Showing Posts For DragoTheWise.7256:

[TC] [PvX] The Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]

in Looking for...

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Co-leader Drago here! ESP is a fantastic place for anyone regardless of skill level! We have folks who PvP, WvW, and PvE on a regular basis with specific guild events to support those aspects of the game! From PvE raids to ESP guild parties with games such as Quaggan Putt-Putt, there is something that everyone can enjoy. Our guild hall is fully upgraded and supported by a team of scribers to make it look amazing!
We strive to be a place to have fun while enjoying what you love most about the game. I’m proud to say that our community is kind and extremely helpful. No matter if you are a seasoned vet or a new player to GW2, you’ll find the answers you need for any part of the game.

Going on for 12+ years just affirms our dedication to a fun community that many have enjoyed. SO! I challenge you to give us a try

Find out more at and feel free to message any of us!


Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I finally have a bit of time to post about the bug fixes/adjustments from earlier this week and overall I’m pleased at the results. Thank you for fixing the issues on the charr and giving the tail bit some more armor. Plus the fixes on the females is good to see go through.

I do need to point out a few things.

  • 1. I preferred the charr armored tail to be linked with the pants instead of the coat. I know from some folks that they were glad the tail armor was separated from the coat. This allowed, say my engi to have a bit on animation when going into combat. The coat is aesthetically out of place for engis (imo of course) and having the armor tail go to the pants allowed flexibility for to get a different look without having the full coat (I like the coat on Charr still).
  • 2. While the left shoulder medium was mostly fixed, Charr females (and somewhat males) still seem to have a lot of floating. I’m not sure if it is just charr females (There are a LOT of shoulders that do this), or it wasn’t implemented as well with them. I’ll attached an image to show this issue. Is there any way the left shoulder could still be adjusted?
  • 3. I will also attach a picture of a chest clipping issue on one of my charr characters. In the picture, the red circle highlights an area where part of her chest is clipping through the armor. This happens with the non-combat and in-combat types. I checked this on other charr characters I have, both male and female, different weights and they don’t have this issue. The only thing that I can think of is that it has to deal with the head model. This particular charr head model has already issues since day 1 of its release with head gear ( also attached) that hasn’t been fixed. So, I’m drawing an assumption that somehow it has to do with it.

Those are my little quirks with the medium set. I’ve previewed the other two and I’m looking forward in getting them in the future! Already got the precursor armor for both heavy and light. Now I just need a ton of mats!


Legendary Armor Backpiece Attach Point

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I would prefer [some level of clipping].
I can see why the floating was needed,but I think it would be better to have just a bit of clipping to have it set right. Also, I believe floating issues are more noticeable than clipping (not all, but most).

Also, speaking of floating pieces, the left medium legendary shoulder piece floats pretty bad. This is morose seen on Charr as nearly every camera angle shows the shoulder floating. What is worse is during movement as the piece seems to move about wildly. Perhaps shrink the piece slightly and put it closer to the shoulder?

[TC] [PvX] The Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]

in Looking for...

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Greetings folks!

ESP Is always looking for some new members who want a great guild experience and be able to relax in-game! We offer plenty of events in the form of parties, guild missions, and plenty of in-game activities such as PvP grouping, WvW havoc’s, and even Raiding just to name a few!

We try to push a social aspect, yet try to be flexible in both casual and hardcore experiences. ESP is filled with a variety of people that can assist or answer questions for new beginners or the experience vet. And our pride in our super awesome party events gives a unique feel to the guild that has been running for over 11 years!

To know more about us, or about how to apply, simply visit

We look forward to seeing you in-game


Turrets and Gadgets

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Turrets, gadgets and Gyros all need some love. Gadgets I believe are in a bit better position than the others, but it would excel further if they would just fix up Gadgeteer to not have those stacks anymore. I talked about Gadgets and Gyros if you are interested:

Also I noticed an update on the gw2 reddit regarding the gw2 wiki now having a better means of looking at the past history of a skill. Most turrets seem to have not been touched for well in the 3 year mark, and even then the changes were tooltips or other small bugs. I was actually curious how much work the turrets had gotten over the game’s life time, and it seems they barely did anything to them after launch (of course the biggest change was being damaged by crits and condis).

Turrets, imo, are the ones that really need the attention. The game has changed and progressed so far that the turrets are really not in line with the current state. The only one that is really used is the healing turret, but of course we just place, overcharge, and then blast. Supply Crate is technically a turret now as well, and still holds up.

All three of categories have some from of having issues with being competitive with other skills as folks have posted above (and what I said in my link). We need a way to have a means to balance them and make the competitive. That can happen through simple stats or adding unique abilities to them. I really hope this coming year we can see this change.

Dev Celebration Today: Episode 3

in Living World

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Guys, the placement of our Celebrations is not a negative reflection on our official forums. However, the conversations on Reddit are offered in a “threaded” or “nested” style, where our forum provides a “flat” conversation threading. We prefer the flat conversation formatting for most purposes, but the celebrations or AMAs are most easily followed in a threaded format, and we choose Reddit for those. (Reddit admins support the choice and provide us with very helpful moderation of those threads.)

If you’re interested in formats, you can find a good article explaining the differences here. An interesting editorial opinion can be found here.

We love our forums, and do our best to ensure that important information is provided right here, on our own website, in our own forums. That means that usually an initial comment, update, alert, etc., is made here. In a few cases, if someone on the team shares info in a conversation elsewhere that appears to have broad value, they’ll let us know and we’ll port it over here. (Of course, often, an observant official forum member will do that more quickly than we can, and we do appreciate that help! )

So yes, while we may participate on Reddit and on other forums, we put our focus on the official forums for information reveals, update notes, polls, emergency notifications of issues, outage info, and so forth.

Not to potentially open a can of wurms, but I’ve seen a lot of back and forth as of late of what is seen on forums vs. Reddit. And while there is some explanation on what technically what gets posted and where (like what you gave above) , I still have some doubt sometimes… some of the doubt comes up in balance changes or just mechanics needing simple fixes that have been pointed out for months via forums. It just feels like a lot of suggestions or good discussions just seem to be passed by. It makes me ask the question: Should post a discussion/suggestion on reddit or the forums to get more visibility for an issue that I believe is important? Which one will have the better ability to reach a Dev? Which one receives more Dev traffic?

I think it would be nice every so often to have someone post in the… let’s say the profession sub-forums here from time to time, just to have something to say ‘hey, we are here and listening, ’, feedback on suggestions, etc. instead of silence (like how the engi subforum hasn’t had a dev reply over a year now).

Either way, I do thank you for taking time to do the AMAs, and hope it does help the team with future releases. Thanks.

