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any response would be great from a dev

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


you people forget they nerfed EVERY KIT

No they didn’t.

Show me in the patch noted where they did:

It isn’t every kit, but “some of the kits” could be every kit minus one:

“Engineer Kit Sigils.
The Engineer now benefits from the sigils on their weapons when they swap to a kit. So, this means that you will have the ability to get sigil procs on your Flame Thrower, or Grenade Kit, etc. This means we had to tone down some of the kits accordingly, the biggest of which was the Grenade kit.”

Has anyone actually tested the other stuff?

I think what they mean here by other kits may be Elixir Gun in addition to Grenade Kit, makes sense with the patch notes (even though Elixir Gun wasn’t toned down but bug fixed).

any response would be great from a dev

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


For my p/p build I’ve been using Rabid gear (from CM, TA, HotW, Arah). The precision is very important but secondary to condition damage, which is why I choose it over Rampagers gear. From precision you gain:

33% chance to burn for 2 seconds on critical hits.
30% chance to cause bleeding for 3 seconds on critical hits.
50% chance to cause vulnerability on critical hits.

Using a 10/30/0/30/0 build.

any response would be great from a dev

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


In the mists I could do +2900 damage per second with berserker’s grenadier setup. For targets you could lead, it was probably the highest continuous damage from any profession.

To give you an idea, I can do around 2800 damage per second on my warrior using greatsword with a maxdps setup. And I sure couldn’t match 25 stacks of vulnerability for the entire group on my warrior like I could on my nade-spamming engi.

Which setup was more intense, fun, and difficult to use in dungeons? It sure wasn’t nade-spam.

Please Make Engineers Competitive

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


How? “Oh look they vapor formed…” walks over to where Vapor form ended, restarts stomp Besides it adds downed penalty…

Yeah, that’s awesome.

Consider engineer downed abilities. Your #2 is good for interruption one single target. If 2 people are finishing you, you are dead, there is nothing you can do. Additionally, if you are blinded, you don’t even get that 1 interrupt! Or else if the finisher activates stealth or stability, it’s useless. You are dead.

Mist form is an absolute guarantee to keep you alive for a few more seconds, regardless of blind effects on you, stability or stealth on the enemy, or multiple finishers.

Number 3 abilities on both are pretty useless. Engineer’s blast is potentially awesome but you are rarely ever alive long enough to use it.

Spot on. Not to mention Vapor Form in WvW giving most elementalists a godlike kitteniness than makes them feel (and most of the time it’s true) they can rush into the middle of an enemy zerg, do some damage, die, and float on back to their own zerg so they can get rez’d by their zerg (or hop on through their door, to safely rez themselves).

What is more important, being alive with an extra downed penalty, or having to release and run back like everyone else?

any response would be great from a dev

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


you people forget they nerfed EVERY KIT

No they didn’t.

Show me in the patch noted where they did:

Just looking at his signature tells you everything you need to know about him…

Grenades were definitely overpowered continuous damage compared to other classes. Now that #1 has been nerfed by 30%, but #3-4-5 have all been buffed, you can use grenade kit like it was meant to be used, you get great conditions, AoE blindess and chilled, and can swap to another kit while those abilities are on cooldown or to pistol. You don’t have to trait 30 points into Explosives to get grenadier anymore to use grenades.

In the mists I can do +2400 damage per second with condition build using pistols pre-patch, and now including grenade 2-5 into that with their buffs to include direct damage and with them activating sigils now, that damage be even higher.

I’ve been trying to get a flamethrower setup that is comparable, it’s a lot tankier than p/p, and has an awesome knockback, but it’s damage is behind p/p as far as I can tell.

Please Make Engineers Competitive

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Seriously someone crying about Elementalists’ down state abilities? Vapor form is without a doubt the single best downed state ability, especially in wvwvw …

The grapling hook is semi-useful. I’m glad nadespam is no longer a viable and overpowered option that I felt pigeonholed into, but I would like to see some other weapon setups perhaps get a damage boost, sigils aren’t enough to makeup for what has always been lacking in the other kits / weapon sets.

Also, I think the ‘area of continual healing’ on elixir gun is not scaling with +healing, not a good design if correct.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


it`s like druids in S4 just that engineer NEVER WAS ANY GOOD to begin with.

