Free to Pay (F2P) system for the ability to relocate within their network of servers. If you are insinuating that Anet should charge players in game currency then as we all know this game in its early stages and while player are currently financial limited with game currency this fact will quickly change and not limit massive server transfers.

Even at this time and period of the game you can see numerous 100 gold Commander Titles appearing even on the most player decrepit servers.

Anet will you address the consensus of the WvW community?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


The consensus of the community is that Arena Net (ANet) needs to swiftly make changes to World Vs. World (WvW) if they wish to retain a diversified skill level of players. If Anet’s is attempting to condense the player database and consolidate players to more populace servers then Anet can take no action and monitor the upcoming player base attrition.

While each game released will have an anticipate attrition rate of the player database proceeding completion of primary content. World Vs. World content is unique as in that it can be reconstituted weekly and when properly implemented will significantly lessen attrition rates of the player database.

I commend Anet Community Manager for diverting the community focus from obvious errors and omission in the existing WvW game mechanics that fails to address the foreseen issue of when any WvW server obtains excessive regional dominance the opposing servers have no substantial incentives that provide sufficient clout to offset the arduous task of unseating an established force and the associated financial losses and mental anguish associated with these onerous battles.

Sadly Anet server transfer policies are drastically hampering the Anet WvW Manager from providing a stable platform for WvW play. Players are creating massive alliance of smaller guilds from both US and EU servers to create a force that can dominate any server. Anet will need to alter their currently server transfer policies to extend at a minimum to a period longer than current WvW matches. This will not only drastically lessen the Volatility and Deviation ratings we are seeing by the public reports disclosed by Anet.

The community has given many concepts that would assist Anet in reclaiming control of WvW and a majority of these can be implemented at little or no cost.

Below are a few items that Anet should consider for immediate implementation.
1. Institute a mandatory seven (7) Calendar day limit (coinciding with the resets for WvW) for any server transfers request for established (21 days or old) accounts.

2. Existing WvW structures (Towers, Keeps, Supply Areas, Garrisons) are insufficiently protected in both basic defense posture and resilience to relatively small forces. These structures need to be fortified both on the exterior and interiors to prevent the pitifully easy ability to overrun and capture these structures in minutes.

3. When servers are being dominated in WvW a Boon system will automatically be provided and constantly scaled to the dominated server or servers. This Boon shall provide aggressive incentives to completely eliminate or lessen the individual’s financial burden and provide the opportunity to out damage / survive overwhelming forces.


WvW is beyond borked (when one server owns 95% of the map all week)

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I agree with the original poster.

After the weekly reset servers all zerg out to grab land in WvW. Sadly once a side dominates the provided buff i.e. Karma, Experience, etc.. Are completely worthless unless you plan on avoiding PvP and farming Karma. Once the winning has all of the orbs you have zero chance to launch a comeback unless you “Stack Servers”

This is fixable if they add in the following:
1. Server transfers are limited for established accts, min. once a week.
2. When any server dominate WvW the game shall provide boons for the other servers that will balance out values as the WvW maps even out.
3. To slow down the zerg, all WvW fortification need hardening as do the supplys.

There are so many ways to fix the issue. The WvW area is awesome it just needs some balance to limit the ability to Chase the stacked PvP server and give valid justification for players to participate in WvW when the only thing a player can current look forward to is a repair bill when greatly out numbered.

Where oh where are thou Gossamer Scraps / bolts

in Crafting

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Has anyone else noticed a drastic decline in obtaining Gossamer scraps at level 80? I have spoken to allot of crafters on our server and the comments are the same. The best way to locate them has been thus far to use scavenging kits on fur scraps.

TP - why allow buy orders lower than vendor value?

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Yep make the system limit the cost to the basic selling price to a vendor to include transaction fees.

Map marking

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I agree that your own personal marking system should allow for located puzzles and notes that can be shared between chars.

You would not be able to use markers for material as these now change at least weekly and would be out of date. No two servers have the same material spawn locations so marking any i.e. rich ore area would be pointless.

WvW - Game breaking exploits

in Suggestions

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


I agree with the original poster, other online games like “Rift” placed a 7 day limitation on transfers and was successful in limiting issue of excessive transfers. GW2 is suffering from guilds creating titan alliances and using the short free transfer limits to create WvW “Server Stacking Issues”.

In conjunction the “Greatly Out Numbered” bonus buff, is completely, and totally worthless. You will never live long enough to get anything except a bill for your repairs from excessive dying. Change is needed, if you even think were going to step on a battlefield with those weak buffs when we are outnumbered at least 10 to 1 you are TOTALLY WRONG.

(edited by BubbaLicous.1328)

Fixing WvW balance

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Currently when you are out numbered you are given + 33 Karma, Exp, and some other worthless bonus. Which sounds great until you realise that getting zergs with a ratio of 10 to 1 you will nev live long enough to get any bonus.

GW2 should use the old WoW type buffing of Health, Damage, and Defense to allow the greatly out numbered side to enter the field of WvW with a chance to suceed. This value lowers as the side balance out.

Also lower server transfers to once a week as established by Rift. This will prevent the old europe and US servers from stacking sides for night and day presences.

Server Matching update?

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


The question I have is that the list would indicate that servers such as Anvil Rock and Northern Shiverpeaks are rated simular. However in the last 3 weeks they have been matched up in WvW however, Northern Shiverpeaks has won the weekly games with over 6 times the amount of points compare to the other two servers but even with this they seem to be still rated against the same servers?

Servers like Yaks Bend had a simular score against Anvil Rock but are not match with Northern Shiverpeaks? People are tired of facing stacked servers in the matches and losing by a landslide. GW2 needs to sort servers by the results of the game and the amount of the victory to allow stacked servers to be rated with other stacked servers.

WvW is dead to the majority of Anvil Rock players until this rating system is fixed.

(TFO) The Fallen Order of Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Enjoy the time now Northern Shiverpeaks with 2 matches with us and a finally score 5-6 times Anvil Rock. Once GW2 updates the matching you will go against stacked servers such as Yaks bend. Players are ignoring the WvW as it is a joke against any Stacked Servers.

World vs World Player limits are needed

in WvW

Posted by: BubbaLicous.1328


Simply add Health, damage, and toughness bonuses for the team that is physically out numbered.

This system was successfully used in World of Warcraft.

The current bonuses for being out numbered 50 to 1 are purely a joke.

Lastly, getting “Steam Rolled” is no fun for any player except the group doing the rolling.

If not fixed then myself like others will join “Stacked Servers” and make the low pop servers even lower.

(edited by BubbaLicous.1328)