Showing Posts For Erebus.9276:

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Ok, I’m seriously confused a to why my topic about wether playing meta isn’t also playing how you want was merged into a discussion about selling dungeon paths. Because frankly it had absolutely nothing to do with that? at least as far as i was concerned when I created the topic.

The content of a thread outweighs its title!

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


PM me if you boot path sellers. Send your address and name. I’ll be with you shortly.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


We are legion.

Too far.

Assimilate. Assimilate or be terminated.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Person joins party. Person pays. Repeat till party fills. Seller kills the boss. Finished.

Or someone merge kills the sellers instance.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


I don’t always sell dungeons, but when I do, tryhard ninja casuals ruin my day.

We are many. We are legion.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


They obviously do use game breaking mechanics though or boot people since dungeons are impossible to do with less than a full party.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Your favorite alt!

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


My only other lv80 is a guardian.. But I’m terrible at it so its basically a good looking, combat functional craft bot. Mesmer is kinda fun though.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Token Exchange

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


They should just add the skins to the trading post. 800 gems for a full set, yes please!

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Pug Roulette: Week One

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Pug roulette is like Russian roulette except every time that it’s your turn you get shot in the head.

Only once in the head to cause brain damage which leads to continued pugging. Subsequent turns you get plugged in the knee, it hurts but can heal in time resulting in even more fun.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


A few pet theories of mine to explain the play how you want mindset. I rate each one by how much it makes me cringe when I hear PHYWs use them.

1. “I don’t like to respec between pve and wvw.”

This is either because the person doesnt play a lot and doesnt have the gold or whatever to maintain two separate gearsets or he is lazy.

Cringe factor: 3/10

2. “I wvw a lot, and PVE is easy so you can play whatever”

This person is similar to the first, except they bring a WvW elitist mindset in. They are pro-zergers (clearly insanely better at pvp than you could ever hope to be) and they don’t mind letting you know how easy pve is as they Scepter/shield the boss down with their Healway Guardian. Since they didn’t take ANY damage (or immediately healed whatever they did take) it proves they are right, and it doesn’t matter that it took 10 minutes longer to finish the run than it could have, because PvE (unlike high stakes wvw zergs) is a pass/fail test.

Cringe Factor: 8/10

3. “This is what I enjoy playing.”

This one knows that shortbow ranger is bad in dungeons, but plays it anyway because he simply finds it fun. He isn’t deluded about the effectiveness of his build; he just likes it better. This one seems innocent at first and you’re inclined to excuse it, but then you realize the ugly truth: he only cares about his experience and doesnt give a kitten if the build he enjoys playing is a nightmare for everyone else in the party.

Cringe Factor: 5/10

4. “the meta builds are for sheep, my build does 10x more damage than those dumb zerker builds. Celestial does nearly as much direct damage as zerker and the extra condition damage puts the dps over the top. Ofcourse my build is better, look at how fancy the graphics are on my youtube channel.”

No need to mention names, but this is the type of guy who doesn’t actually understand the game or the mechanics or the math behind it, but does understand how to make well-editted youtube videos promoting horribad builds. Inexplicably, this person equates build quality with youtube views. When challenged on their math or game mechanic knowledge, they will revert to one of the other PHYW examples here.

Cringe Factor: 7/10

5. “This is a support build because I like to be supportive to my team, NOT dps.”

This person is a relic of some other MMO where there was such a thing as midline support builds. They subconsciously crave the old school trinity class system because it allows them to safely blend into the background and finish dungeons without their team realizing they aren’t good. In an ironic twist, this was the very same person who was incredibly excited when Anet announced that there would be no trinity in GW2. They mistook the concept of ‘no defined healer or tank roles’ with ‘anything goes and everything will be viable.’

Cringe Factor: 4/10

6. Try Hard Casual Ninja

This person hates hardcore players so much, for some reason that seems impossible to determine, that he goes hardcore in griefing them. most often you encounter them only rarely, like a ghost, usually followed by a cursed shore loading screen. Or as a silent down vote on a youtube speed run video. Like an assassin, they quickly enter your party kick you out of the instance and are gone before you even get their name. They love youtube and reddit downvotes, another way to anonymously express their displeasure of people doing things they disagree with, yet aren’t affected by. Some are misguided white knights who think they are helping the community, others are simple trolls and yet others are people who think they are somehow winning a non-zero sum game by aggressively promoting casual gameplay.

Cringe factor: 10/10

This should be its own thread, and a sticky.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


They can delete my threads, but they will never break my spirit (unlike the lfg tool).


Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


And that, OP, is the clincher. Everyone is playing how they want (unless they’re using a build that they dislike, which is a silly thing to do). Sure, some are more efficient than others, but ‘play how you want’ is nothing more than a moniker applied by people to belittle others that choose builds that are not up to their standards.