We nerf em!


I’m sorry but your WoW analogy is just bad. It was fairly often cited that more druids and warlocks got S3 shoulders than all the other classes combined (including the stupid Holy Pally/ MS Warrior makeups). So yeah, they got a little bit of a nerf for S4 — they still did really well if they weren’t the suck druids who rolled during S3 because it was the FotM.

And grenade autoattack needed a nerf, at least in PvE and WvW, it was super powerful in sieges (defending and attacking), and always overpowered in boss fights and on trash in dungeons. If you didn’t think so you were ‘doing it wrong.’

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


In a heavy condition build pistols are viable. 20-25 stacks of bleeds all ticking for 120 damage each second, in addition to poison and burning is viable unless you’re grouping with other heavy condition build players (which honestly, I think everyone’s damaging conditions should be separate to be fair, but that is another issue entirely).

Well, except that pistols scale with power much better than they do with condition damage. You’d only start upping the condition damage secondary to power, or because you do not expect to be using pistols very often.

Your fallacy is presuming they’re not viable.

I think the “fallacy” is more Layne’s Law. Define “viable.” If “viable” means, “They are not completely absurd to play and can make it through basic content,” then yes–viable. If you mean, " The skill ceiling … is exceptional" and “is the king of versatility” then no.

I think ANet shouldn’t have added that writeup. It’s pretty demoralizing to be told that you spent a lot of class that’s weaker by design. Especially given how dubious the stated benefit is.

Haha I agree that is terrible wording on Anet’s part. I’m betting they will change it.

“We see the elementalist as the king of versatility. The skill ceiling for the Ele is exceptional [and as such is the most overpowered profession, and we’re fine with it].” — Fixed.

Enough silliness. If you increase condition duration along with condition damage (you can get +110% duration if I’m not mistaken) pistol scales better than with power/crit/crit damage. Not to mention, you can stack your conditions and still kitswap, and still have that damage ticking away.

The only problem with this is having other condition heavy players. I wish Anet would change it so that vulnerability and all other ‘debuffs’ stay like they are, but have each player be able to have his or her own stacks of bleeding/poison/burning conditions up.

Grenade damage reduced 30%

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


I might actually play my engineer now. Before I felt if I wasn’t doing grenades, I wasn’t doing what I optimally could be doing (in PvE), and grenade spamming just isn’t fun.

Personally I like this change, grenades were completely overpowered, and now I can go p/p condition build and never look back.

Cool story bro.
Every other prof can outperform your “versatility” if you werent aware.

Performing “optimally” as an engineer requires FAR more busywork than any other prof and should be compensated accordingly. Grenades takes more skill than then entire warrior prof combined, yet a 30% damage nerf to its red circle spam kinda makes it not very intimidating to other players, and have fun taking 40 grenades to kill a mob in cursed shore.

Not to turn this into a flamefest, which many people seem to wish to do, but if you think grenade spamming was/and/or is difficult — wow.

Have you played a glass cannon warrior? I’m guessing you haven’t, because it isn’t just BullRush+Frenzy+HundredBlades. Do that in PvE and have fun dying.

There is no comparison in the difference of how easy it is to ranged attack, compared to how much more intense and difficult it is to melee in this game.

Pistol/pistol engineer is actually a lot more interesting for me than grenade spam ever was. And being a heavy condition build and being able to stack 20-25 stacks of bleeds all ticking for 120 damage each second, in addition to poison and burning seems at the least competitive with other professions and certainly not very hard of a playstyle.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Hey it’s ok, the buffed warriors again, so you know what class to reroll as.

Warrior buffs? You mean like Whirling Strike, Tsunami Slash, and Harpoon Pull becoming finishers? All underwater abilities … Or did you mean the 4 bug fixes warriors got like Fast Hands working for the first time ever like it was supposed to.

Hammer Shock not immobilizing you is the only real buff they got. Furious Reaction has become situationally good too now, but it was unusable before.

I’m glad they nerfed grenade damage, because it was way out of line — simply put. Now I can play my engineer without feeling like I’m doing less than I should be doing using grenade spam — which I cannot stand. Other builds like pistol/pistol condi becoming viable isn’t a bad thing you know.

