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''BEEPER'' for Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


The treasure chest icon is from world bosses and those are on a timer which you can access thru many, many websites. For instance the Wiki has one so does I am sure there are others that have the timer for the world bosses.

There is absolutely no reason players should have to go outside the game to get information about what is currently going on in the game with regard to events. Especially if the player is already on the map. This is 2016 folks, that world event timer should be accessible from inside the game. Create more immersion, do not destroy it. I can understand having to go to an outside website to look up a quest chain or the materials required for a recipe. I do not see why a player needs to go outside the game for a timer of live events happening while playing the game.

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[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Staff Warrior
Pistol/Pistol Warrior
Mace/Mace Thief
Rifle Ranger

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perm harvest tools should be account unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


I honestly understand how you feel, but think about it. Let’s say they make the harvesting tools account bound. Many people would be happy and there would be no reason to buy more. Anet needs to make money.

I am pretty sure that the folks who throw down the gems for a single set of harvesting tools would spend more if they could change out the animations at will. I know I would spend more gems on something like this without any doubt or hesitation. The same animation for years gets stale real quick for most. The issue is that I am not willing to spend the gems on more of them due to the current hassle of juggling the permanent harvesting tools between inventory, bank and other characters. Convenience versus gems versus boredom, convenience wins out usually. Now if it were convenient for me to switch out harvesting animations when I get bored with one without the inventory shuffle currently required, well then I would be all for spending the gems to kill my boredom.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

perm harvest tools should be account unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Another option would be to have the watchwork sprocket effect be a separate purchased permanent effect for your harvesting tools. So it would be a refund of 1000 gems for those who purchased the watchwork mining pick and then they could turn around and buy a different permanent mining pick effect. Also available for purchase would need to be watchwork harvesting that would an added effect on top of any harvesting graphic effects. Players would also need to pay to unlock permanent harvesting tools.

Personally I would pay gems to 1)unlock account wide harvesting tools 2)at least one full set of effects, that being one pick/axe/sickle animation and 3) the watchwork sprocket effect.

I’m not seeing how Anet would lose money on this. Pushing players to pay for the account wide unlock would actually get them more money on top of players being more willing to spend the gems on added effects for their harvesting animations if it is easier to use them.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Please bring back the gold wings!!!!

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perm harvest tools should be account unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


random animations

YES! I totally agree! A randomize option for gliders at the very least and if this idea of skin effects for harvesting tools catches on then for that as well. Exactly like what is in place for finishers in PvP currently.

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perm harvest tools should be account unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


And then people would be posting how they needed to be refunded for all of the excess gathering tools.

Hence my suggestion that the existing harvesting tools be added to a list of available effects. You pay to unlock the effects but the price stays the same. You would then be able to change the effects of your harvesting tools, similar to the wardrobe for your gear, without the hassle involved currently. Same price for new effects, meaning no need for refunds. Why is that so difficult to understand?

EDIT: I could see one refund. That would be from the watchwork mining pick since most likely the only reason anyone bought it was for the effect. Too simple too easy though. Players would get the 1000 gems back and then simply buy a different mining pick effect

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(edited by Dvious.8126)

[Suggestion]Weapons combo idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Although a decent idea to add some “flavor”, there is little to no chance of this happening. I’ve been asking for greataxe, 2hand axe for quite some time and I doubt that one weapon will be added anytime soon if ever. Asking for a whole new weapon causes all kinds of issues by itself. You’re asking for a rework of existing mechanics which would require a re-balance for any profession that can use the 2 hand weapons that would be allowed (assuming greatsword, hammer and maybe staff). The whole idea would be a nightmare logistics wise.
You would be better off asking for more leeway with skins, escpecially since with the addition of outfits the line between professions (being able to tell what everyone is) has become blurred. In PvP it is easier to look at the icon next to an opponents name than to judge from their equipment what profession they are. That and if they have pets or not.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

(edited by Dvious.8126)

perm harvest tools should be account unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


How would this prevent them from making money? Players buy it the first time to unlock it on their account and players would still have to buy any new skins/effects. The only thing this would do is prevent players from having to juggle multiple permanent harvesting tools between characters.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

perm harvest tools should be account unlock

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Please? Just as it says in the title. The first purchase should unlock permanent harvest tools account wide. Future purchases after the first one should unlock skins/effects that the player can then select from what they have already unlocked. Just like the wardrobe.