Suggestion for Gadgets and Gyros

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Nice! I like these replies

Gadgets are definitely in a much worse position. I like the OP’s general idea of giving them passive effects after they complete.

As for battering ram, I would do something like “after being hit by battering ram, enemies have 25% chance to be dazed on hit for X seconds” which might be a bit too strong but the numbers could be adjusted and it seems to fit the theme.

I was thinking about some extra stun effect for battering ram, but I wasn’t sure how to balance it. Having a % chance may be the answer to it. I agree that gadgets are worse off and they were harder to getting an idea together compared to the gyros.

Besides player stat scaling on shredder gyro, I think the gyros are fine at this point.

Perhaps, but I want more reliability out of the gyros. A big reason to change the AOE sizes and change some of the functionality would make them more reliable, imo. Bulwark is a perfect example because despite the AI quirkyness, it has a large enough AOE to make up for it. If this thing had been 240 like the healing gyro, we would have had problems helping others. I’ve recently read through some past threads discussing ways the engis could be less selfish, and I believe re-working the gyros to be more friendly to be supportive roles with unique capabilities would help that gap.

In my opinion, gadgets/gyros, and pretty much anything that’s not a kit needs to have either a drastically low cooldown, or be completely overloaded with stats, passive abilities, boons, or offensive utility. For Engineer, the problem has always been, you’ve giving up 5 skills for one if you ever take something that’s not a kit. So anything that’s not a kit needs to essentially be worth 5 abilities in one, or it needs to be have a far lower average cooldown than those 5 abilities, or they need to fulfill very specialized roles, if they’re going to be taken. And that’s a hard task.
Anytime someone talks about engineer problems, it’s actually multiple problems intersecting that cause the absolute CF that is the engineer class. …

I agree. Kits are fantastic, but it makes it harder to balance in other skills, though some of this could be fixed by what seems to be simple changes. That’s what I was hoping with my idea… Trying to push gadgets to be more beneficial in a focused area that a kit doesn’t provide… Make Gyros more reliable and having better support elements to break a profession to be less selfish.

Hopefully, these discussions will eventually make way to the Devs. The engi is a good profession, but these issues prevent it from reaching its full potential.

Suggestion for Gadgets and Gyros

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I would like to add that since the daze was removed from gyros, there is very little incentive to actually detonate them. While turrets already have an overcharge ability, perhaps the gyro skill, once the gyro is summoned, could be changed to an overcharge. It could use some X skill for a short period of time while it is up. It could be as simple as placing a field down that would act like the abilities I gave above (example: Bulwark gyro could place an AOE down that would reduce damage by 15% when cc’d for 5 seconds). This could bring in a more active role with the gyro.

Shield, Turrets & Raids: Combined Suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I need some more thought about some of the traits, but in regards to the turrets, I think the ‘Dug In’ ability would be more incentive to have them up longer and thus not a means to place, overcharge, detonate all the time. I wouldn’t nerf base toughness as they are already very squishy.
Also, outgoing condi duration doesn’t really help unless you are using flame turret. There is already an overabundance of vuln application. Perhaps allowing them to crit and increasing their %chance over time instead. Of course, this may put a bit of a dent in your ‘Flame’ trait.
I will say that despite this change, it wouldn’t help too much in regards of a more wanted raid spot, but may help bring them more so in PvP.

Suggestion for Gadgets and Gyros

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I agree with you. We shouldn’t buff them too much, but they have to have something to make the competitive against kits. Kits have a bit of everything… support, while a gadget is more focused. Those focused areas should be boosted enough to warrant an engi to consider using the gadget for whatever specific purpose they may have, eg using Throw Mine as direct damage and damage modifier to the combine with other skill to support that direct damage setup.

Suggestion for Gadgets and Gyros

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Personally, I haven’t liked gyros all that much. They were put up as the ability to support allies and provide unique functions… But instead they were mostly lacking in actually supporting allies and have issues with poor AI pathing. The only one I really use is Bulwark since it has a good AOE size damage redirection buff, nice reflect, and is the one gyro that seems to be able to follow well. But like the gadgets, I think they could use some unique buffs to make them more competitive but also fulfill their role better as a means to support allies. They could also use some tweaks to how the gyros use their abilities.

  • Medic Gyro: 5 allies in the AOE gain a 10% outgoing healing. Increase size of healing AOE to 600. Gyro activates pulse healing every 3 seconds regardless of proximity to the Engi.
    Reasoning: The small AOE it currently gives is too small, and it only activates when close enough to the player meaning a lot of potential healing to allies is dropped off. It would be better if the AOE was extended and it simply pulsed out healing every 3 seconds. This would provide more reliability. The buff is there to focus on party healing, though I could see something like a 15% to boon duration instead. It would have an applied special buff that would last 3s and then get refreshed for each pulse.
  • Shredder Gyro: Enemies that are struck by the gyro get a special debuff that “shreds” their armor (up to 5 enemies). Debuff makes the target have 10% incoming damage.
    Reasoning: The Shredder Gyro initial function was very lacking and unreliable as fields can change at a moment’s notice, plus it didn’t really add much damage despite it being more of the damaging type. The debuff would apply on a target 2 or 3 sec debuff that would get refreshed each hit. Since the gyro stays still and can still be CC’d/or killed, it would be up to the Engi to place it at the right time, and the enemy has numerous ways to counter it.
  • Purge Gyro: Change the mechanic to simply follow the engi and activate the condi removal effect every 3 seconds in an AOE. Remove 1 condi per ally ( up to 5 allies) per pulse. Make the AOE size 600. While in the radius, a special buff will also pulse out reducing the incoming condi duration by 10%
    Reasoning: Tbh, the purge gyro was extremely unreliable to provide cleansing support. It could be CC’d, interrupted, destroyed… etc. And then your cleansing would be gone. This change would make it more reliable and more supportive to allies. The Special buff would be similar to the healing gyro’s that would last 3 seconds but get refreshed for every pulse.
  • Bulwark Gyro: Special buff- Decrease incoming damage by 15% when hard CC’d
    Reasoning: While the Bulwark is already a decent gyro, why not have a bit of a counter against all these CC’s being thrown around? This is inspired from an old engi trait that would give you 20% damage reduction while you were stunned, dazed, knockdown, etc.
  • Blast Gyro: ???
    Reasoning: Not sure what the Blast Gyro would give.
  • Stealth Gyro: While in the stealth field, gain a small speed boost.
    Reasoning: It is no secret that the enemy knows where you are. So why not give your fellow party members a way to escape that is more constant?

So, what do you folks think? Does this make any sense? Pros and Cons? Does it help bring unique buffs to the Engi that will benefit the profession and party comp? I would love to hear what you think about this. I do apologize if some of these suggestions have already been floating around… I don’t poke around the forums often. Ha!