Incorrect. It’s more commonly used by those running substandard builds in defense of their unwillingness to change. It was only after a mass of cases like that which coined the “play how you want build” status to certain more popular substandard builds.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Just something for those 80 only groups

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


But I only have lv80’s, why do you hate me Q_q

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


People playing the meta don’t play how they want. They play how it’s best, and if what it’s best changes, so do their builds.

They make conscious effort to choose what they believe is best and therefore are doing what they want which in turn is reflected in their style of play: they’re playing how they want.

The same logic applies to non-meta setups, but in this game there exists a clear cut best…

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon Selling Legal/Illegal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


I play how I want. It involves mighty infusions and pink gear. Boom, I’m Commander Casual (since president was seen as inciting “unrest”).

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


What fractal will you research if we vote for you?

If elected, I would research the Dragons themselves (you know, what this game is supposedly based upon?).

Show your support here:

Thank you!

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

(edited by Erebus.9276)

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Bob for casuals president!!!

I accept your nomination.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

WvW matchup forum being wiped

in WvW

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Nothing to do with freedom of speech or censorship. Anet is a private company, they don’t have to let you say anthing on their forums.

I hope my cell phone carrier never hears about this because by your standard, as a private company, they won’t have to let me say anything on my phone. If you split too many hairs too many times you’ll eventually be bald.

Bosley natural hair solutions, you’re welcome.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Lupi left out

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Seems to me lupi did get some changes but honestly I like him as is just wish they would make a second mode (hardmode) for dungeons or new type of group raid (more than 5).

You have to remember, 90% of pugs can barely make it to lupi let alone kill him without ranging.

I can’t range lupi, it’s too hard. Nerf pls.

Should be more like, help I can’t face tank lupi he 1 shots me if I don’t dodge. Guardian is a broken class please make me have 100% invuln uptime!

Guardian is too hard for me anyways…

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


sigh Erebus… look at what you did! Everyone believes you!

Hope is more powerful than fear, Casualism shall rise!

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Lupi left out

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Seems to me lupi did get some changes but honestly I like him as is just wish they would make a second mode (hardmode) for dungeons or new type of group raid (more than 5).

You have to remember, 90% of pugs can barely make it to lupi let alone kill him without ranging.

I can’t range lupi, it’s too hard. Nerf pls.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Reason for Arah P2 WP removal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


They should a selling section in the lfg tool to fully cement the idea the path selling is approved and okay. Maybe then the instance killing tryhards will finally go away.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Elitism addiction is a serious problem and you should really seek help, they even have support groups:

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

WvW matchup forum being wiped

in WvW

Posted by: Erebus.9276


My topic about this got a red post. What y’all got huh?

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Hi Bob, I’m Gandalf. I play a staff guardian and have been getting massive grief from everyone I party with in the lfg tool also. I can solo lupicus with my mighty staff but people keep calling me a noob and kicking me. Add me to your fellowship and we will journey up the mountains past our fiercest foes and frighten others into the wall so they will be powerless against us! We will earn great coin by offering safe travels to humble citizens through the treacherous undead wastelands of the renowned City of Arah!


It obviously broke your spirit a long time ago… Sad is the day us commoners have to rise… Sad is the day our fellow man is put into the shackles of such barbarism! Fight! FIGHT and be free!

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Lupi left out

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Scarlet invades Arah!

Mecha Lupi: Now infused with Scarlet’s steam-tech, Mecha Lupi can stay airborne the entire encounter! This means only ranged attacks work since he’s too high in the air for your puny swords to reach! Plus with his added metal plating, physical damage is significantly reduced!

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


The only thing I’m against is if the “sellers” kick other party members just to sell the slots for gold. If they arrange with friends or run it with 2-3 people, I’m ok with it, but I’m afraid it will often lead to 2-3 people kicking 2-3 pugs to sell their “slots”.

That’s the main reason I could be against this market. If there could be safeguards to make sure the sellers can’t kick people to sell their slots, I would be fine with it.

I don’t think this happens very much if it all.. Its just random forum posts crying about it made by people who probably can’t figure out any other reason they where booted, or think the content is too hard to solo/duo/trio/whatever…

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Archiving the dungeon sub forum?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Any dungeon update is going to be tied into the living world. I made this suggestion about a month ago as well. No point in have the same discussion going on in two places.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


I’m completely against the selling. mainly because I’ve had 2 different times now I’ve been suddenly kicked from a dungeon only to find a min later a group with the exact same group design is selling a spot for the final boss.

So you should have a problem with dirtbags.

If someone coughs in your face do you get mad at your flu or the person who was behaving borderline incompetent?