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Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


I just love how they keep bringing the trading post back into it. Repeatedly. Even after I have tried to point out and explain how trading post prices are a subjective topic. It’s almost as if they have a stake in trading post prices and it would break their little monopolies to have the prices even out for all four crafting material types. Side note, no, I do not have any issue acquiring these materials, nor an issue acquiring the gold to buy them if I choose. Some people need to read before they comment. I’m more worried about those players who do not know how to make gold whenever they want and that the difficulty to acquire some of these materials is an unnecessary wall/obstacle for inexperienced players. I swear from quite a few of these comments you would think some players would rather see this game go belly-up instead of stick around for years to come. Most of these responses are purely argumentative based on “Oh no! Change! I can’t let that happen!”. I love a good debate but do not try to shoot down someone else’s thoughts/ideas without a reasoned argument, it makes you look silly. It is like one of “those” people who do not know how to speak effectively and the reason they give another person for doing something is simply “because”. Childish.
Throughout this post I’ve repeatedly stated facts and not opinion. Here’s the difference, fact – the sky is blue vs opinion – it is warm outside. The first is a fact, stating something that just is, you as a player, can not change it (since this is a game, the developers can turn the sky yellow if they want). The second is an opinion since 75degress out is hot for some while it may be cool for others. Now let’s apply that to the current train of thought fact – more RNG materials are required than harvested materials for ascended armor vs opinion – leather costs too much on the trading post. Since I’ve already posted the numbers above and you can verify them yourselves, those numbers needed to craft the ascended armor are a fact, I did not make them up, I did not tweak them or flavor them in favor of my observations. The numbers skew in favor of heavy ascended armor being easier to craft, this is a fact. Now material cost on the trading post is an opinion since what is expensive for you may not be expensive for me, it changes from player to player making it an opinion based topic. Let’s try to leave the opinion out of it since more often than not, opinion is not what gets things changed but rather reasoned arguments do.

Now this is my opinion and here is my reasoned argument for said opinion. My objective here is to bring this to the attention of Anet getting them to either raise the number of harvested materials (ore/wood) required for heavy armor or lower the RNG materials (cloth/leather) required for light/medium armor (believe me I would much prefer the latter) balancing out the materials needed for all three armor types (light/medium/heavy). This would put all nine professions on even footing with regard to crafting their ascended armor removing the advantage from heavy armor wearers.

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Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Hard numbers. Harvested materials are required less than the RNG acquired materials. This is called an objective view. There is no opinion, only information based on observation.
The trading post costs of these materials is subjective and based on opinion. Player A gets 1000 gold a week, player A probably does not mind how much this stuff costs on the trading post. Player B get 50 gold a week, player B probably does not enjoy the prices on quite a few things on the trading post. Trading post prices also fluctuate. This makes the trading post costs a subjective view, based on opinion and differ from player to player. Pretty basic stuff.

Lump of Mithrillium
50 mithril ingots = 100 mithril ore, harvested

Glob of Elder Spirit Residue
50 elder wood planks = 150 elder wood logs, harvested

Spool of Silk Weaving Thread
100 bolts of silk = 300 silk scraps, RNG

Spool of Thick Elonian Cord
50 Thick Leather Squares = 200 thick leather sections, RNG

Funny how more of the RNG materials are needed than the harvested materials for two thirds (that’s 6 out of 9) of the professions. This brings me back to my original point of that this makes it look like Anet is trying to push heavy armor professions over light and medium.

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Greataxe PLEASE?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Currently this is the only Greataxe in the game but there is one. Can we get one for combat please?


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Half-naked females, fully draped males.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


I would love to see more armor w/o the mudflaps front/back. Tired of running around with a veritable tent on my toons from the waist down.

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Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Again, folks are getting sidetracked. I’ll say it again, this has nothing to do with the trading post. I could care less how much stuff costs on the TP.

Again, you can’t just decide to ignore a major mechanic in looking at the supply. The TP is the tool that allows people who enjoy farming to provide high-demand items to those who hate grinding out their own. The TP, regardless of whether you use it, provides with the best measure of in-game supply and in-game demand, because most people use it.

There’s no fundamental reason why a game has to ensure that all sources for all comparable mats have to be identical. To me, that would be like saying that all profs have to do identical damage or that an Ele’s attunements all be variations of the same mechanic. To me, it’s more interesting that GW2 that crafting and the economy in general are more diverse.

