Showing Posts For Galbedir.9178:
I would absolutely LOVE a story arc in which some kitten goes down in charr land, and Rylock is forced to go back into the Mists to look for answers, and we get to follow him and find out his story, and how he became a Revenant. I refer back to Season 2 Living story with Glint’s Lair. That mission blew my breath away, and something along those lines would be amazing.
Hey Xyonon,
Thank you for this input. Switching to scepter is something I can live with, and after watching your dps vid, I like what I’m seeing. Will definitely give this a try!
Thanks again!
Good day fellow Mesmers!
After the recent patch and the buffs to Scepter, I decided to try and bring myself back to my one true love…my Mesmer. Honestly, the scepter has always been my favorite weapon. I was hoping to find any kind of build in PvE, specifically for fractals and raiding (meaning the dps or team utility would need to be good/balanced), which uses the scepter as one of the main rotations. I don’t mind having a sw/shield or sw/pistol equipped aswell. I just mainly want to use a scepter. I don’t mind if its a condi or power build, or a Hybrid, though Hybrid seems to be where Scepter is focused. I tried looking on the forums, but most of the Mesmer forum seems to focus on PvP builds.
Any builds or input would be greatly appreciated, please keep meta elitism to a minimum.
Woah woah…just breathe. I main Rev, and while I agree that we should be able to use the Elite spec underwater, that’s just ridiculous, I have probably run more underwater fractals at 40+ then I can count and hardly die. I’m sure the skills could use some adjusting…but take a chill pill.
Also work in the design industry here, got my fair share of experience in 3D modelling and texturing, animation, ect ect. When I heard that it was taking that long to create the legendary’s, I also seriously questioned the skill of those 6 people. God, If I told my boss I needed 4-6 months to make a weapon model with texturing and abit of animation, I’d be fired on the spot. But yeah, the coding and journey for each legendary ,I wouldn’t really know what that would involve. Seems simplifying the process into 1 path would be a better solution.
I recently completed my Medium armor ascended gear, and was wanting to switch my main over to a medium armor class. I have all 3 medium classes, though I have no interest in playing an Engineer with their current kit juggling requirement. Which leaves me with a thief/dd or ranger/druid…
My question, to the experienced raiders out there, is which class are you more likely to want/find useful, in your raid group. My dd dps is definitely one of the higher I’ve seen/played, and breakbars fall at the press of 1-2 skills, but my ranger brings alot of Utility to the group.
What are your thoughts? Help me pick a class to main, and which will have a more successful Raiding career.
Also I enjoy both classes, no “Play what you enjoy” responses
Thanks in advance for responses.
Thanks for the feedback, pretty much what I guessed. Really is such a shame how every class is forced into using 1 build, 1 set of weapons. Cant understand how this is not more of an issue to devs. May end up going thief then, which saddens me, Really love the new Timekeepers rifle skin.
I have full Ascended medium gear, and am looking at changing to either Engi or thief. However…I have some pretty awesome Rifle and hammer skins already collected and was wondering if there is a viable Power Engi/scrapper build (preferably Rifle, but hammer is fine) for Raiding. I understand that condi engi is the current meta…but I’m not a huge fan of the engi pistol skills. I dont mind using kits, but preferably not an all kit build.
Anyone got anything up their sleeves like this?
Hey everyone,
I’m currently playing ranger, and while I actually do enjoy the class. I just cant deal with the terrible sword auto, and i’d like to run a medium armor (Already have ascended pieces) melle class.
My question is, how would a D/D Hybrid thief focusing on Poisen perform in PvE? Im looking to raid, and while thieves seem to really not have much utility to offer in raids, figured maybe i’d just focus on dps.
Here is a quick build I threw together:
Its a fairly high power and condition build, with the two venom skills both acting as heals with life siphoning for sustain. Elite can be changed out for whatever the situation calls for.
Alright…Let me have it, thoughts? Try leave the “Omg play the meta, lolnoob #rekt” at home please :P
@Shadelang.3012 I do agree rangers are very much forced into either 1 or 2 builds to be considered for high level content. It saddens me aswell…biggest mistake they made with gw2 was removing the old gw1 skill bar/secondary class system. The build range there was absolutely phenomenal.