Suggestion for Gadgets and Gyros

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Gadgets and Gryos, all of us engis know that they have issues. I’ve had some ideas simmering for a while and I thought I would present them and see what you folks thought. Both of the skill sets have an issue in being competitive against kits. Sometimes they may be used in unique circumstances, but even then it may be a struggle. Take these as not definite changes, but more as suggestions to perhaps turn this idea into something better, and any numbers given are just ball-park values.
Note: This is going to look at the skills themselves, not the toolbelt skills.

Besides the GM trait that needs to have the clunky stack mechanic removed, I think the skills themselves could get a bit of buffing in an unique way. One thing that has always stood out for me regarding this type is the skill Utility Goggles. They have a unique ability in giving Engi immunity to blindness for 10 seconds. Perhaps all the other gadgets should have something as well. Here are a few examples:

  • AED: Gain 10% damage reduction after the lethal damage is taken for X amount of seconds.
    Reasoning: Personally, while AED is an interesting high risk/ high reward sort of deal, I’ve felt it could use a little help to give a boost in defense so as to not be open for half a minute without a heal.
  • Throw-mine: After detonation, gain a 10% increase to damage output for a short time.
    Reasoning: Throw-mine has been a good offensive gadget, and tbh, it may not even need this boost since it already has a lot going for it. But I figured it would allow the engi push out a bit more DPS since you’ll be dropping a kit.
  • Slick Shoes: Immunity to soft cc’s for a short time.
    Reasoning: Since Slick Shoes got changed, I’ve rarely if ever seen it much, so with special buff, it’ll allow the engi more freedom as a means to escape when many of his enemies have stability to counter the knock down.
  • Rocket Boots: Gain a 25% speed boost for a short time after landing
    Reasoning: Rocket Boots really need to have an evade frame as part of the skill, but I think having a nice passive speed boost for a short time would boost its effectiveness as a means to escape… especially if we are still able to be hit while using the skill.
  • Battering Ram: ???
    Reasoning: I still don’t know what to give Battering Ram. The only thing I could think of is that when it hits a target, that target gains a special debuff that causes bleeding after 5s (yah know, from internal bleeding!)

[TC] [PvX] The Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]

in Looking for...

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Man. It has been some time since we’ve posted something ,huh?
With Halloween approaching ESP will be hosting a spppoooookkkyy party in just two weeks! There are whispers of a return of Quaggan putt-putt and a new game called ‘Ghouls and Quaggans’! Of course there will be plenty of prizes and many more games!

We are a PvX guild and take pride in our members! Check us out at for more info or feel free to PM any of our officers in-game!


in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I would use gadgets more if the Gadgeteer trait wasn’t so clunky. They seriously just need to remove the ‘gain the ability after being hit 5 times’ and I could see gadgets being used more. It is really annoying not to get access to overcharge AND your skill recharge until that ‘buff’ charges up… plus since the ‘buff’ goes to only one gadget, you are unable to use them in rapid succession.

[FEEDBACK] Rising Flames

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Might be your sound settings. I heard a lot of rumbling and volcano-y sounds. Maybe the bass of your speakers or headset is very low?

I don’t think so. In-game sound settings come in as clear as day, but as soon as those cutscenes hit, the sounds are pretty low or seem to be missing. I may try another run and turn up my settings by a lot, but I think there is still an issue with it.

[FEEDBACK] Rising Flames

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Overall, the content and the story is enjoyable. I like the return of the hearts
If I had one quirk, it would be the cinematic. This happened with the previous episode were it was visually impressive, but the sound was hardly noticeable. It really lessens the impact of what you are seeing if the sound behind it is so low or doesn’t have that ‘umph’ it needs to drive it home.

Example being the volcano. It almost erupts! But there isn’t any rumbling or cracking sounds. It is mostly silent with some music low key. Very disappointing. The second vision was a bit better, but still wasn’t very impactful.

Guild halls block squads

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Hey! Officer of ESP here.

We are having the same issue; however, it isn’t squad related. The issue lies within the instance generation of the guild hall and seems to be currently bugged. We had a guild event this weekend and when multiple members of my guild joined the guild hall, the first instance was created as normal; however, as more people came in rapidly, it would prompt those already in the instance to change( as normal) BUT another window would pop up making another instance after that. This caused what seemed to be multiple main instances to be created. Some people would get the prompt, but would get either nothing to happen OR it would give an error message saying “Already in game”. When trying to leave and come back, we were forced into whatever “main” instance our characters seemed to be assigned to. It didn’t seem like any of the these instances timed out either unless everyone left the guild hall.

To go around this issue, I had to have my guild members enter the hall one at a time. If a new instance was generated, I didn’t have anyone else come in until those currently in the guild hall went to the new instance. This seemed to work and the process was repeated until everyone was in the same instance.

This process took a good chunk of 20min to 30min of our party time or so just to figure this out and then go through the process of doing it. Our guild hall is the Gilded Hollow, if that helps.

In general, if we were allowed to have a “join X” for guild hall instances, that would help a lot. Also, allowing more people in an instance before creating a new one would be nice…. At least 10. Trying to do a party for 25 to 30 people and having constant instances generated is very annoying.

Turret Overhaul (Idea)

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


While I commend you for trying to look into the Engi’s problem with turrets, I’m afraid this has too much micro management and static gameplay.

I’m not sure how long you have played the game, but the Engi Mortar kit used to be just a mortar that we could place and then control rooting the engi without any additional defensive bonuses except for a perma stability(that could be stripped/stolen). It was pretty bad and didn’t offer much support nor DPS for an elite skill on top of other issues it had( minimal range boundary, slow arcing projectiles, no critical hits, exposure to high damage… perfect setups for backstab thieves). Rarely, if ever, engi players used the Mortar and there was much relief when it was finally turned into an effective kit.

Back to your suggestions though. I don’t like the knocked over status nor the operate function as those two present micromanagement that would just be highly annoying in a battle. The fact that you have to operate the turret then use a separate skill to bring it back to operation is a lot. I would scrap these two ideas.

The build times could still be of use, but reduced from what you have posted. Guild Wars 2 is a fast paced gameplay, and something that takes 6 seconds to build is just too long. You have to ask yourself if turrets can be destroyed during the build phase, which would the cause a series of problems such as them being destroyed before being finished. Turrets already have issues staying up in PvP situations.

I would keep 360 degree rotations. But I’ll take a base damage nerf if the turrets get to scale with engi stats and to receive boons( something that we’ve been wanting for a while). TBH, with HoT I think we could revert the turrets back to resisting at least condi damage. Like I mentioned before, turrets have issues staying up with the amount of damage that gets thrown around.

