Showing Posts For DBR.9876:
1,021 hours
2,290 deaths
43,828 kills
61% map completion
150 gold
4,819 achievement points
Another reason people may not want to gvg is that it gives away certain strategies that gives those guilds an edge against other guilds in wvwvw. You wouldn’t notice these strategies if you just get ran over by them in say five seconds, but would when in a direct confrontation with them and only them.
I definitely feel that this is probably the biggest reason for a lot of the more prominent guilds that don’t want to do a GvG fight. Standing face to face with another group lets them see your critical group comp and weapon setups that otherwise would effectively remain proprietary within a guild. GvG effectively sets a guild up to have all of their commanding and compositions scrutinized into the ground, rendering the advantage had by being months ahead of the meta-game null and void. I am 100% behind any guilds that refuse to GvG as I don’t want to see the work done internally by dedicated theory crafters within guilds go to waste.
I would just like to point out, that if the tier 1 servers absolutely destroy the other servers, their ratings will actually increase further so that the poor matchups happen less and less often.
I think this will be pretty interesting. It’ll be nice to mix it up and fight some new opponents.
Also, when will this new matchmaking process be going into effect? It doesn’t say in the news post.
Hope some guilds see the senses to join JQ. Hot competition of jq vs sor and iron made a mistake going to sor and just killing the chances of balance considering its been fairly stable sor being ahead by far for weeks now. Sor will stay ahead till some guilds get bored or others move to jq. All coverage aside the score is perfect proof of the current imbalance in the grand scheme
Rewriting history a bit. SoR had the weakest coverage of all 3 t1 servers. No one could foresee that JQ would start bleeding guilds. At the time Iron made the choice SoR was the best choice as far as balance is concerned.
Using this quote and going off of what your TW friend said above it seems like you guys always had the coverage if you take away EU. You guys are ticking the same as JQ SEA with the return of your guys SEA guilds. So it seems to me you guys always had a chance at winning, but your SEA guilds were not showing up or were testing? Whatever it may be adding a EU guild did balance it while your SEA guilds were gone. However now you guys are doing much better with your SEA at least ticking 200 and now the 400+EU. My point I’m trying to make is honestly without IRON if your SEA would’ve been what it is now. You guys could have won in my opinion. Keep up the good fights and good games.
For the past week or so, the est timezone on SoR has been without almost any competition. A night or two ago, Fear and spqr (i think) went into one borderland where we owned nothing. We took back a paper bay, and split pushed a t3 garrison belonging to jq and a t3 hills belonging to bg. Both were taken within minutes of one another. This was at about 8 pm eastern time and there was no resistance to be had. I personally don’t think the changes in SoR are the reasons for our wins. We finally got to where we could compete with the powerhouses of t1, but it seems when we got to that point, they just relaxed their game and decided to not even fight during early NA. As NA servers in tier 1, it should be impossible for 15-20 man groups to flip tier 3 keeps effortlessly during prime time.
JQ BL has been terrible this afternoon for me. Disconnected 3 times in a matter of 20 minutes. None of these occurred during large engagements. My skills would just stop working and just I would disconnect. Other times, I was standing still and my health would drop to 0 as the skills of other players seemed to all trigger at once. I really hope this gets fixed soon.
It seems that the recent recruits to BG have overall made T1 NA a much better place. Competition is high, BG and JQ are now nearly of equal strength and hopefully neither will now claim the win week after week.
SoR is still behind JQ and BG in regards for the race to number one but we still are a significant presence than cannot be ignored.
At least T1 NA isn’t like the posts I read of T1 EU, and that is all that really matters in the end, high competition and lotsa fun to be had by all.
- Sincerely an SoR Milita member.
sor milita really?
come on dude don’t post this after we got 10 previous score update with bg ticking @ 400+
bg is on the way to becoming the na c, i encourage every bandwagoner from dead wvw server to go over there so they can enjoy the 4hours queue and the 600ppt.
this screen shots old, and to be the new vizunah, you’d need to be 100,000+ in the lead already, not just ticking more for the european time zone and a little into na man…. way better then before but not close to vizunah
Look this is real, bg is on the way to become like vinuzah. look at today score update, where is the healthy competition>?
As someone on SoR, I probably had the most fun in a long time this afternoon when we were holding our section of EB and SoR BL as JQ was ticking at 20 PPT. We literally had everyone in WvW in one TS channel so we could properly control all of our forces. In a span of about 10 minutes, BG smashed 7 golems on the gates of our garrison, followed by 5 more golems on the gate of overlook in EB. As much as I like attacking and taking things, the non-stop action was amazing.
I personally restarted the client about 35-40 times and after long last, just logged in and left the client open when I went for dinner discouraged. I came back 30 minutes later and I had gotten the file.
I am having this issue as well.
In my opinion, if you have to ask this question, run PVT. I would say that at least 100 hours at max level when geared is required to really make an educated decision regarding deviating from the standard PVT.
