Showing Posts For CHunterX.4083:

December 14 Patch Notes

in Ranger

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


1. If your pets are dying instantly in dungeons then you are using the wrong pets or not controlling them well.
2. You can’t attack and damage walls in WvW either (without seige) so why should your pet be able to?
3. If you let your pet die or stay dead for a long time, then that is your mistake. You can avoid the 60 second timer most of the time.

I have to agree with what Bastionhawk is saying here. I’m an avid Dungeon runner myself and ran many dungeons while leveling my Ranger in Explorer mode.

I have yet to understand HOW it is people’s pets are dying so much? Just swap them when they are low HP, or call them when appropriate.

To be fair, I can see how pets would die easily against Subject Alpha, Giganticus Lupicus, and and the Fractals ice boss, but I still do not have complaints beyond those. Bears for one are quite bulky in my opinion with 4000 vitality, invulnerability, and swapping every 15 seconds. I’m sure those pets would be useful for those situations.

Yeah, actually, I don’t personally have much problem with my pets dying in dungeons (except in the situations you mention above), but I think that’s mainly because I switched all my pets to Spiders and Devouerers. I hear a lot of complaints about pets’ survivability, but I suspect most of the people are complaining about melee pets, which I’ve just refused to use.

Maybe now that melee pets can actually hit on the run I might consider switching back and seeing how they fare.

It shouldn’t be bears, ranged pets, or nothing. That isn’t even 1/4th of the pets available. Other pets die far too quickly to be useful. Not everyone wants to be on bear patrol, and the ranged pets are ugly.

No emotional attachment to pets

in Ranger

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


The encouragement of swapping pets (which is almost forced) really hurts. I’ve been playing FFXI again lately since GW2 has been such a disappointment and I really feel more attached to my Puppetmaster’s Automaton than I ever did to any pets in GW2. He’s customizable, he remembers his name, he (mostly) listens to commands, and he (sadly) puts in more work than me. Sure, everyone hates on PUP almost more so than Ranger in GW2, but at least, as a pet class, the pet feels right.

Master’s Bond would be the easiest way to fix this. It needs a HUGE buff, it needs bugfixed (going into water shouldn’t reset it) along with pet AI and bugs, and it needs to not be removed upon defeat (which encourages swapping, which is what the trait is trying to avoid). This single trait should honestly be the deciding factor whether or not the pet itself is the highlight of the class or just something to abuse for buffs. Right now its near useless.

Launch Time?

in Wintersday

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


“sometime today, Pacific Time” is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever read in terms of giving a time in which something will take place. Let me just set my alarm to sometime today, and I better make sure its PST sometime, and not EST sometime! The timezone tagged at the end seems so obnoxious, you seriously can’t give an hour in which something will occur within the next 8 hours? You have a 1 in 8 chance of being right, highball it.

I guess it’s worth noting that “sometime today, Pacific Time” could also mean “midnight the next day, Pacific Time” as its been shown in a few previous updates.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Well I guess that’s it for me, back to other MMOs I go.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Why isn’t this being fixed now?
There are multiple reasons as to why we don’t immediately issues. One thing to keep in mind is that at any point during the day there are at least hundreds of thousands of people playing the game and not all of them are encountering the same issue. While we would love to fix issues as they come up, every build we run disrupts everyone’s game time.

This is by far the worst excuse I’ve ever heard for delaying a patch to fix gamebreaking bugs for any game ever . Patches and the downtime associated with them only last 5 minutes maximum each time they’ve occurred (server crashes notwithstanding). Having a daily patch at midnight PST to patch obnoxious bugs like this as soon as they are fixed instead of making players wait two weeks to continue seems like the most logical choice.

If someone can’t deal with a whole 5 minutes (and it would be shorter since the patches would be smaller) of having to log out and patch the game (which would be set to a specific time daily so players could anticipate it), then they have other issues in life they need to sort out. Having the playerbase sit on their thumbs waiting weeks for things to work correctly is absurd. You don’t have to set it to midnight PST, just pick whatever time the logins are at their lowest and use that from now on.

