Showing Posts For CrusaderMichael.9245:

Disk Space Requirement for Path of Fire ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Curious, if you have HoT and Gw2 standard full installed, how much will the full installation of PoF increase the needed disk space by?

Getting tight on my ssd here and might have to uninstall some things off it

WvW Jump Pads

in WvW

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


I know we sort of have such a thing in BL’s with like the fire portals…. but I wish you would make something using the “territory” system where if you own a territory you can Jump Pad to it from a “closer to home” territory.

Example: if you own smc, and klovan, and your keep, you could Jump Pad from spawn to your keep (contested wp’s wouldn’t matter), and from there jump pad to Klovan, and from there us a pad to jump to smc.

This would make defending continuous territory more important and might work well with the new gliding in WvW since we’d be able to enable Gliding during a jump, as normal.

I know some people already hate that you’re adding gliding to WvW (without even knowing if it will work well) but I consider it a very needed thing even if it has to be worked out (details).

WvW is finally coming out of the stone ages.

I just think the JP’s would add to the fun, but also it just gets very old walking across a map sometimes just to get to the fight.

I, Mykhul Crossenbow, hath spoken.

Mag tactics

in WvW

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


1) it’s not a Mag tactic.

2) I’m on Mag and was pulled into gate from outside, right after escaping through portal. Stuck inside gate.

3) mag whines like crazy when you don’t have a proper build… which i don’t… half my reason just because I like hearing all the whining.

4) Maguuma is #1 but we tank our ranking for fights.

5) When in doubt… blame VR

What's Missing from Material Storage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


“material storage”

I’d like to be able to dump runes in there, only because they are ALWAYS the things that fill my bags up most, that I can’t break down or sell (usually). No I don’t want to mystic forge em. Waste of my time.

Having to merchant them or outright throw them away, every single time I do a loot run, gets annoying.

Either that or just give me the option to “auto trash all my green runes”.

(edited by CrusaderMichael.9245)

Power Creep Has Entered The Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


If this is “power creep”, good.

More the merrier.

You could even say gliding is a form of power creep, as it allows you to get to certain places far quicker. Increasing your loot/hour, ability to flee without dying etc.

There is nothing wrong with HoT giving people extra abilities.

Even devs allowing HoT auric multi mapping nets people twice the gold per hour that way, vs normal GW2 people.

As long as things aren’t outrageous, like people doing twice the damage, running twice as fast etc, I think these kinds of “power creep” are acceptable.

Even expected, considering they want to lure people into buying their expansions.

Hopefully the next expansion gives me a pogo stick so I can jump super far… waaaaay further than a normal GW2 guy can jump.

Obtain Ascended Armor and Weapons from WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Rank up chests are your best bet for this, and for that, constant xp boosters.

Even then it’ll take you forever to land even half a set. It’s not reliable at all. From what I hear, my guess is 99% of players won’t land a full armor set in 3 hard years of wvw. It’s that rare a drop. Though I have had 1 drop in the maybe 6 months i’ve been doing it.

It’s that bad for ascended armor drops.

WvW in general has horrible returns, compared to PVE, in terms of gold value. 1/10 in my opinion, hour for hour of play.

I say this because you might want to just stomach the PVE you seem to be avoiding, and do a few hours of proper farming/auric a day.

You can create a new armor piece every other day this way, easy. Unless you want celestial, in which case it will take a while longer for the quartz.

Maybe you have all ascended gear though and were just wondering with your question.

In that case, the quick answer is… yeah, it all can drop.

If you need the ascended gear still though, just make it all.

Literally hundreds of times faster than waiting for it to drop at your feet.

Best way to make gold during halloween?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


The best way to make gold during Halloween event… is to play Auric Basin instead.

All this 400 bags an hour stuff, is false.

People need to check their watches better.

Even if you made 400 bags an hour… Auric.

Too much nerf???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


I don’t care about loot nerfing… I care about what feels like Lab monster nerfing.

Horror etc used to really rip into people. Whole packs of people. Lich was even worse.

Everything just feels too easy now.

I hope Anet vamps up the difficulty on this soon.

Candy Corn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


You’d think the mass glut of corns will lower prices initially when it all starts. Start out a little high, then go down and down with the glut…

THEN toward the end with the tons more gold people should have from places like auric multi etc the last year, you’d expect prices to go up because people will try to get them for various things before it all ends. The last few days desperation/too-lazy-to-earn-em-themselves factor.

