Showing Posts For Cyber.1798:

Stomping time in wvw

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


3 words:
interrupts and stability

Turn the gauntlet into a public duel arena.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


i like the “/duel” option, but then we face the question of
“would ur character be upleveled for the duration of the duel?”
would ur character remain under the zone restrictions?

clearly a condition build would have an advantage over a burst build in low level zones because the burst-scaling system sucks…

what happens if ur public duel is interrupted by an event? or a mass of enemies? who wins? can u duel While the event is on? or are you in an instance? and if u’re an instance, why not just go to pvp if u cant be in that zone? and if u AREN in an instance, then how would u retain ur lv 80 scaling against that zone? it could become abusable etc…

good suggestion, i like it, but there’s gonna be a lot of work in it, and people would question spvp existance sometime… but still, i like it.

We could also have a Gauntlet room setup near waypoints, much like that arena in plains of ashford waypoint, where you can enter, join a side, and fight to the death. hell, the kills could also be part of the Heart achievements or daily achievements

Longbow #3 stealth vs Barrage #5?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cyber.1798


When you hit a player with barrage it counts as an attack and attacks cancel stealth.
Skills like Caltrops and Choking Gas do not “attack” players they simply apply effects within an radius. If said skills also ticked damage they would be attacks and cancel stealth but they do not.

thank you for the explanation.
i’ve been going through my posted topics, and u’re always the first one to comment on my posts.
so thank you, for caring and for doing your part on the forums:)
+1 cookie for you.

Longbow #3 stealth vs Barrage #5?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Out of curiosity, when you put up the LB #5 barrage, and then hit a #3 Stealthshot, do any of you notice that the stealth is immediately removed, and you end up in “unstealthed” mode?

Is this because the barrage duration > casting duration of barrage, and still hits enemies after casting it? hence removing any stealth u get just after?

Or another reason?

im just trying to think of ways to use the stealthshot to it’s best potential, and clearly crippling foes with barrage and trying to get behind them is a nono at this point…

unless Anet made it so that you unstealth only if u actually ACTIVATE a skill on an enemy… the way thieves do.

(currently, as a thief u can cast caltrops while invis and stay invis, but unstealth after attacking directly…. whereas u unstealth as a ranger while barrage is still active from prior casting?)

[Take Root] Duration bugged?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hey, So i have been testing the [Take Root] elite skill, and it says that the duration for the seed turrets is 30s.

I have tested this, and they don’t seem to stay for more than 10 seconds or so, clearly not living up to the elite’s potential.

(I know they die fast in fights, which also should be buffed up a bit, but i tested this with no mobs around too…)

Oh well… the 3s invul is always a good “Oh kitten ! Oh KITTEN!!!!” button.

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Female Asura Engineer: Electra Shortfuse
Female Silvary Mesmer: Chaotica Storm
Female Human Ele: Utopia Heart
Female Norn Thief: Heart Hacker

Male Asura (black colored) guardian: Lucario AuraShield (a play on the pokemon, and guardian protections)
Male Charr Necro: WolfenReaper
Male Norn Warrior: I am the Seeker (not my best, but i made that alt 2 weeks ago… all names were taken)
Male Silvary Ranger: Indiana Bow (formely known as IndiaNavi, because he’s blue)

Master's Bond broken?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cyber.1798


weird… i wonder if it’s because i tested it on a low level queensdale zone… could be the kitten power scaling kicking in-.-

thanks for the input though.

World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


are you doing this with alts? I used to have an alt most worldboss locations so they would do those events exclusively. only after repeating the same world boss two or three times without doing any other events inbetween (pre events work, for those events where such exist), your character gets diminishing returns and won’t be able to loot the chest.

as a matter of fact, yes.
for jormag i have my tanky guardian alt nearby and almost exclusively do jormag with it since i maxed it a long time ago.

on that sb, i have my elementalist chick that happened to be there because i need eyes on that event.
when i didnt get loot, it was on that alt which i used only because the event had already started and i didnt wanna take a risk in getting stuck on a loading screen…

so in other words, i should dust off my alts for 1 random event after each jormag/sb run so that i get my loot back?

