Showing Posts For Drinks.2361:

[SUGGESTION] Emergency Waypoint

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I’d rather see the waypoint open between defence events like it did before HoT, maybe give up some of the defensive tactics to balance it out.

I vote to delete

PoF: Top 10 WvW Guild Reference

in Looking for...

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Thanks for making up the list & posting [VII].

It’s pretty hard to judge how strong a guild is unless you can engage them with your own fight guild & it’s good to see who other servers are cautious around.

some of the suggestions in the comments here though…

Skirmish Reward Chest changes..

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I don’t think we really need the cap on the weekly tickets, it just causes WvW activity to frontload in the week. People are already finishing the legendary back & it’s not like the legendary armour upgrade is a prestige skin. Most that will end up getting it already have multiple sets of ascended gear, we only really want it to try new builds cheaply & compact our bags.

So I run with an active WvW focused guild, fighting as a properly comped group is an entirely different experience compared with hearding the zerg. Pugmanding can get very frustrating, you can pretty much count on slower movements, less support, & a tail that will continuously be picked off it you don’t keep turning back for them. The ticket cap just makes our high rank experienced players less likely to get in the server teamspeak & lead the pugs outside of our closed guild raids.

Popular regular commanders are what gets new players hooked on WvW & I don’t think things that reduce their activity is particularly good for the game mode.

Cannons lackluster damage

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Skirmishes are way better than ticking 600 off primetime.

There is a huge bandwagon factor in NA atleast, many militias seem to just piece out for the week if they are losing badly & the stronger side snowballs with fairweathers. Hopefully the changes on Tuesday will help.

Inside structures are some of the best places to fight in the game. Defensive power creep has gotten us to a point where some groups just give up when inner is breached. Siege fights are boring.

Almost no one who has been playing for any length of time cares if they win the week or not unless they are trying get a particular matchup … Which doesn’t work right now anyway.

Cannons lackluster damage

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


The trouble with siege is although some people want it to be able to counter a much larger zerg, that same siege gets used against a 5 man or even by a much larger defending group.

The goal with walls and siege overall shouldn’t be to defend a structure, it should really only slow down the attackers enough for a response to arrive. With all the siege and defense buffs we got in Hot it’s moved the fight from the inside of structures to one group standing on the wall and more than half the attackers idle. This isn’t better gameplay.

I think we should delete shield generators & nerf siege damage to players. Change invulnerable walls and hardened gates to something that effects npc hit points or skills along the lines of iron guards. But to balance that bring back waypoints that uncontest between defence events & bannering the lord.

WvW rank affecting earning pips

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Wouldn’t magic find be pretty much the same thing?

Only Siege Should Damage Walls/Doors

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


instead of nerfing autoupgrade timing I’d just make Dolyaks only be useful for upgrades, not carry supply to keeps or towers at all.

I don’t care how long the defending actually goes on for once there is a breach. Everyone can be in on that fight. If it takes hours so what? It is way more fun than cata / shield wars.

Skirmish scoring isn’t terrible as long as we are stuck with PPT, way better than _ server ticking 600 for 8h while the bulk of the player base is asleep.

Only Siege Should Damage Walls/Doors

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


bring back bannering the lord & way points that uncontest between defence events.

Defenders got too many advantages with HoT, it’s moved the fights out of the breached tower / keep and onto the walls where like 90% of the attacking group has to wait idle because they have no way to hit the defenders. Waiting idle isn’t fun.

Walls fights should only last long enough for the defenders to have a shot at arriving in time to defend the lord, not a half hour of trying to breach a keep while everything gets shielded & the defenders have like 1000 supply they didn’t even need to consider spending on upgrades.

Nerf ACs, Buff Ballistas and Reduce Supply

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


if 20-30 players cant cap a tower becouse 2 or 3 ac’s they dont deserve that tower

the problem isn’t really when there are 2 or 3 ACs it’s when the defending server has the bulk of a map queue in there vs 15-20 & won’t come out to fight. I get red names always look bigger but siege isn’t fun.

(edited by Drinks.2361)

Nerf ACs, Buff Ballistas and Reduce Supply

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


yeah it is a shame after all the effort of balancing classes & traits from Anet & the work a player goes though gearing their character that it is all replaced by 4 skills on an arrow cart.

I do think reverting supply to the way it used to be would be a huge step in the right direction. Force the wall flowers to actually go out to a camp if they want to shoot at people without putting themselves in harms way. Maybe Dolyaks should only carry supply for upgrades & player have to drop it off in depots for wxp if they want it there. It would make roaming important again.

which tier has the best fights?

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Good news if you want to fight Mag, glicko has been broken enough that come reset Mag could roll any tier!

Broken Mechanics When Roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I don’t find the class balance terrible when roaming, the real problem are the players who feel they should build siege to hit a small group fight.

Make it insanely hard to cap

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


although it might be fun the big danger with this is a long fight over a structure is prone to pull a big 3 way fight. Most of us have been in a T1 SM fight by now & know what that does to the servers.

it’s tough but WvW in general needs more reasons to run in groups bigger than roaming but <20, maybe favour organisation over just throwing more bodies at a problem.

