Showing Posts For CaveSalamander.9150:
Don’t know about new ones, but the Frostgorge and Orr trains are still going.
take the panda, how dare you to ignore those cute pandas
^^ Everyone needs one xD
Kitten the panda, I’m getting the Dolyak tonic.
I have stopped farming and selling T6 materials ever since the megaserver update. I’ll be watching how much they would rise and it looks like I am not the only one who think their prices would rise.
No offence but.. this thread has been dead for 22 days and now you want to chime in?
The first link sounds to me like someone trying to manipulate the market to their will- ori isn’t as hard to get as silk (no nodes) or karka shells (from mostly infrequently done content, the queen being exeption) so the price is unlikely to jump as dramatically. You can get around ~45 ori a day just from noding, add a couple salvages and it really isn’t that rare.
The article’s also not taking in account those who already have that amount. Hoarders exist, there’s no denying that.
The second article seems more reasonable.
(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)
…… and you can’t stack several partially used ones to make one with all the charges……
I have often thought that would be an awesome change to the game…..not sure why it’s not possible since all other consumables CAN stack like this.
It is a shame you can’t stack them, but it does give Mystic Salvage kit most of its value since there isn’t a cheaper (I think?) alternative of stacking 10 master salvage kits.
(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)
Nowadays I’ve moved to running around edge of the mists for my mindless zerg, but I do wish they’d left FG train at least doable and nerfed QD more, that way trains would’ve been moreso something lv80s do out of boredom.. Oh well, at least now with everyone at QD the early tier crafting mat prices should drop, right? (I think raising t6 mat prices was a possible reason someone said FG was nerfed?)
Nothing you could have done, the standard procedure is to just report&block them.
That.. is a good point :D I’m thinking I’ll remember better if it was easier to change the settings, but we’ll never know. Your suggestion was way better on that front.
.. Or at least modify the current ones.
So, story time! I’ve recently crashed a couple of times in world boss megazergs because my game seems unable to handle large crowds beyond a certain point with high settings, everything else runs as fine as it usually does until then and this hasn’t happened before the maps got a population boost.
Turning down the graphics seems to be the solution but I tend to forget to adjust the various settings before joining the zerg, I’m pretty bummed since the most recent crash was just as Teq was about to die, but I can only blame myself since I forgot to turn down [everything]‘s details. I’m not trusting my memory anymore and am gonna run medium stuff from now, but it does make me sad knowing I could get away with higher setting everywhere else.
Point is, I wish I could save presets so I could conveniently switch between a lower detailed and a higher detailed setup.
Wait, they’re supposed to be gone? Huh.
Either I’ve been oblivious to them disappearing before or this has been going on for a while..
I’m guessing it’s either bugged or the instance is messing with it somehow- I got top scorer too and nothing tried opening the chest too to see if that was the issue.
Ranger – Pet customising (dyes, ribbons, pieces of cloth, armour, ANYTHING to make the pet more personal) or maybe the option to play with the pet in some manner- I know the devourer has a “playful” animation already and I’d just like my pet to acnowledge me more than taking orders. Could make it an in-game item, pet food/toy or something.
And please, please please please make me able to rez my pet again- make it so only the owner can do it and the issues it used to have would be solved, right? Make it a trait if it’s such a problem! I’ll do anything
I doubt Mad Memoires will make a comeback since the story is about prince Eddy now, no clue as for the titles.
I wouldn’t worry about the armour, the whole set from last year was aestetically just reused exotic/PvP ( See )
Not sure if it’s been mentioned, the NPC outfit skins, or at least parts of them, would be something I’d pay for- I main a sylvari and there’s precious little “home-grown” armour available. I’m sure everyone would love more armours designed with a specific race in mind.. Other than humans that is.
Mathew Medina states:
“Canonically, yes the Lost Shores weekend and lead-up was set after the events of the Guild Wars 2 personal story and the defeat of Zhaitan, so this is partially what made it possible for the karka to establish a clawhold on Southsun Cove.”
The huge thing was stating….that if Zhaitan was still alive somewhere, somehow, there is no way the event with the Karka storming Southsun Cove could happen. Also explains why there are zero risen Karka when we kill them.
Thing is, defeated doesn’t mean dead. It may have just left Zhaitan very weak, maybe forced him back to sleep.. although his death would explain Tequatl becoming stronger- to fill his place.
Either way, the karka saw the opportunity, be it the weakening or death of Zhaitan, and took Southsun. There’s no way of telling which one it actually was.
(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)
Two lucky guys here I see. I was never a greatsword user OR good with the RNG so I passed the skin hunt. The average person would need to spend a kitten ton of gems to get anything I hear. Congrats for getting it
Underworldian here. Don’t know about the rest but the Gendarran Fields one is either bugged or super hard to get.
The moment we got all three power sources the “reinforcements” or “secure” metas popped up instead of.. I don’t even know what’s supposed to come after that. I was there for at least one and a half hours solely trying to open the realm.
