Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Showing Posts For DistantStatic.6098:
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
That 30minute maintenance thoooo (been almost an hour since they said 5 minutes till it starts and started kicking people off)
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Same here. Map changes crashes the game, can’t enter WvW either, was able to get into the PvP lobby tho.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Awesome thanks all.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
I’m cool with the collection part, and I’m ok with the WvW memories required to craft. What I’m not cool with, is the drop rate on the PvP ones. I get easily twice as much of the WvW items than the PvP items. Not to mention you’re limited based on matchmaking with PvP. Is there a track that gives an appropriate amount of these Shards of Glory?
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
And be stuck with kittens like you, kitten no!
I always find people who make posts that say something like “GET GOOD!!! GET A GROUP!!!” amusing. You think if they were so big on grouping and the social aspects of MMOs, they’d say something like “Why don’t you run with us? Send me a tell in game!” But nope, lets just be rude to people on the forums. XD
Because they actively refuse to group. 9/10 times they are always saying “I don’t want to play with anyone”. This is also not the point of the post. The point of the post is THEY DO NOT WANT TO PLAY WITH OTHERS.
I feel like you have complained about group content before and I said the same thing and recommended you find yourself another game.
So here it is again. MMORPG. MMO = Massive Online Multiplayer. The concept still seems to glaze over people.
I REALLY don’t want another Orr where mobs are mowed down and there is no challenge whatsoever and that’s what people got when they complained about having to cooperate with others. Content that was easily solo-able therefore making any sort of grouping USELESS.
You CLEARLY do not want an MMORPG, PLEASE go find another game.
You still have not learned what Multi Player Online means.
Its like in the real world .. you don’t invite every hobo you see on the street
or in the train into your home all day to have a party. Even if tthey live in
the same world.
When you vote, do you chose who you are voting with? Do you actively go find people to vote with you? You don’t, you go as an individual pare. The large cooperate to get things done. Large businesses for example, does the bagger constantly need to talk to cooperate accounting, go to dinner with them, meet the wife and kids? No, in fact they will probably never meet even if they switched around jobs as per switching roles and activities in game. There are constantly other people out there doing the same thing you are, especially now when there is a giant rush to get the content done vs a few days ago where everyone was just sitting in LA.
And yeah, kittens a bit more difficult this time around especially if you’re running around in full zerker expecting to 3 shot everything after they said they were going to do their best to do away with that.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
(edited by DistantStatic.6098)
I feel like you have complained about group content before and I said the same thing and recommended you find yourself another game.
So here it is again. MMORPG. MMO = Massive Online Multiplayer. The concept still seems to glaze over people.
I REALLY don’t want another Orr where mobs are mowed down and there is no challenge whatsoever and that’s what people got when they complained about having to cooperate with others. Content that was easily solo-able therefore making any sort of grouping USELESS.
You CLEARLY do not want an MMORPG, PLEASE go find another game.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
This guy…
You want content that was made for groups of 10-500 people, to be changed and accommodated to fit your player housing prospect?
Hey man, I hate to break it to you, your in the wrong line of game. Your asking to remove the MMO out of MMORPG and that just isn’t gonna happen.
And before the obligatory “well I’ll just go find another game then and see how you like the loss of money!”, business-wise, even if there was an even number of guilds that were 3 players+ and under 3 player, you wouldn’t even make a dent in profit. So go ahead, honestly I encourage you to find an single player RPG and if you feel it lacks community, then join a forum of said RPG. Enjoy.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Oh hey, something to do after level 80.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
So, who else requested a refund for HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DistantStatic.6098
Honestly the only reason people are kittened about the specializations is because there was such a long time before this was implemented where the only thing you could do was create more classes. Now, where further specialization is available for existing classes, they now want to have these on every class, hence, loads of hours to unlock.
But here’s the thing: you’re basically remaking half a class. Instead leveling a new character, you’re leveling this one. Just like when you were leveling each and every one of the level 80s.
So you can complain all you want, but the fact you have several level 80’s just shows how much of a hypocrite you are being hence invalidating your argument.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
And the elitists show their shortsightedness. Those you label as casuals make up the majority of all multiplayer game populations, thus they push the most cash into the system you’re benefitting from. Watch them leave, and you’ll eventually be shoved out the door in their wake when the company behind the game slams it shut due to insufficient funding coming from the much smaller hardcore crowd.
Um… you can be a casual player and not be bad. Casual != bad player. Stop using that excuse. Trying to circumvent the system by speed running the process to the specialization will result in bad times unless you’re fairly decent at the game. You don’t NEED to get the hero points in HoT.
I was honestly very satisfied with HoT once I saw the patch notes before released, purchased, and I am content with the purchase.
This game was lacking any sort of challenge. I refuse to go back to stack-a-corner-zerker mindlessly killing things.
OP tried to circumvent the rules of the game and got squashed because he wants everything handed to him.
