Showing Posts For Elias.3204:

Cele scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


Superior sigil of speed.

I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but here’s the text from the wiki for superior sigil of speed:

Gain Swiftness (20 Seconds) on Killing a Foe

Am I missing something?

Cele scrapper

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


What sigil are you referring to? Sigil of Speed only grants swiftness when killing a foe.

Does Dragonhunter have movement increase?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elias.3204


You start with Runes of the Traveler on your gear in the beta.

Ah ha! Thank you! I forgot to check the default runes.

Does Dragonhunter have movement increase?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elias.3204


Weird. Sure feels like it for some reason. Must be the Charr animation.

Does Dragonhunter have movement increase?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elias.3204


Maybe I’m imagining it, because I can’t find where it would be coming from, but does the Dragonhunter have a 25% movement increase from somewhere? It sure feels like he’s moving faster than my regular guardian.

Lag and Disconnects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elias.3204


Well, I figured I needed to come back and apologize. Looks like it was on my end after all. Thanks to ArenaNet support for helping me troubleshoot it! I had my ISP come out and do some digging as well. It’s all cleared up and the game is running great again!

Lag and Disconnects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elias.3204


I don’t know what’s going on, but about the time the game went F2P I started getting lag and lot of game client disconnects.

I’ve troubleshooted it on my end. Bypassed my router, reset the cable modem, and so forth. I’ve played other online games without issue. However, Guild Wars 2 still randomly, but consistently, disconnects me or has severe lag.

If it matters, I’m on Ehmry Bay. At this point, I’m guessing it’s on Arenanet’s end.

My level of frustration is getting a bit too high at this point. I often get disconnected during big events (like Silverwastes) and am getting tired of putting in the effort only to be disconnected before I can get the rewards.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Can't connect to client.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elias.3204


Yes. Same issue here.

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


My only feedback at this point would be: Good job – you’re doing EXACTLY what I would like to see you folks doing. That is, asking for feedback, fixing bugs, redesigning, moving forward, and constantly improving this game. Thanks.

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elias.3204


Just finished running Brisban at 2pm. Still bugged. =(

Where's the list of guilds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


This is embarrassing, but I’ve been playing this game since launch, and after taking a hiatus, the guilds I was a member of are pretty much gone.

Finding a new guild has been difficult. I don’t even know what guilds are out there except for when someone advertises over chat that they’re recruiting, and even then you don’t know anything about them except for what they tell you.

For a game that supposedly has a huge focus on guilds, where are the tools? I can’t find an actual list (though a few websites have some “possibly up-to-date” cross sections of a few guilds). Where can I see how different guilds stack up compared to one another? Their achievements and so forth?

Any advice is appreciated!

How's the mesmer and necromancer classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


So, yeah, I’ve leveled every class to 80 except the mesmer and necromancer. Engineer is my favorite, followed by the elementalist and thief (go back and forth between those two). I haven’t been able to decide on a solid secondary class to dump all of my money into though (and my engineer is already set).

How’s the mesmer and necromancer classes these days? Any opinions on which I should go for next?

Should grenades just go away?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


You may not like or enjoy using the kit—lord knows I do not—

Isn’t that the over-arching point of it all? Considering this is a game, shouldn’t it be enjoyable/fun?

Grenade kit just isn’t fun anymore. It’s redundant.

Should grenades just go away?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’m not sure what the devs are planning for my favorite class (this one, the engineer), but I’m wondering if the grenade kit should just go away now.

Hear me out:

We have so many kits and gizmos to choose from. Each fulfills a particular function. FT is good medium-range AoE. Elixir is good support and conditions. Bombs are good PBAoE. Tools are ok melee and defense. And then there’s grenades and mortar kit.

Whenever I equip one or the other, I get them confused. Poison field, chilling field, and so on. They’re basically the exact same thing functionality-wise, only with differing ranges and attack speeds. Why not just put everything into one or the other kit and let us have a free slot?

Pick one, make it 1500 range. Make the damage and radius the average of the two. Choose the fire damage or the healing field.

As an engineer, I can’t imagine why I would have created two kits that do virtually the same thing but with only slight modifications. As an asura, I imagine my race laughing at me for the inefficiency of it all.

And, if anything else, could you please put the types of effects in the same order for each kit!?!?


