Showing Posts For Euryon.9248:

Server numbers =/= WvW numbers

in WvW

Posted by: Euryon.9248


suggestion from someone else in another thread was to add a 5th tier and give 3 more servers “host” status. That might help distribute populations better and get some of the marginally “full” servers off the bubble.

Have you given up yet on new rewards?

in WvW

Posted by: Euryon.9248


MOST people new to WvW are going to look at this reward system and how long it takes to get anything as a new player and not even bother.

If they’re only here for the rewards, then no, I’d rather not have them. I’m all for new players, but it needs to be new players who want to play wvw, not those who are here only for the shiny.

Remove WvW Linking - Give Us Back Our Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Euryon.9248


The fundamental conflict here is between people who value different things in wvw: “server identity” vs competitiveness/balance. The OP and most of those arguing for breaking the links obviously care much more about server identity than competitive balance, as you can see in most of their arguments posted in favor of breaking links. For the rest of us, esp those who were on bottom-level NA servers before the linking, competitive balance is far more important than any vague sense of “server identity”.

My “server identity” before linking (when I was still on my original server) was “loser”. Our server finished 24th (that’s dead last) every single WvW season. We once got a screenshot of the ENTIRE server wvw community at reset of a whopping 17 people. You could get on and not see another soul for hours. When you got matched up with any of the top 20 or so servers, you’d get run over most of the time you tried to do anything. We got matched up with YB and another bottom-level server once and the majority of the week YB maintained a 650+ warscore (hitting 695 many times). It was a terrible situation for the bottom tier servers unless you liked solo flipping camps all day.

There are actually still imbalances even linked up, which shows you just how disparate the server levels still are. My current server gets destroyed in off hours pretty much every week even with the linkings, but at least we can get enough people to run around and do stuff most of the time. Queues are here at reset but not most of the rest of the week.

As for the notion that we can handle unlinking now because of greater population after pips/legendary was introduced…I’m pretty sure you know that argument is nonsense. You don’t make a major structure change around a temporary phenomenon. The majority of the new players who jumped on when the pip system came on don’t really care about wvw in and of itself, and many of those have already left the game mode since they don’t care to invest that much time in getting the shiny. Once those who do want to stick it out for the shiny get theirs in the next 6-8 months, many will also leave. A few who were new to the mode will stick around past that, but the idea that unlinking will be workable because of the shiny-seekers won’t hold water in the long-term.

The best idea I’ve seen is the one for adding a 5th tier, giving 3 more servers host status, and unlinking 6 servers instead of 3. That would be worth experimenting with to see if some sense of balance can be maintained.

But the absolute last thing I want to see is a repeat of the days when SF steamrolled FC+ET for 3 straight months of yawnfests.

wvw Pips not counting when in load screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I changed borderlands right as a tick was about to hit. When I finally loaded in, the tick had hit and all pips had been sent, but I got 0 despite being 195 participation and having been receiving 6 pips for the past hour. The total pips did not go up, and Previous Pips (0) was on the pip dialog.

I noticed this once before earlier in the week but thought it was a fluke or I’d misseen it. This time I got screenshots and verified the totals.

PiPs arent being counted

in WvW

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I was most of the way to a Diamond chest when reset occurred. All the pips I earned for the night ended up going only towards Diamond (approximately 120 pips), giving me 2 more diamond chests but 0 progress towards the weekly ticket count. I was unable to switch maps because all 4 maps were queued the entire time I was there.

For those of us that are affected by this bug, are these “lost” pips going to be given back to us for ticket progress? It’s entirely possible that people could end up not meeting their weekly max as a result of this, and therefore losing tickets that they otherwise would have earned.

Seirnan's bandits, Brisbane Wildlands

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Can verify that this bug was not fixed in the patch today. However it DID teleport me to a brand new spot under the map, in the southern part of Brisbane.

Leather nodes yielding wood

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


The WvW leather nodes are frequently giving me wood instead of leather, whether soft, elder, etc. This does not seem like intended behavior, esp. since the nodes in the guild halls seem to always yield leather for me.

Competed Hearts resetting in Ember

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Illconceived pretty much sums it up. It’s theoretically possible for someone with limited daily time to never get map completion even if they do every heart on that map dozens of times, if they can’t squeeze all 5 into a single cycle. I certainly hope this wasn’t intended, and I expect Anet will probably take one of the 2 options to stop the roadblock. I actually prefer a separate flag be used myself, but either will work.