I greatly, greatly disagree with this for two reasons. (And your numbers are way off – skill lag I’ve found caps out at around 10 seconds for me in tier 1 action and if you lower your graphics settings, I have found it prevents the crashes and others have done this with similar results)
For my first reason, the queues are already long enough in the tier 1 servers during NA prime and if they were going to reduce the number of people per map, then they’d definitely need to add more maps to avoid a mass exodus. To give a perspective for Sanctum of Rall, there are currently 387 people online in our server’s teamspeak, I don’t even want to imagine how long the queue would be if the maps were shrunk to this size.
Secondly, a well trained group of 30 with a solid class composition is really the most you need to run around with on a map to really be successful. This group of 30 will be more than capable of wiping an uncoordinated 70 man zerg while another group of 30 is off performing somewhere else. Simply put, if a group is running around in a group of 70, they’re not performing as well as they could be.
My server TS is reporting frequent and unusually high rates of Crashing To Desktop when in WvW tonight, but not being effected when in PvE. Anyone else dealing with this?
Lower down your WvWvW Character limit/quality.That helped for me ! Have a kinda high end system and thought i was able to go all high with the wvwvw limits,but it made me cd alot.Have them now at low ( you barely notice the difference )and no more crashes.
To add to this, I’ve found that I have only had to lower the Character quality. After I dropped character quality to lowest, I have been able to keep the quantity at highest with no crashes.
And here’s another nice screenshot.
(edited by DBR.9876)
Several reasons.
1) loot is just god aweful.
2) Action, and kills, isnt guarenteed. Face it, you generally run around getting a lot less kills in WvW then you would in a PvE event or a dungeon.
3) Lootdrops are scaled based on the ENEMY you kill. If you kill a lv10 player, his lootbag will (most of the time) contain lv10 loot. And there are a ton of upleveld characters in WvW.
4) Events are spread out. The only events you qill frequently do dont award much coin, xp or karma. The really rewarding events, capping towers or keeps, are much harder and rarer because you have 1 (or even two) servers trying to prevent you from doing that.On average i make about 2-3g for playing a day of WvW. Depends greatly on how much stuff we take and a lot of it is from gathering aswell.
By contrast, a fractals run or dungeon run nets me about the same income. And, for me as not an experienced pve player, that takes me between 30min and an hour.This IS a serious issue. Because it will result in dedicated WvW players ending up screwed over badly. I know some think “ow the drama, so you dont get as much gold, whats the harm?”
Simple. As more gold enters the economy you get inflation. And the PvE players can afford the inflated gold prices for items/gear/runes/etc. But for a WvW player it ends up having to save up several days of gold to afford even a single rune
I think this is a bit exaggerated.. In the past 2 days I’ve played WvW for about 6 hours total and made at least 9 gold (actual was more, but food costs take their toll). I am very happy with my 1.5 gold/hour profit as I am doing something that I enjoy. I’m not trying to earn gold and I’m getting quite a bit.
I think WvW is at a pretty good point loot wise. It can be rewarding, but it’s really only rewarding if you are willing to sacrifice for many hours as you pass over the large-scale pvp learning curve. In the beginning, I’ll admit, loot is flat out bad because you struggle to get kills, but after you find a group of players that supplements you well, it is not rare to get over a hundred kills per hour, which translates into quite a bit of loot. I know my guild has adapted to dropping merchants after we take any major objective or make several major defenses. During the span of just one hour yesterday, my inventory was filled up 3 whole times that I needed to find a vendor to empty it. That said, WvW shouldn’t be played as a means of making money – it should be played as WvW.
I would like to add that this lag continues across the entire map. I was in a small 2v2 skirmish over by lake/water about a week ago trying to rejoin my guild in Bay. I heard the commander count down from 3 and the subsequent attack. About 2 seconds after they ran in, I started getting 3+ second skill lag from across the map. (as I was maintaining approximately 45 fps – same as always) I was trying to heal and my heal simply wouldn’t activate. (nor would any other skills work consistently)
To all those saying it is PC related it is not. It is server side and there is nothing that we , the players, can do about it. Arenanet should work to fix this issue as it is most definitely impacting the battles going on and the issue will become even more clear once culling is done away with.
It’s a mechanic in the game. While it may seem annoying if you’re just randomly spamming skills in a smaller group, with effort, you can use the mechanic to your advantage. If you see a teammate downed, finish off his target ASAP. If you see an opponent down, have someone in the midline stomp them (even with a timewarp if absolutely necessary) so they are unable to rally off of one of your team’s deaths. It definitely makes it more difficult for a high-DPS, low-population group to take down a larger force with pure DPS, it also enables a well-balanced group with solid tactics to take down forces that outnumber them more significantly.
Yes, huge thanks to Anet on this one! In a little under 2 hours, I had gotten over 2 gold in profit and 90 badges of honor.
To give an example, look at the attached image.
The difference is that people joined JQ when it was 2nd place, expecting an uphill battle. At least I know I did.
While there may be people (your “fairweather players” types) who joined SOS expecting 1st place. So now that they’re not 1st, they’re… upset.
