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sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970





Upcoming Skill/Trait Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Despina.6970


If this is real, I guess this means good bye gw2. Beastmaster Ranger will be a joke. Perhabs anet wants all players to reroll thief and messmer, so that they have to balance only2 classes.

Dragon Ball health regen food [Merged Threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Despina.6970


If everbody gets a ban just for taking unfair advantage or making the game less fun for others in a pvp mini game can I then report all premade groups I encounter as a solo queuer in tpvp until matchmaking is fixed? This takes out all the fun too!

Seriuosly can you really blame people to use buff food, if almost every match has a lot of players in them already doing so? I remember a time you could you use some food in wvw that gave you unfair advantages too. Nothing happend then.

4v5 has to stop!

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Just logged in to have a hour or two fun in tpvp. First match I got into was premade vs pickup and we (the pick up team) were 4 from the start. After this one match I didn’t even try to play another match and just logged out. So if anet really wants to keep players in game they should do something about this total fail system. I play such games since DAOC beta and this is by far the worst system I have ever seen. And I think they don’t have to smallest idee who to fix this. All they do is write ‘’ Yeah, we know, we will do something about this in the future …….’’ But no release date is ever given!

7 Days Ban for Leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


People go afk and leave because there is no punishment in place

I think this is wrong. People go afk or leave because they face a premade or 4 vs 5 and the score is already something like 50-300. There is no point to waste more time with this match or give the other team free glory.
So this whole problem would solve itself, if anet would get their stuff together and fix the awfull matchmaking and implement a solo queue. After that is done we should see how it works and then discuss punishment. But I guess anet will make a total fail again and implement punishment before fixing the other porblems leading to a even lower number of people playing pvp.
So I vote for no punishment for leavers or afk, but for a punishment to anet until this stupid system is fixed!

Today, i've had enough.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


I guess at this point anet is not willing to create a solo queue. I think they know that the pvp player base is already so low, that the waiting time for premade would be very long. So, if they don’t split the queues they can hide this a little bit longer.
But I would really like to get a hint from anet what to do as a solo player? Join the stupid spvp zerg fest or go solo queue in tpvp and get 4 vs 5 or premade most of the time. I would say from 10 matches as a solo player 2 are fair, and the rest a waste of time.

sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


I really don’t get it, why ranger should suddenly by tier S. Yes the last patch buffed the ranger pet, but the damage pets were only very slightly buffed. The bears got the greatest buff, but nobody uses them in pvp. All other things remained unchanged.
Any yes the ranger is very strong in 1 vs 1, but in x vs 1 there are much stronger classes and ranger doesn’t bring much group utility.
The other point is, its still fun to fight against a ranger or any other class except thief and messmer. And in spvp there are still 50% thiefs; must be a reason for that.
They are not op, but their stupid mechanic is not fun to play against. In my opinion:
1. Mesmer
2. Guardian
3. Ranger, Engineer, Thief, Ele
4. Necro
5. Warrior

New mechanic! Leaver = 2 hour penalty.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Can you really blame someone for leaving, if you get a premade vs pick up again and the score is something like 300 to 50? It’s a total waste of time.
Anet is to blame for not fixing this stupid system anytime soon.

Reasoning behind features priority

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


I’m sure splitting que will be on their agenda as soon as they have devs available to work on it.

If this will take several more months as it looks right now, there will be no need for split queues any more. The player base in pvp will be to low to support two different queues.

Matchmaking is Awesome

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


At this point I guess anet doesn’t care. The top priority for them is custom arenas, so they could earn money from pvp players. Split queues doesn’t get them money, so no need to rush it.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Perhabs J. Sharp could give the solo players an advice what they should do in this game. Solo queue seems to be not an option any more; in half the games you get setup up vs a premade and in the other half you could have fun if you are lucky and the matchmaking doesn’t put you up with low ranks vs high ranks or 4 vs 5.
Or perhabs we should all follow this strategy: After winning one match go afk in the following 2 or 3 matches so your ratings gets low enough for another match vs a premade.