But it’s like the stock market… when you think you know how it’ll go, you lose.

I’ll sell any excess asap, beginning to end.

Fix For Big FPS Drop MS Win 10 Update

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


1) “Don’t own an Xbox” guy, the app is still on your computer with Windows 10 sadly. Like someone said.

2) Sorry one of you had problems with this. Strange since all it does is turn off a DVR in the stupid app. I didn’t tell you to do anything that should have caused you login problems.

3) Yes you can turn off the DVR the way Charrbeque describes. I actually did it that way after changing the registry DVR. I did both. I didn’t say that way here because people claimed to have other problems once they actually created a username etc for the Xbox app and honestly the idea of me coming to the forum and telling you to create an Xbox account, sounded rather dumb in my head haha. I do suspect Charrbeque is correct though that new updates (maybe just sizable ones) from MS cause the registry to be reset, as I mentioned above having to turn it off again in registry, eventually. Hence why I created theXbox account and turned it off with the toggle.

Probably the most annoying and pathetic thing I’ve dealt with in computers in a LONG time…

Till yesterday magically Nvidia decided to FORCE me to login and create an account just to use my Geforce Experience. Which in turn added MORE DVR problems and mic icon etc added on top of the GW2 game screen.

I may not buy Nvidia next time because of this. Though sadly I’ll be stuck with MS Xbox trash on my operating system, cuz MS is the only real way to go for gaming

Fix For Big FPS Drop MS Win 10 Update

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


If you have an Nvidia card in particular, and are noticing FPS massive hits constantly, read on, but read it all first:

I decided to write this in the main forum as a service to people who just have no clue.

You can google “win 10 anniversary update xbox dvr” to find reputable fix sites.

Microsoft’s stupid anniversary update for Win 10, is automatically creating and turning on, constantly, an Xbox DVR app.

What’s happening is instead of getting 60 FPS, I’ll drop to 19 FPS, in easily rendered places.

The simple 3 step fix, basically disables the Xbox app in Win 10 using Regedit (a program that is part of Windows 10 for editing the registry, you don’t have to download anything), stopping the DVR from messing with your video card.

Nvidia cards in particular.

It’s been fixed for a month on my computer but Windows 10 this morning decided to edit the stupid registry again to enable the Xbox app… forcing me to, yet again, disable it.

Blink of an eye, everything better.

So until they finally fix it forever, you have to do this (some of you) to get your frames back.

When this first happened I almost considered getting a new video card, until I searched the subject.

Hope it helps and ANET, you may have people turn from the game if this isn’t known to all. New guys will see the horrible FPS, and just never come back. All cuz of brainless MS updating

Bloodstone Visage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


I won’t even use the skin ever but, this question is like a kid asking his mom if she really wants him to take out the garbage. It made me laugh reading it.
Having said that, it is a pretty low priority thing in my book so…
Move on to the next thing in the dev queue list… unfinished pants that show yer butt, or chest armor that’s inside yer chest.

Is this game raid centric now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


I take the ANET people at their word when they say they are working on many aspects of the game at the same time. Expansion, WvW, PVE, Raid etc.

Just so happens Raid is coming out now.

I watched a girl tonight Raid. With a guild.

I have never seen such a massively choreographed thing in gaming. Over and over they’d die. Go over every detail of each others roles. Over and over. Step after step.

That is not my idea of fun at all but there’s enough GW2 things to go around so whatever.

I just have no intention whatsoever of playing a Raid where I feel like I’m an actor that has to rehearse every single little line/action to succeed.

I’d feel like I have to pay a Screen Actor’s Guild fee.

Make Minis Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Wait. Were minis ever great?

Minis stand there.

They look pretty, or ugly.

They move a little, or a lot.

They are brightly colored, or dull.

They are expensive, or cheap.

But they are pretty useless. About as useless as a tulip on a warrior’s foot.

Why do minis have to be so useless? Is there some law of the universe concerning Minis I’m unaware of? Is there some great reason why a pet can have a function, but a mini has to be as useful as 3 atoms of oxygen ?

Minis should have functionality.

Like GW2 Pokemon.

Minis should be able to fight one another. 1v1, or 20 v 20 if we want.
Run off and pick up items.
Whatever you come up with.

