Okay soo.. i think i found
..and filled out all the info. Unforntunately it won’t let me submit a request since i don’t know my “GW2 Serial Code”. i pre-ordered directly from Arenanet a digital copy.
The support page says my serial code is in some original email they sent me 2 years ago. Well, i don’t have that email anymore. So, i have no idea how the heck i can submit their support form.
i looked in my “account” section that’s linked to the forum to see if somewhere in there it told me the serial, but it doesn’t seem to
So… is that some kind of support PHONE number that i can try?
Who do i contact about this? It’s really confusing (to me anyway) to sort out how you get in contact with an actual person who works for Arenanet that could help.
A friend suggested i “bug report” it in the game, but i feel like this is more than merely a “game bug”. i don’t even think it was a game bug, per se, but a bug between the game and paypal communicating. So i dunno :\
Who do i contact about being double billed for gems? i purchased $20 worth of gems today (using paypal as the payment method) and an error came out saying the transaction couldn’t be complete, or something. And no gems were added to my account.
So.. i tried again, and the second time the gem purchase went through and i didn’t get an error.
However, just now, i see the first transaction to buy gems (with REAL money through paypal) actually ended up going though after all, although belatedly. So now i have twice the gems i wanted.
Trouble is.. i can’t afford twice the gems and my bank account might get overdrawn by the end of the month!! How do i stop this second payment? Or get Anet to reverse it?
yay!!! we found it!!
okay we’ll keep looking then, but i swear we checked everything!
My group just destroyed everything in the miniature village and the achievement hasn’t seemed to unlock for us?
Is it broken? Has anyone managed to get this achievement.
We are in dungeon mode.. the toy golem path.
Yes, I see. That doesn’t really change my question, though—is the one discount i earn from buying a gift for a friend applied to a gift for another friend?
my intuition says no. You will only get the discount if you buy the item for you. This seems obvious based on this:
“My promotions manager would like me to clarify that this is a one-for-one basis. If you send the same gift to three friends at once, your next three personal purchases of that item will be discounted by 40%."
It says if you buy three friends the same gift you will get /three 40% discounts for YOU/… its very clear (from that quote above) that the discount is not passed on to gifts for others. Just personal stuff.
So yes, please give us the option to gift friends the “upgrade” gem store items.
i was just coming here to post about this issue. it seems lame that you can’t buy account upgrades for friends. i just wanted to buy the “Collection Expander” upgrade for a friend that does a lot of gathering, but then was disappointed when i found out i couldn’t. Especially since i only realised this after i spent the RL money to buy the gems to do it >.<
So… moments after i say that i pass the courtyard… by accident.
(after reading some posts here) … what i did was this, it should work if you are range.
1. Target the veterans.. you do /not/ have to kill them.. target them.. hit them and get them to chase you.
2. Have them chase you “up” the steps.. to where those trebuchet (catapult?) things are that you helped fix in the step just before you are suppose to take the courtyard. So you’re basically pulling the veterans OUT of the ‘circle/ring’…
3. Once the veterans chase you up the steps… you jump /down/ and into the courtyard. So long as the veterans are /not/ in the courtyard the “progress” meter on “capturing the courtyard” will start to go up.
If the veterans come back down the steps, so they are once again in the “ring” of the courtyard, just run up the steps again… so they’ll chase you out of the courtyard a second time.
If you’re lucky the “invulnerable” npcs near the weapons on the stone wall will actually catch aggro from the veterans and the veterans will stupidly attack these npcs while you can safely jump back in the courtyard and watch the progress meter go up.
Killing the veterans is not important. … once the courtyard is captured they will disappear. and you can fight the dragon, which is a piece of cake, after the courtyard scene.
Edit: its possible that being a elementalist helped me in outrunning the little spawns of the Acolytes, since eles can do swiftness a bunch of times when attuned to air. But.. i think other classes should be able to manage by exploiting the routing paths that npc-enemies take.