He got what he deserves.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Same, just post it under the master post for HoT bugs and such.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Same, still cannot make a revenant and I haven’t received my extra character slot.
EDIT: Am now able to make revenant, still don’t have character slot.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
(edited by DistantStatic.6098)
Doesn’t mean we can’t cut the fat. It’s not like the API is broken or anything like that, just offering a suggestion that would make this a bit lighter
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
(edited by DistantStatic.6098)
That certainly is an alternative to a for each, but still requires pulling all the extra bulk that comes along with requesting “all”. The less network data used the better.
Edit: The whole API process is already rather heavy on a galaxy S4 with 4GLTE I can only imagine on a cheaper chinese phone with a worse network connection :S
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
(edited by DistantStatic.6098)
I’m in the process of making a mobile app for WvW, but to resolve the matchID for a specific world feels like I’m jumping through hoops. No matter what solution I’m coming up with it results in me having to receive all the WvW match data and searching through it all to find the one I’m looking for.
I’ve come to terms with having to make a hashtable for the world id’s to reduce network use, but it would probably be more beneficial on both ends if we could get the current WvW match id to be returned inside of the worlds endpoint.
These don’t get changed around all that often (once a week) and it saves you guys bandwidth and cycle time for every time someone requests the information for some cycle time every friday on the API end.
Also, if I’m missing something (I’m sometimes blind and very much human) and there’s a better way of doing this, I’d appreciate if you share it with me.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
The moment developers send data, code, applications, etc… to the user, it is literally all wide open to those who want to dig through it; especially those who do it for a living. If they do a pre-load, there will be certain people who will have information on the legendary collections, for example, and have an unfair time advantage when gathering them let alone the lower cost of the items since most of the population doesn’t know their worth. They may even hoard these items and make a killing in the TP later and/or sell the information. That’s just one example of how the pre-load can be abused.
Or they are quite literally working on it till the last minute. (probably why they don’t have physical copies available )
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
If you can, just throw it all into a database and update it as people access certain items.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
every single MMO that launches something new has slow connectivity, i dunno why but ether they always underestimate the horde of players at launch day or never prepair their servers for the huge load.
It’s not that they don’t prepare, it’s that it is not cost effective. The excessive amount of players that play the new expansion within the first month is not the normal server load. Right now, the servers run the game with ease on normal load and become “stressed” on patch day. If you pay to upgrade and maintain servers that run the surge of expansion with ease, you end up having a lot of wasted resources during normal load when things go back to normal in just a few days even.
Would you pay the massive cost of buying a new AC and pay extra on your monthly electricity bills just because one day out of the year it is obscenely hot outside and your AC has a little trouble keeping up?
Its not smart nor efficient to do that. Of course, the person who isn’t paying won’t really care nor think about the costs.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Since the stream where the daredevil specialization was featured, the daredevil idle stance with the staff has been the source of much criticism. I also personally feel the way the stance is held is not indicative of the play-style nor the fluid type of play-style the class embodies.
In the attached screenshot, the monkey king miniature shows an animation that is already in the game that could more accurately fit the daredevil staff animation than that of the hammer idle animation due to it’s more eastern martial arts style.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Water elementalist is the closest you’ll get besides druid. Guardian is more of a damage mitigation and heal-over-time kit.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
A name change for my mesmer. I would appreciate this soooooo much. It’s quite literally like having a tattoo of your ex’s name.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
(edited by DistantStatic.6098)
I can buy, but I can’t sell…..
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Well, since the Gem Store just went down as well so you can now expect this to be a priority now.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Well, if you don’t find the skins worth it you can just get another skin and make an ascended weapon instead… That’s a whole lot cheaper, less time consuming, and its the same stats anyways. Nobody is forcing you to buy them :/
Someone mentioned class specific legendary armor and that makes a bit more sense compared to class specific legendary weapons.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DistantStatic.6098
How ignorant are you? This is getting to the point where you’re flat out lying and ignoring facts and not reading what I have said in my previous posts (or you can’t put 1 and 1 together). I put in 3k hours into Guild Wars 1. There was more than plenty to do. Even with 3k hours I could not even come close to competing all the quests, let alone getting deep into the various areas of play; UW, FOW, Urgoz, Deep, competitive missions, skill hunting, ACTUAL GUILD FIGHTS, etc…. You have 0 idea where this game came from and you need to sit down and stop talking. There was plenty to do in the GW1 maps and much of it wasn’t just shoved in front of you. Plenty of side storylines that went on, plenty of lore; the world was alive. There is no comparison and no question that story-wise and content-wise GW1 was superior. Only thing lacking, was the vertical movement and combat system which is in all honesty up in the air. We currently have a huge lack of depth in combat, but have a dodge system + movement that actually matters.
Ignorant? Ignoring the facts? Who’s the one still arguing that the expansion only has one map?
