(edited by Delwar.4201)
My guild has experienced disconnection from server and rollback of items whenever we /gg in raid, wipe or kick someone who is stuck in a different instance to re invite them back. Our items disappeared from our inventory, and food we consumed were back in inventory.
Xera DC
We all dced after a wipe during Xera and some folks lost their kill credit from Twisted Castle. (Losing credit for Twisted castle maze wasn’t a big issue for most of us)
After we killed Xera, one person left the raid instance. This caused everyone who was inside to DC and lose the loot they just got from Xera. We had to kill Xera Twice !!!
Here is a screenshot of two folks who got those two items (White mantle portal and ascended weapon chest). After the DC, those two items were gone from their inventory along with other loot from the kill. After our second kill, those same two people got nice exotic drops. Meanwhile my drop from 2nd kill was great compared to the first the xera kill. (1st kill dropped exotic, 2nd kill gave me an ascended )
(edited by Delwar.4201)
KC- Our raid couldn’t even get into KC’s Room without instantly dying to invisible wall.
Worst part, KC starts his timer when we are halfway up the stairs. Cancelled our weekly guild wing 3 run.
VG- Same kitten, after several buggy attempts mentioned similar to above posts. We tried running to VG’s ( We ran not flew there) platform. VG timer started when one raid member was 10 feet away from VG platform. We ended up cancelling the wing 1 raid last night.
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is looking for skilled PvE players who want to complete HoT Raids and other PvE Contents. We are looking for folks who are able and willing to adapt to the guild’s need for specific content.
Our raid nights Mon-Wednesday 8PM Central and 9PM Eastern.
Currently Recruiting
About us
The guild has been active since launch (2012). Most of our members are Adults located around EST/CT zones. Friendly folks, who are also serious about getting kitten done and willing to help others. We are a small guild with a group players who have have cleared the first Raid Wing and hoping to add new members to add our raid team.
Our goal is to do the hardest contents in the game, get better at each of our classes through different content, have fun , and at the same time build a longtime relationship with our members.
About The Guild Leader
Ex-WoW Raider with experience in planning strategies for raid content. Lead several Tequatl raids on Dragonbrand server in 2013 before it was easy with conditions stacking. An accountant in real life, and lives in an Igloo in Maple Land.
Feel free contact the following for questions regarding the guild or an interview: – Delwar The Hunter (Delwar.4201)
-Our Website:
Currently we are looking for:
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is looking for skilled PvE players who are interested in doing the Raids and other PvE Contents. We are excited to recruit folks from different servers not just one server.
We are looking for folks who are able and willing to adapt to the guild’s need for specific content such as playing support, changing from zerker dps to condi dps, etc.
About us
The guild has been active since launch (2012). Most of our members are Adults located around EST/CT zones. Friendly folks, who are also serious about getting kitten done and willing to help others.
About The Guild Leader
Ex-WoW Raider with experience in planning strategies for raid content. Lead several Tequatl raids on Dragonbrand server in 2013 before it was easy with conditions stacking. An accountant in real life, and lives in an Igloo in Maple Land.
Currently we are looking for:
Our goal is to do the hardest contents in the game, have fun at the same time, and at the same time build a longtime relationship with our members. Feel free contact the following for questions regarding the guild or an interview:
- Delwar The Hunter (Delwar.4201)
(edited by Delwar.4201)
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is looking for skilled PvE players who are interested in doing the Raids and other PvE Contents. We are excited to recruit folks from different servers not just just Dragonbrand.
We are looking for folks who are able and willing to adapt to the guild’s need for specific content such as playing support, changing from zerker dps to condi dps, etc. We care about quality not quantity.
Currently we are looking for Condi warrior, zerker eles, and chonomancer, preferably full ascended.
About us
The guild has been active since launch (2012). Most of our members are Adults located around EST/CT zones. Friendly folks, who are also serious about getting kitten done and willing to help others.
We have also recently acquired our own Guild Hall- Gilded Hollow
About The Guild Leader
Ex-WoW Raider with experience in planning strategies for raid content. Lead several Tequatl raids on Dragonbrand server in 2013 before it was easy with conditions stacking. An accountant in real life, and lives in an Igloo in Maple Land.