But not, nothing.

Having no function whatsoever, minis are, to a massive ton of people, utterly worthless beyond their sale value.

I want to be able to kick my mini. Punt my mini. I want to be able to set my mini on fire if it’s been a bad mini. I want to be able to hit a key and watch it puff up and explode too. I want my mini to beg for my forgiveness once I’ve hit it a few times.

Don’t like this in a mini? Cool. Don’t use a mini of something evil. You can have a Princess Doll mini and talk about tea with it and pat it on its little princess head.

But most of all I want minis to be able to fight in Mini Wars. And I want to be able to place bets on the fights.

Though, if we gave minis even just 1 single little itty bitty use, they would be INFINITELY more valuable than they are now.

Minis should finally, after GW1, and into GW2, be Made Great Again, or for the first time, 2016.

And it’s OK players, we’ll make ANET pay for all the development costs to do this. Won’t cost us a penny.


in WvW

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


I’m on Maguuma.

DR, you shouldn’t miss us.

Just pray you wind up on a server that isn’t so dumb as to watch DB and FA take all the bloodlust.

Maguuma is a T3 server for a reason you know.

Cuz it’s full of too many people you shouldn’t miss.

ArenaNet dying from inside??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


GW2 is a 4 year old game.

ANET is handling this 4 year old game fine even if not to my liking entirely.

How much blood exactly do you wish to squeeze out of one stone?

HoT prolongs the life here.

A new expansion will come, I say within a year, 2 tops.

And after that… GW3.

And when GW3 comes out we’ll be right back to where we started… ticking away of the fun, till someone writes a new post and says “GW3 is hurting, is ANET dying from within? bad management?”.

And round and round it goes

GW2 Races need a Chubby option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Ummm. One of my characters is a Norn.

His name is, Big Fat Templar Joe.

Yeah, trust me, there is a “chubby” option.

Anyone Else getting Bored

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Same reason I assume we all stopped playing GW1. Normal to get bored after a while.

HoT really adds to the fun though I have to say.

This game has lots of fun factor for me to go and I’m sure ANET is working on a new expansion as I type this.

What I find needlessly boring though, are legendaries. It’s really not fun for me knowing the most sought after items in the game, farm for months required, are simply Ascended gear with pretty skins.

Not hijacking your topic here. Saying it because though HoT is keeping me around (and easily) the legendary situation here is an EXTREME boring factor.

After my Nevermore I’ll rather eat chalk than farm another skin for months.

Legendaries need damage kick above anything else. But, HoT far outweighs this boring factor for now.

Make World Bosses Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Besides a few snide little comments, the responses here were pretty good.

I can understand the “been here a long time but just didn’t get the portal thing”. I myself didn’t even know the SB pre’s, till recently, that once all done, pop a portal for you to go right to the main fight. Lots of aspects of GW2 you might never really know by a few trials, or many. So much to REALLY understand an event, requires the GW2 wiki. Which is something I hope GW3 doesn’t do. I’d like explanations of things in game, not “alt tab wiki”. Breaks the immersion we have in the game.

So yes, not all people in the packs, are the lazy crowd.

Taking it a step further, I’m sure some people may even be physically impaired. Though a very tiny percentage. Maybe they just don’t want to do the extra movements and dodges etc unless they have to.

But because the percentages of players in these groups are in the 90%+ ranges… and because of words I’ve had in game on the subject over dozens of events and maybe a month, it became evident to me the crowds really were just full of “mostly” the inconsiderate types.

“it doesn’t matter if everything is slower, I just want the path of easy, I could help them over there but nah, I want my loot and that’s it, oh and by the way this boss is too boring anyway, yet here I am, with a mentor tag over my head”.

That about sums up the opposing views on this thread, and in game sadly.

If enough people speak in game, some will be educated on the mechanics and help as one of you mention, and others will be convinced they are affecting people negatively by being lazy and will help, etc.

If even just 5% to 10% of GW2 “pack” people got off their butts and helped, for whatever reason, these bosses would be a lot more fun.

Contributing is so much more enjoyable and fulfilling, than being a loot mooch.

Just a fact of life and something that will help to Make World Bosses Great Again 2016.

We’ve covered all the ground I guess. Been a good read.

Make World Bosses Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


How you might ask?