Are infusions worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve finally started getting ascended gear on my level 80s. It’s taken me time, and a whole lot of gold. Now, I’m looking at infusions.

It seems awfully expensive for only a +5 stat increase. Am I missing something? Are infusions worth their high cost?

Do you use swiftness?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I mostly play PvE and have always felt like I HAD to have some kind of permaswiftness on all of my characters. Whether it was a 25% movement signet, or the Engineer’s 33% permaswiftness on swap.

When I don’t have it, I feel like I’m moving at a snail’s pace and get frustrated.

How about everyone else? Sometimes I wonder if I’m wasting skill space.

Guardian Silverwastes Build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve been seeing a lot of Guardians out in the Silverwastes lately and figured I would try it myself with my old, shelved level 80 Guardian. I never could figure out how to play the class very well though.

So, what’s a good Silverwastes event farming build and setup? I go out there and get steamrolled by charging terragriffs and find myself downed during breach and other boss battles.

I generally play Engineer or Elementalist, so melee combat is a bit foreign to me. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

General PvE and Silverwastes build?

in Thief

Posted by: Elias.3204


I switch between dd, sd(interrupt bot), sp, and sb, pp.
CS, free free IP
DA, mug, free, exe
Tr, free, free, SoH

I keep Withdraw almost permanently, except in labyrinth (go permastealth mode). Occasionally I’ll use signet of malice and drop invigorating precision.

Utilities are fairly open, can go signets and corresponding traits, traps, tricks, whatever you’re comfortable with… Myself I keep scorpion wire, step, and either inf signet, rfi, or haste.

I’m all zerker, but I keep a set of valk trinkets just in case and I’m lazy so keep a cav backpiece.

The sd and sp I find most useful there with all the annoying (insert annoying basic attacks you want near perma interrupted).

What do you use for swiftness if you don’t use Signet of Shadows?

General PvE and Silverwastes build?

in Thief

Posted by: Elias.3204


Finally got my thief up to level 80, and now it’s time to farm! I prefer doing Silverwastes events over chest runs, and I’m trying to find a good general PvE build that’ll cover me there, along with doing dailies (which sometimes include Fractals) and the occasional dungeon run.

My current loadout is all zerker, and I’m finding myself a little squishy in some of these instances.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’m mostly talking about general leveling in PvE.

I’ve simply never been stunned, dazed, knocked down, or interrupted so much with any other class. With a D/D Elementalist I was constantly moving around (and through) the target, so they rarely got a hit on me. Ranger, always safe while at range, but even in melee auto-evades a lot of attacks. Thief, lots of moving around, evading, not getting hit. Engineer, always moving and almost always at range, plus perma-stability with flame-thrower if traited for it.

I’m not saying the warrior doesn’t have something as well, I just don’t know what it is (since I’m new to the class). The main problem seems to be that the warrior takes more punches than he evades, particularly because his big attack with the GS (skill #2) requires that he stand absolutely still for the duration, during which I usually get hit, knocked down, interrupted, and so on.

I’ve been trying some different builds from Into The Mists, but none of them use the abilities you mentioned, so I’ll start there. Sounds like a third trait line (once I hit level 71) will help quite a bit too.

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve leveled up several classes to 80, and finally decided to do the same with a warrior. I was always jealous of their sheer power and survivability in PvE.

I’m finally at level 65 (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now), but am getting frustrated by the Warrior’s lack of stability. The warrior almost always stays in melee range and has to stand still when using his big attacks (I’m currently using GS with either axe/mace or rifle as secondary). Even the most insignificant of bad guys (i.e., dredge) have knockdown, daze, and other incredibly annoying stun attacks. Hyena’s cripples are just as frustrating to me.

Other classes I’ve played more easily evade such effects, so I’m guessing the warrior has something to counter these things. How do I get stability and/or remove conditions quickly?

Does warrior have any combos?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elias.3204


Warrior is one of the last classes left for me to level to 80. I love the power of the class, with its ability to take a hit and hit back even harder, but thus far (only level 30) I feel like I’m just lackadaisically standing in front of the enemy.

Are there any good combo moves I can pull off? Other classes generally have fields they can set up and then use a blast or other finisher to pep things up a bit.

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204



Need help picking a second class please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


It’s sounding like elementalist is the best bet. Guess I need to to learn how to play it better.