Champ Frainn never happens

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


This is a Tier 3 required event for 2 different precursors. Considering the amount of gold people will have already put in to get through Tier 2 just to find out they cannot finish Tier 3 because of this bug should make this an extremely high-priority bug. Ultimately if you want those precursors you have to buy them, which means all the gold put into Tier 2 (and all the time put into Tier 1-3) are wasted. I think anyone who has finished Tier 2 for these precursors is entitled to a refund of the gold sunk into the mats, if you can’t fix this bug.

Roots of Terror .

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I am currently having this precise bug as well. The chak nearby are unkillable (regen as soon as you hit). Braham says nothing and has no interaction possibility.

Closure (spirit vale achieve) not finishing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I have 9/10 of the tags, the one that isn’t being credited is “In the shade”. However, I have visited all 10 soldier’s bodies and been told “tags collected” or “step away”. I verified the locations via youtube and visited them all twice just to be sure, but each of them says I’ve gotten the tag when I interact yet the achieve still says 9/10 and In the Shade remains unchecked.

also the search function here never works, 0 results returned no matter what I type in the search box :p

Erroneous inactivity messages

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I’m getting the inactivity message WHILE FIGHTING MOBS in that same event. Within the orange circle. I also once failed to get credit for killing a boss because i went down and didn’t get back up until he died, and got the inactivity message right before I rallied off him.

This? Broke.

L42 (underwater) fractal boss removing AR

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


We just ran the 42 fractal and we were all getting 1-shot to full dead, with the singularities on, by 14K etc of “agony” from jellyfish. Our AR dropped from 50-140 (depending) to 0. when we unequipped and reequipped, only part of my 140 ar was restored, just back to 67. Tried again, party wiped when people got 1-shot to double-down and AR reset to 0. Boss’s pull appears to be stripping AR or something along those lines.

Whole internet connection dropping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Same here. Wired to modem. Lag, spike, dc, internet blinks off, lose connection to TS, internet comes back on, everything resumes as normal except GW2 won’t connect (connection errors detected). Has started happening regularly since Tuesday. Never lose my connection except when playing GW2.

If I let GW2 continue, it often reconnects after 10-30 minutes. All other aspects of the internet are working fine in the meanwhile.

What is the point of doing Triple Trouble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Completing Triple Trouble is not about being an elite player, it’s about following the commanders instructions and being on the same page with everyone else. A group of average-skilled players who are cooperating with the commanders is going to have a much better time with TT than a set of “elite” players who are acting on their own and not as a team. Being on voice-comm is almost essential, it may be possible to get the kill without it but that would have to be a large set of people who are skilled at map chat and all of whom know exactly what they’re doing at all times.

Legendary Weapon - Where to Start?

in Crafting

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Question now that legendaries are account-bound rather than soul-bound, and you can do almost everything on any alt and give it to the alt that wants it: what about bloodstone shards? Are they still soulbound? What if you have everything else you need but the alt you want to use it on has no skill points? Another alt can make it and give it to the alt that needs it, right? Or am I missing something.

Reward server loyalty?

in WvW

Posted by: Euryon.9248


It would make sense to me because one way to make players happy is to not make them mad/sad like a guild recruiting your server’s best players and then leaving.

I have no idea who you’re talking about *cough*Svrn*cough*

Last week was CD/IoJ/HoD, and this week...

in WvW

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I don’t know what happened to the reset this week. We also got EXACTLY the same matchup as last week, right down to the colors, despite the fact that we won the matchup and should have gotten green for the first time in months and months. We actually had a bunch of guildies frothing at the mouth to finally get those last few items in the green BL/green keep in EB, and they were crushed that this is the week that Anet decides to screw up the matchup switchoff. (As a side note, we did manage to get one of them WC because the server decided to invade the green BL and took their garrison briefly, just long enough for the guildie to get those vistas).

WTF, Anet?

Ranger Invincible during lick wounds

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Broken stealth is the reason I don’t WvW more than I do. A good thief exploiting stealth should almost never die because they can simply reset the fight the moment it goes against them.

Back on topic, it still seems to be an issue if you can’t damage a downed player, regardless of whether you “should” have been able to spike him already. There are numerous reasons why a spike might be delayed.

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


If true, the question then is why do the Vets and lower mobs that also spawn as a part of events count for ticks?

Stacks not ticking on Elite or higher kills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I have a sigil of bloodlust on my scepter, and all I have to do is tag a vet or lower to get the stack to increase. But I can solo an elite or do significant damage to a champ (without switching weapons) and the stack will not increase. Is this a known issue?

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Euryon.9248


The greatest loss here is the sense of server identity and community. By preserving the WvW “server” while basically removing it from PvE, there is no longer any chance for people to jump out of WvW and go to LA or big maps and say “Trying to take SM; come help” or “Home keep under attack, join us if you can”.