Edit 2: Apparently the un-defeated veterans will appear in the courtyard with your ‘friendly-npcs’ during their ‘party’ where they celebrate defeating the dragon. (as seen in the attached picture. My quest line says i need to check in with my ally friends, after we defeated the dragon… but….! those veterans i didn’t really defeat are still there :P
Avoid them! as they will attack you, and the friendly npcs won’t help at all anymore (nor will the friendly-npcs die or get attacked by the veterans). It was easy enough for me to avoid the veterans and get to my ‘green star’ objectives and finish the instance though.
(edited by DinoDoll.3682)
So ya.. this quest makes me hate the game. Really seriously frustrating. Over an hour spent on just the courtyard phase and no sign of completing it in sight. It’s extremely disheartening.
i don’t remember it being this hard when i did it months back with another character (ranger)… although i remember dying even then. but just now i’ve died over 10 times at the courtyard part… and had to restart at the check point. It seems completely impossible with my elementalist..
i’m level 73, but being downleveled to 59. The endless mobs and apparently useless NPCs … i feel like its impossible to beat this solo /unless/ maybe you are a pet-class (like necro or ranger), because then maybe your pets “make up for” the useless NPCs, and take some of the aggro off you long enough that you have a chance to get one of those veterans down.
Minus that.. i guess you need to hope you have friends :\
1- at Plains of Sshford, heading south from the Guardpoint Deciums Waypoint
(it won’t show on map unless you get inside this place.. then it will suddenly show you that you got a new waypoint)2- at Brisban Wildlands, around the Gallows Fields..
thank you sooooo much! not having those last two waypoints was driving me nuts.
i’d already had 100% map completion, so i was confused when suddenly i was missing two waypoints. Thanks for instructions on how to get them!
Another reason for me to never bring my necro to a dragon fight… WTF ANET?!!!!!
i think that although necros might apply a lot of conditions, they do other sort of damage too. they must… or their pets must… because my friend (who’s a necro) and i run around killing dragons all the time and they never have trouble dealing damage or getting the medal and chest at the end.
agree with this too.. i’d like (and play) keg brawl a lot more if this idea was implemented.
see i feel the opposite. i am an asura too and i like when my ears poke out of my hoods. i dislike the ones you call “wins”. i would much prefer my ears to always poke out! even though sometimes it makes weird clipping, i still think it is cuter.
ya i use the small ui and have the same problem.
i wonder if Anet using a different font would help?
dunno what it would take to fix it.. but… it is a little annoying to use the trading post with the small ui.
ya.. dyes often look different on clothes than in their little ‘square’ thingie…
and they look different depending on the material too. seems colours look the darkest on light armour…
huge thread, including dev response as recently as yesterday.
oh wow! i think that sounds like a really neat idea ^^
please no auras or trails >.<
bleh, i have a high end comptuer and i /still/ wouldn’t want to see every other person sparkling butterflies or spewing a trail of hearts behind them.
Bleck. If something like that was implemented i would hope there would be a setting that allowed me to /not/ display the auras/trails/spewage of other players.
the unique/special animations idea i think is a neat one though.
Agree, i died just the other day because of this.
It really sucks that some one can drag a train of mobs onto people minding their own business and the mobs will start attacking the people who have /nothing/ to do with the original person who aggro’d them.
Like the original poster said, if i had done something to aggro the mobs, that would have been one thing. But all i was doing is standing idle (and talking in chat).. i wasn’t in combat mode at all, and didn’t do anything… but soon as the person came by with their train of mobs, some portion of the mobs starting attacking me, i was totally unprepared to have to fight, fumbled and died as a bunch bashed me.
i’ve actually never played a game where aggro transferred this way to passive players… and gotta say it is very annoying in this game.
when facin the hole, try sliding down the complete left hand side. that seems the safest in my experience.
i know you said you tried on the sides, but, maybe try going even mooore left.
its how they make money,,,,,,,,very sad way.
i don’t care if they want to make money on charging me to expand my bank..
the point is.. you can only pay to expand your bank 7 times.
So lets put it this way, i bought gems… 600 for each expansion, so i bought 4200 (600 × 7) gems. i expanded my bank 7 times… after the 7th time you cannot expand your bank anymore.