They didn’t do anything about the viability of pistols. No matter how far into the dirt they nerf one spec, it won’t make another spec better. That’s a logical fallacy.


In a heavy condition build pistols are viable. 20-25 stacks of bleeds all ticking for 120 damage each second, in addition to poison and burning is viable unless you’re grouping with other heavy condition build players (which honestly, I think everyone’s damaging conditions should be separate to be fair, but that is another issue entirely).

Your fallacy is presuming they’re not viable. And also, if you were using full exotic berserker’s gear and grenade spamming, there is absolutely no way you couldn’t agree that grenades were doing more than they should have been.

Healing Surge and Killshot

in Warrior

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


I don’t understand how this was a change, it’s exactly what Healing Surge did before. If you’re a lowbie sure KS can hit for 16k, so lower it’s scaling on players who don’t have toughness or just lower it’s scaling period.

Don’t mess with our heal that already doesn’t heal enough if you’re not stacking +heals (it only heals 40% max of our health at full adrenaline if we have neither +vitality gear nor +healign gear).

If you use Healing Surge after you’ve just used Kill Shot and drained all your adrenaline it only heals for 25% of our max health, and on a 30 second cooldown …

In fact, please do buff it, make it heal for 60% like a normal heal and remove the adrenaline part of it entirely. Problem*s* solved.

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


The run speed of all the signets does indeed apply in combat. However, in combat you always receive a speed decrease of X%, but speed boosts make that less severe.

I would honestly LOVE to have a +25% passive speed boost signet, maybe change Dolyak’s ‘Reduce Incoming Damage’ to that as it’s passive.

Greatsword movement feels like a necessity (but the immobilizes in HB and loss of character control during Rush are hateful), but it also feels a bit like Sword+Warhorn or a ranged weapon is necessary too in order to actually be able to melee or continually damage anyone who isn’t melee.

And most professions have an arsenal of escape abilities to counter our gap closers. This is an arms race, and now all the ranged professions but mesmer (4 profs out of 8) have +25% movement speed boost ontop of their escape abilities and swiftness.

Many guardians have 100% uptime on swiftness, but they’re in somewhat a similar situation as we are. Necromancers too, for swiftness they’re forced to use Warhorn and Spectral Walk. Mesmers get even less movement, and are forced to use Focus offhand. For balance sake I wish (even if it’s only for WvW and PvE) that everyone gets at least +25% movement speed…

Or you could consider removing the ridiculous movement speed reduction everyone suffers in combat.

Just some ideas…

(EDIT: For some reason 8 showed up as a smiley face lol)

"more reliable swiftness"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Would be nice if they just got rid of the random boon crap and given a +25 passive movement speed buff, and on use you got a few random boons for a given duration on a given cooldown.

Please rethink this Anet.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Hey it’s ok, the buffed warriors again, so you know what class to reroll as.

Warrior buffs? You mean like Whirling Strike, Tsunami Slash, and Harpoon Pull becoming finishers? All underwater abilities … Or did you mean the 4 bug fixes warriors got like Fast Hands working for the first time ever like it was supposed to.

Hammer Shock not immobilizing you is the only real buff they got. Furious Reaction has become situationally good too now, but it was unusable before.

I’m glad they nerfed grenade damage, because it was way out of line — simply put. Now I can play my engineer without feeling like I’m doing less than I should be doing using grenade spam — which I cannot stand. Other builds like pistol/pistol condi becoming viable isn’t a bad thing you know.

Grenade damage reduced 30%

in Engineer

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


I might actually play my engineer now. Before I felt if I wasn’t doing grenades, I wasn’t doing what I optimally could be doing (in PvE), and grenade spamming just isn’t fun.

Personally I like this change, grenades were completely overpowered, and now I can go p/p condition build and never look back.

Buffing Elementalist Dagger/Dagger? Really?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Look at the changes for other classes.

most of them got:

passive signet speed of 25% from 10% (swiftness is 33%, this means D/D ele is now only 8% faster than most professions equipping these signets… that’s comparatively slow enough for other professions to continue applying pressure for several more seconds to a D/D desperately trying to flee or kite and heal)

combo finishers added (between 1 and 5 depending on the profession).

+dmg (major +dmg actually)

This means D/D has had a substantial indirect nerf to healing and kiting in pvp.