Small, daily patches would also help prevent the many patches that end up breaking other things. If you only change one variable with a tiny one-fix patch and something is broken, you can easily pinpoint the problem and reverse it instantly. Right now, when you stuff everything you can into weekly/bi-weekly patches and something goes wrong, its much more difficult to pinpoint which of the many changes broke other things.

Seriously, that excuse has to be a joke, or there is either something else behind the scenes causing these delays that you aren’t telling your customers. If a fix is ready, I really can’t see an excuse logical enough to delay it for weeks.

Heart bug Timberline falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


This has been bugged since launch. It takes awhile for the event to “collide” and break the heart after each server restart, but once it does its busted until the next one. I reported it shortly after launch, and I thought I detailed it pretty thoroughly, but I guess they didn’t bother to read or fix it. It IS completable, its just incredibly frustrating because there are no enemies, no golems, and weapons randomly disappear from your hands, and even if you do manage to turn in a weapon, it gives a pitiful credit towards completion.

Please return to Split PVE & PVP Skill Design

in Suggestions

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I agree with this. A lot of crap is currently pretty much useless for PvE, but I assume its pretty good for PvP. I also wonder why they returned to charging for trait reset, as the removal of EXP required for attribute resets was one of the biggest and best changes to Guild Wars 1. Did they learn nothing?

This game has plenty of money sinks, including the unlocking of trait tiers. The ability to respec outside of combat in PvE would add a lot of flexibility, allow for easy role filling of dungeons, and encourage creativity. Right now its just too clunky to have to teleport around just to respec for different content/parties/fun. As it stands, I’d rather find a build and stick with it until 60 before respeccing once with the Grandmaster book, simply because its very difficult to test anything outside of the Warrior dummy in the Heart of the Mists.

Anyone else use kits as main weapon? Loving the elixir gun.

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I would love the Elixir Gun if it was properly affected by Elixir traits.

It is not improperly not effected by elixir traits, it is improperly marked as an elixir.

You’re right, its silly to expect a gun named ELIXIR Gun to shoot Elixirs.

Anyone else use kits as main weapon? Loving the elixir gun.

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I would love the Elixir Gun if it was properly affected by Elixir traits.

@Signet Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


These are my utilities of choice:
Healing Surge
Signet of Might
“For Great Justice!”
Signet of Fury
Signet of Rage

The first thing you will notice is it looks VERY similar to the Signet Warrior. And with a few variations, it IS a superior version of the Signet Warrior! (As you can still carry Deep Strike and swap Healing Surge for Healing Signet.)

How does this build work? Not only are your boons extended by 30%, but you have access to traits which decrease signet and shout recharge!

What this basically means is you can spam Signet of Might, “For Great Justice”, and Signet of Rage for perma 16 might, fury, and near-perma swiftness!

Because of the access to perma fury, you already have more critical chance than a Signet warrior ever would. This is in addition to the +90 precision provided by Signet of Fury and +80 more precision provided by the Deep Strike trait if you use Healing Signet instead of healing Surge and do not use Signet of Fury.

Now you also have access to the Vigorous Shouts trait which heals around 1000 HP whenever you use your shout every 20 seconds, making you a bit of a team player. In addition you’re also providing some blanket fury and might to allies through For Great Justice.

Why take Signet of Fury and Vigorous Shouts over Banner of Discipline and Inspiring Battle Standard? Banner of Discipline gives equal Precision, affects everyone around it, and boosts critical damage, and if you trait for banners, it has a downtime of literally 3 seconds. If, hypothetically, you wanted the Active instead of the Passive of Signet of Fury, Berserker’s Stance would give you more Adrenaline and has a better recast time.

