Showing Posts For Dragon Masher.5749:
It’s simple, and theres a couple reasons. First is the fact that multiloot devalued alot of common materials(mithril, elder wood etc). Now that it’s been nerfed the market is starting to recover. Secondly people are pre purchasing befor the next legendary. Thank god i dropped 2k in gold on ingots when they were 79c.
I mean I just don’t see a reason to change the reset time. Most people I play with work during the week and we can still raid on our own convience.
Not everyone works Monday-Friday either, especially if you work in the science or medical fields.
Thats the point, I work in medical sciences, so I can never tell my friends “yea, monday evening is good, I can join” because only on monday can I tell whether or not I’ll be working in the evening. Only in the weekends can I say “Yea, I can join”
These are all personal issue though. You cant cater to one group without leaving behind another. What about the folks that work fri sat or sunday? This is a pointless thread, get a guild group to run on the weekends with.
Interpretor, please read before you make a comment. I’m not complaining about my internet connection. I’ve never queued in ranked PVP. I’m asking ANet if there’s any way to find a solution to PVP matches whenever players DC. Perhaps replacing the DC player with another in queue, then the match can continue. Why penalize the team with a loss? I’m not the only one with this “complaint”. It’s all over this forum, but since I write longer comments, it’s regarded as “complaining”. Grow up and think before responding insensitively.
But what if the person who dc’s can be back within a resonable time frame and it doesnt harm the team? Lets say theres a time limit of a couple min, well alot could happen in 2 min and chances are people dont want your spot at that point. And the team who lost shouldnt get penialized as long as your dced for for such a period of time.
I honestly should start to run a diary on all the toxic groups i encountered that used dps tools for toxicity and enforcing selfish gameplay (don’t rez ppl otherwise you lose dps/buff uptime etc.) This is getting worse and worse with every week.
Just another lovely monday today with raid leader moaning about alacrity uptime when 5 ppl are downed so i have to decide whether i run my golem rotation or actually rez ppl, the hell am i supposed to do? I am honestly getting tired of this crap and feel like quiting raiding all together. I have enough crap to deal with at work, i don’t need this kind of bs in game as well.
Or as a alternative you could record or take screen shots of said toxicty to back up your claims. You seem to have alot of claims but no real evidence.
Pvp needs a resign option so that when people “think” the game is gg they can resign. Gw1 had it and it worked fine there.
And it led to stuff like red-resign-day in hero battles, in part even the arena where you had a set skillset per class, and was one of the reasons at least hero battles got removed from the game.
Honestly, working “fine” might be an overstatement.
I dont know what red resign day is, but from a gvg or heroes ascent point of view it was good to have. Why should a team continue to get stomped in a 500-50 match? They could resign, get on with their lifes and try another match. It would still require a majority rule though.
Just food for thought, there are lots of static groups who im sure raid on weekends and need people. Im sure most people have better plans for the weekend than raiding though.
in retrospect, don’t people have school and work during the working week. Static groups aren’t quite as flexible as you might hope them to be. They usually don’t want to hassle with LFG so when they have to, they usually don’t ask for less than 150LI
I work full time 10hr days and manage to raid monday nights. Its a few hours a week whether its a monday, wednesday or a saturday. Ill gurantee you there is a static group out there looking for weeekend teams. Lfgs for raids also happen frequently on the weekend(not as much as monday but enough anyhow). Is wasting your saturday night raiding instead of enjoying a nice night out really worth it anyways?
Pvp needs a resign option so that when people “think” the game is gg they can resign. Gw1 had it and it worked fine there.
Just food for thought, there are lots of static groups who im sure raid on weekends and need people. Im sure most people have better plans for the weekend than raiding though.
Fractals are the gw2 dungeons and gets all the love.
Raids get all the love. Fractals are tolerated and from time to time get yelled at – ‘Why can’t you be more like your brother?!’. Dungeons are the family embarrassment that lives under the staircase and they never take anywhere.
Problem with fractals is it lacks any incentive to play once your done the dalies. Also lacks variety but eventualy that wont be the case.
It honestly doesnt matter what you run in fractals. At higher tiers it might make booses take longer but it shouldnt prevent you from completing it. Most people in fractals are off meta anyways.
What is the difference between dungeons and fractals that makes dungeons so much more costly to develop? Is it the event chains with scripted scenes?
I think it’s because there much larger maps, have multiple paths and people expect armor and weapon skins from them. Where as fractals are smaller in scale and you can artificialy scale the difficulty with the fractal system. All that aside if anet ever did decide to make new dungeons they could design them differently compared to old ones.