There is no more server-led temple runs or world boss runs.

There is no more soloing or small-partying bosses like FE and golem, which have been some of the most satisfying fights in the game. (Yes, I am from a low-pop server and I love it).

Guilds are split with no apparent route into the same maps. Whatever Anet is saying about trying to keep guilds on the same megaserver is absolutely not working. Guild chat will say “Doing Dwayna, last phase” and I’ll go and find a map where it’s already done, with no guildies at all to see on the map. I know the other map is not capped, as other people will still get on it, but clearly the guild affiliation has no effect that I can see on which MS I end up on. This is very frustrating.

I have no idea why the cities at least are not still server-based. Map chat everywhere is anonymous and getting really disgusting as people feel freer to troll among a huge population of users they probably won’t see again or whom they think won’t remember them anyway. You can’t talk WvW strategy anywhere except in the actual WvW maps. There is no place I can go to just chat with my servermates other than WvW itself, and people don’t just chill there for the purpose of chatting.

In short, the megaserver has killed the sense of server-based community, which was THE best thing about the game.

I don't like doing daylies anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Euryon.9248


The question that no one is answering is: regardless of how “easy” it still is to get dailies, how is taking away 3-5 options “better” for anyone? How is this an improvement? What explanation is there for why this was implemented with fewer options, other than Anet trying to force people to do PvP/WvW?

Caledon Wurm Killed In One Hit *Major Bug*

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I have seen this happen multiple times as well. Deliberately usually; in one case, the griefer bowed and danced before popping out. People think they’re not accountable for their griefing any more because the megaserver is so anonymous and random.

Triple Trouble Bug! (WURM)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I was at the event with Devalicious and can confirm that we saw the health of the other worms drop instantly to the decap state. Because of the amount of time and organization it takes on the part of well over 100 people to get to a position where the wurm can actually be killed, this bug is having a serious effect and should be prioritized accordingly. I imagine most people will stop even attempting this event until Anet posts a fix.

MASSIVE Server Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


we were in 3rd fractal and got kicked back to LA. Have to start all over.

MASSIVE Server Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


coffee spill, most likely

The ghost of Jormag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Jormag event failed a bit ago on Eredon Terrace (still in phase 1). Now whenever I run through the trading post area south of P1, I get feared and the lingering frost effect kicks in as though he just roared at me.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Euryon.9248


For the T1 servers, not much changes, as their high rating prevents servers below T2 from being matched up with them. For the T2 servers, leagues lock them into either a balanced matchup with their T2 companions, or in a landslide match involving 1 or more T1 server. What they lose is the chance of an easy matchup vs a lower tier server. While these easy matchups are unbalanced and can be rather boring (if it’s too far mis-matched), it’s preferred to being on the receiving end of the decimation. Like the bottom of every league, the T2 servers are put in a situation where the only possible matches are the less likely even matchups with their tier-mates or a stomping from higher a tier server.

I’d rather have 7 weeks of swapping between stomping, and being stomped, than being stuck in weeks of just one of those options. In either situation, the chance of a truly balanced match with your closest servers is rather low.

Your entire argument is stemming from the selfish standpoint of what benefits YOUR server (YB) and maybe a few more in your situation. You’re basically wailing and gnashing your teeth over the removal of imbalanced matches where YOU are the dominating server, while glossing over the great benefits of those who will no longer be subject to YOUR server lording it over them.

The new system is far better for the majority of servers, or at the very worst is no real change. Sorry you won’t be able to roflstomp servers 10 ranks below you any more. The rest of us are happy about that.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Euryon.9248


The lowest 3-5 servers in every league are going to be worse off than they are now, because their only possible opponents (aside from each other) are servers in higher tiers, while the lower tiers are totally cut off from them. Might as well cancel the season and hand out the rewards today, because we already know who is going to win each league

This is clearly false for a full 33% of your audience (the bronze league). Everyone — and I mean EVERYONE — in the bronze league is going to benefit from this new system because we will all be no worse and possibly better off in every matchup. There is no more imbalanced matchup that can occur in league play that isn’t already possible, whereas the most imbalanced matchups can no longer occur.

League play is going to be better or at worst neutral for the majority of servers. Only the bottom 3-5 servers in the top 2 leagues (10 servers max out of 24) are potentially in a worse situation than they currently are in.

TA dungeon final holographic generator bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Our group entered the final room and killed off 3 of the generators before we wiped. When we re-entered, the generators reset (8 were back), but none of the holograms would appear. We’re running around the room and nothing is happening, so no way to progress.