Please take the time to look up the definitions of subjective and objective and then apply them to trading post costs. I’ve said it already, the cost of an item is subjective. For some players 100gold is expensive and for others, spending 100g is nothing. That is a subjective topic based on opinion. If you remove the TP from the equation which I’ve been attempting to do since I opened this topic, you come down to difficulty to acquire the materials versus materials needed within recipes. An objective view is based on facts and not opinion.

On a sidenote, please take a moment to try and understand how economics in general work. If Anet were to raise the number of materials needed for the harvested ore/wood within recipes then the price of ore/wood should rise since more quantity is needed. On the flipside if Anet were to lower the number of materials needed from the salvaged cloth/leather then the price of cloth/leather should lower since less quantity is needed.

Your analogy of every profession doing comparable dps is a little off since dps is something that is based on gear/build/player with variables in place that would make that a nightmare. For arguments sake, lets say you have 100 people, playing whatever profession that they enjoy and no matter what build they use they all do the same damage regardless of playstyle. Now, remove the trading post, set them to level 80 and tell them to build a set of ascended armor. Who do you think is going to get their armor sets crafted first? Guardian, Revenant and Warrior of course. Less of their of materials needed is based on RNG.

Now, here is my opinion. After a while within the above scenario do you think that a good chunk of these players would gravitate toward a heavy armor wearer? I do. That thought does not bode well for overall game health or longevity. The options for building a character up should be the same for everyone and for the most part it is with the exception of crafting gear. How you play that character and what role you play as (dps, support, tank) is based on the individual and chosen profession.

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Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Again, folks are getting sidetracked. I’ll say it again, this has nothing to do with the trading post. I could care less how much stuff costs on the TP. Trading post costs are a subjective view “I can pretty much buy whatever I need” vs “I am so broke” making TP costs an opinion. The rub is that a player almost has to buy both leather and cloth if they want to make anything that requires any real quantity of either. If I need to make something that requires wood or ore, I go out and harvest it, no problem. However, if I need to make something that requires cloth or leather, I go out and farm for gear drops and then pray that I get what I need from salvaging said drops subject to RNG. That is called a disparity, something not equal. When you get all of those lovely crafting materials that you spent a couple of hours hunting down back to a crafting station and you look at the material costs (numbers needed) for recipes and not TP costs, you have to put your objectivity (objective viewpoints are based on observation, not opinion) hat on and ignore what things cost on the trading post. The material costs (numbers needed within recipes) of harvested materials vs salvaged materials is skewed in favor of the harvested materials. What this means is that_this makes crafting gear for a heavy armor character more advantageous, less time consuming, than crafting gear for a light OR medium armor character._This disparity becomes glaringly obvious when you get into crafting ascended materials. Before you respond, please take a moment to go and look at materials needed in general for heavy armor (armorsmith) versus light (tailor) OR medium (leatherworker) armor.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Again, folks, lets leave the trading post out of it. Subjective vs Objective. The issue is, you have 4 main materials and 2 of which are acquired by harvesting. You go out, you search, you harvest and you get what you need. Then you have 2 other materials that you are subject to RNG to acquire, this is a hit or miss situation. You get lucky or you do not. The rub is that the recipes require more of the RNG material for light and medium armor wearers making their armor harder to craft. The cost of materials is subjective in view, for player “A” it is expensive while for player “B” it is not. That depends on if you know how to make money in this game or not. However the requirements in material cost is objective and is clearly skewed in favor of heavy armor wearers.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

(edited by Dvious.8126)

Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Lets try to ignore trading post prices for a moment and look at how these materials are acquired. The difference is between harvested materials and materials gained through RNG. The RNG materials are required more than the harvested materials, period. This makes it more advantageous to run a heavy armor toon than a light or medium armor profession. It is just easier overall to gear out the heavy. THAT is the design flaw that I am trying to bring to light. I could care less how much it costs on the trading post. For your average player just starting out that disparity in regard to difficulty of materials to obtain is huge. This game might be 3 years + old at this point but I would sincerely like to see it last another 3 years at least. And no I’m not spouting “It’s the end of the world!” but it is the kind of thing that can potentially chase away players once they figure it out. Especially if they do not know how to go about obtaining the things they need to being with.