I do like your overload abilities as that would bring some better functionality to them. However, as much as I would want a chain gun turret elite, I believe supply crate would be better to keep as that is a more supportive elite to have.
The trait suggestions I would scrap.

So in summary, in my opinion:
Scrap the following suggestions:

  • Traits
  • Kncoked Over status effect
  • Operate Function
  • 180 degree roation
  • Chain Turret

Keep the following suggestions:

  • Build times (however reduced, and the least likely to be kept)
  • Buffs to scaling/boon application, ability to critically hit
  • Overcharge abilities
  • Outgoing Damage reduction to balance scaling

Now, for some suggestions in combination with yours.

  • If build times are kept, have it so the Engi doesn’t have to sit there and build. Place down it automatically and have it build itself. Reason being other placement skills such as wells and traps have little to no cast time, which is why the build times suggested need to be greatly reduced. Either that, or make the turrets(besides the healing turret) in-line the cast times of the necro minions.
  • I would personally like to see an old trait come up: deployable turrets. It would still allow the Engi to strategically place the turrets but away from the middle of a fight or not have to take time setting up turrets off point.
  • Some sort of defensive or specialized boon from turrets. I think turrets could be more sportive or have some sort of specialized boon like the necro minions.
  • Reduce some incoming damage to turrets so as to not be so ‘paper-thin’. Or like you suggested, increase the health but keep condi/criticals

I know this removes a lot of the more ‘active play’ elements you were going for, but I think they would prove to be more a hindrance than a benefit. However, some parts you suggested are good imo. Either way, it is a good to talk about this set of skills especially since they have fallen so far in good functionality (and a small set of the gyros as well)


Feedback Thread: Summer Update (26 July 2016)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


While I can’t give back much in the way of PvP/WvW, as I don’t play those modes often enough, I will give back my thoughts concerning PvE and just general stuff.

New Fractal- I felt like it had nice mesh of all the fractals in a fun and chaotic way. I’ve only gotten the chance to play it once through, so I hope to see how it is on a higher difficulty the next go through (played a lvl 30 first go). I’m looking forward to what story you have in store going forward for fractals. I do hope the final boss is a bit harder on higher levels as he felt very easy. I haven’t had much of a change to test out the other fractal changes; however, the changes to Cliffside seemed to be good, and the increased pacing of the drill and the NPC’s in the Molten fractal is great to have!

LS3- As someone who played GW1 and has played through all the Raid content, I found this small start of our story really enjoyable. I think it is safe to assume that this slower start was necessary for not only the Commander character, but for folks who haven’t seen much of the Raid story. I’m hoping that the next episodes will be able to move forward more so now that we got through some lore. The gameplay portion of the new story was fun though I hope for some more challenging fights in the future (For starting a new season, the fights were at a good level of difficulty)! I did find it odd that there wasn’t some segment between LS3 and HoT. HoT ended kinda abruptly and I’m not sure where the Commander character ended up afterward. It’s this odd hole that bothers me a bit. I really liked we got to use masteries in the story and in the new map. I like how the mastery applies well with the particular map as it shows a character adjusting to the particular surroundings instead of a generic ability. The map is pretty fun and the loot is pretty good. I like the “open world” VG boss that was put in.

QoL changes were really nice. From the pet names staying static to having the awesome salvage all option, they were good across the board. I do hope that QoL changes continue to be a regular part of these patches. The more general fixes (like the characters getting stuck after X fix, geeze that was so annoying) were a welcome sight.

As an officer of a guild, it was nice to see Anthems finally introduced to the game. We’ll be having a poll soon to see what anthem we will make our own. The Monuments upgrade is nice too. It will allow us to make some fun games within the guild hall. The best part is definitely the increase to the decoration cap and the fixes/improvements to the decoration skill bar ! This will help us a lot!

I was surprised with the inclusion of new emotes. I’m enjoying them (my fav is /crossarms ) and hope to see others in the future. You folks have great animation quality and I hope to see more of it in the future. More emotes!

Balance changes—-
I won’t go into too much detail and will just focus on the Engi portion), but overall I’m somewhat neutral on the outcome of the changes. I will say that seeing splits occur on skills between PvP and PvE is a good step in the right direction; however, some skills didn’t get the treatment without much explanation Some stuff was done for the better… some others not so much. The changes has spurred a conversation in the Engi forums and I think we need to start ramping up the evaluations on the Engi profession and the Elite spec. We are still a very selfish profession when it comes to party/raid contributions. Any sort of boon/support giving we do is shadowed by other professions who can do way better while doing a decent amount of DPS. While the nice buff to the Viper Engi was nice, I think we need to start looking at other parts of the Engi that have been neglected for too long and bugs that have been sitting around that need to be fixed
Examples- Gyro AI needs to be cleaned up, Turrets need to be reevaluated as the previous nerf on them, imo, was too harsh and the usefulness of turrets is at an all time low (they still do very little damage, and AOE’s in PvP/roaming just gobble them up too quickly for such long CD’s). Gadgets need to be tweaked to have a bit more impact and I would personally like to see the Gadgeteer trait at least have the 20% reduction at all times, not just on the annoying 5 stacks required to use it. Traits like Medical Dispersion Field have bugs or need to be reevaluated in terms of actual usefulness. Some scrapper skills like the Shredder Gyro still has to produce an actual good use… not necessarily a bad concept, but the usefulness and impact just isn’t great. I do hope you’ll listen close to the community on how we can expand the profession while keeping it’s core focus intact and making the profession something people want to bring instead of something that is OK… And hopefully within a good timeframe unlike what happened with the Mortar.

Thanks for the work you put into this patch and I look forward to the next one.

Charr and Asura female precursor armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I personally don’t mind the female chest on the Asura female, but I can swing either way with the decision.

But the female chest for the female Charr has got to go. It just looks weird and doesn’t fit at all both just on the model and culture wise.

Engineer bombs not working.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I can confirm this as well. It seems that the bombs are somehow displaced into the air and end up not doing any damage nor activating fields. This can occur on any type of surface. The areas in which it occurs seems almost random and I have been unable to determine what surfaces or situations it actually triggers this bug.

[TC] [PvX] The Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]

in Looking for...

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


What’s this?! Someone besides Karuna posting! YES ( and a long time coming too >_> )

Drago here, PvX Officer/Raid officer, we are always looking for more folks to join for a variety of content while striving to work together in a community. Anywhere from the most simplest of fractals to the challenging raids or even some dungeon runs. We try to hit all the points this game has to offer for various skill levels.