Master's Bond broken?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cyber.1798


With Master’s Bond trait, prior to the last patch, i used to be able to see numbers go up on my pet whenever we killed a foe.

After the last patch, i no longer see any change in attribute values.
I have tested this for about 2 days now, nothing has changed.

Is this a bug brought by the latest patch?

World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


also, it JUST happened to me on sb (gates of madness) not even 10 mins ago…
I feel like im losing chances at loot… and I wish to know if people are on this…

World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hey everyone,
For a while now, I’ve been having problems where I would do a world boss and not get loot.

Im not just talking about the daily yellow chest, but also about the big chest in the middle.

I am even the one that jumpstarted jormag and sb once, and i got a gold medal for the event, and zero awards.
Considering i have been busy at work recently, and barely playing a few (spread out) hours in the week, then i am 100% sure that it’s not because i “already did it”…

the chests just never show up… anyone else having this? because apparent it’s been happening to some in game (snapshot)


Something "off" with GROUND skills' range

in Thief

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Yeah its always been like that. If you wanna get more confused, find a target at exactly 900 range, shortbow #1 hits, pistol #1 out of range

so is this a bug in range? or bug in weapon range description? or what?

has it been reported?

Something "off" with GROUND skills' range

in Thief

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hey guys,
Am I the only one that feels that “ground targetted” skills seem to have a much shorter range than described?
This applies for “Blink on mesmer” and Shadowstep on thief…

Here’s a few snapshots of the following events:,d7Uk5So,hrl3nG6,JzXG7Pw,6n8WY6w,oTZ8jOL,nIF1p9G

-I tried to attack a mob from a <900 range distance with my fast-target clusterbomb, the attack wouldnt go off
- turned off fast cast to see if im attacking right, and if anything changes. still no attack.
- attacked with Trick shot (which also reads range = 900, same as the ground cluster bomb) and it … HITS?

Somehow, 2 skills of the same range.
on worked. on didnt.
one is auto attack, one is manual ground targetting.
I didn’t move in between pictures, nor did the target.

Please someone explain why the range on ground targetting skills seems 700-range affected as opposed to their claim of 900?


New Build in 3 Hours is inaccurate

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


SAME HERE. I think we should be compensated for this lack of warning. Sure we knew the patch would come out on this day, but uaually it wou;d’ve been put in like 3 hours ago. They NEED to tell us at least a day ahead of time when exactly the patch will be implemented so we don’t end up wasting our time

same here… but my rant is about world bosses… close but no cigar.

6/25/13 patch discussion thread [merged]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyber.1798


The problem is that ANet EXPECTS an initial reaction to mesmer and ranger (even boonmaster-eles) …
But they also expect us to kitten soon and find other things to do..
for example: it is STUPID obvious that mesmer sword (blurred frienzy) was nerfed BIG time not because the skill was op… it has been a gd skill to use only bcos it’s similar cooldown with leap…
No. they nerfed the hell out of sword mechanic ONLY to “advertise” and market their new cutie-pie of a piece of kitten of scepter because some developers got a frontal wedgie from his poor excuse of a new condition…
With all due respect arenanet… I’ve been working on leveling my mesmer for a month now, it’s been my baby, i spent almost all my money on exotic gear and weapons not even a week ago… and now? all worthless. you literally KILLED the race. it does NOT promote new builds, in fact, your ruined most viable builds, especially with illusionist celerity becoming trait25….
I’m boycotting playing mesmer and ranger. If you players have ANY shred of dignity and respect to your OWN CREATION… you would do the same.
Sorry arena net… but my mesmer is NOT yours. it’s mine. I leveled it, i fought with it, i spent weeks baby-ing it… you don’t have the right to just kill the profession simply because of your sorry excuse for PvP tests…
Get your best developers and have them meet us in WvW on their new mesmers… if they survive the onslaught, i’ll rest my case.