I’ll be awaiting the feedback from pioneers of this build to see what their experience is on the ground. Perhaps other professions will simply not equip the signets?

Buffing the ranger profession (and a few other slight buffs) isn’t a nerf to D/D elementalists.

And did you notice that most of the finishers added (and the lion’s share of the so called ‘buffs’), are underwater abilities?

Buffing Elementalist Dagger/Dagger? Really?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


So no doubt this will receive hate from some of the D/D ele crowd, but D/D was if anything fine, and in most cases a LOT more than fine, and now it’s been buffed even more.

Reading through the ele forums, there are enough people stating that they feel forced into D/D because it is overpowered and is the ‘only’ good trait setup at the moment.

So instead of making these fresh D/D ele’s learn how to play better (because admit it, a good D/D ele is an awesome force to be reckoned with), you buff the already overpowered setup. How does this make things better, for ele’s, and for profession balance in general?

Shocking Aura no longer dispellable (although it can no longer benefit from boon duration to balance it)

Signet of Air now provides 25% movement speed. D/D ele’s already have the highest mobility of any profession if they so choose (arguably tied with thief). Granted, this buff will affect all elementalists, but since keeping your distance from a D/D ele is important if you want to survive, this will make this a lot more difficult.

Stone Splinters now has ‘increased range from 300 to 600 units’, it’s description is “Deal 5% more damage when you are within melee range of your target” … since when is 600 units melee range? Another good sized and unnecessary buff for D/D.

Magnetic Grasp is now a leap finisher, and therefore gives 6 seconds more of fury, swiftness, and burning damage — ontop of the 12 seconds of fury and swiftness you get from Shocking Aura (air3) and 6 seconds from Frost Aura (water4).

And Pyromancer’s Puissance. Not normally taken in a D/D trait setup, but it’s been buffed to allow for even easier might stacking.

Pistol Whip doesn't work?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Second Update: Teleporting out of the mists and killing 1 mob allowed me to ‘relearn’ pistol whip. It was colored before and therefore learned … but I’ve just learned it again. So I guess it’s definitely a bug, but it already has a workaround.

I’m a bit doubtful that someone with this bug will be able to find this post sadly, but traveling to the mists and back is a simple solution.

Pistol Whip doesn't work?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Searching this forum with anything related to Pistol Whip and you get a mountain of QQ.

My problem is, I cannot even use Pistol Whip. I’ve been able to use Sword+Dagger #3, Shortbow #3, it has nothing to do with my #3 being broken because even when I click Pistol Whip it is 100% unresponsive.

Background information: Leveling a char thief because I got bored of my human thief. I learned Pistol+Pistol before Sword+Pistol, so I had 1,4, & 5 unlocked first. I unlocked Pistol Whip, and cannot use it.

I’ve tried killing about 30+ more mobs to make sure I’ve learned it. I’ve restarted my client. I’ve retraited. I’ve changed my skills around. I even bought a brand new sword and pistol … nothing allows me to use it.

Is this a known bug? Searching “pistol whip bug -nerf” … still nothing but sickening whining.

UPDATE: Pistol Whip works for me in the mists, must mean this is a leveling bug or something?

Warriors as good at tanking as Guardians?

in Warrior

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Guardian is a bruiser as well. As I said, don’t turn a blind eye to the fact that Guardians do very, very nice damage if they so chose.

Anyway, you’re all (I assume) just talking about PvP. Show a PvE example where a Warrior is preferable to a Guardian.

There are none.

And all other classes DPS way better than a Warrior.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, and to be frank, I don’t think you do either.

Do you have an 80 warrior? If so, does he have full berserker’s gear?

If he did, you would notice that pretty much NO class can dps as well as him.

Autoattacks for 2k regular 3k crits, and every 6 seconds blast off 27,000 damage in 3.5 second channeled attack to everything in a frontal cone. Not to mention Bladetrail ranged AoE / slow, and up to 10k Whirlwind Attack every 12 and 8s respectively.

What class with what build/weapon set can meet that? And survivablilty, learn to dodge what is important, Endure Pain and profit.

Since your group design calls for 4 dps and 1 ‘tanky’ guardian, why not have up to 3 or 4 warriors to be perfectly honest? Tons of condition removal, tons of Vulnerability stacks, second-to-none dps — you fly through content.