I hear three quarters of NA has blacklisted you for dieing to mines on escort too, and being deceitful when u claim u are exp for other raids and similar content.
Heard it from a good source actually.
To be fair those mines came outa no where and hit me. I think they were drunk.
What are you even talking about? The lfg has been buggy lately.
What are u talking about then? I’m talking abt the same thing bro
Just something I’ve been noticing for a while, seems to be some correlation there more likely then not.Can’t just scoff at a post without disproving it in some way or another, u know.
Well if anybody would know about being blacklisted it would be you. I hear half of NA has blocked you for lieing about your LI.
Lfg’s been bugged since the balance patch, was acknowledged by a dev on reddit with no eta on a fix.
They’re changing it so that u won’t see Lfg’s of the people who blocked u. pretty smart move if you ask me, this way it pleases both sides. This way if a greater value than 0% of a random 10man grp has u on their blocks for open world or map chat or w/e it is, u can’t even see their posts at all. Prevents all this contrived drama with spam joining and back-and-forth mud slinging like ‘forum lurker’ and ‘keyboard warrior’ and similar finger pointing. Been there done that
I mean an alarming number of players block each other they’ve had limited transient (social) contact with for petty childish reasons, then forget all about it for months on end happily. So if u get mad at someone for leaving after 1 run in fotm daily group or telling u that ur doing something wrong, congrats ur on their blocks list for life. This way both parties are satisfied.
The only question is, whether it works both ways.. and I’ve some speculation on that.
What are you even talking about? The lfg has been buggy lately. Also should note the NA raiding population is much smaller so you will see less lfg listings compared to EU.
I disagree, fractals are not fun imo. Raids are alot more enjoyable.
The only thing i could see working is some sort of vip system, like ESO but if you search around you’ll see the majority of the player base thinks it makes the game pay to win and is the devil. I think it’d be great though, not something id subscibe to but some would.
Honestly, this looks more like a thinly-veiled gripe about not being able to raid with necromancer than a sincere suggestion. So many of the OP’s posts trend that direction.
Raids are terrific as is, and the rewards are appropriate to the skill and coordination required to complete them. If you want LIs, raid. If you have trouble finding a group that accepts you, start your own (or join a raiding guild).
Don’t blame me for the Meta, if I were going to exclude whole classes it sure wouldn’t be Necro.
I’m not blaming you for the meta. I’m blaming you for being a crybaby about it simply because your preferred class isn’t good. You got 7 character slots you can easily use a couple of them for “meta” builds and use the rest on all the power greatsword necros you want.
Stop whining about not being able to raid and instead focus on what you can do to get into raids.
Right calling some one a whiner isn’t hostile or derogatory at all.
Standing up for my point of view doesn’t make me a whiner just because my view point is different than any one that Raids regularly; that’s kind of High School Jock mentality if you ask me.
This is a fun read from the beginning of GW2 that shows you the true spirit of what this game was aiming for.
As the say in Midworld in the Dark Tower series ’you’ve forgotten the face of your father’
Things change but life goes on. I suggest you learn other classes or find a guild.
I was kicked and blocked on the first encounter when I did not understand what to do.
In point of fact, I told the group I was new coming in.. though I came with full ascended armor and weapons.
Cool story, join a training guild if your new. No need to clog up the forums with these complaints.
Due to a crash error, we have temporarily disabled the Bastion of the Penitent raid wing. We will update when it is available. ~RB2
Will never understand why Anet uses 3rd party platforms for important infos like this. Not everyone is social media freak (for good reasons too, since they constantly break privacy/data protection laws).
Its also been posted on the official forums And reddit numerous times. It’s actualy stickied to the top of the dungeon fractal raid page.
If anet doesnt show up at any of the future pax events than start worrying.
But what if i told you most dungeons are already soloable or can be done in low mans?
Couldnt you simply do that by advertising a deep dive fractal run where you start at level X and work your way up the levels?
Thats neither random or fun.
I’d like to see it go away, truly, just to see what you people would complain about when you can’t blame the loss on the duo queue, maybe then you’d focus on what’s actually wrong with the game, although i doubt it.
they would blame it on class stacking, afkers, and pvers.
No ones forcing you to run the meta and you cant force people to join your party if they dont think your comp is good.
I’m kind of curious about this. Roughly how much gold would it cost for you to pay to get enough crap to make legendary armor? As a purely wvw player, I absolutely detest pve and have no desire to ever do raids. But having stat swapping armor would greatly help in wvw. How much would it cost me if i paid for it so i can just afk while someone else does it for me so i dont have to suffer through all the pve crap?
At the price that we sell for right now to just get the 150 LI’s it would run you roughly ~12,000 gold to buy the current raids weekly at 9 bosses a week, though that would be before discounts.