So J. Sharp please tell me, how the solo player can have fun in tpvp if you are not willing to change this stupid system soon. The promise to change it somewhere in the future (perhabs serveral month) is not really good enough!

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

That’s good to hear. I assume what you have planned is solo/duo Q. so people can Q with one friend if they so wish. Is this an update that is a priority? As in (I know asking for dates right). might we see it ‘soon’ or ‘down the line’.

I guess the statement ‘something we have planned’ means not anytime soon. Otherwise they wouldn’t just delete a new topic with this statement I made.

Fix it please.

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Just wanted to jump in and say thanks for trying to be constructive guys. Solo queue (and splitting ratings) is something we have planned. We just need to finish up other features before we can get to that one.

Wow, after that statement I have to think really hard if I should log in again. My hope and I guess the hope of almost every solo queue player was that this will be fixed in the next update. Locking back to other statements regarding new features I guess this means we won’t see split team/solo queues in the next couple of month. I really hope enough solo players will quit, so anet see’s what epic fail they have made.

Please remove solo tpvp queue!

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Please remove solo tpvp queue from the game. It seems to me it’s a total waste of time. Almost all matches that you get is against a premade or if you are lucky and it’s not a premade you get 4 vs 5. The solo queue option is just an illusion to hide the fact that the player base is already so low that anet cannot aford to split solo/premade queues.

So please tell me what a casual solo player should do in this game? Hot join is a zerg fest with 5+ thieves in every game and solo tpvp is no fun anymore. The argument to get a team is not valid to me; sometimes you just want to log on and have fun for 30 minutes.

Will soloQ and premades be seperated in tpvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


I guess at this point there are 2 possibilities:

1. Anet is unable to split solo/premade queue because of poor programming.
2. Anet is unwilling to split solo/premade queue because they know their player base is already so low, that premade queue will be dead because of very long waiting times.

Either way if they don’t fix this soon, the casual players will not even bother to try tpvp because it’’s a total waste of time if you get set up against a premade team.

Are you unable or unwilling to fix tpvp queu?

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Today I queued for about 10 tpvp matches as a solo player and everytime got a match against a premade. Tell me one reason why I should even bother to play such a match and not leave instantly if the chance of winning is almost zero.
I am almost ready to delete this game and I am pretty sure a lot of solo queuers think the same. If this doesn’t get fixed tpvp will be very dead soon.

Next update for pvp? dreams? Hopes?

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Solo and premade tpvp queus. Or pvp will be very dead soon.

Cheaterboard - Leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


The whole problem would solve itself, if matchmaking would work. Today I queued for 5 tpvp matches as a solo player and always got a match against a premade. Why should you even bother to play this match if its almost certain, that you will loose. After this 5 matches I will now always leave at the beginning if its against a premade. Total waste of time. But I guess they can’t or are not willing to solve this problem.

Stealth and Stomp Machanics

in PvP

Posted by: Despina.6970


Since quickness stomp is not possible anymore, stealth and stability stomp should get a big nerf too. For me as a ranger its now hard to get a stomp, since we have almost no stability (and I don’t count stability on the elite skill!)

Upcoming changes to stealth (SoTG)

in Thief

Posted by: Despina.6970


Maybe it’s now time for all non thief players to say: L2p
At least thats what you always told us, when we complained about thieves.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Despina.6970


Some thief builds have burst but not all thieves play a busrty backstab build either. Backstab is a high risk high reward attack if you can land it. That’s how it should be.

Where is the high risk in a backstab build? If you miss it, just stealth and run away or try again a few seconds later.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Despina.6970


That’s a big BS against that armor. To ensure I get to land something like that I have to run a terrible set of skills and traits and runes (all geared to badly hurting someone with less than 50% health) and then hit Bas venom -> Signet 1 -> signet 2 -> signet 3 (for 15 stacks of might total) -> C&D -> Steal -> Backstab.