Our goal is to do the hardest contents in the game, have fun at the same time, and at the same time build a longtime relationship with our members. Feel free contact the following for questions regarding the guild or an interview:
- Delwar The Hunter (Delwar.4201)
(edited by Delwar.4201)
We are currently looking a Condi engineer, Berserker Revenant, and chronomancer. PM me in game or mail me if you are interested.
Our Raid times are on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday 8CT/9EST.
I am waiting for it to spawn too. No Luck.
Just begged a guy to not kill the event leading up to this, he flat out ignored me.
It only takes 1 person wanting to troll to ruin it for people waiting
I had to pay gold to people to not kill the npcs in the event. Yet more shower up and killed it…. like a bunch of hobos…
I don’t know who designed this collection requiring events to fail to spawn a specific event, (s)he should be sacked. We should be trying to complete an event NOT fail it. What is the purpose of failing it ?? Bring RPG !!!
The name Nevermore is suiting for the legendary crafting. Never doing it again.
(edited by Delwar.4201)
You aren’t the only one with the issue. Our guild had the same issue with this race and puzzle.
Our guild got 11min while another guild got 16min !
I finished Auric Basin Map just now, and I didn’t get the chest. Verdant Brink was also done couple of days ago. I got no chest for it either. My character has 100% map completion in Central Tyria.
I have same as issue as the rest. Bought the Airship and Aurilliam Essence yesterday. Both reset today. I had to buy both again today sadly. I bet it will reset tomorrow.
We had the same issues with our guild rush too. Worse thing is, another guild did their race after us. They got more time than us ???? What the kitten !!!.
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is looking for skilled PvE players who are interested in doing Dungeons, high lvl fractals (up to 100 after expansion), HoT Raids and other PvE Contents. We are excited to recruit folks from different servers not just just Dragonbrand.
We are looking for folks who are able and willing to adapt to the guild’s need for specific content such as playing support, changing from zerker dps to condi dps, etc. We care about quality not quantity.
About us
The guild has been active since launch (2012). Most of our members are Adults located around EST/CT zones. Friendly folks, who are also serious about getting kitten done and willing to help others.
We have also recently acquired our own Guild Hall- Gilded Hollow
About The Guild Leader
Ex-WoW Raider with experience in planning strategies for raid content. Lead several Tequatl raids on Dragonbrand server in 2013 before it was easy with conditions stacking. An accountant in real life, and lives in an Igloo in Maple Land.
Our goal is to do the hardest contents in the game, have fun at the same time, and at the same time build a longtime relationship with our members. Feel free contact the following for questions regarding the guild or an interview:
- Delwar The Hunter (Delwar.4201)
(edited by Delwar.4201)
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is looking for skilled PvE players who are interested in doing Dungeons, high lvl fractals (up to 100 after expansion), HoT Raids and other PvE Contents. We are excited to recruit folks from different servers not just just Dragonbrand.
We are looking for folks who are able and willing to adapt to the guild’s need for specific content such as playing support, changing from zerker dps to condi dps, etc. We care about quality not quantity.
About us
The guild has been active since launch (2012). Most of our members are Adults located around EST/CT zones. Friendly folks, who are also serious about getting kitten done and willing to help others.
About The Guild Leader
Ex-WoW Raider with experience in planning strategies for raid content. Lead several Tequatl raids on Dragonbrand server in 2013 before it was easy with conditions stacking. An accountant in real life, and lives in an Igloo in Maple Land.
Our goal is to do the hardest contents in the game, have fun at the same time, and at the same time build a longtime relationship with our members. Feel free contact the following for questions regarding the guild or an interview:
- Delwar The Hunter (Delwar.4201)
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is a friendly mature [PvE] guild located in Dragonbrand server in Guild Wars 2. We are currently rebuilding our rooster and looking for skilled players who are interested in doing Dungeons, High lvl fractals (up to 100 after expansion), HoT Raids and other PvE contents in Guild Wars 2. We are excited to recruit folks from different servers not just Dragonbrand for PvE.
About us
The guild has been active since launch (2012). Most of our members are Adults located around EST/CT zones. We hope to recruit players with who are willing to research their class, aware of their surroundings, capable of adapting, and not afraid of new challenges.