Congrats on putting in 3K hours in GW1. Actually, with 3K hours, you can come very close to doing everything excluding maxing a few of the grindy titles such as PvP and Factions. I re-bought the series last year and I’ve got legendary cartographer, vanquisher, and skill hunter. Now that I have gotten those, I have zero reason to go to any of the maps again. One of the reasons why I quit the last time before EotN since I got bored. How many times do you think someone could do the elite missions/maps before they got bored?
I am fully aware of where this game came from but you’re missing the point. None of those maps were as involved and GW2 maps. The walk-able area of the GW1 maps were very small compared to GW2 maps. I think you’ve allowed yourself to be blinded by nostalgia that you just can’t see that there is a difference between the two games.
Point still stands, they created living breathing continents and added depth to combat (through additional skills and classes) and much much more for the same price, in less time, and smaller team.
Anet is adding depth to content through elite specializations and enemies with more involving mechanics. We seen them doing this so far with LS2 and the beta content. You’re probably a quantity over quality type of person. GW1 maps were very small compared to GW2 maps and less involved. GW2 maps, especially the ones for the upcoming expansion, take much more effort to create. Maybe you should play a few GW1 maps again and then run through a few GW2 maps. They’re not the same.
You are literally flipping out about an expansions that adds maybe a dozen skills, 1 new class, a single map, and 4-5 pets (the pets are actually really cool and long overdue, but so is everything else in this expansion). Really?
Flipping out? The only one who’s been flipping out so far is you. A single map? I guess that explains everything and I should’ve read your entire post at once rather than address it as a I read it. Otherwise I would not have bothered to make such a response to you.
There is more than one map in the expansion. Had you been following along with the news updates, or checked the HoT website, you would know this. I suggest that you do some research and look at exactly what HoT includes.
Actually, I just looked back and I did call you out on you being ignorant about what the expansion contains. You are still making the argument that the expansion only claims a single maps and a few pets.
Please do your research. You’ll be very surprised about what it contains if you truly believe it only has a single map and a few pets. Thanks.
Like I said before, if you are the type of person that throws their money around irresponsibly, well that’s your problem. But for the rest of us, we want to know what our money is going into and if this is it, we aren’t buying it for $50, much less anything higher, and let alone pre-order. And if you believe this is enough information on the HoT site, I have an uncle in Africa who has 800 million dollars locked up in a bank account….
So everyone who bought the expansion, feeling that it was worth the cost to them, is throwing their money away and being irresponsible because YOU feel that it’s not worth the cost? Since when did you have the right to determine what is and isn’t worth something for everyone?
There’s more information on the HoT site, through the blogs, interviews, live streams, and so on than there had been for Factions and Nightfall and possibly GW2. I can’t comment about EotM since I quit a few weeks before it launched and didn’t think about starting up with GW2 until a couple weeks before it released. People have bought console games with less information. How many people do you think went and pre-ordered Fallout 4 based solely on what was announced? I guess they’re all irresponsible too…
>I’ve got legendary cartographer, vanquisher, and skill hunter. Now that I have gotten those, I have zero reason to go to any of the maps again.
Yeah, I mean hoelbrak is definitely brimming with activity. So’s the citidel. Oh wait, those are entire cities not even maps. Rata Sum? Wasn’t there since Adventure box ended. Divinities reach? Story purposes, then never went there again. Oh those are entire cities not meant just for exploration purposes which are entirely breezed over by most people? I see you’re glazing over my point on the abundance of side quests (see? you’re ignoring things ). There is literally no reason to go into any map anymore other than for World bosses and… yeah that’s about it. The equivalent of farming bosses in GW1 for boss weapons. At least you had to venture through the map in GW1 not just waypoint onto the boss, kill it and leave. Yeah, you’re right, we use that 1/20th of the map for background scenery while killing the World Boss.
>Anet is adding depth to content through elite specializations and enemies with more involving mechanics. We seen them doing this so far with LS2 and the beta content.
Heeyyy look at you glazing over things I’ve mentioned!
>You’ll be very surprised about what it contains if you truly believe it only has a single map and a few pets.
It can contain 6 kitten maps; it still wont match the base game content. Speaking of research since you seem to be oblivious of life: Theres only one map. “Oh but 3 floooorrrss brrroooooooooo” Lol, ok “3” maps.
>So everyone who bought the expansion, feeling that it was worth the cost to them
Well, you can go browse the HoT threads and see all the negative response to the content in the beta.
> People have bought console games with less information. How many people do you think went and pre-ordered Fallout 4 based solely on what was announced? I guess they’re all irresponsible too…
OH MAN ANOTHER GLAZING IM BECOMING A DONUT WITH GLAZE. A GLAZED DONUT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Clearly you missed the first post where certain games have a good “history” and reputation and how I mentioned that if they had said this was Guild Wars 1 type of expansion I would have this pre-pre-ordered (persay). But no. Judging on how their definition of what “new areas” has been over the end of the living story, and given the current information, this is not one of those buy-it-now situations.