Inspiring Battle Standard will always outheal Vigorous Shouts unless you are using the three shortest cooldown shouts and activating them as soon as they are off cooldown. “FGJ!” by itself heals for 1192 with Lung Capacity every 20 seconds; in 20 seconds Inspiring Battle Standard would have healed for 2600 (130 every second). You would need to use “Shake It Off!” and spam it as soon as it comes off cooldown to even come close to simply using a Banner, and even then you’d still be down a few 100 HP.

The only downside to Banners is you have to pick them up and deal with banner thieves in PvE (God I hope they fix this). You can drop them with tilde (or whatever you make your weapon swap key) and skip the obnoxious Plant Standard animation, Inspire will get your party to places quicker, and Furious Rally gives your party 10 seconds of Fury (and anyone in your party could pick it up and easily extend that 10 seconds more each).

(edited by CHunterX.4083)

Wrench+turret suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Here’s the problem with the wrench: It takes a slot and heals for poop. You only get three slots for turrets (barring Healing turret), and there are 5 turrets. If you want to get the most out of speccing straight turrets, you need all three utility slots to be a turret. If anything, the Thumper or Flame turret should have been the Tool Kit’s Tool Belt skill as it is a close-range pack, and those are the closest ranged turrets.

Secondly, as stated, there are already almost twice as many turrets as there are utility slots, adding more will not help. The goal is to make Tool kit useful for a turret-specced Engineer, and to make turrets viable by not increasing the damage (as doing so would create imbalance with larger groups where no threat exists to turrets), but increasing the frequency in which you can use them. The solution would be as follows:

1) 20% faster recharge to turrets appended to Autotool Installation or Deployable Turrets.

2) 20% faster recharge to turrets appended to Power Wrench, which is only active while using the Tool Kit.

3) Every auto attack from Wrench should heal turrets, and it should autoattack even without a target or while targeting a turret. The heal amount should be doubled.

4) Healing Turret also repairs turrets within its range (not itself).

5) Throw Wrench should be swapped with a 20 second cooldown (before traits) Thumper/Flame Turret. When in-use it should change to Thump/Smoke screen. Detonate Thumper/Flame Turret (for this Thumper/Flame, not the Utility slot one) is pointless because you will likely be near it, meaning you can simply pick it up.

6) Mortar should have its range increased, it should only be usable by party members and the Engineer (much like what should happen to banners), and it should auto-fire when not in use by another player.

Power Wrench+Metal Plating+Autotool Installation+Healing Turret should be defensive enough to turn the average turret into a tank on par with, if not better than, a Ranger’s Wolf/Drake pet with Natural Healing, Signet of Stone, and Signet of the Wild. That is a lot of trait points and utility slots and it currently makes a turret survive two more hits at most, which is garbage. Being able to pop out turrets at an increased rate makes their use in PvE managable, and makes their destruction in PvP less devastating to the Engineer.

Additionally, like Ranger Bear and Wolf/Drake pets and close range Warriors and Guardians, the Thumper Turret should be the target priority of enemies. As it stands, the high health of Thumper turret is negated by the fact the enemies will always run past it and go straight for the Engineer, leaving it to be mostly useless unless you stand on top of it, removing any point it originally had and giving enemies twice as many targets to freely hit. The game is in desperate need of a hate system, however primitive or simple.

(edited by CHunterX.4083)

Why does dodge cancel some casting skills, but not others?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Hmm, I think not… the interrupt CD is so players don’t spam/cancel their skills, which some have obvious animations and would cause… some terrible spamming.

You gotta choose between casting your heal, or dodging. If you used your heal at the wrong time, it’s your fault.
Also, all spells I tested that aren’t instant are cancelled when you dodge. The signets you mention must not have a cast time, or have a really fast cast time and by the time your character starts dodging, the spell is already off.

But really, casting WHILE dodging would be really weird…

Except you can’t “spam/cancel” with dodges, because you can only do two.

How come it takes divine intervention to fix a problem?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Still don’t understand why there aren’t daily server restarts. Sure, it wouldn’t fix the problem, but at least people would have a chance daily to get some of these broken skillpoints and do the broken Dynamic Events.