I too feel ranger is actually in a fairly decent spot atm…maybe not the highest dps, but definately brings a large dps boost to the party. Just the other day, I ran a lvl 58 fractal, as a heal/dps boost druid, with 4 other fairly high dps members. I was actually rather stunned at how fluidly and quickly it was cleared.
The only thing about ranger/druid which still annoys the hell out of me, is Sword Autoattack…I love the sword, and every other skill on the weapon is perfect, just I pray that they remove that kitten autoattack root. Also Pet AI/Attacking needs some work, like being able to choose which pet skill goes into your f2 slot.
Hey all,
I’ve been collecting Celestial trinkets for awhile now, and seem to have a full set. Im closing on having the mats to craft myself some Ascended armor, and was looking to put together a build by which I can have some direction as to which stat set i’d be crafting…
I tested afew builds in the mists, and seems to find this one doing some fairly decent dps, while also giving the support dps boost to a party with average healing. Id like to get some feedback from my fellow druids, as to what your thoughts are, and does this seem like a viable pve build, mainly for fractals/raids.
Let me know your thoughts?
Skill 1 can be swopped out for any trap/glyph or shout depending on the situation.
Be nice
(edited by Galbedir.9178)
Good Day all Mesmers!
I have a question to ask, mainly concerning High lever fractals 50+
I am lead to believe that condition specs feature better in these higher level fractals due to toughness scaling on the mobs. Now I haven’t played Mesmer in awhile, and was always a fan of the Scepter on mesmer, and the thought of wielding a scepter and shield…well…that sounds pretty awesome.
My question to you is: How are Condition dmg builds looking on Mesmers these days for higher level fractals? Is there anything viable or is a power sword/shield build still best for 50+ fractals. Im not needing to be top tier dps…Just viable to take into a party for the dmg and Alacrity.
Good point @EthanLightheart, Will definately change to Torch, also for the fire field.
Good day everyone!
Fairly new to druid here, and have decided to main the class, mainly due to having an awesome freakin Wyvern pet! Anyway….I know that Clerics/Zealots looks to be the way alot of support druids are going these days, But I was wondering if anyone has tried or has some input in what a Druid in Celestials gear performs?
Below is a quick build I put together to explain the type of dmg/party buff build.
Agree with pretty much most of the points. Except the reduction to Smoke Assaults dmg further…right now, it feels like the only viable pet dps for the higher level content, such as fractals/high lvl maps. Its fine as it is.
Logged in PURELY to bump up this post. I mentioned the same idea on a post awhile back, but we definitely need to get it noticed. It would make pets great, and useful being able to pick which of their abilities occupies the F2, or even having the option of F2 or F3 as activation skills. I don’t feel implementing this would even put much, if anything, out of balance, which is often the main issue with changing skills.
DEVS take note!
Please god no! The only thing keeping my druid doing any dps is the great burst from Smoke Assault. Im currently actually owning in pvp. What I cant understand what they haven’t done yet, is give us 2-3 pet ability keys, or allow us to switch out pets skills into our F2 bar. That would bring a crap ton of build diversity and awesomeness to Ranger.
This has been an issue for quiet some time unfortunately. I do like the idea of the activates for Spirit Weps being ground targeted and they blink to the location. Would make them alot more viable, especially with the new dps reduction to summons, throwing your hammer for a stun into a group of enemies wouldnt result in instant death to the summon. It would also make the shield summon pretty kitten useful for guarding allies/points in Pvp.
@zaced.7948 Also Id change that Full Zerker gear into something with alittle more defence if your planning on raiding. As a frontline Melle engi, enjoy getting flattened in close fights
@Pimsley Do you have 7 Legendaries!?!?! WTF
This will be mine for Asura Engi. Sleek, not to bulky, and perfect fit for Engineer. I’ve had my eye on this skin since Gw2 release, as it was only a matter of time till engi’s get a Hammer.
These maybe old, but I recommend watching this guys videos. One of the better thieves I’ve seen.
Yeah I know, However I would like to try one of the new Elite Specs. But would still like to use the Legendary I acquire.
Oh no, well guess Ill be switching to Warrior Berserker then :/
Good day!