Patch Notes Up! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


The problem is that ANet EXPECTS an initial reaction to mesmer and ranger (even boonmaster-eles) …
But they also expect us to kitten soon and find other things to do..

for example: it is STUPID obvious that mesmer sword (blurred frienzy) was nerfed BIG time not because the skill was op… it has been a gd skill to use only bcos it’s similar cooldown with leap…
No. they nerfed the hell out of sword mechanic ONLY to “advertise” and market their new cutie-pie of a piece of kitten of scepter because some developers got a frontal wedgie from his poor excuse of a new condition…

With all due respect arenanet… I’ve been working on leveling my mesmer for a month now, it’s been my baby, i spent almost all my money on exotic gear and weapons not even a week ago… and now? all worthless. you literally KILLED the race. it does NOT promote new builds, in fact, your ruined most viable builds, especially with illusionist celerity becoming trait25….

I’m boycotting playing mesmer or ranger. If you players have ANY shred of dignity and respect to your OWN CREATION… you would do the same.

Sorry arena net… but my mesmer is NOT yours. it’s mine. I leveled it, i fought with it, i spent weeks baby-ing it… you don’t have the right to just kill the profession simply because of your sorry excuse for PvP tests…

Get your best developers and have them meet us in WvW on their new mesmers… if they survive the onslaught, i’ll rest my case.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


If they fixed the speed stacking of temporal curtain, then i don’t really mind… the pull is quite strong. and able to affect multiple enemies.
Considering that the offhand sword takes roughly the extra second to cast the dazing shot, i don’t think it’s a big problem to force the 1 second delay…

granted i wish it we could toggle that “luxury” feature…

That being said… if they HAVENT fixed temporal curtain’s speed stacking , then i’m rly disappointed that they would go through lengths to add a “fix” that no one requested over a HUGE known problem in the same skill…

What IS a focus really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


The title asks it all… We know what a sword is, a spear, scepter, gun etc…

What IS a FOCUS?
I tried googling it but I can never get anything that even resembles the items that symbolize a “focus” in gw2.

The only thing I can think of is that it’s just there to represent some inner “chi” or power concentration from the person’s own body… but I’m just throwing random ideas here…

Soo… anyone has any idea?
please and thank you ?:)

Screen goes black

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


yeah… happens to me quite often…
if the screen isnt black, the enemies would usually be invis… and good luck with THAT.

Incoming Rescue Beacon for pve/wvw?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hey everyone.
The title wording still bugs me but that’s how I see it.

How many times did you see a downed/defeated player on the minimap and go:
“Oh, let me go help them!” And you start running briskly towards them.

“wait, they just ported away… i was going to help them get that tough thing they wanted…”

Another day, the same thing happens. But this time, you tell yourself that you’re gonna WARN THEM that you’re coming to rez them and help them… especially since the event they’ve been after is under time limit or almost completed, and you want to save the trouble of starting all over…

Problem is? by the time you start typing in chat (assuming you have the right /m /l mode ready), and with the low chances that the defeated player is actually paying attention to chat? most of the time you waste time typing a msg then getting there…

So what it is? Type a warning? or keep running like mad man?

I want to suggest: NEITHER.

I want to be able to not only SEE that there’s a downed player on my minimap, but I also would like to be able to double click his icon on the minimap and send out a notification, or a distress-beacon-acknowlegment for them.

They would simply get the friendly “A noble soul is coming to your rescue” message with a gentle sound, and they’d know i’m coming instead of admitting defeat and porting away…

Some of us might have to port waypoints far far away and start over,,, when a friend was coming by…

Allow us please to be able to double click on a defeated/downed player icon on minimap, and automatically send out a warning that we’re coming to help…

i mean… gw2 is known for its friendly community the most… right?

GW2Stuff Timer Overlay risks?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Fail to see how this can ban you. It’s more of a hassle than having a second monitor with the full site open on the other screen, seeing as you’re blocking a fair amount of your view with it. It’s not like it hooks into your game and plays it for you. If you don’t have a second monitor, if you have a phone or tablet, you can use that as a second screen to open that site if you want, to keep your screen less cluttered.

well u can have transparencies and whatnot on it, took me about 5 mins to set it up so that only events that hit window appear there, and not blocking my view.

I personally can’t have 2 screens open while playing because my videocard is weak, and it would lag out my movements if dual-screening

GW2Stuff Timer Overlay risks?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


I use it all the time. I haven’t had account problems. Entire guild has used it too, no reported issues.