MDF doesn't work with HT

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


It’s bugged… or at least that is what I hope it is. I’ve hunted down this on most if not all Engi based traits/abilities and below is what I’ve posted in threads like this:

For one, the regeneration boon doesn’t proc it even if the combat log mentions that “You heal yourself for X using [Regeneration]” I made sure I was the only one using regeneration.

Healing turret procs it; however, if you use Cleanings Burst, it does not activate MDF despite it saying again it says “You heal yourself for X using Cleansing Burst”

Backpack Regenerator also doesn’t proc MDF… log says – “You heal yourself for X using [Backpack Regenerator]”

But what’s weird is that both Super Elixir, the impact heal and the pulse heal, and the Elixir Shell pulse heal, activates MDF for each pulse of its occurrence for both skills.

Now granted, Elixir Shell and Super Elixir have the “Healing: X” in the tool tip, but shouldn’t Cleansing Burst do it as well? It also has a “Healing: X” in the tool tip. Also, since Regeneration and Backpack regeneration is considered ‘healing yourself’, why don’t they proc?

I checked the other heal skills and I got the following-
Elixir H- Works fine.
Med Kit- Bandage self and all other skills work.
A.E.D.- It works for both the nonlethal and lethal procs.
Supply Crate Overcharge- Cleansing burst from this doesn’t proc
Soothing detonation- Procs
Rabid Regeneration- Procs
Healing Gyro- The initial heal will proc MDF, but the pulsing AOE heal called Reconstruction doesn’t proc MDF, despite saying in the log it is considered a self heal

Some skills work… some don’t despite these other skills/boons reporting in the log as “Healing yourself” This is where the true bug lies with this trait right now.

Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon. Also… Rabid Regeneration in the Scrapper line, last time I check, will proc the healing from swiftness, but if applying super speed, the super speed will overrule the swiftness heal instead of being added together ( the tool tip also is bugged in the trait line not showing increased healing from healing power)

Guild XP Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Officer of Everlasting Sacred Path here. We are having the same issue. Stuck at level 31. Just noticed after an upgrade didn’t push us to 32.

Movement keys lock, cant move

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Yeah, I’ve had this issue multiple times in various modes as well. It can occur from just using an evade, and your character gets stuck. The only way to unstuck yourself is to use another movement skill or get CC’d. There have been multiple times where this bug has caused issues at the most inopportune moments.

Medical dispersion Field

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I’ve been watching this trait closely and did some testing a week or so ago.. This is my post on the results of the testing:

For one, the regeneration boon doesn’t proc it even if the combat log mentions that “You heal yourself for X using [Regeneration]” I made sure I was the only one using regeneration.

Healing turret procs it; however, if you use Cleanings Burst, it does not activate MDF despite it saying again it says “You heal yourself for X using Cleansing Burst”

Backpack Regenerator also doesn’t proc MDF… log says – “You heal yourself for X using [Backpack Regenerator]”

But what’s weird is that both Super Elixir, the impact heal and the pulse heal, and the Elixir Shell pulse heal, activates MDF for each pulse of its occurrence for both skills.

Now granted, Elixir Shell and Super Elixir have the “Healing: X” in the tool tip, but shouldn’t Cleansing Burst do it as well? It also has a “Healing: X” in the tool tip. Also, since Regeneration and Backpack regeneration is considered ‘healing yourself’, why don’t they proc?

I checked the other heal skills and I got the following-
Elixir H- Works fine.
Med Kit- Bandage self and all other skills work.
A.E.D.- It works for both the nonlethal and lethal procs.
Supply Crate Overcharge- Cleansing burst from this doesn’t proc
Soothing detonation- Procs
Rabid Regeneration- Procs
Healing Gyro- The initial heal will proc MDF, but the pulsing AOE heal called Reconstruction doesn’t proc MDF, despite saying in the log it is considered a self heal

Some skills work… some don’t despite these other skills/boons reporting in the log as “Healing yourself” This is where the true bug lies with this trait right now.

This is why you may feel like the trait doesn’t always work, cause it’s bugged. I didn’t look into the 12% issue before and now I’m gonna go look at it. Considering there was only one fix in today’s patch, I’m going to be hunting down bugs(again) and make another post in the bug section of the forums and hopefully we can get some things fixed on the next go :P

EDIT: I did check the percentages. The healing output is 20%

(edited by DragoTheWise.7256)

Engineer Bugs - Fresh start 14/11/2015

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Looks like Rapid Regeneration is bugged? Before the Nov 17 patch I got the heal from swiftness and quickness but not it is only one at a time. With quickness heal having priority.

Yep. I just tested this. They don’t add together… Rapid Regeneration from super speed over rides the healing done from swiftness instead of adding together :/

Engineer Bugs (Updated & Consolidated)

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Just tried this, but Smoke Screen from flame turret doesn’t produce the smoke field or the blind.

I tested this out the other day and I was able to get the smoke field and the blinding pulse from the flame turret overcharge. Was there a specific area you were using it when this occurred? Or any other details that may lead to the bug occurring?

Engineer Bugs - Fresh start 14/11/2015

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Ok. I did another test of MDF and it doesn’t have an ICD. There are still problems with some traits/skills not proc’ing it.

From my first test on the “older” bug list post with a few other things added today:

For one, the regeneration boon doesn’t proc it even if the combat log mentions that “You heal yourself for X using [Regeneration]” I made sure I was the only one using regeneration.

Healing turret procs it; however, if you use Cleanings Burst, it does not activate MDF despite it saying again it says “You heal yourself for X using Cleansing Burst”

Backpack Regenerator also doesn’t proc MDF… log says – “You heal yourself for X using [Backpack Regenerator]”

But what’s weird is that both Super Elixir, the impact heal and the pulse heal, and the Elixir Shell pulse heal, activates MDF for each pulse of its occurrence for both skills.

Now granted, Elixir Shell and Super Elixir have the “Healing: X” in the tool tip, but shouldn’t Cleansing Burst do it as well? It also has a “Healing: X” in the tool tip. Also, since Regeneration and Backpack regeneration is considered ‘healing yourself’, why don’t they proc?

I checked the other heal skills and I got the following-
Elixir H- Works fine.
Med Kit- Bandage self and all other skills work.
A.E.D.- It works for both the nonlethal and lethal procs.
Supply Crate Overcharge- Cleansing burst from this doesn’t proc
Soothing detonation- Procs
Rabid Regeneration- Procs
Healing Gyro- The initial heal will proc MDF, but the pulsing AOE heal called Reconstruction doesn’t proc MDF, despite saying in the log it is considered a self heal

Some skills work… some don’t despite these other skills/boons reporting in the log as “Healing yourself” This is where the true bug lies with this trait right now.