About The Guild Leader
Ex-WoW Raider with experience in planning strategies for raid content. Lead Tequatl raids on Dragonbrand server in 2013 before it was easy with conditions stacking. An accountant in real life, and lives in an Igloo in Maple Land.
Our goal is to do the hardest contents in the game, have fun at the same time, and at the same time build a longtime relationship with our members.
Message the following person(s) in game by mail or pm regarding question about guild or any other rules :
-Delwar The Hunstman (Delwar.4201)
(edited by Delwar.4201)
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is a friendly mature PvE guild located in Dragonbrand server in Guild Wars 2. We are looking for people who are interested in Dungeons, High lvl fractals, HoT Raids and other PvE contents in Guild Wars 2. We are excited to recruit folks from different servers not just Dragonbrand for PvE.
About us
The guild has been active since launch. We are a semi-casual guild and most of our members are Adults located around EST/CT zones. We hope to recruit players with different play-styles and not afraid of new challenges.
We welcome players from any server who are interested in doing difficult and fun contents. We do not allow any of our guild members to be disrespectful to each other or other players in the game.
Message the following person(s) in game by mail or pm regarding question about guild or any other rules :
-Delwar The Hunstman (Delwar.4201)
There is a vendor in the raid instance that gives you ascended weapon/armor/accessories. Can’t get in now though because of squad ui bug .
I have also experienced the same issue. I just did both the skill challenges. Both times right after completing it the game would crash.
At the end of Nightfall they say “This is your world now k bye also here you go Kormir”
That was literally the last time anyone ever heard from them. Excluding that time you summon the avatar of Grenth in Orr to do things with the things.
Kormir is a glory hog…… just like Trahearne
I was doing molten weapon facility at 38.
Rox, Bram, and the pet died during the trash fight right before the steam part.
We didn’t revive them and continued on.When we got to the weapons room, they started to revive themselves and started walking towards the room.
That’s when the bug occurred. The boss started talking but the event won’t continue. The npcs won’t speak their dialogues. We even tried suicide and that didn’t work at all.
It was really frustrating.
I can confirm this bug too. Red Moa/Jungle Stalker both give 16.5 sec boons WITHOUT trait.
I even tested it during combat. The trait is supposed to give 50% boon duration not 0% !!
Edit: Got a guild member to test the issue. The trait doesn’t work for him too.
(edited by Delwar.4201)
Lol don’t expect to get anything at lower lvls. Most people don’t get theirs till later lvls. You are going to have to keep lving up.
I think this is wrong section of the forum to be posting for advice.
holy cow i would definately want that if it looked like that
Also Temple Events & Karka Queen give you 30 dragonite ore.
Half of my guild (50ish) quit because of the constant living story updates. People are rushing to do their achievements for living story before it ends. Eventually they burn out. Some People have to stay on for a long time to finish the 13/13 invasion achievements.
We felt that the past 2-3 living story didn’t leave a lot of permanent changes to the world other than the settlements in southsun and aetherblade jumping puzzle. Who visits the settlements in southsun nowadays ? Not us.
No one even cares about what the story is about and the story isn’t even in the game. Their a short story up on gw2 site about scarlet. Why isn’t it in game ? They could have done a flashback cutscene similar Shiro’s Flashbacks in Guild Wars 1: Factions.
I like the OP’s idea. I hope someone from Arenanet reads it. I already got some members of my guild moving to Final Fantasy XIV and other MMOs. They need to do something about living story.
I want to see a living story that shows the changes in Orr
Hmmm… how to access it?
—> how will Zhaitan’s killers be able to play with others who haven’t killed Zhaitan yet?
They could probably add an option like “Pre-Zhaitan” or “Post-Zhaitan” on the map near where Orr is located that you can turn on and off. It would be a pain in the butt.
Yeah they need to add colour to commanders chat line.
I agree with OP about people having their tag up in LA. It gets annoying when you are trying to wp in LA when the commander(s) are right now it.
But…the tag is a useful tool in PvE content such as Guild Challenges (Save Our Supplies and probably others). I am able to assign waypoints for each spawns/key locations/kite path using the commander waypoints during PvE events(missions, and maybe future dungeons with more than 5 members). Hell even teaching dungeons to new players who just started playing gw2 is easier with waypoints.