You can say whatever you want to make yourself feel better about putting down the cash and try to convince yourself that you made a good purchase all you want. I ain’t gonna stop you anymore. You clearly need the therapeutic benefits.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
It’s also 3 weeks till launch, and a lot is broken. Combine that with the rush job on druids, and it’s looking sketchy. Maybe it’ll be amazing and everything will be fine. /sarcasm
This is why you shouldn’t pre-order
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DistantStatic.6098
Same game studio, same team (larger now), same game name… Only differences are a newer game engine (They had a “new” game engine when GW1 came out as well). And you very well can. Especially when you have more man power now. Don’t talk unless you’ve actually been part of any real software development process.
Play GW1, or if you already have, and tell me if the maps are the same as those in GW2. There’s not at all the same. The GW1 maps were very bare with hardly anything to do in them. There are no events, the maps have no vertical space, and the walk-able areas are much much smaller than in GW2. The combat system is also vastly different as playing both games is night and day.
Yo, true, we’re getting some pets, and…. that’s about it. Some small stuff sprinkled around. “Icing on the cake”. That’s not what you buy expansions for. You don’t buy expansions for the insignificant extras, just like anything else you might buy. You don’t buy a new car for a new car seat for example. If you feel that is a responsible use of your money then I have nothing to say to you and you shouldn’t bother addressing me.
Perhaps you should do research yourself and see what all is included in the expansion. Cherry picking something like new pets and using that as an irrefutable proof to back your claim is a little ridiculous.
Here’s what’s going on right now, they are just trying to sell it asap and for as much as they can. ALOT of players who bought it didn’t even know what they are getting because finding that info needs a research which is so stupid and should be right at the purchase screen…
It took me 2h to find out what are the expansion includes and that Core players are actually not getting a thing from the expansion which i was sure that core player are getting at least the masteries from the way it sounded.
So yes basically a quick cash grab while no one is really sure.
They’ve been having blogs, livestreams, there’s the wiki, gamer sites, the official HoT website, and so on that have all of that information. I find the two hours that you claim to be an exaggeration. It was never stated that the core players would get masteries and it was made quite clear from the beginning. I don’t know how you got confused and thought otherwise.
Other than that 50% for so little content is way too much when i bought the core game when it came out i didn’t feel sorry at all but after buying HoT and playing the beta weekends i feel like i got totally screwed. The new areas are much easier then the current Orr maps, the 4 new maps are more like 1 big map with 3 floors quite alot to do in them but surly not 1k+ hours i got from the core game.
Let me guess, you played a single beta, that consist of an intentionally incomplete map, and believe that you have the entire expansion nailed down? This is the fourth beta that I have played and the expansion zones are much more difficult than Orr.
I also don’t see where you got the idea that the four new maps are like one big map with 3 floors as they’ve only showed one map in the betas and we still haven’t seen roots layer yet.
How ignorant are you? This is getting to the point where you’re flat out lying and ignoring facts and not reading what I have said in my previous posts (or you can’t put 1 and 1 together). I put in 3k hours into Guild Wars 1. There was more than plenty to do. Even with 3k hours I could not even come close to competing all the quests, let alone getting deep into the various areas of play; UW, FOW, Urgoz, Deep, competitive missions, skill hunting, ACTUAL GUILD FIGHTS, etc…. You have 0 idea where this game came from and you need to sit down and stop talking. There was plenty to do in the GW1 maps and much of it wasn’t just shoved in front of you. Plenty of side storylines that went on, plenty of lore; the world was alive. There is no comparison and no question that story-wise and content-wise GW1 was superior. Only thing lacking, was the vertical movement and combat system which is in all honesty up in the air. We currently have a huge lack of depth in combat, but have a dodge system + movement that actually matters.
Point still stands, they created living breathing continents and added depth to combat (through additional skills and classes) and much much more for the same price, in less time, and smaller team.
You are literally flipping out about an expansions that adds maybe a dozen skills, 1 new class, a single map, and 4-5 pets (the pets are actually really cool and long overdue, but so is everything else in this expansion). Really?
Like I said before, if you are the type of person that throws their money around irresponsibly, well that’s your problem. But for the rest of us, we want to know what our money is going into and if this is it, we aren’t buying it for $50, much less anything higher, and let alone pre-order. And if you believe this is enough information on the HoT site, I have an uncle in Africa who has 800 million dollars locked up in a bank account….
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DistantStatic.6098
Hmm… I don’t know. Maybe it’s because they have provided more for the buck when they had a smaller game studio and less money and time and still managed to create completely new continents with scrupulous amounts of skills for every class and 2 new classes each expansion with waves of new titles and achievements and events to go with them for the same price in Guild Wars 1? Yeah, that might be it.