Engineer Bugs - Fresh start 14/11/2015

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Function Gyro seems to be hit or miss. Sometimes it revives allies/stomps , and sometimes it just hovers in place doing nothing…

Also I’m gonna check the Medical Dispersion Field ICD claim again. last time I check it wasn’t having an ICD issue.

Guild Rush Traps bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I have a follow up to this with a video:

It seems that regardless if I finish the rush (well I suppose they are now called “Races”) or not, I still have this bug. If I exit transform early I still have the bug. The only way I can seem to reset it is if I leave the map. Even when the rush is over, if someone reactivates it (eg another guild), I still activate all traps. I also seem to trigger checkpoints. This has happened for the wolf run and the Race in Diessa. I will try to see if other rushes still effect me and my other characters. Other folks in my guild seem to yet have this issue.

Guild Rush Traps bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


This has happened a few times now to me, but sometimes after I complete a guild rush, I still activate traps despite not being in the transformation anymore. I’m unable to assist other guild members in their rush as I’ll keep activating traps that I can’t see.

mastery track Historian of the Armaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Correct. But you can’t unlock it until you get more mastery points.

You can switch to a different master line to train until you get more points. But the main point is, you need to acquire more master points, doesn’t matter how full you bar is at this point

mastery track Historian of the Armaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


It’s because you don’t have enough master points to unlock it. You only have 2 points and you need an additional 4

Blast Gyro Bugged

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Somewhat on topic… But I’ve always thought it to be confusing to know what player stats get to be used by player minions (especially in regards to engi) and… why.

For instance, Engi Turrets can scale with the player stats in regards to boon duration, out going, (though they can’t receive boons) and condition damage(which only helps the Flame Turret these days… Rocket turret got its burning removed long ago and the rifle turret doesn’t have bleeds on its overcharge), but not power which is what turrets should get considering that all but one turret shoots out damaging conditions and the boon duration stat is somewhat limited in use. Of course, turrets can’t crit, can’t move, and don’t receive a number of player stats…. And can’t receive normal healing unless you use the tool kit.

But… Then we have the gyros which can scale off of the player’s power stat and can receive boons and are allowed to crit, though only on their own based stat. They can also receive regular healing that comes from the engi/allies.

I know the supposed big differences are in CD’s and the decision to keep these two categories of skills up vs. using the active component to detonate them. But still, I can’t help but scratch my head as to why certain stats are allowed and some are not… especially with turrets these days falling prey to critical damage and the new condi system without a good means to have some form of a counter.

Getting back a bit on topic… for the Blast Gyro, I think it should receive the crit chance of the player stat. It’s a one shot thing, not like a Phantasm that could hit multiple times… So why the limitation?

Gyros Impacting Performance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I had mentioned this in the scrapper bug thread in the beta (but after testing in the latest patch this still persists), but if a scrapper pulls out 4 gyros that move (medic, stealth, bulwark, purge), it will impact game performance( example: going from 50 fps to a crawling 10) when moving all 4 gyros. This performance hit not only effects the player of the scrapper, but other players who see the gyros in their vision as well. I’m not sure if this triggers if multiple engis have 1 gyro out at a time or it simply triggers when one engi has multiple gyros out.

Exchanging Influence -> Aetherium not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Our guild tried to take advantage of the conversion to boost the Aetherium mining time. We weren’t totally sure how it would work, so we played it safe and bought the 10k boost. We didn’t see any change in the mining time, and now the 100k option is gone ( we currently have 953,135 influence). Just to make sure, we did try buying the 10k option one more time and it still didn’t make any sort of change.

Engineer Bugs (Updated & Consolidated)

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Medical Dispersion Field seems to still have an ICD of 5s.

I investigated this, and there isn’t a ICD anymore; however, what activates MDF and what doesn’t isn’t really clear. I thought that whatever healing you do on yourself activates it… but it seems only half of the skills end up actually working.

For one, the regeneration boon doesn’t proc it even if the combat log mentions that “You heal yourself for X using [Regeneration]” I made sure I was the only one using regeneration.

Healing turret procs it; however, if you use Cleanings Burst, it does not activate MDF despite it saying again it says “You heal yourself for X using Cleansing Burst”

Backpack Regenerator also doesn’t proc MDF… log says – “You heal yourself for X using [Backpack Regenerator]”

But what’s weird is that both Super Elixir, the impact heal and the pulse heal, and the Elixir Shell pulse heal, activates MDF for each pulse of its occurrence for both skills.

Now granted, Elixir Shell and Super Elixir have the “Healing: X” in the tool tip, but shouldn’t Cleansing Burst do it as well? It also has a “Healing: X” in the tool tip. Also, since Regeneration and Backpack regeneration is considered ‘healing yourself’, why don’t they proc?

I checked the other heal skills and I got the following-
Elixir H- Works fine.
Med Kit- Bandage self and all other skills work except for Med Blaster. Despite it giving you healing, it does NOT proc MDF
A.E.D.- It works for both the nonlethal and lethal procs.
Supply Crate Overcharge- Cleansing burst from this doesn’t proc

Some skills work… some don’t despite these other skills/boons reporting in the log as “Healing yourself” This is where the true bug lies with this trait right now.

Edit: I didn’t check this… but something worth checking is the “Soothing Detonation” Trait or other heal blasts/leaps that may or may not proc MDF

(edited by DragoTheWise.7256)

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Drago, the aftercast (which isn’t shown on the tooltip) makes the auto attack slower than on warrior hammer.

Mmm. I see. Thanks for the clarification.


  • Chemical Field: 1s resistance per pulse.

I could get behind this to swap out the poison field.

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I finally got around to writing some feedback. I’ve only read a few posts in this thread, but I’m going to try to focus on giving feedback based entirely on my own experiences. I do hope this helps this elite spec for a profession I have played with since day 1.

So. Hammer. I’m going to start off saying that this is a pretty fun weapon to use. It feels like an awesome hammer than some crazy engi would create. It has a lot of utility and damage associated with it, and I believe it has hit the “good damage” mark and possibly, in my opinion a great amount of damage more so than the rifle is able to produce. Besides a few minor bugs, which I believe have been reported, I will definitely be using the hammer for a variety of builds both for offensive and defensive purposes.