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Disparity Between Ascended Crafting Materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Why do ascended crafting materials have disparate material costs? Let me clarify….why do recipes require 2 ore and 2-3 wood versus 3 cloth and 4 leather when the cloth and leather are harder to acquire than the ore and wood? Wood and ore are harvested materials, easy enough to acquire if you spend the time in maps harvesting, while cloth and leather are salvaged materials gained from Random Number Generator (RNG). Why would you make the recipe material cost higher for the material that is harder to get? Especially when that effects 6 out of 9 of your professions with regard to ascended armor crafting. It looks like you are promoting your 3 heavy armor professions over your 3 light and 3 medium armor professions since the material cost is so much lower to create a set of heavy armor. Why not standardize those costs, make them the same across the board or even switch those material costs? Wouldn’t that make more sense?

EXAMPLES – these are the base requirements for ascended gear materials. The second step for each piece seems to be nearly the same across the board in their costs. The costs become even more out of whack once you try to actually create the armor pieces though. It requires even more cloth and leather to actually make a light or medium armor piece.

Spool of Silk Weaving Thread
100 Bolts of Silk = 300 scraps of silk = RNG
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
25 Spools of Gossamer Thread

Spool of Thick Elonian Cord
50 Cured Thick Leather Squares = 200 Thick Leather Sections = RNG
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
10 Thermocatalytic Reagents

Cloth and Leather are salvaged by destroying loot drops from RNG

Lump of Mithrillium
50 Mithril Ingots = 100 Mithril Ore = Harvested
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
10 Thermocatalytic Reagents

Glob of Elder Spirit Residue
50 Elder Wood Planks = 150 Elder Wood Logs = Harvested
1 Glob of Ectoplasm
10 Thermocatalytic Reagents

Wood and Ore are harvested from nodes on open world maps

The advantage when gearing out a character clearly sits in the heavy armor wearers lap. Before I get some naysayer who just wants to argue, yes I’ve made full suits of ascended gear for each armor type and have kept track of the costs to do so. I just thought it worth a comment here due to the clear inequality between professions vs cost to equip.

EXAMPLE – using helm slot material requirements. All insignia for ascended armor require a standard 3 Bolts of Damask and 3 Elonian Leather Squares.

Heavy Helm
2 Bolts of Damask = Salvaged RNG
*1 Deldrimor Steel Ingot = Harvested

Medium Helm
2 Bolts of Damask = Salvaged RNG
1 Elonian Leather Square = Salvaged RNG

Light Helm
2 Bolts of Damask = Salvaged RNG
1 Elonian Leather Square = Salvaged RNG

(*)That one harvested material adds up when you think about it being similar for all 6 wear locations making Deldrimor Steel Ingots FAR easier to acquire through harvesting than cloth or leather through RNG. This makes heavy armor wearers have a clear advantage.

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Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Engi sPvP ensemble


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[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Dragon Emblem Shirt
Golden Wings


I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


The halo and horns items from the mordrem event PLEASE?!?!

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ascended aqua breather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


a breather that showed up as 3 slits on each side of the neck, gills, would be neat

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Can we get some new emotes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


How about -
/pose = 4-5 different poses and random

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[Suggestion] New Build System [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


being able to save gearsets for the alternate builds would be huge as well but not nearly as important as being able to save and change your trait build at the push of a button.

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Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Rune of the Traveler means you have to give something up for that runspeed. You’re taking a hit on your stats. Now if there were multiple rune types (different stat spreads) with that 25% runspeed then sure. When is the last time you saw someone running as dps need boon duration? And before someone chimes in with (in my most snotty voice) “make a second set of armor and put the runes in there”, you can not change armor out once you are in combat. BUT a passive runspeed could be removed once you enter combat without the hassle of “changing armor” around. Those of you who suggest that second set of armor, try it. Run around with a second set of armor just for those traveller runes, switching back and forth repeatedly, see how much fun that is.

Please keep in mind, I play a chronomancer, which is a profession that HAS a passive runspeed boost. Just for filling out the chronomancer traitline I get 25% runspeed boost. So really I could care less in the long run. It would just be nice if all you slow pokes could keep up though, that’s all.

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[Suggestion] New Build System [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


We have one separate trait build page for pve and spvp under our hero tab. Any chance we could get two or three more build tabs so we can save multiple builds? Especially since most professions can fill multiple roles?

just to name a few that I can think of
DPS usually follows one of these themes or a combination of
Direct DPS/power
Condition DPS
Range DPS
Melee DPS

Boons/Condi Remove


Being able to switch your build out on the fly while out of combat with the click of a button would streamline the whole process. On the same thought would be one or two more tabs for equipment to go along with the change in build.