That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!

short answer. Dirtbag or not. People are creating and endorsing the idea and practice of something that makes others suffer where they shouldn’t.

People who are out to make others suffer will do so regardless.. Punishing people offering a legitimate service is asinine.

I’ll remember to mention that next time I see a chinese farmer.

I know several Chinese people that “farm” dungeons, why do you hate them?

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


I’m completely against the selling. mainly because I’ve had 2 different times now I’ve been suddenly kicked from a dungeon only to find a min later a group with the exact same group design is selling a spot for the final boss.

So you should have a problem with dirtbags.

If someone coughs in your face do you get mad at your flu or the person who was behaving borderline incompetent?

That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!

short answer. Dirtbag or not. People are creating and endorsing the idea and practice of something that makes others suffer where they shouldn’t.

People who are out to make others suffer will do so regardless.. Punishing people offering a legitimate service is asinine.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

The End

in Match-ups

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Hi, I’m Bob. I play a scepter/torch guardian and have been getting massive grief from everyone I party with in the lfg tool. This is my build and I can crit over 600 with my burning so I know my personal damage is fine. Yet I constantly get people yelling at me and even some death threats and its really ruining my immersion. I haven’t even been able to craft a single piece of dungeon gear because I’m constantly booted and its just so wrong and frustrating. People say these instances are not that difficult yet people treat them so seriously.. My faith says to forgive and forget but this is just so crushing. Help?

Hi Bob, I’m Gandalf. I play a staff guardian and have been getting massive grief from everyone I party with in the lfg tool also. I can solo lupicus with my mighty staff but people keep calling me a noob and kicking me. Add me to your fellowship and we will journey up the mountains past our fiercest foes and frighten others into the wall so they will be powerless against us! We will earn great coin by offering safe travels to humble citizens through the treacherous undead wastelands of the renowned City of Arah!

Invitation sent Gandalf. With our combined might the fellowship cannot fail. All those nonbelievers shall quake in terror when we join your staff with my scepter.


Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


I’m pretty sure burning is effected by crits since I swapped in some cavalier gear in place my magi and my burn damage went up so I need to see some of your math on that to get a better idea of what you’re talking about. There are also really in-depth guides to pve burning so it has to be good, no? Plus dungeon bosses hit so hard how you supposed to stay alive with a one hand sword?

This will be a good read. Also pay attention to the notes section at the bottom.

That information cannot be correct. Every time my burning does damage it pops up with this little red flame symbol that looks the same as when a normal crit occurs.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


I’m pretty sure burning is effected by crits since I swapped in some cavalier gear in place my magi and my burn damage went up so I need to see some of your math on that to get a better idea of what you’re talking about. There are also really in-depth guides to pve burning so it has to be good, no? Plus dungeon bosses hit so hard how you supposed to stay alive with a one hand sword?

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Hi, I’m Bob. I play a scepter/torch guardian and have been getting massive grief from everyone I party with in the lfg tool. This is my build and I can crit over 600 with my burning so I know my personal damage is fine. Yet I constantly get people yelling at me and even some death threats and its really ruining my immersion. I haven’t even been able to craft a single piece of dungeon gear because I’m constantly booted and its just so wrong and frustrating. People say these instances are not that difficult yet people treat them so seriously.. My faith says to forgive and forget but this is just so crushing. Help?

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

LFG tool data about profession requirements

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


So you want people to play how you want them to play and not how they want to play?

How is this an issue with the lfg system?

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Dungeon chest runes Soulbound.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Thanks for the headsup on this. I’ll be sure to let our items folks know about the rune being soul bound. That seems odd to me!

They are still soulbound, so now, with about a year of delay, can you let us know why this odd thing still happen?

Because Necromancers are stupidly OP.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Ascended armor making dungeon armor obsolete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


AC3 has that stupid time gate that puts people to sleep so… p2 > p3…

SE2 on the other hand…

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Ascended armor making dungeon armor obsolete

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Then we could charge more for path selling!

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Being able to sell dungeon armor would be amazing. Then we don’t have to worry about casual tryhards killing our instances.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Thief DPS Build In Action 7sec Kill

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


So you’re bad at timing things and/or have a crappy connection and that’s a problem with the class? Or you’re playing with terribads decked out in full PVT if they’re actually taking “hits for days”…

Edit: if you’re spamming evades you’re doing it wrong. Sorry.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Ascended Gear Math

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


You get over 100% crit chance with bersekers.

Adding assassin is only useful if you are not already at 100%.


Where’s the math?

In the game.


Er… Practiced Tolerance converts precision into vitality, and doesn’t add 7% onto your crit chance…

Fixed it. 102%.

Much better

IMO, assassin’s gear is more for when you want to reach that high precision while still being able to equip some Valkyrie and Cavalier gear, giving you high crit chance as well as decent survivability.