Hammer Skill Feedback-

  1. AA -The AA I have read from some seems to be that it is too slow. I looked at the AA compared to the warrior and the cast times are the same. I think it may feel a bit sluggish due an animation, but I thought it was still at the correct pacing.
  2. Electro Whirl – With my particular PvE build, this guy can hit like a truck. The reflect did seem a little strange to get the exact timing right, but it is nice to have to have a little counter play to more ranged builds.
  3. Rocket Charge- Ah man. This one is so much fun to use and a good hitter as well. I did feel the evades frames weren’t exactly right, but that may have just been me. I know there are a few minor bugs regarding activating fields, but that didn’t hamper the experience nor gameplay too much. I will say that for something that was mentioned to chase with, each moment to land is just a little too long to make a full effect to chase. This may be OK though as we already have enough swiftness and super speed to make up for it. The skill overall is pretty fantastic.
  4. Shock Shield- A great way to stack some quick vuln, doing damage, while having a block. I know this skill was a life saver for me multiple times while it was an effective means of doing some punishment to enemies who got too close. A really nice utility for the now melee weapon.
  5. Thunder Clap- Besides having a name that is shared with two other skills in the game, this is a pretty solid skill. It’s like supply drop with some damage and a stun but without the turrets and instead leaves a lighting field to be combo’d with Rocket Jump getting in some nice dazes.

The only suggestion that I can come up with in particular for the hammer would be to give Rocket Jump a soft cc cleanse for at least immobilization, but that may be a bit much to put into the skill.


  • Overall Thoughts-
    Gyros are a weird take as far as utility is concerned. Engis already have turrets which have some trouble standing on their own these days in my opinion, so I thought it was odd that a similar route was taken with the gyros. Despite this thought going in, I did enjoy some of them and found their tool belt skills to be extremely useful. I don’t think I was ever dissatisfied with any of the tool belt skills(well… maybe one), so awesome job on that! But… there are a few, I’m afraid that will be left in the dust due to limited usability and mechanical issues.
  1. Medic Gyro- I played a little bit with this guy, and I did like the improved healing from what was initially shown. The tool belt skill was really nice providing a nice water field and protection. I can see this guy being used in the future.
  2. Bulwark Gyro- I used this guy a good amount in PvP. I had gone with a tougher build and with this guy, it just helped out with stopping some damage. Granted, in a larger fight, he didn’t last as long, but during smaller fights, it excelled. The tool belt skill while simple, helped out a lot with those with longer range.
  3. Purge Gyro- I didn’t really use this guy much. I probably should have played a bit more with this gyro, but this is one of the gyros I don’t see being used much. My main issue is that it has to travel to the character it wishes to cleanse meaning that in most combat situations, it’ll have trouble keeping up to reach the person. I’m not sure if it can “miss” a cleanse by having its animation start and then a character moving away. Something to test I suppose. The tool belt skill for this one seemed a bit of an odd choice for a condi application; however, it should be noted that it would be useful to reduce healing which is the more important aspect of this toolbelt skill.
  4. Shredder Gyro- The tool belt skill on this guy is amazing. I know the pulsed daze really helped lock down an area and provided more opportunities for attacks with the hammer. However, the gyro itself is a little underwhelming. The damage isn’t much and I found it odd that it had a .5 sec combo interval. I would think that it would be able to have the same interval as the warrior axe 5, as the issue with whirl combos are the fact the bolts seem to go in random directions and may not hit any targets. And with a slower interval, it just makes it a less chance to hit.
  5. Blast Gyro- Alright, I had fun with this guy. The super speed tool belt skill really is nice to have for a quick boost. The gyro itself is fun to use knocking enemies back and doing some damage. I do feel like it needed to move a bit faster and the reaction time after it is summoned needs to be a bit quicker. Sometimes after the summon it would sit there a bit too long before moving toward the target.
  6. Sneak Gyro- Let’s start with the tool belt skill. It’s cool. Reveal in a AOE format pretty effective on those who may try to shadow refuge or get together for a mass invis. However, like most gyros, the sneak gyro had trouble keeping up while on the move. I would have to stop or slow down just to make sure I got the invis pulse. Of course, the gyro could still be targeted which may end up getting me hit as well. Like all the other moving gyros, it is plagued by any sort of slightly raised terrain having the Scrapper take a longer route rather than simply doing a tiny hop. I’m afraid that the gyro may become the new Mortar before that guy was turned into a kit. Outside of the mass reveal, the sneak gyro just doesn’t seem to be that useful.

Some of the gyros like bulwark, medic and blast, may get a lot of use out of them while purge, shredder, and sneak may not see much light. Any gyro that moves also has difficulty with pathing at times which may make situations aggravating. It is tricky that the gyros that move need to be close enough to the scrapper to provide support, but far enough away to not exactly get cleaved immediately. Perhaps some of the AOE effects could be a bit bigger or in the instance of the purge gyro, it could shoot a dart instead of going up directly to a character. When the gyros die, the daze can be a hit or miss (except for the blast gyro generally), as their location may be off from enemies. It may be interesting to allow the gyros to use the last bit of their “fuel” to propel themselves to an enemy in order to make the daze more effective.


Overall thoughts
The traits for the most part had a nice balance of offense and defense while providing a little bit of niche support. There is a lot of synergy within the line itself. I will say that the Function Gyro was handy when it worked; however, it does have a more limited use outside of PvP given that in PvE there are rarely enemies to stomp. It does provide a great means to do a quick revive of a downed player. The few matches I played in PvP, it was useful to take downed enemies so that I could focus on other things.
Specific feedback on traits


  • Shocking Speed- I didn’t use this one too much, but I can see it being useful due to the hammer abilites. I can see it lacking if a hammer isn’t available unless you have an ele or you use the Final Salvo trait if you use gyros + whatever blasts/leaps you have.
  • Stablization Core- Moreso a trait for PvP, I can see this being helpful with stomps and combo with Mass Momentum, but this trait is pretty niche. In PvE land, if your parties members don’t go down much, you may not see this trait in much use.
  • Recovery Matrix- This is a great skill to help buff up whatever heal skill you may have. This was really my go-to in the Adept trait line over the others.


  • Decisive Renown- Pretty useful when allies went down and the 5 stacks of might makes it even better. I noticed that this procs with the function gyro as well which is an added +
  • Rapid Regeneration- I have some more ideas with this trait I want to try out in the future, but I thought it was a pretty solid addition considering the amount of swiftness and super speed the engi has access to.
  • Expert Examination- Even when I didn’t have many stuns/dazes available, this was still a pretty potent trait with a more tanky build. In a good amount of PvP matches, this was the one I selected.
  • Mass Momentum- A really awesome trait to pair with Juggernaut, and really does well if you go into stability more. A nice touch was the toughness to power conversion.


  • Impact Savant- I thought this was a nice touch even if only to reduce incoming stuns.
  • Adaptive Armor- I loved this trait and used it a lot to get that extra tankyness and condition midigation. I feel like it’s in a good place.
  • Final Salvo- I didn’t use it much, but I thought it was alright. There had to be at least one trait for gyros, right? I feel like there could be a radius increase for the daze here as well or perhaps this is where a stun break option could reside (though that would make it niche).
  • Perfectly Weighted- I used this guy with more damaging based build in PvE. It worked well, of course, with Mass Momentum, and it helped give the hammer more push.