And finally … warriors are not thieves. No. Just no.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


I have to ask, how did this bug get past QA? I cannot imagine stepping foot inside another fractal until this is fixed — it’s that central.

And after having been reported by the community, and having a developer acknowledge the issue, and to still have neither any further information nor any releasable progress for over 11 days now?

The worst part of this bug is when you finish two fractals, and have a member disconnect near the end of the 3rd. 4 manning sucks. Still, we try. Sometimes we win.

But to have another player disconnect at the end of the very last encounter (after already having to reset from scratch) and bug the reward and not let us even continue? It’s like banging your head against a wall. 5 fractals 100% completed, and ZERO measurable progress.

Frustrating to say the least. We know you guys are trying, just release the fix as soon as you possibly can.

PS. And have you thought of PTR’s? Seems like you guys and gals could use some help in the QA/testing department — reaching out to the community for testing could do GW2 a world of good — just a thought.

Combat Bug - More common since last patch (11/14)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Mobs become bugged in this game very easily, and become immune to damage, resetting to full health, but often keeping you in combat, and most frustrating of all — running back to attack you again once they have full health.

Since this last patch it seems you are able to be stuck in combat indefinitely until you move a certain distance away from mobs that have bugged or reset. This is especially frustrating when trying to change out traits or gathering equipment.

A few of my guildies have noticed it too (especially during our daily orichalcum run). Anyone else seeing this? Was this indeed caused during the latest patch?

Is it to ‘prevent’ exploits? If so, it is punishing the ‘law-abiding’ gamers as much as the exploiters. This equal treatment stance has got to go … give us fair treatment as players. Punish the exploiters, not everyone.

Take this message and apply it broadly, and gamers will likely be more satisfied with your game, and far less frustrated. Thanks for reading.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Just don’t make another tier after this pleaseever.

Hopefully you see the community’s response to this; never ending gear progression is one sisyphean task in an MMO I’m not prepared to partake in ever again.

nerf war?

in Warrior

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


So why does different rules go for thieves and warriors? When its about thieves people say “1 shot shouldn’t be viable” bla bla, when its a warrior it instead “BUT HE HAD TIME TO DODGE”. If it’s not allowed in one it shouldn’t be allowed in the other, you can dodge a thief also it’s just harder, on the other hand if you do he is in your face and without much ways of dealing great damage while the warrior is 1500 range away. People just see things one way, there are 2 sides to every coin.

You’ve got to learn warrior and thief classes before claiming such a thing please.

  1. - You’re wrong, warrior’s rifle range is 1200 not 1500 and has a 1.75 second highly visible cast time (because you advertise it by taking a knee and pointing at the target).
  2. - You’re wrong, Steal+CnD+Backstab hits for 20k in less than one second and it can be precasted from 900.

If you don’t understand ‘precasting’ try it out. You can begin casting CnD from 900, which has a 0.5 second cast time, and in the middle of the cast time hit Steal, then autoattack. Congratulations, you just did 20,000 damage for the low low cost of 6 initiative and it took 0.75 seconds.

(It can be traited down to 4 initiative to make matters worse via 5 traits into Shadow Arts — now spend your 6 or 8 left over initiative and your overpowered stolen ability)
PS. See why people think Thieves need a nerf? Not to mention stealth not rendering for extra 2-4 seconds from server side issues …

**Greatsword feedback and bugs**

in Suggestions

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


So first off I’ll start by saying that I love greatsword, I’ve always preferred and played warrior archetype classes with — you guessed it — greatswords.

Greatsword for warriors in GuildWars 2 is amazingly fun while playing solo. You have great mobility, and phenomenal damage — both AoE and single target.

The Problem

The major problem I (and many warriors I know) is that our highest damage ability is essentially a 3.5 second root / self-cc on a 6.5 second cooldown (with a 120 degree cone of damage). In a game where there is no ‘trinity’ and consequently no tank, unless the boss / mob is ranged, it moves — constantly. The delight of greatsword quickly wanes when all you’re able to do is chase around a boss autoattacking and every 8 seconds Whirling ahead of him, and every 12 seconds throwing your greatsword at him.