Choosing an Engineer Race

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Asura and Charr Flamethrower will miss more often than other races due to their size and shape, respectively. If you plan on using Flamethrower, I’d avoid those races until they fix them (lol fixing Engineer instead of nerfing it).

Blademaster: Sword in offhand

in Warrior

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I went ahead and tested this myself, and found it does NOT give you the bonus if your sword is in offhand. It was a very simple test:

Went to the Heart of the mists, got 70% critical with Runes+Trait+Amulet, activated Signet of Rage+"For Great Justice!" to get a permanent Fury, bumping it to 90%. With a mainhand sword, it does appear to give the 10% bonus to critical, as I was unable to note a single time I did not critical over 5 minutes. Hilariously, when I offhanded the sword, even with 90% critical and Blademaster, the first hit of the mace did not critical (and many more after that, I kept going until I was able to reproduce 10 non-crits).

While testing this, I went ahead and tested a few other things that give bonuses but do not list them in the stat menu. Heightened Focus does in-fact work, giving me 100% accuracy from 81%+10%(Blademaster). Superior Sigil of Accuracy does work, but contrary to what the wiki states, it does NOT stack, meaning you cannot use one in each hand and get 10% bonus critical. It seems safe to assume no sigil stacks if used in both hands, despite what the wiki states.

I think the OP was asking whether or not sword off-hand abilities would get the crit bonus, not if the bonus would be applied to main-hand weapons while off-handing a sword. At least that’s how I interpreted it. I could be wrong, though.

Not like it really matters, though. Nobody cares about crits on off-hand sword abilities.

I am the OP. I wanted to know if the 10% from Blademaster depended on being in the mainhand. All other weapon traits list “while wielding an X in your main hand” except Blademaster, which would imply that it could be in either hand to get the 10% bonus flat out for all skills, which is sadly not true. I really wanted to work a Mace/Sword build around Blademaster.

(edited by CHunterX.4083)

Guide to "Captain Hammer" CC/Support Build

in Warrior

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Why would you pick Hammer over dual Mace? Dual Mace has a better knockdown, a better single-target Burst, an extra Daze, a block/adrenaline builder, Vulnerability, a better trait, and allows for two sigils.
Sure, Hammer has a slightly higher auto attack speed and a good AoE Burst (which is trumped by Mace 5), but everything else is completely worse and all attacks are incredibly telegraphed. It’s a shame that Knockback isn’t affected by Immobilize, which would actually turn it into a good weapon.

Discipline bonus, a bit pathetic?

in Warrior

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


All Bursts are completely underwhelming anyway. The only time I even bother to use them is a Dual Axe build or an emergency Stun with Mace. You’ll do more DPS sitting on full Adrenaline with Berserker’s Power and/or Heightened Focus (which are both conveniently only 10 points each), Healing Surge will always heal for max, and if you have 15 Defense Adrenal Health will always tick for max.

They really need a buff.

(edited by CHunterX.4083)

Sigils do not stack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I went ahead and tested to see whether or not permanent stat bonus sigils stack, and found they do not, contrary to what the wiki states. I tested Superior Sigil of Accuracy in the Heart of the Mists. With Runes, traits, an amulet, and a constant Fury (via “For Great Justice!” and Signet of Rage) I was able to get a 90% Critical Chance on the stats screen. Equipping two Sigils (one in a mace, one in an offhanded sword) I was able to note 10 non-criticals before stopping the test.

I’m not sure if they are suppose to stack, as the official wiki states they are, or if they are working as intended, so I am not sure if this is a bug or not.

A few notes: One sigil does infact work despite not showing a change on the Hero screen (I was able to get 95% Critical chance to test), the fact it does not show up on the Hero screen itself should be considered a bug.
The wiki does state that “Sigils that have a chance to trigger on critical hits stack their chance percentages multiplicatively, not additively,” it is possible that this affects the permanent stat bonus sigils as well, despite also stating that “non charging sigils can be stacked.”

