Showing Posts For Freelancer.4802:
Leveling my thief was super easy in august, im not sure how much has changed. I pretty much just stacked condition damage and dropped caltrops while running around as large a gathering of angry monsters as i could round up. There was that one signet that lets them run faster all the time and they can stealth.. so travel is quick and death is usually not an issue.
I hit 80 after about 3 days. Though I did cheat for the last 20 levels by crafting with mats I had accumulated on my elementalist.
In the beta i went all dagger dagger or dagger and wand because staff was just too cliche.
Not long after launch tho i found that staff was simply the best. So much control over the battle and so much damage while keeping at range, especially in wvw.
I quit in september after getting all the best gear i could for my ele and am just coming back now.. i donno wth they did to staff eles but i feel very.. nerfed.
Haha me neither, that one frame took over an hour to render.
I really agree with the last bit. I have never felt so detached from others in any other mmo.
GW2 makes it too easy for people to cooperate with eachother. So easy that people are pretty much never required to interact socially. End result is that everyone gathers around an event like a flock of crows to a corpse.. then everyone leaves when its done and goes mind their own business.
In other games, I usually end up in a pretty tight knit guild filled with people I look forward to talking to each time I log on. In this game, though I make a much greater effort to befriend players, I never end up knowing them for long because everyones representing different guilds, jumping servers, and just generally not motivated to play together.
My render depicting a Canthan elementalist in Elona. Hope you like!
Heads up: large image.
The render is exactly the way it is because of the 5 main things I am hoping for in guildwars over the next few years:
1. Cantha is added
2. Elona is added
3. Graphical improvements are added
4. More “liberal” female attire is added
5. Eles are no longer underpowered
Im sure most of you would agree with at least 3 of the 5, no?
I also found thief to be most effective with condition damage. It wasnt until I got to 80 and got my crit gear together that conventional damage builds became more effective. I leveled from 1-80 in under 50hours by stacking condition damage gear and just luring massive groups of enemies into caltrops + deathblossoming over them and stealthing.
I love arena net, but this looks suspiciously like an undercover “Help us identify builds that need nerfing thread.”
Not really skill, just inexperience/noobishness on my part. I really haven’t researched any of the classes. I guess i need to start running once thiefs go invis. I never knew they had spells they could use that could do that much damage.
It isnt a spell, your #1 attack becomes “Backstab” when you are stealthed, and it deals double damage. A critical hit with backstab compounds the damage to fairly ridiculous heights, especially with crit gear. Your lucky you only took 4k damage, thats actually very little considering what they hit you with.
Hey, Im trying out sigil of accuracy with my offhand dagger to improve my chances for a good backstab, but the 5% crit chance is not reflected at all in the stats panel. Due to the fact that 5% is kind of hard to judge based on what I see ingame, I really cant tell if its working at all.
Has anyone done the math on that sigil? Does it work?
The fact that half the theif skills have something to do with stealth or shadowstepping should have been a fairly good hint that your not meant to TANK DAMAGE. Why did you build for 20+k hp??
I was complaining about this on my ele two weeks ago. But i wasnt complaining for long before I made a theif of my own. Best class ever. I played on my two days off and got to 80.. it took me over a week on my ele.
In wvw thief is so powerful too, two-shotting people in the middle of enemy zergs, stealthing, finishing them off in stealth, then two-shotting more of them.
Now that im geared in half exotic crit gear and half pvp oriented vitality/toughness exotics, I find it pretty easy to take on 3 enemies and come out on top in wvw, or at least kill one and get away from the other 2. When I see two people running out in the open I go after them every time, because 9 times out of 10 ill kill them both without much trouble, especially if they dont see me coming.
Why? Because thieves are kind of OP.
Its all about dagger dagger. Thieves that hang back and use dual pistols or a short bow are such wasted potential. It almost offends me when I see them
Wow, people who are saying “stop spamming heartseeker” are just being ignorant because the skill has like a 25% hit rate even on stationary targets. People who like the skill are becoming trained to tap it 3 or 4 times just because they know the majority of the tries will miss. Sure, there is an element of skill to it where the enemy can change course to dodge it, but it should not be missing so often on people who do not move at all.
Iv stopped using heartseeker all together because its too big a gamble. Fix this please.
I agree, but “funner” isnt a word.