The warrior archetype is usually either a highly mobile berserker or a heavily armored tank with a shield. Spending around 60% of the time essentially ‘self-rooted’ goes heavily against this archetype, and isn’t very fun when the boss doesn’t like to stand still for you (teehee).

The Suggested Fix

Could you please consider making Warrior Greatsword ability Hundred Blades an ability that at least you can steer/turn/move a bit with. What you did with Guardian Whirling Wrath is better, it’s 360 degree AoE that allows you the freedom of movement. I’m not asking for this ability, I’m asking merely the freedom of movement for Hundred Blades.

Often times you will get into the prefect position with your enemies arranged in front of you and you start Hundred Blades, and they all move behind you or just out of range, forcing you to cancel and autoattack for 6.5 seconds waiting for it to come back up. Often, this will happen again, and again lol — especially with fights like Champion Abomination — when he only stands still long enough to get 2-3 of the 8 attacks Hundred Blades does while he smashes a player.

This is mostly a Quality of Life change. I’m asking that since there is already a precedent of making an ability do different things in PvP and PvE in GuildWars 2 — i.e. Guardian’s “Save Yourselves” functioning differently for PvE and PvP (not to mention the proud history of GW1 where scores of abilities functioned differently) to please, please give Hundred Blades some mobility in PvE.

Again to reiterate, Do Not change this ability in PvP, just PvE, pretty please

The Bug

Finally, I’d like to include the fact that at the time of posting, you cannot dodge-roll out of Hundred Blades, Rush, and Whirlwind Attack (number 2, 5, and 3 greatsword abilities respectively).
Why does this need changing? Well for instance, some abilities in dungeons pretty much can one-shot you, and for players who use dodge-roll on a keybind and not use “Double-Tap to Evade” not being able to dodge-roll during these abilities cast time can be deadly. You have to break the action’s cast time first (by moving any direction with Hundred Blades, and currently no way to avoid Rush’s 2-second animation before you can dodge-roll). Whirlwind Attack less so because you avoid some damage, but still lots of stuff can kill you / stun you and kill you while Whirlwind’ing.


Thank you for reading, hopefully it’s easy enough to read and isn’t just a wall of text, and finally — I love your game Anet, you guys and gals do great work!

**Greatsword feedback and bugs**

in Warrior

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


So first off I’ll start by saying that I love greatsword, I’ve always preferred and played warrior archetype classes with — you guessed it — greatswords.

Greatsword for warriors in GuildWars 2 is amazingly fun while playing solo. You have great mobility, and phenomenal damage — both AoE and single target.

The Problem

The major problem I (and many warriors I know) is that our highest damage ability is essentially a 3.5 second root / self-cc on a 6.5 second cooldown (with a 120 degree cone of damage). In a game where there is no ‘trinity’ and consequently no tank, unless the boss / mob is ranged, it moves — constantly. The delight of greatsword quickly wanes when all you’re able to do is chase around a boss autoattacking and every 8 seconds Whirling ahead of him, and every 12 seconds throwing your greatsword at him.

The warrior archetype is usually either a highly mobile berserker or a heavily armored tank with a shield. Spending around 60% of the time essentially ‘self-rooted’ goes heavily against this archetype, and isn’t very fun when the boss doesn’t like to stand still for you (teehee).

The Suggested Fix

Could you please consider making Warrior Greatsword ability Hundred Blades an ability that at least you can steer/turn/move a bit with. What you did with Guardian Whirling Wrath is better, it’s 360 degree AoE that allows you the freedom of movement. I’m not asking for this ability, I’m asking merely the freedom of movement for Hundred Blades.

Often times you will get into the prefect position with your enemies arranged in front of you and you start Hundred Blades, and they all move behind you or just out of range, forcing you to cancel and autoattack for 6.5 seconds waiting for it to come back up. Often, this will happen again, and again lol — especially with fights like Champion Abomination — when he only stands still long enough to get 2-3 of the 8 attacks Hundred Blades does while he smashes a player.

This is mostly a Quality of Life change. I’m asking that since there is already a precedent of making an ability do different things in PvP and PvE in GuildWars 2 — i.e. Guardian’s “Save Yourselves” functioning differently for PvE and PvP (not to mention the proud history of GW1 where scores of abilities functioned differently) to please, please give Hundred Blades some mobility in PvE.