Blademaster: Sword in offhand

in Warrior

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I went ahead and tested this myself, and found it does NOT give you the bonus if your sword is in offhand. It was a very simple test:

Went to the Heart of the mists, got 70% critical with Runes+Trait+Amulet, activated Signet of Rage+"For Great Justice!" to get a permanent Fury, bumping it to 90%. With a mainhand sword, it does appear to give the 10% bonus to critical, as I was unable to note a single time I did not critical over 5 minutes. Hilariously, when I offhanded the sword, even with 90% critical and Blademaster, the first hit of the mace did not critical (and many more after that, I kept going until I was able to reproduce 10 non-crits).

While testing this, I went ahead and tested a few other things that give bonuses but do not list them in the stat menu. Heightened Focus does in-fact work, giving me 100% accuracy from 81%+10%(Blademaster). Superior Sigil of Accuracy does work, but contrary to what the wiki states, it does NOT stack, meaning you cannot use one in each hand and get 10% bonus critical. It seems safe to assume no sigil stacks if used in both hands, despite what the wiki states.

RMT mail is out of control: Simple fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


The simple fix is to ban anyone who gets reported 100+ times. The owner of the stolen account can then contact customer service to get their PW reset and the ban lifted.

Large guilds would abuse this like nobody’s business.

RMT mail is out of control: Simple fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


An option to block any and all mail from players who are not in your guilds or friends list.

Blademaster: Sword in offhand

in Warrior

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Do you still get the critical bonus if you offhand a sword? I know the game doesn’t visually display the 10% bonus, but I was curious whether or not the sword had to be main hand, as other traits specifically point this out, (such as Axe Mastery) but trait descriptions are known to be vague/wrong/missing information. Maybe a dev could enlighten me?

Not feeling the Dev Love

in Ranger

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


The problem is most of the nerfs or changes at the end of the beta turned most of the classes with the currently biggest problems into one-trick ponies. Balance changes should NOT have been made after two days of playing each month, rather they should have focused on the glaring bugs that plagued classes even during beta, especially Engineer, Necro, and pets in general.

Ranger is Shortbow/Quickness, as pets, spirits, Sword, Longbow, and Greatsword were either nerfed to oblivion or currently bugged/broken. Axe “works” in Orr and Dungeons, only because there are no yellow mobs wandering around waiting to be slapped with an axe ricochet.

Warrior is Greatsword and Dual Axe Signet/Shout builds. Other weapons get awful traits, inability to hold hate makes Mace/Shield rather pointless, banners are constantly stolen (yes, even at 80), and Physical/Sword skills are balanced around PvP and are mostly useless due to their cooldowns in PvE.

Necro is conditions, nothing more needs to be said on how broken this class is. It’s a shame that the devs consider it “working as intended,” as I’ve personally permanently shelved this class.

Engineer might as well be Grenadier. All other skills got nerfs at the end of the beta, and are currently being nerfed almost every patch, despite being accepted as one of the weakest/most busted classes at the end of beta outside of Grenades.

Elementalist has no survivability, even going full Earth/Water spec, forcing players to make glass cannon Fire builds, circle-strafing until their wrists cramp, and hoping nothing looks their way.

Mesmer, Guardian, and Thief are mostly usable and have multiple “working” builds, despite their massive amount of broken traits, which is probably why those three are considered the best in PvP and PvE.

Rainbow and Blue Jellyfish skin

in Ranger

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


These two look exactly the same. I was really hoping the Rainbow Jellyfish skin would be more “rainbow.” Please tell me that one of them have the wrong skin (please be the Rainbow Jellyfish) and that it is a known issue.

crafting useless?

in Crafting

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


The developers have specifically stated that crafting is not meant to be profitable, so there is no reason to craft unless you want a different way to level your character. They only put crafting into the game to trick those who enjoy crafting in MMOs to buy the game.