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Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


I would pay gems for something like this.

Permanent passive runspeed of 25% in pve, that is only active out of combat. It would need to be inactive in both spvp and wvw to maintain profession balance.

If a passive is a hassle to code then possibly an item with a clickable buff with a decent duration length.

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[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Permanent passive runspeed, 25%, that is only active in pve, out of combat. It would need to be inactive in both spvp and wvw.

Also please bring back the golden wings and flamewrath set

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All I want for Christmas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


is my two handed axe!
Greataxe ftw!

Let’s take a moment to compare…..
Already in the game currently,
1hand mace + 2hand hammer, there’s your blunt instruments
1hand sword + 2hand greatsword, there’s your hack and slash
1hand scepter + 2hand staff, there’s your fingerwiggler tools
1hand axe + ….where is my 2hand greataxe?!

Why can’t rangers use a rifle? They hunt don’t they?
Why can’t thieves use a mace(s)? blackjacks hurt.

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Passive Option for Necro Pets PLEASE!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Also just to add since I saw a few views of this post and even one like to this response…

Minions are not pets. If you want them on passive don’t call them or explode them.

You should try playing a necro. Not all minions can be destroyed at the push of a button. I’m asking for this because I want to be able to tell necromancers in “those” situations to put their pets on passive. The responses so far make me have to ask, why all the necromancer hate?

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Passive Option for Necro Pets PLEASE!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


The whole concept of a minion is that they are ordered around by the person in power over them. Their whole existence is based on their leaders whims and desires. It’s actually a very negative term but that is besides the point. Let’s look at the definition of “Minion” for a moment “a servile follower or subordinate of a person in power”. The key word being servile. That would look like they take orders to me. So, being able to tell your minions to either “STAY” or “ATTACK” does not seem too far a stretch in the scheme of things.

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Passive Option for Necro Pets PLEASE!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Can we please get a toggled button similar to rangers that puts necromancers minions on passive?

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Weapons [suggestion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


2hand axe PLEASE?!!

Let us compare…..
1hand mace + 2hand hammer
1hand sword + 2hand greatsword
1hand scepter+ 2hand staff
1hand axe + ……..where the hell is my 2hand greataxe?!

also a couple questions…..
Why can’t rangers use a rifle? hunt much?
Why can’t thieves use a mace(s)? blackjacks hurt.

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Suggestion: Option to quit GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


NCsoft jacked their playerbase a while back with Aion. They did a complete wipe of any character that had not been logged in within a certain timeframe (if you are not playing the game at that time then how are you going to know about the impending character wipe?). I had actually planned on playing Aion again until I found this out. This was after a 2 year break.

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Potential new races to play as

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Largos PLEASE?!

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has leystone armor been removed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


What I’m seeing here is that folks think it comes down to either a drop rate change or just plain RNG. It would be nice to get some clarification from Anet if there has, or has not, in fact been a change to leystone armor drop rates that accompanied the changes to crystalline ore.

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has leystone armor been removed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


For a while I was getting an armor piece every couple of days. Running DS meta’s 2-3 times a day. I was slowly filling out my leystone armor sets, put in the time, see a reward, no big deal. Now? I’ve used over 200 machetes since the last armor piece I got to drop and have not gotten a single armor piece. Have the armor boxes been removed from noxious pod loot tables? 292 magic find.

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[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Airship Pass PLEASE!

We have a 1hand sword + 2hand sword, we also have a 1hand mace + 2hand hammer and there is a 1hand axe + “where is my 2hand axe?!”. Please give us either a 2hand axe or a skin to go over Greatsword, warhammer or staff. I’d love to wield a massive greataxe. The closest weapon we have is the axe from executioner outfit which is non-combat only.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

(edited by Dvious.8126)

Deadpool Outfit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


/whistles innocently


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Deadpool Outfit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


This was purely for fun.


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PLEASE Give us an IN-GAME Voice Chat Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


wow, so asking for something is now considered demanding? /facepalm, these kids…smh. Not once did I say “give it to me”. It’s a suggestion. Here’s my statement though. This is addressed to THEM, the developers, not to YOU, the player. Again, if they were to go that route and you didn’t like it you have all the right to use a third party program. I really wish ignorance were painful…..