Same crap happened to yaks bend
I should also add that our world lost our 2 orbs because some hacker blazed through and stole them while both outer and inner gates/walls were perfectly fine. I was defending the north east gate when they blew past me leaving a trail of yellow sparks that the orb left behind.
We finally recaptured one orb tonight and placed it in our garrison. It was stolen again, probably by the same guy. The garrison’s upgrades are all still in tact so i know there wasnt a siege = .=
I know there are a few posts about the orbs already, but I think its important that we bring this issue up as many times as we can to emphasize the severity of the issue.
The orbs seriously compound the power of already dominant worlds and leads to inevitable basecamping and total domination in most borderlands. It needs to stop.
On the other hand, the side that is being camped and has no motivation to participate in wvw gets the arguably useless undermanned bonus.. The side that is obviously losing is not going to benefit from extra exp and karma.
Orbs should offer the current undermanned bonus, and sides with significantly less holdings in a given borderlands should be given something equivalent to the current orb bonus. This would promote a healthy back and fourth between the three sides and make it more likely for all players to have a good time in wvw. I am from Yak’s bend, and we dominated pretty much the whole map last week. It was not fun. Throughout most of the day, the only place we could go to get some action was at the enemy spawns. I felt dirty doing it, but thats the only way i could get the badges i needed to complete my set =. = Now we are in the position of the side getting camped and it is equally unfun.
I agree with his complaint that the bosses have annoyingly large HP pools, but i dont see why he would pick a game of choice based on dungeons.. they are fun for about.. 1 run.
Oddly enough, this game makes it so easy for people to cooperate that its the first (of many) mmos where I have not met and made a solid group of online friends in… it seems like the removal for the need of proper greeting and such makes the process much much harder.
uh.. 100% human female, duh
Switching attunements should not auto-attack the closest mob
in Elementalist
Posted by: Freelancer.4802
Yeah seriously its so annoying to switch to air for a speed boost only to have my character hit the nearest enemy and slow down for combat.
And dont give us that “turn off auto target” crap. Its called auto TARGET not “auto shoot whatever is in front of you upon switching attunment.”
The only elite i ever find myself using is Elemental.. and its only “meh”
I was really excited about tornado, but its possibly the most useless tier 2 elite in the game! When you use it in pvp there is a cast time PLUS a 3 second delay before it actually starts throwing someone right next to you around… and throughout all that time the enemy is getting free damage on you from both melee and range. It does not help that the damage that tornado deals is crap either.
Other classes with whirling elites can at least deflect projectiles while doing it.. but as a tornado your completely exposed. The only possible use for this elite is to knock people off a control point in a close spvp game..and even then your pretty much sure to end up dead.
I really dont know what arena net was thinking.
Then perhaps they should have region locked servers, because every time I get a chance to log into GW2 in the mornings on Yaks bend, 95% of the map belongs to a one server or another.
Maybe its because Im 80 in all exotic gear, but I feel kind of OP in WvW. I dont think my meteor storm should constantly crit people for 4.5k in quick succession while they are CCed by frozen ground or the earth wave.. while my theif does 2.5k with a full volley of unload lol..
Every day, my server captures and upgrades the various forts and towers in our territory.. and every night all the Australians wake up, roll in, and take everything with hardly any effort.
Im sure it is the same the other way around when they go to sleep and we start capping the stuff that they spent gold and time upgrading.
This system is no fun for either side. Please stop matching people from such drastically different time zones against each other.
Healing players, buffing players, CCing enemy players to save friendly players.. none of that awards credit or loot in this game… why :’(
I would like eles to be able to use greatswords, or at least swords. Come on.. battle mages? spellswords? They dont have to be melee, but swords are just such iconic sorcerer-esque weapons.
Ok how are thieves doing this? No, I am not standing in a shadow refuge or whatever it is called. In WvW i often start hearing tink tink tink and my health starts dropping. Its not for like 3 or 5 seconds when Im half dead that they actually become visible. When I hit them, they just cast their heal and stealth again.. wth?
If this isnt a bug i might make a theif.. seriously OP.
When I am running to and from the Lion’s Arch trading post I keep hearing some sylvari woman scream “BUT ITS A GREAT DAY TO DRINK IT” in my ear. Its so loud that it hurts and I dont want to turn down my “speech” sound settings because then I cant hear half the actual conversations in the game.
Sometimes in World Vs World I hear random people yell “OW MY LEG” or “SUCH MIGHT” when there there is no one else around.
Please make these disembodied screamers go away I cant take no more.