The random doors function though, I saw one and it dispersed a millisecond before I could enter XD
Pirate rune users: have you ever heard yourself shout "yarr"?
in Audio
Posted by: CaveSalamander.9150
Because I haven’t.
I’ve had pirate runes (major &superior) for like a month now and I’m beginning to suspect either the “Yarr!” doesn’t exist for female sylvari (aka it just gives you the might boon with the standard comment) or the rune is bugged.
It’s a shame, since that tooltip alone decided wich MF runes I took :P
FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CaveSalamander.9150
At first I didn’t seem to notice a difference since i was in an area I hadn’t been before, but as I entered the eastern (the snowy part of) Gendarran, where I used to do dailies, I immediately noticed it was different- so much more open.
Thank you guys, thank you
I completely agree, and it’s especially weird with the halloween toys (eg the toilet paper)- I mean, why couldn’t you be able to use some other character’s TP roll or tonics? Also I buy my tools with money 90% of the time anyway so why can’t I transfer them between two characters who meet the lvl requirement? Having to destroy extras my alt could use brings a single tear in my eye every time.
I do get upset that some items (particularly items bought for karma) are not only soulbound, but they can’t even be sold or salvaged when you level out of them.
I can kinda see the logic behing the karma stuff restrictions, they don’t wanna give us a karma>money loop, at least not an apparent one. You can always mystic forge the item along with 3 others, but it can end up with yet another karma item ( I even got a karma item from 4 non-karmas).
I see you’ve eaten some strawberry ghosts- that triggered the same effect on me. Perhaps it’s all the food with ‘ghost’ in it’s name, makes sense.
Asking because I’ve done it all over again but the event NPC is acting like I’m missing something (checked, I have all the 6 thingys).
Since the book gets mailed to you I figured I should try and repeat it on my main to be claimed by an lv11 alt (who isn’t going to get to the lv30 crypt anytime soon).
And, well, as I said I WAS able to get all the chapters with relative ease but now I wonder if it wasn’t meant to be :P
It’s a unique back item, a book named “Mad Memoires” (it has a funny ghoul-y face on it). I personally like the book and have no other back slot items so it’s still a bonus upgrade slot for me. The thing kinda clips with my shortbow but I think it looks funny to have a bow in my book, however you may not like it.
You may not be able to get it on all your alts as the hunt requires travelling to a lvl 30 area (someone may be willing to help you get there if you’re lucky). Thus I was only able to get it on my main but still satisfied.
Yeah, even if your target’s out of range the autoattack status indicating “arrows” slightly pulse, which means whenever I do get in range it’ll shoot. Holstering your weapon resets it though (key not bound by default).
I don’t think DR is the problem as much as the implementation, as I’ve heard casual players and booster users in Orr are often aquaintances with this phenomenon- and I can’t help but think it propably wasn’t meant to be this.. obvious, blatantly put. It needs some polish but by no means should it be removed.
Atlering the chanses sure as skritt seem attractive.. I especially the idea of a dye chest (dye gamble-holic here). Maybe even a trader chest?
Perhaps the chests would still be random, but with greater chanses for certain items. BLCs are, after all, about the gamble of getting a thing you want.
Thank you Anet for forging such a friendly ingame community! I can come here to see mostly complaints but when I’m in Tyria it doesn’t show- I’ve never actually experienced the multiplayer part of an MMO so prominently and y’all should take pride in that
I’d also like to thank them for the latest BLTC patch that brought the selling fee into everyone’s attention.
It’s the little things that count.
Based on that justification, there shouldn’t be a lower limit to the sale price in the first place. If selling for less than vendor price could be beneficial to you, it ought to be permitted.
But there’s a good reason they don’t allow it. If stuff was selling for less than vendor some guy could just buy it and vendor for instant profit. Exploit right there.
What people generally do when LFG:
LFG CM exp
LFG CM explore
LFG Caudecus’s manor explore
etc etc until
Looking for group to do caudecus’s manor on explore, whisper me please!
@Galen You got me thinking there; cross-armor trasmutation stones…
@CaveSalamander: Do you remember the first two weeks when ANet banned all the karma exploiters? Everyone, players who abused, players who knew someone who abused, players who didn’t have anything to do with it – were up in arms with pitchforks and torches, prepared to “shut down the evil greedy Anet that wanted to take peoples $60 and then ban them for almost nothing at all!” You too should then be able to understand why they don’t ham-handedly twitch-ban every single person reported of botting. The bots being banned are not even a question to be honest – it’s not NOT going to happen. Players just need to be more patient when they see someone botting for days after being reported. Players need to make sure other players also report (who knows, maybe you were the only one to see it and they won’t just go off one report?). Mostly though, players just need to give it time, and realize that a bot won’t do exponentially more damage just because it’s doofin around for an extra week or so.
Propably should’ve made my point clearer as you’ve got it right on- Anet says they’ve already banned over 1600 bots so clearly they’re doing something to combat them- the people complaining are not acnowledging this fact because they may not have seen any change themselves. It’s a shame on their part.
