My feedback for Soulbeast…
MH Dagger – It seems like Anet could have gone with any weapon for Soulbeast since none of the traits specifically affect this weapon, but at the same time, this weapon also relies on Soul beast traits for maximum effectiveness (and a trait from Wilderness survival). Conditions are great.
- I like Moa Stance, but that’s about it with this set of utility skills.
- Bear Stance needs to have a 20 sec cooldown or have instant activation like other stances.
- Dolyak Stance oddly worked the first few times I used it, then bugged out and never worked again. In Theory, the skill seems fine, but was never able to test it.
- Vulture Stance…..change the might to something else? How many other places can we easily get might, and other classes can easily get might? Still, not a bad skill.
- Griffin Stance has way too long of a cooldown (reduce by 10 seconds at least). It also grants might. Is this like a go to boon when no one can think of anything else?
- One Wolf Pack needs the most work. It doesn’t feel strong enough for an Elite Skill. It needs to either copy all damage with a shorter duration, have no 1/2 sec interval, or just plain last longer. Also should have instant activation.
- Not a huge amount of synergy with other traits, and some aspects of Soul beast seem to be partially dependent on traits from other lines as well (Daggers need Ambidexterity as it does affect MH dagger), Beast Skills need traits from Beastmastery or that one from Nature Magic, etc.)
- Essence of Speed should have a shorter cooldown or extend boons for another second longer.
- Move Predator’s cunning to Adept with no change. Make Fresh Reinforcement a Master and have it also copy your boons to pet when leaving Beastmode. The reason is that two traits related to entering and leaving beastmode are in adept, and the traits that give our dagger maximum effecitveness are in master.
This is not the case for other specializations. This would be like if Reaper had all their chilled traits in one tier, or if Spellbreaker had all full counter’s in one tier and could never take advantage of all of them at once.
- I like Second Skin, and I am noticing that only Rangers have traits that improve protection, but we should maybe have more sources of protection to make this trait more useful.
- Eternal Bond…..Meh. Not sure what the use of this is. (it has synergy with Second Skin and rugged growth from Wilderness survival, but if that is what was intended, make the amount of granted protection longer, like, much longer, like 10 seconds at least)
I’d rather it do something useful to a majority of builds out there, like, it just summons your secondary pet while in Beast Mode when you are struck below the threshold (90% or so). the Pet will use its F2 skill immediately, then proceed to use its other skills for 10 seconds or so before disappearing. Something like that. And give it a 60 second cooldown or so.
Beast Skills – As much as GW2 is based on movement and positioning, having all our Beast skills rooting us in place, or having odd movement (like the Swoop skill), is just….odd. The skills that have more utility than damage are the most useful currently. The F3 skills don’t seem that bad, but they also have their issues (that others have already explained here and in other threads).
Beastmode – Get rid of the cool down. If you have to, give Unstoppable union the 10 second cooldown instead so we can’t spam infinite stunbreaks and unblockable attacks.
Conclusion – 6/10, but I’m going to use it.