It makes use of released API for GW2, so pretty sure its “legal” to use.

Thanks for the reply.
I always wondered why aNet wouldn’t release it’s own <subscribed timers> in game.

i.e I put a checkmark on some events I’m waiting for all day.

When that event hits window, I get a popup IN GAME on the left or topside, much like an iphone notification, that the event started. even if i was in a different zone altogether and halfway across tyria.

hacked account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyber.1798


my new character names are just a face roll across the keyboard. there’s very little chance Loiewsfd Uklfiou ( or the like ) can be found offensive.

Also, if I was your friend, I would never even bother /join or /whisper <your name> lol…

You know… Unless they think you’re a bot whose name was generated randomly and get you banned for botting xD

GW2Stuff Timer Overlay risks?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Btw, I’ve yet to actually use the program, I’m waiting on a reply if it’s acceptable before doing so, just in case.


GW2Stuff Timer Overlay risks?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hey everyone,
I play gw2 daily, and make sure I never miss the boss events.

It used to be a hassle to always alt-tabbing to my browser, even with Steam Overlay, it got tedious

I’m not advertising, but I am going to post a hidden link so that Tech-support or other players know exactly what I’m referring to. (feel free to remove it mods if needed).

I just found this GW2Stuff overlay thingy (beta) for tracking events and dragons.

My question is:
Is there any chance that such game overlays might cause account issues?

I heard that, similarly, TeamSpeak overlay has caused some people to get banned before because the game thinks they are scripting…

Is this is the case for this “luxury” tool?
Any user testimonials out there?

Thank you.


Suggestion concerning Waypoints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


The ONLY thing I don’t mind seeing in the WP system is taking into account fast-traveling to Lion’s arch (LA) when calculating WP costs.

For example: Taking a waypoint from Queensdale to Plains of Ashford costs Y silvers.
However, going to PVP/WvW and taking the azura gate from there to LA is free, then you use the Pink azura gates on the LA island after a 10 second walk and use it to head to BlackCitadel. Then once in black citadel, get the waypoint in the city as close as possible till exist, then teleport to where u wanted to go…

It’s a hastle sometimes, but saves a fortune… I honestly wish the system gets a discount assuming that u’re using that way to travel for long travels.

Mesmer Illusion-Bubble-display

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Clones never overwrite phantasms, so one dodge roll shouldn’t overwrite your oldest phantasm, to my knowledge. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Testing in game right after this post to verify.

I do agree that it would be a nice thing to have, but your concern should be much more about shattering phantasms, not overwriting them.

I actually tested it a few times, if u have 3 phantasms out, and u summon anything (including clones) it will replace a phantasm.

Usually I’d try to shatter them as soon as possible, but sometimes you want to keep the damaging phantasms out for more dmg while doing smthn else… and 1 dodge-roll-too-many and u’re trying to put up the phantasms again… wondering if u have full phantasm yet, or still need 1 more for a full team.

I’m not saying it’s the end of the world, just that it would be a nice feature to have.:)

Mesmer Illusion-Bubble-display

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


As a mesmer, just above the weapon skills, we can see and count how many illusions we currently have out.

My request is : Can we have different color shadings based on whether the illusion is a clone or phantasm?

Perhaps light pink for clone and dark pink/purple for phantasm?

Sometimes, in heated fights, I instantly need to know if I still have any phantasms out in order to kitten whether I shatter “useless” clones, or if I summon another phantasm safely or not. etc.

I usually keep count in my head, but 1 false dodge-roll-clone-summon too many and u just replaced ur oldest of 3 phantasms by accident without knowing…

It just helps to visually know who’s out there on the field.


Show all cooldowns

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


If you mean cooldowns on sigils/runes/food-chances mechanics and whatnot? I’m down for that. As long as we are able to enable/disable them from our settings.

perhaps even an option to relocate them in a place where it doesn’t crowd our buffs and sigils bar or hamper our profession mechanics

Guardian Staff 1 effect?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


+1 for this. The only way I know I hit something is by looking for the numbers.