Different games. You can’t really compare making the first game to the second.
Same game studio, same team (larger now), same game name… Only differences are a newer game engine (They had a “new” game engine when GW1 came out as well). And you very well can. Especially when you have more man power now. Don’t talk unless you’ve actually been part of any real software development process.
You are not gonna justify $50 for 1 map and a class with map size based on what we’ve gotten in Maguuma Wastes.
This is the cost of the base game for a single class and a single map (so far).
I’m not going to bother to address the rest until you do some actual research into what the expansion contains. You know, the kind of research that shows you actually know what you’re talking about. We’re getting more than a single map.
Yo, true, we’re getting some pets, and…. that’s about it. Some small stuff sprinkled around. “Icing on the cake”. That’s not what you buy expansions for. You don’t buy expansions for the insignificant extras, just like anything else you might buy. You don’t buy a new car for a new car seat for example. If you feel that is a responsible use of your money then I have nothing to say to you and you shouldn’t bother addressing me.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DistantStatic.6098
But this is not the case. This isn’t a full continent with all the aforementioned features and additions to the game like in Guild Wars 1. This is the cost of the base game for a single class and a single map (so far).
So I believe what the OP is asking for is “What is making this worth the $50?”.
This is also an issue, the value just isn’t there yet.
If there’s more to come I’d gladly pre-purchase but as it stands I’ll wait, for more info or a sale.
Yes, the secrecy and lack of future insight is what is throwing most people off of pre-ordering or even buying it until a sale. It’s a safe business choice for them since they aren’t throwing down big promises so if all else fails, they just give us this short change of content and nothing more. Not to mention it’s not been fully talked about on how expansion players and non-expansion players will interact with the new story. For example, if a city gets attacked again, will non-expansion players be part of that or not? Will they be subject to the same interactions on the map as the expansion players? What about map instances in the base game? Is there going to be different map instances for expansion changed maps? These are game design points that should have already been discussed throughout development since we are 20 days from release and currently beta testing. These are also things that will influence my purchase greatly based on different points. There’s just such a lack of information on the technical side which there is no reason for; it’s not spoiling story. All it shows is that everything is up in the air with them and they are winging this whole expansion. Very concerning.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DistantStatic.6098
I bought my game at launch, I get no refund.
My investment is $50 base game, plus gem shop items.
My friends all got their base games summer 2014, on sale, they get no refunds either.I understand that games like this have operating costs, but I’m still not convinced an expansion warrants another $49.99 out of me.
New Players get everything for $50, so I still think veterans deserve a slight discount.
You bought the game at launch, surely you’ve gotten atleast $50 worth of entertainment out of it since then? Which is what the cost justifies.
How do people miss the boat on entertainment value?
Hmm… I don’t know. Maybe it’s because they have provided more for the buck when they had a smaller game studio and less money and time and still managed to create completely new continents with scrupulous amounts of skills for every class and 2 new classes each expansion with waves of new titles and achievements and events to go with them for the same price in Guild Wars 1? Yeah, that might be it.
It also might be that they provided these past 2 years perfectly fine with just the gem shop and base purchases, enough to make the base game free!
Let’s go over what they provided to $60 from the base purchase:
Ascalon: 6 zones 1 city 2 dungeons
Shiverpeak Mountains: 6 zones 1 city 2 dungeons
Kryta 6 zones 2 cities 1 dungeon
Maguuma Jungle: 6 zones 2 cities 2 dungeons
Orr: the weird odd one out, with just 3 zones and 1 dungeon.
Look at how much game with just sheer size we got for $60. The money made from the base game and gem sales lasted them years and it is still kicking. So why this $50 tag on a map and a class? You are not gonna justify $50 for 1 map and a class with map size based on what we’ve gotten in Maguuma Wastes.
I also feel that the reason why the have not shed much light on the expansion is purely because they are unsure how much will actually be finished upon release and/or what you see is what you get, and both scenarios worry me.
I REALLY want this game to do well. I think it the best mmorpg out there at the moment, but it is really getting hard to justify that title anymore.
And for the record, the reason why people moan and complain on the forums is 90% of the time out of love for the game. Nobody comes here to complain just to troll people. People genuinely care about the game and its story and most people understand if everyone went ahead with the “Don’t buy it then” guy’s advice, all of the game would just crumble and this lore and story will just slip away within a year’s time into nothing.
People WANT this game/expansion to be WORTH that $50 tag or the $60 tag or the $70 tag. If they came out with expansions like they did in Guild Wars 1 I would have this pre-ordered day 1. Don’t even have to give me info, just surprise me baby cuz I know it’s gonna good and it’s gonna be worth every cent.
But this is not the case. This isn’t a full continent with all the aforementioned features and additions to the game like in Guild Wars 1. This is the cost of the base game for a single class and a single map (so far).