Well I’ll tell you the number 1 way…

Stop allowing so many players to be lazy, and leach off other people who put in most of the effort.

Yes a perfect example, Shadow Behemoth.

Such fun helping others destroy portals while 95% of guys stand in one little spot and just wait for you to finish. Only 1 in 10 matches have a decent team of players that don’t do this.

Or better yet, Jormag’s Claw… ever so cool to watch 90% of guys stand in one little pack, uselessly attacking a dragon that can’t be killed before the next burn, but they can’t lift a finger to aid the golems. New people exist and won’t know better, but the 90% figure is consistent and veterans have zero excuses for this. Just lazy.

Oh here’s a great one… super super awesome watching 90% of people at Mega Destroyer, stand in one spot, waiting for 5 others to peck away at a veteran harpy for a minute, they are too lazy to walk 5 seconds to across the way to help fight. Oh how laziness abounds.

Yes the number one way ANET can Make World Bosses Great Again 2016, is to light a fire under the feet of all lazy GW2 players that make every other GW2 player have to put in the effort for them. I say lazy not to start a fight here. It’s just truth. Perhaps you’d prefer “equal contribution challenged individuals” ?

ANET should maybe… drop Asuran nuclear bombs on all the pack players at Shadow Behemoth just standing in one spot the whole time, to teach em a lesson.

Maybe when Mega Destroyer veteran harpy to the west is taking too long to kill, ANET should just make the lava sweep up and kill the entire lazy pack doing nothing.

Maybe ANET should take a giant golem and drop it on the pack of players at Claw of Jormag who are too good aka lazy to aid a single golem.

Yes there are other great examples of players seeking the easiest way to let others do their work for them, but these are some prime examples.

If you’re one of these kinds of players I understand you think it’s ok, it’s fine, it’s just a game, etc.

Though, you could try being a little bit more helpful regardless, instead of making everyone else take longer to finish an event, while you leach the rewards of their labor.

Just a thought on how to Make World Bosses Great(er) Again 2016, and yourselves better in the process.

Suggestion, Patron Membership

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245



Or you could just use that 10 to 15 bucks and say…

Buy gold for waypoints.

Buy some remote bankers.

Buy some MF buffs.

etc, etc, etc.

No need to have a “membership” for something you can buy with cash every month anyway.

GW2 can offer no monthly membership perks beyond what you can buy anyway, without going against what they designed this game to be:

Free to play after purchase, with no monthly fees. For anyone.

Willing or not.

Nevermore- Worth It

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Since legendaries are basically skins, the short answer = no, it’s not worth it to many many people. Like myself.

Having said that, ANET didn’t try to make Nevermore so expensive. But ANET made the mistake of tying its crafting cost to TP prices, which are influenced by players.

Now Nevermore costs twice to make in terms of gold value, as it did 6 months ago. As in it takes a LOT longer to farm one to completion.

All for a legendary that hits no harder than a common ascended weapon.

I really hope they rethink legendaries on many levels, mainly their character doll attachment for looks only use, and the costs tied to TP player manipulated pricing.

Make Gift of Exploration a PvE Track

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


There should be no exploration track. Ever.

You either do it or you don’t.

Pretending you did it through a track, would always take away from the hard work of people that actually do it.

As it stands with me though I’ll never do it again as I currently hate legendaries lackluster stats.

Make Movement Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Responses summed up:

1) I can dodge. I can Greatsword ranger fly past enemies. Etc. Though often you still get caught (skill cooldowns etc). But it will always feel unrealistic and wrong, to force me into slow down mode, as if my mind has been possessed by a Demon of Slowness, every time some stupid little monster pecks at my shin.

2) I’m glad to see others feel the same way about being forced to walk through invisible molasses.

3) I understand this is a game and games have rules. You won’t see me complaining about chess knights only moving in L shaped routes; however, GW2 should be emulating reality in such matters, not inventing turtle paced versions of reality to force me to take longer to just run past say, worthless monsters 99% of the time I’m not going to bother killing anyway.

4) ANET would have little problem implementing a “fix” in this regard. And as for the need to revamp AI etc as some of you mention, no, nothing would need to change that way as I’ll quickly explain below.

The concept of move fast = not as guarded. Guarded = move slower. Is a simple one.