Some guilds are close but generally that’s about as low as it would get for just the sheer number of boss kills, bare in mind a number of guilds do the underhanded thing of charging more if they don’t like you or because there are so many people buying they jack the price up.Well, I guess I’m going to have to spend alot of actual cash and convert it to gold for that. Or maybe I’ll just wait and hope they make wvw or pvp legendary armor. That seems ridiculously expensive.
Mr. Credit Card Warrior, be aware you also need ~90 Mystic Clovers and a gift of condensed might and magic for each piece (6 total each). This leaves you to around another 1.7k gold to buy the mats. Also need 300 provisioner tokens at 12 a day. Most items are 1g-3g per, if you wanted to buy them.
@Rising Dusk.2408 I’ve noticed a drop in skill on sabetha as well over the past few months! So it’s not just me! I had to threaten to remove the sabetha statue from our raider’s corner for our guild to kill it on saturday.
If you think its bad now just wait till the next raid is released and people have their armor. I wouldnt be surprised if people stop raiding or skip bosses to be done and over with.
Voice comms make things easier and smoother, ive seen silent runs in the lfg though. Best bet is to keep checking the lfg and recruitment sections. If you cant find anything then there is still 95% of the game you could play without voice chat.
This game isn’t F2P. It’s “buy once to play”. The same goes for the expansion.
yeah i know that but my point is that the skills that come with expansion is better than the skills that exist in the game and if new expansion comes out it will be like this again and again. It would not be alternative. I can I am willing to buy more expansions to get more classes but i dont wanna be forced to use the new traits and skills that will come with the new expansions in the future.
No ones forcing you to use new skills ans traits. Its your choice weather you want to relevant or vanilla.
A bit demanding arent we? Honestly though, be patient. And while your crying about slow raid releases remember how slow or abandoned other content is.
Its looks balanced, you almost won.
have you tried looking here —-—> or on reddit.
Also from personal experience the dungeon scene is mostly dead or run in groups of friends. There still awesome and fun to run but the dungeon community took a huge hit with the release of HoT, most moved on and alot quit the game. You might be hard up into getting into one of these guilds without a interest in raiding unless you still have friends in them. are you on NA/EU?
Queuing once every 2 days on alt account is also a joke.
A funny joke most people are doing to avoid decay
Hopefully anet can fix their system as it is easily exploitable by smurfing and other waysAlso, the season ends in February, and there is a maximum MMR of 2325. How does getting 2088 by 10-0ing placement makes the god of pvp title awarded at the end of the season a joke? . Players who achieve high rating by 10-0ing placements by any means respectable or not still must queue in order to continue to compete, all it proves is that you can sit at #1 on the leaderboards for a few days early in the season.
and TBH I don’t know how a system could be implemented to prevent people from throwing games just to help their friends get good rating, or to otherwise sabotage somebody else.
Is it really too much to ask for people to not ruin the fun for those who are actually trying to enjoy season 5?This was going to happen, with a new season with a completely new set up because it brings a new set of problems.
For instance before the season started 2 big things that needed addressed was Duo queing and match making. You yourself as well as other top 10 players have stated the advantage of duo queing and its importance. Match making was not addressed and when you have hard counters. You cant have 2-3 thieves on 1 side with a mesmer vs 2-3dhs and a ele. This is a match making issue, dont ask the players to fix it because we all know they wont.
Also lets address the big cat here that this thread is for. The first 10 placement matches, they make no sense. I went 7-3 and got placed in the top 250. I have a friend who went 8-2 and and was under 1500. That person checks the leader board and sees top 5 players going 8-2 and 7-3 and just sit backs and wonders.
The leader board needs to be fair as well. So you have alt accounts running rapid which many people dont like. As well as players with huge win ratings who will never sniff the top 250.
That friend of mine went off on a vacation but they are sitting at 18-8 or 20-8 now. That is a 70% win rate or potentially higher and is still under a 1500 rating.
If your gonna have these accounts that you also called wak go 10-0 and claim the 1-2 spot on the leader board. You also have to address the issues in the mid and low level areas. There are many threads that are just cry threads and a few simply asking questions about the set up and Match Making. None of those questions have not been answered.
S5 is way better then season 1-4 but it is just as bad when it comes to the many problems. Anet is calling this S5 and the frustration comes from another system that potentially cheats players of titles/AP/recognition that many wanted from S1 but here we are again except with different issues.
Class stacking wouldnt be a issue if people got gud and learned to play more than their favourite class.
If you were placed in bronze perhaps your a bronze level player?
What is your rating?