So I believe what the OP is asking for is “What is making this worth the $50?”.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
ArenaNet… it’s like… you WANT to kill this game. First HoT, now this? I’m actually excited to see how much more you’re gonna shove this game down the metaphorical toilet. I thought Bungie with Destiny was the biggest train wreck but GW2 is coming up to a close second and may just overtake them. I’ll be keeping tabs just to see how terrible this game ends up. I wonder how many more wonderful game studios are gonna be gutted into short-term profit factories.
PS. How does it feel to tear apart your own piece of art that you worked so hard to create?
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
I am perfectly willing to pay $50 for HOT, but only if Anet can convince me that it’s actually worth that much. There’s still a lot we don’t know about the expansion yet and like many have already said, if they want to charge full price, then we expect a full campaign. That may very well be the case and Anet hasn’t let us know it yet. Time will tell.
Keep in mind though, that I paid $60 for over 20 maps, 8 professions, and 5 character slots so for $50 I expect something at least somewhat comparable. Has Anet said that there are no character slots or are we assuming it based on the pricing models? Hopefully the base game will come with 2+ slots. I guarantee they have big plans for new chapters even after release.
The bottom line is that they have released a price point without convincing us that it’s worthwhile. I’m perfectly willing to either:
1. Be convinced that $50 is a good price for what we get.
2. Hold out until HOT goes on sale for a price I’m willing to pay.
3. Bypass the expansion altogether if it’s just a few maps, a single profession, and some QOL items.The ball is in Anet’s corner. Let them make the appeal to sell their game to us. We know they can make a good product but there’s still plenty of time to decide if we want to buy the game or not.
This. Literally this. If we’re paying $50, it better be kitten worth $50. 83.3% of the original price better bring something close to what the original brought. Not just things that we were promised several times over since release and 3 years later they decide to put out for $50.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
I can understand why existing players are getting upset by it.
The original GW came with 4 slots and you could purchase more slots if you chose to $10 a slot i believe.
When factions came out, it was a standalone/ expansion pack. If you didn’t own Prophecies, it acted like its own game with 4 slots. However, if you DID own Prophecies , it acted like an expansion and gave you ONE free character slot FOR FREE even though you could pay $10 for one.
This same thing applied to Nightfall as well which gave you another FREE slot if you added it as an Expac so your total would be 6 slots for 3 games. Since there were 10 classes at that point, they still could make money off of the extra character slots.
Even IF you were to get a free slot from this expansion that would only be 6 slots and there are 9 classes now that is still a minimum of $30 worth of slots a person can buy to have ONE of every character minimum.
So having to pay a minimum of $75 for a $10 slot added on to the digital copy of a game with some other stuff doesn’t seam to make sense.
It SHOULD be exactly like the gw1 model in this regards.
If you bought the game already for that $50 get 1 free slot. They could still make profit from it.
If you never bought the game it should come with the expasion +the game itself for the same price. Those other bundles for the $75 ($79?) and $99 should apply to the 2nd type of people with the extra slot added as well.
Okay. That’s fine. Maybe they should include a few character slots with the expansion to help out those who have no free character slots.
Whether the value is there for the $50 is debatable—we don’t know how much content there will be for the expansion.
But what I don’t get is (1) people complaining about the $50 figure itself outside of a discussion regarding the possible value of the content; and (2) that Anet’s decision to not force new players to purchase the base game is somehow offending to people who have probably got their money’s worth over these past 3 years.
Would following FFXIV’s model be a more palatable choice? 60 for base game + exp or 40 for exp alone?
I don’t get all the outrage.
People dont like throwing away money. People like consistency when buying things. It’s like if you had to pay the price of a new phone every time you bought an app or pay the price of Windows every time you bought a program.
An expansion is an expansion, not a the full product. Extra stuff to add on. This is not extra stuff to add on, this is Full product AGAIN, plus extra stuff. You cannot just buy what you need.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DistantStatic.6098
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
Your people told new players to buy it on sale for $10 just a while ago on the HoT FAQ. Now you’re milking them some more? You said the base game would be required to play the expansion. What type of trickery is this?
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
When HoT is coming, then older version of GW2 is no longer worth anything – maybe some symbolic amount of money, but nothing more.
Its fine that Anet dont force new people to pay for it, cause they’re not able to play this version of GW2 (as we played it) anymore. This is the past.
We was able to lvling our characters, discover all the world, play pvp (ranked, unranked, tournaments, esl etc), wvw seasons, and do all this cool stuff for all this time, while new players wasnt able to do it.