Interesting you default to the term “Kid”. Anyhows, look at your title: Give us an IN-GAME Voice Chat Server

Pretty sure you did say “Give it” – that is a demand built statement, not a question or suggestive sentence.

There. Are your feelings restored?

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PLEASE Give us an IN-GAME Voice Chat Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


wow, so asking for something is now considered demanding? /facepalm, these kids…smh. Not once did I say “give it to me”. It’s a suggestion. Here’s my statement though. This is addressed to THEM, the developers, not to YOU, the player. Again, if they were to go that route and you didn’t like it you have all the right to use a third party program. I really wish ignorance were painful…..

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Legendary Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


What needs to happen is multiple skins implemented for each legendary and the PLAYER allowed to choose from a set of 3-5 skins. This would not only make it worthwhile to have more than one of each type of legendary but also give the players the feeling of personal achievement with the creation of their legendary weapon. Let the players build their legendary instead of being pigeonholed into accepting what someone on the development team thinks looks “cool”. Personal aesthetics are relative.
Another option would be 3-5 different pieces that make up the weapon.

EXAMPLE- Greatsword, 3-5 options for blade, blade guard, hilt. The player then chooses and builds the weapon the way they want, tt least to some extent. Much more than the doppleganger system in place now. This would allow the players again, to customize the weapon to THEIR specifications and not be completely at the mercy of someone elses’ sense of aesthetic.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

(edited by Dvious.8126)

PLEASE Give us an IN-GAME Voice Chat Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Similar to “One ring to rule them all” there should be one voice chat service to use for all. If you want to use an outside program, fine, that’s you. This is a suggestion for the developers, not for you. I personally think it asinine that I need Teamspeak, Vent and Mumble downloaded onto my computer since everyone seems to be using something different. Again, Everquest 2 does this without issue, the first few months of implementation there were of course a few issues as they got things figured out. Are there issues with the in-game voice chat servers now? No, there aren’t really any issues unless it is a maintenance day.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

PLEASE Give us an IN-GAME Voice Chat Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Everyquest 2 does it and it works well. This would make coordinating between players of both pve AND pvp so much easier. As is, you need to have multiple programs downloaded since not everyone uses the same voice chat services.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Make over limit clones do a mini shatter

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dvious.8126


So one person working at anet gets their butt handed to them and a whole playstyle gets the axe? That sounds balanced, sure. What I’d like to know is if the folks at anet just killed that particular build or actually looked into counters for it, you know, kind of like most players have to do when they get their butts handed to them by another player. I could understand if there weren’t any counters to a particular build/trait line, then of course, rework it.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Illusions status/health window

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Can we get a small, unobtrusive status window for our illusions? Just something that shows the health bars and the order they were summoned? It gets a bit hectic on screen when there is a ton of stuff going on with people and effects all over the place. With our illusions in the mix, it gets very difficult to see how healthy our illusions are and when we should summon a new one to replace one that is near death. This would enable us to be proactive, summoning in advance of the destruction of an illusion versus reactive, just sitting, waiting and watching those three little dots for one or more to be turned off to summon again when we’re not actively shattering.

something as simple as this, each illusion pip showing a half inch bar representing that particular illusions health. With or without the numbers but the health bars would help a ton.
/ / /
/ / /
1)O 2)O 3)O post wont let me put each set of lines above the corresponding O >.<


in a row above the F1 through F4 keys
1)O——- 2)O——- 3)O——-

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

GW2 Efficiency to screen raiders has begun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Gearscore ruined more than a few games. People stop playing to have fun and start playing to extend their “numbers”. The biggest problem comes after a few months of having a gearscore in place because it spreads like some sort of STD and most people start using it for any type of group activity.
The problem comes when you either intentionally or unintentionally alienate new players who don’t have the gear or older players who dont have the time to devote to getting the gear. Last I checked full exotic was not that far off from full ascended with the exception of AR.
Using any type of gearscore will introduce a hard number people will be expected to be at in order to group. If you think people using a gearscore application will stop at raiding, I must apologize in advance for saying this, but that makes you naive.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Legendary precursor journey is a joke....[Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


With the advent of craftable ascended weapons, legendary weapons are a complete joke. You are paying for a skin at this point and thats all. 100’s and at times 1000’s of gold and headaches for a skin. I’m all for fun appearance items. I’m a self professed appearance kitten myself but I’ll be kitten ed if I will help perpetuate the cost these skins require. Craft your ascended weapons and call it good.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.