A few more things on traits… I believe I’ve seen this mentioned somewhere but I’ll just restate it that a stun break would be beneficial to the trait line. Some of the traits do feel slightly lacking and something like Perfectly Weighted could include a cool down reduction factor, though, I personally didn’t run into much hammer CD issues. I think something to bolster party toughness or protection would be nice too.

Overall, I look forward to playing the Scrapper when HoT is released. It still has some mechanics to shift through and bugs to squish, but for having only one weekend to test, it wasn’t too bad. I do feel like the gyros may be a problem in most situations and perhaps falling down to where turrets are now. Some have some good functionality while others may not (but may have a cool and useful tool belt skill). I think if the gyros were given more quicker movement and the ability to follow the Scrapper regardless of the terrain (they are flying already!) I think it would help even just a bit. There may be some improvements via large AOEs or perhaps a change of functionality like giving the purge gyro a dart to cleanse condis. The traits are overall pretty solid for what was being targeted. There are a few that could be changed a little/given a bit more fuctionality. Also as mentioned before, a stun break and maybe a bit more party support would be nice as well. Finally, the hammer was great to use and felt just fun! I had very little issue with it and plan on using it more so than the rifle I did end up recording a lot of video, so perhaps whenever I get to editing that, I’ll edit the post and put it in here.

Also in terms of PvE, I modified my FT power build, and this baby hit like a truck! SO MUCH DAMAGE and extremely fun to play:

Scrapper Bugs Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I have a more so performance bug to report, but considering it does have to deal with the scrapper, I’ll post it in here.

A guildie of mine was playing around with the gyros and eventually had placed out 4 of the moving gyros (Medic, Bulwark, Sneak, and Purge) out at the same time. Standing still, performance was fine, but as soon as they moved, they reported that their FPS tanked from all 4 moving. I tried this out myself and went into a spot that was giving me about 50 fps. I deployed the 4 gyros and I still had 50fps standing still; however, I as soon as I started moving, the 4 gyros moved and my fps tanked to 15 until I stayed still again.

Granted, I doubt an engi would be running all 4 of those gyros at once; however, it may still be an issue if multiple engis had one or two gyros at the same time.

Beta: [Scraper] "stabilization core" bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Did you do it with the regular Gyros? If so it won’t work with them. Stabilization core only works with the Function Gyro (the guy you use to finish downed folks and revive downed allies).

Guild mission reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Apparently…. We were doing challenge cause someone needed it then everyone got credit for it. Just did rush and got credit for that too. So yeah… for some odd reason it still reset.

LF a PVE Flamethrower/Might stacking build

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Here’s my personal build-

PLENTY of might stacking here… probably a little bit of an over kill, but once the combat in PvE starts, you’ll quickly fill up for a constant 25 stacks of might. The main focus is using the FT constantly, then switching to rifle as needed to rotate abilities( like 3,4 and 5). Mortar is useful for the fields (fyi, the ‘Super Elixir’ benefits from HGH as well ) and the double orbital strike. The auto attack on mortar can help stack some quick vuln as well. If you wish to blast might to combo with your FT fire field, you’ll have 4 blasts to work with- FT skill 2, healing turret, and the double orbital strikes.

You can switch a few traits around such as using ‘High Caliber’ instead of ‘Heavy Armor Exploit’ . Or ‘Shaped Charged’ (which is what I’ve been using recently) instead of ‘Aim Assisted Rocket’. Also, if you feel like the Alchemy line isn’t necessary, you can use Tools and tap in some of the utility functions there.

I liked to open with Elixir B and get in some hits to help stack vuln. If we are stacking, or the party is close by, using the fire field and the proper blasts + toss elixirs can create plenty of might quickly. Toss Elixir U is a bit tricky as a means to help stack might, but those who are in melee will appreciate it especially when fighting bosses/mobs with projectiles. Once you’ve start up which really shouldn’t take long, activate Elixir U and pour out the damage. Depending on the situation (buffs and vulnerability, etc. ) , I’ve seen Flame Jet hit in one cast between 8k to 11k. Add in the incendiary ammo and you can get a quick 2ish k spike of burning damage. If you have a person to help out with burning, Flame Jet really benefits. Don’t forget to switch to rifle to fire off a Blunderbuss and jump shot. Also, Flame Blast is your friend. Low CD and it can hit pretty hard. Just make sure you let it roll through your enemy first, then detonate for the full effect. Other quick numbers are Flame Blast hitting around 7 k, blunderbuss around 7 to 8, Jump shot 8-10k , and Orbital around 10k (due to the double hit).

That’s generally how you roll with this one. I have a similar setup for sPvP, but different stats/traits. Also, if you feel like you would want some more toughness switch out the trinkets for Knights. You’ll take a power and ferocity hit, but the overall precision will go up and you’ll have a good amount of toughness. Hope this helps

Mordrem Invasion: Share Your Shots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Here’s a batch of screens that I took


I didn't even notice until now.

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


So it is a new animation! I noticed this yesterday and thought it was some small bug in the animation. Nice to see this nice touch

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I’m so happy about this! Really, the entire AMA for engi was exciting and a lot to look forward to!

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


These changes are interesting. I rarely use turrets, but it’ll be interesting to see how this shifts on the supply crate alone.

I’m not sure if I saw this in the comments yet, but will this effect the Mortar Elite? I wasn’t exactly sure if it would be effected or not (I assume not)… It technically isn’t a turret, but has a lot of turret like qualities (Doesn’t crit, currently isn’t effected by condi damage , currently isn’t effected by crit damage, stationary, etc.). I know that the Mortar_ doesn’t have access to the turret specific traits. I personally rarely if ever use the Mortar( and pretty much every engi I know/ seen doesn’t use it) in the first place due to a whole list of reasons, but if these changes effect the Mortar, that thing is going to be a lot more fragile than it already is and more so not a bother to run with.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Outfit: Imperial Outfit
Race : Asura
Sex: Female

A lot of the clipping is around the fans on the shoulders. Hair and longer ears (like shown in the screenshot) clip right through so much kitten taking half of my character’s ears. Granted, this particular changes slightly in combat due to the Asura’s ears going up, but that also produces other issues as it clips with the head. Making the fans smaller on the shoulder or angled differently (kinda like the fem Charr’s shoulder) would probably remedy this.



Extreme Clipping: ImperialOutfit, FemAsura

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I do enjoy the fact that they gave the Asura the female version. No complaints there. I mean, most of my characters are Charr anyways, so I’m somewhat used to a bit of clipping; however, this simply seemed a bit much especially with the ears. I suppose we’ll see if they’ll fix this and other types of clipping issues.