This is the 2nd time I’ve done the dungeon, and the 2nd time it’s bugged on me.

9/27 AR/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I love how the AR people are putting 100% of the blame for this situation on ET and completely ignoring the massive HoD zergs that are taking everything all the time from both servers.

Face it, ET and AR are MUCH closer in WvW numbers/presence than either is to HoD. This is a case of one huge overdog being able to zerg its way to whatever it wants. It’s an exercise in frustration and futility to constantly send 5-10 man groups into HoD BL or the EB only to be annihilated by 40-man HoD zergs. It’s a waste of time and sanity. Going into AR at least gives us a chance to gain PPT and more even matchups. I’m not into WvW to pound my head against the brick wall of the overlord zergs, and therefore I’m not apologizing one iota for going into the AR BL instead.

9/27 AR/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Wasn’t hard for them to do after ET & HoD ran through it and turned it all to paper. Attacking our BL and removing all the siege on one half while HoD hits the other. That BL was half red and half blue and we were outmanned there while both servers zerged that BL. And with that kind of pressure from 2 servers, yes it is difficult to defend.
A little secret, we do defend, but when you have 25-40 man groups hitting something that we have 4 players to defend, the odds of holding it for any extended time isn’t very likely.
Don’t blame AR for the point deficit ET has on HoD, blame ET.

The HoD zergs may have been that large (actually I’m sure they were), but our little 5-8 person ET group basically took all the camps and 2 of the towers with minimal resistance. 3 AR guys tried to stop us at Crag, and that was it (not counting the guy watching the whole thing from the cliff across the way). It was the much larger HoD zerg that showed up a little later that stopped us, not anyone from AR.

Fire elemental (again....)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


To add to the discussion on the Eredon Terrace FE: We failed the event earlier this morning (probably before Zangster’s report) due to too few people. When I just went back to it, the FE was already up while the golem was doing his final pre-event. It looked very weird. I’m wondering if the event failing earlier caused it to bug the next time it triggered?

Utility clones failing for wurm

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I just battled the wurm. For the first time that I’ve noticed, my clone utilities (decoy, mirror images) failed to produce clones when used while the wurm was selected. The other effects (stealth on decoy, the slight jump on mirror images) happened, but zero clones were generated.

This bug did not happen for weapon clones/phantasms, and dodge rolling generated a clone as well. The utilities also worked fine when I selected one of the husks instead of the wurm. So it appears to be something specific with having the wurm itself selected.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Euryon.9248


By the time you were able to use charged crystals to craft Celestial gear, you knew the nerf to MF was coming. Therefore you were knowingly taking a risk by crafting that gear without any reassurances about what would happen to the MF when it was converted.

Weapon Master achievement and conditions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Bumping, because I’ve got shield equipped on Engie and neither 4 nor 5 seem to move the shield master up even when the damage they do is definitely the killing blow. Is there a definitive list anywhere of which skills do/do not contribute to the weapon master achievements? (e.g., I know the phantasms from mesmer weapons do NOT help the achievement).

Sweet Revenge doesn't work in gauntlet?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


My warrior went down, got back up with Vengeance, killed the baddie, appeared on the rafters with the chest and rewards — and then went down dead, needing repairs, etc.

Why does killing the gauntlet bosses not satisfy the requirements for Sweet Revenge?

Issue with Chomper's health

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Well, I have now tried this fight on 4 different classes/builds (all with full exotic and/or ascended gear), and not once have I even scratched Chomper’s health. Not once. Even my 3500 attack almost-full-zerk guardian went in and started wailing on him and his health didn’t budge.

I don’t know if this is an account bug but it’s absolutely inexplicable to me that I just can’t damage him AT ALL. It’s like he sports 100% invulnerability the entire fight.

I am also finding that he’s immune not just to immobilize but sometimes even to stun, cripple, daze, etc. I ran a mesmer at him and throw a berzerker (didn’t cripple him), Diversion shatter (didn’t slow him down a bit), Signet of Domination (didn’t stun him), even turned him into a moa, which had no effect other than appearance. Pistol #5 didn’t have any noticeable effect, either.

Appreciation Thread for Deadeye

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


It’s been a pleasure knowing you, my friend:) Thanks for my Twilight (from 30g at the start of the event), would never get it without you. Thanks for giving me a chance to watch the whole season 1 of House of Cards, while i’ve been farming you.

Why do I suspect this goes counter to the whole idea of the game? And why wouldn’t this be completely resented by the person who has been working on a leg for 6-8 months only to see someone basically buy one after a week of farming? The whole idea behind the leg is a long-term project that you gain after much persistence and patience, not some almost-instant gratification reward you get from finding a farm that the developers clearly didn’t intend to occur.