Gift of Battle Forcing you to WvW now

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


So, i am a dedicated player that has been here in gw2 since launch, four years now and i recently decided to make a legendary. To my great disappointment I was forced to play PVE, a game mode i really do not like especially considering it’s balance is worse than pvp, as well as the behavior of the toxic raid guild who only want meta people.
People should not be forced to play game modes they do not want or are discouraged to play to get a legendary, whether that is raids to get legendary insights for the slowly coming legendary armor or the gift of exploration for the legendary weapons. It feels like a really bad slap to the community not giving more options to WvW or pvp players other than building a PvE set just for one stupid thing (especially if you make a legendary and wana save up gold).
If Anet did learn something from removing wvw from gift of exploration they totally forgot it with this.
So please if any Dev is reading this please add other alternative ways (not saying easy) to gain the gift of exploration in other ways not just zerging in PvE maps and give WvWers a chance for it. (Could easily say the same for leg insights, so that they would be also removed as a factor is people are good at raid or not)

Random Finishers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drinks.2361


It would be nice if we could get a way to limit which finishers came up with the random option checked. I seem to be on a streak of Whump the giant or the Halloween finishers even though I have most unlocked.

WvW Refugee Resettlement for runaway matches?

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


As for hurting other servers, how is this so? During the initiated refugee program, other servers would benefit by an influx of refugees, and they would not be able to overstay their visas.

I can’t tell if you are trying to troll here or not. Beyond the fair weathering, with links the servers don’t really have massive population differences. Even in T1 beyond reset there isn’t often more than one map queued.

If you dump a bunch of new people onto a server you’ll queue the natives off the map.

If anything they should offer a guild upgrade that allows the winning server to fight for the last place server for a night, that way it is more likely to restore the moral rather than have a group who can’t maintain their own server show up

Mandated alliances for imbalanced matchups?

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


yeah might work, I expect there would be similar problems to the linked server but it could stop the week from getting dull.

The victory point thing, I’d almost just delete them or not make the information available to players. I mean who really cares about “winning” anymore? There is no rewards & it might reduce the fair weather factor if the score is unknown.

Scoring just seems to create forum threads that boil down to scoring should be changed because ____ aren’t playing the way I think they should play.

To laptop or not to laptop

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


how do you feel about a heated keyboard? Not warmed, heated.

QoL Request: Mega Server Obsidian Sanctum

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


This is an excellent idea, although I wouldn’t call increased harassment of people trying to complete the puzzle a con. Pvp in the puzzle is the best part.

How to craft the Beast Gate legendary?

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Can’t believe this hasn’t been done yet.

100 Forum posts QQing about locked server
10,000 gold to buy mediocre guild
1 “Favour” to move popular commander into locked server
250 Packet of salt.
1 Anet insider to provide “favour” despite forum outcry
To create Gift of Unlock Server

ha, yeah that would be the recipe. Time gated with some eotm only weeks

TC is dead and Mag is tanking how ba dat

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Mag always moves tiers when servers start to avoid fights, the only real difference is that the scoring system pretty much has everyone locked in.

why boon share meta MUST stay

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


to 10+ of them

the best part of WvW right now is when those 10+ roaming groups start complaining about getting run over by sub 15 guild groups

PvP skills for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


The PvP balance changes you added with the December 13th patch seamed to have been well received during the tournament. Is there any chance we’ll see them added to WvW?

It's time for race changes in the gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drinks.2361


It’s not like the deleting or getting a new slot & making a new character is terrible now.

The part that sucks is when you have crafting to 500 on the old one

Upcoming Changes to Skills

in PvP

Posted by: Drinks.2361


so any chance we’ll see these changes in the guild hall arena? Anything other than the PvE rule set would be great in there.

New WvW mode: BG vs world

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Trouble is Blackgate is picking up their lead with overnight ppt not winning fights.

look at the income evolution this week

It was made worse when they made T3 objectives tick for more, they should only award more points to capture.

If we wanted score to actually matter it would be nice if they weighted the capture points based on the map activity (how many kills have happened in the current skirmish)

(edited by Drinks.2361)

Population balance joke

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Why would you think Anet just balances on raw number of players in WvW or even man hours? They would be able to just add the WvW participation numbers for a time slot.

They already have the data for reward tracks.

Identities of Linked Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I agree with Swagger.1459, cleaning up the red text clumps would be far more useful. Pets really don’t need long names & a better idea of how many players are with a group makes scouts more powerful.

If it is a group that is a threat in WvW players figure out what server they are on, if you want identity win fights with your guild.

Will NA #1 PPT Server [Maguuma] get link ?

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I think you ment “NA #1 PPK Server Maguuma” see the stats from last week.