Again to reiterate, Do Not change this ability in PvP, just PvE, pretty please

The Bug

Finally, I’d like to include the fact that at the time of posting, you cannot dodge-roll out of Hundred Blades, Rush, and Whirlwind Attack (number 2, 5, and 3 greatsword abilities respectively).
Why does this need changing? Well for instance, some abilities in dungeons pretty much can one-shot you, and for players who use dodge-roll on a keybind and not use “Double-Tap to Evade” not being able to dodge-roll during these abilities cast time can be deadly. You have to break the action’s cast time first (by moving any direction with Hundred Blades, and currently no way to avoid Rush’s 2-second animation before you can dodge-roll). Whirlwind Attack less so because you avoid some damage, but still lots of stuff can kill you / stun you and kill you while Whirlwind’ing.


Thank you for reading, hopefully it’s easy enough to read and isn’t just a wall of text, and finally — I love your game Anet, you guys and gals do great work!

Legendaries Are Not Created Equal

in Crafting

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


If you were a GS warrior, you’d change your mind about thinking that all the dev’s are GS warriors….

More likely they’re GS guardians. GS guardians don’t self-root themselves for 3.5 seconds every 6 seconds. GS guardians can also dodge-roll whenever they like, whereas GS warriors cannot dodgeroll out of #2 #3 or #5, all with long cast times. GS warrior is the self-cc weapon set.

But yes, Twilight and Sunrise are on a completely different level of greatness when it comes to legendaries.

Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


The problem the OP is experience is a temporary one. The first night with the Candycorn Golems, there was plenty of mob uptime, it took a long time to kill the elites, and the regulars were spread out enough that lowbies were getting lots of kills. I know personally as I was there on my alt (after being on my main for a while) and I got 3 levels of experience (popping KStreak boosters hehe) in the 3 or so hours it was up.

Additionally, I disagree that “creatures may be a bit on the weak side when faced up with higher level players.” Does this statement really has fresh 80’s in mind as well, or just 80’s who’ve spend 100+ hours gearing and farming? And going through all the trouble of gearing up to full exotic after leveling through most / all of the zones, it feels nice and fitting that you’re a bit more powerful now than when you first rolled through these zones. (32-35g + ~200 hours of play time should have a ‘reward’ in lower zones too shouldn’t it?)

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Orichalcum Not Resetting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Mine all seem to finally have reset, but it was longer than 24 hours. Oh well, hopefully they will change it back to every 5 hours, would sure go a long way, but I guess I’m not holding my breath.

Orichalcum Not Resetting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


So, not only did Orichalcum stop resetting every 5 hours, now, it’s not even resetting every 24 hours for me.

The nodes are the same, I can see the node but it is harvested, only it has been longer than 24 hours since I last harvested it.

Last time I harvested the 12 nodes was last night around 6pm Mountain time. It is now 6:10pm Mountain and still no nodes. For the last couple of days it has been resetting early in the morning, but I wake up to find that they are still “harvested” and unharvestable now.

Seriously, if you make players require +1000 ore, you shouldn’t jack them around like this. Orichalcum isn’t ruining the economy — so I really really hope this is a bug that will be fixed soon.

There was a lot of effort players had to put in, in order to harvest orichalcum back when it reset every 5 hours. Most players didn’t mind putting in this effort. Nerfing this out of some misguided sense of keeping your economy from getting screwed up is very poorly thought out.

JonPeters said the change against exploiters was too harsh for normal players (who do not exploit!) and that they would loosen these restrictions. Can we take this to mean it will be reverted to a 5 hour respawn like it was?

Please, can we get some information on this? It is extremely frustrating, especially now because it bugs whenever it seems to feel like it and not give us any Orichalcum at all …

Why the need to make everyone PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


You got rewards for completing each individual zone. Oh, you want 100% map completion and legendary weapons? But you want to get it without exploring 100% of the map. I see…

And you think you’re entitled to that, why?

What if I said I don’t enjoy PvE – could I get my legendary weapon just doing PvP zones? Of course not, that’s silly. What if I said I don’t like leveling – would I get to create a character at level 80? Of course not.