Issue with Chomper's health

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Sounds like I need to find a different alt to do this fight. The ranger has good CC (although Chomper keeps telling me “immune” when I throw a vine at him), but none of that helps if I don’t manage a 100% success rate at keeping him from the meat, and I’m not good enough to be perfect. My DPS builds have little or no CC, though, so I’m not sure those will work, either, especially since I have a REALLY hard time seeing the meat against that stupid floor. I only know where it is by the direction Chomper is running to.

Might be a fight I can’t win.

Issue with Chomper's health

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I’m having a weird issue with the Strugar/Chomper fight. My ranger (not a zerk build) is focusing exclusively on Chomper, primarily using GS, with a couple of CCs to try to stop the meat parade. Even though I manage to keep Chomper from a couple of meats and am continuously wailing on him with the GS, his health bar never budges from 100%.

When Strugar is nearby, he actually takes some incidental damage. But Chomper — the actual target of my attacks — doesn’t take one whit over the course of the entire 2 minutes. What is going on here? This has happened 3 times in a row now, so it wasn’t a fluke occurrence.

[merged] Invasion Canceler not advancing...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I can verify that I’ve completed it on 9 different maps (I’m tracking it), complete with map completion rewards — but the invasion counter is stuck on 7. Definitely bugged.

Worst part is I’m not even sure which maps counted and which didn’t, since I was documenting maps as I went along and only went back to reconcile after I’d done several of them. My count <> achievement count.

And I am NOT counting the same map twice, I can 100% guarantee that.

Why is a QUEST soulbound?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Vopp’s quest is apparently soulbound. The alt that happened to be in CP is the one who initiated it, but she only has 50% WC, so had to switch to another alt with 100% WC. But the second alt (ranger) couldn’t complete the quest, even though she collected all ingredients. The comm for her said “meet me back in DR”, but when I went to DR, all Vopp would say was exactly what his comm said: “Meet me back in DR”

But when I switched back to the original (guardian), Vopp continued with the quest.

Is this a bug, or is this intentional? If intentional, that’s pretty bad design. What if someone initiates the quest with a level 5 alt?

Ranger vs Crew of the Ravenous

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


Same problem as the OP. Beastmaster build (0/0/20/20/30), Jaguar/Hyena pet, full 80/exotic/ascended gear, but it’s all bunker/survival. SB or LB (tried both) + GS, always target Stitches first, takes a full 45 seconds to kill her because DPS is just so low. Best I’ve ever done is manage to get the Captain down while in Downed state, but the floor immediately dropped out afterwards. Almost never die but I don’t think I could kill these 4 in 2 minutes if you just lined them up and let me whack on them unfettered.

Sure I could completely retrait (and have to learn how to play a build I’ve never used), but I’ll be darned it I’m going to spend good $$$ to buy new exotic gear just for the Gauntlet.

If I were close to winning (maybe having killed 3 of them at least once) I’d have some hope. But as it is, I’m not remotely close to being able to do this, at least not in the Bunker gear I’m wearing.

Mezmer clones and phantasm bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I am not convinced, phantasm are purely an illusion, they are not made of real material, thus arrows, bullets should go through them.

By that line of argument, they should also be incapable of dealing damage. Which makes them (and thus mesmers) virtually useless.

ooze bug in queens gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


+1, still happening, no fun to lose repair/transport/ticket due to this bug

Gauntlet is not playable for every class

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I’m a Settlers BM Ranger, I have done the entire gauntlet without having to change or retrait except for the final boss. If anything, a BM condition ranger has the easiest time ever.

Easiest time ever — when a substantial portion of the class designed DPS (the pet) is missing for most of the fight? Surely you are joking/trolling.

95% of my deaths in the Gauntlet have come from the timer. I rarely die inside the dome, but with my pet MIA, I simply cannot dish out the required DPS in the short time allotted. I use GS/LB, which are not great weapons for condition damage, esp. now that GS2 is vuln rather than bleed and LB3 is stealth. But switching up traits, gear ($$$), and weapons means that I have to completely relearn how to play — just to advance in the gauntlet.

I consider this very unreasonable.

Gauntlet is not playable for every class

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I’m not quite sure how a BM Bunker/Healing ranger in full/100% survival/defensive gear is going to get through this without a complete change (purchase) of expensive gear to get the DPS needed to beat the timer. Not to mention retraiting into a style that will require a complete change in how I play/react. I don’t have the money for that. So I guess I’m screwed.

Balloon tower bugged if timing is bad?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I guarantee that this tower was not the first and only one I had visited prior.