“We are playing for the fights, not for the points” (Highest amount of kills per point)
Jade Sea (FR) + – 7,01 points per kill
Far Shiverpeaks + – 7,95 point per kill
Maguuma + – 8,15 points per kill

from the guy who posts match stats each week

Tyria Map completion through WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Maybe a map completion for each major rank, like Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc. Would give us a bit of something to look forward to now that pretty much everyone has their WvW masteries unlocked

Deployable Cannons in beta! [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


we’ve tried the cannons they are ruin fights, hopefully they can be removed before too much of the population gives up on WvW.

If you want to beta anything try disabling all deployable siege except for flame rams & catapults. You’d see more active play I suspect.

Deployable Cannons in beta! [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Cannons have caused no one to actually fight in wvw, it has replaced professions with cannon skills.

Unplayable mouse lag/juddering in gw2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Shadowplay was doing that to me (bluetooth mouse) never figured out why.

Thesis on Studied Speed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drinks.2361


tested some more with cheaper thesis, looks like it does a close & disappear animation when anyone clicks on it. The cheaper one comes back but it is pretty difficult to make use of if your trying to buff a large group. (Why you would make it)

Thesis on Studied Speed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I popped a Thesis of Studied speed on my WvW home BL Garrison tonight but it despawned after about 30 seconds, before many people could use it.

The tooltip says 5 minutes which should have been enough time for people to pop a utility primer & use it on their roaming classes.

The wrench tooltip for this consumable also only show’s “nourishment” with no details beyond the time until it expires.

They cost about 50g to craft currently so you should probably hold off trying it until they stay around a bit longer.

Guild Hall - Treasury

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drinks.2361


done (1 5 char)


Guild Hall - Treasury

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drinks.2361


About the different location question, same machine both 32 & 64 bit clients have the issue in both places which have different ISPs.

[Suggestion] Guild Leader/Officer Tag

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Here is hoping we see guild only visible commander tags with HoT, it would be good to be able to use the target icon for actual focus targets rather than the driver.

Removing White Sword : Good or Bad?

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I’m really glad that Anet has tried a change in WvW, the sword removal is just not a good one.

Just as expected the removal of white swords has made WvW a very boring place. Like ships passing in the night, it’s so difficult to find players on enemy servers anymore.

This guy has it right, it is very difficult to find players to fight now, & I play WvW to fight players not doors. Having defenders show up to defend objectives is good active play, even if they just want to sit on siege.

The points per kill should be good, but on the lower tiers it is much harder to find players to fight which makes those points much harder to get.

The real problem is that PPT isn’t a good way to calculate server score, adding seasons which reward the servers with the best coverage caused too many players to move to the expected winners causing the population balance problems to get worse. WvW population needs to be looked at separately from PvE & there should be a mechanic to encourage players to spread out across servers instead of piling onto a giant or picking the latest bandwagon.

Server regions cause problems, making some players WvW time much more valuable to the world score than others being able to take & hold objectives with very little contest when the bulk of the player base is asleep. If WvW is going to be a 24h thing it shouldn’t have the population split up into regions creating artificial dead zones. Host the WvW Maps in the EU data center during EU primetime, NA during NA’s most active times. I know you probably can’t but it would be great to play against players from China during OCX.

[Suggestion] transfer cost based on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


When looking at transferring servers both Blackgate & Kaineng are listed as “Very High” population. There is a small difference in how WvW is played in their respective tiers.

I understand this is due to the PvE population, but as server only matters for WvW now it might be time to adjust the way transfer cost is calculated. Maybe total player hours spent in EB & the boarderlands per server leaving out EoTM because it is megaservered.

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Drinks.2361


PPT isn’t a scoring system that promotes good fights, you have Karma trains that run around playing PvDoor, which to me is far less fun then engaging enemy players in the field.

The trouble with Tier 2 NA is that for quite some time has been that no matter how hard you play during “prime time” you’ll come back & everything will be wiped & upgraded to T3 by the stacked oceanic server & EU time zones are slower for us too because most people that play then are on EU servers. I’d like to see the number of times Mag has been able to hold a waypoint overnight in the last year. Its not that we’re unable to win fights, it’s that we mostly have people that play in NA time zones on an NA server.

If server merges & leaving PPT are the way you decide to go with this you should really get rid of server regions, maybe host maps in the EU when the bulk of the players in the zone are from there & NA when the population changes later. If WvW needed a 5min scheduled break for this to happen I don’t think anyone would really mind as long as they knew it was coming. It would be great to get China on the maps too, but I’m not sure if you could make that happen. The language thing the players could figure out, I’d rather have to deal with a couple of languages than an empty map with a small group from one server flipping everything while it’s undefended.

I guess the other option would be having the day split up to 8h chunks independent of each other so that server player base region had less of an effect on the score.

Network Error 1022:5:1:825:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drinks.2361


Yeah the same thing is happening to me, dropping packets at level3 in Dallas. Has been getting progressively worse

Violated PvE thief, no change to Wvw thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Drinks.2361


I really dislike how it messed up the synergy with the auto attack chain, you used to get a nice little audio cue when you could stealth again. Made it easy to watch the target for telegraphed moves instead of having to play the UI & watch your buff bar.

edit: queue, cue, q?

(edited by Drinks.2361)