We shouldn’t prevent people(who are going to use it right) from buying it because of inconsiderate people who keep their tags up.
Arenanet should disable all commander icons when they zone in a city OR give the players the option to not show commander tags who are not in their guild.
The tag is a useful for Both PVE and WvW when it’s used right.
(edited by Delwar.4201)
That story was interesting.
But why didn’t they save the information and add it as some kind of set of instances in the next LS update? The Pale Tree can obviously read Scarlet’s mind and see what she’s up to, as shown in the story. Just have us talk to the Pale Tree and see the major events of Scarlet’s story play out in a vision type instance.
Why is this not in-game? Some of the short stories would face real challenges to being presented in-game, but this isn’t one of them. A-Net, I like you, but stop doing this!
The misaligned site on the field gun is presumably the site upon which the sight is situated?
Yeah… still not sure how that would effect the sound of the gun… but w/e. >_>
I totally agree with you. Why the hell is this not in game ? I don’t want to read about the lore. I want to see it.
I want a dolyak mount that will hold my crap in open world until I reach a bank.
I was able to beat her with the build posted above by OP and replaced Greatsword with longbow.
Had the pet kill the orbs in P1. The white circle and the aoe in P1 have a pattern that can be used to keep the pet alive until P2. And win with longbow knockback and shortbow stun, cripples
Our guild got the Southsun Crab Challenge. Most of the members outside the party couldn’t see the crab holder, and some of the karkas were invisible to some people. We failed about 4-5 times.
This is going to be a problem for guilds doing guild challenges because folks can’t see their guild mates nor enemy npcs.
(edited by Delwar.4201)
This would be great if they decide to take this suggestion and implement it.
Guild Challenge on Sat 4 , 4p.m. server time. Everyone is welcome
People from other servers are welcomes to join us for guild missions. Representing isn’t mandatory for folks from other server.
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is a PvE guild located in Dragonbrand server in Guild Wars 2. We are looking for people who are interested in doing :
We are a casual guild and most out members are located around EST/PST/CT zones. We hope to recruit players with different play-styles and teach new players if they ask for help.
We are a ZERO tolerance guild. This means be nice or you are no longer welcome. We welcome all and do not allow any of our guild members to be disrespected each other or other players in the game.
Currently we do the following at 6p.m. server , 9p.m. EST :
Our website:
Don’t be scared to message the following person in game by mail or pm:
(edited by Delwar.4201)
I watched a person on my server run up and drop three arrow carts around where you would normally put a catapult behind the door. Burning resources from the tower, and making it impossible to set up a catapult. Enemy server attacked about 5 mins later.
That’s an acceptable tactic. Arrow-carts are faster.
Anet should do ANY of the following:
-Let commander’s (Must have title on) destroy the siege , People can also report the commander.
- Different De-spawn time on siege weapons. For example, Rams should be destroyed after 20 mins whether a person goes on it or not, structure taken, failed attempt at taking. Rams should just de-spawn no matter what after 20 min.
I love the necro sound, “I handraised that minion” and “It had a good life short but good”
I agree with you about the Guild Mass Mail. Me and guild are planning on holding a raffle and best way to send it is by mailing everyone at once. Right now I have to mail everyone one by one which is a pain in the butt.
I have been getting 45 tokens for AC, CM, and TA while my guildies got 60 in the same run. Just putting it out there.
Sentinels of Melandru [SM] is a small PvE guild located in Dragonbrand server in Guild Wars 2. We would like to expand our rooster by recruiting people who are interested in doing dungeons and other PvE contents. We are a casual guild and we use Eastern time zone for our guild events. We hope to recruit players with different playstyles.
We are a zero tolerance guild. This means be nice or you are no longer welcome. We welcome all genders, races and sexual preferences and never discriminate and do not allow any of our guild members to be disrespected or disrespect each other
About the guild leader, I have played World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and Aion. I used to lead PvE raids in WoW and PvP battlegrounds before Burning Crusade. I am friendly and I don’t nerd rage :P.
Our website:
Don’t be scared to message the following person in game by mail or pm:
Delwar The Hunstman (Delwar.4201)
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.