Though Thief is an interesting recommendation from Randulf. I always saw them as a squishy melee class (a real paradox).

Need help picking a second class please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I love, love, LOVE my engineer. I have played him through the entirety of GW2. I even left the game for over a year, came back, tried some other classes, and ended up playing the engineer again.

I need to expand though. I need another character to really dote on and spoil with upgrades and whatnot. I primarily PvE and run dungeons, though I’m starting to try my hand at WvW again. SPvP doesn’t hold my interest.

As of this post, I have leveled to 80 my engineer, an elementalist, a guardian, and a ranger.

I enjoy how hard the elementalist hits, but get frustrated with how often he gets downed. I’m good enough to keep from dying, but don’t like the squishiness. I also have a hard time over waiting to swap attunements with their cooldown (I’m used to the instant switching of the engineer), but it’s mostly about the squishiness.

Guardian is an interesting one that I just haven’t been able to figure out yet. He “seems” squishy, but not really. I can’t seem to figure out the rotation or skills quite yet or settle on a specific weapon set that I like to use. My main issue has been his lack of an “easy” 25% movement increase. “Retreat” works ok I suppose. I also don’t like his lack of a good ranged ability for world boss battles (scepter’s orb feels lackluster).

The Ranger bored me out of my mind. Got him to 80, and then parked him. Managing the pet annoyed me at times, though I enjoyed running around and collecting the different pet options. Felt like I did little more than auto-attack with an occasional second skill when it eventually came off of cooldown. Ran LB/GS with him, though I also tried axe/warhorn.

The engineer has been fantastic for me, though not perfect. I like his movement speed (either 25% or 33% perma are fine), enjoy swapping kits to fill any particular need of the moment (particularly in regards to switching ranges). I like that he’s pretty tough and can get out of a jam. I love the flamethrower’s cone-area-of-effect and mid-range. I DON’T like that his hardest hitting abilities don’t have an auto-attack and require constant ground targeting.

SO… after this overly-long post, what would you recommend I take as a second class (or revisit from the ones I’ve already tried)? Maybe wait for the revenant? Mesmer? Necromancer? Warrior? Thief?

Any advice is appreciated!

(edited by Elias.3204)

How do I get assault knight power cores?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve been working on my tempered spinal blades and eventually want to raise them to the next level after I get them.

So, how do I get assault knight power cores? It looks like, from the wiki, that they’re only available from a living world instance (that I don’t think I have).

What are our big hitting weapons now?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve been experimenting since the patch and am still trying to figure out how to play my engineer again. I used to run grenades, but have now switched to flamethrower. FT is great for silverwastes with it’s perma-stability (juggernaut trait) and for tagging during events, but it feels a little weak on the damage side.

I hate the idea of running grenades along with mortar (I need that 1500 range at times) since they’re both basically the same attacks, so I haven’t tried it again yet.

So, what’s the big hitting weapons for the engineer now? IOW, which ones do the most damage?

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


This sounds like a passive/round-about-way of complaining about end-game content. Bore. If you’re bored of the game right now, take a break and come back when there’s more content.

This crossed my mind. I’m wondering if I’m simply bored with the game and therefore hesitating to pre-purchase the expansion (for fear that once it comes out, I won’t be playing anymore).

Though I’m hoping I haven’t found other aspects of the game that can hold my interest. Thus far, I’ve been focused on “gearing up,” hence the worry about buying gems and “instantly getting what I want.”

What happens if I buy gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’m thinking about buying the big expansion pack that comes with 4000 gems, but I’ve also thought at times about simply buying gems to purchase things off of the market (bank tab expansions and whatnot).

Thus far, I’ve earned almost all of my gems from gold and in-game means. I’ve bought a good mining pick, logging axe, and a character slot expansion. It seems as though “gem” farming is what keeps me coming back to guild wars 2, mostly because it gives me something to work towards. I already have some ascended armor and trinkets. I have exotics for everything else.

So, if I go and buy a bunch of gems with real world money, I’m not sure what else I would work towards. I’ve done world completion (on my ever allusive journey towards a legendary weapon). PvP isn’t really my thing, though I might try some more WvW in the future.

What do you think? Will buying a bunch of gems ruin the game for someone like me? Or am I just not aware of other aspects of the game?