Anet won’t let me give them anymore money. i’d love to give them more money so i could further expand my bank. Anet does /not/ allow me to expand it further though. They will not take anymore money from me, basically… at least not anymore to let me have more bank space.
i’m pretty sure me and the original poster want Anet to let us give them more money! allow us to expand our banks further!
Agree. i’ve started a thread about this topic myself… as well as responded to a couple other threads started by others.
so far i haven’t seen any Anet response to any of the “bank storage is too small threads”, so i have no idea if they realise its a problem… or have any plans to expand storage items.
i’ve already bought an extra character slot, so i have 6 right now, and i would definitely buy even /more/ character slots, except.. that i realised the bank could not be expanded beyond 7 times.. and realise that was not enough bank space.
So, i haven’t purchased more character slots, because i know it’d be stupid to, as any new characters would have zero bank storage at this point, since my bank is entirely full right now.
bleh >.<
you can tell i have bad eyes (or you are nitpicky!) >.< i can’t see any problem with any of the images. i wish you’d “circled” these problem areas your little comments are talking about.. because even reading your “flavour text” on the images i can’t tell where these clipping bits are >_<
hmmm, never noticed this happen to me unless my pet died. in which case my pet will come over and do nothing.
but, so long as my pet is alive, it seems to revive me just fine…
Sorry, but every excuse given so far is a load of crap.
If something is broken, and it can’t be fixed without causing a few problems elsewhere (understandable) – then REMOVE THE kitten STORY STEP.
While i appreciate Jeffrey’s response/explanation.. i still do not get why they are continuing to allow people to /pick/ the Skritt option when its been broken long term.
Why not disable allowing people to pick that choice at all?
i mean with this quest line broken for what appears to be over a month it makes no sense to continue to allow people to select a broken quest line. Why keep allowing new people to select this as an option??
already level 80, but personal story still 45 cause of “the hatchery bug”, heard that there will be a fix on 5 Nov., but nothing!!! when will it be fix?????/
Well, its only just barely the 5th in some parts of the world …maybe give it some time?
Ultimately, Asura boobs or not, my real topic was to stop the threads on it, just publish a story stating that they are not human, so one copy and paste or link can end any future threads for all Asura and Charr breast forums.
like another poster, i wonder what the heck forums you go to where there is all this talk and pleading for asuras and charr to have humanoid breasts. i certainly haven’t see a massive amount of threads about it on the official forums.
i like the idea too.
the sylvari “glow” effect only happens at night.
probably.. you saw it a lot during halloween because Lion’s Arch seemed to be always night time then.
probably.. you saw it a lot during halloween because Lion’s Arch seemed to be always night time then.so its likely your sylvari hair glow is still there. Just wait til it gets night time in the game.. and double check.
my bf has this issue too. just picked that storyline option to help the skritt, or whatever, 2 days ago… and found out the quest was bugged.
it would definitely be nice if they added an in game warning about it.
even if they just added a “sign” behind the npc that said “Recommended, do not assist Skritt at this time, the Order of Whispers has evidence to suggest something terrible will go wrong if you try. and your mission will not be complete.”
Or whatever, written better so it doesn’t break immersion, but lets people know something could be wrong with that quest.
Seems like it would be easy to drop a new object next to the NPC, or sign, that said that. Vs changing character dialogue or whatever… ~ that way at least new people wouldn’t continue selecting this broken story quest line that is apparently still not going to be fixed for another week and a half at least.
i feel really bad for people who’ve had their story quest line broken for months because of this.
i agree a bit too. i wish the waypoint cost was a little cheaper for higher levels. my highest level right now is 76, and the waypoint cost is high enough that i cringe when a lower level friends wants me to come help them with something they are having trouble with.
just thinking about how its going to cost me about 6 silver (3 silver to waypoint to them, another 3 to waypoint back to my higher level zone) is irritating. it /is/ true you can usually make up some of the cost if you get a couple good loots, or do gathering, and then sell what you got.. and stuff. But it certainly makes taking “quick trips” anywhere … something you don’t want to do at a higher level.