If you are making the assertion, racism in this case, then the burden of proof is on you.
If you are being kicked, instantly, without any interaction, then how would they know your race?
Personally I have no idea what your skin color might be, what ethnicity you are, or even what gender. But I would consider blocking you for your behavior in this thread.
They have something called ts. 9/10 times u can tell a person’s race or skin from their tone, inflection, or accent. I agree it’s not always accurate but it definitely cannot be discounted either
U can also judge a person by their attitude and behavior or their language even in-game and come to a biased (not necessarily correct) conclusion based on these facts. It’s not unheard of either, I will laugh if anyone says otherwise – most often those ppl have never experienced it for themselves.
I don’t understand how my behavior here is so wrong. Why do u say that? Most of u have never played with me b4 thus can’t honestly judge my skill or how I conduct myself in groups. I could come here and rant but be a perfectly polite and understanding person in game who rarely ever kicks/blocks nyone even though he can. If you would argue otherwise, then u are discriminating against me based on unrelated observations, which is as good as believing a rumor abt a person as soon as u hear it.
If anyone else, say someone from Dnt guild or someone recognized like Nike made the same appeal I did, do u still think they would get 10 consecutive responses where ppl said they would block them just bc of their behavior on the same thread? I don’t honestly believe that, and neither would u.
Yup im pretty sure if Nike was on the forums complaining about people being mean to him, and after people telling him to give it up he insists on continueing, people would probley block him as well.
I think you need to move on with your life. Your stressing out way to much over peanuts.
Lol are you for real or just a troll? Your last thread got deleted and yet you go make another new one on the same topic? I mean you could try reddit the mods are a little more relaxed over there but your going to get the same critisiciam. Out of principal i have to block you now….jk;) but seriously take a break if your frustrated.
To the top we go
Technically duo runs use a different rule set so this could be approved as long as I add some extra time.
Is there a new site where the records are recorded?
Lets be honest afflicted, toxic trails and social akwardness are all awful.
I really think this was a serious attempt and now the op is just kitten because his time was slower.
This is a troll post abviously.
If Anet ever adds anything to a dungeon, it would most likely be an extra path. Similar to the Aetherblade path they added some years back. I doubt we will see any new dungeons any time soon.
If Anet does add a new dungeon, it would need to come with a bunch of extra stuff to be on par with the rest of the dungeons. Such as new armor sets for all armor professions, all new weapon skins, another token currency, a story mode with 3-4 different paths, etc.
I think the community would be ok with new dungeons without all the extra skins that take months to develop. I can speak for myself and say i just want new dungeons, dont much care for the cosmetics.
As usual the squeky wheel gets the greese.
The appearance of player characters are getting quite annoying. These are examples you see pretty much all the time, and everywhere, and it’s really taking its toll.
The characters all look so fantastic, i dont see what your problem is.
You’ll still be able to get the wings, even with the considerable league changes coming with Season 5.
So there will be a season 5?
and what if that car company said, oh that new headlight we hoped to build will actually cost 50k more, and for that 50k we could give you the things that you are NOW asking for, a new eco friendly engine, etc etc. This is what opportunity cost is., this is what good development is. Bad development is saying – we promised you a heradlight – here it is, but unfortunately you cant get that new engine, we made you that headlight you really wanted 3 years ago! And so the company declines.
Your really missing the point arent you? If i payed for a feature, i want that feature.
that feature doesn’t exist, they made something else, and that something else he played. Get it?
But the feature does exist and we were only delivered 25% of it i want the remaining 75%, i really dont think its too much to ask since everybody who bought HoT paid into the new legendaries, regardless if they were going to craft them or not.
and what if that car company said, oh that new headlight we hoped to build will actually cost 50k more, and for that 50k we could give you the things that you are NOW asking for, a new eco friendly engine, etc etc. This is what opportunity cost is., this is what good development is. Bad development is saying – we promised you a heradlight – here it is, but unfortunately you cant get that new engine, we made you that headlight you really wanted 3 years ago! And so the company declines.
Your really missing the point arent you? If i payed for a feature, i want that feature.
You guys can argue back and forth all night but the fast remains, HoT was marketed with a set of 16 new legendary weapons. The promise that was made in 2013 was sold to us in 2015.
Lets say for example you buy a brand a new car, it has 20 advertised features, you paid 50k for this car. When you go to pick this car up it turns out 5 of the features you paid for were cancelled indefinetly. You still had to pay 50k and got nothing in return for lost features.
You see it doesnt matter if you forgive Anet, The OP doesnt and neither do alot of people. It will affect sale of all types,when next expansion is announced people are going to have doubts if what they pay for is actually going to be delivered.