What's the current living world season?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I hopped back into the game just a few months ago and apparently missed living world season 2 entirely. So what season is going on right now, and how do I start it?

Rifle range

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


Dear Devs,

Please listen to this request. The way I see it, the rifle is our ONLY long ranged auto attack that can be used on large boss encounters. 1200 works much better there, as many boss encounters require you to stand back a ways.

Although mortar can be used, there’s no auto attack option, and ground targeting world bosses is, shall we say, problematic with their hovering reticles. I believe this is a “quality of life” issue for the engineer, and making this change would go a long ways toward making the class well rounded.

Thank you for (hopefully) listening.

Roaming -FT fun build

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve actually been experimenting with a very similar build. Only difference is that I replaced the Tool Kit with the Elixir Gun. That way I can use some of the condition cleansing for my party (and I love the acid bomb).

I’ve also been fiddling around with which gadget to use, though Rocket Boots always seem to win out in the end.

Any way to increase rifle range now?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’m noticing that world boss fights are harder now that my rifle can only go to 1000 range (I used to trait it up to 1200). Mortar is ok I suppose, but I can’t figure out how to ground target world bosses reliably (plus, I still prefer the good ol’ crate drop).

What are other’s doing for this? Is there a trait buried somewhere that can still increase rifle range?

Lion's Arch Random Death

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve been trying to complete the Lion’s Arch Exterminator achievement, but keep randomly dying. Three times now, I’ll be running around and suddenly take massive damage from some unknown force and instantly die.

Other times the rifle stops working.

After one death, I went to a waypoint, got a replacement rifle, headed to the Sharkmaw jumping puzzle, and the textures were all off. Not sure if that was related or not.

So, which back items CAN I get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


For the Spinal Blades (the one I got really frustrated with because I want them so bad), how do I get to the TA Atherblade path?

As for S2 (for Mawdrey), how do I buy only 2 episodes? The only thing I see on the black lion is the whole season.

Thanks all! You’re getting my hopes back up!

So, which back items CAN I get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’m getting a little frustrated trying to find fun back-item skins for characters. Every time I start working on one, it turns out that some component is no longer available (Spinal blades, mawdrey, and so forth).

There’s the crafters backpacks, which I’ve done for the stats but don’t care for the skins that much. Don’t know what else there is after that.

So, as of June 2, 2015, what fun back item skins CAN be had for us adventurous and vain folk?

Which ascended trinkets to buy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


Ok, I’m finally figuring out how to gear my level 80 engineer and elementalist. I’ve mostly gone berserker exotic stats on armor for both. I enjoy farming silverwastes, bosses, and dungeons for the majority of my gameplay. Though I’ve been feeling a little squishy in both classes with all berserker thus far.

I’m stuck on trinkets. I’ve heard a lot of conflicting information on what stats to grab. Some say to balance out berserker armor and weapons with soldier trinkets. Others have said go full berserker everything. Some have said to go with celestial. Now I’m just lost.

I have quite a bit of karma saved up (several hundred thousand) and about 100 laurels. Gold fluctuates, but I could probably have around 50g pretty easily. I’m doing ok, but I sure don’t want to waste resources on the wrong ascended/pink pieces.

So, which trinkets should I buy? And where do I get them? Rings, accessories, back items. Please help me loadout.


Best ascended stats for PvE?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


you are skipping from rare to ascended?

ok as always lets give the speech..

Thank you! You may have just saved me a LOT of gold. Is there a guide about this somewhere?

Best class for PvE Boss Farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


Also, what armor runes do you plan to run? Weapon sigils? Utility slots? Traits? Might as well get the full run down while we are here.

Yep. This is my problem. Runes? Sigils? Nope, haven’t really bought many yet. I’m currently working on getting my engi up to ascended gear, but may have to “switch gears” (see what I did there?) and work on my elementalist instead. Time to hunker down and focus on a single character I suppose.

Best ascended stats for PvE?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’m working like crazy to craft my ascended gear for my engineer, but before I make a huge mistake, figured I would ask for advice from y’all.

Which set of stats should I go for on my armor? I mostly PvE (boss farming, silverwastes, dungeons, etc.). I currently use assassin rare gear with some berserker mixed in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Best class for PvE Boss Farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


The way you wrote your 1st post made us understand that you die for world bosses like Maw, Golen and so on.