Just increase damage taken when people chose to unguard speed/normal move through default “guard” situations, and be done with it all. No need to rethink the wheel AI wise etc.

The game doesn’t end when I pop stone signet and a stability skill. The monsters don’t go AI crazy and beg ANET for help because they can’t “slow me down”.

It’s all very simple.

1 philosophy says leave things alone cuz you like being turned into a turtle, and often.

1 philosophy says let me run fast if I want to run fast and damage me more if I override the “guarded” state.

Only 1 of those philosophies actually Makes Movement Great Again 2016.

And it aint the first philosophy.

I’d talk about why ANET made me able to outrun a centaur or a leopard, but, that’s just an odd thing I doubt they’ll fix (though, they should, and could easily).


"Experienced only" for new raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Or just start a group with “Experienced Only” in the title, and have fun laughing when they realize you aren’t experienced.

GW2 is fun in so many ways.

Want more players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


I personally don’t like PvP 5v5… but WvW trust me, it’s really easy to just find a mass of people and wade in with them and do whatever. Not a huge learning curve.

A lot more fun to me than dealing with “meta builds” and stuff in normal pvp.

WvW is just a whole new cool for gaming. Sure there are people who act stupid and try to trash talk but it’s rare and hardly ever thrown your way unless you’re outspoken a lot.

I am and take some heat from a few guys on Maguuma but I have fun with it so all’s good. Easy to make friends there.

WvW has lots of fun. Lots of different kinds of fighting. More laid back than you’d think, if you want it to be. Your age you mentioned doesn’t matter at all.

It’s definitely my GW2 endgame, though PVE is still cool in some areas.

Few things as cool in gaming, as watching a zerg of enemies, attacking a zerg of other enemies, and your group portals in and wastes em all.

Or watching 2 guys beating up one of yours, and you join in and together slaughter em both with impunity.

Oh the memories.

Maguuma… (salute)

Make Legendaries Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Summing up my responses in this post.

I already know ANET had reasons for doing what they have done with legendary power equaling ascended weaponry. I can think of lots of good reasons myself, not discussed here; however, it will always be a flawed decision to me regardless, no matter how many people think Legendary = Ascended skins, is something a majority of people would prefer grinding for.

Designing legendary power around the common ascended weaponry, makes legendaries as many of you have agreed with (but seem to like), skins.

If you think people would leave the game because legendaries have +5 stats per 1 hand use over the next tier of weaponry under them, instead of +0 as it is now over ascended gear, I simply beg to differ.

People who put the time into crafting/buying a legendary, earned it. If all you want to do is use common ascended drop, or crafted ascended, fine. You deserve nothing more in terms of power.

But I guarantee the daunting task of scrounging gold and material for a simple skin, being what a legendary truly is, will have seemed so pointless to so many people, many of them will have left the game already in search for a grind result with actual kick beyond what you can get from easy to come by ascended gear. Albeit prettier.

I for one will not leave, but I will never, ever, ever… be lured into saving up for a legendary, aka skin, again.

Only finish this Nevermore because I’m mostly done already.

This whole topic just fully dawned on me a few days ago when I found myself laughing at the prices of some skins and what people pay for them, only to realize i paid even more for my skin… Kudzu.

No more.

We should have power in accordance to what we put the effort into getting. Not nerfed power to appease the people not willing to flip the bill.

AKA, ascended weapon users.

No flame topic here. Just stated my thoughts and moving on from this post.

Make Movement Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Well, by great again, I guess I really mean, great for the first time.

Yes for some people they must love running past some worthless enemy and PECK, oops it touched you, time to run slow for 10 seconds.

So fun running slow for such a thing you know.

But for the rest of us, it’s just REALLY annoying.

If I want to run at top speed through an enemy let me do so.

If you want me to take extra damage because I hit a key to exit slow combat movement when it occurs, sounds good to me.

But PECK, oops, slow mode ensuing… let’s go slow just because a game detected damage aggro on me, is unrealistic movement times 10.

Or as Vegeta would say, horrible movement in game times 9000.

Please make movement not be so unrealistically annoying.

Every, single, time, i, play.

“Run for your lives”…. “Sorry sir, can’t, the zombie punched my arm a few seconds ago, I’m unable to run fast”.

Oh how glad I am this never happens in real life when I’m running from zombies.

Make Movement Great Again 2016. As in before you ANET people added slow move to your beta.