Like today i helped a level 30 friend do a skillpoint that they’d been unable to get despite trying about 10x themselves and failing. They asked me to come over (turns out a champion had rezzed near by and that’s what was killing them, rather than the skillpoint on its own being hard to do) it cost me about 2.5 silver to get there… help her kill the champion so she could get the final skill point of the zone… then another 2.5 silver to get back where i was. For a 5 to 10 minute trip to a low level zone 5 silver down the drain.
and i most definitely didn’t make 5 silver while being in that zone.. so….
ya… i definitely hate travelling as a higher level player :\ even way points /right/ next to me cost over 1 silver, which seems ..a bit high. At least using waypoints in the zone you’re in.. should be less than 1 silver i think ….
list the name of all your points of interest you have. or.. better yet. i will list them all. all 18. did you /really/ count your little POI squares and see that there are 18? just because all the map is “viewable” or “cleared” as in none is “fogged over” anymore. that does /not/ mean you found all the POI. or even got close enough to all the POI to make the little “hollow” squares show.
often under ground or cave POI won’t show up, unless you actually enter the cave anyway, the zone’s points of interest starting at the top left of the map and going north to south – north to south are:
1. Wellwatcher Camp (Thunder Ridge)
2. Mudbay Digs (south of Viath Shore)
3. Auld Red Wharf (north of Viathan Lake)
4. Lair of the Seawitch (Viathan Lake)
5. Kenna’s Bandits (Manefire Hills)
6. Tagotl Grounds (north of Eukaryan Caves)
7. Goff’s Bandits (north of Earthlord’s Gap)
8. Quarryside ( Triskellion Vale)
9. Triskell Quarry (north of Viathan’s Arm)
10. Krait’s Larder (Viathan’s Arm)
11. Barnaby’s Watch (south of Cavernhold Camp Waypoint)
12. Jannaj’s Bandits (Sojourner’s Way)
13. Uzolan’s Hideout (between Sojourner’s Way and Blackroot Cut)
14. Mafic Core (south of Cereboth Canyon)
15. Black Haven (Delanian Foothills)
16. Gort’s Pit (betwen Delanian Foothills and Darkwound Defile)
17. Garenhoff (Wizard’s Fief)
18. Isgarren’s View (Wizard’s Fief)
ya me too on server tarnished coast.. unless i’m doing something wrong.
are you sure you didn’t pick up items at the trading post with another character?
your characters “share” a trading post thingie… so.. like if Character A buys something or puts something up for sale, then you log in an alt.. and try to buy something with your Character B, when Character B goes to pick up what they bought at the trading post it will collect any money you have waiting too.
so maybe that happened?
i am also disappointed i can’t buy more bank slots.
this is especially annoying since i’ve already bought a 6th character, which means 6 characters are sharing 240 bank slots, which is kinda lame for each character to only get to personally have 40 bank slots thus far. And i’m the sort of person likely to buy even more character slots…. or i would, but as i’ve already hit the bank limit.. there’s no point to buying a 7th character, since this character would have zero bank space at this point.
i also don’t get why there is a cap on how many bank expansions i can buy. i have expanded my bank buying gems with real money. Anet, of course, can tell that..
its a great way to get hoarders ingames to spend money. Like the original poster, i’ve spent more money on the 7 bank upgrades then i would have spent in a normal game with a $15 a month sub…
at the moment i’m /trying/ the personal-guild trick some people have mentioned. but that really shouldn’t be necessary. i should be able to give Anet more money.. for more bank space.
as for the original topic, i think any RP enhancing features are a good idea. So i like the idea of in game marriage, would be neat if it had other perks attached to it, like if player housing gets implemented and married people have the ability to have joined housing.
i’d love more town clothes options too.
Well, if they choose to implement gay marriage, they will without a doubt get some unwanted publicity for that, all while losing some younger players because of their parents prohibiting them. I doubt ANet would want publicity for being the first major Western game to “support” gay marriage.
i am almost positive there is implied “gay marriage” in this game already..
i don’t want to give away later bits of the story, if you aren’t level 60+ yet.. but… there is at least one npc character who seems to be in a woman-to-woman love/romantic relationship.
so i’m not sure what the problem would be to allow player characters the same thing.