Heres the link stating that crafting is not meant to be profitable:

Broken Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I’ve posted this suggestion a few times, but I’m not sure I ever got a reply as to why it wouldn’t work, so here it goes again…

Add a timer that complete restarts dynamic events and skillpoints if no progress has been made for the past 15 minutes, progress being:
a) Damage being done to target(s )
b) Damage taken by players or friendly NPCs
c) Skillpoint challenge being accepted by a player

The timer coding already exists for some dynamic events, namely ones where you survive wave after wave of enemies for X amount of time, toss it into every dynamic event, make it invisible to the player, and reset it to 15 minutes as soon as any progress is made. The 15 minutes of no progress is long enough that it would be difficult, if not impossible to exploit anything missed, and if a player is unable to make progress for 15 minutes, obviously something is broken or no one is there so it doesn’t affect any player progress. Examples:

1) Dynamic event “Guard the Dolyak” is stuck on wave 2/3. Players are standing around, but nothing is spawning. 15 minutes pass, Dolyak respawns at original DE starting point and the event resets.

2) No one is participating in dynamic event “Take over camp.” 14 minutes pass and a player wanders along and starts fighting. As soon as the player hits an enemy (or they hit him) the timer resets to 15 minutes, and continues to reset to 15 minutes every time either him or the enemy takes damage.

3) Skillpoint “Fight the Pirate Captain” has spawned underground. No players are able to talk to her, and 15 minutes later she is reset to her default position.

Does this fix each and every event? No, and obviously the most desirable thing here would be to get each dynamic and skillpoint event working properly. This would be a fantastic “bandaid,” however, until the issues are properly sorted out. It negatively impacts no one (as far as I can tell, please point any out) and doesn’t leave events open to exploiting the resets (as rewards are only dished out on completion and 15 minutes is a lot of downtime to try to exploit something, let me know if you think of something). Remove the timer when you think dynamic events and skillpoints have been fixed.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I uncovered an area (Provernic Crypt in Gendarran Fields) and it gave no points towards Krytan Explorer. It’s possible that some people have completed and found every nook and cranny and the game just didn’t reward them points for finding one specific area, as it just happened to me.

EDIT: Just uncovered Windloss Delves in Queensdale and it also did not award points towards Krytan Explorer.

(edited by CHunterX.4083)

Unable to find specific medium armor skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I have been unable to find this particular armor skin in question:

I have checked most karma merchants, dungeon merchants, crafting lists, no pieces exist on the trading post, and I’ve never even seen a single piece of it drop. Anyone have any idea on where it might be obtainable for PvE? If it helps any, the PvP skin is named Commando (which is a nightmare in itself to try to google, thanks for naming it that).

What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?

in Ranger

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


White Wolf: Hewie (doubtful anyone will get that reference)
Brown Bear: Banjo
Shark: Snacker
Rainbow Jellyfish: Rainbow Splash
River Drake: Ludroth
Polar Bear: Apples
Lashtail Devourer: Toss-up between Mechon and Misha, can’t really find a good scorpion-like name.

(edited by CHunterX.4083)

The real Issue with Dungeons! From a person who enjoys completing them.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Fix) Revamp tokens. Make a head,shoulder,leg,chest,glove,boot,offhand, and (main head/two hand) token for COMPLETING a dungeon. There is 8 dungeons and 8 pieces of gear, this requires players who want a full set to run every single dungeon. Allow these tokens to purchase ANY token gear, so people who want dungeon set A can play with players who want dungeon set B. This will spread out the amount of players who were originally playing the same dungeon.
is will Force players to actually FINISH the dungeons rather then “farm” the first 2 bosses.

Um…you’re asking for tokens to revamped thus making it easier for gear to be gained. Why should you be able to run Ascalon Catacombs to be able to purchase Orr gear?