At this point, since it’s so even, no one really should be “sighing,” it’s a great matchup! Not winning =/= not having fun.
I agree 100%. I am in Tier 1 not to win, but to have fun as isn’t that what the game is all about? I am in Tier 1 to get a challenge, to have some awesome fights, and to have some epic sieges. I want to be in Tier 1, not because I want to be best overall, that really doesn’t matter for me, but I want to be challenged in fights; defeating forces that outnumber myself and my fellow guild members. Of course being first would be absolutely amazing, but that’s not really my goal here.
I’ve watched the level of play within my guild increase drastically in the past week. I followed 2 commanders from my guild that had never commanded to full guild before and found the slight variations in play style great. A little bit of variety to keep our opponents guessing is great. When I logged on today, for the first time that I know of, we were coordinating switching guilds from map to map to be able to apply heavy pressure to certain points. (hello stonemist) I can only see SoR going up from here. We may not have the largest amount of coverage, but we have a great community who knows how to have fun.
Thanks for the competition SoS and JQ – We appreciate it!
If it is an organization issue, I can understand that, we are pretty free-spirited generally. I’ve got more tinfoil hat theories, which I won’t bother putting here, because if they are true, it’s just sad, and if they aren’t, there’s no reason to start rumors.
As a player on SoR, I have to say it’s almost definitely an organization issue. I can count at least 4 times in the past week where I’ve been walking alone back to a group or just roaming solo, where a TC zerg finds me and I run to the corner of a map that has no use to anyone, yet 15+ TC (twice a commander followed me as well in this group) chase me down for well over a minute to get a single kill. At the same time, your zerg gets strung out as a large number is chasing me.
Meanwhile, I have time to let everyone know over map chat where a large group of TC is and give a pretty accurate number as I have no allies that affect culling. I’m not stupid enough to suicide into a group of 15 TC no matter how survivable my build is and I pose an extremely small risk to your group. As you chase me, the strung out zerg makes very easy pickings for reinforcements when they do come.
This is not intended in any way to bash on TC, but I did want to put my input into this thread to know what it looks like from the other side. I love fighting against you guys and wish you all the best of luck in future weeks. With more organization, you guys can be a real force in WvW.
I think resetting everything with tier 1 all having a base of 1800 and descending 100 every tier, reaching a base of 1200 for tier 7 would be the absolutely best option at the moment. I think the major issue right now is that the high servers are just too high to simply reach and the low servers are too low to actually catch up. This will act to solve the issue because it will pull everyone closer together, while still making sure that we don’t have absolutely terrible matchups for the next few months.
If a course of action like this isn’t taken, the only other way to make sure that the current high tier servers don’t have snooze-fests for months is to make matches 24 hours for about 1 or 2 weeks to get back in the swing of things. Right now, I’m currently bored out of my mind in WvW on Sanctum of Rall trying to get to where we can get some competition. Running +500 or more PPT at all hours for a week straight is just not fun for anyone and I want to avoid that.
(edited by DBR.9876)
I can’t relate to this at all. In my last 8 or so hours of play time, I’ve easily received 100 badges which I don’t see as too shabby at all. That said, I have had a ton of kills during this time so that’s probably higher than most can expect.
We are not going to pull out of TC BL and fight BG on two fronts. That would be a disservice to a quality opponent. If BG blows us out so be it, they earned their shot at Tier 1 weeks ago.
You got the right to do whatever you want, ofcourse.
But the result is very, very simple: you are fighting one enemy with half your force and another enemy with the other half. Instead of fighting one enemy with your whole force.
The result can be seen in the score: BG wins 33,000 ranking points and SoR looses 27,000 ranking points. This result will stay that way untill we fight differently.
A lot of SoR is still on vacation/break. I’m sure TC is having the same issue as well. We have been playing with 50-75% less of our usual forces this week and the score shows it.
I’ve been pretty sick as well so I haven’t really been able to duke it out on the battlefield.
Happy New Years to all nonetheless.
While a lot of guilds are missing many players, the overall server population in WvW actually seems higher right now on SoR. Last night there were queues for all borderlands (5 mins for the BL that I went onto, but still a queue). Ironically, there was no queue for EB. I think the difference in score is more of a difference in the number of organized players in the game, rather than a difference in the overall population.
(edited by DBR.9876)
BG still holding strong for as late as it is.
Not sure what SoR is doing. Playing for second place perhaps? Dunno, the strategy does not make much sense to me. It seems SoR has a chance at first if they push BG down during their off hours.
SoR always plays for second xD!
SoR plays for first. Plus people have work and things to attend to. You can’t expect everyone to be on every day at a specific time.
See ya on the battlefield.
If you say so … From what I’ve seen from last week and this week, SoR gets out played by BG at every corner. Picks on TC(easier target for points) and BG does it better. I guess better commanders I suppose.
Just wondering – did you look at BG borderlands on reset last night? SoR had Bay, Garrison, and 3 of the 4 towers on the map. TC had the remaining 2 structures (Hills and their Tower). I personally don’t see what you’re talking about with us picking on TC..