But you don’t have to discover/complete all of the PvE dungeons (every path, getting every PoI in them) in order to complete the 100% map discovery.

Such a task would be as onerous a task as having to get every point on the Eternal Battlegrounds map, which most people can only accomplish ever through server transfers. Such a system as our current system is inelegant at best, stupid at worst.

Orichalcum Fixing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


“There was an update a little while back that limited oricalcum farming via server and overflow swapping. This update was too harsh on normal players and we will try to increase the supply of these resources again soon.” via JonPeters.

Also in the update in question the respawn time of Orichalcum nodes went from around every 5 hours to every 24 hours. Most players would agree that this was way to harsh.

Based on JonPeters’ statement, can we expect that Orichalcum nodes will go back to 5 hour respawn timers again? Honestly, taking the time to find all 12 nodes in all 3 maps is an onerous task in and of itself. Then making the circuit as many time per day as possible is also onerous. But considering that I need no less than 1000 Orichalcum ore, even before I can begin selling and making any profit aside from the gems that sometimes drop …. it was a lot better when they respawned every 5 hours.

I actually looked forward to the “Orichalcum runs” every 5 hours. Often I would make it even a social experience and drag some guildies along. Now, it’s once a day. Please consider fixing this like it seemed you meant to. Thanks for reading

AC Explorable - Bugs - Scavengers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


So some guildies and I run and clear all 3 paths of AC exp with little problem, however, there are several ‘bugs’ that are frustrating.

Firstly, the burrow hit boxes are way too small, but you are working on that and my guildies and I thank you for that.

Secondly, when you kill burrows they knock you back, sometimes through walls, doors, and sometimes into stairs that make you stuck for the duration of the fight.

And finally and perhaps most frustrating, the Scavengers. Their animation giving warning of their impending leap is obvious and handy, but even when you dodge roll away from one, usually there is another right next to him who jumps half a second later. The ‘bug’ part of this is, where he lands is ~10 feet away (over a body length and a hafl) and can still knock you down. Way too far to be believable, and frustrating that you really have no way to counter two Scavengers other than to stay as far away as possible for as long as possible.

This is furthered by having stunbreaks break their stun, but you are instantly stunned again by their chomping animation and end up dying. Also, it is made worse by most player knockbacks “Interupting” the Scavenger’s, but they continue to chow down on their stunned target until dead anyway.

I cannot imagine they are working as intended, but please inform us if they indeed are.

Perhaps this thread will receive flaming etc., but I’m not saying these bugs make AC exp undoable, but nevertheless they sure are frustrating/annoying. Overall however, the dungeon is a lot of fun; great job on it devs/designers.

Dungeon Reward System Flawed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Some guildies and I ran Caduceus’ Manor Explorable just now for the first time, none of us had ever before completed this dungeon on explorable (via any path) and it has been weeks since we completed it on story.

3 players received 60 Seals of Beetlerun, I received 45 Seals, and one poor guildie received only 15 Seals.

Earlier in the day, we also ran Ascalon Catacombs Explorable on two paths, everyone but one of us received 60 Tears of Ascalon for the first run (Ghost Eater) — one of us received only 45 Tears, for the second (Howler) 3 received 60 Tears, I received 45 Tears, and the same poor guildie only got 30 Tears. We ran all of these dungeons together, none of us doing anything beforehand that should have differentiated our rewards.

Obviously your system of diminishing returns isn’t working as intended, as neither my guildies nor myself have ever completed CM Explorable, how could DR possibly have taken place on us?
Please clarify, and please tell us if you will retroactively reward us our due rewards for running these dungeons … or there is very little point to continue running dungeons until it is confirmed that they are fixed. It is frustrating to say the least.

Dungeons reward system bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


Some guildies and I ran Caduceus’ Manor Explorable just now for the first time, none of us had ever before completed this dungeon on explorable (via any path) and it has been weeks since we completed it on story.

3 players received 60 Seals of Beetlerun, I received 45 Seals, and one poor guildie received only 15 Seals.

Obviously your system of diminishing returns isn’t working as intended, as neither my guildies nor myself have ever completed CM Explorable, how could DR possibly have taken place on us? Please clarify, and please tell us if you will retroactively reward us our due rewards for running these dungeons … or there is very little point to continue running dungeons.