Yeah, I was starting to get that.

Thank you for your help! Sounds like I need to keep focusing on getting my gear up then (and getting the right gear at that).

Best class for PvE Boss Farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


Ele fire staff should have zero problems with world bosses. I have no clue how you are getting constantly downed.

sounds like he just mostly stands there.

Wow. You folks sure know how to make someone feel special. :P

I run a full zerker (rares, working towards exotics) staff elementalist on boss runs.

Claw of Jormag has a tendency to surprise me with those blasts of ice walls he throws down. The three final champions in the Silverwastes can get me down on occasion. So on and so forth.

I dodge when I see a warning area on the ground, but that and a 1200 range is not always enough. If I run out of endurance for dodging or just happen to get tripped up, all it takes is one good shot and I’m downed. I’m just looking too see if there’s something better out there.

Best class for PvE Boss Farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


Just wondering, what do people consider to be the best class for PvE Boss Farming?

My poor elementalist keeps getting downed during the fights (can’t take a hit, and can’t dodge everything). Looking to switch it up a bit.

What exactly is Living World Season 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elias.3204


I guess I still don’t understand what the Living World Seasons are. I saw season 2 for sale on the market and was wondering what exactly that offers. Is it just a story arc? Or does it include new areas? Achievements? Rewards? Items? PvP? WvW?

I read the wiki article on it, but it didn’t detail what purchasing season 2 actually gives you.


How do thieves handle boss events?

in Thief

Posted by: Elias.3204


Tequatl, Shatterer, and Claw of Jormag are the ones I was specifically thinking about. Tequatl kicks my butt, however Claw of Jormag just laughs at me.

How do thieves handle boss events?

in Thief

Posted by: Elias.3204


For my final character slot, I’ve chosen to level a thief. I’ve leveled all my other slots to 80 (engi, elem, guard, and ranger), but am hoping this last one might be my favorite (hard to say, as I apparently have “alt-itis”).

I’m having a problem though, figuring out how to handle boss events with the thief. All my other characters (besides guardian) have some kind of decent ranged option to auto-attack those crazy, moving target-spots on dragons and bosses. The thief has a short-bow or pistols, neither of which have as much range as I’m used to. Do you just run around after the target indicator?

I’ve noticed on the big dragons (and some other bosses) that getting too close can mean instant death, particularly for squishy folk like the thief. How do you survive and contribute?

Who to give Tequatl's Hoard to?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elias.3204


Definitely gonna echo the people that say choose it for the skin alone. If you play a necro at all, I bet the GS would look pretty fine on a Reaper.

Yeah, I’m trying to decide what skin I like the most. I tried a Necro, but couldn’t get into it. Admittedly though, didn’t get very far with him. I love the look of GS’ in this game though.

Who to give Tequatl's Hoard to?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elias.3204


I think I’m leaning towards making it into a staff for my elementalist then.

My asura engineer is just too small to show off with I think (always gets lost “under” the crowd). My elementalist could use some love too, as he’s still the furthest away from being able to craft ascended gear, but is my second favorite class (thus far).

The only temptation I have left is that darn charr guardian! The sunless claymore would look amazing on him… but I rarely play him because he’s so slow running from place to place.

Who to give Tequatl's Hoard to?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elias.3204


It’s my first rare drop… Tequatl’s Hoard! I got REALLY excited, but noticed that the stats are for condition damage, precision, and toughness. I can’t decide which character to give it to.

I have an Engineer, Guardian, Elementalist, and Ranger all at level 80 (my final character is a level 25 thief that I’m working on). So far, I’ve gone either full berserker or assassin on all of them, so I’m not sure how to change that up. My favorites thus far are my engineer and elementalist (though my engineer is asura, and I’m thinking the rifle skin might be wasted on his tiny model).

Please, could someone offer me some advice?

Flamethrower damage display bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elias.3204


How disappointing. I honestly thought my flamethrower autoattack was doing 1000s of damage, until I let loose on a champion and saw the number skyrocket into the 100-thousands. I checked my combat log…

Sure enough, FT autoattack only does a few pulses of 135 damage, but the pop-up numbers keep adding on top of themselves, even between autoattacks.

Is there a way to fix this, so that the pop-up numbers just show the pulses instead of repeatedly adding to the last attack?