You completely misunderstood him, but I can see why because it’s worded pretty poorly, but in theory it is a great idea. There are 8 dungeons, there are six armor slots, aquatic headgear, and a back slot (in terms of visual changes these are the only 8 ).
Ascalonian Catacombs would still give Ascalonian Catacombs tokens, but these tokens would be used to buy Ascalonian-skinned weapons and ANY foot armor. Hell, you can even make the token requirement for the “better” looking foot armor higher. Citadel of Flame would be where you get Flame-skinned weapons and ANY head-wear. That way you are encouraged to do every dungeon in the game to get all armor pieces for one set, and not just grind out your favorite skin, which would spread the playerbase to every dungeon. You could also choose to stay in one dungeon longer if you desire, to get said weapon skins. TBH, I think its a fantastic idea, but one that will sadly never be implemented.


Rewards for tokens would be as follows:
Ascalonian Catacombs – AC weapons and all Footwear
Caudecus’s Manor – CM weapons and all Hand-wear
Twilight Arbor – TA weapons and Leg-wear
Sorrow’s Embrace- SE weapons and Shoulder-wear
Citadel of Flame – CoF weapons and Head-wear
Honor of the Waves – HoW weapons and Aquatic Headgear
Crucible of Eternity – CoE weapons and Chest-wear
Arah – Arah weapons and back equipment (capes?)

The Machine in Action[bug] (lvl 19 personal story)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


If this is occurring every time said user attempts the mission, wouldn’t it be easier to simply join said user and parse all the information as they play through the mission? I’m sure there are dozens and dozens of players willing to do this if it means a quicker fix to the issue.

Too many banner thieves: Make Banners able to be picked up by group only

in Warrior

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


The banner should be placed upon the Warrior’s back when using ~. You should still have the option to place it on the ground for others to carry with “Plant Standard.”

EDIT: Swapped keys.

Engineer Sword/Dagger/Bayonette?

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Am I the only one who things Engineer should have had hammer? I mean how else do you build things without a massive hammer?

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


As said, the forums are the vocal MINORITY. All of the crying that’s going on is actually the minority. How is this? Because, most of the rest of us that see that the ele don’t bother posting about it.

lol dat logic. I have a friend who was dying to play Elementalist since the second BWE and has dropped it recently for Engineer and Guardian. He’s never posted on the forums and I doubt he ever will. I assure you he’s not the only player who just jumped ship to a different class or simply don’t bother posting on the boards. Just because people don’t vocalize their issues with the class doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I don’t even know what you were going with with that last sentence I quoted, because it’s definitely not English and I stopped reading after that nonsense.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I was so excited this morning.... Wait... What?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


We have one of the most up and buggy classes i ever see in a mmorpg…

If you think Elementalist is the buggiest class in the game, I welcome you to take a look at the Engineer buglist:

(there are three pages of bugs and not even a mention of “we’re looking into it” from the devs)

You have all these bugs, and the class is still LMAOSTEAMROLLED, and you’re here posting for sympathy. Really? Go away.

Actually all I was posting is facts.
Fact: Elementalist doesn’t have nearly as many bugs as Engineer or Necromancer
Fact: Bugs need to be rectified before balance changes

I never said Engineer was weaker than Elementalist. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, Christ.

I was so excited this morning.... Wait... What?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


We have one of the most up and buggy classes i ever see in a mmorpg…

If you think Elementalist is the buggiest class in the game, I welcome you to take a look at the Engineer buglist:

(there are three pages of bugs and not even a mention of “we’re looking into it” from the devs)

How often can you free server transfer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


How often can I transfer during this free period?
Trying to get 100% map completion, but my server has very little Asian or Oceanic players, so every day when I log in in the morning we have absolutely no areas captured in WvWvW. I have no desire to actually play in this mode, but I want the map completion and I want to be able to return to my server once I complete WvWvW exploration.

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Maybe if you said please they’ll give you an answer. Manners cost nothing.

You should not have to beg for a game you paid for to work correctly.

Undying Monthly Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


The monthly achievement for exp gained for not dying is currently bugged. You cannot change zones, you cannot leave the server (go from overflow to main), and you cannot log out or the achievement resets.