We used what we paid for. We received many hours of fun, and new players, which can buy HoT + GW2 cant back to these days. They’re going to start a new adventure, witch a brand new accounts, while we’ve got accounts with lvled characters, pvp skills, cool titles, minies, etc etc…
Think of it this way
You’re wrong on various fronts. It IS worth something. The main area? That’s the base game. The whole personal story? That’s also the base game. All the dungeons and WvWvW etc…? That’s also the base game. The expansion is supposed to be an EXPANSION. Not, base game + everything they needed to add at the beginning. It is EXTRA STUFF. You can’t have Extra stuff, if you don’t have the base. But it’s very clear you can here apparently.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
To begin with, are we are paying the same price we paid for the original game for a small 3 area/zone expansion?
Secondly, a lot of the features being brought with HoT are things that were consistently promised but never released since the beginning of the game. First example: Guild Halls. This was a fundamental part of the first game and for some reason, disappeared in this game. Was this purposely done?
Which brings me to my third and final question/point. Why are fixes and major adjustments to gameplay being added as dlc/expansion? Isn’t this the number one worst thing Triple-A developers do *cough**cough* EA *cough**cough*? Why were these updates not included with the main game? This isn’t extra content, or another continent. These are full fledged features (which aren’t restricted to the HoT expansion area) that are we are being held out on unless we pay AGAIN for the game.
Who made this decision? The same person who said Cantha was racist? They’ve done a great job at killing this game.
If this is the way you run business Anet, consider me out. HoT was going to bring me back into the game. It was to bring a lot of good things the game NEEDED from the beginning. I looked forward to it a lot. But, I cannot support this business practice. This is not a good use of my money. I will not be buying this at this price, nor will I support malicious business acts. Of course, this will receive the obvious “nobody cares if you quit” comment, but stated nonetheless.
I am very displeased.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
Which expansion of other MMO is free except the ones from free to play games , which are actually pay to win ? Just give me one.
exactly. i think this person is new to mmos
It’s a pretty accurate guess if the content is as small as the living story has been. If they are only introducing 1 or 2 new maps to the current continent as small as the current living story did, then they are literally out of their minds. The entire expansion should be at LEAST the size of an entire region in the current continent, even then, paying more than $30 for that would be questionable.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
The dredge were around way before any of this even happened…..
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Anyone who joins you doesn’t get anything for helping. Just because you CAN do it with other people, doesn’t mean it was really meant for other people to join you. Considering 90% of the PERSONAL story (see how I keep emphasizing personal? Cus it’s your own? i.e. single?) is small groups of summon mobs and going back and forth between talking to people.
Players following the same storyline who assist you in yours can choose to accept the same outcome or replay the mission to make their own choices.
As for the “personal” part… if tomorrow the name was changed to story journal part 1 for race arc then part 2 for order arc and so on, it will change nothing (game play wise). Its just a name. Whats meant or intended makes no difference whatsoever… its all about whats possible.
You get credit for the story if you were doing the same exact mission. If your friend was human and you were doing the asuran tier, they will not get credit. Credit is only given if you are on the same exact mission and considering how many different choices there are that affect the actual missions given to you, it is hard to even find someone doing the mission as well. Furthermore, the missions are built around a SINGLE player. meaning, there is not a single thing that requires coordination with a separate person to even make it slightly easier. All they do is buff monster hp or raise monster tiers. Whoopie. So fun. Definitely not worth going in as a group. None of the story missions are made any easier, or more interesting by having group members around, in fact it is the opposite. Then people complain that there is no point in having any type of armor for PvE other than zerker gear.
I’ll also bring up Guild Wars 1 for an example on how they had different tiers of completion for each mission. Yes, you could run the story alone with henchmen, but if you ran as a group it made it much more feasible to obtain master rank on the missions and earn extra rewards and points towards a title track.—-THERE IS NONE OF THIS HERE—-
Again, just because it is possible to bring 4 other people into an instance does not make it group content.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
I would be totally fine if there were ways of making did not involve throwing yourself at dungeons run for 4-5 hours a day. I go around doing open world activities and living story content, but my wallet stays literally the same. repair costs never really did really dented my wallet, so the removal of yet another penalty for death and failure (getting really tired of there being no risk involved in this game, but that’s a separate subject), is not affecting me at all. Tbh, in these 2k hours since beta, I’ve never had more than 43g at one time I believe. That was probably when the living story was the Scarlet Army invasion (the one where they invaded several maps and you had to go defend against champions etc..) and there was money to be made from running around the world adventurously rather than cooped up in a dungeon.
I feel another thing that affects people’s want of a precursor so bad is it’s the only drop that is actually framed as something worth money. Any other skin that isn’t worth less than 10g is cash shop based and there’s no way of dropping them. Of course this is excluding the pseudo-legendaries ( but imo if you are going to go through that kind of trouble, you might as well go make a legendary).
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Actually this game was made with the ability of CHOICE.
Every single part of the Personal Story (except the last one) had the CHOICE to play solo or in group.
Most most events out in the world have the CHOICE of playing solo or as a group.