(also yes, I remember the first weeks, it’s a shame I didn’t get any )
you did not have 239% magic find 10% +1% does not =11% when it comes to magic find . You’re only getting 1% OF 10% which is a very big difference
.. Did you mean that a 1% chance turns to 3% chance with 200% magic find (true) or did you mean that 50% MF+ 10%MF does not make 60% (which is untrue)?
Having hard time desciphering your sentence , sorry ^_^’
Master Weaponsmiths now sell their goods for coin instead of karma, as was originally intended.... What the ???
Posted by: CaveSalamander.9150
Oh skritt. I was saving karma for the sole reason of buying a T3 weapon.. Wait, does this mean the sharkmaw pirate sells for coin now too? Because that would be a disappointment. Karma is so much easier to save than gold :C
I have a lvl 73 main and lvl 8 alt, just started liking them after switching from axe to scepter…
I guess I’d be lvl 80 on my main right now had I explored more lelel-appropriate zones as I quickly gained 5+ levels when I did enter bloodtide coast at lvl50.. I’ve barely explored metrica and haven’t even touched Ascalon, so I believe it’s going to be a while before Orr.
People are asking for more measures because they don’t see an obvious change- like 90% of bots instantly gone.. Can’t blame them, it must be frustrating to see the same bot still there after a week even when 500 others were succesfully found and banned.
Perhaps I’ve been lucky or just running around too low-level zones but I’ve never seen bots other than gold sellers in chat and mail.
I’d at least love to hear what they’re working with right now- is it bugs, is it the camera, guilds or something else?
Also giving reasons as to why you did something would be a HUGE plus.. I hear that diminishing returns now affects karma more severely, and am wondering why.
Here’s an ingame example of how even the window size affects you FOV:
I’d love to even have a set number option, like 60, 70, 80, 90 or something- I just cannot stay zoomed in for too long as is because I feel my sight is limited if I don’t zoom fully out.
Some amount of research has been done on the GW2 subreddit regarding MF and it’s effects:
- about MF in general
- a tad more organised one
Also, MF does not effect salvaging- concluded here.
Posting to test: squikittenoons
Edit: A-HA! “squishy” and “toons” don’t apparently like each other.. Found this on a thread discussing glass cannon builds XD
I must admit, the bloody bugger is pretty smart filtering variations too >_>
(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)
Just posted the same topic on suggestions a moment ago, funny to find it here too
It would be handy to find it in a particular thread, but you can at least scan the top of the forums for the dev tracker to see all the dev comments abstracted out along with the title of the thread in which the comment was made.
That is true and I mentioned it’s a shame the Dev tracker doesn’t have a search box
(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)
You kittening dokey puppying! as opposed to You kittening kitten kittening!
Hmm… I’ll just continue using “skritt-brain” and “dolyak” for now.
Also not being able to jump as an imp seems funny
I for one don’t need fancy jumping animations if that’s where the problem is.. Although a jumping krait would seem funny it’s nowhere near game-breaking right? Also did you know you can make specific tonics at the mystic forge, so you don’t have to gulp ’em all ^^ here’s some recipes that’ve been found
(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)
There was one in the betas, where did it go?
Finding Anets comments on threads can be tedious when there are several pages and the Dev tracker doesn’t have a search bar..
Your thoughts? I for one would love to have the ability to easily find dev comments that interest me
sounds like you need to just up your game a little bud… lol j/k. necros need to get nerfed anyways imo, they aren’t as strong as they should be with certain builds. Just grinded a necro just to get a fat disappointment in pvp.
.. You mean BUFFED, right? Nerfing is making something weaker
Man would I love this! I’m certain my necro would be happy happy
I’m glad to have found this one by myself
Most of the people complaining unfortunately don’t come with actual arguments but just opinions that don’t hold much water to begin with. I don’t think the problem is criticism but the abhorrent lack of quality in the criticism.
Why would a customers opinion “not hold much water”? lol Anet better be listening to these opinions because its not just 1-2 players.
You can’t just come in here and say that someones criticism is bad because you have had a different experience and you have a different opinion.
I hope Anet listens to everyone’s opinions but I don’t want them breaking their game if some loud minority demands so (no cases in point but I heard it happened to another MMO).
Also, I believe he meant that people are just shouting out opinions like “something isn’t good enough improve it!” and that’s okay, but if you try and call that criticism you are awful wrong.
Well there IS a website called Spidy that tracks both the individual prices of things like copper ore and the gem exhange rates
Actually MF Panda you are wrong – on those buy and sell prices he is breaking even. There isn’t a 15% deduction on both listing and selling. The fees are 5% on listing price and 10% on total sale price (many people say the tax is 15% but its actually much more than 15% depending on what the item sells at.
The calculation is difficult to do manually but there is a great GW2 app you can download for android that does all the calculations for you called the “GW2 Trade post calculator”
Here’s the app if you don’t have a smartphone
Using that I got the same end result as with 15% tax with a regular calculator so… yeah. It’s pretty easy to conclude in-game; if you list something for 1g, you get 85s
(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)