Thanks for the support.
I too look for the numbers to guess if i hit someone…

Hopefully others share my feeling about that skill.
Staff is very underrated but it’s actually quite strong in an AH build…

But I remember distinctly that the staff auto #1 was the reason I hated playing staff from the start.
And still a reason why i cringe when attacking with it even with full exo gear and weaps…
It’s never a favorite and I strongly believe that the effect is PARTLY why.

I even suggested a stupid effect that I’m fine with :P

Event weapon skins in gem store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798



I’ve probably spent about 120 (real life) dollars on the gem store not because I’m an idiot, but because I actually want to support Anet (after all, i am studying to become a video game designer… but i digress).

And I personally work long hours, and i barely have the time to do my daily achievements… I saw the dragon event stuff, and the first thing that came to mind was :
OMG i want those wings, i want that and i want that.

The second thing that came to mind: Holy crap 100 000 candies? 2000 chests opened and still no skin drop? I don’t have the time for that…
And thus i lost interest in the event altogether…

I know that pay-to-win is a no no in any MMO, but this isn’t pay to win ArenaNet… This is Pay-for-luxury.

What I would suggest is that DON’T sell them WHILE the even is going. Instead, sell them AFTER the event is done.
And even better, why not making it a combo? Say I managed to collect about 75% of a skin (say the dragon skins).
You make it so that AFTER the event, i can trade off everything that i have accumulated towards that skin or achievement, and purchase the missing difference in gems post-event.

That encourages me to do the event in order to save money, but ALSO relieves me that if the event ends while i havent finished yet, then my grinding time wouldn’t have been wasted (as has happened with many events before…) .
Instead , i can just pay what is owed/missing towards that achievement in gems AFTER the event is over…

Instead of having useless junk hoarded and stashed in my bank hoping that the event will be exactly the same next year so that they don’t go to waste…

I win because I can get the skin i wanted both ways, and arena net wins because they get money from gems AND customer satisfaction that they will never be screwed over by working hard in vain for an event that ended…


Guardian Staff 1 effect?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


I don’t know if this has been brought before, but I have to ask.

Is there ANY way that the guardian staff 1 (The cone attack) gets a better effect?
Seeing as it’s currently almost invisible except with a couple “dust particles”, it’s really hard to tell whether you hit someone or not when they are swirling around you…

It also FEELS like you’re not doing any damage at all… and is one of the reasons why the staff angers me sometimes…

Can we actually have like a light blue cone or prism with some twirling tiny stars or smthn coming out of it?

Not too strong to the point of blinding/blocking our game view, but just enough for us to see where the cone is actually going? at least from our perspective’s view?

Since it hits up to five people at once in it’s 120ish angleview, perhaps even a more opaque white/lightblue lign at every 5th sub-angle? roughly 30degrees? anything to boost out autoattack vision is appreciated.

Heck, I don’t even think it has a “registered hit” effect except if they are lit on fire by VoJ… at least it’s not the case on my screen… I am running this game on medium settings like most of my friends who play it.

Please and thank you?

(edited by Cyber.1798)

minor bug: Light Dragon Helm vs Blindfolds?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Minor bug that actually worked out for me:

So I tried to apply the dragon helm skin (dragon skin reward) on my Tahlkoma (mind my spelling) light exotic blindfolds, and for some reason the blindfolds actually stay UNDER the dragon helm after skin transmutation.

Personally i dont mind it that much, but basically u’re walking around with a combination of both helms, and if u un-equip the dragon helm, only the blindfolds will show.

Again, i actually think it looks cool to have both on, but it becomes impossible to change the color of the blindfolds under the helm…and i figured that maybe someone out there wouldn’t appreciate that.
and its not like the dragon skin can be collected commonly for testing purposes

So i just thought of pointing it out in case someone else had this issue.

PS: i tried equiping/unequipping, and changing the helm to an older one, etc, but once i put the dragon helm back on, the visuals are the same even after logout.
if u want a screenshot, i can post one after i wake up

That is all, back to getting my ash kicked in Dragon ball…:P

Mesmer speed stacking problems?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


most the ones i found are just people kittening about the need for more speed on mesmer, or calling for a buff etc, or people asking for signet of inspiration to give out only speed and aegis when outside of combat etc.

so yeah, I tried looking up quickly , but usually 7 minutes of skimming through multiple threads is enough for me to start a thread about it .

that being said, thanks for the answer. i’ve been noticing non-speed-stacking for a while, i just couldnt put my finger on it till recently.