The PERSONAL story, was not meant for groups except at certain points. Considering the missions were completely different for everyone. It’s not a choice. Anyone who joins you doesn’t get anything for helping. Just because you CAN do it with other people, doesn’t mean it was really meant for other people to join you. Considering 90% of the PERSONAL story (see how I keep emphasizing personal? Cus it’s your own? i.e. single?) is small groups of summon mobs and going back and forth between talking to people.
And re-read my point about group play. You’re going in circles.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
I have played since beta and I have never had a precursor or any drop of significant value. 2600 hours or so and I am starting to feel that there isn’t much point in continuing to play really
I have to agree. Just tipped 2k hours and still no precursor.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
ITT: People who bought an MMORPG and made a hostile take over to make it a Co-op game in as many aspects as humanly possible.
This game was made for group work. Go play Skyrim or something if you want some solo content. Also, for the person who said the game caters towards solo players, that’s because enough people who bought this game wanting to play a single player game complained enough.
For the people who compare the LS dungeons to the Zhaitan dungeon: The amount of people doing the LS is extraordinarily larger than those looking to do the Zhaitan dungeon. The reason getting a group for the last PS dungeon is “hard” (everytime i’ve tried i get a group within 5-10minutes so idk what you’re saying) is that lack of people trying to complete it. As stated before, that is not the case here
On the topic of it locks available options and make them restricting: Making it single player makes it extremely limiting due to the lack of players available to complete actions at the same time. Meaning, things like puzzles and boss mechanics have to be severely dumbed down so that one single person can complete it. Doing this reduces any sort of replay value in the content to oblivion.
All in all, this living story is not challenging whatsoever, and as far as arenanet has proven, the solo content they create in this game requires no brains or coordination to complete compared to the group living story dungeons that they made in LS1 that did require at least SOME effort.
Now, I am not completely unreasonable. Making an alternate version of a dungeon specifically for 5 man groups and another for casual players who want a simple auto attack story seems like the best course of action. Make it an achievement to complete the 5 man dungeon and throw some alternate story content in there as well (maybe some extra lore?). The single player people can catch up on it on youtube videos if they so please.
Point is, this is an MMORPG not a casual Town-Hub RPG.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Does anyone not bother to analyze what is killing them and counter it?
I easily run through the entire tower on my elementalist (which honestly I feel is probably the best for this). Stop sticking to a single build, and expand.
It is a simple as bringing stability and condition cleansing.
Although again, this is an MMO, not a single player game. the aimed demographic for this game is people who want to play with a Massive amount of people. Not for people who want to solo content. That’s the truth, and it’s a hard truth for many people apparently.
But again. this is easily soloable if you bring stability and condition cleansing. Swiftness would be a plus. I know for a fact Necro’s have all of this at their disposal.
What I do not feel was accurately done with this content, is the respawn time for the mobs. The amount of time it takes to kill an enemy compared to the amount of time required to kill it, is a a bit off balance.
What I saw during this content which was not seen to this degree in other Living story content, is the amount of guild play I see. I see this content bringing an organizational aptitude requirement to PvE. It is not simply run full zerker and DPS everything and hope you don’t die. The content requires more planning, more team oriented builds, and more solidified roles.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Bumping for truth.
The GW1 lore was much more immersive than this. I totally understand this is a new game and there was a lot of technical complications that came first when the game was released, but now that you are adding lore based content, there was no reason to be releasing new story lines when there hasn’t been any continuation or done anything more than hint at the GW1 lore.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
If you have no dedication, if you aren’t willing to go through it, if you can’t handle it, you are not worthy of the achievement.
you miss the point SIR !
JP’s are an optional thing !!!
they should not tie in something like a new resource node to that kitten kind of content !
not everybody wants to play mario wars 2 !and to make things worse !
you cannot get 16/16 without them stinking JP’s !!!!!
that is the point lol
There;s already a title for them stinking puzzles !
keep it at that !so the rest of us can still enjoy proper content !
You realize, achievements are optional… What you are asking for, is to receive rewards for not playing the game. You don’t need an achievement to enjoy the game. If getting an achievement is that big of a deal for you anyways, then put in the work. There’s a reason why it’s an achievement. Your life is not going to end if you do not get this achievement. Stop acting like it.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Alright, thanks.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
Then did we receive the 500 chest twice? I got a second chest just now and it was full of PvP items and looked exactly like the 1k point chest. Before I received this chest, the 500-2.5k point chests were listed. Now I have the 1k-3k point chests listed. I am confused because I have received 2 of these chests today.
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]
I like how people are trying to say this is Arenanet’s fault. Right, because ArenaNet put you in the arena and forced you to play with the food buff right?
Also, there needs to be punishment for this. If not, why should people NOT exploit the game? Might as well every time something like this comes up abuse the hell out of it until it’s patched. Who cares if you are ruining countless player’s experiences?
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]