Necromancer pets will not always attack.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I quit Necromancer completely because of how bad minions are all-around. There are almost no redeeming features about minions, and in my eyes, Necromancer itself currently. It’s sad, because I felt Necromancer was the most unique class Guild Wars 1 had to offer, and now its just been tossed to the side and simplified to “Press 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0 to have pets that barely function and repeat on their deaths.”

I’m not interested in wells that have been turned into pseudo Ranger traps, or crappy, boring signets every class is plagued with, or self-inducing conditions (lol), I want Minion Master back.

PS: Death Shroud sucks.

Please restart the servers and time events

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


In just Timberline Falls alone, in the past 30 minutes, I’ve ran into three broken events; two of which make the hearts “Help the Priory’s excavation of the ruins” and “Help Caen Evermore defeat the Risen in the region” incredibly frustrating to complete, as there are no enemies, a very limited amount of items to collect, along disappearing items in the former’s case.

Furthermore, place a timer on all events, 10-15 minutes long. If absolutely ZERO progress has been made for that event during that time, reset/restart the event completely. This will not negatively impact any players, as the timer will never trigger a reset if you manage to do even a measly one damage to the enemy or turn in one item towards the event goal within 10-15 minutes, which is an extremely gracious leeway. It cannot be abused because you do not receive rewards unless you fully complete an event anyway.

Until you can iron out the bugs that plague just about every event in the game, this is the only solution I can come up with.

Heritage Armor

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Just so you know, it isn’t really a PVE armor set. It’s a skin for PVE. I haven’t tried sPVP yet, but I would assume that the sPVP armor set has identical stats to normal sPVP armor, but a special skin.

Once I figured that out, I never bothered with the HOM item rewards. The mini-pets would be nice eventually, but skins don’t matter to me while I’m still leveling.

Fire Dragon Sword skin changes the element of damage to Fire. Not sure if there is even an “elemental weakness” system in place for monsters, or if it’s just old parts of tooltips that never got scrapped when they removed systems, but its food for thought.

10% "Tax" on selling items in trading post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Is there anyone besides ANet who is pleased with this?

I’m not so sure that even they are pleased with this. It’s making the value of gold WAY higher than gems. It’s downright silly to buy gems with real money right now, because the value of gold is so high. The economy is set up in a way that the gold prices and gem prices will consistently balance each other out, but it’s currently balanced in a way that the worth of gems is extremely low.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Toss Elixir B only gives one boon, and is listed to give all four (and as mentioned, Might’s duration is incorrect).

Changed, thanks.

I really think that this tool-belt skill is working as intended, i mean if you check all your elixirs tool-belt skills, while the “Elixir” itself is giving a bunch of properties, “Tossed” ones always give you only 1 part of those properties. I just think this is a TOOLTIP description problem more than anything else. Even more convinced when you check the cooldown of the “tossed” version compared to the duration of the buffs (boons).

For the duration of the might buff i’m agreeing that its a bug

Either way a problem exists. Sad that no developers have mentioned they are looking into this thread, because the size of this bug list is absurd compared to every other class combined.

Why is there no DIRECT way to report gold selling in chat and/or mail?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Also still no way to report offensive guild names.

Warrior Banners

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Not exactly a bug, but allowing any player outside the party pick up banners makes Warrior’s banner skills nigh useless in PvE. The playerbase is too dumb for a “feature” like this. Please let only the Warrior’s party members pick up banners.

Guardian spell bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


To add: Invulnerability doesn’t make you immune to damaging conditions for ANY class. I assume it’s a bug with the status of being “invulnerable” itself.

hit box: inanimate objects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


I also have this problem. The only solution I’ve found is to constantly run at the center of the mass while spamming 1. This wasn’t an issue until one of the recent updates. I’d miss every-so-often during the betas and after release, but now I find it nearly impossible to hit them.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


Not exactly a bug, but we can filter armor by level, rarity, availability, and piece… but not weight class? Seems like the most important of all filters got forgotten for armor.