Mesmer speed stacking problems?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hey everyone, looked for duplicate, didn’t find any so:

When out of combat: I roam with focus solely for the speed boosts, and the signet of inspiration for random speed buffs.

I noticed however that IF i obtained a boost from signet of inspiration FIRST, then no matter how many times i walk over the focus’ Veil boost, i do not get any speed stacking.

It doesn’t matter if i have 10 seconds or only 2 seconds left on my signet’s speed boost, the focus skill just doesn’t add speed to me, and i’d be LITERALLY wasting an entire offhand weapon and skill cooldown at that moment…

Is that meant to be ? or a bug?

thanks for your time.

Sigil stacks disappear after char-screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hello, I’m not sure if this is a bug, or if intentional. Regardless though, this is just a “Bad” thing that i never noticed before, and that i believe is a bug.

If you had some sigil stacks, such as stacks from my “minor sigil of corruption”, and you switch characters or simply log-out temporarily or visit the character screen to check on achievements, all the stacks you’ve collected simply “disappear”…

It’s a shame because i play intermittently because I do some work in between, and i find it “tedious” to have to rampage through 25 mobs every time i go to the character screen, simply to regain the 25 stacks i lost without every getting downed. It’s a waste of time, and non-deserving if you never got downed.

Please fix? Whether a bug or intentional, i don’t believe this should be the case.:)
Thank you so much.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cyber.1798


it’s downright impossible for me to read through all those pages, but there’s 2 things i noticed about arcane power:
1- Arcane retribution says it gives you arcane power (which should be 5 next critical attacks) at “75%” health. This never happens, in fact, I stood still many times testing this, and only ONCE out of the 10 times i did this, did it activate arcane power, and it was no more than 33% of my health… not 75.

2- Even if this actually activated, the “buff” only stays active for 2-3 seconds… if anything it should have the same cooldown as it’s original form of 30 seconds OR “5” hits ( which if u ask me, is more like 2 hits sometimes…)

Tokens not an item please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


I agree that tokens should be in record form.
And if a craft requires them, they can be pulled into the crafting list as well…

The better alternative i guess would be to be stored in a crafting bank slot with 10000 stacks for example and not have the need to carry them on you at all times for any purchase…

There’s WAYYY to many times of coins and tokens to store..

Multi skill-autocycling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hello, This is my first post so please bare with me.

Currently , you select ONE of your skills, whether it’s an attacking skill, utility skill or elite and set it to “Auto-cycle”.

The problem is that u can only have the ONE skill on that cycle.

Is there a chance we can have multiple (unlimited) amounts of “auto-cycled” skills?

And if 2 of them were to conflict at the same time, then they just simply execute 1 after the other based on the order you selected them for cycling?

- Having 3 thief venom utility skills on auto-cycle since u want most of them active all the time, and u sometimes forget to use them.
- Having the guardian summon-spirit weapons (3 of them) set to auto-summon (without destroying obviously). Note that spirit weapons are currently un-cycleable with the current system.
- Having the necro minion summoning utilities on cycle (not the auto-destruct secondary)
- Having the elementalist’s glyphs of elemental summoning utility/elite skill on cycle.

Heck, even having certain “weapon skills” on cycle as well if u were currently swapped to that skill would be nice.
For example “setting myself on fire with guardian zealot flame” or the elementalist “shields”…

Thank you for your time in reading this.

Trading Post Armor Type Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyber.1798


I really like this idea. Being able to filter armor based on “Heavy”, “Medium”, “Light” is very handy. We already have the option to sub-search, why not add this filter as well?

Also, it would also be nice if we could “sort by” the highest individual defensive state of that armor. I know that stats are different based on how u spec and how important 1 stat is for u than others, but the individual Main defensive stat is universal and you should be able to sort the results decreasingly