Right.. which is why I think the labels are wrong in the op.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Ascended Gear Math

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


You get over 100% crit chance with bersekers.

Adding assassin is only useful if you are not already at 100%.


Where’s the math?

In the game.


Er… Practiced Tolerance converts precision into vitality, and doesn’t add 7% onto your crit chance…

Fixed it. 102%.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Ascended Gear Math

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


You get over 100% crit chance with bersekers.

Adding assassin is only useful if you are not already at 100%.


Where’s the math?

In the game.


Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

(edited by Erebus.9276)

Ascended Gear Math

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


You get over 100% crit chance with bersekers.

Adding assassin is only useful if you are not already at 100%.


Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Ascended Gear Math

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


All I did was ask questions about his result since a wall of math bores me to death.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Thief DPS Build In Action 7sec Kill

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Why do you need defense?

you get in a fight with 4-5 risen and you are dead. that a reason enough?

if u count PVP you are dead in 1-2 seconds if in a 2 v 2 and 2-3 seconds in a 1v1.

So open world content and pvp are too difficult with a pve damage spec. Interesting.

we arent talking a dmg spec. 10 30 30 is a dmg spec. 25 30 0 0 15 signet build is a suicide spec which insanely high dmg hits….. big difference.

You are talking about a damage build. 10/30/30/0/0 (?) is NOT a viable PvE build. 25/30/0/0/15 or 30/30/0/0/10 are viable PvE builds.

edit: Just to sound like a broken record, if you have survivability problems with the 2 above builds, please for the love of [insert w/e here] re-roll to another class and quit giving thief a bad reputation.

signet build is NOT viable. there is NO build i can run that i wont win on.. see u in 6 hours. im NA . lemme guess ur EU?

So you’ll run traitless and armorless since that’s a viable play how you want build. Can you still win? Your fight is vs me fyi. Looking forward to it.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Ascended Gear Math

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Good mathematical analysis should have a conclusion that helps the reader make a more informed decision. The OP’s analysis fails on that account.

In the context of end game pve, failing to account for traits/nourishments/utilities and common team buffs (banners, 25 Might, perma-Fury) causes the OP to reach suboptimal gearing conclusions. His bottom line conclusion is that people should buy pieces of assassins gear for their pve Thief, which is objectively incorrect, the result of incomplete or irrelevant analysis. Flawed inputs leads to flawed outputs.

Assassins – Sub Stat Power – DA30 – CS30 – 25 might Stacks – Assassins Signet – Sweet & Spicy Squash SoupToxic Oil – 5 Power/1 Precision Infusion
(2019 + 235 + 300 + 250 + (35 * 25) + 100 + (5 * 5)) * ((1 * .36) + ((1.5 + 1.19) * .64)) =
7918.4064 Damage

Standing next to a banner of discipline w/ fury[/u]
Assassins w/ Curry instead of Squash, 6 Precision infusions
(2019 + 235 + 300 + 250 + (35 * 25) + (5 * 0)) * ((1 * .02) + ((1.5 + 1.19) * .98)) =
9772.1598 Damage

Why is the OP drawing such vocal condemnation?

Because people did not read the whole post?

He is encouraging suboptimal choices which waste resources for casual players who would be mislead. This is a disservice to the community.

The OP provides the information for those who choose to pick up either gear set and I find it very helpful when picking a gear set for my Assassin Thief — however less important for my Power Valkyrie Thief.

Some of us like to support the community and do not want to see such disservices. The costs of Ascended armor is so high for a casual player that a gearing mistake is back-breaking.

There are such thing as target audience and if you’re not one of them, then this information is not for you. The OP specifically said,

“This thread is not for the discussion of trait setups or builds btw.”
“This thread is only for discussion about the math behind gear sets, food, sigils and runes.”

Thus, people posting misleading gearing information about ascended armor are being actively malicious, even if they don’t intend it to be. People who act maliciously and damage the community are not generally treated sympathetically.

Melodramatic much?

If you are being honest, you would have admitted that the only reason you were posting here were to advertise your twitch and did not even bother to respect the OP by reading what he had posted. It’s quite obvious you did not read the OP’s post.

Every example he uses take 30 in crit, which makes assassin redundant. Either his math is wrong or its mislabeled.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Thief DPS Build In Action 7sec Kill

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Pvt lets you eat a kick from lupi. It is therefore superior in this encounter.

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

Thief DPS Build In Action 7sec Kill

in Thief

Posted by: Erebus.9276


Then don’t die? If you’re relying on people to carry you to not die maybe you should learn to play?

Casual Dungeon Thief

Card ~> Thief | Casual Card ~> Mesmer

(edited by Erebus.9276)