It’s a 7 key combo. Then you can imagine what happens if you had hit the block or dodge key. Not much left in the bank.

So what? It remains just stupid to do this much dam on 3300 armor. And really good advice to block or dodge, when you get hit almost instant and are in a fight. And if he really misses, no problem just stealth run away and try again.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Despina.6970


What level sPvP is this? Thieves are scarce at higher level sPvP. Hot join yea ok thats just some free for all half the time. Can’t balance thieves based on Rabbit sPvP.

Why not? I thought the aim of good class design should be balance overall. So in your opinion its ok for new players to be killed in 1 sec. Lets see how long this game will survive without new players.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Despina.6970


It’s funny how opinions vary isn’t it?

Every time I face a thief, I think:

Is the damage too high?

No, it’s just right. The main meta I come across is the gimmicky glass cannon/burst build. They sacrifice all their defense to hit you with that one burst. Most people expect this when facing thieves, it’s also one reason I always carry a stun break (bulls rush+frenzy+100 blades combo is the other reason). I never lose to this fotm cookie cutter build, the result is usually a dead thief or if they get lucky they escape my grasp and run for their life. If they miss their burst, they’re toast, plain & simple.

Is the mobility too high?

Nope. Thief is squishy and needs abilites to get away. Jumping up walls, ledges is lame if it were possible and it sounds like you haven’t had much experience using this yourself. You can only get to elevated areas that your toon is capable of running up ie. you can’t run up walls.

Is the stealth ok?

Absolutely. It’s the thieves main source of offense/defense. Without stealth, thieves are sitting targets. They can trait for dodging, but that will only get you so far and would cut down even more on viable builds. Thieves already have the 3 sec revealed debuff after stealthing, so it’s not something they can keep spamming straight away. They’re also not unkillable gods when they enter stealth, they’re still just as weak as when they’re unstealthed, you just cannot see them. Either spam the area with AoE or do what I do and auto attack where you think they are, I can tell I’m hitting the thief when my auto attack combo registers. It really is not rocket science… If a thief pops shadow refuge, guess where you will find him, that’s right within the refuge radius. If a thief hits you with C&D it’s a safe bet he will also go for a backstab.

Culling is an issue currently, but this is no cause to nerf the thief unjustly.

In most cases, these complaints are just L2P issues. Sorry if that hurts anyones egos, but that’s what it comes down to.

Let me guess, you play a thief? Of course nothing seems op to you. Perhaps you can explain me one thing: Why are there always 50% or more thieves in every spvp match? Is it because they are so hard to play? Is it because they are so underpowered and everyone loves a real challenge? Is it because 50% of all players always play stealth classes (don’t think so). I guess the real reason is, that thieves are the most stupid class in the game. Today I got 10000 dam with the bs combo on 3300 armor in 1 sec. Thats just silly.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Despina.6970


Everytime I face a thief, I think:

Is the damage to high?

Maybe. The damage alone seems fine to me, but taking all other abilities into account it seems to high. But what I realy hate is the fact, how easy a thief can achieve high damage. Just spam one ability without thinking about cooldowns. Or do moderate damage with a gap closer (hs) is a no brainer.

Is the mobility to high?

Slighly. Yes thief is squishy and needs abilites to get away, but the mobility with shortbow is not funny anymore. If the mobility would be limited on a horizontal plane it would be fine, but jumping up walls, ledges is lame.

Is the stealth ok?

Absolutely not. Yes thief is an assasin and needs stealth to set up his ambush. This is fine for me. But the fact that a thief can pop stealth almost everytime he wants is just stupid. Stealth is not a tactical tool anymore, but a spamable ability. Coupled with the fact, that thieves can heal and drop condition while in stealth is op. And to all thief players out there who think this is perfectly fine: Ask your self, what fun it is to play against a class you cannot see most of the time. I guess if other classes could do this you would whine a lot on the forums. I really can’t remember such a stupid implementation of stealth in any mmorpg game I played ( and I played alot, starting with DAOC beta). For me thief is the most stupid class design in the game.