We players don’t even have to pay for it. We’ll get ANET to do it for free.

Make Legendaries Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Yes I said that.

Anyway, Legendary items are basically ascended item skins. It’s disheartening to think about.

You can grind for months and months to scrounge gold and materials for a Legendary Kudzu for example, yet in the end it does exactly the same damage, as an Ascended longbow.

Months of grinding away just to say, “look how legendarily pretty this might as well be an ascended longbow looks called Kudzu… it’s so pretty it had to be called legendary”.

Can you ANET people please make legendaries, actually ‘hit’ in a legendary way? Give them some function beyond “you can change stats blink of an eye, how legendary” ?

A legendary item, seems to me, should hit harder or at least do something to the enemy besides say, “legendarily sprout flowers on your enemy’s head”… or, “legendarily sprout flowers wherever you step”… or the best… “that bow looks so pretty it’s LEGENDARY”.

Even just a little bit tougher… a little bit harder hitting… some new power… anything ?

Anything other than, nothing.

Don’t get me wrong I love my Kudzu. Looks awesome up close, but to spend so much time on a legendary item, just to have it be a prettier version of an ascended weapon, is sort of, NOT very legendary.

I actually got my Kudzu months ago, but did my grinding without even reading what legendary items do. I knew it was the best longbow in game so I got it. It was a pretty big disappointment learning it, was just pretty. Nothing more to even talk about.

That’s a lot of time to spend in a game, in a hyper inflation GW2 economy, where my Nevermore I’m creating costs about twice what it would have 6 months ago (judging from guides posted then VS economy now, though we do earn somewhat more as well, but not that much more, not even close).

All for in essence, a skin.

Please make legendary items be distinguished in power, from easy to come by ascended gear.

Please help to Make Legendaries Great Again 2016

List of Upcoming WvW Polls

in WvW

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


I wish you’d add more PVE to WvW… some serious hurt.
Enemies that roam the skies.
Environmental damage stuff like acid rain, a tornado, dragon in the sky raining hell on us etc.
Cataclysmic stuff.
Throw the kitchen sink at us and don’t leave WvW so much cookie cutter “my zerg’s bigger than your zerg oh look the tag was killed let’s all run around like ants or better yet chickens without our heads”.
Make it so PVE randomly can occur on a zerg and wipe half of em out… tough luck… but we all have to go through it so no one should complain. Spice things up a little.
Oh, and while yer at it… #MakeTheWvWJumpingPuzzleGreatAgain (by making it worth lots of points to hold, but flush out the whole thing after a few hours so it’s a free for all multiple times a day).
File this away under “Off Topic Requests”.
OH ONE MORE THING… let each account have the ability to catapult themselves anywhere they click on the map… one time per 24 hours per account. ANYwhere.
Make for some fun times.

Poll Either Or ?

in WvW

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


Having an either/or poll is a littler frustrating in that many people like myself will want to prioritize some of either polling option.

You need a 4th polling option.

“Anet, please light a fire under your feet and do both”.

Anything you do will be appreciated I’m sure… as the last patch for WvW is really good, and what you’re offering should be at least as appreciated, but looking at that list of “what will we do next” just made me wish it was a “select the 8 you want most” list instead.

BTW… please nerf cloaking waters. It’s fun, but even more annoying when you don’t own it.

Maguuma + DR, signing off.

Use 2 accounts/passwords on 1 pc ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CrusaderMichael.9245


i want to know if i can log in with my brother’s account, from my place. I have a different account than his and we live in different places.
Asking because i had the final cut scene of trinity fight completely muted after a driver fix, and i have no free character slots to trigger a similar “video” cut scene, not just the character models talking part.
I’ll make sure we aren’t both logged in while i troubleshoot the problem.
I figure the initial video scene after character creation is similar to the scene (in terms of tools you used etc). Which is why i want to test it on a new character (again, i don’t have a free slot to test this, why i want to use his account, on my computer).
The sound problem i fixed was driver related with sb recon 3D conflicting with nvidia’s slightly, and causing a slight skipping in your videos, and it may or may not have handled the problem, though the skipping is now entirely gone and i’m solid at 60 fps (except lion’s arch, where i get about 50 where crowded).
Need to test it before another story scene is possibly muted on me.
Is this ok for me to do ?