I was not able to partake in the BWE’s and test out the new elite Dragon Hunter spec. I was wondering if someone who did manage to test it out, could let me know how conditions/burns fall into the Spec, Would Burn damage still be a viable option with the Dragon Hunter and does the Longbow have any condition dmg benefiting skills (From what I’ve read on the Wiki, they seem lacking)? I ask mainly because I have been crafting Rodgort, and worry about if its even worthwhile to continue.
You also don’t need to use the new Elite Spec, you can just stay with your current build I believe. While I understand the excitement and urge to try the new ones. Enjoy your ele while you wait. Chances are you’ll still come back to it someday.
I am quite keen on the Dragon Hunter spec, will probably be my choice going into HoT. I am however worried about how my condition/burn guardian will fall into the spec. I’ve been collecting to craft Rodgort, and sitting on 89% World completion. Id hate to have to reroll a Berzerker just to be able to use my Legendary Torch efficiently.
They should just call it ‘Wards’. I do like the idea though, whatever it gets called.
Oh and also I don’t care for MetaZerker only builds…I’m not looking for speed running, just a viable build.
Hi there,
I’m wondering if anyone perhaps knows what the current stand is on Celestial build rangers? I’ve seen some comments here and there, and it looks interesting, I love my ranger, but often like switching up skills depending on my scenario. I’m wanting to craft my ascended armor soon, and not having to craft 2 full sets would really be great…
So thoughts? and any builds anyone perhaps knows?
Thanks in advance!
Hey everyone,
I recently purchased a new gpu upgrading from my Radeon 6850 OC 1gb to a Radeon R9270 OC 2gb. This card gets great reviews and was hoping it would boost my gw2 fps from 20-25fps on High gfx closer to 40+. I have an AMD Phenom II X6 Hexa Core 1100T 3.2Ghz CPU.
I’ve noticed alot of articles on gw2 not being very well coded to use gpu power and heavily dependant on cpu, infact a friend of mine had a laptop with an i7 cpu which would get 60-80fps in gw2, but would overheat at temps of 90c+. I however, after installing my new gpu, notice maybe 5fps difference…which is hardly even noticeable.
My question is, is there anyone who has a more then adequate PC to be hitting the 40-60fps, but isn’t. And is there a solution or fix for this?
Thanks for any future feedback!
(edited by Galbedir.9178)
I don’t have a ranger, however I have been looking at making one recently. I run a guardian, and enjoy doing dungeon runs. I recently met a ranger in a pug party I joined, wielding dual axes, 2 legendary’s actually. I was completely shocked at how much damage this ranger threw out! I was under the impression that axes for rangers sucked. I never got to see the guys build unfortunately, however unless something has changed in the last 2 weeks that made axes not viable again, Id say axes for a ranger seem great, and will be using them on my future ranger.
Thanks guys!
Plenty here for me to work from, I like the idea of consecrations, also makes for some nice blast finishes with Hallowed ground being fire.
Change Shield no.4 skill to apply Aegis rather then Protection. It can then also be traited with Honor VI ‘Pure of Heart’ for awesome supportive healing. Shield would then become an awesome option in pve aswell as wvw pvp group running.
Good day everyone,
I was hoping to get the advice of a more experienced guardian/player.
I am looking for a build for my guardian which heavily uses/relies on the mace mainhand. I have so many full zerker chars, Id like a change up, and really like the look of the mace on the guardian. The build would be mostly PvE, however a build that could be used in WvW group roaming aswell would be great. Offhand doesn’t matter, whichever works, though I believe focus or shield would probably be best.
My goal isn’t to throw out tons of damage, its more to support allies through boons/healing while still dealing a fair amount of damage.
Any advice or builds would be heavily appreciated.
Personally, what everyone says about staff hitting like a truck is very true, equip some Assassin/Knights gear, with Zerker trinkets. sw/focus + staff. I like taking the signet that increases Phantasm hp by 50% but your choice and get up 3 iWarlocks, then jump in with your sword. and watch the numbers fly. Obviously this is more a boss/single target route, but your focus iWarden (when it works) and sword is great aoe aswell.
You Sir…Deserve a spot on the dev team…I hope a dev takes note of this post and grabs some ideas from it.
So it was roughly a year ago that I saw a video with the lead designer on guild wars 2, saying in the interview, and I quote: “Want to use a hammer with your engineer? Check”.