As for the first western game to support gay/equal marriage… i’m not sure what you mean. i play The Secret World too and there are homosexual NPCs there. And i thought Star Wars: The Old Republic changed their initial stance and decided to allow homosexual romance between players and their npc companions, even though at first the story line only allowed for heterosexual encounters…
(edited by DinoDoll.3682)
unlocking them at higher levels makes it go faster. In fact after a certain level a single kill will unlock each skill.
yeah, but before you get to that level, you have to grind for weapon skills, or be severely kittened.
i played my elementalist with only fire attunement until i was like level 25 >.< and didn’t feel crippled or whatever. so its possible! to wait til later to unlock the other attunement skills.
well it was nice of Anet to extend part of the event for the whiners.
Again /i/ was affected by Sandy… as was my sister. But neither of us thought a game company should extend an event “just for us”.
No more than i’d think if i were going to a friend’s wedding in another state, and just before the wedding a hurricane came, and preventing me from taking a flight out.. i wouldn’t expect my friend from California to delay her wedding because “i” won’t be able to make it and boo-hoo for me!
Sometimes you miss things in life. That’s life. Accepting that “every single event” you want to be part of in life, or make it to, is not always going to happen and being able to deal with the disappointment of that, i think… is part of growing up and not being a child.
i am very happy me and my sister are safe. i’m grateful neither of us lost our homes. So what that i missed out on certain things in a video game that i’d have liked to do. Big picture time here…
Yes its sad to miss stuff. But honestly, the percentage of gw2 players affected by the storm was small. Not “very large”. Heck the percentage of USA citizens unable to get online because of Sandy was teeny tiny.
Sure, some of our whole towns were effected in that way, but our towns, our little slice of a state is not the whole world.
alright so then you are going to be just fine with, when every single event is delayed, extended, or cancelled because players that /aren’t you/ have been effected by something?
There’s already a topic about this. Anet has already said they won’t be doing that.
And many posters/players have said it would actually be more unfair to “extend” this event due to this “north east american” tragedy, unless Anet was prepared to extend /every/ event for ANY tragedy world wide that might prevent players from having access to the game.
There are weather issues, war issues, and lots of issues different countries deal with that prevent some of the people there from being online at various times in the year… unless Anet is prepared to make extensions for /every/ world wide issue.. it is unfair to treat “north east america” as super special.
And i say this as someone living in a place that was affected by Sandy.
Full thread is here:
Dev response in that thread is here:
Werewolf, the tower is not part of the completion requirement for the Emissary title achievement.
okay thanks! then my question is answered
i have a lot of ToT [trick or treat] bags in my inventory right now, both the Personalised kind, and also just the regular kind.
Do i frantically need to open all of them tonight and /try/ to find some room in my already over stuffed inventory and bank for these items?
Or, can i wait until November, December, even next June to open these ToT bags and still get halloween items out of them?
Do they “expire”?
Do they stop giving out Halloween items once November 1st happens??
i’d really like someone to direct me to official word on this. i know i’ve seen other players suggest the ToT bags will still work and give out Halloween items even after the event ends.. but i’d like some sort of official word, please.
i read all the stickied forum topics and none seem to address this.
thanks to both of you. i guess we won’t attempt it alone then.. or… if we do at least we’ll go into it knowing it’s likely to be suicide…!
i am level 74 and the only dungeon i have had experience with is the “Mad King Ascent into Madness” version of one. In that dungeon, people have talked of soloing it… and i’ve heard it scales and stuff. So you don’t /need/ a 5 person group to complete it.
Do the other dungeons work that way? (again i have never done any dungeon yet – unless Mad King counts)
If me and a friend went into the Caudecus’ Manor dungeon, could we beat it just the two of us? Or would we never be able to?
Neither of us have run it before, and we kind of want to “get to know it” ourselves and learn the mechanics ourselves, rather than find three strangers who have maybe already run through it.. and just want to “drag us through” or “lead us through” without us being able to get to “discover” it ourselfs.
Are we out of luck? Do we need three more? Or will the dungeon ‘scale down’ for 2 people?
if you want someone to escort a lower level character of yours through, and you are on the Tarnished Coast server, i will help you