I’ve felt like a hammer as a usable weapon for Engineer has been missing from the start, and I see there are not alot of posts lately about it, though its been mentioned alot before.
So yeah, If engineers could get our promised hammers sometime soon…I would be so happy.
Anyone heard any news of when these promised new weapon choices for classes are to be released?
Oh my lord…
A Cannon kit would make me so freaking happy.
“…such as maybe a puff of smoke, ravens, skulls, etc that would be less effeminate for male players?”
Black Ravens like Itachi from Naruto…
If that happened, I would never complain about another thing in gw2 EVER! My gw2 experience would be complete Haha
Hey everyone,
I’m trying to get some advice on a build to use for my guardian, to make him a supportive/tanky machine. I already have a full beserker kit/trinkets ect, but thought i’d give something else a go. Anyone got a build to use which would make use of the Mace/Shield combo, aswell as perhaps Clerics gear? Im not looking for any ‘omg, go zerker or go home, zerker iz teh best!’ posts. Cleric’s gear isnt the big deal, but I really enjoy the look/feel of the mace and shield.
So lets hear it
aaaand go…
I actually came on the forums today to look for a post like this. IN MY OPINION, I believe Living story did hold it back. While it is important for an mmorpg to have some kind of story, I feel the living story is more a personal solo experience even though your running with strangers, where as dungeons/raids and actual ‘guild wars’ are more of a sociable, teamwork experience with close friends or your guild, which is the whole reason behind playing an mmorpg. Over a year after release, I feel they should have done half of what has been done on the living story, and bought out some new dungeons, possibly some larger raid type instances. Alot of new skills for each class, as I’m sure many other people feel, after a year, my character doesn’t feel like its changed much, besides the armor…I still use the same meta OP skills and dont get me started on the useless condition damage system for PVE. From what Ive gathered, after this whole Scarlet living story things is done, they were saying they were going to focus on updates and bug fixes, and I really really hope they do…or I doubt ill be playing Guild Wars much longer.
This Build which was in the signature of Christos de Soufre seems to fit what im looking for perfectly…works with most weapon types aswell, and footage seems great.;0NFk30G3wF-90;9;494T4J1;310B;118-U-k65;1KJG4KJG45BI
Good day!
I am for some advice from someone more experienced in guardianism then I. I am looking for start doing alot of WvW, and would like to know how viable the sword is in 1v1 encounters as a main weapon, when paired with a focus or torch.
If someone has a link to some footage of examples, it would be great.
This is more just a plea, in hopes that someone from the development team will see it…
PLEASE make the mesmer Scepter Auto-attack, not so…well useless. Scepters have some of the cooler looking skins around, and I love how they look on my mesmer, yet besides skill 3…There is no use for it in PvE. The auto attack needs to be fixed, and made more viable.
Here are some idea’s I came up with for the auto attack:
-Remove the clone generation, as it messes up alot of our other phantasm summon rotations, and give it:
Etherblast: Standard damage attack
Etherchoke: Poisen target (or the illusion of choking as mesmer do)
Etherburn: Burn the target (once again the illusion of burning)
I leave out bleeding as it doesnt really fit as an illusion of bleeding in my opinion, also it would be to similar to necromancer scepter then.
Or if the clone generation is kept, remove the projectile, and make it more instant attack, as with the attack speed of the auto attack, and the projectile speed, its worthless -_-
Anyway, just my thoughts, let the constructive posts commence, or the rage filled hateposts if that’s your thing :P
Simple fix: Allow players to hold down the button of a autoattack marked ground target skill, thus having it go off where the mouse pointer is on every recharge.
YES! Best. Idea. EVAR!
This would save my poor finger joints.
Im looking at kitting out my Engineer nicely, and can afford nearly all Ascended Trinkets/Rings/Amulets ect. My question is…How much shall I be cast out/Frowned apon, if I took Celestial trinkets for my engi, I use Rampagers gear, so they would benefit the build, as far as i can tell…However I’d like to get some 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions.
From what ive read, Engineers are one of the only classes that can really pull of Celestial gear.
Thanks all, Really like your build Ellesee. I was looking for something different from the usual Zerker meta’s. and The extra condition dmg works in my favor. Will give it a shot.